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Micro-Computed Tomography Guided Artificial Intelligence for Pulp Cavity and Tooth
Segmentation on Cone-beam Computed Tomography

Xiang Lin, MSc, Yujie Fu, PhD, Genqiang Ren, MSc, Xiaoyu Yang, MSc, Wei Duan,
MSc, Yufei Chen, PhD, Qi Zhang, MD, PhD

PII: S0099-2399(21)00642-7
Reference: JOEN 4914

To appear in: Journal of Endodontics

Received Date: 24 February 2021

Revised Date: 1 September 2021
Accepted Date: 1 September 2021

Please cite this article as: Lin X, Fu Y, Ren G, Yang X, Duan W, Chen Y, Zhang Q, Micro-Computed
Tomography Guided Artificial Intelligence for Pulp Cavity and Tooth Segmentation on Cone-beam
Computed Tomography, Journal of Endodontics (2021), doi:

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Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Association of Endodontists.

Micro-Computed Tomography Guided Artificial Intelligence
for Pulp Cavity and Tooth Segmentation on Cone-beam
Computed Tomography

Authors: Xiang Lin#, MSc1; Yujie Fu#, PhD1; Genqiang Ren, MSc2; Xiaoyu Yang, MSc2; Wei
Duan, MSc2; Yufei Chen*, PhD2 and Qi Zhang*, MD, PhD1

Department of Endodontics, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Tongji University, Shanghai
Engineering Research Center of Tooth Restoration and Regeneration, Shanghai 200072, China

College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804,


*Corresponding author:
Yufei Chen, PhD
College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804,
E-mail address:

Qi Zhang, MD, PhD


Department of Endodontics, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Tongji University, Shanghai

Engineering Research Center of Tooth Restoration and Regeneration, Shanghai 200072, China

E-mail address:


These authors have contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.81870760),
the Clinical Research Plan of SHDC (No.SHDC2020CR3058B), the Shanghai Municipal
Health Commission (No.202040282) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (No.22120190217). The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
The manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. The work described was original
research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication
2 Introduction: This study proposes a novel data pipeline based on micro-CT data for training
3 the U-Net network to realize the automatic and accurate segmentation of pulp cavity and tooth
4 on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images.
5 Methods: We collected CBCT data and micro-CT data of thirty teeth. CBCT data were
6 processed and transformed into a small field of view and high-resolution CBCT images of each
7 tooth. Twenty-five sets were randomly assigned to the training set and the remaining five sets
8 to the test set. We used two data pipelines for U-Net network training: one manually labeled by
9 an endodontic specialist as the control group, and one processed from the micro-CT data as the
10 experimental group. The 3D models constructed using micro-CT data in the test set were taken
11 as the ground truth. Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), precision rate (PR), recall rate (RR),
12 average symmetric surface distance (ASSD), Hausdorff distance (HD) and morphological
13 analysis were utilized for performance evaluation.

14 Results: The segmentation accuracy of the experimental group measured by DSC, PR, RR,

15 ASSD, and HD were 96.20±0.58%, 97.31±0.38%, 95.11±0.97%, 0.09±0.01mm, and
16 1.54±0.51mm in tooth and 86.75±2.42%, 84.45±7.77%, 89.94±4.56%, 0.08±0.02mm,

17 1.99±0.67mm in the pulp cavity, respectively, which were better than the control group.
Morphological analysis suggested the segmentation results of the experimental group were
better than those of the control group.
20 Conclusions: This study proposed an automatic and accurate approach for tooth and pulp
21 cavity segmentation on CBCT images, which can be applied in researches and clinical tasks.

