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7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH OBESE CHILDREN THE MEDIA'S INFLUENCE ON PEOPLE’S HEALTH MEN AND WOMEN KEEPING HEALTHY LIFESTYLES UNHEALTHY HABITS HEALTHY FOOD PEOPLE’S CONCEPTION OF HEALTH NOW AND IN THE PAST IDEAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM MON a IELTS BASIC WORDS proceed [pre'sia).v.tsp ye ENG. to go forward or onward SYS. continue, progress 7 It is tough to proceed with the advocacy on pushing exercise among obese children. ‘That kh6 dé tiép tue dng ho vigc thic tr béo phi tap thé dyc, Obese children will find it difficult to carry on with strenuous activities. ‘Tr8 béo phi s® cm thdy khé khan trong vide isp tye vil cdc hoat dng én nhidu sue ve. Obese children will need to work harder to keep their body going. ‘Tré béo phi sé cn nd Iyc han 48 gid cho co thé cila cdc em lién tye van dong. Overweight children need to break away from sedentary activities. INhOng da tré bj thitacén cn ink advise [ed'varz]_v. khuyén, khuyén cao ENG. to give advice to; inform of something; SYS. counsel, recommend 962 Parents are advised to watch their children’s eating habits for the latter to avoid obesity. ‘Cc bac phy huynh dug khuyén céo nén theo di thoi quen an udng cia con 48 trnh vide tré bj bo ph Children are given letters to send word about obesity to their parents. ‘Bam tr8 duuge dua cho nhdng ld thy dé chuyén Idi vé ching béo phi cho cha me ching. Flyers with information on obesity were sent to parents to give notice to their children’s weight. 'Nhdng trl chia théng tn Hn quan d6n tinh trang béo phi di duge gi te ec bac phy huyah 48 cénh bao vé can nang cia tré. Untruthful trivia about weight gain and diets withhold insight on problems caused by overeating. ‘Nhng théng tin vun vt Khéng xd thye v8 ting fn va ché a an hing 44 ng cn sy du bibi v8 cde vn 8 do an uéng qué 66 gay a 7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH > Bé sung tif vung co ban Cultivate [kaltrvert) v. b6i dying ENG. to foster the growth of; teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment SYS. develop, foster We must cultivate a sense of food awareness among school cafeteria managers to appropriately serve the students. ‘Ching ta cén phai b6i duéng nhén thc vé thyc phdm cho nhiing ngudi quan ly nha ‘An tai trudng hoc dé phye vy cho hoc sinh mot cach phi hgp. = School cafeterias should make all kinds of food suitable for obese and non-obese children. (Céc quén &n trong truting nén ché bin tét c8 cd loal thye phdm phis hgp cho ca tré béo phi va khong ‘béo phi. + School administrations should equip their kitchens in advance to cater to children with weight problems. Céc nha quan Ij truding hoe nén trang bj true nha bép dé phye vu riéng cho nhing tré cb vn 66 vé can nang, + The government should not leave schoo! cafeterias unready for children with weight problems. CChinh phi khong nén 48 cdc nha an tung hoe trong tinh trang chua sn sng phye wy cho tS 6 vin d8 v6 cén nang. waste [werst] v. lang pi, bd 4 ENG. to use inefficiently or inappropriately; spend thoughtlessly; get rid of SYS. dissipate, misuse Eating food with empty calories wastes energy and money. \Vigec &n thyc phém chda calo rng lang phi nding lugng va tién bac. Obese children should learn to stay away from unhealthy food. "hang dua tr8 béo phi nn hoc cdc trénh xa thye phém khéng tt cho sue Khos. wr ar Processed foods should be chucked out from children’s meal plans. 'Nhng let thye pdm ché bin s&n nén bi oa kt kéhogch an uéng dnh cho tr. + Eating too much and not exercising cause the build-up of calories and fat that lead to obesity. ‘An qua nhidu ma khéng tp thé dye s@ lam tch ty calo va chat béo gAy ra ching béo ph MON / EE, TOPIC | Obese Children ‘Tré béo ph sesdsddsdddd Most overweight and obesity problems in childhood are instigated by children eating too much and not exercising enough. Weight gain happens when energy ingested is more than energy burned off through physical activity. A minute number of problems with obesity in childhood are related to uncommon genetic diseases. It is important that children of all ages maintain a healthy balance of energy as children who become obese before six years of age are likely to stay corpulent throughout childhood. Preschools and daycares play an important role in teaching a child good eating habits and how to live an active existence. Schools should compel their students and their families to eat wholesome fruit and vegetables at every meal and as a snack for their nourishment. Active and healthy children can develop healthy habits that can remain their whole lives. jj, Hau hét cdc vn a6 tha can va béo phi le cn nhd du bat nguén ti vie an qua nhiéu va khong van dong dU. Tinh trang tang cn xay ra khi s6 nang lugng duge hp TRANS thy vao co thé nhiéu hon lugng bj dét chay thong qua hoat dong thé chat, Mot s6 rat ft cdc vén 48 vé chung béo phi trong thai &u tho ¢6 lin quan tél nhing cn bénh di truyén hiém gp. Bidu quan trong [a tr8 em thude moi Ia tudi e&n duy tri sy c€n bang nang lugng lanh manh vi nhding em bj béo phi trudc nam 6 tudi co kha nding sé tiép to. phat phi trong sudt quang thdi gian tho 4u. Cac trutng mau gido va nha tré déng vai {rd quan trong trong vide day tré em théi quen &n udng cé Igi cho sic khde va Idi sng ning dong. Trudng hoc nén yu cdu hoe sinh va gia dinh clla cde em &n nhing foal hoa qua va rau cil o6 Idi cho sc khde trong moi ba an va coi d6 nhu dé an vat dé ‘cung cp dinh dung. Nhiing dita tré ning dng va khoé manh c6 kha nang phat trién cdc thél quen lanh manh ma o6 thé duge duy tr trong suét cude dat cla cdc em. obesity [ov bi:sati) instigate [instigert] ingest [un'dgest] minute [mar nju:t]) genetic [dga'netrk] maintain {mern'tern] existence [xg'z1stons] wholesome [houtsom] nourishment Unarjmant] active Cekty) ‘7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH 3} ‘tinh trang béo phi Its difficult for people who have never struggled with their weight to empathize with obesity. ‘Thgtkhé 48 nhdng ngut chu tang pha vt ln vl cn ing ca min eb thé {hu hidu due tin rang béo pi ‘bat ngubn, bt du, xd gigs She immediately instigated divorce proceedings based upon his behavior during his business trip. 66 y ngay lap te tin hanh thd tye ly hn dua theo hanh vi cia anh ta trong chuySn cng v.hdp thy The product would only be expected to be harmful if orally ingested in large quantities. ‘Sdn phém chi bj cho la 05 hai néu duge hp thy qua dudng ming véi 6 lugg kon. adj. rtf, nhd, chi tiét The minute army was in danger of being overthrown by the larger, more powerful brigade. ‘DOI quan nhd dang c6 nguy ed bj Igt dé bai mpt IW doan Ién va hung manh han. ‘adj. (thudc) di truyén People incorrectly assume that premature birth is mostly genetic and runs in the family. ‘Nguti ta thutng nhdm tung rng vigc sinh non phn Idn la do di truyén va co ‘thé truyén tu thé hg nay sang thé he khde trong gia dinh, vv duy tr, gid gin Eating small, frequent meals a day may help one maintain a normal weight. Vie &n ft va thudng xuyén han trong mpl ngay cé thé gidp nowt ta duy 1 edn ng bin thang 1. siftén ta, cue sng ‘An atheist does not believe in God or postulate the existence of gods whatsoever. ‘Mot ngudi theo thuyét é thin ho&n todn khéng tin vao Chia hay cng nhin sy tn {gi cia bat ci vj thdn nao, adj. c6 ich, lanh man, dam bao The technology was created to provide wholesome, safe drinking water at a reasonable cost, ‘cing ngh@ nay dug to ra 8 cung cp ngubn nuéc ung dim bdo vi an tin ‘Gime gi phi ching. 'n, chat dinh dung, thie din Sensing that it needed to find nourishment, the kid goat searched for its mother. (Cim ty cf im agun di dung, cond con 8 tm mg ci adj. nang dong, (thude) van dong Children should have at least one hour of active play daily to keep them healthy. a Tr@-em nén cb taht mot gid ng hd van dg mBi nay cho co iment 365 else VIL (emma. OC anryey appetite 1. sy thm an, ham mui n ung tart ? : Leerenl ®4_ Some experts theorize that obese children adopt their large appetite from their parents. [Mot s6 chuyen gia da ra gla thuySt rng nhng dda tr bj béo ph nua hung nhu edu an wbng cao tu cha me ching, ‘Once obese children gain an appetite for unhealthy foods, itis dificult to train them otherwise. 'M@t kh tr béo pi théy thm &n nhng foal thye phim khdng tt cho sc kde, th s® khé 8 ron luygn cc em an ung theo ch Kh (8 The obesity epidemic is now targeting children who are often unable to control their appetite and eat whatever is within their reach, ‘Van nan béo phi dang tap trung vao nhang da t8 thudng khong thé im sod sy thom &n va an bate th gi trong tm ve ca minh Despite many studies, itis stil an enigma to doctors as to how young children develop such a large appetite and consequently become morbidly obese. Mao du da c6 niu nghidn cu, nhung vig lam thé nbo ma nhdng em nn co th phat ign ham mun an uéng cao va ri t® nén béo ph vn [an 36 d6i vice be si, fitness rn. sy rén luygn sic khde Lael The general health and fitness of obese children inthis country is poor, which is quite concerning, ‘Sc khde téng quat va vide rén luyén than thé cla nhng dla tré bj bo: phi tai ddt nude nay vn con yéu kém, va dé la diéu dang quan ngai. It can be humiliating for an obese child to have his or her fitness tested at school. ‘$8 khd la b& mal cho mot dia tré bj béo phi Khi em phai kiém tra thd chat ta trudng, (8 To combat childhood obesity, many schools and ‘communities have implemented fitness programs aimed at getting children off the couch and into sports. ‘D6 ching Iai bénh béo phi d tré em, nhidu trudng hoc va cong déng da hye hign cae chuong trinh rén luydn sc khde nh&m thi tré rbi khdi ghd spa va ham gia cmon thé thao. (One of the ways we can help obese children become fit and healthy again is to promote healthy diet and fitness at home, Mot tong 26 nhOng cdch ma ching ta c thé lam 48 lip 48 tbo ph trd nd dn d6l ve khde manh t® Tal ehinh 18 khuyén khich ch dan ug lanh man va rin uy ste Khde tinh. Speaking training 2 Writing training ( a wellbeing nitinh trang hanh phic, Khde manh ['welbi:19] Qy Its important to monitor both the physical and psychological wellbeing of obese children, Vite theo di cd sc ke thd chdt in tm ij cba tr bdo phi et quan trong. There are five main food groups that all children need to eat to maintain their wellbeing. ‘06 nim nhém thie phém quan trong ma moi dia tb cd in 46 duy ti sie kbs Children can improve the wellbeing of their heart through ahigh fibre, low fat det that will improve their blood cholesterol levels and keep them feeling fuller for longer between meals. “18 06 thé ci thin sc Khe tim mach thong qua ché dd &n aid chét x0 va teh béo, di nay 8 glip ci hign me cholesterol trong mau vi khign cdc em cm thy no lu hon gida céc baa dn Prebiotics are components present in food which support the gastrointestinal tract and give obese children's bodies the defense antibodies they need while promoting health and wellbeing. ‘Loi khudn 1a nhdng thanh phn cd trong thic an giup hd trg dudng teu ha va mang dn cho ed thé c¥a tré béo phi nhidng Khang thé phdng ve ma cdc em cdin trong qué trinh tang cubng sic khde va sy hanh phic cla mia unbalanced ‘aj. Khéng cn bang, mét cin bang balenst] Lanbanenat] Qj Children that eat an unbalanceed diet often run the risk of developing obesity. 