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EIP Teacher Induction

Individualized Learning Plan
Revised 11.5.18
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation.
Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the
Pre/Post Assessment Data Table.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Ema Subject Area Grade Level
Valeria Ruiz Martinez Spanish 9th and 10th
Induction Mentor Ema School/District Induction Date
Helen Craft Fullerton Union High School 08-14-23
Fullerton Joint Union High
Mentor Match Date Credential Type (MS, SS, Grade Level/Subject Tentative Induction
ES) Assignment Completion
08-18-23 SS 9 ’12 Spanish May 2025
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher
and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CST Element Initia Rating Description Goal Rating Description
P l
T - Guide students to think critically T - Facilitates systematic
Promoting T– through use of questioning T– opportunities for students to apply
1.5 critical Applyi strategies, posing/solving problems, Innova critical thinking by designing
thinking ng S – and reflection on issues in content. ting S structured inquiries into complex
through Explori S - Students respond to varied questions - problems.
inquiry, ng or tasks designed to promote Innovati S - Students pose and answer a wide-
problem comprehension and critical thinking in ng range of complex questions and
solving, single lessons or a sequence of problems, reflect, and communicate
and lessons. understandings based on in depth
reflection analysis of content learning.
1.4 Using a variety T- T- Uses instructional strategies, T- T- I use different instructional
of instructional emergin resources, and technologies as explorin strategies and technology sites to
strategies, g provided by the school and/or g cover all the student's needs and try to
resources, and S- district. S- encourage them to be comfortable
technologies to emergin explorin with other technology sites. Also,
meet students’ g S- Some students participate in g sometimes I give the students
diverse learning instructional strategies, using different options to complete the
needs resources and technologies provided. assignments and I tell them that they
can use the technology site with they
feel more comfortable.
S- Students all different resources
provided by teachers to complete
their activities and assessments in
1.6 Monitoring T- T- Seeks to clarify instruction and T- T- I am always walking around the
student learning explorin learning activities to support student Applyin classroom and assisting in different
and adjusting g understanding. g ways with all the students that I
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of
instruction S- S- Some students receive individual S- notice need more help. I help them
while teaching. emergin assistance during instruction. Explorin individually and explain them in
g g different ways to make the content
more understandable for them.

