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10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE LAW USING A CREDIT CARD INSTEAD OF CASH HAPPINESS AND BEING RICH THE INCREASING PROPORTION OF OLDER PEOPLE THE BEST WAY TO INVEST IN YOUNG PEOPLE THE TREND OF SETTING AN EQUAL NUMBER OF FEMALES AND MALES AT THE WORKPLACE LARGE SHOPS HAVE REPLACED PRIVATELY-OWNED SHOPS MON IELTS BASIC WORDS interest [xntrest, -trest]_v. am cho quan tam, cha y ENG. to arouse the curiosity SYS. engross, fascinate ar Laws are made not only to interest people but to keep peace and order. LLuat php duge tgo ra khéng chi dé thu hii sy chi y olla moi nguéi ma cdn a8 duy tH hda binh va trat ty. The new bill held the attention of the conservative politicians. Dy uat mod thu hat sy chd y eda nhng chinh tr gia bdo th The new law caused the senators to become involved in the lawmaking. ‘Bigu ludt m6i di Khién cdc thuong nghi s ug tham gia vaoviéc lap php. The politician's lack of bills passed cause boredom to his supporters. Vie khong diy lust nao eda nha chin ti gia duge théng qua da Khién nhiong nqutt ing he 6ng tr nén chén nn, urn tbs:n}__v. chay, thigu a6 ENG. to destroy by fire SYS. blaze, flame a The new building law was passed when the City Hall burned to ashes. eae i ce ing a bs The cD by ad The City Hall went up in flames because of its noncompliance with the building law. ‘Toa thi chinh bj thie hu do Khong tun th lust xAy dng, The government became stricter with the building law since the City Hall has been ablaze. CChinh phi dtr nén khdt khe hon vi lugt xy dung ké thi Toa th chinh bc chy. If the City Hall complied with the building law, extinguishing the fire would have been easier. 'N6u Téa thi chinh tuan thi lu@t xy dung thl vigc dp Ida da tra nén d& dang hon. 10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE 2) enone » 86 sung ti vyng ca ban difficulty rastrkatti) n. sy knan ENG. something not easily done SYS. obstacle, hurdle ba: There is difficulty in carrying out laws if people do not agree and protest it. \Vidc thyc thi luat s@ vap phai khé khan néu ngudi dan khéng déng tinh va phan déi. = Making sure citizens follow the law 24/7 is a state of effort beyond anyone's capability. ‘Vig dim bao cdc céng dan ludn tuan this luat phap sudt 24 gid mi ngay va 7 ngay trong tuan la mot 1d lve vugt ngoai kha nang cia bat kj ai a After passing a law, protests and criticisms are an unwelcome burden to the legislator. ‘Sau khi dgo lugt dug théng qua, cc cube bidu tin va ng lich ch la mat gin ng khong ‘mong muén di véi nha tap phép. # Some legislators want freedom from hardship and refuse to pass controversial laws. [Mot vai nha ip phap muén trénh gap phai khé khan nén tl chdi théng qua nhing dao luat gay tranh ci [bersis] n.nén ting, co sé ENG. the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed SYS. premise, groundwork The basis of the recent anti-abortion law is basic human rights. Nén ting cia luat chéng ngo pha thal méi day la céc quyén co ban cila con nguts. a Owing to basic human rights, the anti-abortion law has been passed. 'Nhd céc quyén cg ban cla con nud ma dao luat vé chéng nao pha thai da duge théng qua. On account of the basic human rights, legislators amended the anti- abortion law. Vi cdc quyén ca ban cia con nguti ma nhng nha lap phap da sila d6i dao luat vé chéng nao pha thal. + That legislators argued that morality is an unreliable explanation for the passing of the anti-abortion law. ‘Che nha ap pha lp ludn ring dgo dc ka mot it gi khong ding tin cy cho vigc thdng qua ludt ‘ching ngo pha thal a 537 TOPIC The functions of the law TRANS Cc chic nang cia Wut php Public opinion on criminal justice has always been varied, though it has undergone a significant transformation in our lifetimes. For instance, only in recent history has international law evolved to define and punish mass violence against civilians like genocides and crimes against humanity. Support for long prison sentences as the primary tool in the fight against today’s crimes is waning, as most people reject punitive approaches to criminal justice. Instead, the public is now beginning to endorse an evenhanded, multifaceted solution that focuses on prevention and rehabilitation. More than in the past, the public believes we should be addressing the underlying causes of crime rather than the symptoms of crime. Harsh prison sentences, for both violent and non-violent felons, and capital punishment used to be the norm in many countries. Today, most countries strongly favor rehabilitation and re-entry programs over incapacitation as the best method of ensuring public safety. Y kin ca céng ching vé tu phép hinh sy lu6n rét da dang, di né da trai qua mot su thay di quan trong trong cue s6ng cia ching ta. Vi dy, chi dén nhGing nm gan day, luat phap quéc té méi phat trién dé xac dinh va tring tri nan bao lye hang logt nh&m vao dan thudng, c6 thé ké dén nhu tdi diét ching hay nhing t6i tac chdng Iai loai Ingudi. Sy ting ho danh cho cdc ban én ti dai han nhu mét thi! céng cy chinh yéu trong tran chién chéng 191 pham ngay nay dang dén suy glam, do phan lén ngudi dan khong chp thuan cdc bign phap triing phat cila tu phap hinh sy. Thay vao 6, hign cng ‘ching lai dang bat dau tan thanh mét gidi phap o6ng béing, da chigu va tap trung vao vige phong ngifa ofing nhu tai hda nhp cong déng. Hon véi truéc day, ngudi dan tin ring chung ta nén giai quyét nhiing nguyén nhan gc r& olla 161 Ac hon la cée du higu cca ching. Céc ban an ti tan nh&n, danh cho c& nhiing phgm nhan mac trong ti lién ‘quan dén bao lyc va phi bao lye, cling véi én ti hinh ting la diéu thug tinh tai nhigu nuéc. Ngay nay, hau hét cdc quéc gia déu manh mé dng hd nhing chuong trinh cai tao va tai hoa nhap hon la tude bé tu céch nhy mot bien phap t6i uu nim dam bao sy an toan cho cong déng. transformation [ traonsfo'merfn] genocide Casenosard] wane [worn] punitive Upju:notrv) justice Cdgastis) endorse {un'dos] multifaceted [malti faesttid] rehabilitation [rie batr'texfn) felon [felon] incapacitation [inkepesr'texjn] 10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE [2) 1 su bidn a6, thay di, WL xc She was impressed with Brandon's speedy weight loss transformation. 0 fy dA in tugng bOI sy 1H xAe cia Brandon sau Ki gin chm mot céch rnhanh chong, nian dit ching In the wake of the Cambodian genocides, tribunals were established, ‘aus nan it hing 3 Campuctia, ec ba An da. ge thin Kp ve suy gm, gm sit The number of honeybees in the world is waning quickly. ‘Lugng ong mat tn fone dang suy gil mt ech han chéng. adj. (nh) tring phat, Khe nghigt \'m seeking punitive action against the thief who stole my car. bi dang mong dg mot hanh dng tring pha vk da tim chide xo cba minh. cing hj, sUxet x The courts aim to administer justice as defined by the law. ‘Gitta an hung dn myc Hu hye thi cOng theo quy anh cia php hd tin thanh, ky pha sau (agin phiu) Could you please endorse the cheque before cashing it? ‘Quy krch co thé vui ing ky vo mat sau cia nganphidu tue Kh A sang tn smal dugeKhdng 9? ‘adj. da chidu, da dign There is no quick solution to this complex, multifaceted problem. ‘ng cgi phipnhanhchéng ndo cho wan dé da chu vd pha top ny 1n. sy/cdi tg0, qua trinh tdi hoa nap, phyc hdi chile ning The drug addict just started a three-month rehabilitation program. ‘Ga nghign ma tuy dy chi mdi bat ddu chuong trinh cai tg0 kdo dai 3 thang. ‘n. pham nhan mac trong t6i, 101 