23 Keywords: data pipeline, segmentation accuracy, U-Net network, tooth and pulp cavity

24 segmentation, micro-CT


27 Introduction
28 Radiographic imaging and interpretation are indispensable in endodontics, to provide a
29 basis for endodontic diagnosis and treatment (1). With the advancement of radiographic
30 technology, our understanding of endodontic diseases has increased. Cone-beam computed
31 tomography (CBCT) was invented in the 1990s. It provides three-dimensional (3D) information
32 of the subject by a series of cross-sections, which are obtained by continuous projection with
33 cone-beam X-rays and mathematical reconstruction (2). The 3D information provided by
34 CBCT solves the problems of image overlap and distortion in the periapical radiograph and
35 improves the sensitivity and specificity of clinical diagnosis (3-5). Therefore, CBCT
36 examination is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of complicated endodontic cases (6).
37 As therapy concepts and techniques continuously evolve, CBCT can be used with
38 specialized modeling software to build 3D models to assist endodontic diagnosis and treatment
39 (7). To date, several reports have described the contribution of CBCT 3D modeling in the

40 diagnosis and treatment of complex endodontic cases. For example, 3D models have been used

41 in the endodontic treatment of a complex type 3 dens invaginatus (8), an anomalous anterior
42 tooth (9), and an upper premolar with pulp canal obliteration and apical periodontitis (10).

43 Segmentation is fundamental to medical image analysis and aims to locate regions of interest
in an image (11). Accurate segmentation in every CBCT slice determines the accuracy of the
final 3D model. However, most of the reviewed cases suffered from the fact that the
46 segmentation of 3D models was manually labeled, which was too time-consuming and
47 laborious. In addition, the difficulties in learning and using 3D modeling software also limit the

48 clinical application of this method. Thus, exploring automatic image recognition and
49 segmentation methods is both necessary and meaningful (12).

50 In computer vision, automatic image segmentation is one of the most fundamental tasks.
51 In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in the field of automatic
image recognition (13). Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become the most popular

53 method for automatic image segmentation in medical imaging (14, 15). In the dental field,

54 several studies have used CNNs to recognize the entire dentition (16, 17), root (18), and pulp
55 chamber (19) of the tooth. Our previous research proposed a two-phase deep learning solution
56 for automatic tooth and pulp cavity segmentation on CBCT images (20). Although these studies
57 have achieved good results, there is still a key problem regarding the manual labeling of
58 specialists as the ground truth for neural network training and testing. It is well known that the
59 accuracy of manual labeling depends on the specialist's recognition of the medical images.
60 Further, owing to limited radiation doses, CBCT exhibits intrinsic limitations, including poor
61 soft-tissue contrast, intensity inhomogeneity, and image noise (21), leading to insufficient fine
62 details of anatomical structures (22). Thus, it is difficult for endodontic specialists to define the
63 ambiguous boundaries of the root canal precisely, particularly in the apical third. Hence, in pulp
64 cavity segmentation tasks, manual labeling has limitations in being used as the training sample
65 and ground truth. It is necessary to seek a more reliable type of training sample and ground
66 truth.
67 Micro-CT is the most important and accurate tool for studying root canal systems in vitro
68 (23). It can provide images with micron-scale resolution and the possibility of 3D visualization
69 and analysis of endodontic morphology (24). Given the potential issues in CBCT, it is worth
70 attempting to combine the advantages of high precision in micro-CT images and the clinical

71 applicability of CBCT. Thus, if the in vivo CBCT data and in vitro micro-CT data of the same
72 tooth are both collected, the micro-CT data will become a reliable source of the training samples
73 and promising ground truth for CBCT image segmentation tasks.
74 This study aims to use a novel data pipeline based on micro-CT data to train the U-Net
75 convolutional neural network for an accurate pulp cavity and tooth segmentation on CBCT
76 images. The dice similarity coefficient (DSC), precision rate (PR), recall rate (RR), average
77 symmetric surface distance (ASSD), Hausdorff distance (HD), and morphological analyses
78 were employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.
80 Materials and Methods
81 The Ethics Committee of the Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Tongji University
82 approved this study ([2019]-R-79).

84 Acquisition of isolated teeth, CBCT data, and micro-CT data

85 From December 2019 to December 2020, thirty teeth, extracted for orthodontic reasons,
86 and their CBCT images were collected from the Department of Orthodontics and Oral and

87 Maxillofacial Surgery, Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Tongji University. These teeth were
intact without any treatment before extraction and could be seen completely in the CBCT
images without any artifacts. Digital radiographs were used to ensure these teeth met the
90 following inclusion criteria: single-root first/second maxillary/mandibular premolars with fully
91 formed apices and intact teeth without any restorations. All obtained CBCT data were under

92 the principle of radiation dosage as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) (6). All the data
93 were anonymized.