'Nhang dda t® cb ch d9 an uéng khdng cén bang thutng pha d6i mat ‘v6i nguy ¢¢ mac chung béo phi. COften consuming junk foods or having an unbalanced diet are the major factors causing obesity in children. ‘Vide thug xuyén an céc logi dé an nhanh hay 6 ché dn ung thigu can ting dng nguyen nn eh yb gy afohbéo phi dé en (8 _ Psychological issues might arse from an unbalanced diet by creating anxiety, depression, and emotional eating that leads to obesity, which are things that one might cary into adulthood. ‘Che vn 46 t&m ly 06 thé phat sinh ty ch 4 an uéng thidu cn bang bing vide gt ra cdng thdng,trkm cém hay &n ung tay theo cim xic dln a6 ‘ching b6o phi, va dy it cc vn 46 c6 thé theo dén khi trudng thanh. Childhood obesity can result from an unbalanced diat, with obesity causing problems such as heart disease, back problems, joint problems, and poor circulation. ‘Ching béo phi & rd 6 td kb qua td ch6 dd dn ung thidu cdn bing, ‘vb bo pi cn gy ra cdc vdn db nhu bgnh tm mach, et sng, xuang np va uu thdng mb kém, 9367 RELATED WORDS | sustenance 1. dung cht DoT al 9 OS caked yy | 1 . es i diet nutrition i 1n. ché dé &n ung ‘n. dinh dudng nourishment Schools should compel their students and their families [narsfment] to gain healthy nourishment with their snacks. Trung nge én yu cy hoe sin va gia dinh cde om an cdc oan vat cha chat din dung 6 In cho su Knbe. sustenance Itis important that students get enough sustenance ['sastanens] during their school day. bidu quan trong 1 hoc sinh ph 6 dl dudng chat rong sust ngdy hoe 3 tung. diet Educators should teach children about proper diet so [darot] that those students can teach their families. Gio vidn nén day tr8 v8 ché 66 an uéng hp iy dé cdc em cé thé hung d&n lai cho gia dinh minh food | wish that every school-aged child had enough food [fuse] each day to be healthy. Toi mong rng mo dat tong dub’ dn rvbng ob A ther ml ngay 8 inn khde manh, nutrition ‘Nutrition classes should be taught in every elementary Inju'tryng school so that everyone grows up healthy. 'Nhng lop hge v8 dinh dung nén duge gidng day 8 tt c& rung tibu hoe a ‘cdc em du phat trién khde manh, USEFUL EXPRESSIONS ory genetic mutation contagious disease dt bién gen. ben truyén nig genetic disease bénh di ruyén genetic modification terminal disease bin d6i gen sm genetic disease [dgo'netrk dr'zi:z] genetic mutation [dgo'netrk mju:’tex{n] genetic modification [d3e'netrk modrfr'kex{n} contagious disease kon’terdgas dr'zi:z] terminal ['ta:mmnl dr zi:z] nh nan y, ben & gai dogn cus Animal and human studies have revealed that certain genetic diseases can be addressed with further research. (Cée nghin cis v8 dng vat va con nguis dhe pring met s6 c8n bénh di truyén nhét dinh o6 thé duge gidi quyét bang vige nghién city sau hon. Cancer and other genetic mutations often result from new and untested chemicals introduced into products. Ung thu va nhng d6tbién gen Khée thudng bi gly ra bal ede héa chit ‘mdi va chua qua kiém nghiém duge dua vao trong san phdm. Despite what critics say, | think the genetic modification of crops might be beneficial. ‘Bat chp nhing gi céc nha phé binh tuyén 6, tdi cho ring sy bién d6i gen & cy tréng cé thé mang Iai Igi ich. Prevention and treatment of cholera, a highly contagious disease, is actually quite simple. Vide phong ngia va chda tr bénh 18, mot can b@nh c6 kh ning truyén nhigm cao, thye ra kha don gidn, When she began to lose her memory, she saw a doctor who diagnosed her with a terminal disease. KKhi bat ddu bj matte nh, cb &y 8 g8p mot bac st - ngudi chén odin c6 mac mot ching bénh & gil dogn cusl. 369 TUE —— oe ELTS BASIC WORDS exchange [aks'tfernd3] _v. trao adi ENG. to give to and receive from one another SYS. trade, swap We must have health buddies to exchange weight loss tips and stories with. Ching ta phai o6 nhiing ngudi ban hd tro vé mat sic khde d8 trao di cic bi kip va ‘cau chuy@n lin quan dén glm cén. Most people who have health buddies are more inspired to switch up to healthier living. Phdn lén nhing ngubi cé ban ba hé tg vé mat suc khde duge truyén thém cém hing 48 chuyén ssang I6i sng lanh manh han. + Anobese health status can still be changed by reversing one's bad eating habits with the help of health buddies. Tinh trang bo phi vin c6 thé duge cdi thign bing céch thay 46 hodn ton cc thbi quen an Sng kg 16 nh sy gp 48 cla nhng ngud ban hd rg v8 mats kde a ‘To lose weight, overweight people should refrain from keeping problems to themselves because health buddies are there to listen. 1Bé gidm cn, ngudi tha c&n nén trénh gid cée vn dé cho riéng minh vida c6 nhdng ngudi ban hd trg vé mat sic khde 6 46 dé lang nghe ho. TUIN ['ru:mn] v. phd huy ENG. to destroy completely SYS. devastate, wreck 370 ‘Sudden weight loss also ruins one’s appetite and sense of taste. Vige gidm cn d6t ngot cing lam mat cdm gide them an va vi gide cla con ngudl. Drastic weight loss can bring down a person's metabolism. Vige gidm can d6t ngbt cb thé fam gidm sit qué tinh trao 6 cht cba con ngui ar + Improper exercise plans can mess up a person's body functions and cause injury. NNhang Ké hoach tép thé de Khong phi hgp cb thé lam r6i loan chi nang eo thé vA gay ch thuong. +. Following a proper exercise plan will help put back together the body's normal functions. Vige tua theo mét ké hoach tp thé due hop Ij 88 gp con ngubi hi phuc la nhdng chu nang tdng thung cia co thé, 7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH Y » Bé sung ti! vyng cd ban Clue tklu:] 1. manh méi, ddu higu ENG. something that helps to solve a problem or unravel a mystery SYS. hint, sign One clue in determining the success of a slimming pill is speedy weight loss. (Mot dé higu 08 xéc dinh sy thanh cng cia thuée giam cén chinh ia vige tyt can ‘nhanh chéng. Advertisements can be tip-offs