pham nguy hiém Six supervised felons were picking up garbage for ‘community service. ‘Sau tnt pharm nguybidm ph clu sy giém sét dang thu gom rc a8 phe ws ‘ogng déng.. fn. sytrudt quyén, tude bé tu céch Cutting off a thief's hand is one example of incapacitation. Vie oft a mgt bn tay cia tn rb vi dy cho sy tube Bd tu ich WORD TRAINING | ty prosecution [prosr'kju:fn] TAM RAT c NUE 1. skhait6, Ben nguyen, aguas kha 1S @y_ We have a legal system to uphold the law and ensure the prosecution of those that break it. ‘Ching taf mth thdng php 8 gia ln pt php va dim bio vige kn {Sng kB pham phap. ‘The prosecution grilled the witness to the point of tears, which | found completely unjust. Bn nguyn dra hb nn ching dn mac anh ta pal bat kde, va 6 thy chuygn 46 hoan adn King chinh dang, Reform of the prosecution function is an essential ‘component in any movement to eliminate unwarranted disparities and other injustices in our criminal justice system. ‘Vibe ei céch chile ning kha 6 8 mgt yu 16 tht yu trong bt et phong {rao nao nm x08 be nhng sy sal léch phi hy va cdc diém bat cng khac ‘rong he thing tu php hin sy cba ching ta The entire legal profession must play a significant role in requiring the highest standards of practice from the prosecution community in order to maintain justice in the legal system. “Todin b6 gi ugt su phai dim nh val te quan trong trong vie yéu cu ‘nhdng téu chun hanh ngh8 cao nha ti cong d&g nhdng ng Kha tS ‘nim du ttnh cdng bing trong he tng php W sentence [sentons] 1. phan quyét, ban 4n/ v. tuyén an a _We must sentence those found guilty under the law in order to maintain justice. ‘Ta phi uyén én ng kd bj ki theo php ut git gn obng Wy sentence was ordered by the judge based on the verdict of the jury. \Vithém phén 68 dua ra phdn quyét cya trén quy6t inh cia b6ithém doan, In every case involving an arrest for possession of narcotics, the prosecutor documents the race and criminal history of the defendant, including each plea offer made and the sentence advocated for. ‘Trong mol nding hap én quan tv bat gid do tang tr cht gly nghign, i.cOng 6 vibn du gh ting tin ching te van dn ea bj co, bao gdm citing you cu bao cha va phan quit cue tn than In law, a sentence forms the final explicit act of a judge- ruled process, and also the symbolic principal act, connected to his function, hoo Wut, mgt ban dn lim nn hanh dng 1 réng cu6l cing cba qué tinh thm phan ra phn quySt, va dd cng la hnh dong quan trong mang nh bidutuong 06 ign quan 1 chi tréch oa Ong. illegal frli:gl) Sen ee CT ce gj. bat hgp phap Qy_ There are growing concerns that this new law makes the act of supporting illegal. "gay can c6 nti lo nga vb vide dao ut mel ny s® gay ndn han dong ‘bean we cho nang han vi bt hgp php, ‘The functions of the common law system include dealing with federal offences like drug trafficking and illegal immigration. ‘Cc che ning ca h9 thdng thong lat bao g6m vigc gi qt nhang vu vi pam phép ug fp lin bang nu bud Ibu ma ty va np cu bt hgp phd. (8 some sort of amnesty for illegal immigrants policy and program were to be put in place, the significance would be considerable with millions of lives being affected. 'N6u o6 bc nh an x4 no cho chinhséch va chucng tinh di din bt hop php due dar, thy nghia cian 8 rt Kn ao vi Nang tigu ngubl ‘ang civ nh én. Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal psychoactive drug in the world and is often prescribed to cancer patients, making its illegality very controversial in some countries. ‘Gn salt lai chdt hutng thén bt hop phép due sit dung phé bign nhdt ‘én thé gi va thudng dugc ké cho cdc bgnh nhan ung thu, diéu nay kam né ra nhdng cute tranh c&i vé th phi phap cla n6 tel mol s6 qué gia. incarceration [nn ka:so'rerfn} 1. sy b8 ti, glam gid Qy_ The incarceration of criminals removes them from the Bé sung tw vyng co ban extend ftk’stend}v. md rng ENG. to stretch out over a distance, time, space, or scope SYS. broaden, continue ‘Some rich people find happiness when they extend a helping hand to the poor. Nhigu ngutigidu 6 tim thdy nim vul khi md réng ving tay gidp 40 nhdng ngue nghdo khé. 5 Rich people who share their blessings to the poor go farther in lfe. [Nhing ngub glu oébidt san s8 phude anh c¥a minh cho nguéi nghéo khé si tign xa hon trong cube sing. += Wealthy people must spread out their fortune wisely among the different aspects of their lives. [Nhng nguti giau c6 nn md rng khéi tai sén cia minh mot céch khén ngoan, cn 46% gida nhidu kia canh khéc nhau trong cuge séng cba chinh ho. + Once a wealthy person goes broke, sometimes they can no longer take it back and become unhappy about it. Khim ngués gid ob am vlo anh tng tay th di dc ho 88 ching thé no khién inh inh quay tr 4a duge nhc te va rd nén mun phn v8 iu y. SEFIOUS [stories] ad). nghidm trong ENG. grave in quality or manner ‘SYS. critical, crucial ‘The moral dilemma between being rich and being happy is a serious issue. Vin d8 dg0 dic nan gai gida vigc tré nén giau 06 va hanh phiic a mot vn d8 ‘nghiém trong. wy People develop an in-depth yearning to become rich and happy in life. ‘Con nguti ngay cing Khao khat minh lit hon d8 duge trd nén giau c6 va hanh phic trong cude séng. Being wealthy and finding out that one has no one to share it with is no laughing matter. ‘Vige s8 hdu nhiéu tén cla ma nhan ra minh chang of ai 48 cling san s8 né khéng phai la chuyén 48 dia oft. # Allthe riches in the world are not significant if one is unhappy in life. ‘Mol sy glu 0 trén trén thé gift déu ching cé ngha ly gi néu ngud ta thy bét hanh trong cuge sting. Ww WED EE TOPIC Happiness and being rich Hanh phic va giau 06 Despite the age-old pursuit of treasure, it is an often repeated axiom that money cannot buy happiness. While this proverb is indubitably true, poverty will not buy contentment either. Ideally, people should try to combine both prosperity and happiness. Secking the good life at a store is an expensive exercise in futility, for those who seek to fill their lives with material possessions often disregard the value of love and friendship. Compared with the happiness-increasing powers of human connection, the power of money looks feeble indeed. Unfortunately, riches are alluring, especially for those who have had a taste of it before, but a modest amount of money can go a Jong way with the right attitude. Real happiness comes when you have fulfillment and creative expression, you enjoy your work, you make other people happy, and you have meaning and purpose in your life. Mac cho nhu cu chay theo cla ol dé o6 tl rét lau réi, nguéi ta vn thuéng ne i nhac Iai chan ly “Tién bac Khong mua duge hanh phiic*. Nhung di cu tue ng nay o6 hhoan toan chinh xc di chéing nia thi nghéo khé cng chang mang Iai cdm ido man nguyén. Céch ly tung nhét, 1& con ngubi nén o6 géng két hyp sy thanh dat véiniém hanh phic. Kiém tim cudc sng t6t dep & mot olla tigm Ia vige lam dat 4 ma t6n cong V6 Ich, vi nhig ai o6 kép day cude s6ng cla minh bang nhing this cla cal vat chat thudng coi nhe gié tr ca tinh yéu va tinh ban. So val nhdng nguén ste manh lam tng ‘cam gidc hanh phic eta méi lin két gida ngudi véi ngudi, thi sue manh ciia déng tién lal thyc sy yu 6t. That khong may, tidn tai lai that cam dB, dc biet 1a d6i vél nang gudi J ting ném trai né trude day, nhung mot s6 tién vita pha Iai ob kha nang gidp ‘con ngudi tién xa voi mot thai d@ s6ng ding dn. Hanh phiic dich thyc s8 dén khi ban 66 duge sy hal