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Table of Contents

The Extinction ........................................................................................................................ 3

The Voice................................................................................................................................. 5
Regions.................................................................................................................................... 6
Scotland................................................................................................................................................... 6
Alba .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Eire Nua .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Lanmára ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
The Order of the Pinnacle .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Northern England ................................................................................................................................. 16
The Northern Underground ........................................................................................................................................... 17
The Northern Counties .................................................................................................................................................. 20
The Graveyard of Steel ................................................................................................................................................. 23
The Twinned Territories New Astra & Eden............................................................................................................27
Shikari .................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
The Eastguard ................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Southern England ................................................................................................................................34
The Flotilla .......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
The Castellans................................................................................................................................................................... 38
The Cornovii ......................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Wales ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Cell City ............................................................................................................................................................................... 45
The Dragons of Cymru................................................................................................................................................... 48
De Teyrnas ......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Wanderers ............................................................................................................................................52
The People of the Road.................................................................................................................................................. 52
The Extinction
This is a story that’s been told around many a fire. The words are never quite
the same, the people involved are more or less important depending on who is
telling it, but the end result is always the same one. We’re in a pretty fucked up
The Extinction began 203 years ago, in 2095. A volcano called West Mata, which
sat on the seabed off the coast of an island called Samoa, began to erupt. As it
did, it shot thick, black smoke into the Earth's atmosphere, which spread
around the world in a matter of hours, turning the sun blue and making a
summer’s day feel like an icy winter. Crops died, the polar ice caps thawed
from acid rain even as they froze from a lack of heat, and from the mountains
came swarms of rats, carrying disease and consuming all in their path.
Peacekeepers did what they could but people of their time didn’t know any
better. The end of the 21st century had left our world broken, those who heeded
the warnings, tried to change the future but ultimately left to the fate of the
corrupt and greedy. Those of whom had amassed control, and even as the very
world was set ablaze, clenched their fists around it and choked it to death.
What we know of their history is that they loved to make a quick buck from
warfare. They built guns and tanks and drones – little flying things that could
rain death from above – and put them in the hands of people like you and me so
we could kill each other and be distracted from the oncoming doom.
So people, those of us that were left, went about protecting themselves. World
leaders and their important figures were ushered away into their secure
bunkers, whilst the common folk were left to survive where they could. Some
folk went into caves, living like nomads. Some banded together into the worst of
humanity, butchering and enslaving people where they could, trying to stay one
step ahead of the reaper.
And then, there’s people like us. Those who are just trying to get by, to rebuild
something that we're not quite sure how it existed in the first place. There’s a
life out there to some degree, if you can call it that. And who knows, maybe this
fire here will erupt and destroy the world again like one did last time. But
sitting around and waiting for it to happen just because it did before? That’s
death, and I bet you that they’ll have to prise my last breath out of me from my
sulphur-scarred lungs.
- From a recording taken of Noah Forrest, of no fixed abode (2239 - 2301)
The Voice
For the first time in living memory, there is a message. Whether heard in
person, or passed on through word of mouth, there comes a voice through
long-forgotten radios which remained at attention, waiting for this moment.
This is a call to all good peoples of New Britannia...
I want you to know that things can get better. Humanity was not designed to
live underground, crammed into bunkers like cattle, forced to live each passing
day with the fear that it could be their last.
Folk walk this once green and pleasant land under the thumb of tyrants and
oppressors, risking death or worse to try and put a morsel of food into our
children’s hungry mouths.
I, Rex Zion, of the Northern Counties, would like to offer another way. Please
consider this an open invitation, to a collective of people who wish to bring
about order in this new land of ours.
We can guarantee that you will be provided enough ammunition and supplies to
make the journey worth the risk, and I hope that you will also join me in finding
the spirit that this once proud nation had in droves.
Our time is now, my good people. Follow the signals to our camp, and we shall
welcome you with open arms. I promise you, by my ancestors, that the age of
fear is at an end!
Though the Regions and Factions within have been designed around the general
world lore and its interactions, they may be considered the Homeland of their
operations. Shoot offs of these factions do exist within the world provided they
stick to the brief intended. Anything wildly varying from its intended brief may
be declined.

The area of Scotland consists of the regions Alba, Eire Nua, Lanmara, and The
Order of the Pinnacle.
The people within Scotland’s regions had for the longest time uneasy relations,
with various types of leadership, from Monarchy’s to Mayors to Matriarch’s.
But with the coming of a common enemy The Faceless, and its strength vastly
outweighing each individual region, messengers began to travel between and
soon treaties began to be written up.
Pax Caledonia was formed, a catch all treaty for truce and trust, to work
together against The Faceless and perhaps lead into a brighter future.
“Liberty is the best of all things”

The Great Glen, the chain of lochs naturally cutting Scotland in two, running
between Inverness & Fort William, form the southern boundary of the territory
of Alba. Covering much of the former Scottish Highland, as well as the Isles of
Skye & Mull, the Outer Hebrides and Orkney & Shetland, Alba is ruled by Queen
Maisie Gaelcrois, whose great-grandfather Brodie forged the region some
hundred and sixty years prior.
Alba rose as a seat of power from its main holding in Inverness, as it clung on
to its ties with the off shore oil rigs, and therefore being able to supply fuel to
surviving vehicles. In addition, Brodie brought together the separate
communities that had formed on the islands, bringing together isolated peoples
into a network of trade and organisation. Over the years, the Gaelcrois
household bolstered the natural defences of the territory to slow incursions
from groups to the south.