on slimming products and weight loss. Cac bai quang cdo c6 thé la Idi ggi y vé nhdng san phdm gidm béo va vig gidm cn. A perceptible indication of fast and stress-free weight loss is getting fit and happy. ‘Du higu dé nhan biét cia vide gidm cdn nhanh va khéng cng thdng dé la trd nn cn déi va vul va. ‘Amisleading claim about the use of slimming pills is that itis effective even without exercise. Math ginh sal dm vé vide st dung thugeglim edn in mang li higu ‘qua ma khdng cn tap thé dye, distance [arstens} n. khodng cdch ENG. extent of space between two objects SYS. interval, span ar The report states that the total distance of the health marathon track is 26 miles. ‘Ban bo c4o cho bist tng khodng cach clla dung dua marathon vi sic Khde la 26 dam, ‘The media shows that health marathons base the winners on the measure of distance traveled. Ce phuong tig truyén thong hl ra ing nhng cube thi chy marathon vise Knde 6 ya chon ‘gui thdng cube dy tréns6 do quing dung ma ho di chuyén duge The media showcases the spatial arrangement of the health marathon runners to determine the fastest racer. ‘Cac phuong tin truyén théng gidi thigu vé sy sp x8p khoang céch ca cdc van ding vidn chey ‘marathon dé xac dinh ngudi chay nhanh nha. ‘The winner's absence of gap from the finish line was verified by the media coverage replay. Do khdng c6 khoang céch gia ngudi vé thd nhét va thi hai tr8n vach dich, nén ngudi chién thing due xc minh b&ng céch tua gi dogn quay phim tén cdc kénh tryén thong amt TUE EE rT TOPIC | The media’s influence on | people’s health Anh hung ota phuong tign truyén thong t6i sic khoé con ngus Reel eaep a ere ale Dele ledna There is general agreement that media advertisements do indeed shape public notions of and about health. However, there is a good deal of disagreement as to whether the impact of this influence is positive or negative. For example, advertisements for weight-loss programs and diet-related food and drink have greatly increased female health. On the other hand, the media perpetuate poor diet decisions through fast food commercials. Even more alarming is the issue of body image. Young adolescents are led to believe that the media-created image of the ideal body is how their bodies should look, leading females to adopt fad diets that may lead to more serious eating disorders and making boys susceptible to the use of steroids. School health educators and other teachers must incorporate media literacy into health education to ameliorate these problems and help students combat the mixed health messages found in the media. Nhin chung moi ngudi déu nhét tri rang cdc bai quang cdo truyén thong thyc sy inh hinh quan nigm cla céng ching vé sic khée. Tuy nhién, cé nhiéu sy bat déng ¥ kién vé vigc ligu téc dong cia sy nh huéng nay Ia tich oye hay tiéu eye. Vi dy, cede bai quang céo vé nhing chung trinh giém cn va thye phém hay dé uéng lién quan dén ché d6 an kiéng da gitp cai thign dang ké sic khde cla phi nd. Mat khéc, phuong tign truyén théng cing lam kéo dai céc Iya chon ché 46 an uéng khong lanh manh théng qua quang céo vé dé an nhanh. Tham chi diéu dang b4o «ong hon la vén dé vé dién mao. Nhdng thanh thidu nién bj dn dy 46 tin rng hinh nh vé dign mao hoan hdo ma phudng tign truyén théng dyng nén chinh la hinh, thé ma ho nén c6, va diéu nay khién phy nd chay theo céc trao iuu &n kiéng o6 thé dn dn cdo chiing ri loan &n uéng nghiém trong hon va khién nam gi6i dé bi m&c vio vigc sit dung steroid. Nhding nha gido dye suc khée hoc dutng va cdc gido vién khde phai két hgp kign the truyén théng vao gido dyc stic khde dé cai thign nhing vn dé tren va gidp hoc sinh d6i ph6 vai nhGng théng tin trai chidu vé sic knoe C6 {én phugng tign truyén thong. 372 7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH 2 advertisement —_n. quangcéo [ed'va:trsmant] The president's re-election campaign placed two full-page advertisements in the newspaper. Chin dich tl tranh cit cba téng théng da chiém tron hai trang quang cdo trén to bdo. notion rn. quan diém, quan nigm [neufn) People have mistaken notions about what successful business people say and do. ‘Moi ngubi eb nhdng quan nif sai v8 dibu ma ede doanh nhan thanh cng indi va lam, disagreement n. sy bat déng y kién [.41so grismont] Disagreements on a healthy level can sometimes lead to progress. hing bat dng y kién & mic 66 hgp ly dai lic lai c6 thé dem dén sy tién b6. perpetuate v. duy tri, kéo dai {po'petfuert] That's a common misconception designed to perpetuate the cycle of poverty. 16 18 mot quan dim sal dm thutng thy dugc tao nén 8 kéo da ci ving lun quén cia sy nghéo d6i, alarming adj. dang béo déng, dang quan ngai {e'la:mxy) twas alarming to see banned chemicals finding their way into food sold in the UK. ‘That dang quan ngai khi ching kién cc logi héa chat da bj c&m van tim céch xm nhap vao th rung thye phém bay ban ti An. adolescent 1 thanh thigu nién [2do'tesnt} Elderly people often remark that adolescents these days have no respect for authority. ‘hang ngudt dn tudi thudng nh@n xét rang cde thanh thidu nién ngay nay Khong ton trong bé te. disorder 1 chiing ri loan, mat tt ty [dts'o:do(r)] Children that have autism often suffer from other disorders as well. 