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Directions: You must put both the page number and red subheading along with your answer.

I have modeled what

your answers should look like below.

1. What peninsulas is the southern part of Europe made up of?

a. the Iberian Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula, and the Balkan Peninsula.
b. Page 1, landform subsection

1. Which landform separates the northern portion of the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe?
a. the Pyrenees
b. Page 1
2. What forms a natural barrier between the Italian Peninsula and Northern Europe?
a. the Alps
b. Page 1
3. Communication and development have been limited for areas near numerous mountains on which
a. the Balkan Peninsula
b. Page 3
4. Why do rivers on the Iberian Peninsula play a limited role in the region's trade and transportation?
a. The rivers are too shallow for the ships
b. Page 4
5. Southern Europe has fewer natural lakes and reservoirs than the rest of Europe due to what two factors?
a. Having a drier climate -1pt
b. Page 5
6. Which country’s agriculture is supported by dams and reservoirs on the Ebro River?
a. Spain
b. Page 4
7. What serves as the primary source of water for Paris?
a. The primary source of water for Paris is the siene river
b. It does not talk about the Siene River in the book
8. Why does southern Europe see less rainfall than the rest of Europe?
a. The Alps block a majority Atlantic winds from the north, preventing rain from falling
b. Pg 6
9. Southern Europe's Mediterranean location suits it for growing what two main crops?
a. Olives and Grapes
b. Pg 6

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