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Journal of Research Capstone


Camante, James G., 2 Fabro, Christian G., 2 Ramirez, Justine Paul C., 2 Waliwar, John
Michael R., 2 Alambra, Jamin L.,2 Camat, L.A M., 2 Dacanay, Joy Nicole B., 2 Ganzagan,
Elaiza P., 2 Mendioro, Denise Jay Nel A., 3Memita, Neil B. and 3Anarcon, Joewen V.


Our study aims to provide valuable insights into the level of understanding of life
insurance among graduating students of Dona Juana Chioco National High School
through descriptive research cum comparative and correlational design and stratified
random sampling that examines the relationship and differences of the various factors
and the level of understanding of life insurance among students. By using a valid and
reliable research methodology, we can confidently present our findings as a contribution
to the existing knowledge on life insurance and inform policymakers, educators, and
other stakeholders on how to improve financial literacy among students. The study
results showed that in terms of the Socio-demographic characteristic relationship towards
attitude and level of understanding, there is no significant relationship between the socio-
demographic characteristics to the attitudes of graduating students and the level of
understanding of graduating students with a significance total of 0.017 for the socio-
demographic characteristic and attitude and 0.002 for the socio-demographic
characteristic and level of understanding. Another study shows that the Academic award
and level of understanding of life insurance is there are no significant differences. Lastly,
in terms of sex, the result showed that there are significant differences between the sex
of respondents and their level of understanding toward life insurance.


INTRODUCTION penetration rate of the insurance industry in

the country remains below 2%, indicating a
Life insurance is essential to financial need to increase awareness and
planning, providing individuals with understanding of life insurance products.
financial protection and peace of mind. In the However, the penetration rate of the
Philippines, the life insurance industry has insurance industry in the country remained
experienced significant growth in recent below 2% (Statista Research Department,
years, with a 55 percent increase in new- 2023). Concerning this, different factors
insured people in 2022 (Statista Research should be considered to influence a person to
Department, 2023). Despite this growth, the have life insurance. Sociall influence agents,

Senior High School Department 1

Journal of Research Capstone
including family members, peers, and the 3. What is the level of understanding of
IInternett, significantly explain peoples' the graduating students about life
perception toward life insurance (Lim, insurance?
Dzulkifli, Osman, Mohidin, & Jamal, 2020). 4. Is there a significant relationship
between the socio-demographic
Life insurance is an essential financial characteristic and their attitude to life
product that can provide peace of mind and insurance to their level of
financial security for individuals and families understanding of life insurance?
in the Philippines. However, despite its 5. Is there a significant difference in the
importance, not all Filipinos clearly respondents' level of understanding of
understand what life insurance is and how it life insurance across academic
can benefit them. This research aims to awards?
investigate the perception of Filipinos,
specifically the selected graduating students Hypothesis
of senior high school from the Dona Juana
Chioco National High School, towards life At 0.05 level of significance, the
insurance, including their knowledge, researchers inferred the following:
attitudes, and beliefs about the product. By
exploring the factors influencing Filipinos' There is no significant relationship
decision-making regarding life insurance, between the socio-demographic characteristic
this study seeks to better understand the and their attitude to life insurance to their
challenges and opportunities for increasing level of understanding of life insurance.
life insurance uptake in the Philippines.
Ultimately, the findings of this research can The level of understanding of life
help inform strategies and policies to insurance across academic awards of the
improve financial literacy. respondents is the same.

