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Tính từ đi theo sau bởi to V hoặc mệnh đề với that

Cấu trúc Cách dùng Common adjectives. Ví dụ
Cấu trúc tính từ + It is necessary for you
động từ nguyên to know another
thể có to có ý language. (Biết thêm
nghĩa “thật là thế easy, difficult, hard, một ngôn ngữ nữa là
It + be + adj
nào để làm gì” impossible, important, điều cần thiết.)
(for sb) + to V
hoặc “thật như thế interesting, necessary, ... It is very kind of you to
nào để ai đó làm help me.
gì”, dùng để nhấn (Bạn thật tốt khi đã giúp
mạnh thông tin mình)
Happy (vui), glad (vui), pleased
(hài lòng), relieved (nhẹ
Cấu trúc tính từ +
nhõm), sorry (tiếc), certain
động từ nguyên
(chắc chắn), sure (chắc chắn), I was surprised to meet
thể có to còn
S + be + adj + confident (tự tin), convinced you here.
được dùng để
to V (tin chắc), afraid (sợ), annoyed (Thật ngạc nhiên khi gặp
diễn tả phản ứng,
(hơi giận), astonished (ngạc bạn ở đây)
cảm xúc, sự tự tin
nhiên), aware (nhận biết, nhận
hay sự lo lắng.
thấy), conscious (tỉnh, có ý
thức, biết được)…
Chỉ cảm xúc: Happy (vui), glad
(vui), delighted (vui mừng),
pleased (hài lòng), relieved
Cấu trúc tính từ + I am delighted that you
(nhẹ nhõm), sorry (tiếc),
mệnh đề danh passed the exam.
surprising (ngạc nhiên…)
từ được dùng để (Tôi vui là bạn đã qua
Chỉ sự tin tưởng hay lo lắng:
diễn tả cảm xúc, bài kiểm tra)
Adj + that + S certain (chắc chắn), sure (chắc
sự tin tưởng hay It was quite surprising
+V chắn), confident (tự tin),
sự lo lắng….. that he passed the
convinced (tin chắc), afraid
Mệnh đề danh từ exam.
(sợ), annoyed (hơi giận),
được cấu tạo bởi (Khá ngạc nhiên là anh
astonished (ngạc nhiên),
‘that + mệnh đề’ ta qua bài kiểm tra.)
aware (nhận biết, nhận thấy),
conscious (tỉnh, có ý thức, biết

3. Một số cụm động từ đi liền với nhau

a. Cụm động từ kết hợp với 1 tiểu từ
Get up (thức dậy) Find out (tìm hiểu thông tin) Look through (đọc)
Pass down (truyền lại) Live on (sống nhờ bằng) Come back (trở lại)
Pass away (chết) Warm up (khởi động) Keep up (tiếp tục) = go on
Turn down (từ chối) Set up (sắp đặt, chuẩn bị) Hold on (chờ đợi)
Turn up (xuất hiện) Show off (khoe khoang) Count on = rely on (tin tưởng)
Work out (tìm ra cách giải
Deal with (giải quyết) Grow up (lớn lên)
Give up (từ bỏ) = quit Carry out (thực hiện) Drop by (ghé qua)
Break down (đổ vỡ, hỏng) Bring out (phát hành) Bring up (nuôi dưỡng)
Take up (bắt đầu hoạt Agree on st (đồng ý việc gì)
Believe in (tin tưởng)
động) Agree with sb (đồng ý với ai)
Take off (cất cánh/ cởi) Use up (cạn kiệt) Look for (tìm kiếm)
Look after = take care of (chăm
Take over (đảm nhận) Set out/ off (khởi hành)
Take after (giống ai ) Watch out/ over (cẩn thận) Run into (tình cờ)
b. Cụm động từ kết hợp với 2 tiểu từ
Keep up with = catch up with (bắt Look forward to+ Ving (mong
Face up to (đối mặt với)
kịp) đợi)
Put up with (chịu đựng) Look up to (kính trọng) Look back on (nhớ lại)
Come up with (nảy ra ý tưởng) Look down on (coi thường) Go in for (tham gia)
Come down with (mắc bệnh) Cut down on (cắt giảm) Get on with (hòa hợp với)
Go through with (kiên trì, bền
Run out of (cạn kiệt) Stay away from (tránh xa)
Get rid of (loại bỏ)= give up Go along with (đồng ý với) Make up for (đền bù)
4. Một số cụm động từ được ngăn cách bởi tân ngữ
Pay sb back (trở nợ ai) Take st off (cởi cái gì) See sb off (tạm biệt ai)
Tell sb off (la rầy ai đó) Pick sb up (đón ai) Put st on (mặc cái gì vào)
Put st/ sb out (đưa ai/ cái gì ra
Drop sb off (thả ai xuống xe) Make st up (bịa chuyện)
Turn sb/ st down (từ chối ai/ cái
Put st away (cất đi) Cut st into (cắt vật gì thành)
Put st down (ghi chép
Get sb down (làm ai thất vọng) Take st/ sb back to (đem trả lại)