'Nhdng da tré bj ben ty kj cdng thuing me pha cdc ching 6! oan Khéc. ‘susceptible adj. mn cdm, d8 mac, dB bj tac dong {so'septebl] Those plants are susceptible to frost in harsh winters, causing them to rarely flower in summer. hang loai cy nay d8 bj déng bang trong mia dong khée nghiét, va diéu nay {khién ching hiém khi nd hoa vao mia ha. incorporate v. KétIhgp, bao gdm, them [an'ko:parert] | tried to incorporate blue in the painting, but the subject matter was happy. bid c6 thé mau xanh nude bién vao trong ba tranh, nhung a8 tai chi dg0 tail vb hah ph ameliorate v.cdithign [e'mistiorext} This strategy can also ameliorate problems with potential hackers. Cchign luge ny eng c6 thé el thign cdc vn 48 voi nhGng tin tae tiém dn. 475 At fo) Tod 711 Mm ROT et AT NCD injurious adj. c6 hel [an ‘dverios] & (One should learn to break habits that are injurious to one's. health, ‘Aicing nén ge ech pha bé nhdng th6i quen cé hai cho sc khod. It’s important to control stress because it may very injurious to one's health. ‘idu quan tong ta ph kiém sodt sy cng thing vi n6 cb thé gy hal cho ste Kho’ ‘Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, sleeping all day, and eating fatty foods are bad habits that should be avoided because its injurious to one's health. Hut thude 14, uéng rugu, ngd ¢& ngdy va &n cdc loai thye phém nhiéu cht béo 18 nhdng th6i quen xu nd trnh xa vi né gay tén haiti se hod cia con ngual. Habitual alcoho! drinking is injurious to one's health because it may cause certain medical conditions such as heart attack, diabetes, and cancer. \Vigc thuting xuyén ung dé c6 cén sé gay nguy hai dén suc khde cia con ng vi né 6 thé olin tt nh tnh trang bry nh tryy tim, HU ding va ung thu. depression 1n. chitng trém cm [dt'prejn] a 374 ‘Teens reporting higher total media exposure have significantly greater odds of developing depression. ‘Thanh thu nién cho big vige tgp xuc nhibu vl tuyénthéng dn an Kh nding mBc chang tm cém ahi han dng ¥. Comparatively itle research has examined the relationship between violence in the media and depression. Mot nghién ctu tong 6 hd 68 xem xét mél quan Np ida bao Ye tren cc phuong ti run tng v6 chung trim cd The time spent engaging with electronic media may replace time that would otherwise be spent on social, intellectual or athletic activities that may protect against depression. ‘Thl gid tidu tn vao vige sit dung cée phucng tign truyén thong dign tlh ‘cb thé chiém mAt luong thai gian ma dng ra ben nén danh cho nhOng ‘hoat dong x hoi, tf tue hay thé thao c6 kha nang bao ve ben khdi ching ‘trdm cm, Recent research has established body dissatisfaction influenced by mass media as a major risk factor for low self-esteem, depression, obesity, and eating disorders, such as bulimia, Nghién edu gin day di ching minh sy khdng hal fing v8 eo thé do tc «ong ota cée phuong tign truyén thong dai ching la y6u t6 chin 6 "guy 09 GAY rat t tlm cm, béo phi va cc bénh ri loan an ung, ching han nhu ching cubng an, J Speaking training © Writing training ( (| sickly adj. 6m yéu, xanh xa0 [stkli] 24 The girl reading the beauty magazines looked quite sickly yet ate nothing for lunch, (CO gai dang doc cc cusn tap chi se dep trdng kha xanh xao nhung lai ending &n gi vio baa tua Itis unfortunate that many young girls believe that being sickly thin is beautiful, thanks to fashion magazines. ‘That dng ie hi nhidu ® git tn ing pha gy gud 6m y6u thi mo ‘ep, va iu nty la do cc cub tp oi ta rang, (B Despite being quite sickly and close to death, the anorexic media personality apologized to her audience for not being a positive role model for young people. Di rtm yu va dang cn Kb val c&ich6t, ngbi sao nd tiéng trong gid tray thing mde ching bing dn vn In ting xin 8 cc Khdn gi vi 68 ng tr thanh mot hin Butch eye.cho nhng ngub 8 tub. ‘The new diet being advertised is completely unhealthy according to my mother, who tried the zero-meat, zero-sugar diet and became so sickly pale she had to abandon it. ‘Theo me t6i - mot ngubi ting thi ché dd &n kidng khdng tht, khong | dung va da tré nn 6m yéu xanh xao dén mic bude phai ti'b6 nd, thi han kibng mdi dang dugc quan cho nay oan ton Khéng 6 cho sie kha. restore ‘vehi phye [eed Qp_ tis important to rest after an illness to restore one's health, Quan trong ka phai ngh! ngol sau khi bj banh dé hdi phyc site khod. Vitamin pils may help restore one's youthful glow. \Nhang vién vitamin o6 thé gidp phyc hét la nét tual td. (& The electronic retinal implants that have been successful in estoring the sight ofthe blind in clinical trials are now available in some western countries. ‘Cc ca edy ghép vong mac didn ti thanh cbng trong vigc phyc héi thi ive cho nguti mi trong cée cube th” nghigm lém sang hign o6 sBn tai mot 6 nue phuong Tey. Yoga and meditation are ancient practices that are known to contribute to one's health because it doesn't only help maintain good posture but it also helps restore one's inner balance. ‘Yoga vat thidn [a ning céch rén uy o8 ava duge biét dn la gdp ich cho site Khe do ching khtng chi tg duy tty thé chudn ma cba gdp fy lai sy cén bang nt. 375 LATED WORDS | &%:una CoS inclined ad, 06 xu huéng, mun susceptible Eom eu Ser wl liable predisposed adj. 0 lam diéu gi dé ‘adj. c6 khuynh huding susceptible Women are more susceptible to heart disease than men. [so'septebl] No git thutng dé me benh tim hon nam git. prone If you are prone to motion sickness, avoid reading Iproun} books when traveling, especially in cars or on trains. 