94 This data was obtained using a 3D Accuitomo CBCT machine (MCT-1[EX-2F], J. Morita
95 Manufacturing Corp, Kyoto, Japan). The field of view (FOV) was 14 cm×14 cm×10 cm, and
the voxel size was 250 μm×250 μm×250 μm. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, the

97 exposure parameters were set as follows: voltage 85 kV, current 10 mA, time 17.5 s. Then, the

98 volumes were transformed into a panoramic view and put into the region proposal network
99 (RPN) with a feature pyramid network (FPN) proposed in our previous research (20) to locate
100 the extracted tooth and obtain its bounding box (Fig1.A-B). The voxel size of these extracted
101 CBCT images was decreased to 100 μm×100 μm×100 μm by interpolation and all boxes were
102 unified to the same size of 128 × 128 × 256 pixels (Fig1.C). This data was exported in DICOM
103 format.
104 All extracted teeth were cleaned using an ultrasonic scaler and stored in a vial containing
105 4% thymol blue solution. These teeth were scanned by a Scanco microCT 50 scanner (Scanco
106 Medical, Bassersdorf, Switzerland), operated at 70 kV, 200 μA, at a resolution of 20 μm,
107 resulting in 1200 to 1500 slices per tooth. A 0.5 mm-thick aluminum filter was used to reduce
108 beam hardening. All data were exported in DICOM format.
110 Acquisition of the training samples in the control and experimental groups
111 In the control group, the tooth and pulp cavity on the processed CBCT images were labeled
112 by an endodontic specialist in the MITK Workbench (, which were used as the
113 training samples for subsequent experiments.
114 In the experimental group, the training samples were obtained by following steps. First,

115 an endodontic specialist labeled the tooth masks on CBCT images (Fig1.D). These masks were
116 used to construct a 3D tooth model without any pulp cavity (Fig1.E). Meanwhile, another 3D
117 tooth model with the pulp cavity was reconstructed by a technician performing threshold
118 segmentation on micro-CT images of the same tooth in MIMICS 17.0 (Materialise NV, Leuven,
119 Belgium) software (Fig.1F-H). The threshold range was set at 3500-15000HU determined by
120 endodontic specialists based on micro-CT images. Then, the surface registration of the two
121 models was performed by the iterative closest point algorithm (Fig1.I). In this way, the high-
122 precision micro-CT 3D model with the pulp cavity was positioned on the CBCT images. Then,
123 a surface-to-image function of the MITK Workbench was conducted to map the 3D high-
124 precision information of the micro-CT model on 2D CBCT images. Based on this information,
125 we obtained precise training samples of the pulp cavity and tooth on CBCT images (Fig1.J).
127 U-Net Neural Network Training and Testing

128 The U-Net neural network segmentation algorithm (Fig1.L) we utilized had been proposed in

129 our previous study (20). It is a 2D U-Net network and the sagittal and axial slices were used for
130 tooth and pulp cavity segmentation, respectively.

131 Thirty groups of pre-processed CBCT data were randomly divided into 25 groups as the
training set, and the remaining 5 groups as the test set. Therefore, a total of 3200 sagittal slices
and 6400 axial slices and corresponding training samples of the experimental and control
134 groups were imported into the U-Net network segmentation algorithm for training (Fig1.K).
135 The network was implemented in PyTorch and trained on a server with NVIDIA Tesla P4.

