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8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA FAMOUS PEOPLE'S INFLUENCE ON PEOPLE'S LIFE THE MEDIA'S INFLUENCE ON CHILDREN ELECTRONIC BROADCASTING Tv PROGRAMMES READING NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES THE FUNCTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS IN OUR LIVES THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF ADVERTISEMENTS MON EG IELTS BASIC WORDS burst tbs:st)v.batung oe ENG. to come open suddenly; force out or release suddenly | SYS. explode, rupture w The actress burst into tears when her secrets were publicly revealed. Na din vign dy da bat khéc khi nhdng bf mat ola bén than bj tit truéc cng ching. People like to break open the private lives of their favorite celebrities. [NguGi ta thich dao x6i cue s6ng riéng tu cla nhding ngues nél tng ma ho yéu thich, ‘Some people blow up celebrity stories to make it sound exciting. ‘Mét s8 ngudithéi phéng nhing céu chuyén v8 nguti nd tiéng 48 khign ching cd vé thi vi han. Most celebrities prefer their personal life to stay closed, private, and undisturbed. Hau hét nhing ngudi néi tiéng déu thich cudc séng c4 nhan duge gid kin dao, riéng tu va khdng bj lam phién, intrusion t20'tru:zn]_n. syxam nhap ENG. any entry into an area not previously occupied SYS. interruption, encroachment a a The fan's intrusion into the movie set ticked off the actress. ‘Vig ngubi ham md xAm nhép vao phim truég dé khign nd dién vien néi gin. The clueless fan was an unwelcome addition to the movie cast. Ngudi ham m6 khOng 6 chut kj nang ndo nay la m@t sy bé sung khéng mong muén vao dan dién vién cia b6 phim. The fan's illegal passing through the movie set alarmed the actors. Vibe ngutt ham mo dt nhap trl phép va trudng quay Khién cdc didn vid hodng hat Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when the fan made a peaceful exit. Moi ng thé pho nhe nhm khi ngubi hdm mp 46 yén én 18d 8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA [2) _ > Bé sung tu vung co ban mistake tmr'sterk]_n. saiiém ENG. an error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness. SYS. blunder, misapprehension Some athletes make mistakes that cost them their sports career. Mot s6 van déng vién mac nhing sai lém khién ho phai tra gia bing cd sy nghigp thé thao cia minh. 5 Athletes’ non-achievement of their intended goal in their sport decreases their marketability. \Vige cdc vn dng vien khong dat duge myc téu d8 nh 8 mon thé thao ca minh s® fam gid gir thuong mai cab. 5 Amix-up in a sports team’s lineup can cause easy losses. ‘Su x40 rn trong di hinh cia mt di thé thao 6 thé Kring thua cuge dB ding + You must have an accurate understanding of the rules to stand a chance to win ina sport. on phi cé sy hiu biét chinh xc vé céc quy tc 48 o6 cd hoi gianh chién théng trong mot mon, thé thao, manifest tmanofest] _v. thé hign 16, bay 18 ENG. to make clearly apparent to the sight or understanding SYS. display, express The celebrity manifested her sincere apology during her interview. | 'Ng6i sao d6 di by td Iai xin ISi chan thanh cia minh trong suét buéi phéng van. + The actress clearly revealed that what she did was her biggest regret in life. NO din vién tiét Id 6 rang ring vide cb y da lam chinh la diéu héi tiéc nhdt trong dai. The best way to apologize to the public is to show plainly how remorseful one feels. Céch t6t nhat 48 xin ISi cong chiing fa thé hign rd sy &n nn hdl Ibi cla minh, # Things will get worse for celebrities if they cover up their mistakes with more lies. Moi chuyén s8 cbn tr8 nén 16 hon néu nhing ngudtnéiténg che dy sal Km cla minh bing nhigu li dtd i 421 TOPIC | Famous people’s influence on people’s life ‘Tam &nh hudng ea ning nqubi nding divs cu sing ca moi nud Many people believe that our celebrity-obsessed culture is the source of the narcissistic behavior we now see in the younger generation. Viewing celebrities as role models can be a calamitous trend for youth, as it influences their style of dressing and their morals, and confuses them into believing delusions of glamour. These superstars in movies and music are persistently followed by paparazzi, photographed drinking, wearing provocative clothing, doing drugs and acting amorally. Are the values they are showing the ones we want our young people to be absorbing? That being said, critics tend to overestimate the influence celebrities actually have on society. They purport that we are blinded by fame, following in their footsteps without considering the repercussions of our actions. This is more valid to say of the youth of today, but not customarily of adults. i Nhidu nguii tin ring nén van héa véi sy am anh vé ngudi néi tiéng chinh la nguén = g6c cia hanh vi di ky thai qué ma ta bat gp 4 thé hé tré ngay nay. Viée coi céc TRANS NgOi sao [a hinh mu c6 thé trd thanh mt xu hudng tai hai déi vai gidi tré, do nd tac ‘dng dén phong céch dn mac va dao didc, déng thdi khign ho nhdm Kin ma tin vao ‘nhing 4o tung vé sy hao nhoéng. Céc siéu sao trong nhing b@ phim hay am nhac bj gidi sn anh bam dudi dai ding, bi chyp hinh trong le uéng rugu, mac dé phan ccdm, dung ma tay vA cu xi! v6 dao do, Ligu nhing gia tr ma ho dang thé hign ob phai fa digu ma ching ta muGn céc ban té tgp thu hay khéng? Tuy nhién, cée nha 1phé binh c6 xu hung dénh gid qué cao tém anh hudng thy sy cla nhiing gus ndi tiéng 461 véi x8 h6i. Ho ngu ¥ ring ching ta dang bi danh vong lam cho mit quéng, ‘bat chude theo cae ngéi sao ma khong hé cn nhc dén hé luy tu: nhdng hanh dong ‘ia minh, Bigu nay s8 phil hgp hon khi ching ta néi v8 gid tre thai nay chi! Khong pha nhZing nguei tru@ng thanh thong thutng, celebrity [so'lebroti] obsessed [eb'sest] trend [trend] | glamour [gleemacr)] provocative [pro'vokotxv) amorally Ler'morali] absorb [ob'z0:b] overestimate Leuver'estrmert] footstep [futstep] repercussion Lrispa'kajn] 8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA 2) a rnangudinditiéng, gb sa0 ‘A degrading rumor has been spreading around and tarnishing the name of the celebrity. ‘Mottin én 60 nin dug an uy va bon ten tdi ca ng sa0 4. ‘abi m nh, mé hog Do not become obsessed with trying to attain perfection. ‘ing bd anh v8 vibe 6 ng dt cn sy hon ho, xu hung, Khuynh huéng, xu thé With her style and sense of fashion, she has again started an irresistible trend. Vel phong cdch va. gu th trang ca min, 6 fy 4 kha xudng la mgt xu hudng dng thé cutng n. sy ho nhodng, m8 hoe Hollywood glamour is admired by almost all other countries in the world. Ht mei quéc gia Kd tn thé gi bu ngddng my hte nhodng cla Hollywood, adj. khidu gol, phan cm ‘The way the