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Monday, March 18th, 2024

Unit 5 Advances in science and technology


Smart phone Tv

Laptop Information

Camera access

Printers Globalization

Comfort Advancement

Examples :

- People use the computers to look for information.

- Technology is used in science for the advancement of the world.
- Technology saves effort and provides people with comfort.
- People log into their social media accounts to keep up with friends.


-Fill in the blank with one of the following words from the list:

Pre-paid- information- access- networking – addicted – scientific.

1. A large number of people are ………………………………………. they spend too much time on the net.

2. ………………………………………... technology can be a valuable means of development.

3. The …………………………………………………..option can be more economical for cell phone users.

4. The internet is an efficient way of ……………………………………………at the international level.

5. Sophisticated technologies are necessary for ………………………………………………………….. experiments.

6. Easy ……………………………………………………… the internet is helpful for the educational system.

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