136 Then, the trained algorithms of the experimental and control groups were used to segment
137 the tooth and pulp cavity on the CBCT images of the test set. The algorithm was iteratively

138 performed for tooth and pulp cavity segmentation. Tooth segmentation was implemented first, and
139 then the CBCT images within the range of the tooth segmentation results were extracted for pulp
cavity segmentation (Fig1.M-Q). Then we constructed the 3D models based on the segmentation

141 results as testing samples (Fig1.R) and the pulp cavity models were divided into pulp chamber

142 parts and root canal parts for further comparison. The 3D models constructed by micro-CT data
143 in the test set were taken as the ground truth. There is a framework for tooth and pulp cavity
144 segmentation in the experimental group (Fig1).
146 Performance evaluation
147 Apart from the comparison of segmentation accuracy between the experimental group and
148 the control group, we designed the other three comparison groups to evaluate the differences
149 between the two types of training samples and the learning ability of our U-net segmentation
150 algorithm. Therefore, we collected the training samples and segmentation results of the
151 experimental group and control group in the test set.
152 CGts/EGts Group: The training samples of the control group were compared to those of
153 the experimental group. EGsr/EGts Group: The segmentation results of the experimental group
154 were compared to matched training samples to evaluate the segmentation accuracy of the
155 algorithm. CGsr/CGts Group: The segmentation results of the control group were compared to
156 the matched training samples to evaluate the learning ability of the algorithm. CG, control group;
157 EG, experimental group; ts, training sample; sr, segmentation result.

159 Quantitative analysis
160 To quantitatively evaluate the difference between the segmentation result and the ground
161 truth, the DSC, PR, RR, ASSD, and HD were used as evaluation metrics.
2 × |𝑀 𝑔𝑡 ∩ 𝑀 𝑠𝑟 |
162 DSC =
|𝑀 𝑔𝑡 ∪ 𝑀𝑠𝑟 |
|𝑀 𝑔𝑡 ∩ 𝑀 𝑠𝑟 |
163 PR =
|𝑀𝑠𝑟 |
|𝑀 𝑔𝑡 ∩ 𝑀 𝑠𝑟 |
164 RR =
|𝑀 𝑔𝑡 |
∑𝑃𝑠𝑟 𝜖𝑆 𝑠𝑟 𝐷(𝑃 𝑠𝑟 , 𝑆 𝑔𝑡 ) + ∑𝑃𝑔𝑡 𝜖𝑆 𝑔𝑡 𝐷(𝑃 𝑔𝑡 , 𝑆 𝑠𝑟 )
165 ASSD =
|𝑆 𝑠𝑟 | + |𝑆 𝑔𝑡 |

166 HD = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 ( max

𝑠𝑟 𝑠𝑟
(𝐷(𝑃 𝑠𝑟 , 𝑆 𝑔𝑡 )) , max
𝑔𝑡 𝑔𝑡
(𝐷(𝑃 𝑔𝑡 , 𝑆 𝑠𝑟 )))
𝑃 𝜖𝑆 𝑃 𝜖𝑆

167 M is the ground truth, M is the segmentation result, Sgt is the collection of surface points
gt sr

168 of the ground truth, Ssr represents the collection of surface points of the segmentation result, Pgt
169 represents any point of the ground truth, Psr represents any point of the segmentation result, and

170 D(P, S) represents the Euclidean distance from the point to the surface.
The DSC value indicates the similarity between the segmentation result and the ground
truth. The PR value indicates the degree of over-segmentation and the RR value indicates the
173 degree of under-segmentation. The ASSD value indicates the average surface deviation and the
174 HD value indicates the maximum surface deviation. Table 1 summarizes the evaluation results

175 of the tooth, pulp cavity, pulp chamber, and root canal segmentation in the control and
176 experimental groups.

178 Morphological differences analysis
Geomagic Studio 2012 software (Geomagic, Durham, NC) was adopted to create a

180 chromaticity diagram of the morphological distribution difference between testing samples and

181 the ground truth. This method allows visual evaluation of morphological differences between
182 the two models.
184 Statistical Analysis
185 All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. First, data were tested for normality
186 (using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test). Then appropriate statistical tests were implemented
187 (one-sample t-test for unpaired normally distributed data, paired t-test for paired normally
188 distributed data, the Mann–Whitney U test for unpaired nonparametric data, and Wilcoxon rank
189 tests for paired nonparametric data). Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS statistics
190 20 (IBM, Armonk, NY), and statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
192 Results
193 Table 1 summarizes the performance for tooth, pulp cavity, pulp chamber, and root canal
194 segmentation in the control and experimental groups. In the experimental group, the DSC of
195 the tooth, pulp cavity, pulp chamber, and root canal were all significantly higher than those in
196 the control group (P<0.05) (Fig2.A). The PR of the pulp chamber and the RR of tooth and root
197 canal in the experimental group were all higher than those in the control group and had a