'N6u ban 68 bj say tau xe, hay trénh dpe sich Kh dang ot chuyén, debit la te 8 rong x 616 hod au hd. liable Many people are liable to try fad diets because of the [larebl] celebrity weight loss stories they see on TV. Niu ngudi 8 chay theo cdc tao Iuu an kiéng b8inhng cdu chuygn lam cn cha ng ni tiing ma ho thy ibn TV. inclined | was more inclined to go on a diet than | was to try [en'klarnd] steroids to transform my body. 6i da mun &n king han th dng stood thay a hinh dng oath minh, predisposed The media is predisposed to showing commercials for Lprisdr'spouz] diet pills because drug companies fund them. ‘Cac phuong tign truyén théng o6 khuynh hung chiéu quang cao ve thude aim edn vt ho ge nhidng cng ty due pdm tio 376 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS developmental disorder cchiing r6i loan phat trién eating habit ‘thdi quen an uéng _ 25) ® Ww eating disorder Cranium} 4 x’ eating behavior psychological disorder ‘hanh vin uéng chiing r6i loan tam ly ating disorder The media has covered stories about celebrity [lista dis'o:do(r)] eating disorders almost daily because it is such a prevalent issue. én ni ngay ndo gti truyén thong cing dua tin v8 nhng cu chuygn ign quan dn cng r6logn an uéng ca nguti ni tiéng do dy 1a vn a diphd bin. eating habit There is a definite relationship between his IQ and Cictay ‘hanbrt] his eating habits according to the news source. ‘Theo nhu nguén tin th c6 mat md én hp ht cin gia 10 va cc th cquen an udng cia anh. eating behavior Please read this manual so that you can stay in [istry br hervjo(r)] control of your poor eating behaviours. Xin ui long doe cugn cm nang nay 68 o6 thé kiém sot nhdng hanh vi 8 ug khdngt6t ca minh developmental Back in the 1960s, autism was defined as being a disorder special developmental disorder. [ar,velop'mentl drs‘o:do(r)] vay tel nhdng nm 1960, bn ty Kj ting bj coi & mat ching rt oan phat tin dc bit. Psychological Whether or not drug dependence is a deeply disorder rooted psychological disorder is up for debate. L.satke'Iodstkl dis'a:do(e)] Su lam dung thu cb nguén ge stu xa ti ching 16 ogn tm fy hay Keng vin dang gy tanh ci. 377 WED Sy IELTS BASIC WORDS discard (4:'ska:d)_v. vt, logibd ENG. to throw away SYS. reject, drop ar It is time to discard unhealthy food in our fridge and fill it with healthy ones. ‘Da dé le ching ta phai bd nhing thye phém Khng tt cho sic khde ra kh th lanh cba minh va chdt dy ti bling nhing loi dé in c6 Ig cho st Khe. To start living healthy, toss out food that tempts you to go back to bad eating habits. ‘6 bat du Id sng lanh mani, hdy vt bd nhdng lel thye pdm 16 kdo ban tr v6 vol cd thot {quen an uéng khéng cé igi cho sic kde. Put away processed food products to avoid eating them. Hay eft nhng log hye phdm 68 qua ch bidn dé trdnh vig Bn ching, Not holding on to preserved food will increase one’s natural food intake. KKndng gill 6 an dng hop 8 lam tang igng tye pdm ty nhién ngp v8o co th, Confine ken farn}_v. han chs, rang buge ENG. to place limits on SYS. limit, restrain 378 a a Most busy people in the cities are confined to the economical yet unhealthy restaurant food options. Hu hét nhdng ngusi ban ron trong céc than phé d&u b| han ché vai ning lye i ‘chon mén ain tét kigm nung khéng tét cho suc Khde & nha hang. | People are sometimes tied down to unhealthy diets because they are way cheaper. 'B6i lie con ngudi bj bude vo nhdng ché d6 an using Khdng ¢6 Igl cho sic khde vi chiing #8 hon rt nhigu. We are hemmed in with the addiction to greasy foods because itis affordable. ‘Ching ta bj ghim ch&t vao th6i nghign ning logi thyc phém nhigu d4u ma do chung rét va 16i tién. Consuming healthier food will set us free from possible life-threatening diseases but will cost us a lot more. Vide tu thy thye phdm t6t cho suc khSe s8 gip ching ta thodt khdl nguy ed mae nhng can bbénh de doa dé tith mang, tuy nhidn diéu nay al tn kém han rt niu, 7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH 2} V > Bé sung tw vyng co ban SOUFCE [52:5] n.nguin g6e ENG. place where something begins SYS. origin, beginning The source of all weight-related diseases is improper eating habits. Nguén g6c cia moi c&n bénh lién quan dén can néng déu [a tis thé quen &n udng : kndng hop W. | The main cause of diseases is unhealthy food intake, Nguyén nhan chinh gay ra bénh tat la vigc hp thy thyc phdm 06 hai cho sic khde. The root of the matter is overeating, but not exercising further predisposes usto sickness. Nguén g6c cia van d8 1a vige &n uéng qué dé, tuy nhién khéng t@p thé dye khign ching ta dé mac bénh han. For an unhealthy lifestyle to reach its end point, people should avoid binge eating. ‘chm A i sng thu lanh man, con nguinén rénh vie An ug qué 6. SUTVIVE [se'varv]_v. t6n tai, song sot ENG. to continue to live through hardship or adversity SYS. exist, endure ar Ifyou wish to survive for a long time, then reform your unhealthy lifestyle. | Néu ban muén sng léu, hay sia di I6i sng khong lanh manh cila minh di. ! Most people want to live on and maintain heatthier lifestyles. Hu hét moi ngudi ai cing muén sng lau va duy tr Idi sinh hoat anh manh. Itis never too late to get out of and pull through an unhealthy lifestyle. ng bao gi qué mun 6 thodtKhdi va vut qua 16s 6ng khéng nh menh.. Itis discouraging if we let our hopes of becoming healthier just die out by insisting our unhealthy ways. “That ng thdt vong nu ching ta dé niém mong mun duge r3 nén Kho8 manh hon cia ban than btn ly dvi ed ngoan o6 gif 6 s8ng khong nh man. 379 WED TOPIC Men and Women keeping healthy lifestyles Nam gid vA nd git duy 6 sGng tanh manh One can safely theorize that women are less active than men simply by considering the gender difference in activity levels among school children. Girls have a propensity to join smaller groups and engage in verbal games, like conversation and socializing. Most boys play in larger groups, which lend themselves more to physically active activities like football. It is a concern that girls’ activity levels are inferior to boys and that this could be contributing to obesity and unwholesome lifestyles. The differences between the way girls and boys behave on the playground prompt schools to enable the provision of playtime activities that would encourage girls to take part in more vigorously active play. By doing increasingly less physical activity, we face adverse health consequences later in life, such