teenager was dressed was too provocative for church, ‘Cac 1 tr tbl teen mc qu phn cm ven tts ‘acl vo dao dt, khng c6 dgo de When Mike pushed his brother down, he was acting amorally. Mike 68 cad mt ch v6 dao dc Kixd ng cu em tral V. hat vio, tgp thu ‘The sponge was quickly absorbing the smelly spilled milk. Min bot bidn 4 nhant chéng thm ht 6 a bc mii 8 ra. v. danh gid qua cao Never overestimate your abilty to work and power to earn money. ‘Bing bao git nh gt qu cao ng We lim vge va Kh ning kiém tin cba bin thn min, in. tién if, du chan He lived his life following the footsteps of the greatest man he knew, his father. ‘nh &y dng cue dt theo du chan cba gu din Ong vd nt ma anh tng bit, 66 chinh 8 cha anh 1. hau qua, téc déng tu oye, he yy Watch what you eat because eating raw food has its repercussions. Hay xem xét nhdng gl ban in vi vige an thyc phém s6ng s8 gAy ra cdc tae 66mg tieu eye. 423 Ao) stoi UTS aii a eevee ace cnutc ethical adj. (thude) dao dic o8xki] ®_We expressed concern that the celebrity magazine doesn't provide a good ethical grounding for its workers. ‘Ching t6 bay t8 sv quan ngai ring cudn tap chi vé ngui nd iéng nay Khong mang li nn ng dao Att cho cdc nha ven. ‘Our panel discussed the media's obsession with celebrity news and its ethical impact. 'Nhém thdo lugn ela ching 16 ban v6 nBi dm ann ca gil ruyén thong 6 vl cc in ibn quan én nq ni ting va tc ding v8 mBt dao dc land. (8 Every day there are ethical decisions that impact hundreds or thousands of people who watch, read, listen, and/or click on a media source featuring celebrities behaving poorly. [M8i ngty du c6 nhang quyét dinh mang tinh dg0 duc gdy téc dong an hang tram hay hang nghn con aqui dang di theo, doc dng ng hoo rp chug vao ngun tin truyén thdng c6 su gp mat cia ntdng nd sa cu xu tp hal Paying celebrities to tweet is an interesting topic to consider, especially in terms of the ethical implications surrounding social media use and target audiences. Vig rd ibn cho ng nding 48 ing tweet & mot chs 8 thd vio ching {a x0m x61, 3c bit phusng dig rhng dB dao de xung quanh vige sil dyng tuyén thdg x8 gv 6 tugng Khch hing myc. tabloid 1, bao kd nhd, bao ld cdi tabloxd Tembised) @Qy_ Celebrities had to become products for fans to buy rather than individuals thanks to tabloid magazines. Vite agus ning ph ir than ha hang nda ng hd ma thay Vila cde ca nhén dul do cc tap child cl. ‘The values promoted by celebrity tabloids are harmful to youth and poorly influence them. ‘Gécgid | duige quing co trén nhng cus ap chi ci vé ngul ni téng 86 sung tir vung co ban repeat (r'pit] vp ki ENG. to say, state, or perform again SYS. reiterate, restate It is good to repeat educational shows on TV for the children’s mastery. Vide chiéu ai cde chuong tinh giéo duc trén truyén hinh rt t6t cho sy thong thao ciate. If shows are not suitable for children to watch, the producers must do them over. 'N6u cd chuong tinh kndng phi hop cho trem xem th ning nha sén xu s8 ph lam ll ching. + The speaker said once more that TV producers should also consider children viewers when deciding on concepts for their shows. 'M@t ln navi in gi a nd ding cde nha sn xu rayén hinh cing nén c&n nh dén d6 tong in in ki quyt nh tung chi dao cho chuong tinh ca inh + He declared once and for all that shows must be kid friendly before airing them on TV, ‘Anh ta tuyén b6 mot lén duy nn ring cde chucng tn pha c6 tinh thé thign vi tré em trade Ki (ug phat sng trén ti concentrate [konsntrert}_v. tp trung ENG. to direct one’s attention to something SYS. focus, center Children tend to concentrate on whatever they are watching on TV. rd em 06 xu hung tap trung vo bét ky di6u gl ching thy trén th. The kids cannot help but be engrossed in the TV animation. ‘Bam tré kh6ng thé nao ngung vige mai mé theo dol phim hoat hinh tén tv. | a) = The children focus their mental energy on the show they are watching to better understand it ‘Dam tré tap trung nang lugng tinh than vao chuidng trinh dang theo dai dé higu r6 hon vé nd, # Some parents pay no attention to what their children are watching on TV, 'M@ts6 be phy hunt king a ttm din vig on minh dang xem ln ti. 429 TUE a TOPIC! The media’s influence on children ‘Anh hung ca truyén thong di vai ir em Television programs have a profound influence on children because they present a monoculture of Western ideals to nations around the world. This monoculture projects a reality that distorts the way children view the planet. For example, children in India can watch English cartoons featuring Caucasian characters that play baseball and celebrate Christmas. This lack of diversity in television programming leads children to believe that only Western culture is valid, and does nothing to edify the traditions and customs of their native India. The destruction of cultural diversity through television is as devastating to human beings as the destruction of biodiversity is to the world of nature. As children are so impressionable and the media is a largely unexploited learning tool, television should instead be used pedagogically. If programs in India showed diversity and affirmed the importance of Indian culture, children would benefit much more than they do now. Cac chuoing trinh truyén hinh c6 tac dong sau sdo dén tr em do ching gid thieu van héa dic tén ti c&e md hinh ly tudng cia phudng Tay én cdc quéc gia tren TRANS {oan thé gidi. Nén vin héa dO ton nay phan nh mot thyc t8 o6 kha nang lam 430 bop méo céch nhin nhan cla tré vé han tinh nay. Vi dy nhu, tr8 em 8 An BO c6 thé xem phim hoat hinh cla Anh véi sy gép mat cla nhdng nhan vat ngudi da trng choi béng chay va chao dén 18 Gidng sinh, Sy thiu tinh da dang trong céc chudng trinh truyén hinh dang khign tr em tin ring vn héa phudng Tay [a diéu duy nh&t diing dan, va né khéng gidp phat trién cdc truyén théng hay phong tye tal qué huong An B9 clia cdc em. Tinh trang hy hoai sy da dang van héa thong qua truyén hinh tan khéc véi con ngudi cGing nhu vige pha hiy su da dang sinh hoe d6i véi thé gidi ty nhién. Vi tr8 em rét d8 bj téc dong cén truyén théng lal la thi cOng cy hoe tap chua duge tan dung triét 48, vi vay, thay vao dé, tivi nén duge sit dung nhaim myc dich giéo dyc. Néu cc chuong trinh tai An D9 thé hién tinh da dang va khang dinh tm quan trong ca van héa An, thi tr8 em sé duge hhudng nhiéu igi ich hon hign tai rét nhigu. / 8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA [) profound [pro'faund] monoculture [monokaltfa(e] project ['prodgekt] distort [ar'sto:t] lead lid) valid ['veelrd] edify Cedrfar] devastating [devastertzn] impressionable [1m'prefanabl] unexploited [Lantk’splort] ‘adj. sdu sic, tham thay ‘She believed what the guest speaker had to say was profound. 