Set 1

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Set 1

1 Where do you come from?

I come from Hung Yen, I have lived in Ha Noi for 19 years

2 What do you do?

I’m a sophomore at VN Agriculture National University. And more, I’m working at Piza Company at Aeon

3 What do you do in your free time?

In my free time, I do exercise like walking and working out. It helps me stronger, concentrate

Also, I often play volleyball with my friends every afternoon Which is my best favorite sport.

4 How long have you been studying English?

I have been studying English for 9 years. Since I studied in 5 grade in Primary school, I have just studied
Grammar English so my listening and speaking skills weren’t well. Currently, My English is better than

Set 2

1 What can you tell me about your home town?

I live near Vin Ocean Park Urban Which is the most popular here. There is a beautiful man-made beach
on the land that has a long pretty coast and warm sunlight. Near my school, many delicious restaurants
are suitable for student prices

2 Do you work or study?

Now, I’m a sophomore at Vietnam National University of Agriculture. My major is English Language,
which means that I am studying details about English to become a teacher or guide tour in the future.

3 What kind of work do you plan to do when you graduate?

When I graduate, I will go abroad with my family going to China, and Australia so that I can improve my
English. After that, I’m going to become a tour guide for foreigners.

4 How important is it for you to stay close to your family?

Family is so important to me. My family protects and saves me when I see difficult things, also I can
share everything with each member of my family.

Set 3

1 Do you live in the city center?

I live in the suburbs, about 15km from the city center
2 Have you got any hobbies?

My hobbies are playing sports working out, and playing volleyball every morning, and afternoon. Also, I
read books, which help me gain knowledge

3 In your opinion, Why do people learn English?

People learn English for global communication and access to education and career opportunities.

4 What is your attitude to exercising?

Exercising is important for my health. For me, exercises help relieve stress and make me feel better after
a tiring day.

Set 4

1 Are there interesting places to go where you live?

Near where I live there is Bat Trang traditional pottery village, you can go there to see how to make
handmade pottery and nearby there is also a very beautiful and poetic Dien Bao’s cafe like in Da Lat.

2 How often do you meet up with your friends?

I am a person who likes sports, so I meet my friends every afternoon, but every weekend I will invite my
friends to hang out to go to café, tell each other about the past week.

3 Who is more important to you-your friends or your family?

I think my family is more important than my friends. My family is my roots and the place that gives me
everything without needing me to return it

4 What is your attitude to volunteer work?

Volunteer work is participating in social activities. Volunteers help, save poor people,do charity, I can
learn new skills, advance my career, and even feel happier and healthier. I will join the school's student
volunteer team when there is an upcoming recruitment

Set 5

1Have you got any brothers or sisters?

I have an older brother, he is a brave man

2 What do you consider to be your greatest achievement so far?

Recently, I’ve been studying in the school. At my school, I participate in the volunteer club. My volunteer
work is helping many disadvantaged people and I feel it is the greatest achievement so far.

3 Are you more comfortable alone or with other people?

I like being alone it helps me feel more comfortable and I can listen to what my body wants and listen to
music to relax

4 Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years time, I hope I will be a real English teacher as in my dream and I will have a happy family.

Set 6

1 What kind of school did you go to?

2 How do you usually relax?

è I like music so whatever I’m doing, I’m listening to music. At home I like playing music really loud. It
make me fell relax.

3 What kind of food do you like?

My favorite food is Nem Nuong Nha Trang. I enjoy it and I can eat it every day. It’s tasty, cheap

4 How important is it for you to be successful in life?

I think If I want to be successful in life, I will be a disciplined person.


1. What kind of area do you live in?

I live in the suburbs, where there are many beautiful rice fields, people here are very friendly
and always happy
2. How do you prefer to communicate with your friends and family?

I like talking with family members because I can share everything without fear of anyone telling

3. Is it easier to learn English alone or with somebody else?

I like learning English with my friends. It helps me practice my English communication skills and
correct mistakes together.

4. Do you prefer to go out or to stay at home?

Set 8

1. What do you do for a living?

2. Do you consider yourself to be particularly good at something?

è Yes, I do. I think my particularly good at is making people smile. I like talk to people, it connect
me with people. I participate volunteer school team
3. Do you have any pets?

4. What aspect of learning English do you find most pleasant?

è When I learning English, I like speaking. Speaking helps me connect with people. So I will try to
learn speaking E to help my study better.

Set 9

1. How did you get here today?

2. Do you live alone or with your family?

3. Who does the cooking where you live?

4. Do you prefer to plan or live without doing much planning?
è Yes, I prefer to plan ahead. It would be more effective and efficient if I plan them.

Set 10

1. Would you prefer to live in a big city or a small town?

2. Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outside?

3. How often do you see your relatives?

4. Is there any advice you could give to people learning English?

Set 11

1. What is your favorite place in town where you live?

2. Would you say that your interest has changed over the past few years?

3. How do you hope to use English in the future?

4. Do you prefer live or recorded music?

Set 12

1. How easy is it to get around your city?

2. Have you watched an interesting film or read a book recently?

3. What do you think is most important when learning a foreign language?
4. Do you prefer to watch movies in the original?

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