Queen Maisie has proven a worthy successor to Alba following the passing of
her great-grandfather and then father, whose brief reign did not quite have the
impact of his predecessor. Her brashness in making raids against The Faceless
has only grown stronger in her later years, despite fierce resistance from the
southeast, which has led to whispers in court that the throne may need a more
stable guide.

During the era of Queen Maisie's reign, Alba has established a firm identity in
their abhorrence of slavery; in contradiction to their neighbours to the
southeast, Alba stands as a welcoming refuge to those escaping The Faceless.
They take a pride in their ancient heritage & can often be seen wearing kilts &
other tartan elements in their clothing, or the blue and white of the old Scottish
flag. Face paint is generally overlooked, as this is more the demesne of their
cousins in Lanmára to the south.

Alba Example Pictures

Eire Nua
“We Will Rebuild”

The Southern Scottish islands and what was the National Park area of The
Trossachs, has become a largely wild area but holds several small communities
of people who escaped from Ireland. As the Extinction occurred, war followed,
as the UK went into red alert and the militarization of the population began,
Ireland’s old tensions flared into full on religious war. In the early days the
stories that came across the water were horrific; very little is heard from
Ireland these days and we are left to wonder what has become of them.

Eire Nua formed from those who chose to flee rather than pick a side in the
war. To this day a core institution of their society is to stand for religious
freedoms and acceptance of all faiths within their community. This ideology
made for common ground with their Lanmara neighbors to the south; and they
have been firm allies since the emergence of the Teal Tide.

The Eire Nua are an ingenious set of people, as their ancestors arrived with
next to nothing & set about surviving in the Scottish wilds; the Eire Nua have
been handed down scavenging skills that make them first-rate hunters and
herb gatherers. The Eire Nua have learnt to excel in guerilla style operations,
they use the wild spaces to their full advantage; as such they prefer to keep to
woodlands or high terrain areas; rarely visiting cities and higher population
areas. The Eire Nua do not hold down particular fortified locations, preferring
instead small family camps on the move, to avoid threats or be closer to good
Each family keeps mostly to itself, but yearly at each winter solstice the heads
of each family come together to hold council. Although the council is supposed
to be a circle of equals, Rian Cara, the eldest of the family heads, and a
prominent voice in the diplomacy with their Gaelic neighbors, is held in very
high esteem & is affectionately referred to as “the first among equals”.

Eire Nua often identify themselves by wearing old Celtic symbols and
iconography. As predominantly hunters they often wear light leathers and furs;
often in shades of greens and browns.

Eire Nua Example Pictures

“Let the Wave Rise”

Following the Extinction, the people of the city of Glasgow watched in horror as
their Gaelic cousins to the west devolved into a bloody sacred war against one
another. The standing Lord Provost at the time called for an end to the
sectarianism that had divided the city of old and to stand together in the face
of oncoming adversity. Old habits die hard, however, and it wasn’t until 2187
that the in-fighting between the blue and green halves of Glasgow came to an
armistice, following the deaths of fifteen children in a dockyard fire that
engulfed a makeshift orphanage.

The Glaswegians turned their attention outward, and were surprisingly

successful in expansionist raids across Renfrewshire and Ayrshire, making use
of their dauntless nature to secure the shores of the Firth of Clyde, and North
and East towards the territory of the Faceless and the Order of the Pinnacle
respectively. Their main adversary however came in the form of Yr Hen Ogledd,
a small but aggressive territory, who at first contact had control of Dumfries
and Galloway, and were expanding their holdings into Cumbria.

What followed was a bitter and protracted war of attrition that lasted some
seventy years, beginning in 2229. The threats on all sides threatened to
overwhelm the burgeoning territory, until the current Lord Provost, Catrin
McNamara, signed a peace treaty with firstly with the Order of the Pinnacle in
2264, and in 2296, the developing Northern Counties, who at the time held
control of Lancashire. With the enemy being pushed northward during the
Occupation of Carlisle in 2298, the forces of Yr Hen Ogledd were decimated,
leading Lanmára – the “Teal Tide” – to take the south-west shore of Scotland.
Since then, an uneasy agreement has existed between the nation and its
southern and eastern neighbours, but with ongoing conflicts with the Faceless
in the north. Sharing in standing for religious inclusivity, a strong bond formed
with their Eire Nua neighbours; although the Teal Tide stands apart in it’s less
peaceful nature and much stronger love of battle, unafraid of all-out war on
those it deems necessary. Their cousins to the north, the Albans, have also
been firm allies, standing together for freedom against the Faceless; but
tensions do occasionally arise as the monarchic system of Alba clashes with
the democratic ideals of the Lanmárans.

