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Grade: 10 Class size: 50

Subject: English Language Class period: Afternoon Length: 45 minutes
Textbook: English 10th Grade Learner’s Book Materials: Blackboard/Text
Topic / Lesson: Finding out about professions Teacher: Jaco Manuel Culabo
Date: 29th May, 2022 Stream: A

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson Students will be able to describe different types of jobs.
Specific objectives: Students will be able to:
 Define what a job/profession is;
 Talk about the characteristics of jobs;
 Talk about the jobs available in their communities.
Skills Stages Language content Activities Time

Grammar Function Vocabulary Teacher Students

 Greets students;  Reply the

calls the roll out; greetings;
 Reviews the last
respond the 5’
lesson and corrects
Warm up - - roll out.
the homework;
writes the topic on  Review or
the board.
lesson and
write down
the topic
 Teacher gives  Pay attention
questions related to to the
the lesson; (what is questions;
a profession? What  Jot down the
are the professions questions and
you know)? start
Test Adjectives are Teacher, nurse,  Gives students to expressing
express their their opinions; 10’
generally word that policeman,
S, L, opinions;  Agree or
describe nouns. farmer, singer,  Check with disagree with
S attention the each other;
writer, dancer,
students reply on
fireman, the questions;
 Tell them to agree
or disagree with
actor, actress,
each other;
stylist, etc.

Adjectives are Teacher, nurse,  Calls out the  Pay much

students’ attention;
generally word that policeman, attention to
 Explaining the
describe nouns. farmer, singer, grammar focus the teacher; 15’
S, L, Teach Adjectives writer, dancer, adjectives;
 Take notes
 Illustrate clear
S fireman, examples of the while teacher
dramaturg, explanation of the explains the
actor, actress, grammar
 Tells students to
stylist, etc. patterns;
take notes;
 Ask questions
if they have;

 By now, teacher  Prepare

provides exercises themselves for
related to the the exercises;
grammar point  Get grouped
Test Teacher, nurse, focused throughout into small
all the lesson; groups as
Adjectives policeman,
Adjectives are  Asks students to be asked by the 15’
farmer, singer, grouped in small teacher;
generally word that
S, L, groups;  Listen
writer, dancer,
describe nouns.  Explains clearly the carefully, tot
S fireman, instructions of how the explanation
to perform the of the
exercises; instructions;
actor, actress,  Moves around the  Continue
stylist, etc. classroom while performing the
students are doing task while the
the exercises; teacher moves
 Gives a help where around the
needed; classroom;
 Clarifies students’  Ask for help if
doubts if one raises.

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