198 statistically significant difference (P<0.05)(Fig2.B, C). In addition, the ASSD of the tooth,
199 pulp cavity, pulp chamber, and root canal in the experimental group were all lower than those
200 of the control group with statistical significance (P<0.05). Lastly, the HD of the pulp cavity,
201 pulp chamber, and root canal in the experimental group were significantly lower than those in
202 the control group.
203 Table 2 shows the comparisons between two types of training samples and the performance
204 of the learning ability of the U-Net algorithm. In the CGts/EGts group, the DSC, PR, RR, and
205 ASSD had a statistically significant difference between the tooth and pulp cavity. The EGsr/EGts
206 group and CGsr/CGts group were set to evaluate the learning ability of the algorithm. These
207 evaluation metrics between the two groups in the tooth or pulp cavity were almost the same.
208 Only the HD of the CGsr/CGts group in the pulp cavity was significantly lower than that of the
209 EGsr/EGts group in the pulp cavity.
210 The 3D models of a representative set of data in the test set were reconstructed, including

211 the ground truth and segmentation results in the experimental and control groups (Fig2.F).

212 Obviously, the segmentation results of the experimental group were better than those of the
213 control group, especially the result of canal segmentation. In addition, morphological difference

214 analysis was performed on these models (Fig2.G). The 3D models and morphological
difference analysis of the remaining data in the test set are shown in supplemental figure 1
(SupFig1). The results showed that the tooth segmentation results of the experimental and
217 control groups were similar to the ground truth processed from micro-CT. The canal
218 segmentation of the control group had undergone under-segmentation; the results of the

219 experimental group recognized most root canals, but the finer parts of the root canal, such as
220 the apical third, could not be well-identified.

222 Discussion
Tooth segmentation of CBCT images has been an area of growing interest. The

224 development of artificial intelligence has prompted researchers to construct more and more

225 advanced tooth segmentation models to achieve accurate tooth segmentation. However,
226 providing high-quality training samples for AI segmentation models has been less of a focus.
227 This field in dental research is of concern and warrants further research.
228 It is generally known that teeth are hard tissues and are stable in vivo and in vitro. Micro-
229 CT is the most accurate tool for the study of tooth anatomy in vitro. Thus, micro-CT data of
230 tooth has the potential to become an excellent training sample for AI segmentation models to
231 achieve accurate tooth and pulp cavity segmentation on CBCT images. Besides, in some studies,
232 the 3D model based on micro-CT data through surface registration was used as the evaluation
233 standard for CBCT tooth segmentation results (25, 26). This makes it possible to transform
234 micro-CT data into the training samples for the neural network. Thus, we collected both in vivo
235 CBCT and in vitro micro-CT of the same tooth. We built an accurate 3D model of micro-CT
236 with the pulp cavity and located it on the paired CBCT images by surface registration. Then,
237 the training sample of the tooth and the pulp cavity based on micro-CT were calculated for
238 subsequent training (Fig3.A-E).
239 Compared with manual labeling, this method avoids individual image recognition
240 differences and provides accurate training samples for neural networks. Even small root canals
241 that are difficult for specialists to distinguish on CBCT images can be well labeled. Meanwhile,

242 we used interpolation to refine the voxel size of the original CBCT images. This could solve
243 the problem that some small root canals cannot be recognized because of the large voxels on
244 the original CBCT, and make the edges of the segmentation results more coherent for a more
245 accurate segmentation result (Fig3.F). In summary, the method proposed in this study combines
246 the advantages of high precision in micro-CT images and the clinical applicability of CBCT by
247 the voxel refinement of the original CBCT images and mapping of the registered 3D micro-CT
248 models. In addition, the neural network segmentation model trained in this way could be
249 expected to enhance the image details of the original CBCT images in the future.
250 We chose sagittal and axial slices for tooth and pulp cavity segmentation, respectively, due
251 to the result of the preliminary experiment (SupTable1). The preliminary experiment included
252 20 groups of data and was designed using ten-fold cross-validation to compare the segmentation
253 results of different CBCT views used for training the U-Net network segmentation algorithm.
254 In the tooth group, the PR of sagittal views was significantly higher than that of coronal and