The typical Lanmára can be identified by blue & green woad on their face; whilst
tartan is not unheard of, it is only in the form of trews and not a kilt, which is
more characteristically from Alba. Used to warfare, the soldier of Lanmára
often wears heavy armour; their medics and techs often specialise in front line
paramedic style practices to keep the fighting forces going, and consider
themselves just as much the warriors as their soldier brethren.
Lanmára Example Pictures
The Order of the Pinnacle
“We take the High Road”

The diverse communities of survivors that took refuge in the Edinburgh area
naturally found themselves falling under the sway of The Order of the Pinnacle;
a group led by the particularly charismatic Lady Morgana. An unusual woman
who styled herself after the Morgan le Fey of Arthurian legend, she established
The Order into a bastion of law and relative peace under the watchful eyes of
the Templar Matriarchs, her personal law keepers. The Templars act within a
strict honour code and police the conduct of all members of The Order, which if
crossed will be met with ruthless punishment.

During The Extinction and thereafter, the atrocities endured by Morgana and
women close to her, led them to be distrustful towards men, and in her new
society she ensured to exclude them from holding positions of influence. The
political power of The Order sitting with The Mother, The Lady & The Daughter.

Lady Morgana sited her inner circle within a fortified holding on Arthurs Seat,
and leaning into the stories of old she wove myths of witchcraft and mixed her
knowledge of herbal medicines into a powerful combination where her
followers became totally devotional to her.

As the years passed, the leadership role & The Lady’s secrets passed from
mother to daughter, each taking on the title of The Lady; political power being
held by the same family since the group’s inception. The Order has stood as a
sanctuary, open to most women, from any background, who wish to enter; men
are more highly vetted before entry is granted.
However, their relatively small territory stands neighbour to The Faceless &
their constant raids have forced The Order to retreat ever further into their
fortifications, losing more ground as each year passes. The Order of the
Pinnacle are often seen styling themselves in ways reminiscent of medieval
dress, some of their soldiers taking it so far as to be averse to carrying
The Order of the Pinnacle
Example Pictures
Northern England

The area of Northern England consists of the regions The Northern

Underground, The Northern Counties, and The Graveyard of Steel

With each region in Northern England retreating into their various defences to
survive The Extinction, many wondered what the world would be like once they
dared to venture out and how scarred the landscape would be.

What most found was the ways of old had remained, the friendly greetings, the
shared experiences of surviving, had built hardy but still caring people. It did
not take long for old trade routes to be re-established and sense of community
thriving within the region.

Though they may be strong alone, they found themselves stronger together.
The Northern Underground
“We Brave the Dark”

The Pennine hills of East Lancashire & West Yorkshire are riddled with cave
systems and old coal mines; it was to these that many communities fled during
the extinction, trying to take cover from the acid rain that stormed the uplands.
These small pockets of survivors banded together in a network hidden away
from the eyes of raiders, new shafts were dug and underground bunkers built
as many of these little communities flourished in the relative safety of their

As time went on, more mine shafts were opened up, new tunnels dug, and the
network expanded eastwards, allowing more salvage runs to be made into the
remains of the cities. The underground spider web of tunnels kept expanding as
they kept searching for pockets of people to bring into the safety of the
Network. As the area expanded, small underground villages formed, as people
grouped themselves into what became known as “Unions”, small self-governed
conclaves that worked communally to support one another. To prevent the
Network from becoming too fractured, the decision was made to elect a Union
Leader & a team of foremen whose job it is to traverse the many villages &
ensure the working cop-operation on a grander scale; the current union Leader
is Adrian Scargill.

The people of The Underground grew up in this spider web of tunnels and would
come to know them like the back of their hands; any outsiders who enter aren’t
so lucky, with most raiders getting lost & either falling into traps or simply left
to perish in the dark.
Whilst their isolation afforded them some safety, it came with a cost as these
communities did not have the same military power as those forged in large
cities and as new threats wandered the night, parts of the network have gone
quiet. The people from The Northern Underground, can be somewhat
agoraphobic, some people having spent most if not all of their lives down in the

The people of the Northern Underground are most commonly seen wearing
clothing in the style of old mining work wear and caving gear. Highly coveted
are the antique hard hats that can be found in some of the mines, and these
tend to be reserved for the Union Leaders as these are in short supply; so
most people make do with bobble hats when they travel into tunnels unknown.
The Northern Underground
Example Pictures
The Northern Counties
“Hope, against all odds”

The Northern Counties under the leadership of Rex Zion, extends from Carlisle
in the north, to Liverpool and Warrington in the south, and extends east
towards the western foot of the Pennines. Its main holding is Blackpool, from
which the Saints Radio Programme is broadcast.

Rex himself was brought up in the community that flourished in RAF Woodvale
in Formby and it is from this holding he forged a territory for himself, first
taking Blackpool & then extending his reach across the north west. As his
group moved east-ward he encountered for the first time, the Northern Saints,
a well organised community who originated from a chain of churches that span
southern Preston – Chorley.