as heart disease, diabetes and mental health problems. MOt ngudi 06 thé dua ra gid thuyét an toan ring phy nd khdng nang dong bang ram gidi chi bang vige xem xét sy khac biét vé gid tinh & mic a9 hoat dong cba hyo sinh. Céc em nd cé khuynh hung tham gia vao nhong nhém nhé han va bj thu ht bd cae hoat dong si dyng ngén ngO, nhu ta tr chuyén hay giao tiép. Con hdu hét cde ban nam Iai chal theo nhing nhém lén han, dibu 46 khiégn c&c ‘em d& tham gia vao cc hoat dong thé chat nhu béng da. Biéu dang quan ngai l& mde do hoat dong ca céc em gai thdp hon so vdi cac em trai va diéu nay co thé g6p phan gay ra chiing béo phi cing I6i sng khdng lanh manh. Sy khéc bigt trong céch cu xi! trén sén chai gida hoc sinh nam va nd dang th6i thiic c&c ‘rutin hgc phai dua ra nhGng hoat déng vui choi khuyén khich hoe sinh nd tham gia van dong séi néi hon. Bang viéc ngay cang it tham gia vao cdc hoat déng thé chat, ching ta s@ phi d6i mat véi nhdng hau qua tiéu ye déi véi sc khde trong ‘cue sng sau nay, nhu la bénh tim, dai thdo dutng va cdc vn dé vé stte khde tam thén, 380 theorize ('8rorarz] gender [dgenda(r)) propensity [pre'pens: socializing ['seufelarzin} concern [kon’sa:n] inferior [an ‘traria(r)] unwholesome [an‘haulsem] provision {pre'vrgn} vigorously [vigorasti] adverse Cadva:s}, [od'va:s] 7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH B) vara gid thuyét Many people often theorize that | am a troublemaker given my arm tattoos, Nhu ng thung dua ra gid thuy6t ring 11 mot Kd chuyén gy rc vidya ‘vao d6ng xm tr tran cénh tay 6). n. gin The doctor looked at the mother and revealed the gender of her baby. Vibe 5 6 nhin ngui me va it gs tinh ca em bé in. khuynh hung On hot days, he has a propensity for walking around with bare feet. ‘Vao nhing ngay néng bue, anh &y cb xu hudng di b6 loanh quanh véi di chan tn, 1. vide giao tigp, giao lu Where he fails at socializing he makes up for by being an accomplished pianist. Phan khiém khuy6t trong chuy@n giao tip voi mol ngwi duge anh By bi dp ‘ng vie tr thanh mot gh st dung c&m ta ‘n, mdi ban tam, lo Hing, quan nga ‘Tuberculosis should be the main concern of the epidemiological study. Bént lao phi nén la méi ban tam hang du trong nghién edu dich 18 hoc. adj thua kém, thp hon Nobody should try to make another person feel inferior for any reason. King a nén 6 khién ng kc em thdy thua kém vi bat Kj do no. aj, king fanh man, 6 hai Unwholesome foods may lead to certain medical conditions that may be dangerous to children. 'Nhng fai thye ph khong lanh mann c6 thé ddn dn me s6 tin trang beoh Wy nh din cb Kh& nng gy nguy hiém cho tr8 em, 1. sy.cung cp, chudn bi, bt ‘The fee also includes the provision of lighting for the band. khodn phi nay Ging bao gém c& vite bé ti énh sng cho ban nhac. ad. s6in6i, minh it, cutng 4 ca0 Doing exercise vigorously at least three days a week will help maintain a normal blood circulation. ‘ido tip luydn cudng 49 cao 1 nht ba ngty mot tuén s8 gidp duy ti sy Iau thdng mau binh thuéng. adi, bat i, tidu eye ‘Their move to the countryside was swift, with seriously adverse consequences for the family. Vite hg chuyén vé ving ndng thon d& dién ca ft nhanh chéng, nhung kém theo 4518 nhang hau qu8 cyc ky tidu eye di voi cd gia dink 381 WORD TRAINING | Luyén tap sit dung ttrvung qua vi dy physical fitness __n.thé uc, thé cht khde mann, syrén uyén thé chat [ frzzkl ‘frtnas) Men maintain physical fitness to shape up like their sports idols in the media. ‘Canh may rau duy tri vide rén luy@n thé chdt dé 06 duge vée ding nhu ‘nhOng thén tugng thé thao cia minh trén céc phudng tign truyén thong. Both men and women should maintain their physical fitness if they plan to start a family. (CB dan &ng va phy nd abu nén duy ti thé chét kde manh nu cj inh lap ga ann (@ _ Research has proved that men get a better deal when it comes to achieving their target physical fitness levels, weight and muscle mass when compared to women, [Nghian ciu da chting minh rng so vél phy nd thi dan éng cé diéu kign tt than nu mudn dat duge dc myc iu vé mic a thé vc, cén nang va Khoi ugg co Since higher muscle mass leads to higher calorie buming, men tend to lose weight faster than women with the same workouts and level of physical fitness. Do ki lugng ca Ian hn $8 dln tl vige d6t chy nhidu calo han, nén dn dng thudng 6 khuynh hudng glém cén nhanh hon so véi nhdng ‘Nguoi phy nd 6 cing ché 46 tp luyén va me thé Ive. flexibility rn. tinh linh hoat, sy déo dal [fleksa‘brlati] ®y_ Men should work on increasing their flexibility because they are generally less bendable than women. hang nguai dan ong nén rén luyén 48 tng sy do dai vi ho thutng dng do bang phy nd. In male athletes, the risk of injury decreases as flexibility increases, @ cae van dong vién nam, nguy od chén thuong 88 duge gidm bdtkhi sy 1480 dai cia hg ting le. (8 Women are known to be more flexible than men, and they should try and use this to their advantage by indulging in flexibility and stretching routines like yoga and Pilates. Phy ni duge biét dén a déo dai han nam gii, va ho nén thi si dyng Bé sung tw vung co ban share Lear) v.chiasé ENG. to have in common; use jointly; give out as one’s portion YS. apportion, distribute We should share good health habits instead of unhealthy ones. Ching ta nén chia s8 nhing théi quen t6t cho sic khde thay vi nhing théi quen kkhéng lanh man. + If we partake in another person's unhealthy habits, we might end up suffering more. Néu hia theo nhing théi quen khéng lanh manh cua ngubi kh, thi cuéi cing -chiing ta cé thé sé phdi hung chiu nhiéu han, + Make it a habit to divide up the responsibilty of preparing healthy meals among your health partners. Hay tao thdi quen phan chia trach