long va sy thé hign sng tao, ban yeu thich cong vigc, khién ngudi khéc hanh phic va ban sng c6 y nghia, 6 myc dich trong dal. \ 40 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE B) pursuit 1 sy muy cu, theo dub, dud bt, chay theo [pe'sjust} The police car was in pursuit of the fleeing suspect. Chi xe ci sty 8 dub bt tn ngipham bd tr, treasure n. cia cai, chau bau [trego(r) Do you know where the buried treasure is located? ‘Anh c6 biét noi chon chau bau 8 dau khong? axiom in. cham ngén, chan ty [aksiom] Itis an historic axiom that history repeats itself. CO mot cau chdm ngon mang tinh lich si! ‘Lich si lubn lap la proverb 'n.tuc nga, cach ngon [provs:b] A proverb goes that a penny saved is a penny earned. [gu ta 6 cu tye nga ring "Gép gi than ba! (mat xu 48 dh cong fa mot xu ‘em dug) indubitably adv. r6 rang, chéc chén [in dju:brtabli) Two plus two indubitably equals four in base decimal number systems. “Trong h@ thap phan, 2 céng 2 che chén bang 4, contentment 'n. sy man nguyén, hai long {hon'tentment] James felt great contentment when he graduated from university. James da cdm thy v6 cing man nguyén khi t6t nghidp dai hoc. prosperity ‘n. sy thinh vugng, thanh fing [pro’sperot] wish you health, happiness and prosperity in your marriage. ‘Chic ban sé 6 duge sic khod, niém hanh phic va thinh cing trong cudc hén nhan cla inh, futility in. sy tn cfg v6 ich, khOng 06 tae dung ual) The humble realize the futility of trying to redeem themselves. 'Nhing ngudi cé than phn thdp kém nhan thay sy hoal cdng vo ich trong vigc e6 cai ‘thign hinh anh cla ban than. disregard \v.coinhe, khong 48 y dén [dtsrr'ga:d] Please disregard the man behind the curtain playing the movie. ‘Vuiléng ding 48 tam dn ngudt din dng chiéu phim 8 sau tém rém. alluring adj. cm dB, quyén ri [e'wortn} She wore a rather alluring shade of lipstick tonight. ‘COmnang da anh mt sc son khé quyén 10 wong bubi inom nay. WORD TRAINING | tuyentap sizdung tu vung qua vi du exhilaration 1. su phn khich, hanh phic, vui ve [ig .z110'rexjn) Qx_ With winning the lottery, people have initial bursts of exhilaration and buy unnecessary things. Khi tring x6 6, trudc tién nguti ta sé vd da trong hanh phic va sém sila mhdng thd kh6ng cén thiét, At first | would feel great exhilaration if | were rich, but it ‘wouldn't give me long-lasting happiness. “Trude tién 16 s8 cm thdy v6 cing phn khich nu minh langues giau e8, ‘hung riém hanh phic ma diéu dy mang Iai s& ch&ng di. (3 This consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in being wealthy, but we know that true exhilaration only comes from love in personal connections and accomplishments. Xai hdl iu ding ndy khién ta cim thdy hanh pha nm & sy giau ¢6, nhung chting ta cng bit rng hanh phi dich thye chi dn ts tinh yBu thung trong ‘¢c-m6i quan hd cé nhén va ti:nhdng thn ty. ‘Their happiness is not a shallow exhilaration where life revolves around money, but rather it comes from a deep sense of inner peace stemming from their lives having purpose. 'Nibm hann phic eda ng khong phi la sy vul v8 ndng can khi cube sng cu ay quanh déng tién, ding hen la n6 dB ty thdc stu s&c vé sy binh yén {rong tam hén xuat phat ti vibe sing 6 mye dich cia ho, gratification 1. suman nguyen, thod mn, hai fang Lgrastrfr'kex{n] gratification that of becoming rich overnight. [Ma hinh kim tythap nhm dn Khat vong la sy thda man ahd th rng ta 8B trdinén giau cb chl sau mgt dam. ‘The purpose of working is not to obtain wealth for our own gratification. ‘Myc dich cla vide di lam khéng phai la dé lam giau nh&m thda man chinh bn than minh. (3 What keeps most people from becoming rich is the habit of wanting instant gratification rather than making long- term goals and working hard to achieve them. idu ngain cn phén ln moi ngudi tr nén gidu c6 Fa th6l muéa duge thda man trong giay lat thay vi dat ra nhdng myc tiéu dai han va lam vige cham chi 8 dat dugc ching, You may feel a deep sense of gratification as a result of your hard work, but in order to feel true happiness, you ‘must share your wealth with those less fortunate. ‘Ban cf 16 88 ¥ thie sau so dugc sy man nguyén la KSt qu’ cia su siéng ‘ning, nhung 8 cim thy thye sy hanh phic ti ban phai chia s® cba cBi cha minh cho ning ngudi kém may man hon. Sy Ae vandal ['veondi] 1. k& pha hoai céc céng tinh cng cdg, kB pha hoai tai sén cla ngudi khae Qy_ The vandal took advantage of my forgetfulness and e entered my front door, stealing my riches. Ke pha hoal dg dung tinh hay quén cia 16 va di vio bling cia rude, yd nhidu ta sin eda cat He admitted to targeting mansions when he was a vandal because mansion owners were too wealthy. Han tha hg vie ting nhém myc tid vo cbc ng6i bgt thy kh cn & mgt tn phd hog sin do nhng ngui 6 hd ching qué giau 6, ‘My wealthy neighbor complained that after the vandal painted graffiti on the side of his brand new Ferrari, he no longer felt happy about life. [Ngudi hang x6m gia o6 cia to than phién rng sau khi tén pha hoal vB graft l8n mot mal cla chic Ferrariméttoanh cba minh thi anh ta thdy trén {6% ching c6 gi vu thi nda, The rich person suffers from excessive fear and worries. because of feverish greed, so she locks her treasures up for fear that a robber or vandal will destroy them, Now phy nd glau ob dy dang phi chiu nBi so hai va fo léng qué’ mic bai tong tham sbi sye, do vay ba ta kha cdc. mén a6 vang bac chau bau cia ‘minh li vito ring mt én trdm hay ké phé hoal s8 pha hy ching, anonymity [.wne'nimeti] in. sy nic danh, n danh, gidu tén, v6 danh, khong duge biét dn x _ Poor people may not have mansions full of expensive possessions but they do have the benefit of anonymity. gut nghBo eb thé Khdng 3 hd cc cn bit thy chia dy nndng ca ci dat tién, nhung ho Iai dug hudng It vig chang may ai biét dén. People living in rich countries are much happier than those living in anonymity in poor countries. Nhng al sing & ce nude gidu men 88 henh phd hon niu so v6inhng nguti vb dan & cc nude ngho kn From the anonymity of their home computers, the millionaires wrote responses not only their net worth and, ‘sources of wealth but also their innermost hopes, fears, and anxieties. “Tytal khodn nc danh 8 nhdng chiéc mAy tinh fp tai nh, c&e tigu pha 4 vist ranndng cu trai Khng chi v6 gid yt sin rong va nguén gc cba ci cla bain than ma cén c& v8 nhdng hy vong,nBi sg hava lo lng trong thdm tim minh, The lottery winner opted for anonymity and asked that his win not be published in newspapers or celebrated by the retailer. gud ring x8 6 fy d8 chon céch gidutén va ybu cu nd ban 1 Khong cfingb6 vig anh tring gla rn bao chi hay 6 chic an ming. 587 RELATED WORDS | 53 chase 1n. sy theo dudi pursuit Dean ec detection rn. sydd fim: pursuit Despite the age-old pursuit of treasure, it is an often {pe'sju:t] repeated axiom that money cannot buy happiness. ‘Mac cho nhu cu chay theo cila cai d4 6 tis rét lau r6i, nguds ta van thuding nhde dinhdc lai chan ly "Tién bac khong mua dugc hanh phic’, quest lam on a deep sea quest to find treasure because Ikwest] finding money makes me happy. “T0i dang thy hin nim vy truy ling @ ving bién sau d8 tm Kho bau vi vge im thay tin kin 16 cm thdy hen phic. hunt Many people believe that money can buy happiness so thant] they spend their lives hunting for treasure. 