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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Support Practice Tasks 2 B2+

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1 02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie podcast. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu odpowiedz na

pytania 1–4, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego tekstu. Na pytania należy
odpowiedzieć w języku angielskim.
1 What character trait does the speaker say you will improve with a portfolio career?

2 How can a portfolio career provide financial security?

3 What does the speaker say may be negatively impacted by a portfolio career?

4 Why is a portfolio career more achievable now?

2 Przeczytaj dwa teksty. Wykonaj zadania 1–8 zgodnie z poleceniami.

Tekst 1

I heard a heavy step approaching behind the great He bowed in a courtly way as he replied, ‘I am
door, and saw through the chinks the gleam of Dracula, and I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker, to
a coming light. Then there was the sound of my house. Come in, the night air is chill, and you
rattling chains and the clanking of massive bolts must need to eat and rest.’ As he was speaking, he
drawn back. A key was turned with the loud put the lamp on a bracket on the wall, and stepping
grating noise of long disuse, and the great door out, took my luggage. He had carried it in before I
swung back. could stop him. I protested, but he insisted. ‘Nay,
sir, you are my guest. It is late, and my people are
Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save
not available. Let me see to your comfort myself.’
for a long white moustache, and clad in black
He insisted on carrying my traps along the passage,
from head to foot, without a single speck of
and then up a great winding stair, and along
colour about him anywhere. He held in his hand
another great passage, on whose stone floor our
an antique silver lamp, in which the flame burned
steps rang heavily. At the end of this he threw open
without a chimney or globe of any kind, throwing
a heavy door, and I rejoiced to see within a well-lit
long quivering shadows as it flickered in the
room in which a table was spread for supper, and
draught of the open door. The old man motioned
on whose mighty hearth a great fire of logs, freshly
me in with his right hand with a courtly gesture,
replenished, flamed and flared.
saying in excellent English, but with a strange
intonation. ‘Welcome to my house! Enter freely The Count halted, putting down my bags, closed
and of your own free will!’ He made no motion the door, and crossing the room, opened another
of stepping to meet me, but stood like a statue, door, which led into a small octagonal room lit by
as though his gesture of welcome had fixed a single lamp, and seemingly without a window
him into stone. The instant, however, that I had of any sort. Passing through this, he opened
stepped over the threshold, he moved impulsively another door, and motioned me to enter. It was a
forward, and holding out his hand grasped mine welcome sight. For here was a great bedroom well
with a strength which made me frown with pain. lighted and warmed with another log fire, also
This effect was not lessened by the fact that his added to but lately, for the top logs were fresh,
hand seemed cold as ice, more like the hand of a which sent a hollow roar up the wide chimney.
dead than a living man. Again he said, ‘Welcome The Count himself left my luggage inside and
to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave withdrew, saying, before he closed the door.
something of the happiness you bring!’
‘You will need, after your journey, to refresh yourself
The strength of the handshake was so much akin by making your toilet. I trust you will find all you
to that which I had noticed in the driver, whose wish. When you are ready, come into the other
face I had not seen, that for a moment I doubted room, where you will find your supper prepared.’
if it were not the same person to whom I was
The light and warmth and the Count’s courteous
speaking. So to make sure, I said interrogatively,
welcome seemed to have dissipated all my doubts
‘Count Dracula?’
and fears. Having then reached my normal state,
I discovered that I was half famished with hunger.

Adapted from ‘Dracula’ by Bram Stoker

 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1

OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Support Practice Tasks 2 B2+
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W zadaniach 1–4 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.

Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
1 Which impression of the house is NOT given in paragraph 1?
A It is difficult to get into.
B The door is seldom opened.
C It is luxurious.
D There is an impressive entrance.
2 The narrator says that Count Dracula is unconventional because of
A the way that he moves.
B the words that he uses.
C the way that he speaks.
D the power of his grip.
3 From paragraph 4, we learn that Count Dracula
A is unsure how to interact with guests.
B attends to the needs of his guest.
C gives his guest a welcome tour.
D reveals parts of the house that elevate his status.
4 The narrator is particularly pleased that
A Count Dracula has carried his luggage.
B there is a good level of hospitality.
C he is given some time to freshen up.
D his appetite has returned.
Tekst 2

What does your front entrance say about you?

Have you ever looked at a house and wondered who lives inside? What about the front door?
Have you have thought who’s behind it?
Research shows that the entrance to a person’s house can give any visitor an instant first
impression of the inhabitant in much the same way as meeting the person does. In fact, you
only need to look at the grand entrance halls of stately homes to see how certain homeowners
have utilised this opportunity to assert their status.
These days, we still tend to make a huge number of assumptions based on the appearance
of the entry to a house. For example, we may notice that the paint is peeling off the door and
jump to the conclusion that the owner doesn’t have much time to maintain the property.
Pretty pots of flowers on the doorstep may indicate that a nature lover lives within and this
could lead us to believe that the owner is elderly because they have the time to tend to plants
and flowers. In fact, even the colour of the front door seems to have significance these days,
with home improvement magazines, attributing personality traits to them. Apparently red
suggests confidence and a warm welcome, whereas a green door shows that someone has
traditional values and is trustworthy.
It’s no wonder that we have a tendency to be judgemental when we come across clues on a
person’s doorstep. It’s human nature to follow our instincts in order to ascertain whether an
environment is safe or not.

