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School of Computing and Information Systems


BI302- R- PROGRAMMING Year 3 Semester 1

Hand Out Date: - Hand In Date: 21 July 7, 2023

Total Marks: 100

Instructions to candidates

1. Candidates must attempt ALL questions.

2. You are to make your submission on turn-it-in. You may consult with your
tutor/lecturer on how this will be done.
3. Ensure that you have an account on turn-it-in by going to Use the credentials provided for accessing this system. If
you do not have them, get hold of the tutor/lecturer as soon as possible.
4. Any work with plagiarism level above 30 % will not be marked. It your
responsibility to make sure that your plagiarism level is within this level.
Monitor it on regular bases. If your share your solution with others, chances
of the plagiarism rising above this level are high.
5. Its your responsibility to ensure that you have YOUR module in turn-it-in
before submission date and you do not drop the module. Consult with
your tutor/lecturer if this is not the case.

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Data Analysis Using R-Programming (100 Marks)
This assignment requires you to produce an Analysis Report from a selected
project of your choice from Statistics Botswana. A dataset should be
downloaded from Statistics Botswana Website ( ).Your
task is to analyses the dataset and produce comprehensive reports that will
include but not limited to (See assignment guide included):
1. Introduction [05 Marks]
a. Provide an overview of the project [01 Marks]
b. Briefly describe the dataset [01 Marks]
c. Anomalies in Numerical data Investigation [01 Marks]
d. Visualization between variables relations [02 Marks]
2. Data Description and Pre-processing [05 Marks]
a. Describe the variables in the dataset [02 Marks]
b. Discuss data pre-processing Taken [03 Marks]
3. Exploratory Analysis [15 Marks]
a. Present descriptive statistics for each variable [05 Marks]
b. Explore relationships between variables. [10 Marks]
4. Simple Linear Regression [20 Marks]
a. Build a simple linear regression [05 Marks]
b. Evaluate the model's performance [05 Marks]
c. Present the predictions and performance metrics.[10 Marks]
5. Multiple Linear Regression [25 Marks]
a. Build a multiple linear regression model [05 Marks]
b. Evaluate the model's performance. [05 Marks]
c. Present the predictions and performance metrics.
[15 Marks]
6. Model Comparison and Selection [10 Marks]
a. Compare the performance the Models [05 Marks]
b. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of each model.
[05 Marks]
7. Conclusion [10 Marks]
a. Summarize the findings of the analysis. [02 Marks]
b. Highlight the key insights. [03 Marks]
c. Discuss the implications of the results. [05 Marks]
8. References [05 Marks]
9. Appendices [05 Marks]
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