2 y in rng cu ma vi dlgn gi cn n6l mang ynghia rt su sho in. van héa dc ton ‘The monoculture of the private school was shown in the students’ uniform, ‘Van hoa 6 tn tl tng tut duge thé hign qua déng phe cla ge sinh v.lén ké hoch, phan anh, thé Io He projected his feelings to his therapist in the hope of getting some help. ‘Any 8th 1p cm nic ca minh cho bac Tt gu vel hy vong nhgn duge sy lip Ondo ds, +. bbp méo, lam bign dang Looking through a rainy window distorts the scenic view. \Nhin qua mt 6 olla s6 lic trét dang mua sé lam bién dang c&nh vat. vv. dn dn, khién cho, dn dat If you keep up this delinquent behavior, it will eventually lead to your incarceration. Nu ip tc han wi sal rl nt th nyt cui cing nd ting Kin ban bib tama ha. adj. chinh déng, ding dn, o6 gir Have you got any valid reason to suppose she will not? Ban ob do chinh dang ndo 8 cho ng ota 8 khdngnhu vay? \. kha sng, lam phat tién The moral of the story will edify the students’ behavior, Bai ngc dao di cau chuyén sé sol sing ch 6 eux ca cc ye sin, adi tan phd, tan Khe The pine beetle has had a devastating effect on the forests of British Columbia. Bo cnh cing dang tan ph dng cfch ing thing 3 Bish Columbia, ‘adj. nhay cm, d8 bj nh hung, db tc dng Do not do drugs in front of young, impressionable people. ‘ng ding ma ty rude mat ahdng nq ub vi 8b dng. ‘a cua tan dung, chua kha thé The diamonds in the mine remained unexploited by the miners. Ce vin kin oueng tong mé vin chu duge ning ngus thy kal th. 431 WORD TRAINING | tuyentap strdung tt vung qua vidy violence bao lye [varelons) a Children are often subjected to violence on tel can have an influential effect on them, Ted om thutng bj An hudng bal cinh bao IYc rn ti, didu nay cb thé aiy tc dng in 8 cdc om, ion that Parents with unruly children place too much blame on television shows that contain violence, Cc be phy huynh c6 con edi gS nguge dé 15: qua nhiéu cho nhng chung Winn ruyénhinh cha hin anh bg yc ‘As more and more children are influenced by excessive violence shown on the evening news, many parent groups are appealing to the media to stop sensationalizing these stories. Do ngay cdg c6 nhigu tr em bj Anh hung bi qué nhigu hin nh due ‘chi6u trong nhdng ban tn bud 6, nhi6u nm phy huynh dang yBu c&u citi ruyén thong nging vigc git tt ng cau chuyen nu vay. With the high demand for action movies and police dramas including violence and brutality, it might be impossible to keep children from seeing them. ‘Truéc nhu cu cao 46 vt cdc bd phim hanh dng va du tra phé an 5 chia yu 16 bgo We va sy tan &&, vige gn tr om king xem ching C6 18 la dibu kndng tug, censorship 1n. cong tac kiém duyét ['sensofrp] X Alot of TV shows are aired without any censorship. "Nhigu chuong tin truyén hinh dupe phat sng ma khng qua bat Ky sy im duydt nto lam opposed to censorship in any given manner ‘whatsoever. Toi phn di vigc kim duydt dui bt ky hin the nao. Under the leader's dictatorship, censorship was used to ensure that opposing views and opinions does not reach ‘the public, Dudi ché 49 doc tal cia nha lénh dgo 46, vige kiém duyét da duge tién anh 68 dim bo ring cdc quan idm va yKén trl chu Kong tip cn ‘uge vd cOng ching. Censorship may be easily applied on TV, movies, and books but itis more challenging to impose it onine, Vigc kim duyét cb thé 48 dang duge &p dyng cho tuyén hin, phim {nh va séch béo, nhung thyc hign vige nay trén mang lal khé khan han niu. Speaking training © Writing training (@ Pee explicit axl rng, dt Khoa, minh bach, 6 yéut6 bao Ye hoke ku dim iu K ek'sphrsr] ®_ The main reason why the show was cancelled was because of explicit scenes. ‘Ly do chinh khién chuong trinh d6 bj hiy bd l& do cé nhdng cinh khidu dam Ip liu. ‘The fans boycotted their celebrity idols movie because of its explicit theme. 'Nhdng nguei him md 68 ty chay b@ phim dign Anh cla thén twang nd tng do ch mang tinh kid dam tng ron. {8 The sexy actress still posed for an explicit magazine when she lost her pregnancy weight after delivering her first baby. 'Na iin vign gl cm nay vn tam méu cho mat tap chi Khu im khi c® ta 8 glim cn sau dn sinh con dd fing ‘Compared to before, the standards of movie today making has been shifting more towards explicit themes. | ‘So v6l trude day, cdc tidu chuén d6i val vie lam phim ngay nay dang cchuyén sang nhing chi dé khiu ggl hen. integrity 1. sy chinh try, iém chinh; tinh nguyén ven, day di tegrati] feel Pa Ifthe mass media had more integrity, it wouldn't show adult content on TV during daytime hours. 'Néu truyén théng dai ching chinh try hon, thi nl dung dh cho ngudi 1n 68 khong bj chigu tén tvi vo ban ngay. ‘The goal of our media organization is to publish magazines, books, and children’s resources ofthe highest integrity. ye tibu ma 16 chu trayén théng cba chang tt hudng dn a xut ban nhdng cu6n tap chi, sch vi cc nguén tai gu dan cho tré em véi a) ‘rung tye cao nha (@ This entertaining, atention-capturing character education cartoon created for elementary school children teaches students how to become people of integrity through learning and practicing basic moral values. 186 phim hoat hinh gido dye day thd vi va cé nhan vat hép dn dinh ‘cho hoe sinh tigu hoe nay day cho cdc em céch dé tr thanh nhing con ‘ngubi chinh try thOng qua vigc hoc va thye hénh nhing gla tri dao duc cg ban. If we can help teenagers determine whether their actions ‘and media viewing choices are moving them closer to or further away from integrity, then a major battle has been won. 'Néu chiing ta ¢6 thé gidp than thigu nign xc dinh xem eée hanh déng ‘vlya chon xem trun th6ng dang dua ho dén gén hay xa hon sy chioh try th ta thdng m@t tr chin ln. RELATED WORDS | 2ésungtuwing enlighten educate v. fim séng 18 inform v. giao dye, day a edify mar UF x instruct cho bit, thong bdo vehuéng dn, chi dén edify [edrfax] enlighten [zn'lartn] inform [in'fo:m] educate [edgukext] instruct [an'strakt] Western culture does nothing to edify the traditions and customs of their native India. ‘Van hiéa phuong Tay khdng gidp phat trién cdc truyén théng hay phong tyc tal ‘qué hudng An 89 ciia ho. The TV talk show's discussion on global warming enlightened its possible dangers. Cue thio ludn trong chuong trinh ted chuygn trén séng truyén hinh vé sy ‘néng lén toan cu da lam séng t8 nhing méi nguy hiém tiém tang ea tinh trang nay. The news channel's goal is to inform the public about accurate facts regarding current events. Myo dich ea ken tin te ny 1a thang bdo cho ngutt dn v8 ahng sy that chinh xd én quan én céc vn 46 chinh sy hig th. It is about time for TV to educate kids about their culture to encourage patriotism. ‘A dn ic yen hin pil gio dye cho vb nn vn ha ba cc om 8 Kn ikhich tinh thén yéu nude, The handicraft channel instructs viewers on how to create interesting projects at home. ‘Kénh ngh@ thust thd céng nay huding dn ngutl xem céch tg ra ning dyn tha vita nha. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS | cultural bias geographic diversity ‘thanh kién vé vin hoa tinh da dang dla ly a cultural IE Cae y cultural heritage educational diversity di san van hoa tinh da dang gido duc cultural diversity When Korean people are looking for history, cultural [kaltforal dar'va:satt] diversity and artwork, they often tour Europe. Khi ngudi Han Quée muén fim higu vé lich si, tinh da dang van héa va de phdm ngh@ thu, ho thuing di du fic chau Au. cultural bias ‘Some travel advocates believe that it is ['kaltforal 'bazos] impossible to evaluate truths in other cultures because of cultural bias. ‘Mat s6 nguet tng np vie di du ch cho rang Kring thé dénh gié sy that vé cdc nén van héa khde vi than kin van héa, cultural heritage There are many important pieces of cultural [kaltforal ‘herstrd3] heritage on display at the Korean museum. C6 nhiéu di s4n vain héa quan trong dang duge trung bay tai bao tang Han Quéc. geographic ey Its geographic diversity allows tropical, temperate [dgi:o'graefrk dar'vs: and Mediterranean type of agricultural production. ‘Sy da dang dia ly ola ndi day cho phép loalhinh san xudt ndng gh theo ku nhit i, On dBi va Bia Trung Hal educational diversity When education was normalized by the Ledgu’kexfanl dar'vs:seti] Nationalist government, it based changes on theories on educational diversity. Ki chinh phi 68 cao chd nghia dn tg thy hign chuén nba gido| Ayo, ho dat nén tang cho nhng thay d6i nay dyatrén céc thuyét ve ‘tinh da dang cla gido dyc. WED ay IELTS BASIC WORDS device [a:'vars} n. thigt bj ENG. an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose SYS. gadget, apparatus Anumber of innovated devices are used now in electronic broadcasting. Mot slogithiét bi tan tién dang dug sit dung trong phat séng truyén hinh dign td. The updated contraption aided in the successful broadcast of yesterday's event. (C8 may ky cyc duge cai tién nay 42 glép su kign phat s6ng ngdy hom qua thanh céng. The wired equipment acted as helping machines for the whole duration of the broadcast. ‘Thst bj n6i day nay déng val rb nhu cc 68 may NS to tong subtthdl gan phat séng, These useless electronic items did not help in the broadcast at all 'Nhng mén a6 gn ti v6 dung nay han ton Khéng gp ic dug gl cho bub phat séng, Crucial rkru:p] adj. o6t yéu, t6i quan trong ENG. of extreme importance SYS. vital, momentous a It is crucial to broadcast news reports in real time or as they happen. Vigc phat s6ng céc ban tn thd sy te ths hoe ngay Khi sy vide xy ral dig ti quan trong. Time is of the essence when delivering news reports to the public. “Tha glan la vin 46 c6t y6u khi truyén ti cd ban tin the sy tl cng ching, The news broadcast is an all-important program that people look forward to watching every day. ‘B&n tin f& m6t chuong tinh v6 clung quan trong ma moi nguei déu mong di dén xem méi nga. Reports about Hollywood celebrities are of little importance to busy businesspeople, (Ce ban tn vé ng sao Hollywood Khéng méy quan trong d6i vai nhng doanh nhan ban ron. 8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA E) > Bd sung tu vung co ban qual (i:kwal] adi. ngang bang, tuing dung ENG. be identical or equivalent to SYS. balance, parallel a For a successful broadcast, efforts put in must be equal among the departments that run it. 8 c6 duge mét busi phat séng thanh cong, cdc bd phan van hanh phai nd Ive nhu hau. In broadcasting, media representatives must coincide in character to have good TV chemistry. “rong phat than truyén hin, cc dal didn truyén thong pha hop nau v6 tinh céch d8 tgo nén 4 tng tac tin sng truyénhinh. Media representatives are equivalent to the principles that their broadcasting companies run by. ‘Cac nhan vién truyén théng phai tuan theo nhdng nguyén te ging véi cdc céng ty phat thanh truyén hinh dat ra. Media celebrities must be different from the rest for broadcasts to stand out. 'Nhng ng6i sao truyén théng ph8i khéc bigt so véi nhdng ngui cn Iai trd nén néi bat trong bbudi phat séng. shape Lerp]_ v.cinh inn, ann huéng ENG. to influence or give direction to SYS. form, influence a Media broadcasting systems today shape the future generations’ TV trends. | | He théng phat thanh truyén thong ngay nay dang dinh hinh efe xu huéng truyén | hinh cho nhiing thé hé tudng lai. : A We should make the public receptive towards honest broadcasting, ‘Ching ta nn kh cng ching sn lbngchdp rn vigc ph s6ngtruyén nh mang tinh chan thyc. Public service broadcasting causes people to conform to the instructions set by the regulatory board. \Vige phat s6ng phuc vy cdng déng khign ngubi dan lam theo nhdng hugng dn do hoi déng quan Wy 63a. Honesty in broadcasting has no effect on the popularity of shows on TV. ‘Sy chan thye trong phat thanhtruyén hinh Khng an hung dén mule d& ua chudng ca cc chuong tanh tren tv 437 WED TOPIC | Electronic broadcasting Phat than truyén hinh align t ‘The world of broadcasting has transformed over the ages, from print media and radio to television. Today, television broadcasts present information visually which is positive because it increases ‘access and appeals to a wider range of audiences. That being said, broadcasting information visually can also be negative. To illustrate, its appeal has rendered the newspaper archaic. With the Internet on every computer, and the ability to check favorite news sites on phones, newspapers are more a relic of the past than a useful source. Despite the newspaper’s demise, the world now enjoys electronic broadcasting because it encompasses such a wide array of media. This allows viewers to tune in to the subject matter of their choice rather than having to sift through reams of literature manually. In the end, the development of electronic broadcasting has expanded public awareness of current events worldwide. ‘Thé gidi phat thanh truyén hinh da thay déi qua cdc thi ky, tly bao in va dai ting néi cho dén truyén hinh. Ngay nay, céc chudng trinh truyén hinh déu thé hign théng tin mot céch tryc quan va diéu nay 66 ¥ nghia tich cy do lam ting mac tip c&n va hp dn nhiéu khdn gid hon. Tuy nhién, vige phat séng thdng tin m@t céch tryc quan cong cé mat tigu eye. B& minh hoa cho digu nay, sc thu hit cba né d& khién béo gidy tra nén 181 théi. Dudi sy phé cp Internet trén mol may tinh cling kha