GSG Warscrolls

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2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Gloomspite Gitz – Warscrolls

Leader, Behemoth • Moonclan Stabbas • Skitterstrand Arachnarok
• Kragnos, the End of Empires • Squig Hoppers Artillery
• Loonboss on Mangler Squigs None
• Webspinner Shaman on Faction Terrain Feature
• Boingrot Bounderz • Bad Moon Loonshrine
Arachnarok Spider
• Dankhold Troggoths
• Trugg the Troggoth King Endless Spell
• Fellwater Troggoths
Leader • Gobbapalooza • Malevolent Moon
• Dankhold Troggboss • Grinkrak’s Looncourt • Mork’s Mighty Mushroom
• Fungoid Cave-Shaman • Loonsmasha Fanatics • Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron
• Grinkrak the Great • Rippa’s Snarlfangs • Scuttletide
• Loonboss • Rockgut Troggoths Warscroll Battalion
• Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig • Snarlfang Riders • Bosses of the Skrap
• Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig • Sneaky Snufflers • Skulkmob Horde
• Madcap Shaman • Spider Riders • Squiggly Hangerz-on
• Mollog • Sporesplatta Fanatics • Arachnarok Spider Cluster
• Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider • Squig Herd • Spider Rider Skitterswarm
• Skragrott, the Loonking • Zarbag’s Gitz • Skitterstrand Nest
• Squigboss with Gnasha-squig • Troggherd
• Webspinner Shaman • Squigalanche
• Aleguzzler Gargant
• Zarbag
• Arachnarok Spider with Flinger Regiment of Renown
• Rabble-Rowza
• Arachnarok Spider with
Battleline Spiderfang Warparty
• Moonclan Shootas • Mangler Squigs

Leader, Behemoth 1/34
2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Kragnos, the End of Empires

A roaring, trampling god of earthquakes and wanton destruction, Kragnos is known as the End of Empires. In
his gnarled hands, the Dread Mace can shatter the walls of cities even as the shield Tuskbreaker keeps him all
but inviolate.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

The Dread Mace 3" 6 3+ 2+ -3 4
Tuskbreaker 1" 3 3+ 2+ -2 D3
Hooves of Wrack and Ruin 1" 3+ 2+ -1 2

Hooves of Wrack Mightiest Makes
Wounds Suffered Move Bellow of Rage
and Ruin Rightiest
0-9 10" 6 5+ 30
10-12 9" 5 4+ 25
13-15 8" 4 3+ 20
16+ 7" 3 2+ 18
The End of Empires: Where Kragnos flattening armoured warriors left and right.
rampages, the hordes of Destruction follow in After this unit makes a charge move, you can
Unit Size: 1 Points: 720 his wake, bolstered by his presence and eager to
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth either roll a dice for each enemy unit within 1"
share in the violence he metes out. of this unit or you can pick 1 enemy MONSTER
Base size: 130mm
Notes: Single, Unique If a friendly DESTRUCTION unit is wholly within within 1" of this unit and roll 2D6.
12" of this unit, you can attempt a charge with
that unit if it is within 18" of an enemy unit If you roll a dice for each enemy unit within 1"
Kragnos, the End of Empires, is armed with instead of 12". In addition, when making a of this unit, on a 2+, that enemy unit suffers D6
the Dread Mace, Tuskbreaker and Hooves of charge roll for a friendly DESTRUCTION unit mortal wounds.
Wrack and Ruin. wholly within 12" of this unit, roll 3D6 instead
of 2D6. If you pick 1 enemy MONSTER within 1" of this
WARMASTER: This unit can be included in unit and roll 2D6, on a 7, nothing happens. On
an Orruk Warclans, Gloomspite Gitz, Ogor Avatar of Destruction: Kragnos is the any other roll, that enemy MONSTER suffers a
Mawtribes or Sons of Behemat army. If it is, it embodiment of Ghur’s ferocious nature and no number of mortal wounds equal to the score of
is treated as a general even if it is not the model single strike can lay him low. the dice used for the 2D6 roll multiplied
picked to be the army’s general. In addition, you together. For example, a 2D6 roll of 2 and 6
can still use the army’s allegiance abilities even If the effect of a spell or ability would slay this
model without any wounds or mortal wounds would inflict 12 mortal wounds (2 x 6 = 12).
though this unit is not from the army’s faction;
however, this unit does not benefit from them. being caused by the spell or ability, this model
suffers D6 mortal wounds instead of being The Shield Inviolate: Tuskbreaker makes
slain. Kragnos impervious to even the most potent
Bellow of Rage: When wounded, Kragnos magical hexes and bolts.
bellows at the top of his lungs, the sound waves
bursting the eardrums of those nearby and Mightiest Makes Rightiest: Known as the End This unit has a ward of 6+. In addition, each
rocking buildings at their foundations. of Empires, the Living Earthquake and the Lord time this unit is affected by a spell or the
of Wreck and Ruin, the warlike spirit of abilities of an endless spell, you can roll 3D6. If
At the end of any phase, if any wounds were Kragnos is matched by none. the roll is greater than the casting value of that
allocated to this unit in that phase, roll a dice for spell or the spell used to summon that endless
each other unit and each defensible terrain For the purposes of contesting objectives, this
unit counts as a number of models equal to the spell, ignore the effect of that spell or the effects
feature within 6" of this unit. If the roll is equal of that endless spell’s abilities on this unit.
to or greater than the Bellow of Rage value Mightiest Makes Rightiest value on its damage
shown on this unit’s damage table, that unit table.
suffers D3 mortal wounds or that defensible
terrain feature is demolished. Rampaging Destruction: This galloping god
pounds through the press of his foes, his hooves

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Loonboss on Mangler Squigs

It takes a particularly deranged loon to lead the charge whilst clinging on to a pair of Mangler Squigs, but this
Loonboss - along with some of his most bonkers cronies - is only too eager to do so, crushing all in his path while
he’s at it.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moon-cutta 1" 5 3+ 3+ -1 2
Huge Fang-filled Gobs 2" 4 3+ -1 D6
Balls and Chains 2" 3+ 3+ -2 D3
Bashin’ Stikks 1" 4 4+ 4+ - 1

Wounds Suffered Move Huge Fang-filled Gobs Balls and Chains
0-6 D6+10" 3+ 7
7-9 D6+7" 4+ 6
10-12 D6+5" 5+ 5
13+ D6+10" 2+ 8
MOUNT: This unit’s Mangler Squigs are Watch Out!: Mangler Squigs are capable of
armed with Huge Fang-filled Gobs and Balls great destruction even in their wildly bouncing
Unit Size: 1 Points: 330 and Chains. death throes.
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth
Base size: 80mm If this model is slain, before it is removed from
CREW: This unit is accompanied by a grot play, roll a dice for each other unit within 3" of
Notes: Single crew armed with Bashin’ Stikks. this model. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal
A Loonboss on Mangler Squigs is armed with FLY: This unit can fly.
a Moon-cutta. Bite Da Moon!: A Mangler Squig Loonboss
Ker-splat!: Mangler Squigs produce an impact can inspire other squig riders and their mounts
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in that is nothing short of spectacular, sending to fight all the harder, crashing through the
the following warscroll battalions: severed body parts and splashes of gore enemy so they can continue their pursuit of the
• Bosses of the Skrap skywards. Bad Moon.
• Skulkmob Horde After this unit makes a charge move, pick 1
• Squigalanche Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase,
enemy unit within 1" of this unit and roll a dice you can say that this unit will use this ability. If
for each model in that unit, to a maximum of 10 you do so, until the end of the phase, add 1 to
dice. For each 4+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound rolls for friendly SQUIG units while they
wound. are wholly within 18" of this unit.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider

Especially old and malevolent Arachnarok Spiders often bear a Webspinner Shaman and his mob of hangers-on
into battle. The shaman draws power from his howdah’s catchweb spidershrine to boost his ability to weave
spells and unravel those of the foe.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Spider-bows 16" 10 4+ 5+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Spider God Staff 1" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
Chitinous Legs 2" 4+ 3+ -1 1
Monstrous Fangs 1" 4 3+ -1 3
Crooked Spears 1" 8 5+ 4+ - 1

Wounds Suffered Chitinous Legs Monstrous Fangs
0-6 8 2+
7-9 7 3+
10-12 6 3+
13+ 5 4+
Catchweb Spidershrine: This ramshackle altar Venom of the Spider God: With a hiss, the
to the Spider God shimmers with malevolent shaman calls upon the Spider God for its
Unit Size: 1 Points: 240 arcane energy. wicked aid.
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth
Base size: 160mm Add 1 to casting rolls and unbinding rolls for Venom of the Spider God is a spell that has a
Notes: Single friendly SPIDERFANG WIZARDS while they are casting value of 6 and a range of 18". If
wholly within 12" of any friendly units with this successfully cast, pick 1 friendly Spiderfang
ability. unit wholly within range and visible to the
A Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider caster. Until the start of your next hero phase,
is armed with a Spider God Staff. Spider Venom: An Arachnarok Spider’s add 1 to the number of mortal wounds caused
monstrous fangs glisten with deadly toxic by the ‘Spider Venom’ ability of that unit if the
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in venom. unmodified hit roll was 6. If the casting roll was
the following warscroll battalions: 10 or more, pick up to D3 different friendly
• Arachnarok Spider Cluster If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made
with this unit’s Monstrous Fangs is 6, that Spiderfang units instead of 1.
WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells attack causes 3 mortal wounds to the target and Designer’s Note: If a unit is affected by the
in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound Light of the Bad Moon, this spell does not affect
in the enemy hero phase. roll or save roll).
unmodified hit rolls of 5; it only affects
Wall Crawler: The Spiderfang’s arachnid unmodified hit rolls of 6.
MOUNT: This unit’s Arachnarok Spider is
armed with Chitinous Legs and Monstrous allies can skitter up and down vertical surfaces
Fangs. as if they were flat ground.
When this unit makes a move, it can pass across
CREW: This unit has a Spiderfang grot crew terrain features in the same manner as a unit
armed with Spider-bows and Crooked Spears. that can fly.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Trugg the Troggoth King