S- I am always clarifying activities

and giving them examples of all the
activities so they can have an idea of
how to complete the assignments. I
like to do all types of clarification
before the students work on their
assignments but sometimes, I have to
do it while they are working if
someone asks me to clarify something
that may be confusing for all the
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments and Data
Collection Tools)
Directions: Your inquiry question should be concise and likely no more than 8-10 words. Your hypothesis should indicate
what you expect students to be able to do after the lesson, and it should be able to be evaluated based on your assessment
plan. Note that Semester 3 requires an inquiry question that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Inquiry Question Hypothe Lesson Series Topic Assessments/Data
sis Collection
Are visuals and repetition of I predict students will be Body parts KWL Chart
words helpful in able to connect their The verb to have (tener) Activities
encouraging students to understanding of the content Continue practicing with Game
speak more in the target through the pictures and adjectives Mini project
language? repetition of the words as
well as physical moments
that the teacher will be
doing for each word.
Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include
performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus. Do not use the actual names of students. (Note:
At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is
your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student with Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Performance Focus student 1 is a non-native Focus student 2 has an AHSD Focus student 3 has a problem
speaker who has been getting a IEP and has been getting a 60% writing words in English and
50 % class overage for the first class overage for the first quarter. Spanish. My student has a 60%
quarter. The student had been The student struggles to class overage for the first quarter.
receiving low grades in all his concentrate in class and complete The student had been receiving a
assignments and quizzes about the assignments on time. The low grade on assignments and
the verb to be, definite, and student gets good scores on quizzes because he didn’t know
indefinite articles, and adjectives. quizzes but is hard for him to how to spell words in English or
turn in classwork or projects Spanish. He needs to see the
which makes his grade go down. words written in order to
understand them and copy it to
write it in his assignments. Even
if I spell the words to him, he
does not know how to write
I expect my student to raise his I expect my focus student 2 to I expect to focus on student 3 to
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of
Expected overall average class grade to at turn in his assignments on time raise his grade to a 70% in-class
Results least 60 %. I am expecting him to and raise his overall class grade average. I expect the students to
pay more attention in class and to to 70%. I am expecting him to work with another high-
at least pass his quizzes or tests keep track of the date lines of all achievement student to help-
with a 60%. I expect my students activities and to turn them in in each other while working on the
to ask questions when he does class when we complete them assignments. I also expect the
not get it and to pay more before he forgets to turn them in. students to try to understand and
attention to have a better Also, my expectation is for him participate more in the class. I
understanding of the concepts. to participate more in class so he expect the student to practice
would be more concentrated, and more his Spanish because he
he is going to get less distracted speaks Spanish at home, but he
in class. struggles to write down words.
Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan
Directions: that Semester 3 requires a lesson that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Administer Pre- Deliver Administer Post- Analyze Discuss Results
Assessment Lesson(s) Assessment Results with Mentor
Identify dates for 10/30/23 10/31/23 11/1/23
activities. 10-23-23 10/24/23-
My inquiry will be focused on a 1-week half-Spanish unit on learning body parts
Provide 1-2 sentence
embedded with the verb to have. The lessons cover body parts that students will learn
summary of your
throughout a song and realia. Embedded with the song, students will learn about the verb
lesson plan. tener to be able to express what body parts they have and they will use adjectives
previously and learn to describe themselves using body parts and the verb to have.
Standards that will be covered: WL.CM.2 E, WL.CM3. E
Summarize the The pre-assessment will be given a day before the Spanish lesson and introduction of the
process for body parts song. Also, I will be giving some pre-assessments during the same class period as
the evaluation of content necessary to understand the content that I will be delivering in
administering and
Spanish. The post-assessments will be given the next day after the lesson. We will be
analyzing pre- and
working as a whole class and then individually.
Semester 3 Only: N/A
Identify the specific
technology tools,
applications, links,
and/or devices to be
incorporated into the
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and
statement of what was learned.)

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of
Terrell, T. D. (1993). Comprehensible input for intermediate Cho, M. H., & Castañeda, D. A. (2019). Motivational and
foreign language students via video. IALLT Journal of affective engagement in learning Spanish with a mobile
Language Learning Technologies, 26(2), 17-24. application. System, 81, 90-99.
hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=comprehensible+input+in+spanish S0346251X18301957
This article talks about how to motivate students and
This article talks about different methods that teachers encourage them to continue learning in Spanish classes
can use when students are learning a second language. while the teacher gives the lesson in the target language. I
One of the main resources that can be used in a classroom found this article very interesting because it talks about
is the use of videos where the students can listen to them different strategies that can be used in the classroom that
and get used to the language and pronunciation. I also help the students learn and at the same time help them
learned that it is proved that if you keep 90% in the target comprehend the lesson. In the article, the author talks
language with the help of pictures and realia, the students about games, and apps that can be funny but at the same
get better at understanding the language. Baes on the time, they are really supportive when teaching
article, the student's percentage of understanding rises vocabulary or grammar. The article gave me ideas that I
more than 40% after a month of start speaking the target can use in my classroom where the students have fun and
language. As the video mentions, making them watch learn in the target language. The article shows that it's
videos, listen to music, and watch the video helps the proved that students pay more attention and learn more
students even more, and after their understanding of the when they are using assignments or apps where they can
language is solid, the student feels more comfortable to have fun rather than just listen to the teacher, try to
start saying words in the target language. understand the content, and use worksheets to practice
what the teacher explains.

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject,
and summary of ideas.)
My first colleague (10th-12th grade/ Spanish teacher) told The second colleague I talked to is a 9th-11th grade
me that what she does in her classroom to monitor the English teacher. When I asked her for recommendations
students is to use Go-Guardian which is a page where she about teaching strategies, she told me that most of the
can monitor what the students are doing in their time she uses different strategies every day of the week,
Chromebook. She told me that it gives her the option to so students get to use and discover different strategies
block the students, but she sends them a private message every day and they do not get bored of doing the same
instead of blocking them. She also told me that while she thing all weekdays. She recommended end I use Canva,
is teaching something important, she makes the students for different activities, she also recommended me use
close their Chromebooks while she is explaining Pear Deck so students can participate while I teach and at
everything and by doing that, the students do not have the the same time that means that they have to pay attention.
distraction of using their Chromebooks to play video She also recommended me to make them use more
games or work on something else. She told me that this Quizlet and Edpuzzle more because students like it, and
had helped her a lot in her class. they can use it as material to review topics that we are
covering in class.
Special Emphasis: ISTE Standards (Semester 3 only)
Directions: Identify at least one ISTE-Educator and at least one ISTE- Student Standards that are the primary focus of your
project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