The Northern Saints, surviving as groups of congregations sought their

religious leaders to guide them. They banded together in their churches,
forming communities around the sturdy buildings. Whilst “The Saints” is a
closed community and to be granted “sainthood” is rare indeed (OC: The Saints
are your Ref team & not a playable brief), they are known for their benevolent
actions, often putting themselves in danger to help travellers etc. and they
work hard to provide protection for the small local communities that in turn
provide the Saints with food and supplies. As such the communities in the north
west enjoy some relative safety; although the Saints are few & the area wide.

Rex brokered a firm alliance with the Northern Saints, and merged their
community spirit with his military power, and it is from this base that we move
towards building New Britannia.
The local people of the Northern Counties living under Rex’s leadership, have
taken on the conjoined ethos of the lawful military and the community minded
Saints; they have an in dominatable spirit and are well known for their work-
hard-play-hard mind-sets.

They often dress in RAF military inspired clothing, emulating the style of the
Saints. In recent times people have started adding flashes of glow in the dark
or neon colours to their otherwise dark clothing as a means to demark
themselves as people of the Northern County.
The Northern Counties
Example Pictures
The Graveyard of Steel
“Break it and Make it”

Newcastle and its industrial areas became a refuge to a community that would
become known as the Scrappers; the amount of resources that remain in the
area even after all these years of scavenging, is still relatively great, and the
fortified town that has emerged acts as a haven for tinkerers and techies of all
sorts. An industrious community they undertake many projects breaking down
old antique vehicles, kitchen appliances, or just anything that isn’t currently
useful into useful components in the area now known as The Graveyard of

The Scrappers are a very resourceful people and their binding ideology evolved
into an extreme version of “waste-not-want-not”; anything that is deemed
broken beyond repair is separated up for useful parts – even their dead will
have their bio-mods removed or gold teeth extracted, a practice that has put
them at odds with other societies over the years. But yet, the Graveyard of
Steel managed to survive & prosper, as it stood as the main free trading
outpost in the North, allowing a portion of the town to be accessible to
outsiders, whilst a fortified hub protects its inhabitants, piles upon piles of
unusable junk metals finding their last use as the walls of the Graveyard.

The Scrappers, with such an amount of resources in hand, have found that they
have been able to buy their way out of most conflicts with other territories, and
having proved themselves of use to The Faceless & Toxic Maw they are afforded
a relative level of peace from the other peoples of the UK. Whilst most peoples
are welcome to pass through “The Graveyard”, the Origin are not & a strict
security process must be endured before entry is granted.
The Graveyard is currently lead by Overseer Lewis Roberts; each year The
Scrappers hold examinations across any who wish to put themselves forward
to lead, those determined to have performed the best become the overseers.

Many of the denizens of The Graveyard are devoted to the practices of the
technicians & are highly skilled in their field. They are often seen wearing
goggles, tool belts and safety wear to protect them whilst doing in the field
repairs, even the soldiers & medics within the society take the style of their
techie comrades.
The Graveyard of Steel
Example Pictures
The area of the Midlands consists of the regions The Eastguard, Shikari and The
Twinned Territories of Eden and New Astra

An unusual alliance grew in the Midlands. With the threat of the Toxic Maw ever
present, the regions found themselves individually unable to deal with the
problem. The Twinned Territories had developed medical aid to deal with the
issue but their military prowess lacked to deal with the physicality of the

While the opposite was true for both The Eastguard and Shikari, incredibly
strong military might, but struggling with medicine.

As the threat of the Toxic Maw remained regardless of how many times it was
answered, the war of attrition was being lost until The Twinned Territories put
forward a simple proposal. Protection for Medicine.

Since then the regions have cooperated well together, each forgiving the
others for their unique natures whilst working together against their local
The Twinned Territories
New Astra & Eden
“Nature’s Bounty”

As the Extinction raged and the world devolved into war, many turned to their
University Institutions, as fonts of higher learning, people sought answers. As
the world crumbled, many of the residents of Cambridge turned to their
university for salvation. The deep well of knowledge held within its walls meant
that the city became a haven for those seeking to preserve the old way of life.

As the years went by, the city itself became ever more dangerous as different
groups fought for territory and the descendants of the academics, not having
much in the way of forces, decided to evacuate. However, they didn’t have to go
far before they found safe harbor. Luck would have it that they ran into another
community, one that had survived in the old industrial pharmaceutical plant of
the AstraZenica company; and the merging of these two likeminded
communities saw the birth of New Astra. They amalgamated into one
community, dedicated to passing on the medical knowledge they had acquired
onto the next generations.

New Astra has the highest ability to produce medicinal tonics and serums
compared to anywhere else in the country and their people are highly trained
in the ways of medicine and herbs.

Not so far away, where once Oxford University was a shining example of the
quality of learning that could be afforded, it moved towards being a vassal for
military interests. The leadership was ousted and replaced with those able to
perform the testing the military desperately needed of the new bio-mod tech.

