2011 TDC Code

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ga Package marking Alsawn wooden packages shoul package. The marking shout ‘pth long sides. The approxi 4.5. Water absorption ‘Sea spray may increase the w ‘ablity, The weight increase of the he value of increased wei 4.6. Weight of ice Dying cold weather conton ice ‘may be affected as the ice can add weight rapidly. The increase in eg stul be eonidered in accordance wit ihe $081 Cae, The increases ven in section 63 Beals for in weight et increase duet the weight fe A, of a sawn wood pace package can withstand per metre pa length without collapsing or deforming more than 10% of its wid 6, ‘maximum of 100 mm as shown in figure 4.1 al properties of timber cargoes 10% of (00 rm — is 8 Figure 4.1 ~ Racking strength Part B Design of cargo securing arrangements To accommodate proven designs and practices but to also embrace advances in technology and materials, part B has been split into two chapters, each providing different design principles. Chapter 5 (Design principles) incor- porates prescriptive requirements. Chapter 6 (Alternative design principles) provides for alternative designs and equipment to be developed and includes functional requirements. Chapter 5 Design principles This chapter applies primarily, but is not limited to, ships of 24 m in beam and above engaged in international deep-sea trade and incorporates experience- based prescriptive requirements on the securing of timber deck cargoes. It primarily applies the use of steel components for lashings but is not limited to their sole use. Consideration may be given to allowing chapter 5 ships to make use of proven alternative technologies in cargo securing design, which provide at least the level of safety as specified in this chapter. Details of such alternatives should be included in the ship's cargo securing manual. 5A General 5.1.1 Every lashing should pass over the timber deck cargo and be secured to suitable eyeplates, lashing bollards or other devices adequate for the intended purpose which are efficiently attached to the deck stringer plate or other strengthened points. They should be installed in such a manner as to be, as far as practicable, in contact with the timber deck cargo throughout its full height. 5.1.2 _Alllashings and components used for securing should: A possess a breaking strength of not less than 133 kN; 2 after intial stressing, show an elongation of not more than 5% at 80% of their breaking strength; and .3__ show no permanent deformation after having been subjected toa proof load of not less than 40% oftheir original breaking strength, 35 Chapter 5 ~ Design principles future use, 5:13 _ Every ashing emit the length of the ashing to be ad Jhould be such that the two lashings a stow are positioned as closes, 1 deck cargo. a device of an instal 5.4.6 The spacing of ‘each end of each length of continuoy practicable to the extreme end ofthe wire rope clips are used to make a joint in a wie lashing, the tons shoul! be observed to avoid a significant reduction n stengts A the number and size of rope clips utilized should be in proporion to the diameter of the wire rope and should nt he less than three, each spaced at intervals of not less than 150 mm; .2 the sale portion ofthe clip should be applied tothe Ine load segment and the U-bolt to the dead or shortened end segment; and 3 ould be inially tightened so that they vib ‘ope and subsequently be re-ightened When uprights are used, they should: “1 bemade of material of adequate streng relevant parameters st bread the weight and hei 16 cargo, the type ivition factors, additional lashings, et 12 be spaced at intervals between the cer rot exceeding 3 m so that p sre supported by at least two uf 1 the deck andlor hatch cover by ‘equally efficient means and be secured in p by the CSM. 522 5.3 Loose or packaged sawn wood should be used for loose sawn wood. Uprights ‘the hatch covers only from sliding. The timber deck carg th by independent lashings. ye maximum spacing of red by the maximum height of lashings: {2.5 m and below, the maximum spacing shall above 2.5 m, the maximum spacing shouldbe fon the foremost and aft-most sect een the lashings according to above sho able, long and sturdy packages should bes slow and the packages stowed at the uppe 8 5a 5.41 The round secured throughout spaced not more than of cant. 5.5 Testing, Chapter 6 Alternative design principles This chapter permits the development (and use) of new designs and securing arrangements by providing functional based requirements on the securing of timber deck cargoes, which may be used as an alternative to the requirements in chapter 5 for ships of less than 24 m in beam and for designers considering alternative technologies in cargo securing. Any design risk assessment should be agreed with the Administration before being used. When this chapter is applied, operational risk assessments should be included within the ship’s safety management system. 