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ng stories into learning

Beatriz Pena Lima
Leonor Corradi Stories, a key part of children's world,
constitute an extremely powerful tool for
promoting language development. Storyline,
a unique six-level series, will lead children
into learning through memorable stories
alongside activities which pose a challenge
to their intelligence and creativity.
Corra di &
Leonor Pupil's Book

Pupil's Book
• Pupil's Book
Test your memory!
New Play
MP3 audio files
Meeting point


• Teacher's Companion
NAPs (Normativa Curricular)

• Posters

• Online teacher support NEW
- Teacher Training Video • CLIL pages
- MP3 audio files
• Further
- Editable Assessment Practice
- New Resources pages
- Meeting point

Illustrated by Emiliano Pereyra

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Corra di &
Leonor Pupil's Book

A01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_FM.indd 1 6/5/16 13:03

Contents PB CLIL WB Further
Hello! 4
Characters • Nature vocabulary • Animals • Cardinal points
Revision: I’m / I’m not wearing • I have / don’t have • Age • Physical description
from + city / town • In the (north) of (Argentina)

1 We live in the Milky Way 6 86 94 126

School subjects
Revision: I / We / You / They (live) • I / We / You / They don’t (go)
Do you / they…? Yes, I / they do. / No, I / they don’t. • Prepositions of time (in, on, at)
There is/ are • The house: rooms and furniture

Integration An astro… what? 12

2 I can see Mars! 14 87 98 128

Verbs of perception (hear, see) • Space vocabulary • Can
Revision: He / She / It (gets up) • He / She / It doesn’t (make)
I’m / You’re / He’s / She’s / We’re / They’re (reading) • I’m not / You aren’t /
He isn’t / She isn’t / We aren’t / They aren’t (watching)

Integration A light in the sky 20

3 Daniel likes reading UFO stories 22 88 102 130

Shopping vocabulary • Shops • Food (fruits, vegetables, meat,
grains, dairy products) • Likes and dislikes + ing

Integration Is it a person or an animal? 28

4 Some friends from planet Omega 30 89 106 132

Where… from? • Nationality adjectives • Possessive adjectives (our, your, their)
Countable and uncountable nouns • Some / any / no • Why…? Because…

Integration A special invitation 36

Mag 38

2 two

A01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_FM.indd 2 6/5/16 13:03

er PB CLIL WB Further
ce Practice
5 Empanadas for a special family 40 90 110 134
Family members • Typical dishes / desserts • Is / are there…?
Yes, there is / are. No, there isn’t / aren’t. • How much / many…? • It / them
A bottle / cup / glass / tin of…

Integration A lovely meal 46

6 Would you like chocolate biscuits? 48 91 114 136

I’d like… / Would you like…? • Want to • I / You / He / She / It / We / They (saw)
Past forms: ate, bought, drank, had, made, played, saw, was, went

Integration Tixit’s teacher 54

7 They visited Tixit’s UFO 56 92 118 138

Town facilities • Its • Ago • I / You / He / She / It / We / They didn’t (swim).
Past forms: liked, listened to, watched, read, rode, were, wrote

Integration I didn’t eat any food pills! 62

8 The UFO went up and up 64 93 122 140

Clothes • Did you / he / she / it / they (study)…?
Yes, I / he / she / it / they did. / No, I / he / she / it / they didn’t.
Past forms: did, gave, got up, helped, put, sat, studied

Integration Time to say goodbye 70

Mag 72

Story Benjie 74

LMT Let me think 78

Play The Magic Lamp 82

Test your memory! 85

three 3

A01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_FM.indd 3 6/5/16 13:03

1 Read. Then, listen. T2

Daniel: Hi! My name’s Daniel. I’m new

Emily: Hello! I’m Emily. Daniel is a
new friend at school.
Mrs Davies: Good morning! My name’s
Mrs Davies, Doris Davies. I’m
Emily’s mother.
Mr Smith: Good morning! I’m Mr Smith.
I’m the teacher.

4 four

A02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WEL.indd 4 6/5/16 13:06

2 Tick the elements from the desert. Then, listen and check. T3

puma tiger waterfall

tree llama armadillo
cat camel condor
rat chinchilla cactus

3 Who? Emily (E) or Daniel (D)?

1 I’m wearing long pants.

5 I don’t have brown hair.

2 My pants aren’t long.

6 I love my trainers.

3 I have long hair.

7 I’m not wearing black shoes.

4 My eyes are big.

8 Look at my new school bag.

4 Read and write the correct name.

1 I have two children, a boy (he’s two) and 3 I’m thirty. I’m very tall and thin, and my hair’s
a girl (she’s ten). I like this place. short. I like school!
My name’s . My name’s .

2 I’m ten. I’m short and I have long hair. I have 4 I’m eleven. My hair’s short. I have black eyes.
a brother, Andy. He’s two. My mum is from I’m from Purmamarca, a small town in the north
Arequipa, a region in the south west of of Argentina. I like my new school.
Peru, and my father is from Santa Marta, a My name’s .
city in the north of Colombia. I like school!
My name’s .

five 5

A02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WEL.indd 5 6/5/16 13:06

1 We live in the Milky Way

1 Read. Then, listen. T4

Dad: And your first day at school,

Daniel? Nice?
Daniel: Great! But I need help with my
homework, Dad. Where’s the
Southern Cross?
Dad: Over there. Look! It points to the
south. It has four big stars.
Daniel: Now I need planet Venus.
Dad: That’s easy. It’s over there, next to
the moon.
Daniel: And where’s the Milky Way?
Dad: Dear Daniel, we live in the Milky
Daniel: I don’t understand.
Dad: Let’s see, the Earth is in the solar
system, yes?
Daniel: Yes.
Dad: And the solar system is in the
Milky Way, with millions of other
Daniel: Wow! Fascinating! And that star?
It’s moving! Or is it a satellite?
Dad: Daniel, it’s an insect, a firefly!

6 six

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 6 6/5/16 14:42

2 Read again and tick. Then, draw icons for the school subjects. 1
1 2
Daniel’s homework is for…
1 Maths 6 ICT
2 Language 7 Arts
3 English 8 Natural Sciences 4
4 Music 9 Social Studies
5 PE

3 Listen and complete the timetable. T5


8 Language Maths

8.40 Language Maths

9.30 Maths Language Social Studies

10.30 Maths Language Social Studies Maths

11.20 Social Studies Maths

12.00 Language

4 Play a memory game in pairs. On Mondays at 8.


seven 7

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 7 6/5/16 14:42

5 a) Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 6 a) Listen to a conversation between
8 Daniel and his grandmother and match. 7

1 This blog is informal. There are three extra words. T6
2 Daniel is writing to his teachers.


Hi guys,
How are you? I like my new school and my books
routine here. I’m in class 5A. We live in a small
house with a beautiful garden. On Saturdays, MORN1NG
my sister, my brothers and I get up at 9 in the breakfast
morning and we have breakfast in the garden.
We have sandwiches and orange juice for lunch TV
(I make the orange juice). I do my homework in
the afternoon and my brothers watch TV or
listen to music. I don’t like music. dinner
In the evening, at 8, we go to the garden again 1 N THE
and we look at the blue sky. It’s magnificent, with club
a lot of stars and a big moon!
My favourite subject is Natural Sciences, and I
love astronomy! But here’s my problem.
I have a special activity for homework. I need
information about the stars and the solar friends
system. I need help!
Write to me, 1 N THE computer
Daniel EVEN1 NG

b) Now, read again and tick LMT

what Daniel mentions. 7 homework



FAMILY: b) An interview.
Imagine you are Daniel’s grandmother. Ask Daniel five new
ROUTINES: questions. Work in groups.

8 eight

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 8 6/5/16 14:42

7 Listen to Kate. What's different? T7 8 Imagine you're Kate. Write about Daniel. 1
Kate, Daniel's sister, is talking about her brother's
activities on Saturdays. Find the differences.

(get up) Daniel doesn't get up at 9.

He gets up at...

(have breakfast)


(do homework / watch TV)

(visit friends / watch the sky)

9 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).


1 There are ten planets in 6 There is water on planet Earth.
the solar system.
7 There is water on the moon. Key:
2 The Milky Way is a planet. 10-9: An ex
8 There are trees on planet Mars. pert!
3 We live on a perfect planet. 8-7: Very go
9 There are people on Venus 6-5: Not ba
4 The sun is a big star. and Mercury. 4-3: Mmmm

2-0: Ask yo
5 The moon is a star. 10 The Southern Cross has five stars. ur teacher!

Answers: 1 ✘, 2 ✘, 3 ✘, 4 ✓, 5 ✘, 6 ✓, 7 ✓, 8 ✘, 9 ✘, 10 ✘.

nine 9

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 9 6/5/16 14:42

10 a) Read and circle five mistakes. LMT



2016 (24)
… I live in a beautiful area. There are cactuses, rocks and March 2016 (10)
February 2016 (8)
a lot of trees. The sky is blue and the sun is strong. In January 2016 (6)

the afternoon it’s very hot. It rains a lot here. 2015 (142)
December 2015 (3)
There are a lot of animals in this area. There are three November 2015 (5)
October 2015 (4)
types of felines: pumas, jaguars and llamas. There’s a September 2015 (12)
August 2015 (8)
very special bird, too: the condor. Condors are small and July 2015 (5)
grey. They live in the Andes mountains and eat small June 2015 (10)
May 2015 (14)
dead animals. They eat rats and chinchillas. What are April 2015 (14)
March 2015 (18)
chinchillas? They’re huge rats. Here’s a picture of the February 2015 (24)
area, and a plan of my house. Do you like it? Tell me. January 2015 (25)

2014 (267)


b) Look at Daniel’s plan and circle.

1 In Daniel’s house there’s a small /big garden. 6 There’s a desk in his bedroom /the living room.
2 There’s a big kitchen and there is /isn’t a living room. 7 There’s a TV in his bedroom /the living room.
3 There are two /three bedrooms. 8 There is a cupboard in the garage /living room.
4 There are two /three wardrobes. 9 He sleeps with his brothers /parents.
5 There are three /six chairs in his bedroom. 10 They watch TV in the kitchen /living room.

10 ten

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 10 6/5/16 14:42

11 Read and circle. LMT
12 Listen and circle. 1

1 A good title for this text is The Big Puma /Mama Quilla.
2 This is a story /an article in the newspaper. 1 Quilla is young /old.
2 Her house is big /small.
3 She has long /short hair.
4 Her hair and eyes are /aren’t black.
5 Her mouth and nose are /aren’t big.
A big puma lives in a
mountain next to a small 13 a) Put the actions in order
town. The people are scared, and talk about the children's
but Quilla, a beautiful young
girl, isn’t scared. The puma is not here, and
the children are happy.
They get up...
One evening the puma comes
to the town. The people run
home. They close all the
doors and all the windows.
But Quilla doesn’t. She has an
idea. a

She runs to the mountain
and the puma runs after her.
She’s happy: her people are
not scared now. She runs and
runs but the puma is ready
to attack. He opens his big
mouth. But, where is she? The
puma sees a beautiful white
ball. It’s going up and up! It’s
going to the sky!

This is the story of Mama

Quilla, the moon. She is the
people’s friend. She protects
her small town and all the d

small towns in the world. h

(Adapted from a Quechua myth) b) Now, listen and check.

eleven 11

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 11 6/5/16 14:42

An astro... what?

Mr Smith: Children, let’s hurry. We have a

very special visitor today, Emily’s
mum. She’s an astronomer.
Brian: An astro... what?
Emily: Astronomers study the planets
and the stars, and they work in an
Daniel: Wow! I have a lot of questions for
her. Here’s my homework, too!

Ten minutes later...

Mr Smith: Welcome Mrs Davies! Look at the
mobile of the solar system.
Daniel: The Earth is over there.
Emily: And that’s the moon.
Mrs Davies: What a good idea, Mr Smith. Let’s
start with the questions then.
Brian: Do the planets have moons?
Emily: Is Venus yellow?
Mrs Davies: Well, Mars has two moons and…
Mr Smith, let’s take the children to
my observatory next Monday.
Emily: There is an enormous telescope!
Kids: Please, Mr Smith…
Mr Smith: Of course! It’s a wonderful
opportunity. Thanks a lot, Mrs
Daniel: A last question… Do
extraterrestrials exist?
Brian: There’s one behind you!
Mr Smith: That’s not nice, Brian.
Brian: Sorry!
Mrs Davies: Let’s talk about your question next
week. It’s an interesting subject!
Mr Smith: Yes, children, write down all the
questions you have for the visit to
the observatory.


12 twelve

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 12 6/5/16 14:42

1 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 3 Complete this comment on Daniel’s blog. 1
1 Mrs Davies is Emily’s mother.
2 Mrs Davies is a school teacher.
3 Mrs Davies has a mobile.
4 There’s a telescope in Emily’s house.
5 The children are happy.

2 Match. There is one extra answer.

Hi, Daniel
We are students at 1 . We are in
Questions for Mrs Davies class 2 . We go to school in
. We have lunch at 4 .
1 Is the moon a satellite?
In the afternoon, we 5
2 Do people live on the moon? 6
. We don’t 7 .
3 Is Mars next to the sun? We like Natural Sciences. Here’s some information for you.
nine planets in the solar system. Well,
4 Is Pluto a satellite?
eight planets and Pluto. 9 special
5 Do planets have stars? groups of stars (constellations): the Southern Cross, the
6 Do stars have satellites? Three Marys and Pegasus. They’re fascinating! The sun is a
big star, but the moon isn’t. It’s a satellite, it’s Earth’s satellite.
7 Are stars white?
Is this OK?
8 Are planets blue? Write back!
9 Are the stars next to the sun? THURSDAY, APRIL 14 4.33 PM

10 Is Mars next to Venus?

4 Use the information in the fact file to write
Answers: Brian’s comment on Daniel’s blog.

a Yes, it is. NAME: Brian

b No, it isn’t. AGE: 10
c Yes, they do. FAMILY: mother, father, 1 sister, 1 brother, grandma
d No, they don’t. ROUTINES: school (8 AM), lunch home (1 PM).
e Yes, they are. Afternoon: football ✓, TV ✓, music ✗,
f No, they aren't. homework ✓. Dinner (9 PM).
FAVOURITE SUBJECT: PE and language , arts 

thirteen 13

M01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U01.indd 13 6/5/16 14:42

2 I can see Mars!

1 Read. Then, listen. T11

Mrs Davies: Are you ready? This telescope

is fantastic.
Daniel: Good! We can see Mars…
Mrs Davies: Brian, stand here, please. Can
you see the moon?
Brian: Yes, I can. And I can hear
music from the moon… Wow!
Mrs Davies: Sorry, it’s my mobile phone!
Brian: Oh!
Mrs Davies: Now it’s your turn, Emily. Look
over there. Can you see Mars?
Emily: I can see a big ball and two
very small balls.
Mrs Davies: Good! That’s Mars. It has two
Daniel: And the extraterrestrials, Mrs
Mrs Davies: Well, there are no
extraterrestrials in the solar
system, but perhaps in other
Daniel: Can we go there?
Mrs Davies: No, we can’t. We need
new technology, but the
extraterrestrials can come here…
Daniel: Wow!

14 fourteen

M02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U02.indd 14 17/5/16 10:01

2 Read again and circle what the children can see. Then, match. 1
1 the moon
2 clouds b

3 craters on the moon

4 an extraterrestrial
5 galaxies
6 the Earth c

7 a planet
8 the stars
9 the sun e


3 a) Listen and circle b) Now, complete Neytiri’s fact file.
Neytiri’s abilities. T12 7


1 Neytiri can / can’t speak English.

2 Neytiri can / can’t read.
3 Neytiri can / can’t write.
4 Neytiri can / can’t cook. ABILITIES:
5 Neytiri can / can’t swim. YES ✓
6 Neytiri can / can’t play football.
7 Neytiri can / can’t use a computer. NO ✗
8 Neytiri can / can’t ride a bike.

fifteen 15

M02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U02.indd 15 17/5/16 10:02

4 a) Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). Then, help Daniel do his homework.

1 This is an email. 2 This text is about Social Studies.


Hello! I have a special activity for B. Are you an expert on armadillos? Tick (✓) what they can do.
homework, again! Natural Sciences.
We are reading about animals. Can you
help me? Here’s the activity. Thank you!

A. Answer the questions. You can find run fast fly jump
information in books and on the Internet.
1. Can mammals swim?
2. Can parrots speak English?
3. Can cows eat hot dogs?
4. Can monkeys use a computer?
5. Can camels live in a house? climb swim eat insects
6. Can all birds live in a house?
7. Can condors climb trees?
8. Can monkeys walk?

6 COMMENTS see well hear well 7 COMMENTS

b) Now, listen and check. T13

Mr Smith and the children are talking about armadillos. Check your answers.

5 What can the children do? Play a guessing game.

ride a bike run swim jump climb Can he ride a bike?

Yes, he can.
Max ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ Can he run?
Daniel ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ No, he can’t.
Brian ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓

6 A quiz.
Write five questions about animals. Work in groups.

16 sixteen

M02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U02.indd 16 17/5/16 10:02

7 a) Read Daniel’s email to his grandma LMT
8 a) Read Grandma’s email to Daniel. LMT

and number the photos.

Hi Grandma! Re: Hi Grandma!

Hi Grandma! My dear Daniel,

. They’re fantastic.
Here are the photos from the observatory I can’t see the photos very well, they aren’t clear. Tell me, 1who is
ng sandwiches. Here
Look! In this photo we are making and eati

And here 3one of the watching the stars? 2Are the children eating cake? 3What are they
one of the girls is reading about astronomy. eating? 4Where is the girl reading? 5Who is using the computer?
to is great! 4We are
boys is using Mrs Davies’s computer. This pho 6
How old is he? 7Is this you, Daniel? 8What are you doing?
I am.
watching a programme about space. And here Please, write back soon.
I’m looking at the stars!
Write to me,
Daniel b) Match Grandma’s questions and the following
answers. There is one extra answer.
a Brian.

b They’re eating sandwiches.

a b c I’m looking at the stars.

d Yes, they are.

e I’m watching a programme about space.

f In the observatory.

c g No, they aren’t.

h He’s ten.
i Yes, I am.

c) Write Grandma’s questions in the correct category.


yes / no object person place activity

b) Who? Circle.
1 Emily / Brian is making sandwiches.
2 Brian and Daniel / Emily and Brian aren’t reading a book.
3 Emily and Daniel / Brian and Daniel are watching a
programme on TV.
4 Daniel / Brian isn’t using a computer.
5 Brian / Daniel is looking at the stars.

seventeen 17

M02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U02.indd 17 17/5/16 10:02

9 Read and circle.

Galileo Galilei: the father

of modern astronomy
We’re in Padua, Italy, in 1609. Galileo Galilei and his
friend Marco are making a telescope.
Galileo is a teacher at the University of Padua. He
teaches maths and astronomy. He’s a very intelligent
man. He can speak four languages. He can understand
the characteristics of the planets. He can teach the solar
system to his students, but he can’t make a tube for
his telescope! He needs Marco’s help.
Marco is a carpenter. He’s a very intelligent
man, too. He makes tables and chairs. He
can make houses, too! In this illustration
Marco is making the tube
and Galileo is studying
astronomical maps.
The telescope is ready!
Galileo is very excited.
Now he can see the
spots on the moon and
the sun.
Today is a very
important day in the
history of astronomy
but Galileo doesn’t know

1 This text is about astronomy / Galilei. 5 Galileo is drawing / looking at astronomical maps.
2 Galileo and Marco are working / playing. 6 With the telescope, Galileo can / can’t see the sun.
3 Galileo works / studies at the University of Padua. 7 He can / can’t see the craters of the moon with his telescope.
4 Marco is making a tube / table.

18 eighteen

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10 a) Listen and answer. T14 LMT


Is Marco’s life interesting?

b) Now, listen again and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). T15

1 Marco has a big breakfast. 5 Marco can swim.

2 He doesn’t like apples. 6 There are books in Marco’s house.
3 He is in Galileo’s house in the morning. 7 He doesn’t make dinner.
4 Galileo has lunch with Marco. 8 At 8 in the evening, he’s in his bedroom.

11 Interpret the photos and talk about Galileo. Galileo gets up at 6.20.
He doesn’t watch TV.

2 3



12 Write about Galileo for the Young Astronomers magazine. Use the information in Exercise 11.

nineteen 19

M02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U02.indd 19 17/5/16 10:02

A light in the sky

The children are on the bus now. They’re

going home. They’re tired, but happy. Mr
Smith is playing the guitar. He can play
very well.
The children and the bus driver are
singing, but Daniel isn’t singing. He is
thinking about the telescope, Mars, and
the solar system. Now he can understand
lots of things.

An hour later...
Now Daniel is walking home. Oh! He can
see a light in the sky. Is it a plane? No,
planes can’t fly in small circles. They can’t
move in zig-zags.
Now it’s landing in the cactus park! It’s
round. It has lots of windows… Daniel is
running home. He is scared.

20 twenty

M02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U02.indd 20 17/5/16 10:02

1 Read again and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 3 Play a memory game in pairs. 1
1 The observatory is nice.
Mr Smith gets up at 6.30.
2 The children are walking home.
3 The bus driver can’t sing.
4 The children are happy.
5 Daniel is sad.
6 The children can see a light in the sky.
7 There’s a plane in the sky.
No, he has
breakfast at 6.30.
2 Match. Then, listen and check. T17

4 Write a blog entry about Mr Smith.

Use the information in Exercise 2. Include his
description and his likes.


Questions for Mr Smith:

Mr Smith is a great teacher. He
1 Can you play the piano?
2 Can you ride a bike?
3 Do you make your dinner?
4 Where do you have dinner?
5 What do you have for dinner?
6 What time do you have breakfast?
7 What do you do at weekends?
a At 6.30.
b Chicken and salad.
c I visit my girlfriend.
d In the kitchen.
e No, I can’t.
f Yes, I can.
g Yes, I do.

twenty-one 21

M02_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U02.indd 21 17/5/16 10:02

3 Daniel likes reading UFO stories

1 Read. Then, listen. T18

Daniel: Mum! Dad! There’s a UFO in the cactus

Mum: A what?
Daniel: An unidentified flying object. It’s round…
and huge… Please, come and see it!
Mum: Danny, are you OK? Let’s have a quick
dinner and then you can go to bed. Baker's: ½ kg bread, a cake, 1 kg
You’re tired. biscuits, a dozen croissants
Dad: The problem is his science fiction Butcher’s: 1 kg beef, a chicken,
comics. He likes UFO stories, he likes TV
programmes on UFOs. And now, this trip three sausages
to the observatory… Greengrocer's: ½ kg potatoes,
Daniel: But Dad! The UFO’s there! It’s true. 1 kg tomatoes, 3 peaches, 2 apples
Dad: Tomorrow, no comics, no TV, no Grocer's: 1 litre milk, ½ kg cheese,
computer. 1 litre yoghurt, 1 kg sugar,
Mum: Danny dear, your dad’s right. Back to 2 bottles of water, a box of
this planet! Here’s the shopping list for
tomorrow. Look... From the baker’s, half a cereal, ½ kg butter
kilo of bread, a cake…

22 twenty-two

M03_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U03.indd 22 17/5/16 10:20

2 Match. There are two extra words. 1

sausages biscuits butter

ants potatoes yoghur

3 Write and draw in the correct column.

apples bananas carrots cereals cheese hamburgers

lemons lettuce milk orange juice oranges water

Fruit Vegetables Meat Grains Drinks Dairy products

4 Circle. Then, match.

1 We can buy meat / cheese at the grocer’s. 3 We can buy lettuce / meat at the greengrocer’s.
2 We can buy cake / sugar at the baker’s. 4 We can buy chicken / bread at the butcher’s.

a b c d

twenty-three 23

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5 a) Listen and answer. T19 7 Read and tick.
Emily, Daniel and Brian are cooking.
What do they need?
Grocer's: 1 Emily’s making a cake. She needs:
1 litre milk , ½ kg cheese ,
1 litre yoghurt , 1 kg sugar ,
2 bottles of water , a box of
cereal milk
Daniel is at the grocer’s. He has $50. Does he need
extra money?
b) Listen again and complete. T20 biscuits
How much is…? cheese
1 a litre of milk?
2 a kilo of cheese? 2 Daniel’s making hamburgers. He needs:
3 a litre of yoghurt?
4 a bottle of water?
5 a box of cereal?
c) Act out. croissants
Good morning,
Mr Benson. bread
Good morning, Daniel. eggs
How’s your family?

