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Articles “a-an-the”

By:Daniel Eduardo Conde Rizo

Osorio Gaona Sara Sofia
Daniel Esteban Paez Buitrago
Carol Daniela Rincon Rojas
What are they?

The articles are words who accompany the nouns is

used to talk about things and is divide in two

-defined- and -indefinite-.

defined articles
The defined articles are used to refer to
specific things or things we already know and
this type of article only have one article and
the article is -THE- the is used to plural and
singular a few examples of this type are:

-The cat -The girl -The book

-The cats -The girls -The books

-The dog -The car -The door

-the dogs -the cars -the doors

Indefinite articles
The indefinite articles are used to refer to no
specific things and have two articles the
articles are -A- and -AN- the article a is
used when the word begins with a consonant
sound and the article an is used when the word
begins with a vocal sound a few examples are:

-A cat -A book

-An apple -An orange

-A dog -A computer

-An eracer -An hour

Rules of articles
Definite articles

1.The is only used to specific things but when we

have a general thing we don’t use the.

Indefinite articles

1.The sound of the noun is very important and if

we have a vocal sound we use an but if we have a
consonant sound.

2.When we talk about plural nouns we use some

because a and an dont have a plural form.
*I want an apple because i am hungry

*I have a book because i like learn new things

*A boy run to the school because is too late

*The car is broken because is too old

*There is an elephant in the zoo

*The boy always eats an apple in the mornings


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