'Nhidu nguai tin ring tién c6 thé mua duge hanh phi, vi vay ho danh c& cuge di 8 sn fim kho bau. chase If you like the chase after treasure, you probably believe [ters] that money can buy happiness. \Néu ban thich dugi theo a cai chau bau, th hn la ban tin ring tién 06 thé mua dug hanh phic detection This machine's purpose is the detection of money and [dr'tekjn} other treasures buried deep in the sand. Mia een cella chide may nay la db tim ra tidn va cdc loal bau vat khdc bj chon sau rong cal. material civilisation illegal possession rnén vn minh vat chat sy chiém hu bat hop phap 4 material possession Grey material prosperity worldly possession ‘sy phén vinh vé vat chat cia cai tran thé material possession —_The world that we live in is entirely obsessed with [mo 'trerial po'zefn] material civilisation [ma 'trarial_srvelar'zerjn) material prosperity [mo 'trarial pro’sperati] illegal possession [°li:g! po'zefn} worldly possession ['wa:ldli pa'zefn) the acquisition of material possessions. “Th& gidi ma ching ta dang s6ng hoan toan bj dm anh vei vigc Kiém ra cia cai vat chat. Within the material civilisation observed, there was a unique focus on attaining possessions. ‘Trong nén van minh vat chdt ma ching ta quan sat duge, con ngudi chi 8p trung vao vide gianh Idy cla cai, America’s 1920s sports heroes and national icons came out of the country's celebration of material prosperity. ‘Gée ngub hing thé thao va bidu tuzng qué gla vo nhng nam 1920, cea Mj xudt hi a8 &n ming sy phn vinh v8 vat chat cha dit nude. As he was a convicted felon already, the additional charge of illegal possession imprisoned him for life. Vi hn vén 4 bj két n la k& pham trong ti, nén thém ti danh chim ‘hu bat hyp phdp da khign han phai s6ng trong ti suét dé. To live a truly austere life, one must give up all of their worldly possessions. 1B s6ng mot cue ddl thye sy khé hanh, ngubi ta phai ti’bd moi thi oda cdi trn thé cla minh, THU eee; IELTS BASIC WORDS influence Cinfuens)_ v. anh hutng ENG. to have and exert effect ‘SYS. persuade, control a Having more elders in the community influence how the government enforces its laws. Vige gia tang s6 ngudi cao tudi trong céng déng anh huding tdi céch chinh phi thyc thi phap luat. The approval of senior laws bear upon the proportion of elders in the community needing it. ‘Vide phé chudn luat vé ngudi cao tudi én quan tit) 1@ ngudi gid trong cong déng cdn dén nd. ‘The forum touched on the issues faced by the growing number of elders in ‘the community. Din dan dy da dé cp tdi cdc van dé phai d6i mat do s6 lugng ngudi cao tudi dang ngay céng tang. The increasing number of seniors has no effect on the employment rate of the city. ‘S6 ngudi cao tuBi ngty cng gia tang khong gay anh hung 1671 cdg an vibe fim eda thanh ph. key [ki:] adj. then chét, chinh yu ENG. serving as an essential component SYS. major, fundamental 0 0 Serving the elders is a Key responsibility of the government. Vige phyng dudng ngudi cao tudi lé trach nhiém then chét clia chinh phi. The increasing number of elders is the main cause of increasing government health cost. ‘S6 ngubi gid ting 18 nguyén nan chin dB 11 sy Gia tng chi phi 6 cba chinh phi. Caring for elders bear great significance in promoting values to the society. Vide cham sdc ngubi cao tubi cb y nghia Kan trong vide 46 cao cae gi tr cho x8 hd Having poor senior citizen programs put New York only second best to Florida. Vie cé ning chueng tn dh cho nau Kn tu chat eng tap dt Now York chi 8th sau Ford 10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE 2) > B6 sung tU vung co ban Tange trends} _n. pam vi, t4m ENG. the limits within which something can be effective SYS. Ii it, extent The age range of living senior citizens in our city is from 60 to 102. Ngubi cao nién & thanh phé ching ta c6 pham vi d9 tudi la tu 60 dén 102, The inclusive scope of the senior citizen law benefits those aged 50 to 100. Pham vi bao ham cia lvat danh cho nguti cao nign s8 mang Ia ot ch nhdng al rong 4 tuéi ti 50 6n 100. The minimum to maximum parameter by which seniors receive benefits are determined by the law. Han mic 481 ngd 161 thidu dn 16 da ma ngues gia duge hung 4 duge phép luat quy dinh. The absence of limits pertaining senior citizen benefits will generate protests and general chaos. Vibe khong 6 ca han mic vé dai ngb danh cho ngubi cao tubi 88 gay ra nhng cube bidu tinh va finh trang hén loan nbi chung dISCUSS [41'skas}_v. thio luén ENG. to speak with others about something SYS. debate, review a The issue on the growing number of senior citizens was discussed in the senate meeting. ‘Vn dé gia ting $6 lugng ngudi cao tuéi da duge thao luan trong cudc hop thugng vign. ‘The senator hashed out with the rest the plans he has for the increasing seniors. ‘Vj thugng nghi si Sy da ban bac véi nhing ngudi con Iai vé céc kB hoach ma Ong thiét lap d6i véi tinh ‘trang gia tang s6 lugng ngubi cao tudi. The problems on the growing senior population were talked over many times but remain unresolved, Cc vn 48 v8 gia tang dn 36 cao u6i da duge ban lu nh kn nhung vn chua gil quyét duge Some people keep mum when the issue on senior population comes up. ‘Mot s6 ngudi git im lang khi van dé vé dan 6 cao tudi duge dua ra. 561 THU ee TOPIC. The increasing proportion of older people Gia tang f) 18 ngubi cao tus Population ageing was for the most part a worldwide trend of the twentieth century. As older individuals continue becoming a proportionally larger share of the total population, concerns are amassing about the long-term viability of intergenerational social support systems to ensure the well-being of all generations. This is not the only quandary associated with having a maturing population. With more people living longer, retirement, pensions and other social benefits tend to extend over greater lengths of time. This means that social security systems must change substantially in order to remain effective. Increasing longevity can also result in rising medical costs and increasing demands for health services, since older people are typically more vulnerable to chronic diseases. That being said, given the epidemic of obesity and miserable economic prospects amongst the young, increased life expectancy could be a short-lived phenomenon. FA S¥.914 hoa dan s6 nhin chung fa xu thé toan c4u cba thé KY 20. Khi nhng ngudt 1én =. tubi tiép tyc chiém ty 1 tuong di ngay cang I6n trong téng dan s6, thi ce méi quan “ S z rigai céng thém tich ty v8 kha nding tén tal lau dai cla cdc h@ théng hb trg xa hdl gida nhiéu thé h@ nh&m dm bao phic Igl cho tét c&. Bay khdng phai fa van dé nan gidl duy inhdt ign quan dn dan s6 gia. Cung véi vige ngay cang cé nhiéu ngudi sng lau hon, thi nghl huu, Iudng huu va cdc phic Igi xa hoi khdc o6 xu huéng kéo dai han. Bigu nay 66 nghia la céc hé théng an sinh x4 hdi phai thay d6i dang ké dé duy tri higu qua. Vigo t&ng tudi the cGing c6 kha nang [am t&ng chi phi y té cing nhu cau vé dich vy cham 6c suc khde, do nguii cao tudi d& bj nhim cdc benh man tinh han. Tuy nhién, can ‘ct vao nan béo phi va nhiing vin canh kinh té nghao nan trong gidi tra, viée tudi tho trung binh duge nang cao cé thé chi fa m6t hign tugng nhat that ma thei. amass [o'mas] viability [vara'brlati] intergenerational Lanta, dgens'rerfonl] quandary [kwondori] mature {me'tjua(e)) Pension Cpenfn} longevity llon'dsevati] vulnerable Cvainorabl] epidemic Lepr demzk] phenomenon [fe'nominen) 10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE Vetch dy, tic ty, lam gla ing James spent twenty years amassing his collection of stamps. James di danh 20 nim dé tich luj bd suu t4p tom cia minh. 