3 Brian’s making hot dogs. He needs:

6 Listen and circle. T21

1 Emily’s mum needs / doesn’t need eggs. bread

2 She needs / doesn’t need milk. cheese
3 She needs / doesn’t need cheese. chicken
4 She needs / doesn’t need bread. sausages
5 She needs / doesn’t need orange juice.

24 twenty-four

M03_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U03.indd 24 17/5/16 10:20

8 a) Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 1
1 This is an email. 2 A good title for this text is Life in 1950 and Today.

It’s 1950. Joe Evans, Daniel’s

grandad, is 10 years old. There are
no supermarkets in his town. On
Tuesdays and Fridays, Joe and his
mother go to the butcher’s, then
to the grocer’s and finally to the
greengrocer’s. They buy fruits,
vegetables, drinks and meat. They
don’t buy milk, cheese or butter.
The milkman goes to Joe’s house
every day. His mother needs milk,
butter and cheese for the family. Joe
likes drinking fresh milk for breakfast.

Now Joe is 76 and Daniel, his

grandson, is 10. Joe and Daniel
love doing the shopping at
the supermarket. They buy b) Read again and tick.
fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy
It's 1950. In Joe's town...
products... everything!
1 there’s a butcher’s.
On Friday evenings, Joe phones
2 there are supermarkets.
a pizzeria and orders two
pizzas for the family. They 3 there’s a pizzeria.
love eating pizza. Life’s very 4 there’s a grocer’s.
different now! 5 there’s a milkman.
6 there’s a greengrocer’s.

9 Look and circle.
Daniel is doing the shopping with his grandad. Find out what he likes.


1 He likes / doesn’t like playing tennis.

2 He likes / doesn’t like reading.
3 He likes / doesn’t like watching TV.
4 He likes / doesn’t like having mate.
5 He likes / doesn’t like wearing blue.
6 He likes / doesn’t like cooking.

twenty-five 25

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10 Guess! Then, listen and check. T22

Daniel likes doing his homework

in the garden.

11 Look at the chart and play a guessing game in pairs.

Do they like cooking?

Playing Getting Doing the
Cooking Walking Drawing
games up early shopping Yes, they do.
Emily and
Maggie       Do they like walking?
and Brian      
No, they don’t.
Max and
Tom      
Matt and Emily and Maggie?
Megan      

12 Match. There is one extra answer.

1 Does Daniel like reading about UFOs? a In the garden.
2 Does Maggie like cooking? b Max and Tom.
3 What does Emily like doing? c No, they don’t.
4 Where does Daniel like sleeping? d On Sundays.
5 Who likes playing games? e She likes doing the shopping and cooking.
6 Do Max and Tom like getting up early? f Yes, he does.
g Yes, she does.

26 twenty-six

M03_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U03.indd 26 17/5/16 10:20

13 a) Read Joe Evans’s diary and find similarities and differences with your life. Complete. 1
1 Joe lives in a small town, I live .
, 1950 2 He gets up at 6, I .
May 8
3 He has breakfast at school, I .
Dear diary,
4 They have Maths, Language, Science and PE at
Today is my birthday. I’m ten years old. Wow! I’m
school. We .
very happy. I like this new town and I love my new
house. The town is very small. Twenty families live 5 Joe can play three musical instruments. I
here. My brother, Paul, my sister, Sue, and I get
up at 6 and walk to school. We have breakfast at 6 He likes playing the recorder. I .
school: bread and milk. Delicious! At school we have 7 He has lunch at home. I .
Maths, Language, Science and PE. I can play the 8 He doesn’t like doing his homework. I
piano, the guitar and the recorder (my favourite), .
but we don’t have music at school. 9 He does the shopping with his mum. I
I have lunch at home with my family. We have .
chicken or beef and salad. We drink water. In the 10 His mum can cook very well. My mum
afternoon, I do my homework and then I do the .
shopping with my mum. We go to four different 11 His mum loves cooking. My mum
places: the butcher’s, the baker’s, the grocer’s and .
the greengrocer’s. Mum can cook very well and she 12 He goes to bed at 8.30. I .
loves cooking. In the evening, we listen to music and 13 He’s writing now. I .
then we have dinner. I go to bed at 8.30. Now I’m in 14 He loves writing in his diary. I
my bedroom. I'm tired, but I'm really happy... .

b) Now, complete your personal file. 14 a) Complete.

ME Imagine it’s 1950 and you meet Sue, Joe’s sister. Complete
her personal file.


b) Now, write about Sue.

twenty-seven 27

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Is it a person or
an animal?

Daniel: It’s true, Emily. There’s a UFO in the

cactus park. Hurry up!
Emily: You like reading sci-fi books. You love
watching sci-fi TV series. It’s your
Daniel: No, it isn’t. Look!
Emily: Wow! You’re right! And look! There’s a
strange person next to that cactus.
Daniel: This can’t be true. Amazing! Is it a
person or an animal?
Emily: It’s wearing strange clothes. Animals
don’t wear clothes.
Daniel: Is it a he or a she?
Emily: I don’t know. What’s it doing?
Daniel: It’s inspecting the cactus. Perhaps it
likes the plant, or the fruit…
Emily: Let’s go. I’m scared.
E. T.: Emily, don’t be scared!
Daniel: It can talk and it knows your name!

28 twenty-eight

M03_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U03.indd 28 17/5/16 10:20

1 Read again and circle. 1
I’m Emily. I’m going to the 1zoo / cactus park with 2Daniel / Brian. He
loves reading 3sci-fi / history books. He also likes watching 4nature / sci-fi
programmes. He has a great 5imagination / intelligence. He sees 6UFOs / planes
in the sky. I don’t like 7UFOs / bicycles.
Now Daniel and I are at 8school / the cactus park. He’s 9right / wrong!
There is a UFO here! And next to the UFO there is a strange creature. It’s wearing
clothes / shoes. It’s 11eating / looking at a cactus. I’m 12happy / scared...

2 Match. There is one extra answer. 3 Play a chain game in groups.

Questions for ‘It’: It can speak English.
1 Can you speak English?
2 Can you swim? It can speak English and
it can run.
3 Can you run?
4 Can you climb a tree? It can speak English, it can run
5 Can you fly? and it can swim.
6 Do you go to school?
7 Where do you live?
8 Do you like playing?
4 Complete. Then, write.
Answers: Imagine you are Emily. Complete the personal file for the
a On a small planet with my family. strange creature. Then, write an entry for Daniel’s blog.
b No, I can’t, but I can climb a mountain.
c No, I can’t. I’m not a bird. STRANGE CREATURE
d Yes, I can, and I can speak Omegan, Sigman,
Spanish, French, Italian…
e Yes, I can. I can run very well. AGE:
f Yes, I can. I love swimming. DESCRIPTION:
g No, I don’t.
h Yes, I do. Sports, board games, computer
i Yes, I do. I like studying.

twenty-nine 29

M03_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U03.indd 29 17/5/16 10:20

4 Some friends from planet Omega

1 Read. Then, listen. T24

Tixit: Please, don’t be scared. My name’s Tixit. Tixit: Yes, we’re here for a week. We’re
Daniel: Where… where are you from? collecting some plants.
Tixit: I’m from planet Omega. It’s not in your Daniel: Why?
solar system. Tixit: Because there’s a lot of pollution on
Daniel: Wow! And do you speak our language on Omega and there aren’t any plants.
Omega? Omega has huge deserts.
Tixit: No, we don’t. But I can read your minds Daniel: I have an idea! You can come home!
and learn your language. My parents know a lot about desert
plants and animals. My dad has twenty
Daniel: Amazing! llamas.
Emily: Umm… but are you a girl or a boy? Tixit: Llamas? What are they?
Tixit: Me? I’m a girl. And you? Daniel: They’re beautiful desert animals.
Emily: I’m a girl too, and he’s a boy. Tixit: Fantastic! I can go with my parents!
Tixit: Mmmm… I see… We can be friends! Daniel
Daniel: Yeah, but you live on Omega… and Emily: Your… parents?

30 thirty

M04A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U04.indd 30 17/5/16 10:31

2 Read again and circle. 4 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 1
Daniel and Emily are telling
1 Tixit / Daniel is scared.
Tixit about their school.
2 Omega is / isn’t a planet in the solar system. 8


3 People speak Omegan / English in Tixit’s

4 There are / aren’t a lot of plants on Omega.
5 Tixit can / can’t see a llama.

3 Match. There is one
extra answer. 8


1 Why is Daniel scared? 1 We are in class 5A.

2 Why is Tixit collecting plants? 2 We like our school.

3 Why are there no plants on Omega? 3 Our classroom is huge!

4 Mrs Davies is our teacher.
4 Why is the cactus ideal for Omega?
5 Brian is one of our friends.
a Because there’s an extraterrestrial
in the cactus park.
b Because there are huge deserts on 5 Listen and complete. T25
c Because there are no plants on
d Because there is a lot of pollution.
e Because there is a lot of rain.

1 Brian and his family live in a .

2 Brian’s parents are from South .
3 Brian’s father is from .
4 His mother is from .
5 Rocky is Brian’s .

thirty-one 31

M04A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U04.indd 31 17/5/16 10:31

6 a) Choose the correct nationality from the box and complete. There are four extra nationalities.

1 People from Paraguay 2 People from Bolivia

are . are .

3 People from China are

12 People from Argentina
are .

4 People from Japan are

11 People from England
are . AN


H 5 People from Brazil
are .
10 People from France PARAGUAYAN FRENCH
are .
6 People from Italy are
9 People from Peru are

8 People from Spain are 7 People from the USA

. are .

b) Write the nationalities in part a) in the correct column. LMT



... an ... ese ... ish ... other

7 Play a memory game in pairs.

What colour is the Spanish flag?

Red and yellow!

32 thirty-two

M04A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U04.indd 32 17/5/16 10:31

8 a) Read and complete the fact file. 1

File Edit View Favourites Tools Help


FAQs on Llamas
Freq uently Asked

Q: Are llamas from the camel family?

A: Yes, they are but they don’t have humps (camels have
two humps and dromedaries have one).
Q: Where are llamas from?
A: From South America. There are llamas in the puna in
Bolivia, Peru and the north of Chile and Argentina.
Q: Are there any llamas in Asia or Africa?
A: No, there aren’t. Well, perhaps in zoos!
Q: Can llamas live in desert areas?
A: Yes, they can. They like eating grass and they love tunas NAME
(cactus fruit). FAMILY
Q: Are llamas ugly?
A: No, they’re beautiful animals. They’re very elegant! Their HABITAT
legs are thin, and their eyes are very big. FOOD
Q: Are there any white llamas?
A: Yes, some are completely white. There are brown and
black llamas, too.
Q: Why are llamas popular?
A: Because they are very sociable animals. They like people
and they love playing with children! 9 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).
Q: Do children like llamas? Why?
A: Yes, they do because they’re sweet animals. In the Puna desert…
Q: Some llamas spit. When do they spit? 1 there are some plants.
A: When they’re scared or very angry. It’s their defence. 2 there is a lot of water.
3 there are some llamas and vicuñas.

b) Circle the wrong word in the wrong statements. LMT 4 there is some snow.

PAGE 5 there aren’t any condors.

1 Llamas are small animals. 5 Their mouth is huge.
6 there aren’t any armadillos.
2 Their eyes are big. 6 Their head is small.
3 Their legs are short. 7 They live in the desert. 7 there isn’t any rain.
4 Their ears are big. 8 there isn’t any pollution.

thirty-three 33

M04A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U04.indd 33 17/5/16 10:31

10 a) Listen to Tixit and tick what you LMT b) Circle. Then, complete the chart on page 35.

can find on Omega. T26
On Omega...
1 pollution 6 fish 1 there is some / isn’t any pollution.
2 rain 7 moons 2 there is some / isn’t any rain.
3 there is some / isn’t any snow.
3 snow 8 stars
4 there are some/ aren’t any mountains.
4 mountains 9 big animals
5 there are some/ aren’t any stars.
5 rivers 10 insects
6 there are some/ aren’t any insects.

11 a) Read and circle.

Our school newspaper

Our school newspaper

Our town
Our town is small and beautiful. There
are some shops (a butcher’s, a grocer’s,
a greengrocer’s and a baker’s), but
there aren’t any cinemas. There’s a nice
park. We play with our friends there.
Our town is nice because there isn’t any
pollution. The sky is fantastic. At night,
you can see a lot of stars, but you can’t
see any planets. Well, you can visit the
observatory, and see a lot of interesting
things about space.
There isn’t any rain, but there’s snow in
There aren’t many trees because this
is a desert area, but there are some
typical plants: cactuses. There are some
1 This text is about the children and their school / town.
cactuses in the park. In autumn, you can
see their fruit, the tuna. It’s a nice fruit. 2 This text is a story / an article.
3 There is a cinema / park.
4 In winter it’s snowy / rainy.
5A 5 There aren’t any / are some trees.
6 Cactuses have some / don’t have any fruits.
7 There are some tunas in winter / autumn.
8 There’s / There isn’t an observatory in the children’s town.

34 thirty-four

M04A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U04.indd 34 17/5/16 10:31

Can we count…? FOOD & DRINK Yes, we can. No, we can’t.
ENVIRONMENT Yes, we can. No, we can’t.
orange juice

PARTS OF THE BODY Yes, we can. No, we can’t.


b) Read the newspaper again and answer. 12 a) Complete this file about your town or city.

1 How many shops are there in town? MY …

2 Why is the town beautiful?
OPINION (beautiful, nice, etc):
3 Where can you see planets? SHOPS:
. PLACES OF INTEREST (park, club, etc):
4 Where can you find cactuses?
5 What is the tuna? WEATHER:

b) Write about your town or city.

thirty-five 35

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A special invitation

Emily: Look! She can jump ten metres!

Daniel: Can she fly?
Emily: I don’t know… Daniel, let’s go…
Daniel: Why?
Emily: Because I don’t like this place.
There aren’t any people here.
Daniel: Please, Emily, don’t go. We can
talk to real extraterrestrials
from… Where’s she from?
Emily: O... M… E… G… A.
Daniel: Spooky… Look at her parents!
They’re short and thin. Our
parents aren’t short.
Emily: Their heads are very big! Our
heads are small…
Daniel: She’s next to her mother. Or is it
her father?
Emily: I don’t know. They’re very similar.
Look! Tixit has a toy in her
hands. Or is it a cat?
Tixit’s parents accept Daniel’s invitation.
Now, they meet the children.
mum: Hello children!
Emily : He… hello!
dad: Thank you, Daniel, for your
Daniel: You're welcome! We can go
home now.
Parents: Good! Let's go!
Emily: Tixit, can I play with your toy?
Or is it a cat?
Tixit: It’s my pet. It’s a comet and his
name’s Oogly. In Omega some
kids have comets and some have
Oogly: Hello, Emily!


36 thirty-six

M04A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U04.indd 36 17/5/16 10:31

1 Read again and circle. 1
1 Daniel / Emily likes the situation. 3 Daniel’s / Tixit’s parents aren’t tall. 5 Emily / Tixit has a pet.
2 Emily / Tixit can jump ten metres. 4 Tixit’s / Daniel’s parents have big heads.

2 Match. There is one extra answer.

1 Why is Emily scared? a A comet.

2 Where is Tixit? b Because she doesn’t like extraterrestrials.
3 Who is Oogly? c Because they are going to Daniel’s house.
4 Does Tixit have a pet in her hands? d No, he can’t.
5 What does Tixit have in her hands? e She’s next to her parents.
6 Who is next to Tixit? f Tixit’s father.
7 Can Tixit’s mother speak English? g Tixit’s pet.
8 Is Tixit’s father short? h Yes, he is.
9 Are Tixit’s parents happy? i Yes, she can.
10 Why are Tixit’s parents happy? j Yes, she does.
k Yes, they are.

3 Ask and answer in pairs. Do it quickly!

Where is Tixit from?


Does Tixit have a pet?

Yes, she does.

thirty-seven 37

M04A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U04.indd 37 17/5/16 10:31

Everybody knows
Mag I love my toes
M P3



o fi

Everybody knows I love my feet

Everybody knows I love my seat
2 I love my 5 , my
love my toes
Everybody knows I 4 6
love my toes
Everybody knows I 6
My 2 and my nose
, my knees
I love my
But everybody knows I love my toes!
and my nose
My 2
s I love my toes!
But ever ybody know Everybody knows I love my toes
Everybody knows I love my toes
love my eyes
Everybody knows I I love my 1 , my knees
love my thighs
Everybody knows I My 2__________ and my nose
, 1
I love my
But everybody knows I love my toes!
my 4 3
and my nose
My 2
s I love my toes!
But ever ybody know

M P3





o fi

PO E Solomon Grundy
1 on Monday,
2 on Tuesday,
Solomon Grundy 3 on Wednesday,
Cheese on Monday, 4 on Thursday,
Sausages on Tuesday, 5 on Friday,
Bread on Wednesday, 6 on Saturday,
Meat on Thursday, 7 on Sunday,
Flan on Friday,
Back to 8 on Monday,
Hamburgers on Saturday,
Life‛s 9 for Solomon Grundy!
Peaches on Sunday,
Back to cheese on Monday,
Life’s delicious for Solomon Grundy!

38 thirty-eight

M04B_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_SM1.indd 38 17/5/16 11:20


Last letter,
M P3

k are T4
Peter and Patric Peru.


first letter

o fi

es in
planting potato me are
, so
Some are brown blue.
black and some,
Is your bir thday
this Thursda
No, it's on the fi y? Monkey
rst Friday
in February!
Matthew's bir th
day is
this Thursday.
Mum, can you
make a cake for or Yellow
Yes, Kate! Choco se!
cheesecake? Cho ,
Chocolate, please
with cream. Work


W hat is it? W hat is it?

It rhymes with fiber.

It can climb trees.
It’s a 1

W hat is it? W hat is it?

W hat is it? W hat is it?
It rhymes with wish.
It rhymes with funky.

THE s. It can’t walk but it can swim.

It loves eating banana
! It’s a 3 !
It’s a 2
W hat is it? W hat
is it?
It rhymes with

It can’t jump or
It’s an 4

thirty-nine 39

M04B_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_SM1.indd 39 17/5/16 11:20

5 Empanadas for a special family
I inv nd
Can iend a ts
a fr paren ?
her inner ’t
to d y aren

1 Read. Then, listen. T28

Daniel’s mum and dad are in the kitchen. Mum: Mmmm… There’s some meat… Dad: I don’t know… Let’s ask Daniel.
Mum: Look Tony, a message from our There are some eggs and a lot of Mum: Strange… Daniel likes inviting
son! Can I invite a friend and her olives. I can make empanadas! Brian and Brian’s brothers, but not
parents to dinner? They aren’t Dad: That’s an excellent idea! Tourists his whole family.
from here. They’re a very special love eating typical dishes. But, Dad: Daniel’s very sociable, dear. And
family. what about dessert? it’s a change from the routine!
Dad: Mmm… Not from here! Perhaps Mum: They can eat tunas or papayas.
they’re tourists. There are some Tourists like exotic fruit. And I can
French tourists in town. Let’s see… make flan, too! I wonder… where’s
French people like red wine and I this family from?
have two bottles! Good!

40 forty

M05_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U05.indd 40 17/5/16 11:45

2 Read again and tick. 1
1 Daniel is texting his mum. 3 Daniel’s dad thinks empanadas are OK.
2 Daniel is at home. 4 Daniel’s mum is angry.

3 a) Read Daniel’s blog and complete his family tree.


I have a big family. My parents are Lara and Anthony. My brothers’ names are Max and Tom, and my sister’s name
is Kate. Richard is my grandfather, he’s great! And my grandmother’s name is Lucy. Richard and Lucy have three
children: two daughters – Lara, my mum, and Meg, my aunt – and a son, my uncle Boris. Meg has two children, Rod
and Melanie, my cousins. Meg, her husband Jose, and my cousins are in Mexico. Rod and Melanie are happy because
they love eating Mexican food, but I miss them . Boris, and his wife Maria, live here . They’re very nice!


Lara Boris

Max Rod

b) Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). Correct the false statements.

Daniel’s family.
1 Rod is one of his cousins. 5 Anthony is Lara’s husband.
2 Their parents are Meg and Jose. 6 Lucy is Richard’s wife.
3 Lara is Rod’s aunt. 7 Max and Tom are Lara’s sons.
4 Anthony is Melanie’s cousin. 8 Lucy is Lara’s daughter.

forty-one 41

M05_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U05.indd 41 17/5/16 11:45

4 a) Listen and tick. T29 b) Complete.
What does Rod eat and drink? MEXICO
Typical dishes:

Agua de tamarindo
Cake Typical dessert:

Chicken / meat fajitas

Typical drink:


5 Read. Then, listen and tick. T30

What does Lara need from the supermarket?

Empanada Recipe
cs • 1 cup oil
• 2 dozen empanada dis

• green olives (optional)

• 1 kg meat
• 2 hard-boiled eggs (o
• 4 big onions

ho t
in to ve ry sm al l pi ec es an d fr y th em in
Cu t th e on io ns al l
m in ut es . Th en , cu t th e m ea t in to ve ry sm
oi l fo r tw o
e on io ns an d m ix . Ad d th e sa
lt an d co ok
m p a n a d a discs
pi ec es , ad d it to th
es an d th e ha rd -b oi le
d •e
• onions
Fi na lly , cu t th e ol iv
fo r te n m in ut es .
an d m ix th em .
eg gs in sm al l pi ec es
in ut es or fr y
• oil
e ov en fo r fif te en m
Co ok th e em pa na da s in th
• olives
th em in ho t oi l. • eggs
• meat
42 forty-two

M05_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U05.indd 42 17/5/16 11:45

6 a) Listen and circle what Lara has at home. T31 b) Now, answer the questions. 1
1 Is there any rice?
2 How much rice is there?


2 3 Are there any lemons?
4 How many lemons are there?

7 Play a memory game in pairs.

Is there any milk

in the fridge?

Yes, there is.

How much milk

is there?

Two litres.

8 Look at the chart and ask and answer: Whose kitchen?

Doris’s Mr Smith’s Lara’s Meg’s Maria’s Lucy’s Is there any lettuce?

kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen
No, there isn’t.
tomatoes ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
sausages ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ Are there any carrots?

carrots ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ Yes, there are.

lettuce ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ Is it Maria’s kitchen?
bread ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗
No, it isn't.
cheese ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓

forty-three 43

M05_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U05.indd 43 17/5/16 11:45

9 Read and complete with the words in the box. There is one extra word.

FLAN eggs milk sugar
1 Mix the .
2 Mix the with the eggs.

FAVOURITE DESSERTS 10 Read and circle. LMT


Strange but true
FLAN RECIPE • A flan is a nice dessert. People like 1 it / them.
It’s / They’re delicious.
Ingredients: • Tomatoes are from South America. People eat
• 1 litre milk • 2 cups of sugar 3
they / them in omelettes.
• 6 eggs • vanilla extract
• Vanilla cakes are delicious, but some children
don’t like 4 they / them very much.
• Eggs are good. Some people eat 5 it / them for
breakfast. 6 They / Them have a lot of proteins.
In a bowl, put the eggs and • Sausages are not very good for children, but a
mix them. lot of children love 7 it / them.

• Carrots are from Europe and the east of Asia.

They / Them are great for people's eyes and
horses love 9 them / they.

Take the milk out of the fridge • Lettuce is from Europe and Asia. People eat
it / them in tortillas.
and mix it with the eggs.

11 Write the words in the correct column.

Then add the sugar and vanilla
chocolate milk milk oil orange juice
soda sugar tea tomatoes water yoghurt

glass of… A tin of...

A bottle of… A cup of… A
Put the bowl in the microwave oven
and cook for 20 minutes.

44 forty-four

M05_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U05.indd 44 17/5/16 11:45

12 Read and answer. Then, listen and check. T32 13 Write a quiz about your country. 1
Use the following guide.

Plants, places and animals 1 Divide the country into regions, areas, provinces or
around the world. 2 Complete the chart.
1 Is there any snow in Paraguay? 3 Write the questions for the quiz.