At first things were relatively benign. Trucks of soldiers would report into the
city, be operated on and then rest up before going off to fight and die in some
battlefield. Then, civilians wanted a piece of the action & it didn’t matter so long
as the dues were paid. Private equity firms, trust funds, billionaires; they all
took an interest in becoming post-human, and this kept the money coming in, to
preserve the history of the once-proud collegiate.

Humanity often finds a way to cheapen itself. Those who could not afford the
top-shelf bio-mods that the university produced turned to more underground
means. Back-alley mods grew rife, creating a black market gulf around the
edges of the city. Well-meaning pop-up surgeons plied their trade in the go-
between, offering aid at a price to those who had suffered complications from
their augmentation.

Eventually, the city succumbed to its fate, slipping slowly into a shadow of its
former self. Now, Oxford and the surrounding areas, which came to be known
ironically as Eden, is a source of most everything, for the right price. The area
is still run by the Chancellor, Leopold Sedgwick, albeit only in a ceremonial
capacity; the real power is in the hands of the Bulldogs, the territory’s police
force, who patrol the markets to ensure that capitalism has its day.

Over the years, these two medical cities formed trade alliances, each needing
the expertise of the other, with such academic overlap, it saw people moving
between the two territories & what was once two distinct communities, fell
together under the leadership of the Chancellor & the Bulldogs.
The people of New Astra & Eden are often seen wearing very medical attire,
including lab coats, stethoscopes & PPE; even the soldiers and technicians
include elements of these in their attire as is demarks them as being from the
Twinned Territories.

The Twinned Territories

Example Pictures
“Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt”

When the Extinction happened and most folk of importance retreated to the big
cities, Middle England was left without much of a direction or purpose.
Searching for answers, the people turned on themselves in a violent fervour,
which persisted for 30 years until a wave of Hunters came from the east, in a
movement that came to be known as the Great Ranging.

Records for that time indicate that they headed west towards a safari park on
the edge of the Territory that would come to be known for its Hunters, or
Shikari. The people, once lost in a self-perpetuating cycle of bloodshed, found
purpose in the hunt, for it taught them patience. They developed a keen taste
for glory – always picking out the biggest targets & the meanest beasts. Soon
enough it became that the mark of a Shikari that has reached the echelon of
their craft is the ability to fold into the brush and to return with the head of
their prey.

Rangings are a yearly cultural event within the Territory, as the Shikari allow
some of the animals that were once held captive in the parks & reserves of
their lands to roam free and repopulate, thus ensuring the sanctity of the Hunt
for generations to come. A “King Beast” is chosen from those released as the
target of the Ranging, there is no de facto leader in these games as all the
Shikari play their part, but the person who commands the most respected kill
is generally held in good standing – at least, until the next Ranging.
The Shikari have a peculiar manner of dress. When not out in the field, they
wear casual sportswear and hunting clothing, and their demeanour suggests
they are relaxed, but the odd muscle spasm or terse comment will suggest
they are itching to take to the hunt. When they are called, they are quick to
prepare, donning fatigues and war paint and the largest weapon they are
comfortable wielding. They are known to often carry trophies from their most
glorious hunts; some even wear the skulls of larger animals as masks.

Shikari Example Pictures

The Eastguard
“In Battle, Honour”

The Eastguard are, from an outsider’s perspective, a brusque people. The map
shows them to be surrounded on all but one border by enemies; even the
Northern Underground, with whom they hold a passive understanding, can still
cause the occasional flare-up. Those who are not part of the territory often
chalk their aggressive nature up to how their governance operates; their
leader is the strongest in the land, with their second-in-command naturally
only one below them.

A closer look however, reveals a functional, albeit straightforward, society. The

Champion of the region holds absolute power, and only their Challenger is
allowed to question them. Any decisions concerning the territory’s wellbeing
are the Champion’s alone; if the Challenger disagrees to the extent that they
cannot come to terms, then the challenge is laid down, which is always a fight
to the death.

Should the Challenger win, they then become the Champion. The Champion,
whether they retain or overcome, then selects their own Challenger. The crux
of this system, however, is that anybody may challenge to be the Champion’s
Challenger. Although the ensuing political battles may seem barbaric, it does
ensure that those who are steadfast in their belief – and those who wish to
enact social change with the greatest fervour – will always end up in the
position they belong. The current Champion is James “Hawk” Proust, and his
Challenger Emily Nettles.
Not all members of The Eastguard aspire to be Champion. Some do recognise
their position as techs or medics, and push to be the best they can be in their
field. But there is no doubt that they will always be second-class citizens in the
eyes of the Champion, who has nothing to fear from someone that cannot even
begin to question their authority. All members of The Eastguard are expected to
dress the part, however, and an Eastguard warband is a fearsome sight,
bedecked in black gothic clothing and warpaint.

The Eastguard Example Pictures

Southern England
The area of Southern England consists of the regions The Flotilla, The
Castellans and Cornovii.