'n. kha nang t6n tai, ning Iyc sinh t6n, tinh kha thi The viability of the new product was tested before use. Tinh kh thi da sn phim mei ny 68 duge Km nghig tute kis dung. adj. gida cac thé hé, bao gém ho§e xay ra gida nhiéu thé ho My grandmother, mother, and | live in an intergenerational household, ‘Ba 10i, me 10i va 151 sng trong mdt gia dinh da thé hd. ‘natin thé kh x, vn dé nan gid These findings clearly pose a quandary for council members. Nndng phat hibn ny 1 rang dang dat ra m@t tinh thé kN x cho cdc than vidn trong Hi db. ¥. trading than, 8 nén chin chin He is maturing much faster than his sister did. ‘Chang trai y dang trudng thanh nhanh hdn nhiéu so véi chi cla minh, 1. lung huy, tidn tro op My grandfather receives basic state pensions of £105 a week. (Ong ti nh&n dug khodn tién hut tri co ban a 105 bang Anh méi tuén, rn. tudi tho, sy trudng tho Quitting smoking could increase the longevity of your life! ‘Vic bé thuéc Id c6 thé gilip tang tudi tho cla ban! ‘ag dB bj nh hung, tn thuong The elderly are vulnerable to the sedative effects of these drugs. [Nut cao tudi dé bj anh hudng bdi cdc téc dyng gidp lam an than cia nhdng logi thu6e nay. 1. ben dich, sly lan, nan dich The first case of the foot-and-mouth epidemic was reported in England, Ca dau tién ca bénh dich 1b mém long méng 4 duge ghi nh§n tai Anh. 1. hign tugng ‘There is an unexplained phenomenon reported in connection with UFO's. gutta bao cdo met hiéntugng khdng thé gil hich Han quan te UFO. WORD TRAINING alarm 1. hi chuéng cdnh béo, sy béo dong, néi fo ng, sy hong hdt \ . ae @q_ The alarm bells are sounding as too many elderly people are living in denial, dismissing symptoms of dementia. NNhng hai chudng cdnh bo dang vang ln do rt niu nguds cao tuél dang phi nhgn va xem nhe cdc tru chung eta bent sa sit tte, Companies are improving the alarm volume on their smoke detectors so that the ageing population can hear them. ‘Géc doanh nghigp dang al hign am luong bo dong trén thst bi phat hign hi ning ngui ca tub c6 thé nghe thy ching. (@ There is cause for alarm with an older population, as ‘spending pressures in areas such as health care and elderly benefits are projected to intensify. (C6 mét nguyén nhan cho sy bdo dng id tinh trang dn 36 ngay mot gi 4, & ki nhng sie trong vige chi ré cho céc inh vyc nhu chm sé y 6 va phic Ig cho nguti cao tub duge dy dod s8 ga tang, Upcoming changes to the old age security plan aren't public yet but they are already causing alarm in many provinces, particularly those with a higher population of elderly citizens, [Nhng thay i sp 116 vl K6 hogch an sinh cho ngubs cao tub vn chua {ge cng b6 nnung ii dang lam dy ln n6io lng ta niu inh than, Ge bit la 6 nhang wing ob f¢ ngut in tub cao hn demographic —_ adi. (thuéc) nhan khdu hoo, théng ké nan kg [deme grentrk] The increasing number of elderly people reflect the demographic change in this city. Sy gia ting s6 lugng ngudi cao tudi cho thdy sy thay d8inhén Kd hoe ta than phé nay. Population ageing arises from two demographic effects: increasing longevity and declining fertility. Tinh trang gia héa dan s6 phat sinh tif hal tac dong lién quan dén nhan khdu ge: 6 ai hg tng va kh nag sinh nd idm. (3 The full economic consequences of the demographic shift faced by many countries depend on how a nation’s individuals, families, and governments plan for and respond to population aging. ‘Moi hu qua kinh 16 ty sy thay d6i nn kndu gc ma nhiéu quéc gia dang [phdi d6i mat phy thude vao cach ma cdc cd nha, gia dinh va chinh phi ca ‘mot nude xy dung k8 hogch va ing phé veitinh trang gia héa dan s6. The most obvious effects of aging populations are on health care, jobs, and housing, but policymakers also need to focus on the broader impact of the demographic shift ‘on national economies. Nhdng tée dng 18 rt ht cba tinh trang gla ha din s6 thé hign 3 mang cham séc si kno, vigc lam va ché 8, tuy nhién ce nha haach inh chish sich cling cn tgp trung vio téc dng réng in hon dé t sy thay dé nhar kind gc vei nénkinh 18 qué gia 564 Spesingtanna witrotane@ | compassion 1. long tréc an, sy thong cam (kom' pa] QB We must have more compassion for elderly people in the workforce given our aging population. Cin ta ph danhnhidu sy huang cm hon cho nang ngubi in tl rong Ie ung lao ding kh x6 dn vig dn 6 dang bi git hoa. Whichever party forms the next government will be challenged to provide care with compassion to an aging population. Bt cd ding no than lip chinh ph Kp du 88 gp théch the v6 vido pai mang dn sy chm s6c vi ling tr dn cho nn dn $6 dang ngay mot gi (@ Each year, more and more women are diagnosed with ‘cancer in our region due to factors like earlier detection, an aging population and population growth, so increased compassion is needed. 'MBi nm gi cing c6 niu phy bj chn don mée benh ung thu tl Khu ‘we cba ching ta do cdc yu i nhu phat hig Bénh som hon, dn sb gid 1a ating dn 6, vay ta en dn aid sy tung cdm vain hon. With many people blaming the ageing population for the financial burden on younger generations and the mounting high youth unemployment rate, we are forgetting to have compassion for the elderly. li hing cl gn ing i chi rn vlc th 8 {8 thdt nghigp tang cao 6 gi tr la ISI ca sy gia héa dan s6, ta dang quén di “vig phai co long tre n d6i vd ngudl Kin tu6l, welfare 1 phic Ii fo Leas) Qy_ Older people have more health problems and require more care to ensure their welfare. Nati cao tu gp mid vin dv se no vi i nlp dug chim se niu hon dé dém bio phic ea he. Medical advances ensure we all ive longer, but as the population ages, we must worry about our welfare. Cc tin bp vy hoe gp dim bo cho tt cd ml ngub du duge sng lau han, tuynhién do din s6 ga i, nn ching ta phd lo ling v6 pho Il cba chish minh, {8 As the population ages, young workers must toil longer and harder to support an increasing number of retirees, with many young workers having to rely on social welfare as well, Ki dn 6 gia, cc lao ng tu ph lim vig rong khong tan dll va vat vl han of 8 trg cho 86 ngusngh huu dang ngay mot gia ting, lig nid ao ing 8 cing bude phi huge vo phic x8 hh To ensure the welfare of the nation during its current aging demographic trend, we must adjust immigration policies to attract young, skilled workers. 16 dim bo nguén phic Io cho 4 nude trong xu hudng gid ha nn Khu in nay, ching ta phi diy chinh cA chinh sch ningp cu th hit ning gua iao dng td tdi vl lanh ng 565 RELATED WORDS | erg permanence endurance 1. SY¥.06 dinh, du dai 1. sy kéo dai, sy nhin nai longevity ond durability fortitude 1. sy ving vang, sy ving chic 1. sie chiu dyng bén bi longevity Increasing longevity can also result in rising medical lon dgevati] costs and increasing demands for health services. \Vigc tuéi tho tang cing cé kha nang lam tang cc chi phi y 8 cing nhu céu vé dich vy cham sc suc kno. permanence It seems that rising medical costs have reached a level St ‘of permanence as a result of government sanctions. (C618 vie tang chi phy 16 8 dat dén mic o6 dinh do sc nh chin phi. durability 1am looking for a medical services office that shows Ldjuoro'brlati] durability in these hard times. ‘Toi dang tim mot phong kisim cung cp dich vy y 16 thé hign su vOng che c@ trong ning th dim Kho Khan nth nay. endurance In my opinion, rising medical costs have more endurance [an'‘djvorans} than the temper of people having to pay them. ‘Theo tdi, vig t&ng chi phi