Region I Region II Region III

2 Is there any rain in the desert?


3 Is there any pollution in Antarctica?

and plants

4 Is there any rice in Antarctica?


5 Are there any papayas in the jungle? Weather

6 Are there any plants in the desert?

7 Are there any tigers in America?
8 Are there any condors in Africa? 4
9 Are there any llamas in Bolivia? 7

forty-five 45

M05_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U05.indd 45 17/5/16 11:45

A lovely meal

Dad: Dear, come! How many people

can you see?
Mum: I can see Daniel and Emily and…
some actors!
Dad: Are they jumping or dancing?
Perhaps they’re practising for Tixit’s mum: Yes, please, Mrs Shaw. Are Emily: Em-pa-na-das, Oogly!
Carnival… there any desert plants in
the area? In the garden…
Mum: This family is spooky! I’m Daniel: Mum, we can have dinner Daniel’s mum: These small potatoes are
scared… and talk… from the Andes. And here
Five minutes later… Mum: Yes…di…nner…talk… you have some cactus
Daniel: … and they’re visiting this region Later…
because they need desert plants Tixit’s mum: You’re very generous, Mrs
for their planet. Tixit’s dad: A lovely meal! Thanks a Shaw!
lot, Mrs Shaw! Tixit: Mum, can we take this
Dad: Pla…pla…net?
Tixit’s mum: On Omega, we don’t eat llama to Omega? Please!
Emily: Yes, Omega. There isn’t any food, we have pills…
water, and there aren’t any Tixit’s mum: No dear, there isn’t any
Daniel’s mum: Pills? food for it. We need the
plants on Omega. Tixit: Yes, pills, but now I don’t plants, and then, perhaps…
Daniel: Mum, you know a lot about like them. And you,
plants. You can help them! Oogly: Tixit, you have me!
Mum: We…help…them? Oogly: Now I like endapadas! TO BE CONTINUED…

46 forty-six

M05_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U05.indd 46 17/5/16 11:45

1 Read again and circle. 1
1 Daniel’s / Tixit’s parents are spooky. 4 Tixit and her parents / Daniel’s family
2 Daniel’s father / mother can help have pills.
Tixit’s parents. 5 Oogly likes / doesn’t like empanadas.
3 Tixit’s mother / father likes empanadas. 6 The llama can / can’t live on Omega.

2 Match. There is one extra answer.

1 Why is Mrs Shaw scared? a Yes, there are.
2 Are there any potatoes in Mrs Shaw’s garden? b Daniel.
3 How many potatoes are there in her garden? c No, there aren’t.
4 How much wine is there on the table? d No, there isn’t.
5 Are there any cups on the table? e The Andes.
6 Do Daniel’s friends like empanadas? f There are a lot.
7 Where are the small potatoes from? g There are two bottles.
8 Is there any food for the llama on Omega? h Because Daniel’s friends are strange.
i Yes, they do.

3 Play a memory game in pairs.

Are there any eggs on the table?

No, there aren’t.

How many glasses are there?

There are six.

forty-seven 47

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6 Would you like chocolate biscuits?

1 Read. Then, listen. T34

Tixit’s mum: Welcome to our spaceship. Tixit’s dad: Don’t get sad, dear. Children,
Mrs Davies: Thank you for your come here and watch.
invitation! Would you like chocolate or
lemon biscuits?
Tixit’s dad: The children’s idea.
Emily &
Tixit’s mum: Please sit down. Would you
Daniel: Chocolate!
like some juice?
Tixit’s dad: … and a plate of 2517 pills.
Emily: Yes, please. I’d like some
strawberry juice. Daniel: Amazing! An intelligent
Daniel: And I’d like lemon juice,
please, and biscuits. Mrs Davies: I want to have this machine
at home.
Tixit’s dad: OK, two glasses of pills: one
of 4987 and one of 4982. Oogly: But it doesn’t make
Emily: Pills?
Emily: Em-pa-na-das, Ooogly!
Tixit’s mum: Oh, yes. There isn’t any
water and there aren’t any
strawberries or lemons
on Omega. Everything’s
artificial. In the past…

48 forty-eight

M06_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U06.indd 48 23/5/16 11:18

2 Read again and circle. 4 Put the conversations in the 1
correct order. Then, listen and
1 The children are / aren’t at the observatory. check. T36
2 Mrs Davies and Mr Smith like / don’t like 7

the visit.
3 Tixit’s mother cooks / doesn’t cook.
a Here you are.
4 Mrs Davies has / doesn’t have an intelligent
b No, thank you. I don’t like
machine at home.
sugar, but I’d like some milk.
c Thank you.
d Would you like some coffee?
3 Read and complete. Then, listen and
check. T35 e Would you like some sugar?
f Yes, please.
It’s dinner time. Emily’s family is in the living
room. There’s a 1 of water
on the table, and next to the bottle there are
two 2 with bread and
biscuits. There are two 3
of B
wine, one for Emily’s mother and one for her a I’d like a hot dog, please.
father. Emily wants soda, but there isn’t a b Thank you! How much is it?
of soda on the table. Are c No, thank you.
there any 5
of soda in the d OK, here you are.
fridge? And there are two 6 e Would you like ketchup
of coffee for Emily’s parents. They love drinking or cheese with it?
coffee. f 5 pesos.

5 Act out in small groups. Would you like…?

2 3

forty-nine 49

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6 Read Daniel’s email and answer the 7 Read and circle. 7

1 Today is Monday. Yesterday was Sunday / Tuesday.
2 Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Tuesday / Wednesday.
3 Today is Saturday. Yesterday was Sunday / Friday.
Hi Granny!

Dear Granny,
I have a new 8 Look at the calendar, read and complete.
How are you? Is grandpa OK? I have great
a different galaxy, not
friend, Tixit. She’s from Omega, a planet in
She’s very nice. She’s
our galaxy. Yes, Granny, it’s true! She’s an ET!
They are here because
here with her parents and her pet, Oogly.
desert plants for their
they need plants. They want to buy some
et, and there’s a lot of
planet. There isn’t any water on their plan
cactus park, too, and
pollution. Last week they saw a llama in the
now they want to take it to their planet.
went with Emily,
Yesterday I had a fantastic experience. We
Tixit’s spaceship.
Emily’s mum, and Mr Smith, our teacher, to
Amazing! We ate chocolate biscuits and we drank
pills! In the
juice. Tixit’s dad made juice and biscuits with
It’s an incredible
afternoon, we played on Tixit’s computer.
I played Plants vs
computer! It can talk with you!
Today is Friday, September 10.
Zombies, and Emily played Minecraft. Yesterday was Thursday, September 9.
her family. Tixit was
Mrs Davies bought two plants for Tixit and Last Monday was 6. Last week was
we went home. I was
so happy with the present! In the evening, Friday, September 3. Last month was
tired, and very, very happy! I want to visit the spaceship August.
with pills!
again, play computer games and make a cake
e in my camera.
Do you want to see some photos? I have som
Today is Thursday, March 27. Yesterday
Daniel was 1 . Last Sunday was
. Last week was
. Last month was

1 Does Daniel tell his granny about school?

Today is Saturday, June 9. Yesterday

2 Is Daniel excited / sad? was 5 . Last Tuesday
was 6 . Last week
was 7 . Last month
3 Is Daniel writing about a present experience or a past was 8 .

50 fifty

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11 Look and complete. Then, listen and check.
9 Play a memory game in pairs. T37 6
1 What do they want to do?

We’re very tired.

May Jun It’s very hot!

Emily has a party.

Emily’s parents are at

Dec USHUAIA home.
Tixit was in Santiago
de Chile in March.
False! 5

Look at Brian’s CD
10 Read the email again and write ✓ (true)
or ✗ (false). 8


1 Tixit’s parents want to take a llama

to Omega.
Mr Smith has a new
2 They want to buy plants.
3 Daniel wants to visit the spaceship. He
4 He wants to play computer games. .
5 He wants to cook at home.

fifty-one 51

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12 a) Read Daniel’s email on page 50 and tick. 14 Match.
Daniel's activities yesterday. Tixit and her family saw a lot of animals on Earth.
1 buy desert plants 1 They saw a koala a in Africa.
2 see a llama 2 They saw a condor b in Antarctica.
3 go to Tixit’s spaceship 3 They saw a monkey c in Asia.
4 make chocolate biscuits 4 They saw a tiger d in Australia.
5 eat chocolate biscuits 5 They saw a coyote e in Central America.
6 drink orange juice 6 They saw a penguin f in North America.
7 play on the computer 7 They saw an iguana g in South America.
8 write to his granny
15 Look at Tixit’s photos and say. Then, listen
and check. Is there anything wrong? T38
b) Complete. Who? 7


1 saw a llama in a cactus park. Tixit went to Australia

and saw a kangaroo.
2 went to Tixit’s spaceship.
3 made chocolate biscuits.
4 ate chocolate biscuits.
5 drank orange juice.
6 played on the computer.
7 bought two plants.
8 had a nice experience. 4

13 Read and circle.

Everybody’s favourite dishes.
1 Daniel had eggs, milk and sugar. He made flan / a salad.
2 Emily had cheese, bread, beef, lettuce and tomatoes. She
made hamburgers / empanadas.
3 Brian had chicken, onions, olives, cheese and tomatoes. He
made fajitas / empanadas. 5

4 Mrs Davies had empanada discs, olives, chicken and

tomatoes. She made empanadas / hamburgers.
5 Tixit’s dad had 4987 pills. He made juice / a cake.

3 6

52 fifty-two

M06_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U06.indd 52 23/5/16 11:18

16 Read Brian’s poster and circle three mistakes. 17 a) Write about your imaginary adventure. 1
Use the following guide.

Project Work: A Memorable Experience 1 Select three places, provinces, regions, etc.
2 Complete the chart.
My uncle’s adventure 3 Write your imaginary adventure.

Place 1 Place 2 Place 3

My name’s Brian, and
I’m a student in 5A
in Junior Elementary Landmarks (typical
School. My uncle is a tourist places)
pilot and his life is an Typical food
adventure! In 2015,
he went to a lot of Typical drinks
places. In January, he
went to Brazil and ate
feijoada and drank
agua de tamarindo.
My adventure in 2015
He saw the Maracaná

(the Maracaná is an In 2015, my family and I
enormous football stadium). In March, he went
to Paraguay. He saw Ypacarai Lake. He ate burritos
and drank terere. In June, he went to Colombia. He ate b) Now, make your poster.
arepas (delicious bread) and drank mate, the typical
Colombian drink. He went to Peru in August and
saw Machu Picchu. He ate ceviche and bought pisco. 18 Look and say what they did last Sunday.
And in October, he
Last Sunday,
went to Mexico. A Daniel played…
lovely place. He saw
fantastic pyramids.
He ate fajitas and
burritos. He bought
presents for the
family. He had a
great time!

fifty-three 53

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Tixit's teacher

Tixit: And this is my bedroom. You can

help me with my homework!
Emily: Homework? Here on Earth?
Tixit: Yes, my teacher wants it on
Saturday. Yesterday I made lots
of mistakes. Please, I need help.
Daniel: Where’s your teacher?
Tixit: Here, look!
Emily: Where? I see a TV.
Tixit: This computer’s my teacher.
I want to have Mr Smith...
Emily: Where do you write your
homework? There’s no keyboard.
Tixit: I dictate it to my teacher. Listen.
Bolivia is in Europe.
PC: Beep! Try again!
Emily: And your school friends?
School’s fun because there are
other children.
Daniel: Yesterday, I played football with
my school friends!
Tixit: I don’t have any school friends.
On Omega, I play with the
children next to my house. In
space, I play computer games
with my friends from other
Daniel: Other planets?
Tixit: Yes, in 12MM – the year 2008 for
you – we went to planet Alpha
and in 13MM we went to planet
Emily: Are they beautiful planets?
Tixit: Yes, they are, but your planet’s
super and you’re super too!
You’re my new friends!


54 fifty-four

M06_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U06.indd 54 23/5/16 11:18

1 Read again and answer. 1
1 Where are the children? 4 Does she do homework?
2 Does Tixit go to school? 5 Is her teacher special?
3 Does she have a lot of school friends?

2 Read and circle.

The space review

The space era

The space era started in the Soviet Union, now
Russia, on October 4, 1957. Scientists made an
artificial satellite, the Sputnik I. This machine
orbited Earth for three months. It studied our
atmosphere and our radio transmissions.
Then, on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet
astronaut, went around Earth for the first time.
On August 6, 1961, another Soviet astronaut,
Gherman Titov slept in space for three hours. On
May 5, 1962, the American astronaut John Glenn
went around Earth for five hours. Millions of people
watched his return from space on TV.
In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in
space, orbited Earth forty-eight times. She was in
space for three days. In 1965, Soviet astronaut
Aleksei Leonov went out of his spaceship and
walked in space for twelve minutes.
Then, on July 20, 1969 two American astronauts,
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin walked on the
moon for the first time. Six hundred million people
watched this on TV.

1 This is an article / a story.

2 This text is from an encyclopaedia / email.
3 The Sputnik I was a Soviet / an American satellite.
4 Gagarin / Titov was in space for three hours.
5 Titov / Tereshkova was a woman.
6 A Russian / An American astronaut walked in space.

fifty-five 55

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7 They visited Tixit’s UFO

1 Read. Then, listen. T40

Yesterday, Tixit’s family visited Daniel’s a museum and a park. But there aren’t any
house. They liked it, and they were very children in the park. No, there’s a lot of
happy. Today, they want to show their pollution… This television is amazing! It’s
world to their human friends. Now, real!
they’re all in front of an enormous 4D
television. On it, Daniel can see Tixit’s Thirty years ago, Tixit’s mum played in
city on Omega. All its buildings are very that park, she rode her bicycle with her
modern but, there aren’t any trees in the friends. The good old times… Now, the
streets. It’s strange… Omegans want new trees for their streets.
They want beautiful parks for their
Mrs Davies wants to see the city centre. children. Tixit wants to read books under
Tixit’s mum uses the remote control and a tree and play in a green park. And the
now they can see the bank area, a cinema, new baby, too. It’s coming soon.

56 fifty-six

M07_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U07.indd 56 17/5/16 16:25

2 Read again and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 1
1 Tixit’s mother was in 3 Daniel is watching TV with Emily,
Daniel’s house yesterday. Mrs Davies and Mr Smith.
2 Now they’re on 4 They’re looking at photos
the spaceship. of Tixit’s house.

3 a) Match.

c d

bank train
museum park e
station restaurant
hospital hotel
k f

j i h g

b) Complete.
1 You can see very nice paintings and 5 Do you need $200? Go to the
statues at the . .
2 People watch films at the 6 The children are in the .
. They’re reading about history.
3 Do you want to see a musical? You can 7 The children are riding their bikes in the
go to the . .
4 I want to go to Mar del Plata. I’m going to 8 You can eat lunch or dinner at a
the . .

c) Now, listen and number the pictures in part a). There are two extra pictures. T41

fifty-seven 57

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4 Look and say. Then, listen and check. T42 7 Read and complete.
Mr Smith’s activities last week.
Today is Friday. Fo
ur days ago it was
Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1
. Three days ago it
9 2 was
. Six days ago it was


This is the year 2016. Four years ago it was

. Thirty years ago it was
. Fifty years ago it was
. Forty-seven years ago
it was 7


This is the month of August. Four

8 .
months ago it was
15 Six months ago it was
9 . Ten months ago it
Last Monday, he went… .
was 10

8 Read and circle five mistakes. 7


5 Write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). Then, go LMT Fifty years ago, on Omega, Tixit’s parents had
back to page 56 and check your answers. 8
computers at home. They read books on their


computers. They wrote emails to their friends

1 There’s a lot of pollution in Tixit’s city.
and visited them in their houses. They watched
2 Its park has a lot of trees. television. They liked watching programmes
3 The museum is grey. about life on Earth. They were very happy
because their planet was green.
4 Its windows are blue.
Fifty years ago, on Earth, people watched
Tick Tixit’s mum’s activities thirty years ago. M
television. They had DVDs too, and listened to
6 7

CDs. They wrote emails to their friends and
1 Visit friends visited their profiles on Facebook. They made
2 Play in the park cakes and drinks with water and pills. People
rode bikes and horses in the street. They were
3 Ride a bike
happy because the planet was green and clean.
4 Read books under a tree

58 fifty-eight

M07_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U07.indd 58 17/5/16 16:25

9 Write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 11 Interpret the photos and talk about 1
How much do you know about life in South America Melanie.
in the past? Daniel’s cousin, Melanie, was in Bariloche last summer.
1 People rode bikes in the year 1610. Talk about her holidays there.
Daniel’s cousin went to…
2 People listened to the radio in the year 1800.
3 People watched television in the year 1930.
4 People read electronic books in the year 2010.
5 People wrote emails in the year 2005.
6 People listened to CDs in the year 1995. 1
7 People watched films at the cinema in 1890. 2
8 People liked eating hamburgers and hot dogs in 1810.

10 Read and complete Daniel’s post. Then, listen 3

and check. T43

Brian’s uncle
Two years ago, Brian’s
uncle went to Egypt.
7 8
It was a fantastic 6
trip. He rode
12 Read and answer.
the desert. He saw 2 pyramids.
They were amazing! Every morning, he had a big Two years ago, my parents visited Delta, a
: coffee, eggs, bread, cake, milk, small planet in the XY galaxy. The parks were
green, and all the trees, plants and flowers
yoghurt and cheese. He visited a lot of were fantastic! They saw the Bengal River and
and he saw very it was clean. Its water was blue. They were very
5 happy, but they were very sad, too, because
paintings and sculptures. At the the rivers on Omega are not clean or blue!
National Library, he read very 6
books. He had 7 at a restaurant
and at five o’clock, he went back to the 1 What is Delta?
. In his room, he 9 2 Where is Delta?
television, he 10 to music and 3 Are there any parks on Delta?
emails to his family. He was 4 Are there any trees, flowers and plants?
very 12 in Egypt. 5 Is there a river on Delta?
15 COMMENTS 6 Are there any rivers on Omega?

fifty-nine 59

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13 Read and tick the correct photos.
The children want to help planet Omega. They show Tixit a campaign they read on the web about the river Thames.

Let’s clean the Thames

London is the capital city of the United Kingdom. Its river,
the Thames, is clean now but in 1850 it wasn’t clean, it was
very dirty. It had a lot of old bottles and tins. People didn’t
swim in the Thames. The children didn’t play next to the
river. It was horrible. 2

Then, in 1853, the Londoners started a campaign: 'Let’s clean

the Thames.' Now, people swim in the river, they can fish in
the river and eat the fish. And the water is clean and blue.

14 a) Listen and tick the correct pictures. T44
Daniel is talking with Tixit about his visit to the park four days ago.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

b) Circle. Then, listen again and check. T45

1 Today is / isn’t Tuesday. 5 He drank / didn’t drink water.

2 Last Friday, Daniel went / didn’t go to school. 6 He made / didn’t make a chocolate cake.
3 He rode / didn’t ride his bike. 7 He swam / didn’t swim in the river.
4 He ate / didn’t eat at home. 8 He visited / didn’t visit Emily.

60 sixty

M07_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U07.indd 60 17/5/16 16:25

15 Look at the chart and play a guessing game in groups. 1

Yesterday he rode a bike,
ride a write read a make a drink
but he didn’t write emails.
bike emails book cake milk fruit

Daniel ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ Daniel!

Max ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ No! He read a book.

Brian ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ Matt!

Matt ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓

16 a) Read and circle three mistakes. c) Read the email again and complete.

ACTIVITIES In the morning In the evening
Hi Mia!

Hi, Mia! In the afternoon

I didn’t write to you yesterday ( , I know I promised!) because
I had an amazing experience . I visited a spaceship. Yes, it’s
I have a new friend, Tixit. She’s from Omega. We went to her
house, well, her spaceship. We watched TV. We didn’t watch a TV LUNCH
Where? What?
programme, we saw her city on Omega. There’s a lot of pollution
and there aren’t any plants in the parks. It’s very sad.
We didn’t have lunch on the spaceship. We went to our park.
Tixit rode my bike (she can ride very well) and we ate sandwiches
under a tree. Tixit listened to special music: birds! There aren’t
any birds on Omega. She loved them. FEELINGS
Tired? Sad?
Then I went home and I read my new astronomy book. I was very
tired, but I was very happy! My new friend is fantastic!
Write to me! Happy?
Love, ♥
17 Write an email about your activities last Sunday.
b) Complete. Emily (E) or Tixit (T)? Use the following guide.
1 wrote an email. 4 listened to music. 1 Make a list with the categories in Exercise 16 c).
2 made a promise. 5 liked birds. 2 Complete the web with information about your day. You can
invent information.
3 rode a bike. 6 read a book for
school. 3 Write the email.

sixty-one 61

M07_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U07.indd 61 17/5/16 16:25

I didn't eat any food pills!

Tixit: Look! This is our flat, and

that’s Grandpa. Hi, Grandpa!
Grandpa: A new language…
Concentration… Hi Tixit!
Do you have any problems?
Yesterday we didn’t talk!
Tixit: Sorry, Grandpa! Yesterday
was a great day. We went to
a park and in the evening,
we visited our new friends
and we had dinner. And
guess what? I didn’t eat any
food pills!
Grandpa: New friends?
Emily &
Daniel: Hi, Grand… Pa.
Mrs Davies &
Mr Smith: Hello!
Grandpa: Hello!
Tixit’s mum: Dad, they want to ask you
some questions. You know a
lot about the universe.
Mrs Davies: Your cities are so modern,
but there aren’t any plants.
Grandpa: It’s a long story… Twenty
years ago we didn’t protect
our planet from pollution.
Please don’t make this
Tixit’s father: They have a beautiful
planet. We’re taking lots of
plants home!
Grandpa: Good! New plants for our
parks, new trees for our
streets… And, how’s my new
mother: Fine… and big!


62 sixty-two

M07_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U07.indd 62 17/5/16 16:25

1 Read again and circle. 1
1 Tixit’s grandpa is on Omega / the spaceship. 3 Mrs Davies talks with / writes to Tixit’s grandpa.
2 Tixit writes an email / talks to her grandpa. 4 Tixit’s grandpa wants / doesn’t want plants for Omega.

2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).

The Nazca mystery

The Nazca desert is in the south of Peru.
In it, there are some very mysterious lines
and drawings. All the figures are only visible
from planes. Many years ago, in 1927, pilots on
a plane saw the Nazca lines for the first time.
Some lines form triangles and rectangles.
Other lines point to the sun and the moon
at different moments of the day. There are
drawings of animals and flowers and there’s a
drawing of… an astronaut?!
Who made these figures? We don’t know but
there are some theories:
• The Nazca people made the drawings
2000 years ago. Perhaps the place was an
astronomical observatory for them.
• The Nazca people didn’t draw the figures.
Extraterrestrials made the drawings. Perhaps
the Nazca desert was their airport.
What do you think? naut from a plane
View of the astro

1 This text is an article. 4 Nazca is a Peruvian desert.

2 This text is from a book of stories for children. 5 Some pilots made the lines eighty years ago.
3 Another good title for this text is The Nazca Lines. 6 There are different figures in Nazca.

sixty-three 63

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8 The UFO went up and up

1 Read. Then, listen. T47

Yesterday was Tixit’s last day on Earth. It

was also a memorable day for her human
friends. Tixit’s parents wanted to give their
new friends a present. They had different
ideas: her dad, a 4D TV; her mum, a big
box of food pills for Mrs Davies. But Tixit
had a brilliant idea! A short excursion
round the moon on their spaceship!
An excursion to the moon! It was Mrs
Davies’s dream! In her observatory she
studied the moon with her telescope but
to fly round the moon…
Emily got up at 8; she had breakfast, did
her homework and then, she worked in
the garden. At 12, she went back to her
bedroom. ‘Let’s see… What can I wear?
A T-shirt, pants and trainers? Perhaps it’s
cold. OK, a sweater, then. But perhaps
it’s very cold. I know! A T-shirt, a sweater,
a jacket, a scarf and gloves!’ She was so
At 3 in the afternoon they were all
ready. Emily and Daniel went to the
cabin and sat behind Tixit’s father, the
pilot. The UFO went up, and up, and up.
Emily looked out of the window and
saw a green and blue ball. Is that Earth?

64 sixty-four

M08A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U08.indd 64 17/5/16 17:12

2 Read again and circle. 1
1 Tixit’s dad / mum wanted to give their 4 Emily was happy / sad in the morning.
friends a box of pills. 5 At 3 in the afternoon, Emily, Daniel,
2 Tixit liked / didn’t like her parents’ ideas. Mr Smith and Mrs Davies were
3 Tixit’s idea was a spaceship / at home / on the spaceship.
an excursion. 6 Emily saw a green and blue ball: it was
the moon / planet Earth.

3 a) Tick. Then, listen and check. T48

It’s very cold in space. What clothes is Emily taking on the excursion round the moon?





6 16 17
8 9
7 18

b) Look at the picture in part a) and write c) Complete the tables.

the number next to the words.

Emily is ready for her trip round the moon! Clothes Accessories
She’s wearing a T-shirt , pants and
trainers . No skirt , shirt or shoes
for this excursion. She has a jacket ,
a scarf and gloves for the cold. She Hot Weather Cold weather All weather
doesn’t have a raincoat or an umbrella .
Not necessary! And she’s wearing her mum’s
black belt . She loves that belt!

sixty-five 65

M08A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U08.indd 65 17/5/16 17:12

4 Play a chain game in groups. 7 a) Read, listen and circle seven mistakes. LMT
Then, listen again and check. T49 7


Read Kate’s description of a special day in Daniel’s life.