Statement of the Problem Significance of the Study

This study's primary focus is to assess the This study has the potential to benefit
selected senior high school students' learners, teachers, researchers, and future
perception of life insurance. Specifically, this researchers by providing knowledge about
study sought to answer the following life insurance, teaching budgeting skills, and
questions: offering insights into how life insurance can
help individuals and families in different
1. How the graduating students of the situations. The study can serve as a valuable
Dona Juana Chioco National High resource for researchers and can be used as a
School be described in terms of: reference for future investigations.
1.1 sex
1.2 age Scope and Delimitation
1.3 family monthly income
1.4 academic award This study aims to assess the
2. What is the attitude of the graduating comprehension level of life insurance among
students toward life insurance? 500 graduating students from Doña Juana
Chioco National High School. The focus is to
identify the level of knowledge of life
Senior High School Department 2
Journal of Research Capstone
insurance among the students and what they School graduates chosen randomly for the
understand about it. The study will be study will serve as the total respondents.
restricted to the graduating students of Doña
Juana Chioco National High School for the Data Gathering Procedure
school year 2022-2023 during the first
semester. In the school of Doña Juana Chioco
National High School in Poblacion West,
METHODS Lupao, Nueva Ecija, the researchers
conducted their survey. Their survey
Research Design questionnaire had a problem: the researchers
put wrong grammar in the intro, but the
In this study, the researchers used a researchers discussed and corrected it with
descriptive survey with correlative and the respondents. The researcher went to the
comparative design to describe the socio- respectable classrooms of the grade-12
demographic characteristics of the students that will be their study’s
respondents, their attitude toward insurance, respondents. The researcher asked first
and their level of understanding about life permission from their respectable subject
insurance using a survey questionnaire to teacher before the researcher conducted their
find the relationship and compare the survey. After being given permission, the
variables used in this study. researchers explained the purpose of the
study to the random respondents. The
Sampling researchers collected data utilizing a survey
questionnaire that comprised their age,
For the academic year 2022–2023, a gender, monthly income, and especially their
Stratified Random Sampling method was perception of life insurance. The researchers
used to choose respondents from the gathered data in 2 days. After the researchers
graduating senior high school class. conducted the survey, the researcher
analyzed and interpreted the respondents’
Instrument Of Study answers and tallied the result of the
respondent's answers.
The researchers employed a survey
questionnaire that included three primary Data Analysis
categories: the graduating students' socio-
demographic profile, attitude, and level of Microsoft Excel was used to encode
comprehension of life insurance. all of the research respondents' data. As a
result, data was exposed to analysis using
Respondent Of the Study SPSS, or Statistics Package for the Social
Sciences. The researcher employed the
Doña Juana Chioco National High following tools to examine the data:
School is Lupao, Nueva Ecija's largest
secondary high school. There are 483 1. Descriptive statistics, such as mean,
graduate students total at Dona Juana Chioco standard deviation, frequency, and
National High School, including 337 students percentage, are used to respond to Statements
on the academic track and 146 on the TVL 1, 2, and 3.
track. 100 Doña Juana Chioco National High

Senior High School Department 3

Journal of Research Capstone
2. The inferential difficulty of this study was The attitude of the graduating
addressed using inferential statistics, such as students toward life insurance is shown in
the correlation and independent sample t-test. Table 2. In general, the graduating students
have a positive attitude about life insurance
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (x= 3.58). Expressly, the graduating student's
respondents agreed that they are happy to
I. The Socio-Demographic Profile of the have life insurance (x =3.53), feel secure to
Respondents have life insurance (x =3.52), are aware of
life insurance (x = 3.63), life insurance can
The socio-demographic profile of the be helpful to that future (x =3.89), reassured
respondents is shown in Table 1. There are to have life insurance (x =66), confidence of
39 male and 61 female respondents, totaling having life insurance (x =3.46).
100. The youngest respondent is 17 years
old, and the oldest is 22, with a mean of X QD

17.56 and a standard deviation of 0.845. The 1. I feel happy to have life insurance 3.53 A
result indicated that the average age of the
2. I am satisfied with what I know about 3.39 N
respondents still needs to be legally qualified life insurance
to have their insurance. On the other hand,
3. I feel secure having life insurance 3.52 A
the family monthly income of the
respondents ranged from Php 5,000 to Php 4. I am aware of life insurance 3.63 A
70,000 with a mean of Php 14,370 and a 5. it can be helpful to me and my future 3.89 A
standard deviation of 14,400.24. The result
signifies that the respondents of this study 6. I feel reassured if I have life insurance 3.66 A

belonged to the average income earner, as 7. I feel confident about having life 3.46 A
reported by the Philippine Statistics insurance
Authority. In addition, the respondents are total 3.58 A
composed of 41 honors students and 59 non-

Age x SD
17-22 17.56 0.845
Sex f %
Male 39 35.8 III. The level of understanding of the
Female 61 56.0 graduating student about life insurance.
Monthly Income x SD
5000-70000 14370.00 14400.24 The level of understanding of the
Academic award f % graduating students about life insurance. As
With Honors 41 37.6 shown in Table (11) 3. In general, the
Without Honors 59 54.1 graduating student has a good level of
understanding toward life insurance (x=3.75).
Table 1. The socio-demographic profile of the students. Expressly, the graduating student respondent
agreed that they need to have life insurance
II. The attitude of the graduating students (x=3.66) (As students) they need to know
toward life insurance about life insurance (x=3.90), aware that life
insurance is beneficial 3.89), life insurance is
essential in their life (x=3.84) Life insurance
Senior High School Department 4
Journal of Research Capstone
provides many things (x=3.67) Life insurance Sig.(2-tailed) (159) (.061)

can protect in any unexpected events N 100 100

(x=3.68) Life insurance will help their plans
Monthly Person (.160) (.143)
(x=3.73) Life insurance can save their life income Correlation
and the life of their Family (3.64).
Sig.(2-tailed) (112) (.154)
N 100 100
1. As a student, I need to have life 3.68 A