y 16 cdn kéo dai thém sy thinh nd ca nhdng ngudi phal chit ching. fortitude It takes a lot of fortitude to work in the medical and [forttju:a) health services industries. Nau te pphai cé sifc chiu dyng bén bi dé lam vige trong ede nganh dich vy y 18 va be amo.) ia een PR housing benefit tg cp nha social equality bbinh ding xa hoi lfer lrg peu Q wa _ social convention maternity benefit tyc xa ho {tg cp tha sin social benefit Work incentives, like social benefits, are often a [ soup ‘benrfrt] result of the nationalization of enterprises. ‘Nhng dng yc th thic con nqua im vide, nu phic lex Nd, thutng la két qua cia qua tinh qué hu héa doanh aghigp. social equality The idea of economic freedom and social [seuflkwolati] equality is old, but the struggle for economic freedom is new. Yung v6 ty do inh 16 va Bian ding xd hoi 6 tH au a, hung ‘cude du tranh cho ty do kinh té Il la mgt diéu mdi me. social convention Freedom of expression has always been ['soufl kon'venjn] restricted by established social conventions, though artistic techniques are appreciated. ‘Sy ty do ngén ludn luén bj han ché bal cdc tyc Kp xf hi co ti Iau di, bat chp vige ng ky xo nghd thud dang duge dinh gi cao. housing benefit If people apply for housing benefits, they can Chavzin ‘benstit] expect that their rent would be subsidized. Néu nguti dan dang ky xin trg cp nha 8, ho cd thé ky vong vo vide ‘duge trg cdip tién thud nha. maternity benefit In 1984, maternity benefits were unfortunately {mo 'ts:noti ‘benrfat} eliminated for women having a third child. |Vao nim 1984, that dang tie khi cdc khodin try cifp thal san danh cho phy nd sinh con thi ba da bj xoa bd. 567 FRI — | IELTS BASIC WORDS respond [rr’spond] _v. phan ting, hung Ung, dap ung ENG. to show reaction to something SYS. react, answer The best thing about investing in young people is that they always respond positively to projects. ‘Bidu tuyét nhét khi dau tu vao nhéing ngudi tré tudi la ho luén huéng Ung céc dy an mt céch tich yc. Make sure you say something to help the approval of the project benefitting the children. ‘Cau nnd inh phi nd iu gid 48 gp phe duyét dy én mang lle ich cho iB em nay nh The president's reply to the young people's complaints is a promise to invest more on them, Vi tdng théng dép Iai nhng 1 than phién ca gid r® bing mot lei nda v6 vige $8 ddu tu vio ho nhigu hon. + Ifwe remain silent, the government will decrease the investment it allotted for the youth. Néu ching ta van git lang, chinh phi 68 gldm mue du tu d& duge phn b8 cho gidi tré. innate trnex)_ adi. bém sinh ENG. possessed at birth SYS. inborn, natural It is innate for parents to invest in the best education for their children. \Viée cdc bac phy huynh dau tu cho con nén gido dyc t6t nhat la diéu hién nhién. 5 For some, it is in their blood to graduate from the best Ivy League universities. 188i vdi mot s6 ngubi,vigc 161 nghigp cdc tung dai hoe hang déu thudc kh ivy League la dibu thuge yéu 6 bm sinh, 5 Overachieving is an inherited trait among young people so their parents invest in their education. ‘Vide hoe gidi han so véi sy ky vong olla nguél kha Id mt dc tinh di truyén trong gid tr, do vay cdc bie phy huynh thudng du tu vao vide hoe cba con ho. # Some parents invest in their children's non-academic activities instead because a lot is learned through experience. ‘Thay vo 46, mot s6 bac phy huynh ll du tu vo cdc hoat dng ngoal khéa cia con minh vi cc em 8 ge dugc rt nhigu didu thong qua trai nim. ae 10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE [2) > B6 sung ti vung co ban Natural Cnatjrot) adj. tynhign ENG. existing in or formed by nature SYS. pure, raw a Most parents nowadays go for only natural products for their young children. Phan In cdc bac phy huynh ngay nay déu chi Iya chon nhiing san phdm ty nhién ccho con tr. Parents feed only healthy foods free from artificiality to their young children. ‘Cate biic phy huynh chi cho nhiing dia con nhd ca minh &n nhing loai thyc phdm t6t cho suc khoe vv khang 68 chat nha tgo, Most products today manufactured for the young are chemical-free. Phan iin cac sén phém dugc sin xudt danh cho gid tré ngay nay déu khong chia chét héa hoc. The powdered milk some parents give their children are contrived artificially and not spontaneously found in nature. Logi sa bot ma mot s6 be phy huynh cho con em ung duge tao ra theo Kigu nan tao va Khong ‘thd ngdu nin tm thd ching trong ty nhié. Safe [serf) adj. antoin ENG. secure from evil, harm, or danger SYS. protected, secure ‘Some parents go the extra mile to keep their children safe at home. Mét s6 bac phy huynh dic biét o6 gang dé gid cho con cai ho duge an toan khi & nha. Parents invest in anything that frees their children from risks of injury or harm. Céc bac phy huynh sé dautu vao bat cl di8u gl glip bao ve con ho khdi nguy cd bj thucng hay tén hal Some install alarm systems in their homes, making their children immune to attack. (Mgi s6 ngubi cai d&t hé théng bao dong tai nha, 48 con ho tranh khdi nhdng vu tén cong. The parents that neglected to invest in their children’s safety rendered their children liable to hurt. 'Nhdng phy huynh the 6 véivige déu tu cho sy an toin cla con tr da Khién cc em e6 nguy co bj thuong tén. 569 FRI TOPIC The best way to invest in young people ch t6t nat a8 du tu vo gt tr ‘The vast majority of the world’s young people live in developing countries. While some receive a superior education and can look forward to decent jobs and rewarding lives, too often, young people lack the education, freedom, and opportunities they deserve. When the youth lack opportunity, they are more easily led to felonies and violence, drugs, and the slippery slope to the bottom of the social scale. This is why investing in the younger generation is so imperative. We could do so much more simply by revolutionizing the education system to include skills and vocations, and respecting the fact that a mechanic, hair dresser, and chef are every bit as important to our society as any other profession. One way countries could progress is providing gratis university education to adolescents, Economic crisis aside, investing in young people will pay great dividends for all. Bai da s6 nhing ngudi trd tui trén thé gidi sinh s6ng tai cdc nuéc dang phat trién. Trong khi mot s6 ngudi nhan dug nén giéo duc xudt sd va c6 thé mong dgi nhang ‘cong &n vige lam dang hoang hay cude s6ng hau ich, nhung thudng thi lal cé nhiéu ban tré thiéu hoe thie, sy ty do va co hoi ma hg dang duge hudng. Khi cdc ban tré thigu co h@i, ho dB bj 161 kéo vao nhing ti dc nghiém trong cing véi bao lyc, ma tiy, va trugt déc xudng day cia néc thang xa hoi. B6 [a ly do vi sao vige dau tu vao thé he {rd lal r&t ofp bach. Ching ta 66 thé lam vigc nay don gin han nhigu bang viéc eéch mang héa h@ théng gido dyc bao gém cde kj ning va day nghé, déng thai ton trong sy that ring mot ngudl thy may, thg et téc hay du bép cting cé vai trd quan trong véi xi hdl nhu bét cul nghé nghiép nao khée. Céch gitip at nudc 06 thé phat trién la cung ep nén gido dyo dai hge min phi cho thanh thiéu nién. Gat cudc khiing hoang kinh 16 sang mOt bén, vide dau tu vao céc ban tr8 s8 mang Iai la lai cho tt c& moi ngubl. developing [dr veloprn) superior [su:'prorio(r)] felony [feloni] generation [.dgeno'rerfn} imperative [am’peratzv] revolutionize Lreve'lu:fenazz] vocation [vau'kerjn Progress {pre’gres) gratis Cgreotrs) dividend [dividend] 