In Emily’s wardrobe there’s a green dress.

Daniel got up at 10 yesterday and had a small breakfast. He
ate cake, biscuits and fruit, and drank chocolate milk and
orange juice. He didn’t watch TV because the programmes in
In Emily’s wardrobe there’s a the morning were not interesting. He listened to music and
green dress and an umbrella. wrote in his blog. Then he did his homework. Mr Smith gave
Daniel and his friends some questions about the Arecibo
radio telescope. The information on the Internet was very
interesting. Then he studied Social Studies.
At 11, he helped Mum in the kitchen. She made a cake and
biscuits, and he put them in a box. ‘This is for the excursion,
In Emily’s wardrobe, there’s a green
Daniel, they’re chocolate biscuits,’ she said. Daniel was very
dress, an umbrella and two T-shirts.
happy because mum’s biscuits are delicious!
At 12.30, he had chicken and fish for lunch and he put some
5 A class survey. clothes in his school bag: a sweater, a scarf, gloves, a raincoat
and a jacket. He was ready for the excursion to the moon. He
Find a classmate who… rode his bike to the cactus park and saw Mr Smith there. He
… likes wearing a scarf. was very excited, but I was very sad: I wanted to go, too!
… doesn’t have brown shoes.
… doesn’t like wearing a shirt.
… has a raincoat.
... is wearing white socks.
… isn’t wearing a belt.
b) Now, write the correct version of Daniel’s day.
6 Read the story again and write in the correct column.

rd ay
Em ily 's ac tiv iti es ye ste
• ge t up at 8
• lo ok ou t of th e wi nd ow
• do ho me wo rk
• se e a pl an et
• ge t cl oth es re ad y
• go to th e sp ac es hi p

In the morning In the afternoon

66 sixty-six

M08A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U08.indd 66 17/5/16 17:12

8 Read and complete the fact file. 1


FAQs on the Arecibo radio telescope

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s a radio telescope?

A: It’s a telescope for sounds. It ‘hears’ the sounds from
distant stars.
Q: Where’s the Arecibo radio telescope?
A: It’s in an astronomical observatory on the island of Puerto
Rico, in the Caribbean.
Q: What’s its size? Is it big?
A: Well, it’s enormous, the size of 12 football stadiums.
Q: Does it send messages to other galaxies?
A: Yes, it does. In 1974 it sent a message to the M13 galaxy.
Q: Where’s the M13 galaxy?
A: It’s 25,000 light years from the Earth. Name
Q: Did the astronomers use a language in the message? Place
A: No, they didn’t. They used numbers and drawings.
Q: Did they write Maths problems? Size
A: No, they wrote our first ten numbers.
Astronomers’ activities
Q: Did they draw the solar system?
A: Yes, they did. They also made a drawing of the human They send messages They draw the human
to other galaxies body
Q: Was the drawing in colour? They draw the solar They get
system messages
A: No, it wasn’t.
Q: Were the astronomers happy?
A: Yes, they were!
Q: Did the astronomers get any answers from language drawings numbers
A: No, because the message is travelling to the M13 galaxy!

9 Listen and answer. T50 LMT


1 Did Martin Campbell make a film? 6 Was the observatory interesting?
2 Was James Bond in the film? 7 Did he visit Rio Abajo river?
3 Did Brian’s aunt visit the telescope? 8 Did he swim in the lake?
4 Did Brian’s uncle have breakfast at the hotel? 9 Did he walk in the morning?
5 Did he buy a train ticket? 10 Did he like the visit?

sixty-seven 67

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10 Play a memory game. Did Brian’s uncle get up late?

No, he didn’t.

11 Look at the chart and play a guessing game.

Did she study last Saturday?

Activities last Saturday
Yes, she did.
ride a do get up swim at
study board Did she do her
bike homework at 6 the club
games homework?
Emily ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
No, she didn’t.
Tixit ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗
Maggie ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗
Karen ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓

12 Read and write ✓ (Yes) or ✗ (No). Then, write your questions about the story.

1 Did Daniel see the Southern Cross with his father?

2 Was Daniel sad about the excursion to the observatory?
3 Was Emily scared in the cactus park?
4 Did Tixit go to Daniel’s school?
5 Were Tixit’s parents scared in Daniel’s house?
6 Did Daniel’s mum cook for Tixit’s family?
7 Did Oogly like eating empanadas?
8 Did Mrs Davies go to the spaceship?
9 Did Tixit show her bedroom to Daniel and Emily?
10 Did Daniel visit Tixit’s city?
11 Did Tixit write an email to her grandpa?
12 Did Mrs Davies talk with Tixit’s grandpa?

68 sixty-eight

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13 a) Read and tick. b) Read again and complete. 1
1 Emily is writing an email to her cousin.
2 Emily writes about her excursion to the moon.
3 Emily’s cousin is in her house.


Mia says:
Hi, Em. How are you?
Emily says:
I’m very happy! Opinion
Mia says:
Why? Did you see a martian?
Emily says:
No, I didn’t. Do you remember my new friend, Tixit? Well,
we had a fantastic experience yesterday.
Mia says:
Did you visit Tixit’s spaceship again?
Emily says:
ad? Why?
Tired? Happy? S
Yes, I did.
Mia says:
And did you watch the 4D TV again?
Emily says:
No, we didn’t. We went round the moon!
Mia says:
Emily says:
It’s true! And I saw our planet, it was amazing!
Mia says:
Really? 14 Write a conversation. Use the following guide.
Emily says: Imagine you’re Daniel. You’re chatting with a friend. Tell your
Yes, it was incredible. It’s a green and blue ball.
friend about the excursion to the moon.
Mia says:
Did you see the Andes? 1 Make a chart with the categories in Exercise 13 b).
Emily says:
2 Complete the categories with information about
Yes, I did. They are magnificent!
the excursion.
Mia says:
Were you happy? 3 Write the chat.
Emily says:
Of course I was.
Mia says:
Emily, it’s 8.30, and I have some homework.
Bye for now!
Last message received at 20:30


sixty-nine 69

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Time to say


Mr Smith is very excited! In his mobile at

school, the moon is a ping-pong ball. Now,
he can see the real moon. It’s there, next to
the spaceship. It’s a grey and white desert,
with craters and mountains. ‘There’s water
in the craters of the South Pole,’ says Mrs
Davies. ‘It’s the perfect platform for space
explorations,’ says Tixit’s father. Now they
can see the invisible part of the moon.
‘Did the astronauts walk on this side?,’ asks
Daniel. No, they didn’t see this part.
Now Tixit’s father is starting their
excursion back to Earth. The children can
see its continents and oceans! Look! The
Andes! Emily can see their cactus park.
Now they’re on planet Earth again.
The three children are very sad… They
don’t want to say goodbye. Tixit’s parents
are also sad, but it’s time to go home…
Back on Earth, Emily and Daniel are
standing next to Mrs Davies and Mr Smith.
They’re waving goodbye. The spaceship is
going up and up. They can see Tixit in one
of the windows. Look at her eyes… Tixit is
sad, too.

70 seventy

M08A_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_U08.indd 70 17/5/16 17:13

1 Read again and answer. 1
1 Did Mr Smith see the mountains on the moon? 4 Were the children happy with the excursion?
2 Did he see the invisible part of the moon? 5 Now Tixit is on the spaceship, and the children are
3 Did the astronauts walk on the invisible part of the in the cactus park. Are they happy?

2 Read and complete.

Two months ago, Mrs Davies got a
radio message from the observatory I have a baby
in Puerto Rico. The astronomers in Hi! I'm back home! And guess what?
s adorable!
Arecibo were surprised, but Emily brother! His name's DanyEl and he'
we are a family of
and Daniel interpreted the message.
Grandpa's also very happy. Now
It was Tixit’s voice!
1 got a special iful, and perfect
message from Arecibo. Your plants are fine. They're beaut
back to Earth soon.
2 is on Omega. for our climate. Dad wants to go
3 has a baby brother. Hooray!
4 wants to go back to Love,

3 Write back to Tixit.

Imagine you answer Tixit’s message. What are her friends doing? What do they want to tell Tixit?

Em ily D a n ie l

Mr Sm ith M rs D av ie s

seventy-one 71

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We have the whole
Mag world in our hands
M P3



o fi

We have the mountains and the

rivers / lakes in our hands,
We have the 6 forest / jungle and
e ha ve th e who le world in our hands,
world in our hands,
We have the whole We have future generations
world in our hands,
We have the whole in our hands,
world in our hands.
We have the whole We have the whole world in our hands.

cows and the

We have the fish / We have the whole world in our hands,

2 rds / condors in our ha

bi We have the whole world in our hands,
3 t / small animals
W e ha ve bi g an d fa
We have the whole world in our hands,
We have the whole world in our hands.
d the
We have the birds an
r hands,
animals / trees in ou
world in our hands.
We have the whole

M P3

There was a man, di


o fi

and his name was Dob,
And he had a wife,
and her name was Mob,
And he had a dog, Ball
and its name was Cob,
And she had a cat, and its
name was Chitterabob.
‘Cob,’ said Dod, Car
‘Chitterabob,’ said Mob.
Cob was Dob’s dog,
Mob’s cat. Dog

72 seventy-two

M08B_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_SM2.indd 72 17/5/16 17:24

M P3



o fi

title of
• Find out the
Ride your bike, Phone a friend, the poem.
Walk your dog, • Then, write y
Play the guitar, er
poem. Rememb
Sing a song, Cook some food, in
to put the title
Read a book, Play on the netbook, Omegan langu
Visit your grandparents, Tell your family a story. • Ask a friend
to find
out your secret












seventy-three 73

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ChaPter I

I’m Benjie, an eight-year-old dog. I live in a dog shelter. People come and
choose a dog and take it home. They choose young dogs, but I’m not young. They
choose pretty dogs, but I’m not pretty. They choose special breeds: boxers, collies,
cockers, bulldogs, but I’m not a special breed. I’m medium size, with black and
white hair and brown eyes. When people see me they say, ‘No’ with their heads,
but when they see one of my friends they say, ‘What a lovely dog! I can adopt it!’
There’s a vet in this shelter. He’s very nice to me. In the morning, he gives me a big
bowl of milk with some biscuits. In the afternoon, he takes me for a walk. In the
evening, when he says good night to me, he says: ‘Don’t be sad. You have a lot of
good qualities! You’re intelligent, you’re obedient and you’re nice! You’re the ideal
dog for a family with small children. Lots of children visit this home every week.
I can imagine a boy saying to his dad, ‘Can I have this dog, Daddy?’ ‘Are you sure?’
asks the dad. ‘Yes, yes, this one!’

Then at night, when I’m sleeping, I have happy

dreams! I dream about a 10-year-old boy. What
are we doing in the dream? Lots of things: we’re
playing with a ball, we’re running in the garden,
we’re watching Animal Planet… What a lovely
dream! But when I wake up, I’m back in the dog

Read and circle.

1 What is a good title for this chapter? 2 This story is about… 3 Benjie…
a A happy dog a a dog. a can’t walk.
b A sad dog b a vet. b doesn’t like milk.
c A beautiful dog c a boy. c isn’t happy.

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ChaPter II

A week later
Surprise, surprise!!! A family is talking with the vet. They He needs a family and I need HIM! Why can’t we adopt him
are talking about me! It’s a mum, a dad, a girl of around ten now?’
and a baby boy of around two. They’re asking the vet lots of The mum and dad are looking at each other. The mum is
questions. looking at the dad.
‘Is he nice with babies?’ asks the dad. ‘What do we do?’ she says. ‘Matilda likes this dog, but
‘Oh, ideal! He’s a very calm and patient dog’, says the vet. perhaps we need to see some other dogs first and then
‘We don’t want a dirty dog!’ says the mum. choose.’

‘No, no problem,’ says the vet, ‘all he needs is a garden and At that moment, the baby brother walks towards me. He puts
you have one.’ his hand on my head and smiles at me.

‘He’s eight. He’s a bit old, isn’t he?’ says the dad. ‘Look!’ says the girl. ‘The dog likes babies and Tommy likes
playing with him! Please, please, let’s take him home. I can
‘True, but he can run fast, he can jump and swim and he’s walk him. I can prepare his food for him. I can give him a
never tired!’ bath. I promise!!!’
‘Let’s think about it,’ says the mum. ‘We can come next week ‘What’s his name?’ the dad asks the vet.
and decide.’
‘Benjamin, but you can call him Benjie,’ says the vet.
‘No,’ says the girl. ‘Please, mum, please dad! Let’s take him
home! He has a very sweet face and look at his eyes! ‘OK, says the mum, ‘let’s take Benjie home.’

Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).

1 The family are at home.
2 The dog is perfect for a family with a baby.
3 There’s a garden in the family’s house.
4 The dog can’t run because he’s old.
5 The girl doesn’t like the dog.
6 The mum likes the dog but…
7 Tommy smiles because he’s nervous.
8 The family adopt the dog.

seventy-five 75

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ChaPter III

A month later
Here I am with my new family in my new house. Do I like Who’s my favourite in this family? Matilda, of course!
living here? Yes, very much. Do I like the family? Yes, all four Remember the boy in my dreams? She’s very similar. She
of them! Bob, the dad, gets home at six in the evening. At comes from school, has her milk and then we play in the
that time, he rests for half an hour and watches TV. I don’t garden for two hours! Sometimes she asks me, ‘Would you
interrupt him. I bring him the newspaper and his slippers. like to go to Lily’s house?’ I can’t say ‘yes’ but she knows my
Then I sit next to him and watch football with him. Poor Bob, answer. Lily’s dog, Candy, is my friend. She’s a beautiful black
his football team doesn’t play very well! dog. I’d like to visit her every day!
Annie, the mum, also gets home at around six with two bags Last Tuesday, Matilda and Lily took Candy and me to the
full of food. She goes to the kitchen and starts cooking. It’s park for a picnic. The girls played volleyball for an hour with
great! I stand next to her and wait. Then she says, ‘Would some friends and then we ate biscuits and drank some milk.
you like some meat?’ Of course! I don’t really like dog food, We all had a very good time! Epecially me because I was with
but I love her food! Yesterday her food was great! It was Matilda, Lily and Candy. I’m happy, but sometimes I still think
Bob’s birthday! I ate two hamburgers and some cake. Then, I about that boy in my dreams…
drank Tommy’s milk because he didn’t want it. Strange… I love
drinking milk!
Tommy is an adorable baby, but he can be terrible. He likes
pulling my hair, waking me up when I’m sleeping, eating my
food, playing with my soft toy… But I love him a lot!

Read and answer the questions.

1 Who watches TV at home? 5 Who is terrible?

2 Who likes football? 6 Who is Benjie’s favourite?

3 Who buys food at the supermarket? 7 Who can play volleyball?

4 Who likes milk? 8 Who likes Candy?

76 seventy-six

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ChaPter IV

Six months later

Yesterday Matilda got a strange email. She went to Freddie is the boy in my dreams! Freddie is here
the garden and read it to me: with his parents! Lots of happy moments crossed
my mind… We liked doing so many things together!
Freddie rode his bike every day and I ran next to
him. In the evening, we watched Animal Planet in
Dear Matilda the living room. What else did we do? During the
week, Freddie went to school in the morning and
Dear Matilda, in the afternoon, so we didn’t have much time to
I got your email address from the vet in the dog shelter. Benjie play. But at the weekend, we were together from
was my dog until two years ago. Then my dad got a new job in morning to evening! We played in the garden, we
Chile. We wanted to take Benjie with us, but it was impossible. visited his friends, we ate together, I slept in his
Now we’re here on holiday (for a week). Can we visit Benjie? bed…
Love, ‘Benjie, what are you thinking about?’ says Matilda.
Freddie ‘Do you remember Freddie? He and his parents
want to see you. Do you like the idea? Perhaps they
can come on Friday. I can ask mum.’
What a lot of changes! When I was in the dog
shelter, I was so sad: I didn’t have a family; Freddie
wasn’t with me; and when people saw me, they
chose other dogs, not me. Then, Matilda’s family
appeared and she liked me. Her parents adopted
me and they took me to their house. And I had a
family again! Now, Freddie and his parents are here
too and they want to visit me! I’m a very lucky dog.
Now, I have two families!

The End

Read and circle.

1 Freddie / Matilda wrote an email.

2 Freddie loves / doesn’t like Benjie.
3 Freddie wants to visit Matilda / Benjie.
4 Freddie played / didn’t play with Benjie.
5 Benjie was happy / sad with Freddie.
6 Now Benjie is happy / sad.

seventy-seven 77

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Ahora, buscá cuatro ejercicios donde haya rutinas, dos donde se

e T trabaje con Do y otros dos con Does. Anotá el número de página.

Let M Ej.
Routines, habits, frequent activities

I like my new school and my routine here.

I do my homework in the afternoon and my brothers watch TV ¿Por qué en algunos
or listen to music. casos uso Do
I don’t like music.
y en otros uso Does?
Page 8, Exercise 5 b).
1 Cuando hablamos de rutinas, ¿ves algún cambio en el
verbo dependiendo de quién habla (I/my brothers)?
2 ¿Cómo expreso un concepto (gusto, actividad, rutina) en
forma negativa? ¿Cambia el verbo? ¿Le agrego algo?

Grandma: Do you get up at 7?

Actions now
Daniel: No, I don’t. I get up at 6.
Grandma: Do you walk to school? Hi Grandma! In this photo we are making and eating sandwiches.
Daniel: Yes, I do. Tell me… Are the children eating cake? What are they eating?
What are you doing?
Page 8, Exercise 6 a), Track 6.
3 ¿Con qué empiezan las preguntas sobre rutinas que Page 17, Exercises 7 and 8.
tienen como respuesta Yes o No? ¿Hago algún cambio 1 Para expresar una acción que se está realizando, el verbo
en el verbo para preguntar o el verbo queda igual? (make, work, eat) ¿va solo o le agrego algo?
4 Cuando me preguntan sobre alguna rutina ¿Cómo 2 ¿Cuándo uso am, cuándo uso are y cuándo uso is?
respondo? ¿Uso el mismo verbo que se usa al hacer la 3 ¿Cómo expreso que una acción no se está haciendo?
pregunta (get up/walk)? ¿Cambia el verbo? ¿Le agrego algo?
4 ¿Con qué empiezan las preguntas que tienen como
respuesta Yes o No? ¿Hago algún cambio en el verbo
Galileo teaches maths and astronomy. He’s a very intelligent man. para preguntar o el verbo queda igual?
Marco is a carpenter. He doesn't teach maths. Does he teach 5 ¿Cómo respondo? ¿Uso el mismo verbo que se usa en la
astronomy? No, he doesn't. Does he make chairs? Yes, he does. pregunta (eat/do)?

Page 19, Exercise 10 a), Track 14.

5 ¿Por qué se le agrega una s al verbo para indicar rutinas o Ahora, buscá cuatro ejercicios donde haya acciones en progreso.
actividades frecuentes? Anotá el número de página.
6 ¿Qué pasa con el verbo cuando expreso una rutina en Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
negativo? ¿Sigo usando la s?
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
7 ¿Con qué empiezan las preguntas sobre rutinas que
tienen como respuesta Yes o No? ¿Hago algún cambio
en el verbo para preguntar o el verbo queda igual?
8 ¿Cómo respondo? ¿Uso el mismo verbo que usaron en la
pregunta (teach/make)?

78 seventy-eight

M09_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_OT.indd 78 17/5/16 17:33

The past Can
Today is Monday. Yesterday was Sunday. Today is sunny, but Daniel: Yes, I know an ET! She can speak English. She can read
yesterday was cloudy. and write, too, but she can’t cook. Can she swim? No,
I am sad today. Yesterday I was happy. Emily is sad today, and she can’t.
yesterday she was sad, too.
Page 15, Exercise 3 a), Track 12.
Page 50, Exercise 7. 1 ¿Qué indica can, que puedo hacer algo o que lo estoy
1 Cuando uso was, ¿me refiero al presente o al pasado? haciendo?
2 ¿Con qué pronombres uso was? 2 ¿Cambia de forma o se usa siempre la misma palabra?
3 ¿Cómo expreso que no puedo hacer algo? ¿Cambia el
3 Excepto con is/am/are, ¿cambia la forma del verbo si
verbo? ¿Le agrego algo?
usamos diferentes pronombres?
4 Y si quiero preguntar ¿cómo lo hago?
4 ¿Hay algo en común en el pasado de algunos verbos? ¿Qué
5 ¿Cómo llamamos a estos verbos con algo en común en Ahora, buscá dos ejercicios donde haya habilidades. Anotá el
el pasado? ¿Y al resto? número de página.
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.

Ahora, completá la tabla.

Present Past Present Past Like
am/is listen
were I like books. I like riding my bike.
are make
Daniel likes UFO stories. He loves watching sci-fi TV
buy play programmes. He doesn’t like going to the grocer’s.
do put
Page 25, Exercise 9.
drink read
1 ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre like cakes y like making
eat ride cakes? ¿Cambia el significado del verbo like?
get up see 2 ¿Cómo indico que me gusta o no me gusta algo?
3 ¿Y cómo indico que me gusta o no me gusta hacer algo?
give sit
go study Ahora, buscá dos ejercicios donde haya ejemplos de estas
have/has watch estructuras. Anotá el número de página.
help write Ej. pág. Ej. pág.

Would like
Daniel: Last Friday, we didn’t swim in the river.
I’d like some coffee, please.
Page 60, Exercise 14 a), Track 44. Would you like some sugar? No, thank you.
1 ¿Cómo se forma el negativo del pasado? ¿Qué usamos? Would you like some milk? Yes, please.
¿Cambia según los pronombres? Page 49, Exercise 4, Track 36.
2 El verbo (swim) ¿va en pasado?
1 ¿Cómo pido algo en forma amable?
2 ¿Para qué se usa Would you like…? ¿para pedir
información o para ofrecer algo a una persona?
Ahora, buscá cuatro ejercicios donde haya didn’t. Anotá el número
3 ¿Cómo respondo cuando quiero algo?
de página.
4 ¿Cómo respondo que no quiero algo?
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
Ahora, buscá dos ejercicios donde haya ejemplos de estas
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
estructuras. Anotá el número de página.
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.

seventy-nine 79

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Want to Some / any
Tixit’s parents want to buy desert plants. Daniel wants to visit Daniel: Do you like this place, Tixit?
the spaceship. Emily doesn’t want to play Plants vs Zombies. Tixit: Yes, it’s beautiful! There isn’t any pollution here.
Daniel wants some coke. Brian and Emily don’t want coke, they Daniel: Is there pollution in your planet?
want water. Tixit: Yes, a lot. There isn’t any rain, but there is some snow.
Daniel: Are there any mountains and rivers?
Page 51, Exercise 10. Tixit: Well, there are some mountains, and there are a lot of
1 ¿Qué indica want to, que necesito o que quiero? rivers, but there aren’t any fish in the rivers.
2 Si quiero algo, por ejemplo un libro, ¿qué digo después
Page 34, Exercise 10 a), Track 26.
del verbo want?
3 Si quiero hacer algo, por ejemplo jugar, ¿qué digo 1 ¿Puedo contar, por ejemplo, el agua? ¿Puedo contar
después del verbo want? manzanas, o zapatos?
2 ¿Cuándo uso some? ¿En oraciones afirmativas o
negativas? ¿Para hablar de cosas que puedo contar, que
Ahora, buscá dos ejercicios donde haya ejemplos de estas
no puedo contar, o para ambas?
estructuras. Anotá el número de página.
3 ¿Cuándo uso any? ¿Para hablar de cosas que puedo
Ej. pág. Ej. pág. contar, que no puedo contar, o para ambas?
4 ¿Cómo digo some en español? ¿Y cómo digo any?

There is / There are Ahora, buscá cuatro ejercicios donde haya ejemplos de estas
estructuras. Anotá el número de página.
I live in a beautiful area. There are a lot of animals in this area.
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
There are three types of felines: pumas, jaguars and the Andean
cat. There’s a very special bird, too: the condor. Ej. pág. Ej. pág.

Page 10, Exercise 10 a).