It took time for the South to come to an amicable agreement, many years of
hosting’s within the Cornovii region between The Flotilla and The Castellans
took place and generations passed before mutual agreements were made.
Though tensions between The Flotilla and The Castellans can come to bear time
to time, they have found mutual ground. The Castellans vast knowledge finds
itself more available to The Flotilla and Cornovii and The Flotilla is willing to
reach far and wide to bring back samples and new findings for The Castellans
to document.
Through all this both trust the Cornovii greatly, as through the years they have
arbitrated the peace between the regions and to break their guest rites or to
be a rude guest has grown to be abhorrent.
The Flotilla
“We Rule the Tides”

“Britannia rules the waves”. Once the hubristic proclamation of a nation, this
statement was shown to be folly when the waves showed who truly ruled. When
the sea levels began to rise, many coastal cities were the first to feel the sting
of the new world. Cities such as the mighty dock-based city of Portsmouth on
the south of the sceptered isle.

The people of Portsmouth, along with much of the surrounding now-

waterlogged countryside took to their ships and boats, looking to out float the
tide and return once the seas had retreated somewhat. This took much longer
than anticipated however, and as communication with the mainland became
more sporadic, many ships began to fail. The more modern the ship, the more
intricate maintenance was needed for it and thus the quicker it failed. The
mighty battleships and destroyers that had been the backbone of Britain’s
naval power became little more than floating heaps of scrap.

But not all of Portsmouth’s ships were such fragile giants. The HMS Warrior,
once relegated to be a floating museum, quickly became one of the most
reliable ships in the Flotilla’s arsenal. This steam powered ironclad frigate may
not have had cutting edge tech of its modern cousins, but its reliability under
steam and sail made it the most valuable commodity on the waves of the

With Britain-that-was fallen, the remaining ships of the newly named Flotilla
continue to travel around the shores of the isle, occasionally returning to their
home port in the South. Under the commander of Captain Slater Bainbridge,
from his flagship aboard the HMS Warrior, the Flotilla has picked up several
other seaworthy vessels to join their floating city. They occasionally stop off
the coast of some prosperous settlement; whereupon they lash their ships
together into a true floating city and invite all to trade and partake in the
bounty of the sea.

The Flotilla has a particular hate for pirates and raiders of all stripes, with
their forward vanguard ‘The Ratcatchers’ being led by the ruthless Captain
Katheryn Dawson. Consisting of several speedboats and fast attack ships, the
Ratcatchers have made themselves a bloody name among those who would
hunt innocents at sea.

The Flotilla keeps several uneasy alliances with the mainland, who value their
trade but fear their firepower and seabound ways. They have a standing
alliance with the Northern Saints and Cell City, to whom they trade scrap in
return for useful parts and ammunition needed for their ships.

The style of those from the Flotilla is naval inspired. Comfortable and hardy, as
best suited for those working on rough seas. Thick jumpers, canvas pants and
heavy coats are also popular for facing the cold winds, though they will
naturally put these to one side when in warmer climates. The historic
dockyards of Portsmouth kept a number of cutlasses and flintlock pistols on
display and, although primitive when compared to some of the weaponry that
the pre-war world came up with, they are still more than capable of putting
down pirate scum once they had been sharpened and returned to service.
The Flotilla Example Pictures
The Castellans
“Knowledge is Power, Guard it Well”

History is written by the victor, but in the absence of any victors it belongs to
those who managed to survive. As the world began to darken and chaos ran
rampant, many looked to the nearest defendable fortresses to hold up against
the ravages of a world gone mad. Those of a tasteful and scholarly nature
realised that the museums and heritage sites of the old world could easily be
converted into defendable areas, from which a real society could begin to

From here, the Castellans began to form. Headquartered in Windsor Castle, in

what was once the heart of Britain, the Castellans consider themselves the
true guardians of history and the only group responsible enough to hold the
secrets of the old world.

They have amassed a vast amount of knowledge about all manner of subjects
and, since it cannot be confirmed what exact aspect of society led to the
downfall of Old Britain, they have sworn to defend all their secrets against
those that would misuse them. They guard their secrets jealously, often
sending out groups to raid old museums and historic sites to ensure that the
wrong knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands.

This has made them several enemies throughout the Wastes, but their heavily
fortified bases make any sort of retribution against them difficult. The palaces,
museums, and ancient castles that they use as their bases have thick walls,
strong foundations, and deep cellars, making most forms of assault or siege a
gruelling proposition.
The Castellans consider themselves to be the last of True Britain, the last
dredges of society in a world full of sadists and madmen. They hold that they
will be the ones to bring back Britain, albeit they insist on doing so slowly and
methodically. It is only after intense study and testing that one of their pieces
of hoarded knowledge is released out into the Wastes once they are certain in
cannot cause the downfall of the world.

Despite this, many are grateful for their contributions. Many life-saving
medicines in the wastes have come from the begrudging knowledge of the
Castellans. The leadership of Chief Curator Madeline Whittaker has taken the
Castellans out of their keeps and into the wider world, as her policy of
conducting trade and diplomatic missions has started to open the faction up.