Trugg is the mightiest of all troggoths. A towering mass of strength and ill temper, he carries atop his back an
arcane leystone of ancient design, which fuels his already formidable physical might with unpredictable bursts
of elemental magic.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Ironshell Club 3" 3+ 3+ -2 D6
Mighty Antlers 3" 2 2+ -2 D3+3

Wounds Suffered Malfunctioning Leystone Ironshell Club Mighty Antlers
0-6 4 4 2+
7-9 3 3 3+
10-12 2 2 4+
13+ 1 1 5+
Leystone value shown on this unit’s damage
table. Each roll corresponds to one of the results Crushing Grip: The vice-like grasp of Trugg
Unit Size: 1 Points: 320 below. You must pick 1 of the results you rolled can squeeze the life out of all but the largest
Battlefield Role: Leader, Behemoth and apply its effects. Results 2-6 last until this opponent.
Base size: 100mm unit next clobbers its Malfunctioning Leystone.
Notes: Single, Unique At the end of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy
model within 1" of this unit and roll a dice. If
1 Glyph of Shyish: This unit suffers D3 the roll is equal to or greater than that model’s
Trugg the Troggoth King is armed with an Wounds characteristic, it is slain.
mortal wounds.
Ironshell Club and Mighty Antlers.
2 Glyph of Ghur: Add 1 to the Attacks
Regeneration: Troggoths are able to regrow
WARMASTER: If this unit is included in a characteristic of this unit’s melee
injured flesh almost as quickly as it is harmed.
Gloomspite Gitz army, it is treated as a general weapons.
even if it is not the model picked to be the At the start of the hero phase, you can heal up to
3 Glyph of Aqshy: Improve the Rend
army’s general. D3 wounds allocated to this unit.
characteristic of this unit’s melee
weapons by 1.
Malfunctioning Leystone: The odd Imbued with Life: After centuries spent
contraption on Trugg’s back is as much a 4 Glyph of Hysh: Roll a dice each time this bathing in the focused healing energies of
mystery to him as it is to his enemies, yet unit receives a command. On a 2+, you Ghyran, Trugg is almost impossible to kill, even
through it he can unwittingly channel receive 1 command point. by troggoth standards.
fearsomely powerful magic. 5 Glyph of Ulgu: Only unmodified hit rolls When you roll the dice that determines the
At the start of your hero phase, if this unit is on of 6 for attacks made with missile number of wounds you can heal with this unit’s
the battlefield, you can say that it will clobber weapons that target this unit score a hit. Regeneration ability, add 3 to the number of
its Malfunctioning Leystone. If you do so, roll a 6 Glyph of Chamon: This unit has a ward wounds you can heal.
number of dice equal to the Malfunctioning of 5+.

Leader 5/34
2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Dankhold Troggboss
Dankhold Troggbosses are ancient creatures that sometimes wake from their subterranean slumbers and go on
the rampage. Though potent forces of destruction in their own right, Troggbosses also inspire any Gloomspite
Gitz fighting in their shadow.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Boulder Club 2" 4 3+ 3+ -2 D6
Magical Resistance: The realmstone-infused Crushing Grip: The vice-like grasp of a
mushrooms that Dankhold Troggoths consume Dankhold Troggoth can squeeze the life out of
Unit Size: 1 Points: 210 make them naturally resistant to the effects of all but the largest opponent.
Battlefield Role: Leader magic.
Base size: 60mm At the end of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy
Notes: Single Each time this unit is affected by a spell or the model within 1" of this unit and roll a dice. If
abilities of an endless spell, you can roll a dice. the roll is equal to or greater than that model’s
On a 4+, ignore the effect of that spell or the Wounds characteristic, it is slain.
A Dankhold Troggboss is armed with a effects of that endless spell’s abilities on this
Boulder Club. unit. Shepherd of Destruction: The Dankhold
Troggboss bellows so loud that the beasts of
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in Squiggly-beast Followers: Dankhold their herd come dangerously close to actually
the following warscroll battalions: Troggoths are accompanied by a horde of small, focusing their brutish efforts.
• Troggherd skittering cave-creatures that look to them for When this unit issues the All-out Attack
protection. command to a friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ
Greater Regeneration: As they get to eat all
the best shrooms, a Troggboss’s regenerative At the start of the combat phase, roll 1 dice for TROGGOTH unit in the combat phase, until the
capacity is more pronounced than that of the each enemy unit within 3" of any friendly units end of that phase, add 1 to the Attacks
average troggoth. with this ability. If the roll is equal to or greater characteristic of melee weapons used by that
than the number of models in that enemy unit, unit.
At the start of the hero phase, you can heal up to that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
D6 wounds allocated to this unit. Designer’s Note: This effect is in addition to
the normal effect of All-out Attack.



Fungoid Cave-Shaman
Gibbering priests of Gorkamorka and speakers of the will of the Bad Moon, Fungoid Cave-Shamans are as
much mushroom as magic-wielder. Their cunning and spellcraft are infamous, and their Spore Squigs wreathe
them in a fug of choking fungal foulness.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moon-sickle 2" 3 3+ 4+ -1 2
Vicious Teeth 1" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
COMPANION: This unit is accompanied by Spore Squig: Spore Squigs exude thick green
Spore Squig armed with Vicious Teeth. spores that hide their masters from sight.
Unit Size: 1 Points: 110
Battlefield Role: Leader This unit is not visible to enemy units that are
Mouthpiece of Mork: The visionary Fungoid more than 12" away.
Base size: 32mm Cave-Shamans have a knack for coming up with
Notes: Single kunnin’ plans. Spore Maws: The Cave-Shaman causes the
If this unit is on the battlefield at the start of thick spores around him to coalesce into
A Fungoid Cave-Shaman is armed with a your hero phase, roll a dice. On a 4+, you gnashing green mouths.
Moon-sickle. receive 1 extra command point. Spore Maws is a spell that has a casting value of
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in 7 and a range of 6". If successfully cast, each
Deffcap Mushroom: These mushrooms enemy unit within range suffers D6 mortal
the following warscroll battalions: enhance the eater’s magical capabilities.
• Bosses of the Skrap wounds (roll separately for each unit).
If this unit is in a Gloomspite Gitz army, once
WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell per battle in your hero phase, you can say this
in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell unit will eat a Deffcap Mushroom. If you do so,
in the enemy hero phase. this unit can attempt to cast 1 additional spell in
that hero phase, and that spell can be any spell
from the Lore of the Moonclans.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls


Grinkrak the Great

A denizen of the Gnarlwood, Grinkrak holds court around the ‘Great Stinkhorn’ – a particularly colossal
mushroom. His latest scheme is to ‘knight’ his grot minions using his bossin’ stikk, filling the greenskins with a
sort of bravery.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moon-slicer 2" 5 3+ 3+ -1 D3
Grinkrak the Great is armed with a Moon- ‘I Dub Thee…’: Grinkrak has fooled his
slicer. followers into believing themselves actual
Unit Size: 1 Points: 220 knights, blessed by his bossin’ baton. In truth,
Battlefield Role: Leader Dead Tricksy: Loonbosses are masters at using he just needs some grots to do his bidding, and
Base size: 32mm cunning and tricks in order to survive. the accompanying pomp and ceremony ensures
Notes: Single, Unique. Grinkrak the Great they give it their all.
and Grinkrak’s Looncourt units must be This unit has a ward of 6+.
taken as a set. Although taken as a set, each At the start of the combat phase, you can pick 1
is a Grinkrak’s Looncourt separate unit. other friendly MOONCLAN unit within 3" of this
unit to be dubbed. If you do so, until the end of
that phase, if any models in that unit are slain,
those models can fight before they are removed
from play.



A Loonboss never fights fair, ducking and weaving around his enemies and hurling mobs of cackling grots at
them to wear them down, before finishing them off with a blade to the throat or between the shoulder blades.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moon-slicer 2" 5 3+ 3+ -1 D3

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in I’m Da Boss, Now Stab ’Em Good!:
the following warscroll battalions: Loonbosses prefer to make their minions do all
Unit Size: 1 Points: 90 • Bosses of the Skrap the fighting.
Battlefield Role: Leader • Skulkmob Horde
Base size: 32mm When this unit issues the All-out Attack
Notes: Single command to a friendly MOONCLAN unit in the
Dead Tricksy: Loonbosses are masters at using combat phase, until the end of that phase, if the
cunning and tricks in order to survive. unmodified wound roll for an attack made by
A Loonboss is armed with a Moon-slicer. This unit has a ward of 6+. that MOONCLAN unit is 6, the attack causes 1
mortal wound to the target in addition to any
damage it inflicts.