Section 5: Results and Reflection

Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include
copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of
Class Students
The class average for pre-assessment was 28.4% and the All three focus students scored higher than their pre-
class average for the post-assessment was 80%. The class assessment scores. All three focus students also
was very successful in meeting the Spanish unit learning scored 70% or higher (meeting the learning objective
objectives. Two students received lower than 60%. Those goal for this Spanish unit). Focus Student 1 (EL)
students will be pulled, and I will be working with the raised his score from 50% on the pre-assessment to
students individually to help reteach the concepts from 100% on the post-assessment.
this Spanish unit that they struggled with. Focus Student 2 (504/IEP) raised her score from 30%
on the pre-assessment to 80% on the post-
Focus Student 3 (Teacher Choice) raised his score
from a 20% on the pre-assessment to 80% on the post-

CSTP Element Initia Revised Rating Evidence/Rational for Suggestions for Moving
l Rating Forward
Ratin (Summarize from POP
g Section 3)
Promoting Teacher asked questions of To move to INNOVATING level:
1.5 critical T– T– analysis and evaluation. Consider how to increase
thinking Applyi Integra Students answered questions that complexity of task beyond a
through ng S ting S included all levels of Bloom’s. single lesson so that there are
inquiry, – - Students created their own continuing opportunities for
problem Explor Integrat math problems. students to engage in inquiry in
reflectionand ing complex problem.
extend lesson How could you
into PBL?
1.4 Using a T- T- Uses I asked students multiple
variety of emergin instructional To move on to the exploring
times to rate their level of
instructiona g strategies, level, I will work on learning the
understanding at the end of
l strategies, S- resources, and various strategies that I can use
each activity so that I could
resources, emergin technologies as to meet the needs of all the
get a grasp of how many
and g provided by the various learners in my
students felt that they needed
technologie school and/or classroom. I will not only
extra support from me.
s to meet district. compile a list of strategies that I
Students were also being
students’ can use for my struggling
supported through
diverse S- Some students students, but I can also compile
differentiated instruction by
learning participate in a list of activities that I can use
providing them with visuals
needs instructional for my students who need an
and different technology apps.
strategies, using extra challenge to further their
I made sure that my focus
resources and academic skill level. I also
students were understanding
technologies planning on compiling a list of
step by step of the lesson
provided strategies that can be useful in a
before I moved on to another
language classroom where I can
start using the target language.
1.6 Monitoring T- T- Seeks to clarify Students were told to show me a To move to the applying level,
student explorin instruction and 1, 2, or 3 on their fingers to for this CSTP, I will work on
learning g learning activities represent their level of using a wide range of sets of
and S- to support student understanding. I realized that data from various areas of
adjusting emergin understanding. some of my students that told assessments to establish learning
instruction g S- Some students me that they were struggling had goals and effective lesson plans
while receive individual understood the lesson and a few to meet the needs of all of my
teaching assistance during that were confused did not students as well as to learn new
instruction. accurately show me their level ways to collect that information
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of
of understanding. I used the data where students showed me more
from the students’ pre- than with their fingers if they are
assessment to establish the understanding the concepts or
learning goals and set not.
appropriate lesson plans for my
students as well as to re-explain
the same concept in different
words that were easy to
remember for them.