nding kiém tra cdc trang tin te yéu thich trén dign thoai, béo gidy giéng mén c8 vat cla qua Knit hon 1a, mot nguén théng tin hu dung. Bét chép sy tan Iyi cla bao gidy, thé gidi van dang tan hung phat than truyén hinh dign tir vi né bao ham da dang céc toal hinh truyén, thong. Biéu nay cho phép ngud xem Iva chon theo d6i cée chil dé ma ho quan tém. han 1a phai chon loc hang loat tal ligu bang tay. Cu6i cing, sy phat trién cla phat thanh truyén hinh din tr d& md rong nhan thidc cia cong déng vé nang sy kign thai sy trén hap thé gist 8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA B) visually | Cvrguali) access [akses] appeal [e'pil] render [renda(r)} archaic [a:'kertk] demise [dr'marz] broadcast [br ‘st] manually ['mannjuoli] electro [a.lek'tronrk] expand ok’ spannd] ‘adv, mdt ch trye quan | showed him how to do the multiplication problem visually. “Tei cho cub hy tgn m8tcéch gil php tinh nh 1. si ip cn, ray 8p, Ki vao Parents must restrict their children’s access to certain websites, Cac be phy haynh ph han civic con he ry cp vlo md s6 rang web, thu il hép din, ku gl ng én This book appeals to me because | like science fiction. ‘Gus sch ny hu ht 161i yu thc tll koa hoo vin tung. v. khién, lam cho, dua ra, bidu hign ‘The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation, {Uy ban bi yeu cu pha dara mt bn bo cdo v6 tinh inh nha 8. aif, 15 tha ‘The song she played was so archaic that partygoers were confused. Bn ng oO y cho tha dn mde nhdng nue tham gia boa tbe dy cm thy dl 1 sy i tan, chm di, ty@t ching ‘The irresponsible campers accidentally started a fire that lead to the demise of 46 creatures. [Nbng ké cm rv tréch nig 6 v8 nh gly ha hoan va dim chy 6 cup sy s6ng cia 46 sinh va ve truyénthanh, phat s6ng We are broadcasting live from the scene of the crime. ‘Ching 11 dang phat song tc tip ti hig tring vy an, adv. bling tay, th cong Expensive cameras today have complicated features and are manually operated. NNhang chide may &nh d8ttién ng nay 66 cc tinh nang phil ap va duge ven han thd cng, ‘adj. dint, o6 st dyng tit bj ign ti Electronic communication saves people's time and ‘conserves their energy for other productive things. ‘Vide lien lac tr tht bj di tgp Ut kim that gian va duy tse Ye cba ‘con ng cho ning cdg vide ning sat Kh. rng, nd ra The air inside the bottle expanded when it was heated. Knog kh bén trong cal ra kb dun néng. WORD TRAINING | Luyéntéo'si{cung th wn editorial adj. (huge) bién tap, Ledr'to:rial] ‘wan Qq_Ezitorial systems provide journalists with tools for fast delivery of electronically gathered and edited news reports. ‘Cc hp thdng bid tp cung ep cho cénh nn bo cing cy 8 nhanh chéng truydn tag bn tin dug hu thgp vi chinh sa wn tit bj ign ti A radio news editorial writer enters the titles and dates of broadcast items into an electronic schedule. Mgt ign tgp win tnt ca di pat than nip iu 8 va gd hg cla cd chuyén mye ph sng vao bing Ich tinh cnt (8 This electronic media source allows you to access information via thousands of stations, with essential contact details including phone and fax numbers, mailing addresses, E-mails, websites, and information about editorial scope. "Nguén trayén thong ign tiny cho phép ban tray cp thing tn théng qua hang noi ram ph sng, cing vl cdc tng tn én fc quan tong bao ag6m s6 ibn tog, 56 fax, jac thu tin, ema, rang web va thong th v8 ham vibi i. All manuscripts prepared must be without author identification and submitted online for electronic broadcast, while those submitted to the editorial office will not be processed or reviewed. "Moi bn thdo chugn bi khng due kom theo théng tn nhn dang te gi va pal duge np tre tuyén 8 phat sng dig ti, trong kl 66 ng bin np tai phngbién tp SB khng dug xy hay xem x publisher n.nha xudt ban Epablafo(e)] Qx Electronic publishing can trim the publication process and make it cheaper, which increases the competition between publishers, ual bin en tb hd et gon quy tinh aut bn va tg hi pi, gu ry 68 lim ng tn can anh ida cdc nh xu bn Editors will demand compensation from the publisher if they must upload articles electronically outside normal working hours. ‘Cée bidn tp vidn 88 yBu edu khodn dn bit nha xu ban nuh phi ‘ing tA ning bal bdo tn kn cin tl nga gia vg thing hung (8 The web-based framework offers proven solutions to many of the international publishers in areas such as information analysis, editorial management, and digital fulfilment for both books and journals. 86 Khung dya tn ndn ting web cung cp nndng oil phép 48 ue xc ‘hye cho nhidu nha xudt ban quéc t6 trong cc linh vyo nhu phan tich théng tin, quan ty bién tap cding nhu phan phdl sch béo va tap chi d dang 86. ur publisher is accused of hanging on too firmly to traditional print-on-paper techniques, of being too slow and ineffective in making knowledge available, and dismissing electronic broadcasting altogether. 'Nha xuét bén cila chiing thi bj bude tl o chap duy tri cting ngh@ in truyén ‘théng trén giy, cham chap va thi6u higu qua trong vige cung op tri thic, dng thd gat bd hod to&n vie phat sing éign ti. telecast [telika:st] 1. chong tnt truyén inh ‘Speaking training 2 Writing training (@? American radio-network broadcasters habitually forbade prerecorded telecasts, but this is common by today's, electronic broadcast standards. Cac nha di thuge mang Iu phat thanh cia My tng lién tye ngan em ‘dng chuang in dug ghi Kin true, ty nh dy we Ht se bin ‘hung theo cc tu chudn phal sng din Wingy nay. The great majority of primetime television shows are telecast in HDTV at the network level. Hau ht cbc chuong tin truydn hinh tong kung gd ng la ce chuong tinh dug phat séng dud dang HOTV (ruyénhinh dd phan gi cao) trén lop mang tuyén din, ‘The special event will be broadcast on two TV channels as part of the live program, which features more than ten hours of multi-platform telecast coverage from the Expo. ‘Sy kign dlc bigt nay s8 duge phat séng trén 2 kénh truyén hinh nh mot phén cla chuong tinh tr tid, bao gfm mgt ban tin da nén ting kéo dl ‘hgh 10 tiéng déng hd vé cudc trign tam, Our university athletics department strives to maximize ‘the amount of positive exposure it receives in electronic broadcast and telecast and on the university website as a ‘means of increasing public support. {Khoa din kinh & truting dai hoe cla ching t6i dang nB iye nh&im t6i da héa |ugng tigp xtc tich eye khoa c6 dige qua cde Kénh phat thanh va truyén hinh ign t tran trang web cba trudng nhu la mot céch 48 gia tang sy tng ho ts c8ng ching. feature [fitfo(ey] rn, nét dc so, dc trung, dc tinh, dae diém, phim truyén yt wasn't until ten years ago that movie features could