Designer’s Note: This effect is in addition to

the normal effect of All-out Attack.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig

Giant Cave Squigs are especially huge and ferocious beasts that make excellent steeds for the more daring grot
Loonbosses. They hurtle into battle like rubbery meteors, all fangs, prodding spikes and shrieked war cries.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moon-cutta 1" 5 3+ 3+ -1 2
Moonclan Stabba 2" 4 4+ 3+ -1 2
Massive Fang-filled Gob 1" 4 4+ 3+ -1 D3
MOUNT: This unit’s Giant Cave Squig is Let’s Get Bouncin’!: As his Giant Cave Squig
armed with a Massive Fang-filled Gob. leaps and bounds towards the enemy lines, the
Unit Size: 1 Points: 130 Loonboss signals the command for Boingrot
Battlefield Role: Leader FLY: This unit can fly. Bounderz to join the fight and get stabbin’!
Base size: 40mm
Notes: Single In the combat phase, after this unit has fought
Moonclan Stabba: With the enemy in sight, this for the first time in that phase, you can pick 1
Loonboss lowers their Moonclan Stabba and friendly BOINGROT BOUNDERZ unit that has not
A Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig is armed charges into the fray. yet fought in that phase, is within 3" of an
with 1 of the following weapon options: Moon- If this unit made a charge move in the same enemy unit, and is wholly within 12" of this
cutta; or Moonclan Stabba. turn, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of this unit. That unit can fight immediately.
unit’s Moonclan Stabba and improve the Rend
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in characteristic of this unit’s Moonclan Stabba by
the following warscroll battalions: 1.
• Bosses of the Skrap
• Skulkmob Horde
• Squigalanche



Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig

Some particularly forceful and bullying Loonbosses are able to tame - in the loosest sense of the word - Giant
Cave Squigs and bring them into battle as terrifying pets that are more than capable of biting a man in two.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moon-prodder 2" 4 3+ 3+ -2 2
Massive Fang-filled Gob 1" 4 4+ 3+ -1 D3
Dead Tricksy: Loonbosses are masters at using Gobbled Up: This especially bloated and
cunning and tricks in order to survive. gluttonous squig is known to devour enemies
Unit Size: 1 Points: 110 whole if it gets the chance.
Battlefield Role: Leader This unit has a ward of 6+.
Base size: 75 x 42mm At the end of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy
Notes: Single Goin’ Somewhere?: This Loonboss will not model within 1" of this unit and roll a dice. If
tolerate ill-timed cowardice from his the roll is equal or greater than that model’s
underlings, and will have his ravenous pet make Wounds characteristic, it is slain.
A Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig is armed an example of any grots who look ready to leg
with a Moon-prodder. it.
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in At the start of the battleshock phase, you can
the following warscroll battalions: pick 1 other friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ GROT
• Bosses of the Skrap unit within 3" of this unit and say that the
• Skulkmob Horde Loonboss will set his Cave Squig loose on
them. If you do so, that unit suffers D3 mortal
COMPANION: This unit is accompanied by a wounds, but for each mortal wound it suffers,
Giant Cave Squig armed with a Massive Fang- add 3 to its Bravery characteristic until the end
filled Gob. of the phase.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Madcap Shaman
Black-clad Madcap Shamans caper into battle, chanting and jabbering madly. They stuff Madcap Mushrooms
into their gobs, eyes crackling with power as they channel the Gloomspite into deadly magical attacks.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moon Staff 2" 1 4+ 4+ -1 D3

WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell Night Shroud: The shaman throws a black-
in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell capped Nightshade Mushroom into the air,
Unit Size: 1 Points: 70 in the enemy hero phase. which bursts to form a cloud of pitch darkness.
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 25mm Night Shroud is a spell that has a casting value
Madcap Mushroom: This mushroom enhances of 5 and a range of 12". If successfully cast,
Notes: Single the eater’s magical capabilities - as long as it pick 1 friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit wholly
does not turn out to be a deadly poisonous within range and visible to the caster. Until the
A Madcap Shaman is armed with a Moon Madcap Toadstool... start of your next hero phase, subtract 1 from hit
Staff. Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can say rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that
this unit will eat its Madcap Mushroom. If you target that unit.
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in do so, this unit can attempt to cast 1 additional
the following warscroll battalions: spell in that phase. If it does so and the casting
• Bosses of the Skrap roll is a double, this unit suffers D3 mortal
wounds after the effect of the spell has been



Mollog the ancient Dankhold Troggoth really just wants to find somewhere dark and damp to go back to sleep,
but people keep disturbing him and getting in his way. Suffice it to say, this never ends well for them...

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Jabbertoad 12" 1 4+ 4+ - D3
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Puff-fungus Club 2" 3 3+ 2+ -2 3
Regeneration: Troggoths are able to regrow Bat Squig: Bat Squigs descend upon their
injured flesh almost as quickly as it is harmed. victims in a flurry of gnashing jaws and
Unit Size: 1 Points: 130
Battlefield Role: Leader At the start of the hero phase, you can heal up to spattering guano.
D3 wounds allocated to this unit. At the start of your shooting phase, you can
MODEL BASE SIZE pick 1 enemy unit within 18" of this unit and
Mollog 50mm Spiteshroom: The incessant high- pitched roll a dice. On a 2+, that enemy unit suffers 1
Minions 25mm shrieking and shrill, idiot ditties of this weird mortal wound. This ability cannot be used if the
Notes: Single, Unique creature can distract even the most veteran Bat Squig companion has been removed.
Mollog is armed with a Jabbertoad and Puff- At the start of the combat phase, you can pick 1 Stalagsquig: Being coated in a solid rocky
fungus Club. enemy unit within 3" of this unit and roll a dice. hide, the Stalagsquig is as likely to break an
On a 5+, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks enemy’s blade as to be harmed itself.
COMPANIONS: Mollog is accompanied by a made by that unit in that phase. This ability If you choose to remove this companion, roll a
Bat Squig, Spiteshroom and Stalagsquig. cannot be used if the Spiteshroom companion dice. On a 5+, this companion is not removed,
Mollog and his companions are treated as a has been removed. but the wound or mortal wound is still negated.
single model that uses the characteristics above. This roll is not a ward roll.
His companions must remain within 1" of him.

Before you allocate a wound or mortal wound

to this unit, or instead of making a ward roll for
a wound or mortal wound that would be
allocated to this unit, you can choose to remove
1 of its companions. If you do so, that wound or
mortal wound is negated.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls


Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider

Swaggering bullies whose twisted anatomies are part arachnid, Scuttlebosses charge into battle upon the backs
of Gigantic Spiders, exhorting nearby skittermobs to follow their violent example and ride the foe into the

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Envenomed Spear 2" 4 3+ 3+ -1 2
Gigantic Fangs 1" 4 4+ 3+ -1 2
Spider Venom: Both the Scuttleboss’s spear ‘Scuttle Away!’: Masters of feigned flight and
and his mount’s fangs glisten with lethal venom. other such sneaky tactics, the Scuttleboss orders
Unit Size: 1 Points: 130
Battlefield Role: Leader If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by his Spider Riders to flee to a more
Base size: 60mm this unit is 6, that attack causes 2 mortal wounds advantageous position.
Notes: Single to the target and the attack sequence ends (do Once per battle, at the end of the combat phase,
not make a wound roll or save roll). you can say this unit will order his warriors to
scuttle away. If you do so, you can pick 1
A Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider is armed with Wall Crawler: The Spiderfang’s arachnid friendly SPIDER RIDERS unit wholly within 12"
an Envenomed Spear. allies can skitter up and down vertical surfaces of this unit. This unit and the unit you picked
as if they were flat ground. can retreat, one after the other in the order of
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in
the following warscroll battalions: When this unit makes a move, it can pass across your choice.
• Spider Rider Skitterswarm terrain features in the same manner as a unit
that can fly.
MOUNT: This unit’s Gigantic Spider is armed
with Gigantic Fangs.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Skragrott, the Loonking

Skragrott is the self-styled Loonking, the master of all subterranean grots and herald of the Everdank. His
sinister presence upon the field of battle ensures the Gloomspite Gitz fight with greater spite and cunning than

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Da Moon Onna Stikk 2" 3 3+ 3+ -1 D3
Babbling Wand: This jabbering wand, topped The Loonking’s Entreaty: The captive seers
with the skull of the great prophet Kaloth, and prophets of Skragrott’s asylum can
Unit Size: 1 Points: 230 channels the voices of Skragrott’s imprisoned sometimes predict when the Bad Moon will
Battlefield Role: Leader scryers through clacking teeth. accelerate or slow in its erratic orbits of the
Base size: 60 x 35mm Mortal Realms. Skragrott uses this information
Notes: Single, Unique Once per turn, this unit can issue a command
without a command point being spent. to convince his followers that the Bad Moon
listens when he entreats it to halt or move to a
Skragrott, the Loonking, is armed with Da Da Moon Onna Stikk: The Loonking’s staff specific location.
Moon Onna Stikk. brings the lurid glow of the Bad Moon with him Once per battle, before you roll a dice to
wherever he goes. determine if the Bad Moon moves at the start of
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in a battle round, if this unit is on the battlefield,
the following warscroll battalions: If this unit is included in a Gloomspite Gitz
army, friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ units are you can say that Skragrott will reveal his
• Bosses of the Skrap prediction. If you do so, do not roll a dice.
• Skulkmob Horde affected by the Light of the Bad Moon while
they are wholly within 12" of this unit. Instead, you can choose if the Bad Moon moves
to the next location or stays in its current
WARMASTER: If this unit is included in a location.
Gloomspite Gitz army, it is treated as a general Loonking’s Crown: Fungal roots burrow down
even if it is not the model picked to be the from this crown into the wearer’s skull, imbuing
them with heightened magical powers and Fangz of da Bad Moon: As Skragrott tells it, a
army’s general. single shrieked invocation from him - arms
unnatural resilience.
raised high into the air - can compel the Bad
WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells This unit has a ward of 4+. In addition, add 1 to Moon to belch a rain of fiendishly accurate
in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 casting and unbinding rolls for this unit. loonstone fangz over the enemy.
spells in the enemy hero phase. If this unit is
part of a Gloomspite Gitz army, it knows all of Fangz of da Bad Moon is a spell that has a
the spells from the Lore of the Moonclans in casting value of 3 and a range of 24". If
addition to the other spells it knows. successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within
range and visible to the caster and roll a number
of dice equal to the unmodified casting roll. For
each 3+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Squigboss with Gnasha-squig

