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Why to use MT Machine translation (MT) is no longer poor quality translation that you receive very quickly, but

then spend a long time

editing. It is an auxiliary tool, used in real time. MT can be chosen for specific language pairs and subjects. It is mainly suitable for technical, legal
and other similar texts types, but less so for creative writing. MT can deliver a translation of acceptable quality, and this quality increases as the
translation proceeds, as the MT engine is trained in real time by the edits of a linguist (machine translation editor/post-editor). Using MT can
reduce order execution time by about 40% or more and reduce the costs of order fulfillment by around 20–30%.
Why & how to use MT?
What are the reasons for using MT? Why is MT useful? How do you use MT in general?

MT is an auxiliary tool used in real time

MT can be chosen for specific language pairs and subjects (MT is mainly suitable for technical, legal and other similar types of texts, but
not creative writing.)

A self-learning MT engine can improve quality in real time

How to use MT: MT engine types

Different types of MT are suitable for different language pairs/translation directions, subjects (topics).
There are stock and trained (custom) MT engines:

Stock engines have been trained with large amounts of translated data and are usually publicly available

Custom MT is trained on the basis of TMs and term bases. It provides higher quality output when translating content specific to a particular

Custom MT engine: self-learning in real time

A CAT tool feeds the translations reviewed and edited by linguists into the engine

A custom MT engine produces new translations taking these edits into accoun

Examples of successful use of MT in our Company

These are examples of successful use of MT in our company, when it helped to save money and translation efforts.
Stock Google MT for Karachaganak Petroleum Operating allowed the EDGE department to save about $2000 in 2021

Modern MT self-learning engine for MOEX allowed the CSD department to save $900 in 2021 Q4

TER – Translation Error Rate. Higher TER means more difference between the source and edited text. A similar metric
called Edit Distance has essentially the same meaning.

Successful use of MT: zero edit distance

MT usage tips
MT is an auxiliary tool, which is the same as a TM & can be used for suitable subjects and language pairs
You should explain to linguists why it is profitable: they can earn more money in less time: by translating a larger number of
documents, they can earn more money

If you have poor quality MT from a client, you shall not only discuss the pricing with your customer, but also ask the R&D
department for another type of MT

There is no such thing as bad quality MT, but some MT is not suitable for particular language pairs or subjects

MT quality evaluation
In the next slides, you can see information on the MT evaluation performed with the help of automated MT quality metrics. It is
briefly explained here why these metrics are needed.

How good is the Machine Translation?

Metrics used: hLEPOR & COMET Process: calculation of average MT quality against reference translation
How much do these indicators differ?
Metrics used: hLEPOR & COMET Process: comparing hLEPOR & COMET indicators: if COMET indicators are quite different to hLEPOR, COMET should be
considered a priority
How many segments were left without editing?
Metrics used: TER Process: counting segments with zero edit distance
How thoroughly did the MT have to be edited?
Metrics used: TER Process: calculation of average edit distance
How many segments were successfully translated?
Metrics used: hLEPOR Process: calculating % of segments with hLEPOR>83%
What are the segments that may potentially contain terminology errors? What are the terms on the basis of which it is possible to compile an additional term base for
MT editing?
etrics used: hLEPOR & BERTScore Process: detection of segments with low hLEPOR & high BERTScore
What are the best quality segments?
Metrics used: hLEPOR & BERTScore Process: detection of segments with high hLEPOR & high BERTScore

MT editing: MTPE actions

Action Action description
Source document studying appearance, formatting studying, source text reading etc.
Human translation including searching terms in TM etc., searching for information on the Internet and/or other sources, if required
MT post-edit including all or some of: human QA (editor reads the MT, manually searches for various types of errors in MT
including lexical, syntax, grammatical, punctuation and style errors, less obvious errors & other errors), TM
term verification, searching for information on the Internet and/or other sources, omissions/additions, headers
& footers etc.
Human QA translator manually searches for errors in the translation
Automatic QA automated QA instruments of CAT tool
Glossary verification up to 100 terms: 5% of total HT effort up to hundreds of terms: 15% hundreds of terms: 20%
Style Guide verification to make sure that the translation is consistent with the Customer’s or Janus default Style guide