255 axial views. In the pulp cavity, there was no statistical difference in the results from different

256 views. Hence, we chose the axial view because of the most slices.
257 According to the results of CGts/EGts group, we found that the training sample for tooth

258 segmentation labeled by the specialist was very similar to those from micro-CT data. However,
the comparison results for the pulp cavity had a certain degree of deviation. This may be
attributable to the fact that the DSC, PR, RR are related to the volume of the comparison object.
261 Since the volume of the pulp cavity is smaller than that of the tooth, the same wrong
262 segmentation (There was no statistical difference in ASSD between tooth and pulp cavity in

263 CGts/EGts group) would cause these metrics of the pulp cavity to be more affected. However, it
264 partly reflected that the pulp cavity on CBCT images was difficult to be fully distinguished by

265 the endodontic specialist, which could also be inferred from the fact that the HD of the pulp
266 cavity was significantly higher than that of teeth in CGts/EGts group. Besides, the results of
EGsr/EGts group and CGsr/CGts group in Table 2 indicate that the U-net segmentation model we

268 used had a good learning effect and stable learning performance. Under the experimental

269 conditions of this study, irrespective of the training sample used, the difference between the
270 segmentation results and the training samples was almost the same. The DSC of the U-Net
271 model can reach 0.96 on tooth segmentation and 0.89 on pulp cavity segmentation. Compared
272 with the existing research results on tooth segmentation, the DSC of the refined AI-driven
273 segmentation algorithm (27) was 0.88, and that of the ToothNet segmentation algorithm (16)
274 was 0.92. In addition, both quantitative analysis and morphological difference analysis reflected
275 that our proposed method performed significantly better than the previous manual labeling
276 method (Fig2). In particular, for pulp cavity segmentation, the segmentation results were
277 encouraging. Compared to the control group, the experimental group had a higher PR in the
278 pulp chamber and a higher RR in the root canal, indicating that the U-Net trained by the training
279 samples from micro-CT data achieved better pulp cavity segmentation by reducing the over-
280 segmentation of the pulp chamber and the under-segmentation of the root canal. However, the
281 results of the morphological analysis suggested that the method proposed in our study still needs
282 further research on the segmentation of finer root canals, such as the apical root canal (Fig2.G).
283 Segmentation of the pulp cavity on CBCT images has always been a great challenge.
284 Owing to the limited spatial resolution of CBCT images, its ability to present small anatomical
285 structures is insufficient. Coupled with the low contrast and unevenness of the images, the

286 boundaries of the pulp cavity, especially the root canal, on the images are blurred. To date, few
287 attempts at pulp cavity segmentation on CBCT have been reported. Wang et al. (28) proposed
288 a simple threshold-based approach for pulp cavity segmentation, which could not guarantee an
289 accurate and robust result and required manual selection of a single tooth region for subsequent
290 processing. Zheng et al.(29) used a coarse-to-fine strategy by integrating deep learning and
291 level-set to segment the pulp chamber, but this research did not involve the segmentation of the
292 root canal, and manual labeling was also taken as the ground truth, as in our previous research
293 (20). After we used the training samples from the micro-CT data, the DSC of the pulp cavity in
294 the single-root tooth group reached 86.75 (±2.42) % and the ASSD was 0.08 (±0.02) mm, which
295 showed the good performance and convincing segmentation results of the proposed method.
296 In recent years, there have been many publications and studies on the application of 3D
297 models reconstructed from CBCT, including anatomical research (30, 31), guided endodontics
298 (32), making 3-dimensional-printed teeth (33, 34), and assisting clinical diagnosis and

299 treatment (8). The method proposed in this study could make the process of obtaining the 3D

300 tooth and pulp cavity models based on CBCT images more automated and accurate. This will
301 greatly expand the application prospects of 3D models reconstructed from CBCT in the clinical

302 diagnosis and treatment of endodontics. This study is a preliminary exploration of combining
the advantages of high precision in micro-CT images and the clinical applicability of CBCT.
This kind of cross-modal information integration research can provide a more accurate imaging
305 tool for clinical studies and will contribute to solving some clinical problems that cannot be
306 solved by existing equipment in the future.