Squigbosses command their fungal herds through the offering of prized mushrooms and occasional jabbings
from their Squig-krooks. Most are accompanied by loyal Gnasha-squigs, who gleefully chomp at anything who
gets too close.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Squig-krook 2" 3 3+ 3+ -1 2
Fang-filled Gob 1" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1
Mycophile’s Pouch: Squigbosses possess a Massive Fang-filled Gob or Huge Fang-filled
deep knowledge of all types of fungi, and bring Gobs is 6, that attack causes 1 mortal wound to
Unit Size: 1 Points: 110 the most potent kinds into battle to feed to their the target in addition to any damage it inflicts.
Battlefield Role: Leader squigs.
Notes: Single Sproutin’ Moon: Add 1 to the Attacks
In your hero phase you can pick 1 friendly
SQUIG unit within 3" of this unit to be fed a characteristic of that unit’s Fang-filled Gob,
A Squigboss with Gnasha-squig is armed with batch of shrooms. If you do so, apply 1 of the Massive Fang-filled Gob or Huge Fang-filled
a Squig-krook. following effects to that unit. Each effect lasts Gobs.
until the start of your next hero phase. The same
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in unit cannot be fed a batch of shrooms more than Release Da Squigs: The Squigboss chucks a
the following warscroll battalions: once in the same phase. handful of Looncaps into the path of nearby
• Squiggly Hangerz-on squigs, sending the beasts into a frenzy as they
Crimson Deffcap: Add 3" to that unit’s Move race to snack on the tasty shrooms.
COMPANION: This unit is accompanied by characteristic. If you do so, each friendly SQUIG HERD unit
Gnasha-squig armed with a Fang-filled Gob. wholly within 12" of this unit that has not
Yellow Lurka: If the unmodified hit roll for an moved this phase can make a normal move.
attack made by that unit with a Fang-filled Gob,



Webspinner Shaman
Veins thick with venom, Webspinner Shamans live in vivid waking visions through which they interpret the
Spider God’s will. They are blessed by their arachnid deity, protected by its sinister touch and sorcerously
empowered by its malevolent might.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Spider God Staff 1" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell Speed of the Spider God: With a shriek, the
in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell shaman calls upon the Spider God to imbue its
Unit Size: 1 Points: 70 in the enemy hero phase. worshippers with preternatural speed.
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 25mm Speed of the Spider God is a spell that has a
Touched by the Spider God: The tiny casting value of 4 and a range of 24". If
Notes: Single Skullback Spiders that constantly bite the successfully cast, pick 1 friendly SPIDERFANG
shaman fill him with the mystical protective unit wholly within range and visible to the
A Webspinner Shaman is armed with a Spider energy of the Spider God. caster. Until your next hero phase, that unit can
God Staff. This unit has a ward of 5+. run and still shoot and/or charge later in the
turn. If the casting roll was 8 or more, pick up
to D3 friendly SPIDERFANG units instead of 1.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Zarbag the shaman has wandered the twisted halls of the Nightvault for as long as he can remember. His sniffer
spite helps him root out the best magic fungi, and he can transform his facial features into a warped vision of
horror almost at will.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Cursed Sickle 2" 3 3+ 3+ -1 2
Sniffer Spite: Zarbag has captured and Face of Da Bad Moon: To Zarbag, ‘mooning
imprisoned a sniffer spite, which he has the enemy’ has a very different - and terrifying -
Unit Size: 1 Points: 180 ‘persuaded’ to track down potent magic fungi. meaning...
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 25mm At the start of your hero phase, roll a dice. On a Face of Da Bad Moon is a spell that has a
Notes: Single, Unique. Zarbag and Zarbag’s 4+, this unit can attempt to cast 1 additional casting value of 5 and a range of 9". If
Gitz must be taken as a set. Although taken spell in that phase. successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within
as a set, each is a separate unit. range and visible to the caster. That unit must
Jealous Hex: With a vindictive sneer, Zarbag retreat. If it is impossible for the unit to retreat
utters a curse upon an enemy champion in for any reason, it suffers D6 mortal wounds
Zarbag is armed with a Cursed Sickle. order to bring them down a peg or two. instead.
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in Jealous Hex is a spell that has a casting value of
the following warscroll battalions: 6 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick 1
• Bosses of the Skrap enemy HERO within range and visible to the
caster. Until the start of your next hero phase,
WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell ignore positive modifiers to hit rolls and wound
in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell rolls for attacks made by that HERO, and ignore
in the enemy hero phase. positive modifiers to save rolls for attacks that
target that HERO.



MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Moon-sickle and Basha 1" 5 3+ 3+ -1 D3

Mushroom-stuffed Bat Squigs: Rabble- berate, browbeat and badger even the largest
Rowzas are surrounded by flocks of rabid Bat beasties into a frenzy - before making
Unit Size: 1 Points: 100 Squigs, fed on a diet of volatile fungus and themselves scarce...
Battlefield Role: Leader eager to dive-bomb enemies in explosive
Notes: Single While any friendly units with this ability are on
fashion. the battlefield, when you pick a friendly
Once per battle, in your shooting phase, you can MONSTER to move in the movement phase, you
A Rabble-Rowza is armed with a Moon-sickle say that this unit will deploy its Bat Squigs. If can say that it is goaded until the end of the
and Basha. you do so, pick 3 different enemy units within turn.
12" of this unit. Each of those enemy units
suffers D3 mortal wounds. While a friendly MONSTER is goaded, it can run
and still charge later in the turn. However, a
Squig-skull Armour: Encased in the massive goaded unit must finish any kind of move,
skull of a squig, the Rabble-Rowza is able to except pile-in moves, closer to a unit with this
hunker down and take shelter from attacks. ability than it was at the start of the move. In
This unit has a ward of 4+ while it is more than addition, each time a goaded unit finishes a
6" from all enemy units. move, each friendly unit with this ability within
3" of that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds (roll
Get Goin’, Ya Gitz!: With their shrieky voices separately for each).
and frothing zeal, Rabble-Rowzas can cajole,


Battleline 13/34
2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Moonclan Shootas
Moonclan Shootas gather in sizeable skulkmobs that rain black-fletched arrows upon the enemy. They
pincushion their victims with sheer weight of fire, before surrounding any survivors and stabbing them
viciously to death.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moonclan Bow 20" 1 4+ 5+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Slitta 1" 1 5+ 5+ - 1
Barbed Net 2" 3 4+ 5+ - 1
CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a Netters: Moonclan grots use throwing nets to
Moonclan Boss. Add 1 to the Attacks capture Cave Squigs and entangle their foes.
Unit Size: 20 Points: 120 characteristic of that model’s Moonclan Bow.
Battlefield Role: Battleline Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by
Base size: 25mm enemy units while they are within 1" of any
STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 20 models friendly units that include any models armed
in this unit can be a Bad Moon Icon Bearer. Add with a Barbed Net.
Each model in a Moonclan Shootas unit is 1 to save rolls for attacks made with missile
armed with a Moonclan Bow and Slitta. 3 in weapons that target this unit if it includes any Loadsa Arrers: Large mobs of Shootas can
every 20 models in the unit can replace their Bad Moon Icon Bearers. unleash dark clouds of arrows at the foe. Some
weapon option with a Barbed Net. of them might even hit!
MUSICIAN: 1 in every 20 models in this unit
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in can be a Gong Basher. Add 1 to run rolls for this Add 1 to Attacks characteristic of this unit’s
the following warscroll battalions: unit if it includes any Gong Bashers. Moonclan Bows while it has 10 or more
• Skulkmob Horde models.



Moonclan Stabbas
Moonclan Stabbas form ragged ranks that advance upon the foe with gongs clanging and banners waving. Eyes
bulging with the madness of the Gloomspite, they pour over the enemy lines and stab wildly at everything in
their path.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Stabba 1" 1 4+ 4+ - 1
Pokin’ Spear 2" 1 5+ 4+ - 1
Barbed Net 2" 3 4+ 5+ - 1
CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a Netters: Moonclan grots use throwing nets to
Moonclan Boss. Add 1 to the Attacks capture Cave Squigs and entangle their foes.
Unit Size: 20 Points: 120 characteristic of that model’s Stabba or Pokin’
Battlefield Role: Battleline Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by
Spear. enemy units while they are within 1" of any
Base size: 25mm
friendly units that include any models armed
STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 20 models with a Barbed Net.
Each model in a Moonclan Stabbas unit is in this unit can be a Bad Moon Icon Bearer. Add
armed with one of the following weapon 1 to save rolls for attacks made with missile Anarchic Hordes: When a suitably large mob
options: Stabba; or Pokin’ Spear. 3 in every 20 weapons that target this unit if it includes any of Moonclan grots gets together, they are
models in the unit can replace their weapon Bad Moon Icon Bearers. capable of wreaking havoc far beyond what
option with a Barbed Net. their individual stature might suggest.
MUSICIAN: 1 in every 20 models in this unit
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in can be a Gong Basher. Add 1 to run rolls for this While this unit has 20 or more models, models
the following warscroll battalions: unit if it includes any Gong Bashers. in this unit can contest an objective while they
• Skulkmob Horde are within 9" of it instead of 6".

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Squig Hoppers
Squig Hoppers bounce madly into battle, wreaking havoc on anything they collide with. Each ill-tempered squig
has a cackling grot clinging to its back, who flails wildly at nearby enemies as he tries vainly to steer his weird

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Slitta 1" 1 4+ 4+ - 1
Fang-filled Gob 1" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a
the following warscroll battalions: Squig Hopper Boss. Add 1 to the Attacks
Unit Size: 10 Points: 190 • Squigalanche characteristic of that model’s Slitta.
Battlefield Role: Battleline • Squiggly Hangerz-on
Base size: 32mm Boing! Boing! Boing!: Squig Hoppers can
MOUNT: This unit’s Cave Squigs are each cause considerable damage simply by bouncing
Each model in a Squig Hoppers unit is armed armed with a Fang-filled Gob. on top of their foes as they make their way
with a Slitta. across the battlefield.
FLY: This unit can fly. After this unit has made a normal move, run or
retreat, pick 1 enemy unit and roll a dice for
each model in this unit that passed across a
model in that unit. For each 4+, that unit suffers
1 mortal wound.




