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Food is considered as one of the basic necessities of mankind. Rice, as staple food in the

Philippines, has become an integral part of the Filipinos’ meal most significantly those who are

economically challenged. Without rice, the meal isn’t complete. LugaWOW! is ventured as a

business by the researchers so as to give all people from different walks of life a chance to enjoy

quality meal at a reasonable price. The business name itself is made to engrave originality and to

gain attention from the customers. This business elucidates aesthetics including how such food is

presented, its affordability and quality, timeliness, and communication between employees and

customers. The proponents’ purposes are to show that a lot of innovative and creative dishes can

be made out of ‘lugaw’; to determine its product marketability, to identify probable market and

sustainability, and eventually to come up with possible income from the conduct of the study.

Meanwhile, the proponents envision cultural preservation to help maintain the relevance of

Filipinism. Thus, it is assured that the products to be sold are adhering to the tenets of wellness

and environment.

The business ventured was fortified and justified by a pre survey activity conducted to

random passersby within the vicinity of the targeted locations. These public places are chosen to

get higher probability of getting diverse persons. The group brainstormed the products to be

served including the variety. The proponents used self-structured questionnaire which is highly

relevant to the whole study. 90% to 95% is the collective average percentage from the results of

the questionnaire. Hence, it was hypothetically assumed that the operation of the business has a

high viability. With this, the menu chose by the proponents were carefully conceptualized

considering factors like competition, sales strategies, pros and cons, and pricing.

Then, the group operated the business eventually with all the requirements and things

needed for the conduct, plotted the materials, ingredients and equipment needed. The estimated

cost was maid along with the concocted detailed layouts and several considerations like

geographical, manpower, salary, and others. went all to the offices concerned to business

venturing, plotted possible layouts and target locations.

Meanwhile, comprehensive tabular visuals were provided to put into financial analysis of

the operation. The proponents projected a three-year detailed numerical analysis to come up with

a crystal clear basis of the study. The initial capital is 300,000.00. Findings of the study showed

the projected income from 588, 259.772, 743, 941.182, and 916, 806.9808 from 2018 to 2020

respectively for Baybay Boulevard; 635, 660.00, 791, 341.72, 916, 806.9808 from 2018 to 2020

respectively for Public Market. Likewise, it was reflected that the return on investment of

Baybay Boulevard is 588, 259.772, 743, 941.182, and 916, 806.9808 from 2018 to 2020

respectively; the return on investment of Public Market is 635, 660.31, 791, 341.72, and 964,

207.52 in the same years respectively.

The existence of this business remarks a big help in the labor and employment sector and

most especially to the Philippine economic status quo.

Thus, the study conducted was viable and feasible based on the ascending possible

revenue though the cost was a big factor and risk stipulated in the study per se. However, there

are withstanding recommendations. It is better recommended that factors like sustainability,

geographical location vulnerability, and occupancy status will be taken into account. Hence, it is

recommended to proceed with the investment as long as great efforts will be exerted ton increase

revenues and decrease cost as much as possible.


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