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 Theconstruction of deck, bulwarks, uprights, hatches and coamings should be of a design that allows a load of timber deck cargo to be carried in a satisfactory manner. 6.1.2 The goal is to prevent cargo shifting as far as practicable and the securing system should be designed according to the principles laid down in this chapter. 6.1.3 Loose sawn of round wood should as a general rule be longitudi- nally stowed and supported on the sides by uprights to the full height of the stow. 6.1.4 Packaged sawn wood deck cargoes may be secured without uprights if the racking strength of the packages has been tested and found sufficient and sliding is prevented by bottom blocking, friction or lashing. 6.1.5 Ifthe friction is sufficient and the expected transverse accelerations are limited, unpackaged sawn wood cargo may be transversely stowed. 6.1.6 All denotations used in the formulae in this chapter are listed in chapter 8 of this Code 41 7 6.2 Accelerations and forces acting on the cargo cong securing antagement should in the transverse oy oe Pe ording tothe CSS Code, annex 13- cial securing of timber deck cargoes in the longitu 628 Sse ith lH grt care 8 Te 1 ‘acceleration forces in heavy head seas. 4623 Totoke ccountofthe factors mentioned in 2134, the accel 624 used according 1 annex 13 ofthe CSS Code may be mi fp eduction factor ranging irom 001, depending on expected ma efor wave het dng the intended voyage. The reduction factor slaned bythe fllowing formula: ‘where My isthe maximum expected significant wave height in metres, {Theale 16% the assumed 20 year wave that will occur inthe Norte ‘Atlantic Ocean, Relevant icant wave heights for different sea areas and Seasons can be obiained fom “Ocean Wave Statistics”) Pot ofthe reduction factor as a function ‘pected significant wave height Chapter 6 ~ Altemative design principles rangement is calculated 4 particular restricted ‘according 10 the in that area. 6.2.5 Hf one of the two fi decision on secur forecasting the maximum expected wave developed and followed and documente securing manual. 6.3 Physical properties of timber deck cargoes Spe and weather conditions. 6.3.3 Stati friction may be ws well as for the design of fit systems. 6.34 _ Dynamic friction should be u ede ‘of timber packages Figure 62 - Example of poor ri berween the ou 637 Thedi yofinber packages fr the purpose of this Code as faere aa determining it are presented in chapter 4. be less than 3.5 kN/m of package length. 6A Safety factors 2011 TOC Code mg: go + 2-0 PI, sh Uh [olaleataele Ba Peele Lh t 1 Principles for top-over lashing Figure 6.3 + 2m PT, sim a «Posie 2M * + PW PS rented duetosiy ay be prevents ween the cous in Figure 6.4 ~ sting of upper layer prevented by au dng of upper layer prever 46 6 incl or loop Fi Sy Compared ater | red tthe cargo et elongation o the lan gy C5-SiN0)-fypanie +1 CS +0 +CS+ COS. m2, + PH ss 65:14 Sling between the layers should be prevented (see 6.5.7) 415. To prevent the packages in the bottom layer from racking he ‘weight ofthe cargo stowed on tp of the bottom layer should be tha the fllng equixum is satsied: ny Le RS 1+ CS+ cosa > m,- (a, ~ 0.5g) + PH, + PS, Units denoted with a consider cargo units above the bottom layer ox 1¢ movement of the deck cargo due to elongation of ted according to the following formula: (SPH) mst" Bottom blocked and top-over lashed longitudinally stowed 2011 TOC Code — 20 Tepreteson Py inte vet 6. TR terete in he rents 27 KN 65.21 Allshings and components used for securing in comb Baton blacking should: ving been subjected ginal 6.522. ‘The boom Hocking devices rf be laced om oth es othe deck cago equally spaced. Two blocking device per sie shouldbe used per Cargo section and the height should extend to a height of atleast 200 mm ween the layers should be prevented (see 6.5.7. na ig between layers should be checked by the ium of forces in 6.58 65.23 Sliding 65.24 To prevent the packages in the bottom layer from racking, the ‘weight ofthe cargo stowed on top of the bottom layer should be limited so i a, ~ 5g) + PW, + PS, Units denoted with , consider cargo units above t Uprights blocked and top-over lashed longitudinally stowed sawn wood packages and round wood wn woot oF 1+ PW + PS Forward Chapter 7 l Example of round wood stow ‘Sections marked 1 are longi Upright, Section marked 2 secured by friction in combin Section with longitusinaly stowed Found wood secured by uprights. 