be sent over the Internet, Phai dén tan 10 nim trudc th cdc bd phim truyén mdi cé thé duge chia sé ‘qua mang. Several feature films were shown using prototype projectors and early wavelet based servers. ‘MOt s6 bd phim truyén ting duge chiéu bang nhdng chiée may chiéu dot du ‘va cc may chil dya trén sdng nhd wavelet ban dau. Lost in Space became the first feature film to be released digitally, accessible via satellite download to theaters and homes around the world in real time. Lost In Space da tr8 thanh bd phim d&u tién duge cng chiéu duéi dang kj thuat s6, va cé thé truy c&p thong qua dung truyén tt v8 tinh xuéng ce rap cchiu phim va hd gia dinh trén kha thé gidi ngay thai diém 46, The first digital delivery and exhibition of the full-length feature fim Star Wars to paying audiences is widely considered to be the defining moment for digital cinema's commercial viability. Un ra mit va cbng chu tén cia bp phim dign nh dl Star Wars cho ‘cdc khdn gid chi tién mua vé duge cng nin rng rai la that kh quyét dinh ‘ching minh tinh kha thi cla thucng mei dign anh ky thuat s6. 441 report v. dua tn K "4 advertise ‘v.quang c40 broadcast v.phat song y announce spread v. tuyén b6, thong bdo. vv. lan truyén broadcast [bro:dka:st} report [r’poit] announce [e'nauns) advertise [advetarz] spread [spred] 442 In the end, the development of electronic broadcasting has expanded public awareness of current events worldwide. CCu6i cing, sy phat tin ca phat thanh ruyén tinh ign i m8 ng ng toe cia cong d6ng i vel shng skin thai sy rn kp ns gi. The weatherman happily reported that the coming days will be sunny and rain free. [Nguf dy bdo th tit vui vb dua tn rng trong nhang ngay sp tit sé cb ndng va khong mua. The White House speaker announced that the president is out of the country. Phat ngon vién Nha Tedng thing bdo rng Téngthéng dang @ nude ng. Most celebrities advertise their own businesses on TV to raise their revenues. Hau hét nguts ni tiéng du quang céo v8 cdc cng vgc knh doanh cain trén truyén hinh 08 ting doar thu. The rumor that the actress died due to a heart attack spread quickly online. Tin dén ve vige nl din vien d qua di do ln con dau tim dang nhanh chéng lan ‘ruyén trén mang. UM (100) eee Fa broadcasting station classified information tram thu phat, dai truyén hin thong tin mat broadcasting Celene 1a) Coie) “ XY broadcasting industry valuable information ‘aganh cOng nghiép phat thanh truyén hinh thang tin 06 git broadcasting To enable broadcasting information at any point information in time, several satellites were programmed. [’bro:dka:strn ,rnfo'mexjn} vy '86.v6 tinh d dugc lap tinh d8 tgo dibu kin cho thong tin phat s6ng bit eiie nao, broadcasting station While on vacation, she was an acting intern at the [’bro:dka:stzy ‘stex{n] broadcasting station. Trong kj nghi, c6 4y da lam didn vidn thyc tép tai dai truyén hinh. broadcasting industry We say something is owned and operated in the [bro:dko:stin ‘mdastri] broadcasting industry. Ching i cho rng met bo phgn ndo 46 dang bj si hdu va chi ph trong nganh cng nghigp phat thanh tuyén hi, classified information Only those with security clearance from the ['klasrfard rnfo'merfn] President may access the classified information in that file. CC nhng ngubio6 quyén mién tran nin (quyén tibp cn théng tn tuy@t mat) duge ep bai Téng théng me 6 h8 ty cap vao xem thing tin mat trong tp i 6, valuable information To obtain valuable information, scientists must ['vaaljueb!_rnfe'merjn] research further into the spread of diseases. 'B8 c5 duge nh thdng tin ® gif tcc nia khoa hoc phi nghién ci ‘thdm v6 su lan truyén clang cn ben, THU / EE IELTS BASIC WORDS organize fo:genarz}_v. échic ENG. to put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole, SYS. arrange, coordinate TV producers must organize their programs to cater to a wide variety of audiences, ‘Cac nha sn xuat truyén hinh phai t6 chic chung trinh dé phyc vy dugc nhidu ‘nhém d6ituong khén gi khéc nhau, 5 TV producers must straighten out the confusion caused by their erratic scheduling of programs, [Nhdng nha sn xut ruyénhinh ph gi quyt ti rang ln xn gy ra blch tinh tt thvéng cba ‘cae chuang tinh, TV producers set up events to promote their TV programs to the public. Nhdng nha san xuat truyén hinh 16 chile céc sy kign dé quang ba chugng trinh ca minh t6i 6g ching. # If TV programs are mixed up, a lot of viewers will be upset. 'Néu cdc chucng tinh truyén hn bj xéo tn, nhigu nguel xem sf thay phién ong. accident (eksrdont] n. taingn ENG. an unexpected and undesirable event resulting in damage or harm SYS. crash, collision Programs. ‘Vy taingn 46 a lam héng cdc dutng day cép, va diéu nay lam xéo tren nhitng chung tinh truyén hinh. The accident damaged the cables, which messed up the TV | | An unfortunate happening prevented them from watching the football game. (Mot vigc king may xdy ra 68 kin ho khong thé xem duge rdn béng dé. A disaster without apparent cause struck the city and cut off cable TV, ‘Mot wy thim ha chu nguyén nn di giéng xubng tanh ph va gy gl doan hu ray hin cap. # Alucky event will be broadcast on TV this Saturday night. ‘Mot su kin may man s® duge pt song tn tiv vot tha Bay ny. 8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA y » 86 sung Ii: vung co ban Coincidental tkevznsr‘denti) adi. trung hop (ngdu nhién) ENG. occurring or operating at the same time SYS. fortuitous, unintentional Itis purely coincidental that Obama and Romney's speech were on different channels at the same time. 'B6 chi chuygn tring hgp ngéu nhign kh bai phat bigu ca 6ng Obama va Ong Romney duige phat cing ie tn céc Kénh khéc nhau, The good shows being on the same time slot was not planned, ‘Vie phat s6ng cdc chuang tinh chét igng vo cing mgt khung gid khéng duge Ién k& hoach tude. ar + The end of show in one channel is synchronous with the start of another in another channel. Phin két thie clla chung trinh trén kénh nay sé dién ra cling lic voi phén bat dau ca chucng trinh tren keh kd. + Sometimes, people think that bad TV programming is done on purpose. ‘bil, moi nguéi ngh- rang cd chuong tinh ruyén hinh kém chit lugng duge s’n xust mgt céch o6 y. VieW [viu:) v. suy not, coi ENG. to deem to be SYS. deem, judge ‘Some people view TV programs as tools for relaxation. Ot s6 nguti coi céc chung trinh truyén hinh nhu cong cy dé thu gidn, People take in poor TV programming as a sign of dwindling media creativity. ‘Moi nq hid vibe sn xut cdc chuong rh tuyén hin Kém cht ugg ld du higu cla sy ct sung tong sing to truyén thong. If we are to consider TV programs as entertainment, then we are in for a treat. 