nhigm trong vige chudn bj cdc baa an bé dudng cing voi nhng agus ban dng hanh nb rg v8 si kde + Unhealthy habits can be kept to one’s self to avoid influencing others. Cie thd uen Khdng lanh manh nén dug gid eho riéng minh 48 wan gy Anh hung 6 nhONg gui Kn allocate [atokert]_ v. phin'é, danh rigng ENG. to distribute according to a plan; set apart for a special purpose SYS. assign, designate We must allocate ample time for healthy activities such as exercise. Ching ta phai danh khoding thai gian du d cho céc hoat déng c6 Ig cho suc khde inhu tap thé dyo, & If we set aside time for sports and exercise, our unhealthy habits will disappear in time. Nu dann i8ng mt khong th’ glan cho thé thao va uy tp thi cc thé quen khong tanh man cla ching ta 38 sém bién mat If we ration out physical activities to keep ourselves busier, we can get rid of unhealthy habits. 'Néu chia that glan cho céc hoat dng thé chat dé ban thén tr nén bén rn hon thi ching ta o6 thé ogi bé ning th quen khng anh mann, + Not giving out the commitment needed in keeping physically fit will make it difficult to rid ourselves of unhealthy habits. ‘Vige khong dua ra cam két cén thiét 48 gid gin co thé khde manh 88 khién ching ta khé Jogi bd hg thoi quen khdng tt cho sic kde. 387 THU TOPIC | Unhealthy Habits | Nang quo ng ann man Diets are helpful when a person is rotund. Starting a healthier lifestyle will get them back on track with their fitness. Dieting becomes dangerous, however, when diets promise dramatic weight loss in a short interval. This particular type of dieting carries acute health consequences. Fad diets that promise to make you slim in days are hazardous. When people lose weight fast by starving themselves, a poor corollary is inevitable. The body is not designed to be malnourished and function well at the same time. The body loses its tissue as well as fat and it upsets the metabolism when in starvation mode. A healthy diet is balanced, calling for proteins, minerals and vitamins that come from vegetables, fruits, animals, dairy and whole grains. Any diet that does not call for sacrifice, exercise and patience is not worth the trouble or the money. An kiéng la vige hau ich d6i véi nhing ngudi tron tra. Vigc bat du mét iSi sng anh manh hon 88 dua ho trd lai véi voc dang cén d6i oda minh. Tuy nhién, vige 4n kiéng cing trd nén nguy hiém khi céc ché d9 n hifa hen s@ khign ban giém ccén mann mé trong mot khoding thai gian ngén. Dang &n kiéng chuyén bigt nay s8 ‘mang theo nhng hau qua nghiém trong d6i véi suc khde. Nhdng ché 49 an ki8ng theo tréo luu cam két Khién ban trd nén thon tha chi trong vai ngay rt nguy hiém. Kh con ngudi gidm én nhanh chéng bing céch ty bd d6ichinh minh thi he qua ti 18 1a khong thé tranh khdi. Co thé con ngudi khong dugc tgo ra dé vita bj thiéu dinh ‘dudng ma van c6 thé hoat dng t6t. Co thé sé bj mat m6 (cdc loai té bao) cing nhu ‘cht béo va lam dao In qua trinh trao d6i chét khi od thé 8 trong tinh trang déi. Mot ché 49 &n using anh manh phi dugc gid & mic cén bing, va né Adi hdl c6 cic chat dam, chdt khoéng, vitamin ti rau ob, tri cay, dOng vat, bd sila va ngi obo nguyén hat. Bat ky ché d6 &n kiéng ndo ma khéng cn dén sy hy sinh, tép luyén va ong kién nhdn déu khéng xing dang voi sy kho khan hay tién bac phai bé ra. 388 7 WEEK TOPIC HEALTH [lensteracrseraee rsemrere oe ened alae rotund [rev tand) dramatic [aro'motrk] interval [intevi] acute [eo kju:t] starving [sto:vin] inevitable [xn evitabl) malnourished Lmat'nanft] metabolism [mo 'taebalxzem] dairy Cdeori] sacrifice Usaekrafars} adj. tn tra, map map | was tapped on the shoulder by a rotund gentleman who asked what | was doing, [Mot ngui din dng map map v8 vo va iva hl dang lam gh ‘adj. manh mé, Kich th There was a dramatic ending to the novel which surprised ‘everyone who read it. Kétthde dy Kc tinh cia cub du thuy6t 48 gy bl mgd cho mo de gi 1. knading céch, khong thal gian Please jump over the hurdles twice in every thirty-second interval. (Cu knodng 20 olay ti nay nay qua rd hai én adj. se so, nghiém trong ‘The arrival of the pension credit makes the problem even more acute. ‘Sy xudt hin céa tin dyng hu tr thgm chi cbn Khim vn 6 te nn nghidm trong hon, adi. i, khao kat ‘The commercial on TV showed starving children in Africa as it asked for donations. ‘Boan quing cdo trén tid chu hin nh v8 nhng dad dang bj di Kha & chau Phi ki Kou gol quyén gop adj. khong thé tranh khdi, hin nhién Given her height, it was inevitable that she would bump her head on the door frame. Veichiéu cao cha cy vibe bi va du v8o khung cla a dig khéng thé trnh kd adj. bj suy dinh dudng More than 800 million people are chronically malnourished. Hen 00 ribu ngul dang bj suy dnh d¥dng man tn. 1, sy trao di chal, chuyén héa chat Ihave a high metabolism so | can eat anything | want without gaining weight. ‘Coté tio kh’ nang chuyén héa cht ca nn tc thé nb dh gi minh mus ‘ma kg b tng cn 1, san phdm tibo sia, noi tra va san xudt bo sda Milk and other dairy products may help strengthen our bones and teeth. ‘va co sin phdm ti sa kh 6 h8 gp lam che xuong v8 ng cla ching ta. v.hy sinh | absolutely refuse to sacrifice my weekend plans to babysit my little sister. Toi kin quySttch6ity sinh cc ké hogchcu6ituén cba minh dé tréng em gi. eT CM rac etre tiaTaetet Ci hunger 1. con di, sy 6 kha hv (r) Change) Qy_ In order to change our bad eating habits, we must relearn hat hunger feels lke, ‘8 thay al nhiang hd quan an ung x6, ching ta ph tim hu ll xem ‘cm gide d6i nhu thé nao, Unhealthy people fail to eat until their hunger is so ‘overwhelming that they are forced buy fast food. 'Nnang ng m yu kong dng cho 18 ki con dt nén qua ste cha

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