0.6 - Hae B+ PW + 75" Mynng > V5 MAX (Mngt, CMs) NE accion Wh acters 5 crtsz0y yn a momento the uprights may be reduced by 12% 74 The is tobe taken as the great formulas: Mena = HKD (exoment required 4 q-1 Meaangs = FE a= (ty — Aq ~ 2)-L RS) AE (moment requited to prevent racking) Myc 2 1.35 * MaxCM yn, CM ecg, Mom 2 wed, he requited MSL ofeach hog lashing calculated by the following formula: : oe. ment should not produce greater stress than e material in any part ofthe uprights. Chapter 8 ed strength for accelerations due. fo = gw = " z @ 3 Hy = maximum sig fh = height above deck uprights in metres bending moment on ups MSL. = maximum Securing Load in kN m = mass ofthe deck cargo or including absorbed w. N= number of uprights supporting side SE D6 th AO Ba A A 8 a eae 2011 TOC Code Ce = number of bottom blocking devices per side ofthe deck cp) lacks of packages abreast in each row Annex A Guidance in developing procedures and checklists pretension inthe v Items in A. account when dev ~ pretension inthe horizontal part ofthe lashings in kn check \d pressure in kN based on 1 kN per m? CSS Code, annex 13, nderposed am ‘AA Preparations before loading of timber deck cargoes imber packages 5 = racking strength pr metre of timber package in kN se seen the hatch cover top plating and the lashings pee = al amount of cargo intended as in degrees | ansverse movement of deck cargo in metres duet —S A412. A confirmation on when should be received, clsplacemer arrival, 36 required limits during the ey Asa The stability should be wi ; voyage: Should be considered: A absorption of wi according to speci [3 variations in consumables; and 4 ballast water exchange operations, in accordance wih approved procedures. [AA.6 Prope instructions for ballast water exchange operations, if app ‘able for the intended voyage, should be available in the Ballast Water ‘Management Pian [Ad _ Aashing plan according o the ship's cargo securing manual (CSM) should be prepared and the following calculated: 41 weight and height of stows per hatch; 2 numberof sections in longitudinal direction per hatch; requited number of y ifapplicable, ANB Thee ship’ cargo sect ly calculations and lashing plan have been c maximum cargo intake should be confirmed. AAO. Pre-load, loading a edtoal Involved partes pre-lashing plans should be + Supercargo, stevedores, agent, etc) ALM Weath ee loading period and forecasted weather fo ‘sea voyage should be checked, ee aa ALI sha sip specific requicements rey cage a imed thatthe stevedoring company is aware ote w towage and securing of timber dec 58 Ship readiness assist in draining, A422 Extra lashing ‘Adkwinisteation AA.25 Cranes with wires, br bbe used) should be cont A.1.26 It should be ve for use {rao chanel 10 be used ding FBO OPEaLONS shi assigned and tested A2 Safety during loading and securing of timber deck cargoes Lashing equipment 2A lapplicable, upright commenced. 1uld be mounted before loading on deckis Ana hing equipment isin place. immediatly cease fa eee is no satisfactory explanation, Ang A210. Thee requived appropr ‘onto other deck cargo Stowage A2A3_ The stow ofthe deck car A2A4 A binding effect the stow to enhance the of cargos DEEL DEE MELEE RAD LE LLL EL ' A restraining devices approved by the A222. While working on the cargo there sho set hares. to attach [A.2.23 Safe access should be available to the top of, and across, the cargo sow. 'A2.24 Personne! should exercise caution when working or moving on timber packages covered by plastic wrapping or tarpaulins. A. Securing of timber deck cargoes Basic requirements on the securing ‘A.1_The stevedoring company and the crew should be inf the requirements on the securing arrangements, A3.2 Uprights when used, should be well fastened andl pre: rom fling insards ding loading and discharging operations. AS3 If required by this Code and as prescribed anal uprights shoud be connected by hog. a Pi of uprights on opposing sides ofthe stow. Repair or replacement of damaged securing equipment ASA Only undamaged cargo securing equipment should bed" Securing timber deck cago, 2” Securing estipment should @ Annex A ~ Guidance in developing procedures and checklists portable lashing equipment this ‘equipment should be exchanged