307 Nonetheless, the study has several limitations. For example, under the conditions of this
308 study, only single-root premolars were collected for the experiment. Further investigations are

309 required for teeth with more complex anatomical structures such as molars. The collected teeth
310 were completely isolated. Future research needs to focus on endodontic diseases such as root
fracture and calcified root canals, to provide valuable insights for diagnosis and treatment, and

312 influence clinical decision-making.

314 Conclusion
315 This study proposed a novel data pipeline based on micro-CT data, which can be used to
316 improve the segmentation accuracy of the U-net segmentation model for tooth and pulp cavity
317 on CBCT images. The 3D reconstruction models based on the segmentation results of the
318 proposed method may greatly contribute to AI-driven applications in improving the accuracy
319 and efficiency of endodontic diagnosis and therapy in the future.

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427 Figure Legends
428 Figure 1: The framework for tooth and pulp cavity segmentation in the experimental group.
429 (A) Original cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. (B) The Region of Interest

430 (ROI) was extracted from the original CBCT. (C) Using the interpolation to decrease the voxel

431 size of the image to 100μm3. (D) The tooth was manually labeled. (E) The manually labeled
432 tooth was constructed into a 3D model. (F) Original micro-CT images. (G) Using the threshold

433 segmentation to segment the tooth and pulp cavity. (H) The result of the threshold segmentation
was constructed to another 3D model. (I) The surface registration of the two models was
performed by the iterative closest point algorithm. (J) The training samples were mapped based
436 on the 3D micro-CT model. (K) The training dataset, including the images and corresponding
437 training samples of tooth and pulp cavities. (L) The U-Net segmentation algorithm. (M) CBCT

438 images were used for tooth segmentation. (N) Processed CBCT images used for pulp cavity
439 segmentation. (O) The trained U-Net segmentation algorithm. (P) The segmentation results of

440 the tooth. (Q) The segmentation results of the pulp cavity. (R) The result of segmentation was
441 constructed to the final 3D model for testing.

443 Figure 2: The results of quantitative analysis and morphological differences analysis in the

444 experimental and control groups. (A-E) The dice similarity coefficient (DSC), precision rate
445 (PR), recall rate (RR), average symmetric surface distance (ASSD), and Hausdorff distance
446 (HD) comparison in the tooth, pulp cavity, pulp chamber, and root canal segmentation (T, tooth;
447 PCA, pulp cavity; PC, pulp chamber; RC, root canal; ∗ P < 0.05). (F) The 3D models of tooth
448 and pulp cavity reconstructed by the ground truth and the segmentation results of the
449 experimental and control group on a representative CBCT data of the test set. (G) the
450 chromaticity diagram of the difference in the morphological distribution of a representative set
451 of data in the test set. The color represents the Euclidean distance from the surfaces of the
452 segmentation result to the ground truth. Blue and red represent the over-segmented and under-
453 segmented parts of the segmentation results respectively. O, occlusal surface. B, buccal surface;
454 M, mesial surface; D, distal surface. EG, experimental group; CG, control group.
456 Figure 3: The schematic diagram of registration and the reasons for image interpolation. (A)
457 The gray voxels represented the tooth on the original cone-beam computed tomography
458 (CBCT). (B) After the interpolation, the voxels on the original CBCT became smaller, which
459 showed more details. And the gray voxels represented the tooth on the refined CBCT. (C) In
460 the micro-CT image, the gray voxels represented the tooth and the red ones represented the

461 canal. (D) After tooth surface registration, the layer information of micro-CT was located on
462 the CBCT image at the same position. (E) Based on the information of micro-CT, the voxel sets
463 representing the tooth and the canal on the refined CBCT were calculated, which were used as
464 the ground truth for training and validation. (F) F(1)–F(3) showed one layer image of micro-
465 CT and its calculation results on the original CBCT and the refined CBCT. F(1a)-F(3b) showed
466 the differences in calculation results between the original CBCT and the refined CBCT in tooth
467 edge and canal edge.
471 Table 1: The performance of tooth, pulp cavity, pulp chamber, and root canal segmentation in
472 the control and experimental groups
Group DSC(%) PR(%) RR(%) ASSD(mm) HD(mm)