Boingrot Bounderz
Squig riders who have managed to survive more than a single, violently, short-lived battle, Boingrot Bounderz
wear loon helms and skewer their enemies with wickedly pointed pokin’ lances.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Pokin’ Lance 2" 2 4+ 3+ -1 1
Fang-filled Gob 1" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in Boing! Smash!: Mobs of Boingrot Bounderz
the following warscroll battalions: smash into their enemies like toothy meteors.
Unit Size: 5 Points: 160 • Squigalanche
Battlefield Role: None After this unit makes a charge move, pick 1
• Squiggly Hangerz-on enemy unit within 1" of this unit and roll a dice
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Battleline if general is MOONCLAN for each model in this unit. For each 4+, that
MOUNT: This unit’s Cave Squigs are each enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
armed with a Fang-filled Gob.
Each model in a Boingrot Bounderz unit is Lances of the Bounderz: The pokin’ lances
armed with a Pokin’ Lance. FLY: This unit can fly. carried by Boingrot Bounderz are especially
dangerous on the charge.
CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a
Bounder Boss. Add 1 to the Attacks If this unit made a charge move in the same
characteristic of that model’s Pokin’ Lance. turn, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of this
unit’s Pokin’ Lances and improve the Rend
characteristic of this unit’s Pokin’ Lances by 1.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Dankhold Troggoths
Dankhold Troggoths sleep deep underground until the Gloomspite moves them to lumber up to the surface and
wreak havoc. They swat and crush everything within reach, soak up spellcraft like sponges, and are nigh
unkillable in battle.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Colossal Boulder Club 2" 4 3+ 2+ -2 D3+3
Regeneration: Troggoths are able to regrow Squiggly-beast Followers: Dankhold
injured flesh almost as quickly as it is harmed. Troggoths are accompanied by a horde of small,
Unit Size: 1 Points: 190
Battlefield Role: None At the start of the hero phase, you can heal up to skittering cave-creatures that look to them for
D3 wounds allocated to this unit. protection.
Base size: 60mm
At the start of the combat phase, roll 1 dice for
Magical Resistance: The realmstone-infused each enemy unit within 3" of any friendly units
Each model in a Dankhold Troggoths unit is mushrooms that Dankhold Troggoths consume with this ability. If the roll is equal to or greater
armed with a Colossal Boulder Club. make them naturally resistant to the effects of than the number of models in that enemy unit,
magic. that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in
the following warscroll battalions: Each time this unit is affected by a spell or the
abilities of an endless spell, you can roll a dice. Crushing Grip: The vice-like grasp of a
• Troggherd Dankhold Troggoth can squeeze the life out of
On a 4+, ignore the effect of that spell or the
effects of that endless spell’s abilities on this all but the largest opponent.
unit. At the end of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy
model within 1" of this unit and roll a dice. If
the roll is equal to or greater than that model’s
Wounds characteristic, it is slain.



Fellwater Troggoths
These slime-slick beasties stink worse than a plague pit full of incontinent Nurglings. They throw up jetting
streams of viciously corrosive vomit, softening their prey up - quite literally - before tearing into them with
wicked talons and tusks.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Noxious Vomit 6" 1 2+ 3+ -2 D3
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Spiked Club 2" 4 3+ 3+ -1 2
Regeneration: Troggoths are able to regrow Noxious Vomit: The bilious digestive fluids
injured flesh almost as quickly as it is harmed. chucked up by a Fellwater Troggoth can swiftly
Unit Size: 3 Points: 170
Battlefield Role: None At the start of the hero phase, you can heal up to corrode even sigmarite plate.
Base size: 50mm D3 wounds allocated to this unit. If any wounds caused by this unit’s Noxious
Notes: Battleline if general is a DANKHOLD Vomit are allocated to an enemy unit and not
TROGGBOSS Terrible Stench: Fellwater Troggoths are slimy negated, that enemy unit is drenched in vomit
creatures that reek so foully of rotten fish that it until the start of your next hero phase. While a
makes their enemies gag. unit is drenched in vomit, subtract 1 from save
Each model in a Fellwater Troggoths unit is rolls for attacks that target that unit, and ignore
armed with Noxious Vomit and a Spiked Club. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with
melee weapons by enemy units while they are positive modifiers to save rolls for attacks that
within 3" of any friendly units with this ability. target that unit. A unit cannot be drenched in
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in vomit more than once at the same time.
the following warscroll battalions:
• Troggherd

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

A Gobbapalooza is a motley gathering of petty shamans and other wise-grots, each employing a different set of
superstitions, practices and volatile fungus brews that either bolster their fellow greenskins with all sorts of
bizarre effects or cause mayhem amongst the ranks of the enemy.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Staff, Stikka or Jaggedy Blade 1" 1 4+ 4+ -1 D3
Hallucinogenic Fungus Brews: Gobbapalooza attacks made with melee weapons by that unit
shamans drink long draughts of hallucinogenic until the start of your next hero phase.
Unit Size: 5 Points: 180 fungus brew before the battle begins, making
Battlefield Role: None them almost impervious to pain. However, as Nasty Poisons: You can only pick this effect
Base size: 32mm the battle progresses, the effects start to wear while this unit has a Spiker. Pick 1 friendly
Notes: Single off. GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit wholly within 12" of this
In the first battle round, this unit has a ward of unit. Improve the Rend characteristic of that
The models in a Gobbapalooza are 1 4+. In the second battle round, this unit has a unit’s weapons by 1 until the start of your next
Scaremonger, 1 Brewgit, 1 Spiker, 1 Boggleye ward of 5+. In the third and subsequent battle hero phase.
and 1 Shroomancer. Each model in the unit is rounds, this unit has a ward of 6+.
armed with a Staff, Stikka or Jaggedy Blade. Mesmerise: The Boggleye looks deep into the
Gobbapalooza Know-wotz: From casting eyes of his victims, turning hapless enemies into
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in petty spells to brewing up strange potions or slow-witted imbeciles.
the following warscroll battalions: scaring the other grots with bizarre Mesmerise is a spell that has a casting value of
• Bosses of the Skrap performances, the Gobbapalooza is always up 6 and a range of 12". Only this unit’s Boggleye
to something. knows this spell and can attempt to cast it. If
WIZARD: This unit’s Boggleye can attempt to successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within
cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to Once per turn in your hero phase, this unit can
use its Gobbapalooza Know-wotz. If it does so, range and visible to the caster. Until the start of
unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase. In your next hero phase, that unit cannot issue or
addition, this unit’s Shroomancer can attempt to pick 1 of the following effects to apply. A unit
cannot be affected by the same effect of this receive commands.
cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to
unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase. ability more than once at the same time.
Fungoid Cloud: The Shroomancer stamps upon
Glareface Dance: You can only pick this effect his bloatstool steed while gabbering various
Each time you take a spell lore enhancement, magickin’ words, releasing a cloud of arcane
the spell that you pick for this unit is known by while this unit has a Scaremonger. Pick 1
friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit wholly within spores that engulf and mask the battlefield.
both the Boggleye and the Shroomancer. No
other models in this unit can attempt to cast or 12" of this unit. Add 1 to run rolls and charge Fungoid Cloud is a spell that has a casting value
unbind spells. rolls for that unit until the start of your next of 6 and a range of 12". Only this unit’s
hero phase. Shroomancer knows this spell and can attempt
to cast it. If successfully cast, until the start of
Peddled Potion: You can only pick this effect your next hero phase, subtract 1 from hit rolls
while this unit has a Brewgit. Pick 1 friendly for attacks that target friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ
GLOOMSPITE GITZ HERO wholly within 12" of units while they are wholly within range of this
this unit. Add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for unit.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Grinkrak’s Looncourt
The motley band of greenskins that make up the Looncourt have entirely bought into Grinkrak’s claims of
knighthood, believing themselves to be holy guardians of the Stinkhorn. The Madcap quests they embark on
never end well for anyone in their way.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Squigapult 16" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3+2
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Wonky Lance 2" 3 3+ 3+ - D3
Squig Spear 2" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1
Jaggedy Blade 1" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
The models in Grinkrak’s Looncourt are Grib, Grinkrak’s Toadies: According to the
da Wonky Lance; Pokin’ Snark; Skolko and Looncourt, it is their noble duty to defend
Unit Size: 6 Points: 190 Pronk; Snorbo da Spore; Pointy Burk; and Grinkrak from all comers. That suits the
Battlefield Role: None Moonface Naggz. bossgrot fine, if it means they catch the
BASE occasional sword or arrow for him.
SIZE Grib is armed with a Wonky Lance. Pokin’ Before you allocate a wound or mortal wound
Skolko and Pronk, Grib 32mm Snark is armed with a Squig Spear. Skolko to a friendly GRINKRAK, or instead of making a
Pokin' Snark, Snorbo da Spore, and Pronk are armed with a Squigapult and ward roll for a wound or mortal wound that
25mm Jaggedy Blade. Snorbo da Spore, Pointy Burk
Pointy Burk, Moonface Naggz would be allocated to a friendly GRINKRAK, if
Notes: Single, Unique. Grinkrak the Great and Moonface Naggz are each armed with a this unit is within 3" of that friendly GRINKRAK,
and Grinkrak’s Looncourt units must be Jaggedy Blade. you can roll a dice. On a 1-2, that wound or
taken as a set. Although taken as a set, each mortal wound is allocated to that GRINKRAK as
is a Grinkrak’s Looncourt separate unit. The Looncourt’s Quest: It only takes a word normal. On a 3+, that wound or mortal wound is
from Grinkrak to send these gitz out on some ill- allocated to this unit instead.
advised errantry quest.
After this unit has been set up on the battlefield
for the first time, you can pick 1 objective or 1
terrain feature in enemy territory to be the
object of this unit’s quest. If you gain control of
that objective or terrain feature while this unit is
contesting it, this unit completes its quest. Once
the quest is complete, for the rest of the battle,
this unit has a ward of 4+.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Loonsmasha Fanatics
Armed with massive wrecking balls attached to lengths of chain, Loonsmasha Fanatics are driven loopy with
fungus brew then unleashed upon the enemy in a whirling storm. Though they inevitably come to grief, they are
sure to cause bloody carnage first.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Ball and Chain 3" D6 4+ 3+ -2 D3
During deployment, instead of setting up this
unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one At the start of the charge phase, you can release
Unit Size: 5 Points: 110 side and say that it is set up hidden as a reserve this unit. If you do so, set up this unit wholly
Battlefield Role: None unit. You can set up 1 unit hidden in this manner within 3" of the unit in which it is hidden and
Base size: 32mm for each friendly MOONCLAN GROT unit more than 3" from all enemy units. If this unit
consisting of 5 or more models that is on the was released in your charge phase, it can
Each model in a Loonsmasha Fanatics unit is battlefield and that does not have the SQUIG or attempt a charge in that phase.
armed with a Ball and Chain. FANATIC keyword.
If the unit in which this unit is hidden is
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in At the end of deployment, secretly pick 1 destroyed before this unit is released, before the
the following warscroll battalions: friendly unit that is on the battlefield for this last model in that unit is removed from play, set
• Skulkmob Horde unit to be hidden within and record this up this unit wholly within 6" of that model, then
information on a piece of paper. The unit picked remove that model as normal.
Release the Fanatics!: Loonsmasha Fanatics must be another friendly MOONCLAN GROT unit
lurk within mobs of their fellow grots until the consisting of 5 or more models that does not Whirling Death: To attack a grot Fanatic you
enemy approaches close enough for them to be have the SQUIG or FANATIC keyword. This unit must first dodge past their ball and chain.
released. cannot be hidden within a unit that already has The strike-first effect applies to this unit.
another unit hidden within it.