1 Al describir un lugar, ¿cómo empiezan las oraciones que
indican qué hay? How much…? / How many…?
2 Cuando uso there is, lo que sigue es ¿singular o plural?
3 ¿Y cuándo uso there are? Host: How much milk is there?
Lara: A litre.
Host: OK, let me see… Are there any lemons?
Ahora, buscá cuatro ejercicios donde haya ejemplos de estas
Lara: Yes. How many lemons do I need?
estructuras. Anotá el número de página.
Host: Two.
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
Page 43, Exercise 6 a), Track 31.
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
1 ¿Qué información busco cuando pregunto con
How much o How many?
Is there a lemon in the fridge? No, there isn’t. 2 ¿Cuándo uso How much? ¿Cuándo uso How many?
Are there six eggs in the fridge? Yes, there are. 3 Al responder, ¿qué uso cuando sé la cantidad exacta?
¿Y cuando no sé la cantidad exacta?
Page 43, Exercise 6 a), Track 31.
4 ¿Qué uso cuando la cantidad es grande, pero no sé la
1 Cuando pregunto si hay, ¿cómo empieza la pregunta? cantidad exacta?
2 ¿Por qué a veces pregunto Is there… y otras Are there…?

Ahora, buscá dos ejercicios donde haya ejemplos de estas Ahora, buscá cuatro ejercicios donde haya ejemplos de estas
estructuras. Anotá el número de página. preguntas. Anotá el número de página.

Ej. pág. Ej. pág. Ej. pág. Ej. pág.

Ej. pág. Ej. pág.

80 eighty

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Prepositions of time: in, on, at Objective pronouns
On Saturdays, my sister, my brothers and I get up at 9 in the
morning and we have breakfast in the garden. I like The Beatles. They are fantastic. My brother doesn’t like
In the evening, at 8, we go to the garden again and we look at the them.
blue sky.
Page 44, Exercise 10.
Page 8, Exercise 5 a). 1 ¿A quién se refiere they? En la oración, they ¿va antes
1 Al indicar cuándo ocurrió algo, ¿uso at con la hora, con del verbo o después?
el momento del día o con el día de la semana?
2 ¿A quién se refiere them? En la oración, them ¿va antes
2 ¿Cuándo uso on?
del verbo o después?
3 ¿Cuándo uso in?
4 ¿Qué preposición uso con weekends? ¿Y con weekdays?
Ahora, completá la tabla. La vas a poder completar en varias

Pronouns and possessive adjectives Subject

A big puma lives in a mountain next to a small town. The people I
are scared, but Quilla isn’t scared. You
She runs to the mountain. She’s happy: her people are not scared He
now. She runs and runs, but the puma is ready to attack. He opens She
his big mouth. But, where is she? The puma sees a beautiful white It
ball. It’s going up and up! We
Page 11, Exercise 11. They them
1 ¿Por qué a veces usamos his y otras her? ¿Existe esta
diferencia en español?
2 ¿Cómo dirías los adjetivos posesivos en español? Ahora, buscá cuatro ejercicios donde haya pronombres objetivos.
Anotá el número de página.
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
Ahora, completá la tabla.
Ej. pág. Ej. pág.
Pronouns Possessive adjectives
I my
You your
He Nationality
It Tixit: Where are your parents from?
We Brian: They are from South America. Our father is from
You your Venezuela, and our mum is Uruguayan.
Page 32, Exercise 6 b).

1 ¿Qué palabras se usan para preguntar sobre la

Why…? Because… 2 ¿Por qué a veces pregunto Where is... from y otras
Where are… from?
Q: Why are llamas popular? 3 ¿De qué dos formas puedo responder sobre la
A: Because they are very sociable animals. They like people and nacionalidad?
they love playing with children! 4 Si uso from, ¿qué debo escribir después? ¿El nombre del
país o la nacionalidad de la persona?
Page 31, Exercise 3.
1 ¿Qué información busco cuando pregunto con Why?
2 ¿Con qué empiezan las respuestas a una pregunta con

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People in the
PLAY The Freddie
p lay

Magic Lamp
Alex Danny
Mar y
Kevin Emma
Annie Genie / Jim

Eight children are in a junk room on the top floor Freddie: Four. There’s eight of us; four sleep in a
of Kevin and Mary’s house. bed and Mary and Kevin’s dad too. The
other four can sleep in these sleeping bags.
Freddie: I phoned my grandma yesterday. She
says we can all go to her house in the Alex: Great! I’d like to sleep in one of them.
mountains. Emma: Me too! What fun!
Alex: Fantastic! Sammy: And one for me!
Danny: What fun! Annie: There’s a small portable fridge over
Mary: Kevin, tell them about dad’s bus! there. Perfect for our drinks!
Kevin: Our dad can take us. He has a small bus! Danny: (pointing to a lamp on another box)
And what’s that?
Emma: Great!
Kevin: It’s an old lamp from Arabia.
Annie: Next week, there’s a long weekend.
Let’s ask your dad. Mary: Our dad got it from his dad.
Kevin: No problem. He says it’s a wonderful Emma: Where is your grandpa from?
idea! Mary: From a small town in Saudi Arabia. He
Freddie: But we need sleeping bags. In my came to South America in 1960.
grandma’s house there are only five Kevin: With the lamp.
Mary: And he got the lamp from his dad, and
Mary: (pointing to a box) There are three or his dad from …
four sleeping bags behind that box. Alex: Wow, it’s very old!
Let’s see.
Danny: Arabia … a lamp… Aladdin!
Kevin: We used them two years ago, when we
went camping. Sammy: At school, I read the story of Aladdin’s
Lamp and the genie!
Sammy: (to Alex) Help me with this big box. It’s
very heavy. Danny: Aladdin cleaned it and, wow, a genie
appeared! Is this a magic lamp?
(moving the box) Mary: No, it’s just an old lamp.
Alex: Here are the sleeping bags. How many Annie: Let’s clean it. It’s a pretty lamp, but it’s
do we need? so dirty …
Annie starts rubbing the lamp with a cloth.
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All of a sudden, strange noises are heard and a Emma: Three wishes in one! Now!
genie appears. He is tired and sad. Some of the All: (shouting) You must obey! It’s an order!
children start shouting, others are petrified. Yes, yes!
Genie: Who needs me here? Why did you call me?
There’s a terrible noise in the small room. The genie
Kevin: We… we didn’t call you. is different. Now, he is happy and strong.
Annie: I… I started to clean the lamp …
Kevin: Are… are you OK?
Mary: And… you… you appeared.
Genie: Perfectly OK! Thanks, thanks a million!!!
Genie: (stretching) After so many years in the You are great children!
lamp… I’m so tired…
Freddie: Your story was very sad.
Sammy: In the lamp?
Annie: We all wanted to help you.
Danny: (in a low voice, to his friends) Then he
is a genie!
Genie: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Genie: Yes, a genie in a lamp. A prisoner!
Alex: Now you’re a real person. You can
choose a name.
No family, no friends…
Kevin: How sad…
Genie: I don’t know... What about Jimmy? It’s
similar to genie.
Genie: Terribly sad! I can help people, but I
can’t help myself. What do you need?
Sammy: What a good idea! Jimmy is a great name!
You have three wishes. Kevin: Jimmy, would you like to come to the
mountains with us?
The kids are surprised and confused. Jimmy: I don’t know… You know me but your
Freddie: I don’t know… We’re planning a dad doesn’t.
weekend in the mountains. Mary: You can tell our dad the story of the
Emma: His grandma has a house there. magic lamp. And he can tell you the
story of his family.
Kevin: And our dad can take us in his bus.
Genie: But what do you want? Remember, you
Jimmy: Now, it’s just an old lamp, there’s no
more magic in it.
have three wishes!
Alex: We… we have everything. There are
All: (shouting) Three cheers for Jimmy! Hip!
Hip! Hooray! (the same three times)
four sleeping bags here and a portable
Genie: Good for you! What fun! How nice to
have friends! I live alone in the lamp…
Sammy: And don’t you like living there?
Genie: No, I don’t. There’s nothing to do in
the lamp! Just waiting and waiting for
hundreds of years. Then someone rubs
the lamp and I appear. And then, once
again I become a prisoner in the lamp…
The kids come together and whisper for a minute.
Freddie: (to the genie) We don’t need anything.
We have our families and our friends.
Mary: And we’re planning our weekend in the
mountains. The End
Annie: But you need help!
Sammy: And this is our wish: change into a person!
eighty-three 83

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1 Read and complete. 2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).
1 ’s grandma has a house in the mountains. 1 The children are cousins.
2 and Mary are brother and sister. 2 They are at Kevin’s house.
3 saw the old lamp. 3 The sleeping bags are new.
4 ’s grandpa was from Saudi Arabia. 4 The children don’t want to sleep in a bag.
5 wanted to clean the lamp. 5 Annie saw a portable fridge.
6 was a prisoner. 6 Kevin’s grandpa brought the lamp to South America.
7 doesn’t like living in the lamp. 7 Sammy and Danny know the story of Aladdin.
8 ’s story was very sad. 8 The children are happy when the genie comes out
9 had a nice wish for the genie. of the lamp.
10 can tell the story of the lamp. 9 The genie wants to help the children.
10 The children want to help the genie.
3 Read and complete. There are two extra words.
4 Write.
an because can did Do does had
isn’t saw visited want were Mary writes an email to her grandma and she describes
the genie.
An amazing story!
Our new friend!
Dear Grandma,
Dear Grandma,
Yesterday our friends from school 1 Mary and me. We are
organising a visit to your house in the mountains. Dad 2 take We have a new friend. His name’s Jimmy. He’s a genie! Yes, he’s very
us all in his bus. But that’s not important. I 3
to tell you an fat and
amazing story. Yes, amazing!!!
Yesterday we 4 at home, in the attic. We 5 a box and .
dad’s old lamp was on it. Danny and Sammy were surprised. ‘Is it a He wears
magic lamp?’ they asked. ‘No, it’s just 6 old lamp,’ Mary told .
them. But it was magic. Annie cleaned it and a genie appeared.
He was sad, but now he’s happy!
He was very sad 7 he was alone in the lamp with no family
You can see him next week.
and no friends. ‘You have three wishes,’ he said. ‘But we are
happy, we have our family and our friends,’ we replied. Then we Love,
an excellent idea. The wish was easy: to change the genie Mary
into a person. It was fantastic. Now the genie 9 sad. He’s very
happy. He has a new name: Jimmy. 10
you want to see him?
I can send you a photo.
Keep in touch,

84 eighty-four

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Test your memory!
1 Read and tick. 2 Read and circle.
1 Who is 30? 1 I have two children, a boy and a girl.
Mrs Davies Mr Smith Mrs Davies / Tixit’s mum
2 What is next to the Moon? 2 I need help with my homework.
Mars Venus Daniel / Emily
3 Did all the children see the light in the sky? 3 You can come to the observatory.
Yes No Mr Smith / Mrs Davies
4 Who was Jo Evans? 4 Oh, what’s that light? It’s flying in circles!
Daniel’s grandpa Daniel’s uncle Emily / Daniel
5 Did Emily go to the cactus park? 5 I need some bread and a cake.
Yes No Daniel’s mum / Mrs Davies
6 How many llamas does Daniel’s dad have? 6 I want to visit your house.
Five Twenty Tixit / Emily
7 Are Tixit’s parents short? 7 This is my pet.
Yes No Daniel / Tixit
8 What did Tixit and her family have for dessert? 8 We don’t have any water on Omega.
Cake Fruit Tixit’s mum / Tixit’s dad
9 What did Emily drink on the spaceship? 9 We didn’t protect our planet.
Strawberry juice Lemon juice Tixit’s dad / Tixit’s grandpa
10 Does Tixit have any homework? 10 Why aren’t there any plants on Omega?
Yes No Mrs Davies / Mr Smith
11 Did Tixit’s parents take any plants to Omega?
Yes No
12 Did Mr Smith go on the excursion to the Moon? c
Yes No

3 Look and match. There is one extra option.

a e
1 I can see a big ball and two very small balls.
2 I want to take this llama to Omega. d
3 I’d like an empanada.
4 It’s my pet. It’s a comet and his name’s Oogly.
5 It’s wearing strange clothes.
6 Look at the Earth! It’s beautiful! f
7 This is my teacher.
8 Venus is over there, next to the Moon.
9 We didn’t talk yesterday, Tixit.

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1 The Solar System
Curious facts about our Solar System
✹ The Solar System is 4.568.000.000 years old. In space ✹ The Moon is the Earth’s natural satellite. It is not a
terms, it is not very old. planet. What is the difference? A planet orbits around
✹ The Milky Way is a galaxy. The Solar System is in the the Sun, but a satellite orbits around a planet.
Milky Way. ✹ The Moon is not the only natural satellite. Mars has
✹ There are billions of stars in the Milky Way. The stars two moons, Jupiter has 63, Saturn has 60, Uranus 27
are the origin of the colour of the Milky Way, and the and Neptune 13.
origin of the name: milky, is similar to milk, which is ✹ There are other elements in the Solar System: comets
white. and asteroids. They are very Small Solar System
✹ In the Solar System there is one sun, there are Bodies (SSSB). They are not planets, satellites or stars.
planets and dwarf planets. Dwarf planets are very ✹ Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the terrestrial
small planets. There are five dwarf planets with a planets. The principal components are rock and
name: Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris, but metal.
there are possibly hundreds of dwarf planets. ✹ Jupiter and Saturn are called the gas giants (they are
✹ All the planets have an elliptical orbit. gigantic). Uranus and Neptune are the ice giants.


Moon Mars
Sun Pluto
Venus Earth Uranus

1 Read and circle.

1 This text is part of a story / an encyclopaedia. 2 It is an article / a poster.

2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).

1 The Solar System is a galaxy. 6 There are at least 166 moons in the Solar System.
2 The Milky Way is white. 7 An asteroid is a SSSB.
3 A galaxy is a star. 8 The principal component in Jupiter is gas.
4 Eris and Makemake are dwarf planets. 9 The principal component in Neptune is ice.
5 The Moon orbits around the Earth. 10 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are small planets.

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2 Mars, the red planet CLIL

Mars is a terrestrial planet with craters, A Martian day – a sol – is 24 hours, 37

volcanoes, valleys and deserts. Mars’ minutes and 22 seconds long. A Martian year
atmosphere is very thin, and there is only has 669 days, equal to 687 Earth days.
0.13% oxygen. There is no water on Mars
at present, but there is evidence of water The temperatures on Mars and on Earth are
in the past. different. On Mars the minimum temperature
is about -143ºC at the polar caps in winter.
There are four seasons on Mars – summer, The maximum temperature at the equator in
autumn, winter and spring – but the summer is between 27 and 32ºC.
duration and temperatures are different
from the seasons on Earth. On Mars the
seasons last a lot longer.


Polar Caps

1 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). 2 Read and circle.

1 This text is an article. Imagine you go to Mars. Remember, there is no water and no
2 There are craters on Mars. oxygen!
3 There is a lot of oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars. 1 Can you live on Mars? Yes / No
4 You can find water on Mars. 2 Can plants live on Mars? Yes / No
5 Summer on Mars is approximately 90 Earth days. 3 Can birds fly on Mars? Yes / No
6 There are 669 sols in a Martian year. 4 Can you walk on Mars? Yes / No
7 It is not cold on Mars in winter at the polar caps. 5 Can you leave the spacecraft without any oxygen? Yes / No
8 The summers at the equator are extremely hot. 6 Can you use a match? Yes / No
7 Can you wear your everyday clothes? Yes / No
8 Can you phone your friends? Yes / No

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3 Food and culture
Do you like eating meat, sausages and chicken? Do you
eat croissants, biscuits and butter and drink milk and
soda? If you say yes, this food pyramid is not for you.
It’s for vegans.
Vegan children and adults do not eat meat or chicken or
eggs. They do not eat fish and do not drink milk. They
do not eat animal products. They do not eat or drink
GRAINS industrial products (sausages, hamburgers, croissants,
biscuits, sodas, etc.). But this is not a problem.
They eat lots of grains – wholegrains – fruits, vegetables
and seeds. These kinds of food are full of vitamins and
proteins. Vegans eat nutritious food. They can play
sports and do gym. It’s simply a question of culture.


You can get vitamin D from the sun and you can use vitamin supplements.


Protein is necessary. You can get proteins in legumes, in soy products and in vegan and
vegetarian burgers.


Broccoli and other plants with big, green leaves have calcium. There is calcium in soy
products too, for example, soy milk.


They have nutrients, too. Organic fruits and vegetables are excellent.

You can get a lot of energy from wholegrains, for example cereals,
quinoa, brown rice, bread and pasta. They have fibre and nutrients.

1 Imagine you are a vegan. Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).

1 There are proteins in tofu. 6 You can eat fish.
2 You can’t drink natural orange juice. 7 You can drink regular milk and eat butter.
3 There is calcium in broccoli. 8 You can eat croissants.
4 Vegans don’t take vitamins. 9 You can’t have cereals for breakfast.
5 Omega-3 is important for vegans. 10 A vegan doesn’t eat peaches.

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4 The South Puna CLIL


at o f arms
Peru’s co wool

1 The South Puna – or dry puna – ıṡ a 3 The vıċ uña – or vıċ ugna ıṅ Englıṡ h – ıṡ
regıȯ n ın
̇ the northwest of Argentıṅ a and a small member of the camel famıl̇ y (ıṫ
southwest of Bolıv̇ ıa
̇ . The Puna ın
̇ Chı̇le ıṡ weıg ̇ hs between 40 to 50 kg). They are
the puna desert. brown and theıṙ thın ̇ , long legs are whıṫ e.
2 Natı̇ve mammals ı̇n the Puna ıṅ clude They are herbıv̇ orous: they eat plants and
leaves and drın ̇ k a lot of water. They lıv̇ e
llamas, alpacas, vı̇cuñas and guanacos.
̇ famıl̇ y groups: a male, two or three
Other typıċ al mammals are the cuy, the
females and some baby vıċ uñas. There are
chıṅ chıl̇ la, the vıż cacha, the taruka and
many protected areas where vıċ uñas can
the Andean quıṙ quın ̇ cho. You can fıṅ d
lıv̇ e ın
̇ the wıl̇ d. They only have a natural
felıṅ es, too, lık
̇ e the Andean puma and
enemy or predator: the puma.
the Andean cat. There are some bı̇rds, for
example, the ñandú or surı̇ - Darwın ̇ 's rhea 4 The vı̇cuña’s wool ıṡ very ıṁ portant for
- and the Andean condor. the Andean countrıė s: Argentın ̇ a, Bolıv̇ ıa
̇ ,
Chı̇le and Peru. İt ıṡ a symbol of the fauna
ı̇n Peru’s coat of arms. At present, the
vıċ uña ı̇s not ın
̇ danger of extı̇nctıȯ n.

1 Read and choose the title. 2 Match the paragraphs and the topics.
There is an extra topic.
1 The Andes
2 The South Puna: fauna Paragraph 1 a People and the vicuña
3 The Vicuña and the South Puna Paragraph 2 b The Puna
Paragraph 3 c The vicuña
Paragraph 4 d Typical animals
e Typical plants

eighty-nine 89

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5 Typical dishes from Peru
Arroz tapado
Causa Limeña

Ingredients: Ingredients:
s  2 hard-boile
 1 kg potatoe  4 cups of ric
per e g gs
 1 yellow pep  ½ kg meat s
 6 black olive
 Oil  1 onion  1 tomato
 Lemon juice  Garlic  Salt
 Salt  Oil
 Optional: o
nions, carrots

1 Read and circle.

Papas a la Huancaina It’s Peru Day at school. The children can choose a dish.
1 I don’t like potatoes.
Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña
2 I can’t eat egg.
Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña
3 I’m vegan.
Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña
4 I don’t eat milk products.
Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña
Ingredients: 5 I have celiac disease.
s  Salt
 1 kg potatoe d Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña
o w p e pp e r  2 hard-boile
1y e ll e g gs 6 I’m diabetic. I can’t eat sugar.
u it s
 500 gr bisc  Optional:
Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña

 ½ cup of mil
k lettuce 7 Lemon is bad for me.
Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña
 Oil 8 I love peppers.
Arroz Tapado / Papas Huancaina / Causa Limeña

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6 Notable women in history CLIL
1 Frida Kahlo de Rivera’s real
Mother Teresa was a Catholic name was Magdalena Carmen
religious sister and missionary. Frieda Kahlo y Calderón. She was
Mother Teresa’s name was from Mexico City. There is a Frida
Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. She Kahlo museum in Mexico in her
was from Macedonia, a small parents’ blue house. Mexican
country in the west of Europe. culture and Amerindian cultural
Her family was not very big. tradition were very important in
She had a brother and a sister. her work, and her paintings are a symbol of national
She went to the Sisters of Loreto’s convent in Ireland and indigenous tradition.
in 1928, at the age of 18. She went to India, in 1929. She had a difficult life. She had polio – a terrible
Mother Teresa was very good to poor people and disease – at the age of 6, but she played sports and was
people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis. Her an amateur boxer. At the age of 18, she was in a serious
congregation, Missionaries of Charity, had hospitals, bus accident and she had moments of intense pain for
orphanages and schools for poor children and their the rest of her life. She had 35 operations as a result
families. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. of the accident. But this was no obstacle for her great
paintings. She painted many paintings in bed.

2 4
Amelia Mary Earhart was from Juana Azurduy Bermúdez was
from Toroca, in today’s Bolivia.
the United States of America. She
She was Mestizo: half Spanish
was an aviator and she set many
and half indigenous. Her mother
early aviation records: she was the
was a member of an indigenous
first woman to fly solo across the
community and her father was
Atlantic Ocean. She was a writer,
a white man. She had a special
too. Her life was very interesting.
skill: languages. She was very
She was a teacher in the aviation
good at languages. She spoke Spanish, Quechua and
department of the University of
Aymara. She went to school in Chuquisaca, and she
Purdue, and was very important
was a rebel. Her husband’s name was Manuel Ascencio
in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization
Padilla. Juana and her husband were very important in
for female pilots. She was a member of the National
the revolutions for independence in the Viceroyalty of
Woman’s Party and was in favour of equal rights for
Rio de la Plata – today’s Bolivia and Argentina. She was
men and women.
an example of honesty, love for her country and liberty.

1 Read and match the biographies 1-4 and the titles. There is an extra title.
A female revolutionary An amazing person
A great female writer A fantastic artist
A woman pilot

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7 The Atacama Giant
What is a geoglyph? It is a big drawing or
design on an open area of Earth.
How can you make a geoglyph? You
make lines or spaces with rocks or with
earth. The Nazca lines are geoglyphs but
there are other geoglyphs on Earth. In
the Atacama Desert in Chile there are Earth
5,000 geoglyphs of animals, geometric
shapes and people, but one is extremely the movements of the Moon. People in
impressive: The Atacama Giant. It is the the past ‘saw’ the four seasons in this
figure of a tall person (119 m), similar to giant figure. They also saw rainy and
a robot. Its head is big, and you can see sunny weather. This was necessary for
four short lines on its head. Its arms and agriculture.
legs are long and thin.
Another interpretation is that the
Atacama Giant represents a divinity.
Who made the geoglyphs between 500 and
900 years ago?
• Probably, the Inca, the Tiwanaku and
other communities made the geoglyphs
because they made geoglyphs in other
• Indigenous communities did not make the
figures. Extraterrestrials or aliens were
Why does this figure have four lines? on Earth and they made the figures.
There are different interpretations. Today, we do not have the correct answer.
One interpretation is that it is an The origin of the Atacama Giant is still a
astronomical calendar, and it shows mystery.

1 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).

1 This text is an email. 8 Scientists know that the Atacama Giant is
2 This text is from an encyclopaedia of Social Studies. an astronomical calendar.
3 Another good title is Famous Geoglyphs. 9 Agriculture was important for the Inca
4 The Atacama Desert is in Chile. and the Tiwanaku.

5 There is only one geoglyph in the Atacama Desert. 10 The Inca and the Tiwanaku were communities
in the Atacama Desert.
6 You can make a real geoglyph in the classroom.
7 The lines on the Atacama Giant’s head represent
its arms and legs.