2. As a student, I need to know about life 3.90 A V. Result of T-test


3. As a student, I am that life insurance is 3.89 A With honors and without honors,
beneficial to me
respondents have no significant difference in
4. As student life insurance is essential in 3.84 A across to their level of understanding toward
our life
life insurance. The result shows no
5. As a student, life insurance provides 3.67 A significant difference between the group
many things to me variables (with honors and without honors
6. As a student, I know life insurance can 3.68 A respondents) to the variable test level of
protect me in any unexpected events understanding towards life insurance with a
7. As a student, life insurance will help me 3.73 A total significant 0.352).
in my plans

8. As a student, I know life insurance can 3.64 A Conclusion

protect me and my family

total 3.75 A Based on the study’s findings, it can

be concluded that the respondents aged 17-
22, with a mean of 17.56, can’t apply for life
IV. Correlation insurance because they are not the right age.
That’s why the researcher expected that
The respondents' socio-demographic respondents have a poor understanding of life
characteristics (age and monthly income) insurance. The respondent's monthly income
have no significant relationship to their is 5,000-70,000 pesos, with a mean of 14,370
attitude and level of understanding toward pesos. It can be concluded that most of the
life insurance. The result shows that there is respondents’ families can't avail of life
no significant relationship between group insurance because they have a low monthly
variables (age and monthly income) to test income. That’s why the researcher expected
variables (attitude with a genuine that respondents don't understand life
significance of 0.159 (2-tailed) and level of insurance enough. The respondents' socio-
understanding with a total significance of demographic characteristics (age and
0.061 (2-tailed) toward life insurance. monthly income) have no significant
relationship to their attitude and level of
Total The total understanding toward life insurance. The
Attitude level of result shows that there is no significant
relationship between group variables (age
Age Person (.142) (.188) and monthly income) to test variables
(attitude with a real significance of 0.159 (2-

Senior High School Department 5

Journal of Research Capstone
tailed) and level of understanding with a total 1. Having orientation for Doña Juana Chioco
significance of 0.061 (2-tailed) toward life National High School students about life
insurance. With honors and without honors, insurance.
respondents have no significant difference in
across to their level of understanding toward 2. Teaching students about life insurance in their
life insurance. The result shows no free time.
significant difference between the group
variables (with honors and without honors 3. Re-teach what the students learn about life
respondents) and the variable test tester insurance in orientation to their family, peers, and
standing towards life insurance with a total of friends.
0.352). In addition, male and female
respondents have a significant difference
concerning their attitude and level of References
understanding toward life insurance. The
results show a significant difference between BIBLIOGRAPHY
the group variables (male and female) to the
test variable (attitude with a total significance Lim, T. S., Dzulkifli, D. Z., Osman, Z., Mohidin, R.,
of 0.017 and level of understanding with a & Jamal, A. A. (2020). Determinants of
total significance of 0.002). These results Perception Toward Life Insurance and its
show that females have a better attitude and Impact on Intention to Purchase. Labuan
understanding than males. The study’s
Bulletin of International Business and
results, a questionnaire, and statistics show
Finance (LBIBF), Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020).
that the respondents have a positive attitude
and suitable level of understanding towards
life insurance. However, despite its result, the Statista Research Department. (2023). Number
total mean of it is still low. That’s why the of newly-insured people in the
researchers considered that the school needs Philippines from 2016-2021. Statista, 1.
to have lessons about life insurance so the
student can have the knowledge and better
understanding of life insurance while they are
in secondary; the school can give a memo
where the teachers will teach the student in
their time for 10 minutes or in the
intervention time so the teacher is the one
who will lead the students. Also, the school
can have an orientation, programs, and
seminars so students can be oriented about
life insurance and reteach the knowledge they
can get to their family, peers, and friends.


The researchers want to recommend the

following to the other researchers:

Senior High School Department 6

Journal of Research Capstone

Senior High School Department 7

Journal of Research Capstone

Senior High School Department 8

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