Rippa’s Snarlfangs
Racing forth on fleet-pawed Snarlfang mounts come Rippa Narkbad and his ladz, whooping and hollering as
they seek out fleeing prey to stick with spears and cruel, barbed arrows.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Grot Bow 16" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Boss Loppa 1" 5 3+ 3+ -1 2
Stabbin’ Stikka 2" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
Grot Bow 2" 1 4+ 4+ - 1
Slavering Jaws 2" 2 3+ 3+ - 2
MOUNT: This unit’s Snarlfangs are each Vindictive Attackers: In spite of their constant
armed with Slavering Jaws. bickering, Rippa and his ladz can at least all
Unit Size: 3 Points: 110 agree that there’s nothing more satisfying than
Battlefield Role: None Ferocious Pounce: Snarlfangs strike with attacking an already flagging enemy.
Base size: 25 × 50mm startling speed, falling upon their prey in a blur
Notes: Single, Unique Add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks
of claws and venomous jaws. made by this unit that target a unit that has 1 or
This unit is eligible to fight in the combat phase more wounds allocated to it.
The models in Rippa’s Snarlfangs are Rippa, if it is within 6" of an enemy unit instead of 3",
Stabbit and Mean-eye. Rippa is armed with a and it can move an extra 3" when it piles in.
Boss Loppa. Stabbit is armed with a Stabbin’
Stikka. Mean-eye is armed with a Grot Bow.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Rockgut Troggoths
Rockgut Troggoths have stony hides that are proof against blade, bolt and magical blast alike. Their lumpen
claws pass through stone as though it were water, allowing them to scoop up huge clubs and throwing boulders
at will. Subtle they are not.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Throwin’ Boulders 9" 1 See below
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Massive Stone Maul 2" 2 3+ 3+ -2 3
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in Throwin’ Boulders: Rockgut Troggoths often
the following warscroll battalions: dig up boulders during battle and hurl them
Unit Size: 3 Points: 170 • Troggherd towards the enemy with varying degrees of
Battlefield Role: None accuracy.
Base size: 50mm Regeneration: Troggoths are able to regrow
Notes: Battleline if general is a DANKHOLD Do not use the attack sequence for an attack
injured flesh almost as quickly it is harmed. made with Throwin’ Boulders. Instead, pick 1
At the start of the hero phase, you can heal up to enemy unit within range and roll a dice. Add 1
D3 wounds allocated to this unit. to the roll if the target unit has 5 or more
Each model in a Rockgut Troggoths unit is models. On a 4+, that enemy unit suffers 1
armed with Throwin’ Boulders and a Massive Stony Skin: Rockgut Troggoths have iron-hard mortal wound.
Stone Maul. skin and are naturally resistant to magic.
This unit has a ward of 5+.



Snarlfang Riders
Snarlfang Riders prowl at the flanks of a Gloomspite horde. These opportunistic cavalry-grots gleefully hunt
down the enemy, loosing volleys of barbed arrows before their ferocious Snarlfang mounts pounce upon the foe
and tear them apart.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Grot Bow 16" 1 4+ 5+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Stabbin’ Stikka 2" 1 4+ 5+ - 1
Slavering Jaws 2" 2 3+ 3+ - 2
MUSICIAN: 1 in every 5 models in this unit Ferocious Pounce: Snarlfangs strike with
can be a Horn Blaster. Add 1 to charge rolls for startling speed, falling upon their prey in a blur
Unit Size: 5 Points: 120 this unit if it includes any Horn Blasters. of claws and venomous jaws.
Battlefield Role: None
Base size: 60 x 35mm This unit is eligible to fight in the combat phase
‘Can’t Catch Us!’: Snarlfang Riders encircle if it is within 6" of an enemy unit instead of 3",
the enemy, keeping their distance and filling and it can move an extra 3" when it piles in.
Each model in a Snarlfang Riders unit is their targets with arrows before they finally
armed with a Grot Bow and Stabbin’ Stikka. close in for the kill. Smell Weakness: Once it has scented blood, a
When this unit receives the Redeploy Snarlfang’s attacks become increasingly
MOUNT: This unit’s Snarlfangs are each command, you can re-roll the dice that frenzied.
armed with Slavering Jaws. determines the distance it can move. In Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with this
addition, immediately after this unit redeploys, unit’s Slavering Jaws that target a unit that has 1
CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a it can shoot. This unit cannot receive the
Gitboss. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of or more wounds allocated to it.
Unleash Hell command in the same turn it has
that model’s Stabbin’ Stikka. received the Redeploy command.
STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 5 models
in this unit can be a Gitflag Waver. Add 1 to the
Bravery characteristic of this unit if it includes
any Gitflag Wavers.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Sneaky Snufflers
Dragged along by their eager Snufflesquigs, Sneaky Snufflers harvest Looncaps and other valuable magic fungi
from the battlefield. They slash up anyone that gets in their way, and dole out mind-altering fungal treats to
nearby grots for the fun of it.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Loonfungus Sickle 2" 3 4+ 4+ -1 1
Gnashers 1" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
COMPANIONS: Each model in this unit is when the real carnage starts...
accompanied by a Snufflesquig armed with At the start of your movement phase, you can
Unit Size: 6 Points: 150 Gnashers.
Battlefield Role: None say that this unit is harvesting Looncap
Base size: 32mm Mushrooms. If you do so, it cannot move in that
Off Their ’Eads: These grots are known to movement phase, but you can make a
occasionally snack on the various strains of harvesting roll by rolling a dice. Add 1 to the
Each model in a Sneaky Snufflers unit is fungi that their Snufflesquigs unearth. Before roll if this unit is affected by the Light of the
armed with a Loonfungus Sickle. long they are oblivious to pain... and pretty Bad Moon. On a 1-2, nothing happens. On a 3+,
much everything else to boot. you can pick 1 friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in This unit has a ward of 5+. wholly within 12" of this unit. That unit has a
the following warscroll battalions: ward of 5+ until the start of your next hero
• Squiggly Hangerz-on Looncap Mushrooms: Looncaps that sprout phase. In addition, if the harvesting roll was 6+,
beneath the Bad Moon’s glare are harvested by add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that unit’s
Sneaky Snufflers, and have an intoxicating melee weapons until the start of your next hero
effect on any grots that ingest them. Sometimes phase.
a particularly potent fungus is found - and that’s