92 ninety-two

M10_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_CL.indd 92 17/5/16 17:39

8 The Apollo 11 mission CLIL

FAQs about Apollo 11

The Apollo 11 mission was famous all over the world: Man was on the Moon! Really two men were on the
moon, Armstrong, the commander, and Aldrin, the lunar module pilot.
Q: When did they walk on the Moon? Q: Is there a film about the Apollo 11 mission?
A: Armstrong, on July 20, 1969 at 8.20 in the A: No, there isn’t, but there is one called Apollo 13.
evening. Aldrin, on July 21 at 3 in the morning. It is a true story. Tom Hanks was the mission
Q: Did Collins walk on the Moon? commander. But he did not walk on the moon.
A: No, he didn’t. He was on the command module.
Q: Did people watch this on TV? Command Module
A: Yes, millions of people all over the world.
Q: What did people see?
A: People saw Armstrong in his spacesuit. In
1969 television was black and white. And he
spoke with J.F. Kennedy, the president of the
Q: What did the astronauts eat and drink? Was
it pills?
A: They didn’t eat pills. They ate food in special
packs. They ate hotdogs, and drank coffee.
Real coffee! There were 45 cups of coffee for
the three astronauts.
Lunar Module

Date fruit cake Cheese sandwiches Beef sandwiches Spacesuit

1 Read and circle.

1 Another title for this section is An incredible mission / 4 Kennedy was an astronaut / the president of the USA.
The Solar System. 5 What was special? The food / The packs.
2 Collins didn’t walk on the moon because he was sick / 6 Collins had 15 / 45 cups of coffee.
the module commander. 7 Apollo 11 is / isn’t the name of a film.
3 In 1969 television was black and white / colour. 8 Tom Hanks was an actor on Apollo 13 / walked on the moon.

ninety-three 93

M10_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_CL.indd 93 17/5/16 17:39

1 Match. There are two options in some cases.
1 7 8
3 French

5 11
6 Arts 12

Natural Sciences
Social Studies
2 a) Complete the timetable with your information.


b) Now, correct the wrong statements.

1 We have Natural Sciences on Mondays. 5 We don’t have ICT on Fridays.

2 We don’t have Maths on Tuesdays. 6 We don’t have Portuguese at school.

3 We have Social Studies at 10.30. 7 We have Language on Thursdays in the afternoon.

4 We don’t have Music in the morning. 8 We don’t have PE on Fridays at 2 in the afternoon.

94 ninety-four

M11_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB1.indd 94 17/5/16 17:50

3 a) Write the words in the correct column. 4 Write. In, On or At ?
1 seven thirty
beautiful big big nose green eyes
long hair old short small small ears 2 the afternoon
tall ten-years-old young 3 Saturdays and Sundays
4 eleven fifteen
5 weekends
have / has am / are / is 6 midday (12, 12.30)
7 weekdays (Monday to Friday)
8 the morning

5 Circle.

b) Complete with the correct verb.

Students in 5A
I’m Alma. I 1 ten. I 2 long
hair and my eyes 3 small. 1
I am / We are Max and Tom, 2 Daniel / Daniel’s brothers.
We 3 are / have twelve years old. We’re twins!
Hi! My name’s Harry. I 4 short and thin.
I5 a small nose and a big mouth. We go to school 4 in / at the afternoon. We get up 5 at / on
8 and we have 6 lunch / breakfast: tea and biscuits. We
Hello! I’m Maggie. My hair 6 black and my 7
not / don’t like milk. We study and 8 read / speak books.
eyes 7 black, too. I 8 tall, In the evening, we do exercises for homework and we watch
very tall. TV or play with friends.

I’m Pete. I 9 a young boy. I 10 We love the weekend! We do lots of things at weekends.
nine! I 11 big blue eyes and my hair Saturday is a family day, and 9 on / in Sundays we go to the
black. club or visit friends.

ninety-five 95

M11_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB1.indd 95 17/5/16 17:50

6 Complete the fact file with your information. 8 a) Write three more sentences about your routine.

music books computer

AGE: 3

FAMILY: b) Now, write the sentences in Exercise 7 and

your new sentences in the correct sequence.



7 Correct the wrong statements.

1 I do my homework in the kitchen.

2 I don’t walk to school.

9 Match. There is one extra ending.
1 We have lunch at
3 I don’t watch TV in my bedroom.
2 I don’t
3 My brothers and I listen
4 I go to bed at ten.
4 My friends don’t wear
5 We don’t use
5 I visit friends in the afternoon.
6 We watch TV

6 My friends and I have lunch at school. a a uniform.

b computers at school.
c school.
7 On weekdays, I get up at ten.
d seven thirty.
e in the living room.
8 We have dinner at nine. f to music in the garden.
g walk to school.

96 ninety-six

M11_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB1.indd 96 17/5/16 17:50

10 Match questions and answers. There is one extra answer.

1 Do you have Music on Mondays? a At 9.30.

2 What time is Music? b In the morning.
3 Is Music in the morning or in the c Mrs Williams.
afternoon? d No, they don’t.
4 Do students in 5A play football? e No, we don’t.
5 Do you have a computer in the classroom? f On Mondays.
6 Who is the ICT teacher? g Yes, I do.

11 Complete with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

am (x2) are (x2) cook do don’t go have (x2) is (x3) like live study work

Hi! I 1 Brian. I 2 to Junior Elementary school.

We 3 five teachers. They 4
nice teachers.
We 5 English and French at school. I 6 English,
but I 7 like French. It 8
I9 eleven years old. My sister 10 seven.
I 11 a brother, too. We 12
in a small house next to the school.
There 13 two bedrooms in my house, and there 14 a small
garden. I 15 my homework in the garden. I love my garden. It’s great!

12 Unscramble the following.

13 Answer the
1 on – my friends – the garden – Sundays – have lunch – in – . questions.
1 What’s your name?
2 at – get up – we – weekends – don’t – six – at – .
2 How old are you?
3 What is your best friend’s name?
3 your homework – in – do – your bedroom – you – do – ?
4 How old is he/she?
5 Do you go to school in the
4 short – have – big – I – hair – eyes – and – .
6 Do you wear a uniform?
5 my house – in – there’s – a small garden – .
7 Do you use a computer at
6 my bedroom – are – beds – in – there – two – . 8 Do your friends help you with
your homework?

ninety-seven 97

M11_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB1.indd 97 17/5/16 17:51

1 Cross the odd one out. 4 Correct the wrong statements with your
1 condor armadillo camel chinchilla
2 planet star sun river 1 I can’t climb trees.
3 PE ICT galaxy Language
4 chair bed kitchen cupboard 2 My mother can cook.
5 thin yellow young beautiful
6 bus teacher plane bike
3 My English teacher can’t speak Italian.
7 desert jungle waterfall pampa
8 girl boy woman teacher
4 My baby brother can walk.

2 Circle.
In the desert… 5 I can’t swim.
1 we can / can’t see trees.
2 we can / can’t see camels. 6 My father can’t ride a bike.
3 we can / can’t see rats.
4 we can / can’t see cactuses.
7 I can’t see the sun in the morning.
5 we can / can’t see llamas.
6 we can / can’t see waterfalls.
7 we can / can’t see chinchillas. 8 I can see Mars.
8 we can / can’t see parrots.

3 Write about the jungle.

In the jungle…
1 we can see .
2 we can’t see .
3 we can see .
4 we can’t see .
5 we can see .
6 we can’t see .

98 ninety-eight

M12_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB2.indd 98 17/5/16 18:10

5 a) Write the activities in the correct column.


cook sleep
drink study
eat swim
fly use (a computer)
hear visit (friends)
jump walk
read watch TV
ride (a bike) wear (clothes)
run work
see write

b) Complete with the verbs in Exercise 5 a).

1 Birds can , but they can’t trees. 5 Pumas can’t , but they can .
2 Mammals can in the river, but they can’t 6 Penguins can , but they can’t .
, except for bats. 7 Kangaroos can’t , but they can .
3 Insects can’t , but they can . 8 Armadillos can , but they can’t .
4 Fish can , but they can’t .

6 Complete with the correct verb. 7 Match the following sentences with the correct
1 Brian and Daniel are at home. They
1 Brian can sing very well.
TV and to music.
2 Emily doesn’t have a sister. ABILITY
2 Maggie is in the kitchen. She a cake.
3 Daniel likes astronomy.
3 Emily is in her bedroom. She a book, 4 Mr Smith can’t climb trees.
on the computer and 5 Daniel has short black hair. ROUTINES
her homework. 6 Daniel is doing his
4 Emily’s brother, Andy, is in his bedroom. Shhhh! homework.
He’s in bed. He . 7 The children have lunch at STATES
5 Mr Smith is in the park. He his bike.
8 Brian doesn’t watch TV in
His dog with a ball. ACTIONS
the morning. NOW
6 Emily’s mother is in the observatory. 9 The children are having
She . lunch in the park.
10 Emily’s mother is an PHYSICAL
astronomer. DESCRIPTION

ninety-nine 99

M12_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB2.indd 99 17/5/16 18:10

8 a) Read and match. There is one extra picture.


This animal is small. It’s brown. It has four short legs and a small head.
It doesn’t have big eyes. It can’t fly. It can’t hear or see well. It can run,
but it can’t climb trees. It lives in the desert. It eats insects.
This animal isn’t very big, but it isn’t small. It’s brown or grey. It has c
two big legs and two small arms. It doesn’t have a big head. It lives in
a Australia. It can jump and swim, but it can’t run or climb trees. It eats
leaves and fruit.
This animal is not very small, but it isn’t very big. It lives in Africa. It
has a small head with a small nose and big ears. It doesn’t have a small d
mouth. It is brown. It can jump, run and climb trees, but it can’t fly. It
eats fruit. It loves bananas!
This animal is black. It isn’t beautiful. It has a small body and a small
head. It doesn’t have four legs. It eats insects. It lives in a cave. It can
b fly, but it can’t run. It can’t see, but it can hear very well. e

b) Use the information in part a) to complete the c) Now, write your riddle!
fact files.

Animal: Diet:
Habitat: Abilities:
This animal is…


100 one hundred

M12_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB2.indd 100 17/5/16 18:10

9 Complete the questions. Use How old, Who, What or Where.
1 is your name? 5 do you play football?
Matt. In the club.
2 are you? 6 is your sister?
Ten. In the garden.
3 is your teacher? 7 is she doing?
Mr Smith. She’s reading.
4 do you do in the evening? 8 is she reading?
I do my homework and watch TV. A book about animals.

10 Circle.


Hi Daniel,
I am / He’s Matt. 2We are / I am a student in 5B.
I get up 3at / on 6.30 and I 4am walking / walk to school. At 2 5in / on the afternoon, I 6ride / am riding my bike to the park.
I have a sister. 7His / Her name’s Laura. 8She’s / He’s thirteen. She 9go / goes to secondary school. She 10like / likes History
and Geography, but she 11isn’t / doesn’t like PE. She 12can / can’t play sports!
Write back!

11 Match questions and answers. 12 Complete the file and write your
There is one extra answer. personal blog.

1 Are you doing your NAME

homework? a I’m listening to AGE
2 What are you doing? PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
3 What are you b Yes, I can.
listening to? c My two brothers.
4 Who is playing d No, I’m not.
football? e Yes, they can.
5 Where are they f In the garden.
playing? g One Direction.
6 Can they play well?

one hundred and one 101

M12_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB2.indd 101 17/5/16 18:10

1 Look and write the shop. 2 Write the words in the correct column.

1 meat biscuits bread butter

chicken croissants peaches sausages
strawberries sugar yoghurt



4 Write about shopping.

3 Circle. 1 At the supermarket, I can see , but I can’t
1 We can / can’t buy butter at the butcher’s. see .
2 At the baker’s, I can’t see , but I can see
2 We can / can’t buy carrots at the greengrocer’s.
3 We can / can’t buy cereals at the baker’s.
3 At the butcher’s, I can see , but I can’t see
4 We can / can’t buy sugar at the grocer’s.
5 We can / can’t buy bread at the baker’s.
4 At the grocer’s, I can’t see , but I can see
6 We can / can’t buy lettuce at the grocer’s.
7 We can / can’t buy cheese at the greengrocer’s.
5 At the greengrocer’s, I can see , but I can’t
8 We can / can’t buy cheese at the butcher’s. see .

102 one hundred and two

M13_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB3.indd 102 17/5/16 18:13

5 a ) Unscramble the dialogue. 7 Complete.
It’s 7.80.
Good afternoon,
Mr Archer.
Good afternoon, Becky.
Here you are. How are you?

c d 1 He needs .

How much is it?

Here you are.
Fine, thanks. I need a bottle of
orange juice and ½ kg of butter. g

b) Circle.
2 They need .
Where is Becky?
At the grocer’s / greengrocer’s / butcher’s / baker’s.

6 Look and answer the questions.

apples kg $8 sausages kg $20

3 She needs .
bananas kg $9 bread kg $5
peaches kg $7 butter kg $10
lettuce kg $11 cheese kg $32
carrots kg $7 milk l $3.5
meat kg $36 water l $1.5
chicken kg $10 yoghurt l $6

4 They need .
1 How much is 2 kg cheese, ½ kg apples
and 2 l milk?
2 How much is ½ kg sausages, 2 kg chicken,
1 l water and ½ kg butter?
3 How much is 1 ½ kg peaches, ¼ kg cheese,
½ kg bread and ½ kg lettuce?
4 How much is 2 l yoghurt, ½ kg carrots,
2.5 kg beef and ½ kg bananas? $ 5 He needs .

one hundred and three 103

M13_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB3.indd 103 17/5/16 18:13

8 Complete with the correct verb. 9 Circle.
1 Daniel’s brothers like to music. 1 Do / Does your sister like reading?
Yes, she does.
2 Maggie likes cakes.
2 What / Where does she like reading?
3 Emily likes blue pants and T-shirts. In the garden.
4 She doesn’t like TV. 3 What / Where does she like reading?
Romantic novels.
5 Emily’s brother doesn’t like football,
4 When / Where does she do her homework?
but he likes board games. In the afternoon.
6 Mr Smith likes his girlfriend, and she 5 What / When does she like doing in the evening?
likes to the club. She likes watching TV or listening to music.
7 Emily’s mother loves at the planets.
8 Daniel and Brian don’t like Maths, but
they like books about astronomy.

10 Write the following sentences in the correct

1 Maggie is cooking.
2 She loves cooking.
3 She cooks at weekends.
4 She doesn’t cook in the morning.
5 She likes PE and Natural Sciences.
6 She doesn’t like studying.
7 Maggie and her friends are playing in the park.
8 They don’t like playing with dolls.
9 They hate playing football, but they like playing hockey.
10 The PE teacher plays football with the boys and hockey
with the girls.

Routines Actions now Likes and dislikes Likes and dislikes

(actions) (things)

104 one hundred and four

M13_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB3.indd 104 17/5/16 18:13

11 Circle. 12 Complete with phrases in the box. There is one
extra ending.

Emily Harris her homework in the evening
does your homework her homework a sister
Linda: Hi Matt.
is doing her homework new bikes nine
Matt: Hi Linda! Are / Do you at home?
the living room very well
Linda: Yes, in my bedroom. And you?
Matt: I’m in the living room.
1 My name’s .
Linda: Do you have a big bike?
very 2 I have two brothers and .
Matt: No, I 2don’t / am not. My bike is not
big / small. What about you? 3 My brothers are .
Linda: I have a bike, and / but I don’t like
4 They have .
ride / riding it.
5 They can ride .
like sports?
Matt: Really? I love riding my bike! Do you
6 It’s seven and my sister is in .
Linda: I like 6watch / watching tennis, but
like / don’t like playing tennis. I love 7 She .
play / playing hockey, it’s my / her
8 She does .
favourite sport!
9 She doesn’t like doing .
Matt: Mmm… I can’t / am not play hoc

Oh! 11It’s / Is seven o’clock, time for my

homework. Bye!
Linda: OK. Bye!


13 Complete.

, but In the evening, I don’t like ,

At weekends, I like
. but I like .
I don’t like
likes My friend doesn’t like ,
My friend
but he/she likes .
, but he/she doesn’t like
. My father/mother doesn’t like
, ,
My father/mother likes
. but he/she likes .
but he/she doesn’t like

one hundred and five 105

M13_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB3.indd 105 17/5/16 18:14

1 Match questions and answers. There is one extra 3 Unscramble the following.
1 at the greengrocer’s – because – Daniel – he – is –
1 Why is Brian wearing a jacket? lettuce – needs
2 Why is Daniel wearing shorts?
2 Matt – at the butcher’s – meat – because – he – needs – is
3 Why does Emily have a ball in her hands?
4 Why does Maggie have a book in her hands?
3 because – at the grocer’s – sugar – he – is – needs – Max
5 Why does Mrs Davies have an egg in her hand?
6 Why does Mr Smith have an apple in his hand? 4 needs – at the baker’s – because – croissants – is – Tom
– he
a Because he’s eating.
b Because he’s playing football. 5 milk – at the grocer’s – because – is – Mrs Davies –
c Because it’s cold. needs – she
d Because she’s making a cake.
e Because she’s playing tennis. 6 is – at the baker’s – because – bread – he – Mr Smith –
f Because she’s writing. needs
g Because she’s reading.
7 he – at the greengrocer’s – because – Emily’s father – is –
needs – peaches
2 Circle.
1 Brian walks to the park because he has / doesn’t have 8 at the butcher’s – because – needs – chicken –
a bike. Daniel’s sister – is – she
2 Matt rides his bike to the park because he
likes / doesn’t like walking.
3 Daniel has four books on astronomy because he
likes / doesn’t like Natural Sciences. 4 Complete. Use the verbs in the box. There is one
4 Emily has a blue T-shirt, blue pants and a blue dress extra verb.
because blue is / isn’t her favourite colour.
5 Emily’s mother can speak Quechua because she is / isn’t draw eat play sleep work watch
from Peru.
6 Daniel’s brothers get up early because they go to school 1 Matt has a pencil in his hand because
in the morning/ afternoon. .
7 Mr Smith’s sister goes to secondary school because she’s 2 Maggie is next to the television because
seventeen / eleven. .
8 Brian is at the grocer’s because he needs fruit / butter. 3 Tom and Max are in the kitchen because
4 Brian and Daniel are in the garden because
5 Emily’s parents are in the bedroom because

106 one hundred and six

M14_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB4.indd 106 17/5/16 20:31

5 Read and complete the fact files. 7 Read and answer.
Emily’s mother is an astronomer. Her name’s Doris. She is
Today’s Quiz: Where are they
Peruvian. She’s thirty-seven. She has two children, Emily and
Brian’s father is a teacher. His name’s Vic. He’s from Venezuela. m?
He’s forty-two. He has three children, two boys and a girl. 1 Where is Lionel Messi fro
Matt’s mother is a vet. Her name’s Marcia. She’s from Brazil.
She’s forty-four. She has two children, a boy and a girl. 2 Where is Katy Perry from?

Name: ........................................................
Occupation: .................................................
............................ 3 Where is Harry Potter fro
Nationality: .................................................
Age: ........................................................
Family: ........................................................
.............................. dia
4 Where is Germán Garmen

.... .... .... .... ....................................
.... m?
5 Where is Selena Gomez fro
Name: ........ .... .... ....
: .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....................................
Occupation ..................
lity : .... .... .... .... .... .... ....................................
Nationa .........................
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....................................
Age: ..........................
ly: .... .... .... .... .... .... ....................................
8 Complete with the words in the box. There is one
extra word.
Name: ........................................................ Brazil China Egypt Italy
Occupation: ................................................. Mali South Africa Venezuela
Nationality: .................................................
Age: ........................................................
................................. 1 Melanie can speak English because she’s from
Family: ........................................................
.............................. .
2 Rodrigo and Celeste can speak Spanish because they’re
from .
6 Answer the questions.
3 Ornella can speak Italian because she’s from
1 Are tigers from Asia or Europe? .
2 Are camels from America or Africa? 4 Ronaldo can speak Portuguese because he’s from
3 Are llamas from America or Africa? .
4 Are condors from Europe or America? 5 Marie and Jeanette can speak French because they’re
5 Are koalas from Africa or Australia? from .
6 Are gorillas from Africa or Australia? 6 Saki can speak Cantonese because he’s from

one hundred and seven 107

M14_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB4.indd 107 17/5/16 20:31

9 Read and complete. 10 Write for the Wildlife magazine. Use the
following words.

Brian and his family live in a small house. Brian’s big small
favourite place is the garden - he loves doing his
homework there. His sister’s name is Natalie. long black and white
She has a pet: a dog. Brian doesn’t like dogs very
much. Brian’s parents are in the living room, now.
They’re watching TV. They love watching TV and
reading in the living room. short thin

house is small.

favourite place is the
garden. My parents love the living room, 1
Basset hounds are nice dogs.
it’s 3 favourite room. Look at legs .
Natalie. That’s 4 dog. 2
Camels are mammals.
Look! This is 5 dog, legs .
Rocky. He sleeps in my bedroom, my 3
Penguins aren’t mammals.
favourite room. My brother doesn’t like
playing in his bedroom. 6
favourite place is the garden. He and .
friends love playing in 4
Crocodiles are green.
the garden.
Koalas are from Australia.
Lions are beautiful animals.

108 one hundred and eight

M14_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB4.indd 108 17/5/16 20:31

11 a) Write the words in the correct column. b) Now, answer. Write C, U or C and U.
1 Are drinks countable or uncountable?
apple butter dog ear eye hair
2 Is food countable or uncountable?
llama nose pants pen ruler sandwich
scissors sugar sweater tea T-shirt water 3 Are animals countable or uncountable?
4 Are school objects countable or
DRINKS FOOD 5 Are parts of the body countable or
6 Are clothes countable or uncountable?

12 Circle.

ANIMALS SCHOOL OBJECTS Maggie and 1her / your sister are playing with
your / their friends. 3We’re / They’re in the kitchen
now. 4Maggie / Maggie’s mother is cooking. She
have / has a problem. She’s making a cake, but there
isn’t / aren’t 7some / any eggs at home. She needs
some / any sugar, too.
Mum: Maggie, 9do / can you go to the
grocer’s / butcher’s, please?
Maggie: But I 11play / am playing with my friends,
Mum: I have an idea! Go with your friends, and buy
some / any chocolate milk, too.
Maggie: Hurray!

13 Complete.

1 , but there isn’t 2 . There

In my pencil case, there is some
, but there aren’t 4 . In my school bag, there
are some 3
. There isn’t, 7 ,
are 5 , but there aren’t 6

but there’s 8 .

one hundred and nine 109

M14_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB4.indd 109 17/5/16 20:31

1 Read and complete. 2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). Correct the
false statements.
1 My brother’s mother is my aunt.
Here’s the Addams Family. Gomez Addams is
Morticia’s husband. He’s tall and has short brown 2 My father’s wife is my mother.
hair. His mother’s name is Grandmama. She’s 3 My aunt’s son is my cousin.
a short woman. Morticia and Gomez have two 4 My uncle’s daughter is my aunt.
children: a daughter, Wednesday, and a son, 5 My mother’s sister is my cousin.
Pugsley. They are terrible children. The children’s
6 My mother’s brother is my uncle.
uncle is Fester. He’s a short, fat man with no
hair. He’s strange! The children have an aunt, 7 My aunt’s husband is my uncle.
too, Morticia’s sister. Her name’s Ophelia. She’s 8 My father’s brother is my cousin.
Morticia’s twin sister.
3 Draw your family tree and complete the

1 My uncle’s name is .
2 His wife’s name is .
3 My cousins are .
4 My mother’s aunt is .
5 My father’s uncle is .
6 My grandmother’s husband is .
7 My grandfather’s daughter is .
8 My grandmother’s son is .

110 one hundred and ten

M15_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB5.indd 110 17/5/16 19:50

4 a) Circle. b) Now, answer the following questions.
1 Flan is a typical Argentine dish / dessert. 1 What’s your favourite dish?
2 Papaya and tuna are vegetables / fruits. 2 What’s your favourite dessert?
3 There are chicken and olive / meat empanadas. 3 What do you have for lunch on Sundays?
4 I need meat / sausages because I’m making empanadas. 4 What do you have for dessert on Sundays?
5 People in Argentina have dulce de leche for dish / dessert. 5 What’s your favourite drink?
6 Children don’t drink wine / water. 6 What’s your father’s favourite drink?
7 Asado is a typical South American dish / dessert. 7 What’s your brother’s / sister’s favourite dessert?
8 I love empanadas! They’re my favourite dish / dessert. 8 What’s a typical dish in your country?

5 Complete with the words in the box. There are 6 Read and circle.
two extra words.

Food around QUIZ

the world Can you cook?
1 We can put olives / milk in our sandwiches.
2 We need sugar / onions for a cake.
3 We need water / sugar for rice pudding.
4 You can make flan / rice pudding with half a dozen eggs.
Argentine Brazilian Chilean Chinese 5 You can make a paella / salad with lettuce, carrots,
English Italian Japanese Mexican onions and tomatoes.
Paraguayan Peruvian Spanish Uruguayan 6 We need cheese / oil for tiramisu.
7 Some people use sugar / rice in their empanadas.
1 Paella is a typical dish. 8 A lot of people eat asado and drink mate / milk in
2 Tiramisu is a typical dessert. the afternoon.
3 Fish and chips is a typical dish. 9 In Peru, there are 200 different types of
potatoes / lettuce.
4 Caipirinha is a typical drink.
10 You can’t put sausages / papayas in a cake.
5 Mate is a typical drink.
6 Chipas are a typical food.
10: Excellent! 5-4: Not so good...
7 Chivitos are typical sandwiches.
9-8: Very good 3-2: Well…
8 Guacamole is a typical food.
7-6: Good 1-0: Don’t cook!
9 Chaw Fan is a typical dish.
10 Sushi is a typical dish. 7 sugar 8 mate 9 potatoes 10 papayas
1 olives 2 sugar 3 sugar 4 flan 5 salad 6 cheese

one hundred and eleven 111

M15_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB5.indd 111 17/5/16 19:50

7 Look and complete. 9 Unscramble the following.
B 1 any – in the cupboard – is – sugar – there – ?
Orange juice
P 2 olives – are – in the kitchen – some – there – .