'N6u col ede chung tinh ruyén hin ls ir, h ching ta 8 thich vig thudng thc ching, # People refuse to look at the drawbacks of watching today's TV programs. Moi ngudi tu ch6i nin nhn nhng diém han ché khixem cde chuong tinh truyén hinh ngay nay. 445, THU TOPIC) TV programmes Ce chueng tinh tuyén inh People often turn to their favorite TV weather pundits for the latest weather forecasts and updates, safe in their belief in their special climate-divining gifts. Unfortunately, there is a lot of bogus weather forecasting on television thanks to unqualified meteorologists or simply because predicting the weather can be a gamble. It seems as though televised weather programming is more engrossed in airing sensationalized forecasts aimed at gaining viewership rather than forecasting truths based on evidence that would work to develop credibility with the audience. Reliable and accurate forecasts are a critical element of local televised newscasts, often being the lone reason why people watch it. Regrettably, it could be argued that the information they receive is moot. Despite the skepticism, people will continue to tune in to get a slight inkling of anticipated weather phenomena. ‘Moi ngudi thudng tim dén chuyén vién thdi tiét minh yéu thich trén truyén hinh dé cd duge nhing dy béo va cap nat méi nhét vé tinh hinh thas tist, c€m théy an tam vé tai TRANS ning dy bdo kh{ hau dc biét cla nhGng chuyén vién nay. Bing tiéc thay, lal c6 nhiéu dy bdo khéng chinh xéc trén truyén hinh do ce nha khi twang hoc thi6u ning Iye ho&e «don gidn chi vi vic dy dodn that tst cé thé 18 sy may rl, Duéng nhu chuong tinh the ti6t trén séng truyén hinh dang mai mé véi vige phat séng nhiing ban tin dy bao giat gn nhéim thu hat khén gid hon l& dy dogn théng tin chinh xéc dya trén bang ching lp gia tang sy tin tuéng vei nguéi xem, NhGng dy béo déng tin cay va chinh xéc 1& y6u t6 quan trong trong cdc ban tin dja phuong, va thuting la ly do duy nh Khién moi ‘Agu dén xem. Nhung that dng tiéo, vn cé nhng tranh cai cho ring thong tin ma ho ‘nhan duge khéng chinh xéc. B&t chp sy hoai nghi dy, moi ngudi vn sé tiép tyc theo .d6i ban tin 48 06 duge cdc dy bao sd bé vé hign tugng thai tiét. ‘8 WEEK TOPIC MEDIA 2) as divining n. sydd, dy doan {dr varnxn] People often use divining rods to find underground water. ‘Con nguithving si dyng que dd mach atm aguén nude ngém. bogus ‘adj. gia, khéng dang tin, khéng c6 that [’bovges) | thought the used-car salesman had a bogus smile. Toi nghi rng ga ban xe hai da qua si! dung dé c6 ny cudi that gid tao. unqualified adj. khdng di trinh 49, khang o6 tu céch, khéng dat tiéu chudn [an’kwolsfard] Shelley didn't get the job because she was unqualified for welding, ‘Shelley khéng nhan duge cng vide d6 vi kj thudt han cla cé khéng di trinh do. engrossed adj. migt mai, mai mé, dm chim [on'greust] Lianne was so engrossed in her novel that she wept. Lianne dim chim vao cuén tidu thuyét 66n mic da Id. vs phat séng teat) I'm not sure when the local talent show is airing. “Tai khdng che ki no th ehuong tn bdu dint ng cba dia phuong s8 duge ‘phat song. sensationalize —_v- gat! [sen’sexfonolarz] ‘Teen pop stars are often sensationalized in the media, cc prong tin run thing thuing da noi gan vb ning ng sao nhac pop tubitoon viewership 1 lugng khan gi8, ty sudt nguél xem Cvju:oftp] The TV program yet again placed in the top 10 in viewership. ‘Chutg tinh tay hinh 8 m6t kn nail mdm rong top 10 chung tinh ct sut gut xem cao nha credibi ity ‘n. su tin nhiém, dang tin, chan that, uy tin Lkreda'brtati} His statements were doubted because he has no credibility. "ng i phat bidu dang yb] ng ng do dng dng anh ges tn nig audience 1. 9c gi, thinh gid, khan gi [o:dians] ‘The new TV show was aiming for a younger audience. ‘Chung trinh truyén hinh méi huding dn 46i tuging khén gia tré tuéi hon, critical ad}. trong dai, quan trong, ¢6 tinh quyét din Chrtskt} His advice on this project is very critical in determining its future success. LI Khuyén eta 6ng Ay dnh cho dy én nay 06 ¥ nghia v8 cling quan tong trang vige xée dinh sy thanh cBng trong tong lal cba ns 487 WORD TRAINING Dee ae fA OnE WIC closed-captioned adj. ob phy dé [klouzd 'keopind] Historically, hearing impaired viewers needed an analogue receiver with teletext capability to see closed-captioned programmes, “rong Kch si, nhng Khén gid khiém thinh phi cn dn mot chide may thu tin hidu 8m thanh véi kha ning hin chi trén man hinh 46 xem ede chueng tinh 6 phy 68, Many children’s TV programmes today are closed-captioned, allowing young readers to view text alongside audio. gay nay, niu chuong tinh tran hinh cho thigu nhi cb phy a8, didu nay cho phép cdc ban de nh tub thé dgc cha song song ve nghe dm han. Closed-captioned TV programmes were created primarily for people who were hearing impaired and their families, but now they are commonly used in public spaces such as hotels and airport lounges. CC chuong tinh tryén hinh od phy dé tung duge sn xudt chi y6u cho ‘gut khim thin va gia dinh ho, ty nhién hién nay ching duge ding phé bin @ nhdng khong gian cdng efng nu khch san hay chong ch sn bay. This country is requiring distributors to provide an increasing amount of closed-captioned programming because of the high population of hearing-impaired citizens. ‘Bat nudc nay dang yéu edu cc nha phan ph6l cung cp them nhiéu chuong rin e6 phy 6 do'S6 lugng dng nguai dn bj Khiém thin, correspondent L kora'spondent] in. phéng vien, thong tin vién, dc phai vien yz The correspondent for the TV programme was dismissed permanently for comments he made in a staff email. Png vién ela chug vin ruyén hinh dé bj sa thi van vgn dong ‘ei binh lugn ma anh ta viét trong email nhan vién. The on-air correspondent was very poised when she announced the cancellation of a well-loved TV programme. [Na png vidn dang l6n sng rt idm tinh ki thdng bo v8 vic ily b mot cchuog rin ruyén hinh nhgn duge nhigu sy yeu thich, Itwas announced that he would be named co-anchor of the TV news programme, replacing the long-standing anchor who wanted to move to correspondent duties prior to her retirement. Ngvtt ta théng bdo rng anh 6 sB duge bé nhigm lam nul dng din ttn ‘ban tin truyén hinh, thay thé cho nguéi dn lau nim muén chuyén sang dam ‘dudng cae nhigm vy cla phong vién trudc khi nghi huu. The programme's correspondent conducts interviews with affected peoples and the regions involved in war, usually being led by a guide and translator who facilitate access. Phéng vién cba chucng tinh da thyc hifn nhibu cube phing vén vél cdo dan {te bj Anh huéng va nhdng khu wc o6 chién sy, c8 luén duge dn dat bai ‘mpl ngudl dfn dung va mo phién dich vidn -nhOng