10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE By ad). dang phat ién Some developing nations are suffering because of the economic crisis. Mo 6 qu6e gia dang pwn dang chi cn Kn dn hing odng kin adj, xudt she, cao op The purse | bought is superior to the one you purchased Chie vt mua cao cp han ima cbu shim by. 1.191 nghidm trong, rong ti James was convicted of six felonies, including theft and arson. James bn v6 1 de nghidm rng, bao gm tf cfp va phéng ha nths ng The older generation thinks that many youths today are spoiled. Th cha ahdng ng ul non cho ring niu ban unig nay that hg. ‘adj. c6p bach, bit buge Itis imperative that you listen to your father's advice. Ban be ph tngnghe i khuyn ca cha minh \ ch mang héa, tora cuge ch mang ‘The Internet is revolutionizing the way we shop for electronics, Inlet dang tgo nn cue cdch mang v8 phueng thie mua sim A dig td cha ching 1 thin hung (v8 cng vig, 18 sng), nghé nghiep ‘Sam is qualified to work in many vocations, including firefighting. Sam cé a bu chudn 6 am vite tong nhibu ngbnh ng, tong db bao gém cd gin cha chy. ve phattidn She used her accounting knowledge to progress their business practices. (60 68 cng kn tc vk odn ea min pt win phuong the Knn doanh coh adj. mién phi Scrambled eggs were served gratis at the restaurant to patrons. 'Mé trang be (ring Khu) dug pyc wy ibn phi cho nhng vi Khéch Rang than ‘rt nh hg. 1.08 tie, 8 The directors are pleased to recommend handsome interim dividends. (Ce v gi vi ming gl iu v ang Khon of tam tot hin om WORD TRAINING | tuyéenteps IAs h Me luxury 'n. syxa xl, xa hoa [lakjari] Q Buying a home is both a major investment and a luxury that parents should help young people pay for. ‘Vige mua nis wa lal mgt Khodn du t rt fon vua a met elu xa xi ma, rang bac lim cha mg nén gp cA ban tr chit We should invest in the education of young people rather than shower them with luxury. hing nn to nn ge deb get fon cho v8 sé hang xa. By targeting the youth population in India, retailers will be investing in the future as they will be able to influence and create loyalty in luxury products from the start. (Cc nha ban Fé 88 ddu ty cho tuong lai bing cc nfm dn di tugng La rng ngud rd tl tal An Bd, do ho e6 kha nang gay nh hung va tao «yng long tung hanh vB ning sén phdm xa x ngay th idm ban dau Schools are now struggling with budget cuts in digital media and digital literacy, both worthy investments in the youth being looked upon as a luxury as opposed to a necessity, ign cde trutng hee dang vat Ign val vig edt gldm ngin sch cho trayén thong kj thud s6 va ning We sl dung cde nn tang thud 6, va 8 hal khodn du tu 0 gid ti cho gi tr8 nay duge xem la ci xa x va trl nguge ‘él nhu eu tit yu cba cube ng e altruism nichis ‘zltrurzem} C I} & e 572 nigh vi tha, long vitha Itis a form of altruism to invest in a child, as they cannot afford to invest in themselves. ‘Vic du tu cho tré em [a mét hinh thdc thé hign lang vi tha, do céc em ing oa end ning dy Buty cho chin bn thn minh, | believe in the altruism of hiring young offenders and helping them reform. “Taitn vao long vj tha trong vige thué nhng pham nhén ir tudi va gidp ho itz. Giving alms to the poor is often considered an action in altruism in many cultures, so since young people are just starting out financially, we should invest in them. Béi vi nhiéu nén van héa thi vige bé thi cho ngudi nghdo thuding duge coi la anh dng vj tha, do vay khi cdc ban tré chi mdi bat dau ty Ive vé tai chinh, ‘ching ta nén du tu cho ho. The altruistic concer for human welfare and advancement ‘can be taught to young people through investments in their name towards philanthropic companies, products and services, ‘Sy quan tam dy vi tha di vol phic ova sy phat trén cla con gues cb thé ‘duge day cho cc ban tr thdag qua nhing khodn dau ty én danh nghia efathe cho econ yin pm va och w ti. budget [oAdsit) ‘Speaking training Sz Writing training (@ 'n. ngan sach, ngan quy X eo In the current budget, we can see that the youth is definitely not a priority, Voi nguén agi sich hin nay tab thé thay rng Oi rch: chin Khng pai d6itueng duge wtb, The family's monthly budget only allows them to dine in a fine restaurant once a month. Nn guy Ring thing cia gia nh ny hi cho phe ding ba tt aha Masia nati Higher education in the context of research and innovation ‘was paramount in the government's latest budget, but students and youths seeking greater financial aid were otherwise left in the dark. “Trong b6i cn nghin cWu va di mei, gido dye dai hgc cb tam quan trong ‘hang du 461 v6i nguén ngan sch gén day cia chinh phi, nhung mat khac ‘nhdng ban sinh vin va thanh nin mudn tim kiém sy hé trg Kin hon vé mat taichinh i dang bb ret rong bong 1. The budget showed a commitment to giving young people the opportunities they deserve through funding programs that benefit large numbers of young people at a reasonable cost. Nguéa ngan sich nay 48 thé hign cam Két s8 mang dén cho nhdng nguti tr tabi cd noi ma ho ng ding duge nhdn théng qua ede chuong tinh tro gdp ich cho rt tid an rd i mot mc gid hop satisfaction [ saetrs faek{n] 1. sy nai ing, man nguyen X The rich derive little satisfaction from purchasing expensive items but gain much from investing in their children. 'Nhdng ngu gidu 6 gn nu kndng cm thy hai Kg Ki mua cdc man 6 <8 hung alt mn nguyén kt du ty cho con cba minh, Even if you don't have money to invest in the youth, you can have satisfaction in mentoring them. gy ci ki Kong cin 48 duty cho gt, th ban cing cb thé elm thy ty ha tng kt vn cho ho. Our volunteers receive training and support, along with the deep satisfaction of knowing they are making a real difference in the lives of young people. Ca tinn nguyén vitn ca ching 16 du dupe do tao vt hb tg, cing voi sy hal ing sue ki bit fing ng dang thyc su ao nén sy Khac bgt trong cube 860g cha git. In supporting our company, you are investing in our ability to connect even more students to deeper learning engagement, satisfaction and achievement through ‘access to projects around the world. Val vig tr cho eng ty ia ching 16, ban dang duty vito ning iy a8 6! n6i thm nib hie sin tham gia vao vigc hoc tap sty hon, cd thy ha Feng va dat duge thanh eting nha tiép cn vel ede dyn én khdp th gi 573 advance evolve \.ti6n bd, ten tién v.tién tridn, tin hoa & progress rc 4 x proceed improve v. tin han v. cai thi¢n progress One way countries could progress is by providing free Ipro'gres] university education to adolescents. M6t cach ma cae quéc gia 6 thé phat tridn la cung cp nén gido dyc dai hoc mién phicho thanh tig nig. advance Our education system must provide free university [ed'va:ns} education to adolescents in order to advance. HE théing giéo dyc cia ching ta phi cung ep nén gio dye dai he min phi cho thanh thi6unién 48 tr nd ibn tn proceed Will the government proceed to reduce university tuition Ipre'siza] costs for adolescents? Liu cinh phi 6 tén nh edt elim hoe phi da ge cho ce ban than thu ién hay kréng? evolve The only way that adolescents will be given a chance to [vol evolve is if we provide them a free education. Géch duy nhdt d8 céc ban thanh thigu nign o6 oo hoi duge phat ign phy thud vo vige ching ta 66 cung cp cho ho nén gido duc min phihay khéng. improve If we want to improve our current university education m’pruv) system, we should make it free. N6u musi cai thign hé théng gido dyc dai hoc hin nay, chiing ta phai khién nd tro thanh mét hé théng mién