3 there – any – at home – isn’t – wine – .

4 are – any – in the kitchen – olives – there – ?

5 in the cupboard – any – there – sugar – isn’t – .

6 a bottle of – in the fridge – is – there – water – ?


10 Write the words in the correct column.

biscuits flan peaches sugar

bread juice rice tea
butter oil sandwiches tunas
chocolate olives sausages water
Potatoes O W


8 Match. Then, write three examples for each one.



1 A bottle of...
2 A cup of...
3 A tin of...
4 A glass of...

112 one hundred and twelve

M15_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB5.indd 112 17/5/16 19:51

11 Circle. 12 Answer the following questions.
1 How many boys are there in your class?
Maggie and her 1aunt / uncle, her mother’s sister, are
in the kitchen. 2We’re / They’re cooking. 2 How many girls are there in your class?
Maggie: 3What / Where are you cooking?
Agatha: I’m making a delicious 4dessert / dish: a 3 How much pollution is there in your region?
fruit flan. Can you help me, please?
Maggie: Yes, of course.
4 How much glue is there in your school bag?
Agatha: Open the 5fridge / cupboard, please.
Is there 6any / some milk?
Maggie: Yes, 7it is / there is. 5 How many pencils do you have in your pencil case?
Agatha: 8How much / How many milk is there?
Maggie: Mmmm… Two litres. 6 How many books do you have in your school bag?
Agatha: OK. Are there any apples, oranges and
peaches? 7 How much snow is there in your region in August?
Maggie: There are two apples and three peaches,
but there aren’t 9some / any oranges. Oh, 8 How many clouds can you see in the sky?
there’s a banana, too!
Agatha: OK. 10How many / How much eggs are
there? I need six. 9 How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Maggie: There are four.
Agatha: OK. Put 11they / them on the table… And 10 How much chocolate do you eat in a week?
dear, can you go to the 12baker’s / grocer's
and buy a dozen eggs, please?
Maggie: Yes, sure! Do you need sugar?
Agatha: Yes, I do. 13 Complete. Use it, they or them.
Maggie: I can go to the 13grocer’s / greengrocer’s and
buy 14some / any sugar.
How much / How many sugar do you
need? My friends are great! I love
1 . They have
Agatha: A kilo. Thank you! .
bikes, and we go to the park and ride

Maggie: You’re welcome.

3 love eating a lot of chocolate, but

I don’t because then I don’t feel well. I like eating

apples, peaches and oranges.

4 are

very good, and 5 have a lot of

vitamins. Do you like

6 ? I have two

peaches here. One for me and one for you! Here, eat

7 ,8 are delicious!

one hundred and thirteen 113

M15_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB5.indd 113 17/5/16 19:51

1 Complete with the words in the box. There are 2 Write the words in the correct column. Then, add
two extra words. Use a - some - an. five words to each category.

biscuits butter hamburger oranges biscuits coffee chips milk

sausage tea tomato water orange juice salad soda tea

I’d like . A plate of… A cup of…

I’d like .

A glass of… A bottle of… A tin of…

I’d like . 3 Read and circle.

Would you like
I’d like . a jacket / trainers?

Would you like
a cup of tea / some water?

I’d like .
4 Would you like a cup
of tea / a hamburger?

I’d like . 3

4 5

Would you like some Would you like some

butter / sugar? milk / butter?

114 one hundred and fourteen

M16_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB6.indd 114 17/5/16 19:55

4 Complete the conversations. 5 Match. There are two extra sentences.

Would you like a flan?

1 Molly has a doll. a We want to go home.
I don’t like desserts. 2 Molly is in the garden. b We want to play
3 We have a new ball.
c We want to ride it.
4 We have a new bike.
d We want to watch TV.
5 We’re scared.
e She wants to listen to
6 Molly is in her
the radio.
f She wants to play with it.
Would you like fish and chips? g She wants to play.
2 h She wants to sleep.

It’s my favourite dish. 6 Read and circle.

International chefs
1 Jose is from Spain. He wants to make paella / asado.
Would you like an apple? 2 Joao is from Brazil. He wants to make mate / feijoada.
3 Rafael is Mexican. He wants to make tiramisu / fajitas.
4 Pietro is Italian. He wants to make pizza / empanadas.
I love eating fruit.
5 Alma is from Argentina. She wants to make
fish and chips / rice pudding.
6 Hewn is Chinese. She wants to make sushi / chow mein.
7 Fatima is from Paraguay. She wants to make
chivitos / chipa.
8 Alfred is English. He wants to make
Would you like a hamburger? hamburgers / fish and chips.

I’m a vegetarian.

one hundred and fifteen 115

M16_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB6.indd 115 17/5/16 19:55

7 Look at the calendar and complete. Today is Sunday 21.


Thu 11 Fri 12 Sat 13

Mon 8 Tue 9 Wed 10
Sun 7

Thu 18 Fri 19 Sat 20

Mon 15 Tue 16 Wed 17
Sun 14

. 9 Complete with the countries in the box. There is

1 On Tuesday 9, it was one extra country.
2 On Friday 12, it was
3 Last Friday, it was
4 On Saturday 13, it wa
5 On Monday 15, it wa
6 Last Wednesday, it wa
San Martin was from Argentina. What about the rest?

1 Colombus was from .

2 O’Higgins was from .
8 Complete with last week’s weather. 3 Isabel la Catolica was . France
1 On Monday . 4 Bolivar was . Italy
2 On Tuesday . 5 Liniers . Spain
6 Artigas . Uruguay
3 On Wednesday .
4 On Thursday . SCORE

5 On Friday . 6: An expert! 2: Not so good.

4-5: Very good. 0-1: Study!
6 On Saturday .
3: Good.
7 On Sunday .
Answers: 1. Italy, 2. Chile, 3. Spain, 4. Venezuela, 5. France, 6. Uruguay.

116 one hundred and sixteen

M16_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB6.indd 116 17/5/16 19:55

10 Match. Then, complete the sentences with the 12 Complete the text about Joe, Daniel’s
past form of the verbs. grandfather.

In 1950, Joe 1 ten years old. He
1 Children go to school every day. 2
to a rural school. On Saturdays, he
2 My friend Bobby plays football. 3
to the park and 4
3 My parents drink a glass of water before going to bed. with his friends. At 12.30, they 5
4 We eat empanadas in Argentina. lunch in Joe’s house. They 6
or empanadas and 7 water. In the
5 Some people have a dog at home.
afternoon, Joe’s mum 8 a cake and
6 Some children make cakes at home.
they 9 it.
7 My aunt and uncle see their friends on Saturdays.
8 My uncle buys meat at the supermarket.

a He football last Sunday.
b I to school last Friday.
c I a cat at home. Its name was Mandu.
d My brother a chocolate cake last Sunday.
e They soda yesterday.
f They friends from Paraguay last Friday.
g Yesterday he meat at the butcher’s. 13 Write about your grandfather/
h Yesterday we 25 empanadas! grandmother.

11 Circle. In 1950, my grand…

Yesterday 1was / had a nice day. I 2go / went to

the park and 3played / made football. Last Sunday
was a nice day, too. We 4had / drank pizza for
lunch and 5ate / drank soda. In the afternoon, I
ate / made a cake and we 7ate / drank it.
On Tuesday, my friends and I 8made / went to an
observatory and we 9saw / ate stars and planets.
We 10had / went a great time!

one hundred and seventeen 117

M16_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB6.indd 117 17/5/16 19:55

1 Look and complete the sentences. 2 a) Read Melanie’s description of her school area
and complete the table.
In my school area there’s a hospital, and
1 She went to the post office . next to the hospital, there’s a library. There’s
a park and a museum, too. There are two
cinemas and two banks, but there isn’t
a train station or a hotel. There’s a small
theatre, and there are two restaurants (a fast
food restaurant and a regular restaurant),
but there isn’t a bus station.

2 She went to .
In Melanie’s school area Not in Melanie’s school area

3 He went to .

b) Now, complete the table for your school area.

In my school area Not in my school area

4 He went to .

c) Write about your school area.

5 She went to . 3 Circle.

1 Some people like having lunch in a park / bank.
2 Melanie’s going to the museum / library because she
needs two maths books.
3 She went to the cinema / theatre yesterday and saw
a fantastic concert.
4 Do you need money? Go to the bank / bus station.
6 He went to .
5 Brian’s uncle is in South Africa now. He’s living in a
hotel / bus station.

118 one hundred and eighteen

M17_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB7.indd 118 17/5/16 20:05

4 a) Make a list. 6 a) Read and complete.

Places and shops in a city Riddles! WILDLIFE MAGAZINE

- Supermarket - This animal is grey and big. Its ears are huge. It’s from Africa or
- Bank - Asia. It’s 1 .
- - This animal is big. Its head is very big, and its legs are big, too.
- - Its ears are small. It lives in Africa. It doesn’t like water. It’s
- - 2
- - This animal is not very big. Its two legs are short. It’s black and
white and it lives in Antarctica or in the south of Argentina. It’s
b) Now, write them in the correct column.
This animal is big and long. Its mouth is very big. Its four legs
Food Transport Recreation Study are short. It lives in Africa. It’s green. It’s 4 .

5 Read and answer.

1 In this place, there are a lot of tables and
What is it? .

are desks, chairs and

2 In this place, there
a lot of books.
tables, and there are
kboards. What is it?
There aren’t any blac

3 In this place, there are bedrooms, there’ b) Now, complete the fact files and write
s a bar
and a restaurant. What is it?
. your riddles!

aren’t any beds or de Colour:
4 In this place, there
ws or doors, but Size (big, fat, etc):
There aren’t any windo
children. What is it?
there are people and Colour:
. Characteristics:
Size (big, fat, etc):

5 In this place, there are a lot of chairs, but there Habitat:

aren’t any tables. There are a lot of people. Some
people eat popcorn or chocolate. They can’t eat Habitat:
empanadas or flan. What is it? .

one hundred and nineteen 119

M17_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB7.indd 119 17/5/16 20:05

7 Look at Paul and Sharon’s week and complete.

Mon Tue Wed

we re .
1.00 PM 9.00 AM 11.00 AM 1 On Monday at 1 PM, they
2 On Tuesday
3 On Wednesday
Thu Fri Sat Sun 4 On Thursday
2.00 PM 9.00 AM 12.00 PM 11.00 AM 5 On Friday
6 On Saturday
7 On Sunday

8 Complete with the languages in the box. 9 Match. Then, complete the sentences with the
past form of the verbs.

1 My brother likes birthday parties.
2 My parents visit their friends on Saturday.
QUIZ 3 Children are happy in the park.
Jorge Luis Borges wrote in Spanish. What about the rest?
Be careful! There’s one extra language! 4 I ride my bike in the park.
5 We read about history at school.
Chinese English French Italian
6 Some children write stories at school.
Japanese Portuguese Spanish
7 I watch TV every day.
1 Cervantes wrote in . 8 We listen to the radio in the morning.
2 Shakespeare wrote in . THE PAST
3 Balzac wrote . a Last Sunday, the children at the park
very happy because it was sunny.
4 Confucius wrote .
b Yesterday, I my bike in the club.
5 Alighieri . c He his birthday party four days ago.
6 Machado de Assis . d Last week, we about Columbus.
SCORE e My brother an incredible story last
6: An expert! 3: Good 0-1: Study!
5-4: Very good 2: Not so good f Yesterday, we to the radio at school.
g Last Saturday, they Paul and Linda.
Answers: 1. Spanish, 2. English, 3. French, 4. Chinese, 5. Italian, 6. Portuguese. h Yesterday, I a programme about
animals in Africa.

120 one hundred and twenty

M17_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB7.indd 120 17/5/16 20:05

10 Make the following sentences true for you. 12 Match. There is one extra ending.

1 Yesterday, 4 The programme wasn’t

1 My parents were at home on Monday at 2 Two years 5 My parents were
3 We didn’t 6 Last
2 My friends wrote an email yesterday.
a ago, my parents went to Montevideo.
3 I rode my bike in the street two days ago b ate hamburgers yesterday.
c interesting.
4 I read two maths books on Monday. d like the new TV programme.
e Sunday, we played Minecraft.
5 Yesterday I had chicken for lunch. f my brother made sushi.
g not at home yesterday at 3 PM.
6 I drank two glasses of milk yesterday.
13 Read and complete Brian’s day.
7 I went to the theatre yesterday.

d. Two days ago, Brian didn’t

8 I listened to classical music last weeken 1
to school because
he 2
not OK.
He 3 at home.
11 Circle. It 4
a cold and rainy
day. He 5 listen to
This is a photo of my sister. She is four. music because he didn’t 6
his mp3.
He 7 TV in his bedroom. He 8
Yesterday she 1was / were at home with my mother.
a magazine and 9 with his cousin on his mobile
They 2go / went to the 3supermarket / butcher’s and
phone. He 10 ride his bike.
buy / bought butter, sugar, milk and eggs. They
made / make a cake. My sister 6didn’t ride / rode her
bike and then she 7plays / played in the garden.
14 Write about your day.

Two days ago, I…

one hundred and twenty-one 121

M17_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB7.indd 121 17/5/16 20:05

1 a) Read and write the number. There are two 2 Write the words in the correct column.
extra pictures.
bag belt boots cap dress gloves
jacket pants raincoat scarf shirt
shoes skirt socks sweater trainers
T-shirt umbrella

I have I don’t have

1 2

I like wearing I don’t like wearing


a) Number is a tall girl. She has long hair and big eyes. Her
nose and ears are small. She’s wearing a T-shirt and a jacket
because it’s cold. She isn’t wearing gloves, but she’s wearing a
scarf. She’s wearing pants and shoes. Her socks are white. She 3 Complete the sentences.
isn’t wearing a sweater. She doesn’t have a cap, but she has an
1 At school, we wear .
umbrella and a bag.
2 At school, we don’t wear .
b) Number is tall. Her hair’s long and her eyes are big. She
doesn’t have a big nose or big ears. Look at her clothes: a 3 At the club, I wear .
lovely skirt, boots and socks. She’s wearing a nice belt and a 4 At the club, I don’t wear .
scarf. Her jacket is beautiful, perfect for cold weather. She
doesn’t have an umbrella, but she has a bag. 5 At a birthday party, I wear .
c) Number is not tall. He has brown short hair and small 6 At a birthday party, I don’t wear .
eyes. His ears aren’t big. He’s wearing pants, shoes and socks. 7 At an important, elegant ceremony, I can wear
His belt is new. He’s also wearing a raincoat, a scarf and a shirt. .
He has an umbrella.
8 At an important, elegant ceremony, I can’t wear
b) Now, describe the other children.

122 one hundred and twenty-two

M18_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB8.indd 122 17/5/16 20:12

4 Match. Then, complete the sentences with the 5 Write the verbs in the correct column.
past form of the verbs. Then, write R (regular) or I (irregular).

ROUTINES bought listened start were

do play studied work
1 I get up at 7 every day. give put swim wrote
have read used
2 I get messages from my friends every day.
helped sat walked
3 My brother studies in the afternoon. like saw want

4 On Sundays, we sit in the garden and have breakfast.

5 My sister does her homework in the afternoon.
6 My parents work in the morning.
7 My granny gives chocolates to my baby
sister for her birthdays.
8 My mum puts an umbrella in her bag.

a Last Sunday, we in the kitchen because it
was rainy.
b She me chocolates and a T-shirt for my
c Last week, they in the afternoon.
d She an umbrella and a small raincoat. The
weather was terrible!
e Last Sunday, I at 11.
f I an email from my grandfather last week. 6 Complete with the correct verb.
g She her homework in the evening
yesterday. Yesterday 1 a rainy day. I 2
at 9 and 3 breakfast in bed.
h Yesterday he in the evening.
I 4
milk and I 5 chocolate
cake. It 6
delicious! I 7
emails to my friends and I 8 TV. Then,
I 9
a book. My mother 10

on her new astronomy project and my dad 11

a salad for lunch. In the afternoon, it was sunny.
I 12 my bike in the park. My parents
to the club. They 14 in the
swimming pool and 15
tennis. In the evening,
we 16 hamburgers at a fast food restaurant.
I love hamburgers!

one hundred and twenty-three 123

M18_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB8.indd 123 17/5/16 20:12

7 Look at Tom and Max’s week and complete.

Mon Tue Wed .

an d Max
5.00 PM 1.00 PM 7.00 PM 1 On Monday at 5 PM, Tom
2 On Tuesday
3 On Wednesday
4 On Thursday
Thu Fri Sat Sun .
4.00 PM 9.00 PM 2.00 PM 6.00 PM 5 On Friday
6 On Saturday
7 On Sunday

8 Make the text true for you. 9 Complete the questionnaire.

My name’s Hugh. Last week, I went to the Questionnaire

theatre and I ate chicken at a very nice
restaurant. At night, in bed, I read two books. 1 Were you at school last Monday?
I wrote a composition for my teacher.
I swam in the river. It was very cold! I used
the new computer at school and I did my 2 Was your best friend at school on Tuesday?
homework every day. I visited two friends
and played basketball with them. I bought
3 Did you have English on Wednesday morning?
chocolate and I helped my dad in the
kitchen. After school, I rode my bike in the
street and I gave my brother a T-shirt for his 4 Did your brother or sister go to school last week?
birthday. And you?

5 Did you have milk for breakfast yesterday?

6 Did you ride your bike last weekend?

7 Did you do your homework last Friday?

8 Did you visit friends last weekend?

124 one hundred and twenty-four

M18_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB8.indd 124 17/5/16 20:13

10 Look and answer the questions about Boris’
holidays. 12 You are chatting with your friend, Lara.


– Hi, Lara. 1Was / Were you at home yesterday?
Lara says:
– No, I 2wasn’t / didn’t. I went / was to the office.

– To the office? It 4is / was Saturday! Why?
Lara says:
– 5Because / But I had a lot of work, and I didn’t /

wasn’t have 7some / any help.

1 Did Boris swim? Me:
2 Did he write emails? – Oh, I see. 8Do / Would you like dinner or a film?
Lara says:
3 Did he work? – A film! I want to see The Lego Batman.
4 Did he read books? – Oh, I 9saw / see it last weekend with María.
5 Did he visit Machu Picchu? Lara says:
– 10Do / Did you like it?
6 Did he buy presents? Me:
– Yes, I 11liked / did. I have an idea. Come home,
7 Did he listen to music? and I can cook.
8 Did he go to the theatre? Lara says:
– Oh, yes! We can eat your home-made empanadas.
I love them!
11 Match. There is one extra ending. Me:
– OK. Can you go to the butcher’s / baker’s and buy

some meat?
Lara says:
1 Did your sister
a at home last weekend. – Sure! 13How much / How many meat do you need?
2 Were Me:
b video games with her
– Half a kilo. I have eggs and olives / sausages.
3 Was friends last weekend. Lara says:
4 My brother c do her homework – Good! I love 15eat / eating empanadas!
5 My sister played yesterday? Me:
6 My mum didn’t d ride his bike yesterday? – Fantastic. Come at 8. Is that OK?
Lara says:
7 She wasn’t e wasn’t at school yesterday. – Sure!
f work in her office on
Last message received at 15:45
g your parents at home
yesterday afternoon?
h your sister at school last

one hundred and twenty-five 125

M18_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_WB8.indd 125 17/5/16 20:13

Further Practice

1 Circle. 3 Match. There is one extra ending.

Max and Tom’s routine. 1 I get up at
1 We do / study our homework at / in 5. 2 We don’t watch
2 We go / run to school in / at the morning. 3 We aren’t
3 We don’t / aren’t watch TV in the garden. 4 My eyes are
4 We use / work with a computer in ICT classes. 5 We have
5 We don’t read / watch books in PE class. 6 I do my homework in
6 We listen to / write the radio in the morning. 7 We go to the club on
7 We drink / have lunch at school. 8 My friends
8 We visit / play friends in the afternoon.
9 We go / get up at 11 on Saturdays. a a young Maths teacher.
10 We play / make chocolate cake on Sundays. b 7 in the morning.
c blue.
2 Read and complete. Use There is or There are. d pop music.
Then write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false). e Sundays.
Are you an expert on Argentina? f play tennis at the club.
1 twenty-three provinces g the afternoon.
in Argentina.
h very tall.
2 a waterfall in Buenos Aires.
i TV in the evening.
3 mountains in Mendoza.
4 a big lake in Bariloche.
5 a jungle in Misiones.
6 camels in Tierra del Fuego.
7 a capital city in Argentina.
8 an obelisk in Buenos Aires.
9 condors in La Puna.
10 tigers in Patagonia.

126 one hundred and twenty-six

Z01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_FP.indd 126 23/5/16 11:22


Further Practice
4 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).
This is the timetable for 5A.







1 We have Language on Mondays and Wednesdays. 6 We have PE at 2 in the afternoon.

2 We don’t have Maths on Mondays. 7 We don’t have Social Studies on Thursdays.
3 We have Music in the morning. 8 We don’t have Arts in the morning.
4 We don’t have Spanish at 10.30. 9 We have Spanish in the afternoon.
5 We have ICT classes. 10 We don’t have Natural Sciences at 8.00.

5 Circle.

Max and Tom 1have / are twelve. My blog

They 2are / have tall and thin. They
have / are big ears and a big nose.
Read and complete with
They 4are / have Daniel’s brothers.
your information.
Daniel 5is / has short black hair and
his eyes 6have / are big. He 7isn’t /
Hi, there! My name’s . I’m a
doesn’t have twelve, he’s eleven.
student at . I am .
Max, Tom and Daniel 8have / are two grandparents. They
are / have short and thin. They 10are / is young grandparents: My hair . I have
they are only 55. They 11live / have in a small house. They eyes and nose. My ears? They
get up / work early every day 13at / on 6 and have breakfast. are .
They 14work / live in an office. At 5 in the 15morning / afternoon,
they go home. They listen to music and 16watch / read TV. My favourite subject at school is .
On / In Saturdays, they 18play / work at the club and Do you like school? Write to me!
visit / go their family.

one hundred and twenty-seven 127

Z01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_FP.indd 127 23/5/16 11:22

Further Practice

1 Complete with the verbs in the box. There are 3 Complete the questions. Use Where, What, Who,
two extra verbs. Remember the -s ! How old or What colour.
do drink eat get up go have like 1 is your name?
listen to make play run swim visit watch 2 do you live?
3 is your favourite subject at school?
Here’s a list of students in 5A: Daniel, Alma, Harry, Maggie, 4 is your dad? Is he young?
Rod, Emily, Brian, Caroline, Eric, Mary Jo, Amy and George. 5 are the students? Are they in
Alma 1
at 7 every day. She 2
breakfast in the classroom?
the kitchen. Then she 3
to school. She 4
6 is that? Is it Miss Kenny?
Music; it’s her favourite subject at school. At 1, she 5 7 is that? Is it a condor?
a hamburger and 6 water. In the afternoon, she
8 are condors? Are they all black?
her homework, 8
TV and
9 do you have for breakfast?
music. At weekends, she 10
tennis at
the club. On Sundays, she 11 chocolate cake and 10 is the 5A teacher? Is it Mr Smith?
her grandma.
4 Circle.
It’s 10 in the morning. Where are the students in 5A?
2 Match. There are two extra endings.
1 Harry is in the ICT room. He is running / is using
1 Daniel gets up 7 Brian visits a computer.
2 Alma eats 8 Caroline watches 2 Maggie is in the Arts room. She is writing / is painting.
3 Harry uses 9 Eric listens to 3 Rod and Brian are with the PE teacher.
4 Maggie runs 10 Mary Jo reads They are playing / are writing.
5 Rod plays 11 Amy writes 4 Emily is in the school kitchen. She is cooking /
6 Emily studies 12 George speaks is reading.

a a computer in ICT lessons. 5 Caroline and Mary Jo are in the classroom.

b at 11 on Sundays. They are studying / are watching TV.
c chicken at school. 6 Eric is in the dining room. He is drinking / is eating tea.
d football and rugby. 7 Amy is in the dining room, too. She is eating /
e emails to her friends. is drinking a hot dog.
f a dog. 8 George is in the classroom. He is doing / is working
g his grandpa on Saturdays. his homework.
h Italian and French.
i three balls.
j music in the garden.
k Natural Sciences with her dad.
l stories in her bedroom.
m TV in the evening.
n very fast.