Special Emphasis ISTE-Educator and ISTE-Student Standards (Semester 3 only)

Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by

Action Items
For curriculum design, To further my expertise in curriculum design, lesson planning, and assessment planning, I
lesson planning, will be more intentional in planning before executing my lesson. Throughout this whole ILP
assessment planning process, I realized how vital intentional lesson planning was. I realized that it is important to
plan minute by minute and to think of possible misconceptions students may have and
prepare for those cases beforehand. I want to divide my class into three groups “high,
medium, and low” and plan an activity related to the lesson that can go according to each
level. I also want to create the lessons as simple as I can and to be aware to show my students
using the smart board where to write which exact activity and give them an example instead
of just telling them.
I think the use of different strategies can help differentiate my lesson and help reach all the
For classroom practice different learners that are represented in my class. In my classroom, I want to continue to
create a culture of safe learning and make sure all the students participate in classroom
discussions. I also want my students to feel comfortable to say if they understand or do not
understand the concepts for me to help them.

For teaching English To help meet the needs of all of my no native students, I will continue to use visuals and
learners, students scaffold all lessons to meet their needs. I will always remember that native speakers are at a
with special needs, deficit and need extra support for them to succeed in a Spanish class. I will continue to make
and students with Google slides with the vocabulary words and pictures that represent the words. I will also
other keep old materials on the walls so that they may always remember the concepts that we had
instructional learned in class. I will also keep providing support to all my special needs students by
challenges implementing the strategies stated in their IEP. I will continue to keep track of all of my
students’ data and processes to have information readily availed to share when asked about
my student’s progress.
For future professional I will continue to use online resources and activities that I create with the help of the book
development or online resources provided by my school to help me gain knowledge of the different
strategies that I can implement in my classroom to be an effective teacher. I will take any
opportunity that I find to further enhance my skills and expertise. I want to continue
learning about strategies that I can apply to my classroom. I also want to continue in
contact with my professors to help me find and develop more strategies that can be helpful
for my students.

For future inquiry/ILP assignments, I want to focus on using different strategies to get
For future inquiry/ILP students to be constantly engaged throughout the entire lesson and to use 90% target
language while I teach my students.
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 6 of
For the next POP Cycle, I want to create a lesson where I can implement the target language
For next POP cycle most of the time and a new technology resource that can make my lesson easier to
understand for my students.
Semester 3 Only:
For future use of

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 7 of
Other Notes

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Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.
Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data
Table with submission.

Fullerton Online Teacher Induction

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s actual names.
New Ema Subject Area Grade Level
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 12 of
Teacher il
Valeria Ruiz Martinez Spanish 9TH-12TH Grade
Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average
Class Average: 28.4 Class average: 80.8%
10/10 (100%) = 0 10/10 (100%) = 7
9/10 (90%) = 0 9/10 (90%) =3
8/10 (80%)= 0 8/10 (80%)= 6
7/10 (70%)= 0 7/10 (70%)= 6
6/10 (60%)= 2 6/10 (60%)= 2
5/10 and below(50% and below)= 23 5/10 and below(50% and below)= 2


Stude Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Commen
nt ts
50% 100% Met standard
1. Focus Student: EL
Herrera, Damion
30% 70% Met standard
2. Focus Student: 504/IEP
Hermandez, Aiden
20% 70% Met standard
3. Focus Student: Teacher
Ngo, Ethan
30% 80% Met standard
4. Acuna, Ariana Y.
10% 70% Met standard
5. Acuna, Rebecca
30% 90% Met standard
6. Atkinson, Tyge
30% 100% Met standard
7. Barrett, Lauren
0% 50% Did not meet standard
8. Calderon, Eduardo
50% 100% Met standard
9. Calderon, Gabriel
40% 100% Met standard
10. Delgado, Anthony
20% 80% Met standard
11. Ellis, Valerie
10% 70% Met standard
12. Enloe, Parker
30% 100% Met standard
13. Gallardo, Noah
50% 80% Met standard
14. Garcia, Dominick
20% 60% Met standard
15. Gonzales, Joey
40% 80% Met standard
16. Hernandez, Bryanna
20% 75% Met standard
17. Huerta, Wyatt
60% 100% Met standard
18. Jaregui, Ulices
50% 80% Met standard
19. Meza, Oliva
0% 50% Did not meet standard
20. Ocampo, Marley
20% 85% Met standard
21. Saavedra, Nyjah
0% 65% Met standard
22. Sosa, Christopher
60% 100% Met standard
23. Torres, Yovani
10% 75% Met standard
24. Van Auken, Reagan
30% 90% Met standard
25. Woods, Emma
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