Đề thi tiếng Anh 9 học kì 1 - Đề số 1

I. Choose the best answer.
1. Vietnamese people are very _________________ and hospitable.
A. reserved
B. friendly
C. official
D. quiet
2. We can learn how ______ banh chung at Tet.
A. To make
B. Made
C. Making
D. Make
3. Ho Chi Minh City has been divided into twenty-four ___________ divisions since
December 2003.
A. Administrative
B. Administration
C. Administrator
D. Administer
4. Public suggest that the factories_____________ with waste treatment system.
A. Should equip
B. Would be equiped
C. Equiped
D. Would equip
5. Nam didn’t know…………….to find more information the course.
A. What
B. Where
C. why
D. while
6. The farmers in my home village ______ rice home on trucks. They used buffalo-
driven carts.
A. didn’t used to transport
B. Didn’t used transport
C. didn’t use to transport
D. used to transport
7. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a _______ that consists of royal palaces and
A. Structure
B. Fortress
C. Complex
D. limestone
8. At night they used to entertain ______ by telling and acting out stories.
A. Themselves
B. Them
C. Their
D. Themself
9. It ………………….that They are quieter and cheaper than taxi.
A. said
B. Are said
C. Is said
D. Say
10. The children in my home village used to go _____, even in winter. Now they all have
A. Bare-footed
B. Played around
C. Playing around
D. On foot
11. Mary asked me Where I…………………from
A. Coming
B. come
C. To come
D. came
12. I wish people in the world ______ conflicts and lived in peace.
A. Don’t have
B. Didn’t have
C. Didn’t had
D. Doesn’t have
13. In Viet Nam, ______ often refers to age and social position, not to wealth.
A. Culture
B. Seniority
C. Generation
D. Tradition
14. Tom ‘’Thanks for the nice gift’ Daisy
A. I am glad you like it
B. You are welcome
C. I myself don’t like it
D. I’m happy
15. A ______ is used to make the sound much louder so that many people can hear it
from a distance.
A. Radio
B. Computer
C. Loudspeaker
D. Television
16. Traditional craft has …………………….from generation to generation
A. Passed
B. passed down
C. pass
D. Been passed down
17. My mother doesn’t work ………………….. Saturday
A. On
B. in
C. At
D. for
18. It is ……………Ha long bay was recognized as a world Heritage site by UNESCO
A. Knew
B. To know
C. known
D. knowing
II . Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the others.
19. A. measure B. conduct C. stuck D. frustrated
20. A. impolite B. night C. tradition D. slight
III . Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
21. A. people B. enough C. picture D. father
22. A. depend B. begin C. agree D. happen
IV. Read the passage, and choose the best answer.
Good manners are a treasure to the people who possess them, as well as to the
community they live in. Manners are taught, learnt, and passed from generation to
Even hundreds of years ago, children were taught to behave responsibly. They learnt to
respect seniority. When they passed an object to another person, they had to use both
hands. When they entered a room, they had to bow and greet the oldest person first.
Boys learnt to work hard to support their families. Girls learnt to do housework, and to
take care of others. Loyalty and honesty were highly appreciated. When they made a
mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it. That would be cowardly
and mean. They were taught that families were strong, and everybody should stick
together in adversity.(tai họa, nghịch cảnh)
Fortunately, many of these values have been well preserved. They have contributed to
making the unique Vietnamese culture, and strengthening our society.
23. Good manners are _______________________.
A. of great value
B. of the community
C. traditional
D. only for the old
24. What was a boy’s main duty?
A. to respect seniority
B. to support his family
C. to do housework
D. to share good things
25. The sentence: “When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be
punished for it,” means they would _______________________.
A. deny their mistake
B. admit their mistake
C. keep it a secret
D. be punished
26. What contributed to making the unique Vietnamese culture?
A. tradition
B. generations
C. good manners
D. seniority
27. This passage is about_______________________.
A. people who possess good manners
B. what bad manners children in the past had
C. the preservation of bad values
D. good manners and their value
V. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, Hoi An is the (28) …………..……. main port of
Viet Nam dating back to the 16th century. Today, most of its historic (29)
………………….... have been preserved as landmarks. There are many things you can
do there. For example, you can walk down the streets, (30) …………….……… by the
atmosphere of times gone by. You should (31)............... the town during the full moon,
when the shop owners turn off the lights and decorate the streets with candle lanterns.
You can also take a sampan ride down the Song Do River, hunting traces of foreign
traders such as the Japanese, Chinese, and Dutch who made Hoi An a centre of (32)
………………..…… old Viet Nam.
28. A. former B. form C. older D. elder
29. A. structure B. building C.structures D. buildings
30. A. around B. round C.surround D. surrounded
31. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. be visited
32. A. cultural B. culture C. tradition D. traditional
VI. Write the complete sentences, using the the words/ phrases given.(1m)
33. I / suggest/ that/the government/ limit/ the number / daily visitors.
34. She/ wish/she/ can/communicate/ her pet.
VII. Arrange the following words/phrases in the correct order to make a meaningful
35. didn’t/young people/ use to/ in / computer games / the past/ play /
36. Viet Nam/reported/ the /Thien Duong/ it is/ longest cave/ in /that/is/
VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
37. Seeing Nelson Mandela will always stay in my memory.
I’ll never forget ____________________________________
38. It was difficult for me to stop laughing at Wendy’s letter.
I couldn’t help _____________________________________
39. Shall I phone you this evening?
Do you want ______________________________________
40. It will be good to see them again.
I’m looking ________________________________________

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