There are some amongst the keeps that disagree with this methodology,
however. A sect exists within the Castellans, led by Head Librarian Quinten
Coombes, that disagree with anyone from outside the order. Their knowledge is
to be kept safe and used only to benefit those that have taken the oaths and
been inducted into the Castellan order, not shared out amongst the savages of
the Wastes so that they can better fight over shiny rocks.

The styles of the Castellans can be wild and eccentric. Many prefer the
comfortable clothing of academia; tweed jackets, cardigans, blazers and
turtlenecks galore. However, others within the faction have chosen to wear
history itself. The garments of history, particularly Elizabethan and
Renaissance eras that could be found easily within historic castles and
museums, started to be worn by the more outlandish Castellans, eventually
becoming almost common among the insular faction.
The Castellans Example Pictures
The Cornovii
“Where Old Meets New”

With the British Isles blanketed in darkness, the Cornish – who had long held a
separatist attitude to the rest of England – gradually retreated inward,
particularly as the Dead Zones of Mendip Hills and Cranborne Chase slowly lost
all possibility of human habitation. Reclaiming their cultural heritage under a
new name – the Cornovii – the people of Cornwall set up a boundary at the
border town of Frome. Under the command of Candor of Celliwig, Duke of
Cornwall, the heartland has stood as a bastion of faith and community.

With the Exmoor & Dartmoor parks proving fertile hunting grounds
disconnected from the horrors of the east, the Cornovii naturally gravitated to
a paganistic reverence of the natural world; the Museum of Witchcraft and
Magic being located in Cornwall helping to propagate this belief. Many rituals
are led by Gwyndolin of Celliwig, the daughter of the Duke and a learned woods
witch. Many hunts have succeeded under her direction, and many more
warriors have survived injury thanks to her care. Many Cornovii will keep a
shrine in their home or a talisman on their person marking their belief in the
Old Gods.

The Cornovii are welcoming to all sentient Territories outside of their domain,
with the rights and protections of guests being held as sacrosanct. By their
laws, provided a stranger is not hostile, then they should be cared for, fed and
given shelter as though they were one of your own family. Some mistake this
for weakness, but the Cornovii know it to be the basis for all civilized society;
the ability to sit down and talk without fear of violence.
Any “grockle” – as the locals will call any out-of-towner – who keeps their
manners and wits about them can enjoy a safe time within Cornovii territory
and even leave with a souvenir of their time within the heartland. For the land
is rich and beautiful and, as such, rarely are the Cornovii seen beyond the
bounds of Frome – home is where the heart is after all, and outsiders seem to
have difficulties understanding exactly what that means.

The fashion of the Cornovii tends to mix the practical with the shamanic.
Practical boots, such as wellingtons, are preferred for treading through the
thick mud, whilst windbreakers and fishing smocks help defend against the
biting coastal winds. Thick jumpers, preferably knitted by a loving family
member, remind any wandering Cornovii of the warmth of home. This
comfortable image is only slightly off-set by the hunting trophies and druidic
totems that the devout Cornovii will wear about their person.
Cornovii Example Pictures
The area of Wales consists of the regions Cell City, The Dragons of Cymru and
De Teyrnas.
The regions began quite distant to each other, with only De Teyrnas willing to
send out their sword scholars to reach out to the others, in the hopes of
spreading more grand tales. It was at the gathering inside Dinorwic within The
Dragons territory, with high profile attendances and the hopes of a potential
stronger allegiance did a disaster strike.
During the middle of one of De Teyrnas’ performances did a violent explosion
occur, wrenching concrete and machine from its roots and placing the entire
place in danger. The first reactions were expected, sabotage, betrayal,
desperation. The second reactions however are what shaped the region. Cell
City put its workshops into overwork as De Teyrnas helped the efforts to seal
and secure.
Soon the damage was repaired, and what was considered magic returning as
another part of the electricity grid sparked to life. Now Cell City enjoys a
moderate amount of power from The Dragons and De Teyrnas has a story that
will last the ages as the region looks forward as one.
Cell City
“New Law for a New World”

As the world crumbled most prisons were abandoned; guards fled their posts
to seek their families, either freeing prisoners as they left, or leaving those
they deemed the worst, to rot. However, HM Prison Berwyn in Wrexham,
became something else. During the Extinction relatives of prisoners and locals
like, retreated to the prison seeking refuge in its walls.

Despite protestations from the Wardens, trying to prevent a prison break and
adding even more chaos to the world, the prisoners convinced the Governor
that for the good of everyone people needed to be let in. And so, an uneasy
truce was brokered between prisoner and warden in the face of the world
ending and a New Law began, as those who had committed atrocities that would
not work within even an apocalyptic society, were imprisoned inside maximum
security, the remainder were freed, with varying levels of freedom, under
watchful eyes of the wardens.

As years passed, the prison became more fortified, groups would venture out
to scavenge, but otherwise the community became very insular, and locked
itself away from the outside world. With the prison’s workshop facility, many of
the residents took to learning technician skills, and they became highly
proficient in fixing near enough anything.