Light MTPE Full MTPE
The linguist should only correct grammar and spelling The final translation shall be grammatically correct and
mistakes, partially or completely re-write confusing accurate, fluent, and with appropriate style, without spelling
sentences, fix machine-induced errors, and delete errors. The linguist will fully read the MT text and search for
unnecessary or extra translation alternatives generated by various types of errors. NB! Full MTPE shall be of the same
MT engine if they affect the meaning. Only major errors quality as the human translation.
(incomprehensible content) and critical errors (that may incur
legal consequences or wrong terminology) are covered.
Sophisticated stylistic issues, and preferential changes
should be avoided. The linguist will quickly, and not deeply,
search for various error types in the MT. Post-edited text
might sound robotic or somewhat stilted, but it will be fluent
enough for a reader to comprehend the meaning.

MT editing: verifications
During MTPE, we use various types of verification to minimize the number of errors.
TM terms verifications Style guides & other reference materials verifications
Term base verifications QA tools
MT editing: what needs to be checked?
There are points to be checked during the MTPE process. Please see the most important of them below.

- Source text
- Omissions
- Raw MT output quality
- Style
- TB & TM management system
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Spelling
- Figures, units of measurements, local- language specifics etc.
- Grammar

MT editing: work process optimization

- Before a linguist receives a new file for translation from a PM, PMs can create a list of most frequently
used words in the document. For example, you can choose repeatability from 15 or more times and a
word length from 4 or more characters.
- The linguist can then translate these expressions (terms) before they begin MTPE. The PM can create
an additional term base based on this list of terms (for internal use). Next, the linguist can produce
MTPE by checking MT using this term base.
- The PM can also add to a linguist’s additional term base any terms that the linguist would like to add to
make the MTPE process more convenient. These may be terms where MT often produces errors,
irrespective of whether these terms are in the official TB (term base). Together with the PM, the linguist
can create an internal TB for personal use, containing any terms requiring correction, in order to make
the process of finding and correcting errors in MT easier. Also, the PM can send this TB to the MT team
so that they can retrain the MT on the basis of this TB.

Using MT plugins in CAT tools

Before you start please see the Januspedia articles:

Using MT plugins in CAT tools: memoQ

Contact the R&D department and we will provide you with API keys and MT profiles for CAT tools

When using a custom self-learning engine you should have at least one TM connected to your project, and the self-learning
option should be switched on so that the engine can self-learn
Using MT plugins in CAT tools: SDL Trados Studio

You completed this test on 16/01/2023, 17:02

Your score is 100.00%


Why do we use MT?

The goal is to produce simple word for word translations.
MT allows you to save money, time, and translation efforts.
Generally, machine translation is of poor quality, but cheaper than human translation.

What MTPE levels do we use in our company?

Full & light.
Full, light, medium and human translation.
Full, light and medium.
Full, light and human translation.


What are the MT engines types?

Full & light.
Stock, custom, trained and human.
Full, light, medium and human translation.
Stock & custom.
Full, light and medium.
Stock, custom and trained.
Full, light and human translation.


What MT engines are normally publicly available?

Stock, custom and trained.
Full, light and medium.
Stock and custom.
Full, light and medium.


How MT engines are trained?

Custom is of quality output when translating content specific to a particular domain. Stock is suitable for a generic domain.
Custom is trained on the basis of TMs and glossaries. Stock is usually publicly available and has been trained with
large amounts of translated data.


What are the options of MTPE optimization?

Human evaluation & automatic QA.
Using a list of the most frequently used terms, making an additional glossary/term base, text suggestions etc.
QA tools etc.
Full & light.
Quick document studying etc.

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