ngud fo du kign cho vie tiép cin dang hon, coverage [kavartds] 1. vie dua tin, phat sng, tn bai, sy ddm bao GCE MIN h> Demet n tc ay: Nea qT viewers may struggle to watch their favourite e programmes when the barrage of Olympics coverage begins this summer. Xn gi run tin 6 188 gp Kho Kin rong vido em nhdng chuang ‘inh yu hich ki hn foal tn bal v8 Thé vn Noi bt du len sng vao mia he nay. The network has already faced criticism from viewers about the level of coverage itis giving to the event. Mang lubi nay di phai d6t mat voi sy chl rich ti ngubsi xem do mic 4 dua tin v8 su kign, ‘We are looking for the most imaginative science programmes that explains complex scientific concepts clearly and deals with science news coverage. (Ching ti dang tim kiém nhing chung rin khoa hgc séng tao nht itp gil thich 18 cdc Khai nigm hoa he phe tap va phy tréch tn bai koa hoe. ‘The programme appeals to a wide audience, not only to nature enthusiasts, animal experts or teachers that wish to Use it as coverage for the school curriculum outcomes. CChuong tinh nay dang thu hit m6t lugng [dn khan gi, hong cht voi nhdng nquolyBu thién nh, chuyén gia v8 dng vat hay cdc ldo vién ‘mong mu6n sit dung né nhu ta sy dm bdo cho KSt qu8 chung tinh aiing day 8 tut. interactive [inter zektry] ‘adj. tae dng ln nhau, tvong tae Q To be truly interactive, the viewer must be able to alter the TV programme viewing experience. 'bé 06 thé thyc sy tucng t4c, ngudi xem phai cé kha nang thay di trdi raghiém xem chung tinh truyén hinh, There is much debate as to how effective and popular interactive TV programmes can be. (Con nhigu tranh cdl v8 mde 49 higu qua va phé bign eda cdc chueng tenn truyén hin tuong téc. We provide an intuitive interactive programme guide that ‘enabling cable subscribers to easily find and record the programmes they want to watch. Ching t8i cung cp mét ban hudng dn vé chung tinh tuong te trye quan cho phép ngudi st dung thué bao truyén hinh cép eb thé d8 ding {im va uu la ang chug tin ma he muén xem. The tise of the broadband has given new relevance to interactive TY, as it opens up the need to interact with servers, advertisers, and website operators. SS gja ting eda bang théng rong 8 mang d&n sy tvong thich mdi cho truydn hinh twang té, do n6 m8 ra nh e&u duge tuong tac vai ce may chi, nha quang cdo va nha digu hanh trang web. 449 indispensable ‘adj, khong thé thidu critical COR e Sai i important decisive adj. quan trong adi. quyét doan critical Pkertskt] urgent Cs:dgent] important {em'po:tnt] indispensable [andr'spensebl] decisive [dr'sarsrv] 450 Reliable and accurate forecasts are a critical element of local televised newscasts, often being the lone reason why people watch it. "hang dy bo dng tin cy va chin xc la yu 15 quan trong trong cde ban th tit dia phuong, va tung la do duy nha kin mg ngus én xem. ‘There is an urgent need for qualified correspondent for the project. Dy an nay dang cn gp phéng vién 06 nang Wye. It is important for people to get weather reports on time especially during typhoon season. ‘Bigu quan trong la moi ngudt pha gn duge cc ban tin ths kip the, dc biet a trong mia bio. Advertisements are indispensable in every TV show because that is how income is generated. {Qudng céo la diéu khdng thé thigu trong moi chuong tinh truyén hinh BB vi 6 fa céch to ra nguén thu. A good reporter is decisive and adaptive during times of public emergencies and crises. [Mot phéng vien gidi la ngudi quyét dodn va nhanh chéng thich nghi vél cdc thot ibm kn cp va King hodng ela cing dng. eat) LG: eee ee EEE: accurate translation sales forecast ‘ban dich chinh xa ‘dy dodn v6 tinh hinh ban hang accurate forecast Mee Weenie ® accurate description business forecast bn m6 t& chinh xa dy bao kinh doanh accurate forecast EI Nino affecting the weather immensely was. ['akjorat ‘fo:ka:st] an accurate forecast; the rest of the weekly projections were unreliable. Vig hign ugg EI Nino gy nh huBng manh mn thd it & mot 4 doan chinh xac; nung phn cn fal trong nhdng dy bo Ning tun laikhéng ding tin accurate translation _|tis impossible to provide an accurate translation [mkjorot treenz’lexfn] of the two languages due to their dissimilarity. Vige cung cp bin dich chinh xc gida hal thd ngén ng i ci bat na thido ching khdng tong dog. accurate description The most reliable and accurate description of [akjarat dr'skrrpjn] the killer was released by police today. ‘Bln met dng tn ody va chin xc nh v8 tn st nn 6 dug pia ch sit c6ng b6 vio htm nay sales forecast If we get together once a month, we can review [setlz ‘fo:ka:st] the sales forecasts and inventories accurately. 'Néu hap mat mai thang mét én, ching ta 6 thé xem xét al cde dy doan vv inh inh ban hang va hang tén kho mét eéch chinh xc. business forecast Our financial statements need to be reviewed [biznes ‘fo:ka:st) because the business forecast presented yesterday recommended it. ‘Ching ta cdn xem xb ci bdo cot chnh do b&n dy bo kn doanh ‘ig tin by hom qua 68 KruySa nghl ike nay. 451 FRI EEE IELTS BASIC WORDS ZONE [zoun]_n.khuvuc ; ENG. a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features SYS. sector, district Daily newspaper distribution usually depends on the subscriber's city and zone. ‘Vigc phan phat bao hang ngay thudng phy thudc vao thanh phé va khu vyc cla gui dat mua, ‘The newspaper company delivers according to geographical region, farthest areas frst. (Cig y bo ch giao bao da hoo khu wye aj, 16 nhng nl xan ti This is a territorial area where newspaper boys are not allowed to enter. ‘ay fa ku vue cia hat ma nhng cfu be giao bdo King duge hep bude vo. + The free space between the two houses is where the newspaper boys rest after deliveries. Khong tréng gia hai ngdi nha lé noi céc cu bé giao bao nghi ngoi sau khi di phat hang. necessitate [ne'sesitert]_v. bat bude ENG. to require as useful, just, or proper SYS. compel, oblige We should necessitate children to read newspapers and magazines for additional knowledge. Ching ta nén bat trd phai doc béo va tap chi dé 06 thém kién thiic. 7 ‘Student's ignorance on current events calls for a longer study time that includes newspaper reading. \Nhding sinh vién thiéu hidu biét vé cde sy kign that sy en phi dnh nhigu that gian tim tdi nghién cilu hon, bao gém ca vide doc bao. People in provinces cry out for a supply of daily newspapers for them to stay updated. gv dnt cc th dang rt cn Cup cung cp nh bdo 8 cp nha in + We should rid ourselves of our belief that all newspapers bring only bad news. Ching ta nén rb idm tn oda chin minh ng mei bo du chi mang dn ning tn xu 452

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