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Research Form

Name: Kaitlyn Orwell

What is the topic your team will be exploring?

Our community

What are the 4 concepts (the smaller ideas) you will be connecting to the broader
topic (the big idea)?

1. People and jobs

2. Environments
3. Animals
4. Buildings and Construction

List the key materials you would provide for the children to explore/construct
their own learning. (at least 10 items)

1. Playground
2. Sand
3. Sticks
4. Trees
5. Animals
6. Mulch
7. Grass
8. Bushes
9. Leaves
10. Rocks

What are the key vocabulary terms the children will be using/developing over the
course of this investigation? Provide at least 4 key words and their functional
definitions for this investigation
1. Nature = The basic quality, character, or way in which a thing or person exists or has
been formed
2. Biology = The plant and animal life or a region or environment
3. Habitat = The place or environment where a poland or animal naturally or normally lives
and grows
4. Community = a unified body of individuals
What websites or resources will you use? List at least 4. Include at least 2
with scientific background for the teacher (possibly where you found the
key terms or concepts) and at least 1 you could use with the children.
Provide the name of the website, the URL, and a brief description.
1.;; This
website has videos and resources that can be used for when implementing a nature
lesson in the classroom.
2. Merriam Webster;; This is a website that teachers
can use to provide easier definitions that children will be able to understand better.
3. PBS Learning;
what-is-nature-young-explorers/; This website can be used to research topics and show
children videos about different science lessons.
4. Children and Nature Network (Youtube Channel);; This is a youtube channel that teachers
can subscribe to that have videos all about how children can benefit from nature

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