As time passed & new generations were born, the two divided halves of the
community became somewhat intermingled; although some people would still
highly celebrate their prisoner or warden heritage, some choosing to wear the
suits and office wear of the wardens, whilst others choose the inmate orange
jumpsuits. The two halves of the community have their tensions, which have
flared up over the years, but now mainly show up as an uneasy rivalry and a
tendency to try & “one-up” each other – especially when out on raids.

Only when the time comes to choose new leadership do these tensions truly
arise, for as each half of the community puts forward a candidate, but as yet
only wardens have been selected by the “democratic process”. With each
passing election, the inmate community becomes more aware of the emerging
pattern; however, Governor Elis Harding has held a firm grip on the leadership
position for the last 27 years and shows no sign of weakening.
Cell City Example Pictures
The Dragons of Cymru
“Magic Still Lives”

The primary group that controls the north-west of Wales, the Dragons reach
extends from the isle of Anglesey in the north to the historic boundaries of
Gwynedd and Conwy in the south and east. The Dragons are an unusual people,
even for the 24th century, given as they are to a curious dichotomous
relationship with their surroundings. They believe in the magic of the
machinery around them, and have come to embrace all that it provides.

At the centre of the territory is Dinorwic, a series of sub-mountainous

underground chambers filled with pre-Extinction machinery that has
miraculously kept running. This technology allows the surrounding area to
utilise what can be salvaged from the remaining electricity grid. It is unclear
how this power is generated, and as such the people of this region have
ascribed to the idea that the workings of this station, and the land that
surrounds it, are magical.

The person responsible for keeping the magic alive is the leader of the
Dragons, known as the High Vizier. The current Vizier is Oliver Prosser, with
their second-in-command, Exec Anwen Blevins, waiting in the wings once the
Vizier “retires”, this being the Dragons’ interpretation of death. The Dragons
are representative of the duality of their existence in their attire, mixing boiler
suits and other such safety wear with druidic robes and accessories.
The Dragons of Cymru
Example Pictures
De Teyrnas
“A nation without a language is a nation without a heart”

“Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon” or “A nation without a language is a nation
without a heart.” This saying has existed in Wales since before the Extinction,
and persists in the soul of its people in De Teyrnas, or in English, the “South
Kingdom”. After the Extinction, the people of South Wales were notably isolated,
with much of the country’s peaks & parks playing host to the largest Dead Zone
of New Britannia.

Some would argue that the people of De Teyrnas were inspired by their Alba
cousins to the north, who did in fact secede from the country some 20 years
prior, although they will deny this fact, insisting that their formation was a
wholly unique idea. This self-aggrandising propaganda has existed for the 150
years of De Teyrnas dominion; the annals of their history paints them as Welsh
supremacists, lords above all else on these Isles and beyond.

In practise the truth is far from the stories. Whilst the Territory has had its
share of success, managing to capture the former English lands north of
Gloucester, their other ventures have seen them fall short. The Dragons in the
north held their mountains, making their passes impenetrable; the Dumnonii
across the sea assumed the raiding party were simply visitors and were
turned away with gifts, but no lands to speak of.

Despite this, there exists a great deal of legend and mythos amongst the
people. Brenin Marc Priddy, King of De Teyrnas, has a library of fiction in
Cardiff Castle, some of which date prior to The Extinction. Even today, the
sword-scholars of the Territory will congregate around a fire at night and tell
tales of grandeur and mysticism late into the night, each taller than the last.
Wandering bards make outreach missions to other territories to find new
stories & to spread the glorious tales of De Teyrnas.

These sword-scholars have a penchant for wearing metal armour over their
red clothing emblazoned with white dragon iconography.

De Teyrnas Example Pictures

There are those who in the post extinction find that no single place is safe
enough to call home, where staying in one location is simply a call to the
horrors to come and find them. With a mix of fear and wanderlust these folk
traverse the now nature claimed lands, discovering both the long forgotten
wonders and the fresh new terrors.

The People of the Road

“A Journey That Must Be Travelled”

They came from all over; the people who the military failed, the normal families
left to fend for themselves, the survivors. The British Isles breeds a hardy
people who find ways to keep going, even in the face of adversity. After the
Extinction, those who remained on the surface whether by choice or lack of
option, formed into clans for protection.

As territories divided up the country, The People of the Road chose to remain
separate, not holding onto any fixed abode. They developed into hunters and
traders, making the most of the land and what could be salvaged. Some formed
symbiotic relationships with clans, trading items and information between
outposts; whilst others moved in the shadows hunting out in the countryside
and woods.

Time saw the strengthening of The People’s network, who still held true to their
individuality whilst supporting each other with their hidden caches at drop
points throughout the country, dispensing medical and mechanical emergency
supplies at drop points known only to The People.

The People of the Road are notable for their particularly shabby mode of dress;
being always on the move they often wear a mix of rags and scavenged
camouflage, with the intention of remaining hidden as they traverse New
Britannia. They keep their homes with them and are often laden with large
numbers of bags containing their worldly possessions. They hold no collective
morals or religious beliefs and highly prize their individuality & freedom, never
staying in one location for too long.

The People of the Road

Example Pictures

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