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In the initial stages of our active citizenship program, we sought approval from Almarah
Foundation to implement a holistic enrichment program for young boys in their DHA
branch’s orphanage. A crucial aspect was ensuring the availability of necessary time tables,
schedules and activity plans that aligned with the strength of the boys in that house enough to
make our days with them interesting and engaging. We successfully garnered private
donations for stationery essentials such as markers, pages, pens, colors, chart papers, glaze
papers, crape papers, glues, tapes, and pins. Alongside, donations we utilized the multimedia
resources like the TV available at the house for tutorials, presentations and films .

Resource organization was a pivotal step in our methodology. Through a meticulous analysis
of available resources and donation drives, we secured additional materials. Task division
and responsibility allocation among group members ensured a streamlined approach to
project execution. Regular meetings with school staff and administration were conducted to
maintain open communication and align project goals with the orphanage’s mission.

Recognizing the transformative potential of student involvement, we facilitated weekly

tutorial sessions with the boys. These sessions delved into the essence of our four modules,
namely: Interpersonal skills, domestic skills, Creative skills and Flourishing any of the boys’
existing skills. Simultaneously, we orchestrated regular workshops with the boys to fortify
the holistic wellbeing of the children.

In tandem with these efforts, our group took charge of designing an engaging and student-
focused, innovative activities for the boys. This collaborative process commenced during our
initial project presentation, which was accepted by British Council members. The student-
focused, innovative activities emphasized self-grooming, leadership, and interpersonal skills,
integrating activities such as volcano and balloon experiments to ignite curiosity and self-

This student-centric methodology aimed not only to transfer skills but also to cultivate a
sense of self-regulation, leadership, and personal responsibility among the children in the
orphanage. Through engaging activities designed by students, we aspired to create a
nurturing environment that fosters the holistic development of these young minds.
Interpersonal Skills

Reflective Worksheet No.1: Simon Says

Objective: To explore how the game of Simon Says can be used as an effective tool to
promote self-regulation among the boys.

Introduction: Self-regulation is the ability to control one's own behavior, emotions, and
thoughts. It is a crucial skill that contributes to a person's overall well-being and success in
various aspects of life. This worksheet will focus on how the game of Simon Says can serve
as a fun and engaging activity to foster self-regulation in the boys.

1. Explain the rules of Simon Says to the boys.
2. Emphasize the importance of listening carefully to the instructions.
3. Highlight that they should only follow the command if it begins with "Simon says."


1. Listening skills:
• How does the game require you to pay attention and listen carefully?
• Why is it important to wait for "Simon says" before following a command?

2. Impulse Control:
• Share examples of moments when you wanted to act without waiting for "Simon
says." What happened?
• How does the game help you practice controlling impulsive reactions?

3. Emotional regulation:
• Discuss emotions that arise when you follow or miss a command.
• How can you use the game to manage your emotions, especially when you make a

4. Patience and Waiting

• Reflect on the times you need to wait in the game. How does it feel?
• Discuss how waiting in the game can relate to waiting in real-life situations.

5. Self-awareness:
• Think about the moments you realize you made a mistake. How do you feel?
• How can the game help you become more aware of your actions and choices?


• Summarize the key points discussed during the activity.

• Reflect on how the skills practiced in Simon Says can be applied in daily life.
• Encourage the boys to share any insights or personal experiences gained through the
Reflective Worksheet No.2: Pictionary

Objective: To explore how the game of Pictionary can be used as an engaging tool to
develop interpersonal skills among orphan boys.

Introduction: Interpersonal skills involve the ability to communicate and interact effectively
with others. These skills are crucial for building positive relationships and navigating social
situations. This worksheet will focus on how playing Pictionary can contribute to the
development of interpersonal skills.


1. Divide the boys into small teams.

2. Explain the rules of Pictionary, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and
3. Encourage positive interaction and support among team members.

1. Communication:
• How did you communicate your ideas to your team during the game?
• Share examples of effective communication within your team.

2. Teamwork:
• Reflect on how your team worked together to guess the drawings.
• Discuss the importance of cooperation and collaboration in achieving a common goal.

3. Active Listening:
• Share instances where active listening helped your team understand the drawings
• Discuss the role of listening in effective communication.

4. Non-Verbal Communication:
• Pictionary involves drawing without words. How did you convey your ideas non-
• Discuss the significance of non-verbal cues in communication.

5. Conflict resolution:
• Did your team face any disagreements during the game? How were they resolved?
• Explore strategies for peacefully resolving conflicts within a team.


• Summarize the importance of interpersonal skills in building positive relationships.

• Relate the skills practiced in Pictionary to real-life social situations.
• Encourage the boys to share their thoughts on how these skills can benefit them in
their daily lives.

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