by ‘Tightening of lashings A39__ Theeads on turnbuckle in the lashings. id be greased to increase pre-tension hings should be thoroug! and turnbuckles should be AAT Tumbuckles should have sufficient threads remaining to permit lashings ened during the voyage as needed. TI ‘Aa Aations tobe taken during the voyage ‘Voyage planning Ada During voyage plant tither excessive accelerations © (eater absorption and ice agg A the ship is upr 2 theship has an adequate 3 theship meets the required st ‘A the cargo is properly secured. |Aa3 Soundings of tanks should be regularly carried out throughout the voyage. Ada Therolng pri ofthe ship should be regularly checke thatthe metacentic height is sti the ace should be coascious of the need an early tage in order to minimize the ‘argo, structure and lashings. AAS If deviation from the intended voyage plan is ‘voyage, a new plan should be made. Cargo safety inspections during sea voyages AAT Cargo safety inspections, in accordance with the i shouldbe fequently conducted throughout the voyage ‘AA. Prior to any inspections being commenced on deck should take appropriate actions to reduce the motions of such operations. 449 Close attention should be given to any move which could compromise the safety ofthe ship. AAI. When be visually safety permits fixed and por ishing e ould ‘@amined for any abnormal wear r ‘ 64 Annex A ~ Guidance in developing proc the cause may be due to on A cargo shit 2 water ingresses: and AAAB_ It should that sending the crew to and checks 2ait TOC Code “Annex A ~ Guidance in developing procedures and checkists then last observed: and inated universal time) when the AS. Safety during discharge of timber deck cargoes Cargo securing equipment ing inwards during discharg- 4 freesurfacem ing only one tank at a time. [AS.22_ Asa final resort when all other options have been exhauste tobe corrected by jetisoning deck cargo, the following aspex nate: ined to immediately cease if ry explanation and it would be be positive and in AS. Emergency escape routes should be 3 be inherently dangerous actual jettison procedure; and Work safety communicated ‘othe following partes: P ships in the vi 2 competent authorities at ‘which he can communicate Such information ito include the folowing: 3 the kind of danger; 66 @ E Annex B Samples of stowage and securing arrangements, BA Example calculation ~ Top-over lashings Inte examples below the number of ashingsrequited io secure packages of Sawn wood on deck as wel ashe reqied aching engi nthe packges inthe bottom ner te calculated or 1500 DWT ship Example B.1.1 ~ Top-over lashings on a 16,600 DWT ship Figure B.1 ~ Midship section of 16,600 DWT ship wth packages of svn wood in avo layers secured with top-over lashings Ship particulars Length between perpenciculars fp: Am ‘Moulded breadth, 8, Service speed: ‘Metacentric height, GM: The deck cargo has the dimensions {= 8 1 ‘weight ofthe deck cargo is taken a | prevented by packages of different he SS ‘Dimensioning transverse acceleration ip patculars as above and considering 2 Jaa i yt SS ies ansverse ac {ei th flowing basc acceleration and core duuue = 65ms!= basic transverse acceleration Gq = 081 = _coftection factor for length and peed = comection factor for By/GMt fay = 6.50.81 + 1.00 = 5.3 mis? the section to he secured in luding absorbed water and possible icing = coefficient of static fiction between the timber deck cargo and the ship's deck/hatch cover = height of deck cargo in metres length of the deck cargo or section tobe secured in metres |= wind pressure in kN based on TkNin? wind exposed area, see CSS Code, Annex 13, = pressure from unavoida sa sloshing in kN based 00 1 KN/n exposed area, see SS Code, annex 13 = pretension inthe vertical p. lashings in kN angle between the horizon’ ane and the lashings in degrees number of stacks of packay abreast in each row vfthe Anne 8 ~ Samples of stowage and secwing arrangements a_i ad seeing Srorgeea Number of required top-over lashings ure top-over lashing (oo $2 PT,“ 0) fase > > 9 + PW PS [Units denoted with , consider cargo units above the bottom layer only. Thus the required number of top-over lashings can be calculated as & 216s 8S = 123 pes ‘Racking strength ‘To prevent the packages in the bottom layer from collapsing due to racking, the weight ofthe cargo gL RS > m, (a, — O.5go) + PW, + PS, Units denoted with , conser cargo units above the bottom layer only. ‘Thus the required racking srength can be calculated to 0.33 kN: as > MW = 05-64 PH + PS = 800 (5.30. 