phi. 874 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS |céscm [ee economic stimulus oil crisis ‘sy kich thich kinh 18 kkhiing hoding d4u md relly Pn XQ wal economic indicator budget crisis chi sé kin 16 khiing hoang ngan sch economic crisis After thousands of people lost their jobs, Litke'nomrk ‘krars1s] ‘the government changed laws to solve the economic crisis. ‘Sau khi hang ngin agus mt vide, chin phd 8 thay 46 cc div Wt £8 gi quy6t cute kning hodng kin economic stimulus President Obama's economic stimulus Litke'nomrk ‘strmjeles} package includes energy efficient solutions and greenhouse gas reduction strategies. G6iKich tic kn ca Téng théng Obama bao gém céc gi phap sid dng hibu qué ning lng va nhng chin luge gidp gidm thigu lueng ia kin, economic indicator Accountants across the nation are tracking [:ke'nomrk ‘indzkerta(r)) economic indicators to predict the nation’s economic health. ‘Cac nhan vien ké todn twén Khdp c& nude dang d6i theo nhing chi s6 kinh 16 46 dy dodn tinh trang kinh 16 cua quée gia. oil crisis With another oil crisis looming, the government {orl ‘krarsis] is funding clean, renewable fuel research. Oi vibn cnn mot cude khing hodng dau mé khdc dn hinh than, chinh phi dang ti rg cho vigc nghidn cZu nhng fog nhidn iy sach vt 6 N6 tl to dug, budget crisis The entire naval fleet of aging warships is being ['badgit ‘krarsts} scrapped for metal as the budget crisis continues. Todn bd nhng chie th chién c0 c¥a ham doi Hl quin dang b pha dd 66 ly Ki foal do cue khing hoding ngtin sch van chua dng la 875 SAT ee el IELTS BASIC WORDS infest t:n'test} v. ké0 dén, 46 dén vao ENG. to inhabit or overrun, SYS. flood, swarm During lunch at the office cafeteria, chatty women seem to infest the place. Dudng nhu cae chj em phy ni thich buén chuyén déu kéo dén quan an ty phyc vy tai van phong trong gid nghi tua, ‘The women at work swarmed over the new male employee. Cénh chi em phy nd & noi am vige da vay quanh cau nam nan vin mei dé, a By year 2010, women massively invaded the company's labor pool. ‘Trude nim 2010, nd gid 6 at d8 vé xa nhép Iyc lugng lao dng eda céng ty nay. + Women were made to clear of positions in the company that were supposedly for men Phy ni ting bj bupe pha tinh xa nhng vt duge cho la dan cho cénh may rau trong e&ng ty. SPeECIes ['spisfiz]_n. chiing og, ioai ENG. a specific kind of something SYS. sort, kind Women are species of patience and hard work that are hired more than men because of their efficiency at work. Phu nd l& loai co sy kién nhan va chim chi nén ho duge tuyén dung nhigu hdn nam 61 nh@ tinh higu qua trong céng vige ca minh, 0 The workplace is like a habitat of different life forms characterized by various workers. Noi lam vie ging nn mai truting séng cla cée thé sng khéc nhau mang dc tung ca da dang iu ngutt lao dong, ar Women mostly hold high positions in companies that are metaphorically in ‘superior taxonomic groups. 'Nhng nguét phy nd chi yéu ndm gi chic vy a tong cdc cOng ty duge én dy la nm trong co nhém phn ogi ca op. + In the 1950s, women in the workplace are compared to inanimate objects that are almost not hired at company. ‘Va nhang nam 1850, nhng ng phy nd tal nt im vibe b i nhu hd vat yng vO tv gi v8 hu nh kong due ayn dong vo dng. 576 10 WEEK TOPIC SOCIAL LIFE [2 » B6 sung tu vyng ca ban PUFPOSe [2:05] n. muc dich, y nn | ENG. an anticipated outcome a SYS. aim, intent The purpose of having equal numbers of men and women at work is to promote fairness and equality. ‘Myc dich cila vige cé lugng nam va nd gidi can bang tai noi lam vigc la dé thc day tinh cong bing va su binh ding. ‘The final cause of striving for gender equality is the overall efficiency of happy workers. ‘Myc tidu cu6i cing cia vie phn uv bin dng gid fa ndng sudt chung cia nhidng nud lao dng hanh phic. The why and wherefore of equal number of genders in workplaces is simply human rights. Nguyén shan vc sy i cho 66 ugng cn bing vb gi tin gn lam vigc dn gin chi nn auyén Protests against the equal number of women and men in a company are an unexpected result. ‘Ci upe bid tinh chéng ll 6 lugng cn bing gia nam vA ng tl cng ty 18 mot Kt qua ma dng a ng effective tr tert) adj. nieu qua ENG. producing or capable of producing an intended result or have a striking effect SYS. successful, efficient a Workers are more effective when they know there is equality in the workplace. [Nuit lao dng lam vigc higu qua han khi ho biét 6 sy binh dling ta nai lam vigc, Workers are observed to have great power accomplishing their tasks when there is equality at work. gutta quan sat hy ring nqu lao dng sé cb ngubn seman to kn 6 hod than nib wy cca minh khitén tl sy binh dang & nai fam vige. Workers are more excited to be of service when they know there is equality at work. "Nhng ng lao dag Mo hing 5 terhau hon ki obit ng sy binh digi ni im vig. ‘The seminar about gender equality in the workplace is not producing its. intended effect. Buéind thio v6 bin ding gt nla vig kndg to ra dupe iu qud shu mong musa, 877 SAT BEE eee TOPIC | The trend of setting an equal number of females and males at the workplace Xu hudng tao ra sé ludng cn bang gia nam va nd gidi tai nol lam viée Women have acquired the legal right to equal participation in the workplace in almost every country of the world; however, they still remain vastly underrepresented in many historically male dominated professions. Some countries have introduced affirmative action policies for women in the police force, in public office, in firefighting and even in universities. This preferential selection on the basis of gender often generates intense controversy. All debate aside, it cannot be disputed that proportional representation is in the best interest of the country. For example, female police officers are important for undercover work and can be particularly useful in cases of domestic violence. In fact, many female victims feel more comfortable talking to another woman when reporting their case. This effort to have police departments that mirror general population characteristics is deeply important, but is not without dissent. Phy nd da gianh duge quyén hgp phap vé viéc tham gia binh dang tai noi lam viéc & hhdu hét céc quéc gia trén thé gidi; tuy nhién, ho phan 16n vn chiém ty 16 ft 6i trong nhigu nganh nghé ma néu xét vé mat lich si thi cénh may rau ludn chiém wu thé. Mot ‘86 nue 48 dua ra nhiing chinh séch vé hanh dong tich eye" danh cho nd gidi trong lye lugng canh sat, van phong nha nuéc, dol ng clu hod va thém chi la & 8 eéc trudng al hoc. Vige wu tién tuyén chon dya trén co 6 gid tinh nay thudng gay tranh cai da di, Gat mol sy ban cdi sang m6t bén, vige at nude danh sy quan tam én nhét aén vn d8 dai dign theo ty 16 1a diéu khong thé tranh bign. Cho vi dy, cae nd anh sét c6 vai trd quan trong d6i véi nhdng nhigm vy nam ving va c6 thé trd nén dc biét hdu ich trong cdc trudng hgp lién quan dén bgo Iyo gia dinh, Trén thyc t8, nhigu nan nhan nd ccm thay thoai mai trd chuyén véi mot ngudi phy nit khéc hon khi tinh béo vé vy vige lia minh. Né ye 48 c6 nhing s8 cénh sét phan énh duge céc dc diém chung vé dan ‘sO nay la digu rét quan trong, tuy nhién khdng phai la khong c6 ey bat déng. ‘Chinh séch uu dai Khi tuyén dung hotc tuyén sinh danh cho nhang ngudl thuge nhém a6 {ugg duige cho la chju thigt tho trong x8 hd nhu phy nd, ngué da mau, nguel dng tinh, wv. 578

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