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Native American Story

Once upon a time, there was a beatifull landscape on the coast of Canada, that was full of fields,
meadows and forests, where a lot animals lived. Between those animals were little monkeys who
called themselves „The Smurfs“ they were the smartest and most advanced out of all the others. But
the monkeys were still evolving, and soon they evolved into small little creatures. The creatures were
smaller than a needle and ate very little. But soon they became more intelligent and discovered the
Earths riches and began eating more and more which led to them growing more and more. They
started top call themselves „The Lants“ because they were as small as ants and their whole civilisation
could fit in one singular log (l(og)+ants= lants). They even built a small village made of moss with a
statue of their leader in the centre. They were still growing so they had to rebuild the village every
now and then. But they were not satisfied with this and slowly started to cut down small trees. „ No
dont do that the trees are our home!“ some animals started to complain „ No way! mind your own
business“ the leader of the Lants said completely ignoring the other animals. And so the more they
ate and the bigger they grew, they cut down more and more trees in order to build their village. They
now cutting down an absurd amount of trees because they wanted to „store“ it. They were now
almost as high as golden retrievers. „We need to do something about this“ the bears told themselves.
They went to the civilisaton of the Lants looking down on them hoping that they would fear them.
„Now listen this has to stop or you will get in serious trouble“ one bear said „oh yeah? And what kind
of trouble?“ said the leader of the Lants with a smirk on his face. The bears were flabbergasted, they
thought that they would be scared and immediately agree. They were not ready for this question
because they havent prepared anything that would cause a problem. „Uhh, Im not going to tell you“
one bear mumbled „ Haha funny I knew that you have nothing against me! now leave us alone!“. The
bears returned home sad beacuse they didnt know what to do. But then they got an idea, they called
a meeting of all animals and told them to vote out representative to go on an adventure to the god.
They went a trip through mountians, meadows, fields and they finally arrived. The god agreed and
told the animals that he has a plan, everytime that the Lants start to damage the nature you send a
message by screaming GOD and the animals have to climb up trees. The god will send a small
tsunami on the Lants which will destroy their builds. And from that day god sent multiple tsunamis on
the Lants and eventually they stopped doing it. The end

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