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Media Bias

Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States of America who was the author of the

declaration of independence, said that the only security of all is in a free press. Jefferson wanted

to ensure that people were protected and had the authority and right to press, especially when it

comes to an abusive government. However, this is how media started. The media's job is to

report to people what the elected officials are doing as they move their level of power around the

country. When we look further into why media existed, we know it existed to deliver news to

people in exchange for profit. Media is a profitable organization, and they do what they are doing

to gain profit. They don't provide news to people because they are charities; they do it because

they get money by promoting their advertising.

Furthermore, media is for sure biased because they keep posting news and stories that can get

people's attention whether they are newsworthy or not worthy. They just do it to attract people's

attention so that they can support their advertising. A great example of media bias is

photographs. A photographer can edit a picture and add some words to it to make it believable

and make people believe it's true. Another great example of media bias is omission. Media omits

things that they don't have an interest in. They just pay attention to things that they think attract

people. An example of that is the day after president trump's inauguration; there was a huge

protest in Washington. The biggest women's protest in history. Most news channels reported that

event on top of their news page, whereas Fox news left that event buried on the bottom of their

news page so that no one could see it. In conclusion, that's why most media are biased, and they

do that in order to get money and increase their profit.

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