Uzupełnij luki (5–8) w streszczeniu zgodnie z treścią tekstu, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać
jego sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
The entrance to a person’s house can reveal their background, personality and 5 .
This has been known for many years, which is why some large historical houses have 6 .
These days, certain negative aspects about a front door may show that the owner is too busy to
their house. Other aspects may send different messages, such as how old a
person is and what their personality traits are. The fact that we tend to make 8
about people’s front doors is understandable as the place could be dangerous.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Support Practice Tasks 2 B2+
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3 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4), przekształcając wyrazy z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstał spójny
i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
give high neighbour rough steady take

Mini Libraries
In the UK, there are currently1
4,000 libraries, including mobile libraries. ‘Mobile library’
is the name 2 to a large van converted into a travelling library that makes regular visits
to hard to reach rural locations. However, recently library facilities have been declining 3
throughout the UK due to a lack of funding. This, along with the changing behaviour patterns of the British
public, many of whom seem to prefer to buy books rather than borrow them, has resulted in a number of
mini libraries popping up on street corners in almost every 4 . These mini libraries differ
in that they don’t follow the same rules as the government run institutions. They operate on the basis of
trust; there’s no administration or record-keeping. Some are book swaps which require you to leave a book
if you take one, whereas others just pass on books for the good of the community.

4 Uzupełnij luki (1–5) właściwymi formami utworzonymi od wyrazów w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać spójny,
logiczny, poprawny gramatycznie i ortograficznie tekst.

Modern agriculture provides us with abundant crops to feed an ever-increasing population, or so it

may seem. However, on closer 1 (INSPECT), these crops give a shocking picture of
the lack of 2 (DIVERSE) in agriculture today. If we take wheat as an example, many
species of wheat that were indigenous to different parts of the world are now facing extinction,
such as the Turkish strain Kavilca that is 3 (UNIQUE) suited to the cold and damp
conditions where it grows. The world’s quest for 4 (UNIFORM) was thought to be the
best way to feed an expanding population. However, this over-reliance on minimal types of crop makes
populations more vulnerable to factors, such as climate change. It also means we’re consuming fewer
(NUTRITION) than our ancestors did. In fact, experts predict that farming may have
to revert to the practices of diversification from times gone by if the human race is to prosper.

5 W zdaniach 1–3 wpisz obok numeru zdania wyraz, 6 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej
który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy zdania. formie podane w nawiasach wyrazy. Nie należy
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba
wpisywanych wyrazów. natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne
1 wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie
I don’t know what the … of the venue is, but I poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
doubt that we’ll have enough guests to fill it. ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów.
Mr. Douglas is involved in this meeting in an Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
advisory … today. cztery wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
The fact that we don’t have enough drivers is 1 You (can / take) the bus
affecting our … to make deliveries. last night rather than paid all that money for a taxi.
2 2 However hard I try, my boss treats me (if / I / be)
Ben needs to … on how his recent behaviour completely incapable
affected other students in the class. of dealing with even the slightest problem.
The article that was written about me doesn’t … 3 The more I (work / hard)
what I wanted to say. is to relax and do nothing.
The team’s recent win at the away match has to … 4 I’d sooner you (leave / now / stay)
well on everyone involved. until tomorrow.
3 5 If you hadn’t turned down the invitation and
You have done an awful lot this morning and you actually joined our team, you (acquire / load)
have definitely … a rest, so go and relax at the of useful skills.
swimming pool. 6 The Prime Minister was (believe / bribe)
I’m sorry to say, but with all those tax changes the a group of senators to
money on this deposit … no interest. gain the majority in Parliament.
If Vicky had … more in her previous job, she
wouldn’t have changed it. PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 3

OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Support Practice Tasks 2 B2+
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Audio script KEY

1 versatility
Welcome to the Job for Life podcast. Today, I’m going 2 not relying on one income stream
to talk about changes in job markets. Up until relatively 3 your work-life balance
recently, people expected to have a job for life, which 4 (more) people working from home
meant having the same job from when they left school 2
until when they retired. These days, there is less job 1 C
security, but with this comes a great deal of flexibility. 2 C
Today, the majority of people have a succession of 3 B
different jobs, but a recent trend is to have what is known 4 B
as a portfolio career. This means having a number of 5 status
different jobs with different companies simultaneously. 6 grand entrance halls
There are many advantages to this. One is that there’s a 7 maintain
great deal of crossover of the skills needed for different 8 judgements / assumptions
jobs, so having similar roles in different organisations can 3
help you build on your transferrable skills. Being open 1 roughly
to different job offers also makes you more versatile. It 2 given
means that you don’t become stuck in one role and you 3 steadily
are able to adapt to different circumstances. Another 4 neighbourhood
benefit is one that can help you manage your day-to-day 4
expenses. Having a portfolio career means that you won’t 1 inspection
be relying on just one income stream. Instead, you’ll have 2 diversity
multiple ones, so if there’s a problem with one of these 3 uniquely
employers, you won’t lose all your income and become 4 uniformity
unemployed. In fact, you may be able to increase your 5 nutrients
role with one employer to compensate for any problems 5
with another. 1 capacity
2 reflect
Of course, as with anything, there may also be
3 earned
undesirable aspects of having a portfolio career and it
may not suit everybody. For instance, having multiple
1 could have taken
jobs could mean that an increased commitment to
2 as if I was / were
work upsets your work-life balance. I’ve been told that’s
3 work, the harder it
quite common with people first starting out, but that it
4 left now than stayed
often improves as you get used to managing more than
5 would have acquired loads
one job. One reason for this is that in the initial stages
6 believed to have bribed
of a portfolio career, people tend to accept all the jobs
they are offered. As time progresses, they become more
selective and cherry pick the jobs which are better paid
and more clearly defined.
In spite of any downsides, portfolio careers are becoming
more popular now that more people are working from
home. This has opened up possibilities for many business
people that were previously unheard of. It is thought
that in the future, portfolio careers will become more
common as people reconsider their existing views on
employment. In fact, portfolio careers could even replace
the job for life idea of the last century.

 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 4

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