18-80 = 0.33 kNim = 0.034 tonim B.2__ Example calculation - Bottom blocking and top-over lashings In the example below, the required calculated for a deck load of pa sed and the pretension of ance with sections 6.5.19 and 6.5.20 oi —_— nt pu lacking and top-over lashings on a Je B.2.1 - Bottom blocking ae 16,600 DWT ship Ship particulars Length between perpendicu Bam Moulded breadth, By: 2m Service speed 145 keots Metacenti hei 07 m ‘weight ofthe deck cargo prevented by packages of different height Dimensioning transverse acceleration | With ship particulars as above and co Jw, annex 13 ofthe CSS Code gives Using the following basic acceleration and correction factors Abou = 65mi? = eon fa = 100 = = base *Fay “fan = 6-5 *0.81 + 1.00 = 5.3 mis* —— Annes 8 = Samples of stowage and securing arrangements fo a ee cargo properties m= 4600100 = ne Ho = 24m = lock cargo in metres 5 = 97m = cargo in mevres = 80m = _fengthofthe deck cargo or section ; tobe secured in metres pW = T92KN = wind pressure in kN based on TN wind exposed area, see (55 Cade, annes 13 PS = W6OKN = pressure om unavoidable sea Sshing in KN based on TKN? expored area, see C55 Ci nex 13 n= 26pcs = numberof top-over Py = WRN = @ = 85 = _ angle between the horizontal plane and the lashings in deg my = Ips = Lacks of packages mn, = 26pcs_ = number of ottom blocking devices per side of the deck cargo Required strength of the bottom blocking ith, MSL, of the bottom blocking devices is given by the MSL» mya, -+ PW + PS +m MSL > ma, + PW + PS +a PW PS — (rn go + 2-1 PT, Sina)“ Hane 2+m-PIy-sina) ast 2435 2000 5.3.4 192 +160 = 2000-981 + 2-26-16 sin 85) 0.4 TOC Code Cargo properties m= 1600100 = Example B.3.1 ~ Loop lashings on a 16,600 DWT ship om = Ho = 24m B= 197m = Figure B.3 ~ Midship section of 16, (of sawn wood secured with loop 1 = 80m — = _ length of the deck cargo or section tobe secured in metres Ship particulars Length between perpendicul am att Sir ‘Moulded breadth, Be 22m Service speed: 145 knots = WON = Metacentric height, GM: 07 m “The deck cargo has the dimensions [+ B- H = 80 - 19,7 «24 m, Th weight ofthe deck cargo is taken as 1,600 tons, Sliding between prevented by packages of different heights in the bottom layer o-w S Dimensioning transverse acceleration % packages in each row = 7s 2011 TOC Code aonTDC Code Number of required loop lashings “The number ae stengh ofthe lashings are to be chosen so th ing equiisum i satis: i= gy +n CS sin > m-a,+ PW PS 3 — 981 0.32) +192 + 160_ 70: 03+ 1+ cos 70) ~ 84 KN the lashings i calculated as: MSL = C5-1.35 = 64+ 135 ~ 86 KN = 8.8 ton Transverse movement of cargo due to elong: ‘The ranserse movement ofthe deck cargo due to elongation ' calculated according othe formula be oar tion factor is set to ¢ = 0.02, andthe Grr) (SY nas i chains are 0.02 = 0.28 m lf web lashings ate used the elongation f transverse movement is calculated as: 21 (S= PhO Bo Sree = 25-64 1 Set 10 © = 0.07, and the owateagestrhelng eget trot aia more der ston oa to be used. m oe hee * = 0.586) + PW, + is denoted with, consider cargo nit the bottom layer oy Annex 6 ~ Samples of stowage and securing arrangements ‘Thus the requited racking steength can be calculated as: 5 > Mais = 05 ho) + PW, + PS, — 0 CS-cone _ 800. (5.3 - 0.59.81) +96 + 64 ~ 46-62 €05 70 at <0kNm ment on the racking strength of the packages, since the than zero, B4 Example Cal ion ~ Uprights for packages of sawn wood. In the example below, the di packages of sawn wood on decl joning moment for uprights supporting alculated for a 16,600 DWT ship. Example B.4.1 - Uprights on a 16,600 DWT Vessel Figure B.a ~ acs Lumber packages Ship particulars 2011 TOC Code 84 = Bef faa = 6.5 0.81 1.00 = 5.3 my Cargo properties 1.00 1,600 ton = BulGMt mass ofthe section to be secu in tons, including absorbed watts possible icing™ py ition between the timber packages height of deck cargo in meties width of each packages tacked ‘number of stacks of ‘abreast in each row er packoges number of layers of racking Strength per inkim number of up considered section 0 tees above dec ioglashings are Uprights in metres othe factor for cons ‘Annex B ~ Samples of stowage and secur fending moment in uprights ‘he design bending moment per upright supp Tree greatest ofthe hee moment Meant = aN Aavoment required to prevent tipping) 2» where {= 3h {lector for considering intemal moment) a1 CM endings = feo Ge Haat BOI A CMyenig) = 7 (moment required to prever With cargo properties and acceera ‘bending moments are calculated given above, the fol fi=0. CMgecng) = Moning =

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