CG 94.79±0.42 96.61±0.95 93.05±1.09 0.12±0.01 1.33±0.65

EG 96.20±0.58* 97.31±0.38 95.11±0.97* 0.09±0.01* 1.54±0.51
CG 79.53±3.41 75.25±6.26 84.67±2.39 0.14±0.03 3.14±1.09

EG 86.75±2.42* 84.45±7.77 89.94±4.56 0.08±0.02* 1.99±0.67*

CG 73.62±4.05 59.79±6.03 96.61±4.05 0.16±0.02 0.69±0.15


EG 84.51±2.02* 77.44±5.18* 93.38±3.03 0.09±0.01* 048±0.15*

CG 81.87±3.84 83.02±7.64 81.14±3.34 0.19±0.03 3.14±1.09


EG 87.49±3.32* 87.32±10.55 88.96±6.13* 0.10±0.03* 1.99±0.67*

473 CG, control group; EG, experimental group. DSC, Dice similarity coefficient; PR, precision
474 rate; RR, recall rate; ASSD, Average symmetric surface distance; HD, Hausdorff distance. The
475 data of tooth, pulp cavity, pulp chamber, and root canal were analyzed separately. * represents
476 P < 0.05 (experimental group vs. control group).
478 Table 2: The comparisons between two types of training samples and the performance of
479 learning ability of the U-Net algorithm
Group DSC(%) PR(%) RR(%) ASSD(mm) HD(mm)

CGts/EGts 94.75±1.01 93.29±1.64 96.28±1.67 0.11±0.02 0.97±0.52

Tooth EGsr/EGts 95.93±0.71 93.66±1.11 98.32±0.49 0.08±0.01 1.19±0.51

CGsr/CGts 96.40±0.52 94.95±0.98 97.92±0.98 0.07±0.01 0.58±0.12

CGts/EGts 83.12±1.68# 84.97±7.47# 82.09±5.40# 0.10±0.03 2.52±0.79#
EGsr/EGts 88.96±0.74 86.30±4.68 92.14±3.74 0.06±0.01 1.87±0.73
CGsr/CGts 90.10±6.36 90.72±3.68 90.78±13.47 0.05±0.03 0.97±0.62*

480 CG, control group; EG, experimental group; ts, training sample; sr, segmentation result. DSC,
481 Dice similarity coefficient; ASSD, Average symmetric surface distance; HD, Hausdorff
482 distance. # represents P < 0.05 (Tooth in CGts/EGts group vs. Pulp in CGts/EGts group); *
483 represents P < 0.05 (EGsr/EGts group vs. CGsr/CGts group).
486 Supplemental Material

488 Figure 1: The 3D models and morphological difference analysis of the remaining data in the test

489 set. O, occlusal surface; B, buccal surface; M, mesial surface; D, distal surface; EG,
490 experimental group; CG, control group.

Table 1: The segmentation results of tooth and pulp cavity with different CBCT views.
Views DSC(%) PR(%) RR(%) ASSD(mm) HD(mm)

Sagittal 95.35±2.07 98.53±0.16a 94.18±3.14 0.09±0.04 1.05±0.47


Tooth Coronal 95.64±1.74 95.41±2.83b 95.90±1.08 0.11±0.06 1.43±0.81


Axial 95.38±2.01 96.58±1.00b 92.49±3.63 0.11±0.06 1.71±1.24


Sagittal 83.37±3.76 87.99±3.54 79.60±6.47 0.08±0.02 2.26±1.37


Coronal 85.30±5.12 84.98±9.31 86.62±6.09 0.08±0.04 3.11±0.84


Axial 85.46±3.37 87.77±5.75 84.26±8.36 0.08±0.02 2.63±0.68

493 The data of tooth and pulp cavity were analyzed separately, and values followed by a different
494 letter are statistically significant (P < 0.05).


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