128 one hundred and twenty-eight

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Further Practice
5 Circle.
Are you a nature expert?
1 Kangaroos can / can’t swim. 6 Condors can / can’t run.
2 Kangaroos can / can’t climb trees. 7 Armadillos can / can’t jump.
3 Monkeys can / can’t jump. 8 Chinchillas can / can’t run.
4 Llamas can / can’t climb trees. 9 Lions can / can’t climb trees.
5 Condors can / can’t fly. 10 Panda bears can / can’t fly.

6 Match questions and answers. There are two extra answers.

a At 7.
1 What is Eric doing? b He’s working.
2 Is Eric sleeping? c In the garden.
3 What is Mary Jo doing? d No, he isn’t.
4 Is Caroline using a computer? e No, it isn’t.
5 Where are Brian and George playing? f No, she can’t.
6 What are Brian and George playing? g No, she isn’t.
7 Can Amy swim? h No, they can’t.
8 Can Eric ride a bike? i Rugby.
9 Can Emily and Harry speak Spanish? j She’s reading a novel.
10 Are Caroline and Mary Jo cooking? k Yes, he can.
l Yes, they are.

My blog
Read and complete with your information.

Hello again!
It’s Saturday and I’m at home. I’m in my bedroom. I can see , but I can’t see .
I can hear , but I can’t hear . I’m . What are you doing?
Here’s some more information about my abilities. I can , but I can’t .
What about you? Can you ? Write and tell me!

one hundred and twenty-nine 129

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Further Practice

1 Circle. 3 Complete with the phrases in the box. There is

one extra phrase.
Harry is a student in 5A. 1He’s / He has tall and 2he has / he is
short brown hair. 3His / Your eyes are brown. Alex at 6 in the morning at school big brown eyes
Sally go to school goes to school hamburgers
Harry / Harry’s Saturdays are fantastic. He 5doesn’t / isn’t
is Natural Sciences my bike plays at home
get up early. He 6drinks / has breakfast in bed 7at / in 10.30.
ride very well short and thin student in 5A
He 8watches / sees TV and 9play / plays on the computer.
There’s / There are a big living room in his house and he
loves / doesn’t like it. It’s his favourite room. He and his 1 Hello! My name’s
sister Sally 12do / does the homework in the living room, but .
they 13doesn’t / don’t listen to music there. 2 I’m a
Harry is at the sports centre now. He 14is playing / can play .
rugby with his friends. He’s a very good player, he 15can /
3 My favourite school subject
can’t play rugby very well.
4 I don’t like
2 a) Complete with the words in the box. There is .
one extra word. 5 I get up
Are Am Can Do Does Is
6 I have lunch
Questions for Harry
7 In the afternoon, I ride
1 your father a dentist?
2 you like school?
8 I can
3 your sister go to school? .
4 you swim? 9 My sister’s name is
5 you a student in 5A? .

b) Now, answer the questions. 10 She’s

1 No, .
11 She has
2 Yes, .
3 No, .
12 She doesn’t
4 Yes, .
5 Yes, .
13 She

130 one hundred and thirty

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Further Practice
4 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).
1 There are sausages at the butcher’s.
2 There’s lettuce at the baker’s. My blog
3 There’s milk at the grocer’s. Read and complete with your information.
4 There are tomatoes at the greengrocer’s.
5 There’s water at the grocer’s. Hello again.

6 There are biscuits at the baker’s. I live in . Are there any shops?
7 There are peaches at the greengrocer’s. Oh yes! There’s a , but there
isn’t a .
8 There are cakes at the baker’s.
9 There’s chicken at the baker’s. Now, I’m in the kitchen. I am making a chocolate
cake. I need . I don’t need
10 There’s butter at the greengrocer’s.
. My dad is making a salad. He
needs . He doesn’t need
5 Circle and complete with the correct shop. .
1 I need / needs lettuce, peaches and potatoes.
I love cooking. And I like other activities. I like
I’m going to the .
2 My dad need / needs biscuits, bread and croissants. .
He’s going to the . I don’t like
3 My sister need / needs butter, sugar and milk. .
She’s going to the .
What about you? Write to me!
4 My mum need / needs sausages, chicken and meat.
She’s going to the .

6 Complete.
What do the students in 5A like doing?
1 Alma likes to music.
2 Harry and Maggie like to
the club.
3 Rod likes TV.
4 Emily and Brian like on
the computer.
5 Caroline and Mary Jo like
chocolate cakes.
6 Eric likes rugby.
7 Amy likes her bike.
8 George likes books.

one hundred and thirty-one 131

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Further Practice

1 Circle. 2 Match. There is one extra ending.

Students in 5A 1 Rod 6 In the afternoon he
2 He goes to 7 He
Maggie 1is / has tall. She 2is / has long black hair and
her/ your eyes are black, too. 3 His favourite 8 Now he
She 4like / likes school. Her favourite subjects 5is / are 4 He doesn’t 9 There’s
Maths and Language. She 6doesn’t / isn’t like PE. She 5 He can 10 There are
can / is swim, but she 8can / can’t play sports. She likes
watch / watching sports programmes on TV. a a big TV in his bedroom.
On / In Saturdays, she 11helps / can help her family in b electronic games on his desk, too.
the kitchen. 12Maggie / Maggie’s mum 13can / is cook c is a student in 5A.
very well. Now she 14can make / is making a salad.
d is watching TV.
She needs tomatoes, potatoes and 15lettuce / butter.
Maggie likes salads, 16but / and she doesn’t like egg in e like Social Studies.
the salad. f likes sports.
Maggie: I need 17butter / sausages for a cake, Mum. g play sports, ride a bike and swim.
Mum: Ok, we can go to the 18butcher’s / grocer’s. h school in the morning.
Now Maggie and her mum are at the 19greengrocer’s / i subject is Natural Sciences.
baker’s. She 20buy / is buying vegetables. j watches TV.
k watching TV.

3 Match the following sentences with the correct category.

1 Brian is a student. ROUTINES
2 He lives in a small house.
3 His house is next to the school.
4 He has a brother and a sister.
5 He goes to school in the morning.
6 He doesn’t like French.
7 He can play football and he can ride a bike.
8 He’s riding his bike in the garden.
9 His sister is watching TV in the living room.
10 She likes playing with toys. (THINGS)
11 She can’t ride a bike.
12 She’s short and thin. LIKES AND DISLIKES
13 She has long black hair and green eyes. (ACTIONS)
14 Brian visits his friends at weekends.
15 On Sundays, he goes to the butcher’s and buys sausages. DESCRIPTIONS

132 one hundred and thirty-two

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Further Practice
4 Match questions and answers. There is one extra answer.

a Because he needs peaches.

1 Why does Brian need sugar?
b Because he’s making a cake.
2 Why is Maggie wearing a T-shirt?
c Because he’s making a salad.
3 Why does Emily need a dictionary?
d Because he’s swimming.
4 Why does Rod need tomatoes?
e Because it’s hot.
5 Why is Amy going to the butcher’s?
f Because she needs bread.
6 Why is Caroline going to the baker’s?
g Because she needs sausages.
7 Why is Mary-Jo going to the grocer’s?
h Because she needs sugar.
8 Why is Eric going to the greengrocer’s?
i Because she’s doing her homework.

5 Complete. Use his, her, our, their or your.

1 Is that bike, Tom? 6 We’re students at King’s School. Language
2 Alex and Lu have a dog. name’s Tristan. teacher is Miss Kenny. name’s Caroline.
3 We love new house. 7 Candy has two friends. names are Bob and
4 Meg and Alice are doing homework. Frank.

5 Linda’s hair is brown and eyes are blue. 8 I like dress, Caroline. It’s beautiful!

My blog Now, write about the okapi.

Circle the correct option.

Name: okapi
Hello again. Today… Description: tall, brown,
big ears, long legs
strange animals!
Origin: Central Africa
Do / Does you like this animal?
Typical activities: run ✓ swim ✓ climb trees ✗
It’s an axolotl. 2We’re / It’s a strange animal. Here’s
Diet: fruit and plants
some / any information about axolotls.
Axolotls are 4on / from Mexico. Axolotls 5are / have
small and they 6are / have a big head. 7Their / Our
eyes are very small. They have four 8legs / bodies.
They 9can / are swim and walk, but they 10can / can’t
jump. Axolotls 11eat / are eating insects and very
small fish. There aren’t 12some / any axolotls in zoos.

one hundred and thirty-three 133

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Further Practice

1 Look and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).

Here is some information about a student in 5A.
1 This is Caroline’s bedroom.
2 She can’t play tennis.
3 She can play football.
4 She likes watching TV.
5 She doesn’t eat eggs.
6 She works on the computer.
7 There are a lot of books.
8 There isn’t any orange juice.
9 There aren’t any chairs.
10 There are some sausages on the table.

2 Match. There is one extra ending. 3 Read and tick the correct question.
1 Eric is
2 His favourite shop is Where do you live?
3 He can At the butcher’s.
4 He likes Where do you work?

5 He doesn’t
6 He goes
Can you ride a bike?
7 He plays No, I can’t.
8 In his bedroom, there is What can you do?

9 There aren’t
10 He’s wearing a jacket
Why is Eric sleeping?
a a big bed next to the window. Because he’s tired.
Why is Eric eating?
b a student in 5A.
c any computer games.
d because it’s cold.
Do Amy’s friends need pencils?
e like writing. No, they aren’t.
f playing sports. Are Amy’s friends using pencils?
g plays sports.
h rugby with his friends. 5
i swim and play rugby. Are the children watching TV?
Yes, they do.
j the baker’s.
Do the children like watching TV?
k to the club on Saturdays.

134 one hundred and thirty-four

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Further Practice
4 Read and complete the family tree. 5 Circle.
Then, write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).
Eric has 1some / any friends. He likes playing with 2they /
Eric has a big family. His parents’ names are Julio and Lenore. them. Now 3they / them are in the garden. They 4can play /
Eric has a big brother, Ted, but he doesn’t have a sister. are playing football. They 5can play / plays very well.
Ted is married. His wife’s name is Anne. They have two
Eric / Eric’s mum is in the kitchen. There 7is / are some
children, Melanie and Roger. They’re twins. milk, there 8is / are eight eggs and some sugar. She can
make a flan. Eric loves 9it / them. It’s his favourite 10drink /
Lenore doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. Julio has a
dessert. How 11much / many milk does she need? 12A bottle
sister: Rose. Her husband’s name is Richard. They have two
/ A tin. Perfect!
children, Lisa and Rod.

Rose Julio
My blog
Complete. Use much/many, is/are. Then, circle
the correct answers.

Lisa 1 How provinces there in

Argentina? 23 / 25
2 How snow there in
Ted Eric Misiones in July? Some. / No snow.
3 How rivers there in
Santiago del Estero? 3 / 8
Roger 4 How rain there in Buenos
Aires in autumn? A lot. / No rain.
5 How pollution there in
1 Lenore is Julio’s wife. Tierra del Fuego? A lot. / Not much.
2 Ted is Lisa’s uncle. 6 there any pollution in the City of
3 Anne is Ted’s wife. Buenos Aires? Yes / No
4 Melanie and Roger are cousins. 7 there any llamas in the Andes
5 Melanie and Roger are Ted’s children. region? Yes / No

6 Lenore is Roger’s grandma. 8 there any elephants in Argentina

(not in zoos)? Yes / No
7 Julio is Eric’s grandpa.
9 there any wind in Patagonia?
8 Richard is Rose’s husband.
Yes / No
9 Rose is Eric’s aunt.
10 there a jungle in Tierra del Fuego?
10 Lisa and Rod are Eric’s cousins.
Yes / No

one hundred and thirty-five 135

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Further Practice

1 Circle. 3 Match. There are two extra endings.

1 Emily is an
Mary Jo is a student in 5A. She can get up / gets up
2 Her parents aren’t from
at 6.30 every day. She 2has / is breakfast in the kitchen.
3 She likes school because
Your / Her favourite subject at school is Language. She
can speak / speak English, Spanish and French. 5In / On 4 There are
the afternoon, she likes 6watch / watching TV. 5 There isn’t
Now she’s in Caroline’s house. She’s wearing a nice dress 6 Her mum works
but / because she is going to a party. It’s 8Caroline / 7 Emily likes
Caroline’s birthday, and 9there’s / it’s a party at her house. 8 She can
Look! 10There is / There are sandwiches and orange juice.
9 Now she
There isn’t 11some / any coke. 12Is there / Are there a cake?
Yes! A chocolate cake. 10 It’s her

a a garage.
b Argentina.
c at an observatory.
2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).
d is eating tacos.
Now Mary Jo is in her bedroom. She’s doing her Social e favourite dessert.
Studies homework on indigenous communities.
f favourite dish.
1 There’s a big Wichi community in Chaco. g intelligent girl.
2 The Wichi speak English. h ride very well.
3 The Wichi are vegetarian. i riding her bike.
4 The Mapuche live in the south of Chile j she’s very curious.
and Argentina.
k student in 5A.
5 There aren’t any Mapuche communities
l two bedrooms in her house.
in Neuquén.
6 The Mapuche wear a chamal.
7 The Qom or Toba are from Chaco.
8 There aren’t any Qom communities in Formosa.
9 The Aymara are from North America.
10 At present, there are Aymara communities
in Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Chile.
11 The Guarani are from South America.
12 There are Guarani communities in Entre Rios,
Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa and Misiones.

136 one hundred and thirty-six

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Further Practice
4 Circle. 5 Complete. Use was or wasn’t.
Social Studies homework: Important people in Argentina.
I’d like a tomato / milk. I want to make a salad.
San Martin 1 from Corrientes. His
Here you are. / Yes, please. mother’s name 2
Gregoria Matorras.
She 3
from Corrientes, she 4
2 from Spain. His wife’s name 5 Remedios
How much is / Would you like a hot dog? Escalada.
Belgrano 6 from Corrientes, he
$20. 7
from Buenos Aires. He 8
very important in Argentine history.
3 Sarmiento 9 from San Juan. He
I like / would like flan. It’s my favourite dessert. 10
the president of Argentina in 1873.
By Mary Jo - 5A
I love flan, too!

I want to make / need empanadas, Mum.

But there isn’t some / any meat at home.

My blog
5 Complete with your information.
Would you like / Do you need chicken? Last Saturday was fantastic
No, thank you. I’m a vegetarian. I went to
. I had a nice lunch. I ate
6 and I drank
How much / many onions . In the afternoon, I visited
do you need for the salad? .
We played
. In the evening, I saw
Do you want some / any olives?
on TV.
No, I don’t like they / them. I went to bed at 11. I was very tired, but very

one hundred and thirty-seven 137

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Further Practice

1 Look and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false).

This is Amy’s bedroom.

1 She watches TV in her bedroom. 6 There aren’t any books in her bedroom.
2 She doesn’t listen to the radio. 7 She can’t draw.
3 She can play tennis. 8 There aren’t any pictures.
4 There isn’t any orange juice. 9 There’s some food in the bedroom.
5 She can use a computer. 10 You can see a lot of clothes in her bedroom.

2 Match. There is one extra ending. 3 Complete. Use the verbs in the box in the past.
Amy’s Art homework. There is one extra verb.
1 Benito Quinquela Martin was an be buy drink eat go
2 Vincent Van Gogh was from have make play see visit
3 Michelangelo Buonarotti was from
Last weekend’s activities.
4 Claude Monet was from
1 Rod and Eric rugby last weekend.
5 Diego Velázquez was a
2 Mary-Jo and Caroline friends.
6 John Turner was from
3 Amy a chocolate cake.
7 Frida Khalo was a
4 Emily new trainers for PE.
8 Carlos Paez Vilaro was from
5 Brian and Daniel a hamburger and
a Argentine painter. f Italy. water.
b Brazil. g Mexican painter. 6 Maggie to the zoo and nice
c England. h Spanish painter. animals.

d France. i Uruguay. 7 Harry and Alma a birthday party.

e Holland.

138 one hundred and thirty-eight

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Further Practice
4 Circle.
Other activities last weekend.
1 Daniel, Rod and Harry went to the park / bank and My blog
played / made football. Complete with your information.
2 Alma went to the cinema / museum and saw / see a film. My weekend two weeks ago
3 Emily visited a theatre / museum and watched / saw Oh, the weekend two weeks ago was fantastic!
fantastic paintings and pictures. My friends were at home.
We rode , but we didn’t
4 Eric and George went to the bank / library and
read books.
We listened to and watched
5 Brian wasn’t very well, and he went to .
the bus station / hospital. We read and wrote ,
6 Mary-Jo went to the bank / supermarket and bought but we didn’t .
sugar, eggs, milk and meat. I had a great weekend, it was fantastic! We were
7 Caroline and her family went to very happy.
a train station / restaurant and had lunch there.
8 Maggie and Amy saw a fantastic musical at the
theatre / hotel with her family.

5 Read and complete. There is one extra animal.


1 This animal lives in the Pacific Ocean. It isn’t small. Its head is small but its nose is big. Its body is very fat. It eats plants. It can
swim, but it can’t walk or run. It’s a/an .
2 This animal is from Madagascar. It’s very small. Its ears are big and its eyes are big, too, but its body is very thin. It can climb
trees. It eats fruit and leaves. It’s a/an .
3 This animal is from Africa. It’s a mammal. Its body is thin, and its ears are big. Its legs are thin and long. Its neck is very long,
similar to a giraffe’s neck. It can run very fast, but it can’t climb trees. It eats plants and leaves. It’s a/an .
4 This small animal is a rodent from China and Mongolia. Its ears and its eyes are very big. Its two legs are very long. It can jump,
but it can’t climb trees. It eats insects and seeds. It’s a/an .

gobi jerboa aye-aye dugong

okapi gerenuk

one hundred and thirty-nine 139

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Further Practice

1 Circle. 3 Complete with the correct verb (affirmative or

1 We are at school now but we at school
Here’s some information about George.
yesterday. We to the zoo and
Last Saturday 1was / is rainy. George 2is having /
had breakfast in bed. He 3drinks / drank orange juice
and 4ate / wrote cake. It was a chocolate cake, but 2 Mary-Jo and Caroline are listening to music. Yesterday,
George 5didn’t/ wasn’t like it. they listen to music because they were
In the afternoon he 6played / can play with his at school.
friends. He 7wrote / made emails and 8is watching / 3 Eric plays rugby at the club. Two weeks ago, he
watched TV.
rugby at school. He was very happy.
Today is Saturday and George is at home. He 9makes /
4 Amy rides her bike every day. Yesterday, she
is making a cake. There’s 10some / any milk and butter,
but there aren’t 11some / any eggs. her bike in the park because it sunny.
5 Harry and Rod like reading books. Yesterday they
George: Mum, I 12want to / need eggs.
to the library and
Mum: OK, George. How 13much / many eggs do
you need? a novel. It very interesting.
George: Four. 6 Alma likes writing stories. Last week, she
Mum: OK, George. Go to the 14baker’s / grocer's a nice story. Now her teacher is reading it.
and buy six. 7 Maggie’s mum buys fruit every day but yesterday
George: OK. Do you need 15some / any chicken or she any fruit.
Mum: No, I don’t. 8 George and Brian are drinking tea. They
any tea yesterday because there wasn’t any tea at

2 Match questions and answers. There are two

extra answers.
a A bottle.
1 Why is George in the kitchen? b Because he’s cooking.
2 How many books are you reading? c Brazil.
3 How much milk is there in the fridge? d Football, basketball and handball.
4 Is there any orange juice at home? e He’s cooking.
5 Are there any books under your desk? f No, he wasn’t.
6 Where are George’s parents from? g No, it isn’t.
7 What is George doing? h No, she can’t.
8 What sports can George play? i No, there aren’t.
9 Can he ride a bike? j No, there isn’t.
10 Was George at home two days ago? k Two.
l Yes, he can.

140 one hundred and forty

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Further Practice
4 Complete.
1 At school I can wear .
2 At school, I can’t wear . My blog
3 I’m in the park and it’s very cold and it’s raining. I can’t Questions for my blog friends
wear . 1 Were you ?
4 I’m at the river. It’s a hot day. I can wear 2 Did you get up ?
3 Did you in bed?
5 I’m in Ushuaia. It’s July. I can’t wear
4 to the club?
6 I’m in Iguazu. It’s December. I can’t wear
sandwiches or a hamburger?
6 your homework?

5 Match. There is one extra ending. Tell me about last Sunday

1 Did I can tell you about my activities.
2 Were you I was . I got up
3 We don’t wear , but I didn’t
in bed. I didn’t
4 I didn’t to the club.
5 My uncle I
6 My aunt a hamburger for lunch. I
my homework. It was a nice Sunday.
7 How much
8 How many
9 Is there
10 There are

a a cap at school.
b any potatoes in the kitchen.
c any sugar in the kitchen?
d at school yesterday?
e butter do you need?
f gave his dog a sausage.
g help my sister yesterday.
h is wearing a nice dress.
i sausages did your dog eat?
j some tomatoes in the fridge.
k you visit your grandparents last weekend?

one hundred and forty-one 141

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Z01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_FP.indd 142 23/5/16 11:22

Pupil's audio files
Bonus tracks
1 Title and credits
8 Friends
Everybody knows I love
2 38 9 School days
my toes
3 Poem corner 38 10 Trip across the universe

4 Tongue twisters 39 11 Take care of the world

We have the whole world Karaoke tracks
5 72
in our hands 12 Everybody knows I love my toes
6 Tongue twisters 72 13 We have the whole world in our hands
7 Poem corner 73 14 Friends
15 School days
16 Trip across the universe
17 Take care of the world

Z01_STL_PUB_03ARG_3867_FP.indd 143 23/5/16 11:22

Corradi, María Leonor
Storyline Pupil’s Book 3 / María Leonor Corradi y Beatriz Pena Lima.
3a ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Pearson Education S. A., 2019.
144 p.; 29x23 cm.

ISBN 978-987-615-512-0
1. Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras. 2. Educación Primaria. 3. Inglés.
I. Pena Lima, Beatriz II. Título CDD 372.6044

Pearson Education S.A. The Publisher and the authors would like to give special thanks to Victoria
Humboldt 1509 Piso 6º Saumell for contributing to the soul of Storyline with the writing of Meeting
C1414CTM Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina. Point, and to Carolina Davidson for her keen eye and enriching feedback. We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright

© Pearson Education S.A., 2011
© Shutterstock Images LLC for pages 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 23, 33, 34, 38, 39,
2ª edición © Pearson Educación, S. A., 2016
3ª edición © Pearson Educación, S. A., 2019 43, 44, 49, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 63, 72, 84, 86, 93, 94, 97, 100 and 105.
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Printed in Argentina by
José Aiguipa, Lucas Adrián Ayude, Iván Karlen, Brendy Luján Miranda, Sofía
Offredi and Karen Johanna Sueyro.
ISBN: 978-987-615-512-0 Pupil’s Book 3 Second Edition

This edition published by Pearson Education S.A., 2019

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Publisher Silvia Kosaruk

Españoleto EG
Illustrations Emiliano Pereyra
Carlos Bulzomí
Martín Bustamante
Héctor Nichea
Carlos Gallego
Senior Designer Elena Jaramillo Gallardo
Production Damián Marrapodi
Manuel Alejandro López
Photo research Celeste Carvutto
Location photography Sabrina Casale

Este logo alerta al lector sobre la amenaza que fotocopiar libros

libros provoca una disminución tan importante de la venta de libros,

que atenta contra la posibilidad de los autores de crear nuevas
obras y de las editoriales de publicarlas.

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ng stories into learning

Beatriz Pena Lima
Leonor Corradi Stories, a key part of children's world,
constitute an extremely powerful tool for
promoting language development. Storyline,
a unique six-level series, will lead children
into learning through memorable stories
alongside activities which pose a challenge
to their intelligence and creativity.
Corra di &
Leonor Pupil's Book

Pupil's Book
• Pupil's Book
Test your memory!
New Play
MP3 audio files
Meeting point


• Teacher's Companion
NAPs (Normativa Curricular)

• Posters

• Online teacher support NEW
- Teacher Training Video • CLIL pages
- MP3 audio files
• Further
- Editable Assessment Practice
- New Resources pages
- Meeting point

Illustrated by Emiliano Pereyra

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