Spider Riders
Skittermobs of Spider Riders stream across the battlefield, pouring through, over and around even the densest
terrain or most formidable fortifications, They encircle their foes, pelting them with poisoned arrows and
jabbing them with crooked spears.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Spider-bow 16" 2 4+ 5+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Crooked Spear 2" 1 5+ 4+ - 1
Fangs 1" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
MOUNT: This unit’s Giant Spiders are each Spider Venom: A Giant Spiders fangs glisten
armed with Fangs. with lethal venom.
Unit Size: 5 Points: 90
Battlefield Role: None If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made
CHAMPION: 1 model in this unit can be a with this unit’s Fangs is 6, that attack causes 1
Base size: 60 x 35mm Spider Rider Boss. Add 1 to the Attacks
Notes: Battleline if general is SPIDERFANG mortal wound to the target and the attack
characteristic of that model’s Crooked Spear. sequence ends (do not make a wound roll or
save roll).
Each model in a unit of Spider Riders is armed STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 5 models
with a Spider-bow and Crooked Spear. in this unit can be a Spider Totem Bearer. Add 1 Wall Crawler: The Spiderfangs arachnid allies
to the Bravery characteristic of this unit if it can skitter up and down vertical surfaces as if
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in includes any Spider Totem Bearers. they were flat ground.
the following warscroll battalions:
• Spider Rider Skitterswarm MUSICIAN: 1 in every 5 models in this unit When this unit makes a move, it can pass across
can be a Bone Drummer. Add 1 to run rolls for terrain features in the same manner as a unit
this unit if it includes any Bone Drummers. that can fly.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Sporesplatta Fanatics
Sporesplatta Fanatics careen towards the foe swinging Thwackwheezer Puffshrooms. The billowing clouds of
spores spewed out by these fungi veil the grot hordes from sight, invigorating the followers of the Bad Moon
whilst choking and blinding the foe.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Spore-ball and Chain 3" D3 2+ 4+ -1 D3
A Prod in the Right Direction: As battle Spore Cloud: The spore-balls these Fanatics
begins, grots like to give the Sporesplattas a swing around create dense clouds that are nigh
Unit Size: 5 Points: 90 helpful prod towards the enemy to make sure impossible to see through.
Battlefield Role: None they and their toxic spore-clouds end up as far
Base size: 32mm Visibility between 2 models is blocked if a
away as possible! straight line drawn between the closest points of
After deployment but before the first battle the 2 models passes across a model in this unit
Each model in a Sporesplatta Fanatics unit is round begins, this unit can make a normal or passes within 1" of this unit. This ability does
armed with a Spore-ball and Chain. move. not apply if either of the models the line is
drawn between is a model in this unit, a model
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in Puffshroom Frenzy: Puffshroom spores send that can fly, or a MONSTER.
the following warscroll battalions: the followers of the Bad Moon into a violent
• Skulkmob Horde frenzy.
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee
weapons used by other friendly GLOOMSPITE
GITZ units while they are wholly within 9" of
any friendly units with this ability.



Squig Herd
Herds of Cave Squigs race into battle gnashing their huge fangs and sinking them into anything that comes
near. Their tough little grot herders keep the squigs moving in the right direction, using pointy sticks and
noisemakers to really rile them up.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Fang-filled Gob 1" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1
Squig Prodder 1" 2 5+ 5+ - 1
SQUIG HERDERS: 1 in every 6 models in Squigs Gone Wild: When a Cave Squig decides
this unit must be a Squig Herder. Those models to flee, it snaps at anything that is foolish
Unit Size: 12 Points: 140 are each armed with a Squig Prodder instead of enough to get in its way.
Battlefield Role: None a Fang-filled Gob.
Base size: 25mm Each time a Cave Squig in this unit flees as a
Notes: Battleline if general is MOONCLAN result of a failed battleshock test, before that
Herding Squigs: While they have a thankless model is removed from play, roll a dice. On a
and frankly dangerous job, Squig Herders do 3+, you can pick the closest enemy unit within
Each model in a Squig Herd unit is armed their best to keep their frenzied squigs together 9" of that model. That unit suffers 1 mortal
with a Fang-filled Gob. as a roughly single pack. wound. If multiple units are tied to be the
This unit cannot receive commands. However, closest within 9" of it, you can pick which
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in at the start of your hero phase, you can roll 1 suffers the mortal wound.
the following warscroll battalions: dice for each Squig Herder in this unit. For each
• Squigalanche 2+, you can return D3 slain Cave Squigs to this
• Squiggly Hangerz-on unit. For each 1, 1 Squig Herder in this unit is

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Zarbag’s Gitz
This dubious bunch of greenskin hooligans have followed Zarbag into countless dangerous and often ludicrous
situations, and have demonstrated a talent for emerging more or less in one piece with heaps of glinting shinies
to show for it.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Moonclan Bow 20" 1 4+ 4+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Squig Brand 2" 2 3+ 3+ -1 2
Barbed Net 2" 3 3+ 4+ - 1
Slitta 1" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
Fang-filled Gob 1" 3 4+ 3+ -1 1
Netters: Moonclan grots use throwing nets to ‘Protect Da Boss!’: Zarbag’s Gitz try to protect
capture Cave Squigs and entangle their foes. their boss in battle, for if he gets hurt and
Unit Size: 8 Points: 180 survives, they know they’ll suffer for it!
Battlefield Role: None Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by
Base size: 25mm enemy units while they are within 1" of any Before you allocate a wound or mortal wound
Notes: Single, Unique. Zarbag and Zarbag’s friendly units that include any models armed to a friendly ZARBAG, or instead of making a
Gitz must be taken as a set. Although taken with a Barbed Net. ward roll for a wound or mortal wound that
as a set, each is a separate unit. would be allocated to a friendly ZARBAG, if this
Snirk Sourtongue: Drunk on fungus brew, unit is within 3" of that friendly ZARBAG, you
when the deranged Snirk Sourtongue spots the can roll a dice. On a 1-2, that wound or mortal
The models in Zarbag’s Gitz are Drizgit da enemy, the rest of Zarbag’s Gitzpush him away wound is allocated to that ZARBAG as normal.
Squig Herder, Prog da Netter, Dibbz, Redkap, as quickly as possible, for he is impossible to On a 3+, that wound or mortal wound is
Stikkit, Gobbaluk and Bonekrakka. stop once he starts whirling his ball and chain. allocated to this unit instead.
Drizgit da Squig Herder is armed with a Squig The first time this unit is set up on the
Brand. Prog da Netter is armed with a Barbed battlefield, 1 LOONSMASHA FANATICS unit
Net. Dibbz, Redkap and Stikkit are each armed consisting of 1 model is added to your army and
with a Moonclan Bow and Slitta. Gobbaluk hidden within this unit as a reserve unit.
and Bonekrakka are each armed with a Fang-
filled Gob.

Behemoth 23/34
2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Aleguzzler Gargant
Aleguzzler Gargants that accompany Gloomspite hordes into battle are often combating raging hangovers from
drinking too much crude fungus brew. They fight for more barrels of the same foul stuff, so that they can get
inebriated all over again.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Massive Club 2" 3+ 3+ -1 2
’Eadbutt 2" 1 4+ 3+ -3
Mighty Kick 2" 1 3+ 3+ -2 D3

Wounds Suffered Move Massive Club ’Eadbutt
0-5 8" 5 4
6-7 7" 4 3
8-9 6" 3 2
10+ 5" 2 1
Drunken Stagger: Often still inebriated, Stuff’Em In Me Bag: Gargants are known to
Aleguzzlers can lurch forwards with surprising grab hapless warriors and stuff them screaming
Unit Size: 1 Points: 140 speed -buttheir sozzled clumsiness makes them into their bags ‘for later’...
Battlefield Role: Behemoth just as dangerous to their allies as their
Base size: 90 x 52mm After this unit piles in, you can pick 1 enemy
enemies. model within 3" of it and roll a dice. If the roll
Notes: Single
You can attempt a charge with this unit if it is is at least double that model’s Wounds
within 18" of the enemy instead of 12", In characteristic, it is slain.
An Aleguzzler Gargant is armed with a addition, roll 3D6 instead of 2D6 when making
Massive Club, ’Eadbutt and Mighty Kick. a charge roll for this unit. However, if a charge Timber!: A dying gargant is a weapon of ruin
roll for this unit includes three dice that show in its own right, though it is anyone’s guess
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the same number before modifiers are applied, where - and on whom - their body will fall.
the following warscroll battalions: this unit cannot make a charge move in that
• Troggherd If this model is slain, before removing the
phase and the players must roll off. The winner model from the battlefield, the players must roll
must pick a point on the battlefield 3" from this off. The winner picks a point on the battlefield
unit. Each unit within 2" of that point suffers D3 3" from the slain model. Each unit within 2" of
mortal wounds. that point that is not a GARGANT or a
MEGA-GARGANT suffers D3 mortal wounds. The
slain model is then removed from the

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Arachnarok Spider with Flinger

Some Arachnarok Spiders bear howdahs upon their backs that have flinger catapults built into them. Operated
by a cackling grot crew, these weapons lob tumbling masses of envenomed webbing that slam down to entangle
and poison the enemy.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Flinger 36" See below 3+ 3+ - 1
Spider-bows 16" 10 4+ 5+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Chitinous Legs 2" 4+ 3+ -1 1
Monstrous Fangs 1" 4 3+ -1 3
Crooked Spears 1" 8 5+ 4+ - 1

Wounds Suffered Chitinous Legs Monstrous Fangs
0-6 8 2+
7-9 7 3+
10-12 6 3+
13+ 5 4+
Flinger: This crude catapult hurls a heavy hall Spider Venom: An Arachnarok Spider
of corded spider-silk at the enemy. Any victims monstrous fangs glisten with deadly toxic
Unit Size: 1 Points: 250 not crushed by the missile when it lands are venom.
Battlefield Role: Behemoth engulfed by the mass of sticky webbing as it
Base size: 160mm If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made
explosively unfurls. with this unit’s Monstrous Fangs is 6, that
Notes: Single
The Attacks characteristic of a Flinger is equal attack causes 3 mortal wounds to the target and
to the number of models in the target unit, to a the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound
An Arachnarok Spider with Flinger is armed maximum of 20. In addition, if any attacks roll or save roll).
with a Flinger, Chitinous Legs and Monstrous made with this unit’s Flinger score a hit, after
Fangs. those attacks have been resolved, roll a dice. On Wall Crawler: The Spiderfang’s arachnid
a 2+, the target unit is entangled until the start allies can skitter up and down vertical surfaces
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in of your next hero phase. While a unit is as if they were flat ground.
the following warscroll battalions: entangled, halve its Move characteristic. A unit
• Arachnarok Spider Cluster When this unit makes a move, it can pass across
cannot be entangled more than once at the same terrain features in the same manner as a unit
time. that can fly.
CREW: This unit is accompanied by a
Spiderfang grot crew armed with Spider-bows
and Crooked Spears.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty

Vast arachnid predators possessed of a malevolent sentience, Arachnarok Spiders stalk into battle carrying
rickety howdahs full of shrieking Spiderfang grots, who worship the creatures as the progeny of their eight-
legged god.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Spider-bows 16" 10 4+ 5+ - 1
MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Chitinous Legs 2" 4+ 3+ -1 1
Monstrous Fangs 1" 4 3+ -1 3
Crooked Spears 1" 10 5+ 4+ - 1

Wounds Suffered Chitinous Legs Monstrous Fangs
0-6 8 2+
7-9 7 3+
10-12 6 3+
13+ 5 4+
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in Spider Venom: An Arachnarok Spider’s
the following warscroll battalions: monstrous fangs glisten with deadly toxic
Unit Size: 1 Points: 200 • Arachnarok Spider Cluster venom.
Battlefield Role: Behemoth
Base size: 160mm If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made
CREW: This unit has a Spiderfang grot crew with this unit’s Monstrous Fangs is 6, that
Notes: Single. Battleline if general is armed with Spider-bows and Crooked Spears.
SPIDERFANG attack causes 3 mortal wounds to the target and
the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound
‘For Da Spider God!’: The chance to ride to roll or save roll).
An Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang war atop their living deities fills Spiderfang
Warparty is armed with Chitinous Legs and grots with a zealous urge to claim new lands for Wall Crawler: The Spiderfang’s arachnid
Monstrous Fangs. the Spider God’s brood. allies can skitter up and down vertical surfaces
This unit counts as 10 models for the purposes as if they were flat ground.
of contesting objectives. When this unit makes a move, it can pass across
terrain features in the same manner as a unit
that can fly.

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Mangler Squigs
Possibly the most insane living weapons to be unleashed upon the Mortal Realms, Mangler Squigs crash, jump
and roll across the battlefield leaving trails of torn and broken bodies in their wake.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Huge Fang-filled Gobs 2" 4 3+ -1 D6
Balls and Chains 2" 3+ 3+ -2 D3
Bashin’ Stikks 1" 4 4+ 4+ - 1

Wounds Suffered Move Huge Fang-filled Gobs Balls and Chains
0-6 D6+10" 3+ 7
7-9 D6+7" 4+ 6
10-12 D6+5" 5+ 5
13+ D6+10" 2+ 8
CREW: This unit is accompanied by a grot Watch Out!: Mangler Squigs are capable of
crew armed with Bashin’ Stikks. great destruction even in their wildly bouncing
Unit Size: 1 Points: 260 death throes.
Battlefield Role: Behemoth FLY: This unit can fly.
Base size: 80mm If this model is slain, before it is removed from
Notes: Single play, roll a dice for each other unit within 3" of
Ker-splat!: Mangler Squigs produce an impact this model. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal
that is nothing short of spectacular, sending wounds.
Mangler Squigs are armed with Huge Fang- severed body parts and splashes of gore
filled Gobs and Balls and Chains. skywards.
After this unit makes a charge move, pick 1
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in enemy unit within 1" of this unit and roll a dice
the following warscroll battalions: for each model in that unit, to a maximum of 10
• Squigalanche dice. For each 4+, that unit suffers 1 mortal

2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls

Skitterstrand Arachnarok
Creeping out from their web-wreathed Shyishan lairs, Skitterstrand Arachnaroks burst through temporary
realmgates to snatch up their prey, biting off heads, injecting paralysing venom and dragging choice victims
away into the darkness.

MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Chitinous Legs 2" 4+ 3+ -1 1
Monstrous Fangs 1" 4 3+ -1 3

Wounds Suffered Chitinous Legs Monstrous Fangs
0-6 8 2+
7-9 7 3+
10-12 6 3+
13+ 5 4+
Ambush From Beyond: Skitterstrand Spider Venom: An Arachnarok Spider
Arachnaroks stalk their prey through the arcane monstrous fangs glisten with deadly toxic
Unit Size: 1 Points: 170 paths that connect the realms. venom.
Battlefield Role: Behemoth
Base size: 160mm During deployment, instead of setting up this If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made
Notes: Single unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one with this unit’s Monstrous Fangs is 6, that
side and say that it is set up in ambush as a attack causes 3 mortal wounds to the target and
reserve unit. At the end of your movement the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound
A Skitterstrand Arachnarok is armed with phase, you can set up any friendly units that are roll or save roll).
Chitinous Legs and Monstrous Fangs. in ambush on the battlefield more than 9" from
all enemy units. In addition, at the end of the Wall Crawler: The Spiderfang’s arachnid
BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in combat phase, you can say that this unit will allies can skitter up and down vertical surfaces
the following warscroll battalions: ambush again. If you do so, remove it from the as if they were flat ground.
• Skitterstrand Nest battlefield. It is set up in ambush as a reserve When this unit makes a move, it can pass across
unit once more. terrain features in the same manner as a unit
that can fly.



Faction Terrain Feature 28/34
2/26/24, 8:37 AM Warscrolls


Bad Moon Loonshrine

Where the Fangz of the Bad Moon fall, they smash down upon the landscape causing untold devastation. Then come the
Gloomspite hordes, creeping from below to hew these loonstone outcroppings into grotesque shrinelairs that soon become
encrusted with fungi and imbued with the sinister energies of their progenitor rock.

features at the same time, they must roll off emerge from these echoing subterranean
and the winner chooses who sets up their passages.
Unit Size: - Points: 0 faction terrain features first.
Battlefield Role: Faction Terrain Feature At the end of each of your turns, you can
Base size: Use model pick 1 friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ unit that
IMPASSABLE: You cannot move a model has been destroyed. The unit picked cannot
over this terrain feature unless it can fly, be a HERO, cannot be Unique, and must
FACTION TERRAIN: Only Gloomspite and you cannot move a model onto this have a Wounds characteristic of 5 or less.
Gitz armies can include this faction terrain terrain feature or set up a model on this After you pick a unit that has been
feature. terrain feature (even if it can fly). destroyed, roll a dice. On a 4+, a
replacement unit with half of the models
SET UP: After territories are determined, Effigy of Da Bad Moon: Larger from the unit that was destroyed (rounding
you can set up this faction terrain feature moonstone meteorites are hacked up) is added to your army. Set up that unit
wholly within your territory and more than painstakingly into crude but surprisingly wholly within 12" of a Bad Moon
3" from all objectives and other terrain lifelike effigies of the Bad Moon, and they Loonshrine in your army and more than 3"
features. If these restrictions mean you hold a sliver of its lunar power. from all enemy units. Each destroyed unit
cannot set up this faction terrain feature, GLOOMSPITE GITZ units are affected by the can only be replaced once, and replacement
you can remove 1 terrain feature that is Light of the Bad Moon while they are units cannot themselves be replaced.
wholly or partially within your territory and wholly within 12" of this terrain feature. Replacement MOONCLAN STABBAS and
attempt to set up this faction terrain feature MOONCLAN SHOOTAS can include up to half
again. If it is still impossible to set up this Moonclan Lairs: The Gloomspite Gitz use as many Netters as the destroyed unit
faction terrain feature, then it is not used. If Moonclan-dug tunnels to reach nearby (rounding up).
both players can set up faction terrain Loonshrines. In battle, reinforcements

Endless Spell


Malevolent Moon
The Malevolent Moon is conjured when a shaman raises high a carved loonstone simulacrum of the Bad Moon and jabbers the
right words. The statue swells into a cackling, glowing abomination that sweeps across the battlefield wreaking havoc.

PREDATORY: This endless spell is a Lurid Light: To the maniacal grots of the
predatory endless spell. It can be moved up Gloomspite Gitz, one cackling lunar entity
Unit Size: - Points: 80 to 12" and can fly. streaking through the sky is much like
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell another.
Base size: 50mm Malevolent Intentions: A Malevolent While this endless spell is controlled by a
Moon crashes through its foes, biting and model in a Gloomspite Gitz army,
SUMMONING: This endless spell is crushing them as it goes. GLOOMSPITE GITZ units in the same army
summoned with a spell that has a casting After this endless spell has moved, roll a are affected by the Light of the Bad Moon
value of 6 and a range of 12". If dice for each unit within 3" of it. On a 2+, while they are wholly within 12" of this
successfully cast, set up this endless spell that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. endless spell.
wholly within range and visible to the GLOOMSPITE GITZ units are not affected by
caster, and more than 1" from all models, this ability.
other endless spells and invocations. Only
summon this endless spell. 29/34
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Mork’s Mighty Mushroom

Mork’s Mighty Mushroom begins as a single spore plucked from between the caster’s filthy toes. By the time it is flung at the foe,
it has swollen into a fully grown mushroom, and within moments it blooms into something huge and unutterably foul.

Mutating Spores: Grots know to steer

clear of even the smallest Skullshrooms, as
Unit Size: - Points: 80 their spores have a terrifying and
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell immediate effect upon those who come into
Base size: 60mm contact with them. When Mork’s Mighty
Mushroom erupts onto the battlefield, it
SUMMONING: This endless spell is belches inescapable clouds of these horrible
summoned with a spell that has a casting motes that cause smaller Skullshrooms to
value of 6 and a range of 6D6". If violently burst forth from everything they
successfully cast, set up this endless spell touch - a process that has particularly
wholly within range and visible to the messy results upon living things.
caster, and more than 1" from all models, At the start of the shooting phase, roll a
other endless spells and invocations. Only number of dice for each unit within 8" of
GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARDS can attempt to this endless spell equal to the number of
summon this endless spell. models in that unit that are within 8" of this
endless spell. For each 5+, that unit suffers
1 mortal wound.


Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron
Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron fumes with sorcerous energies, and a shaman who drinks of its foul fluids feels magical
knowledge burn through their brain. Yet the cauldron squeals always with idiot hunger, and there is a price to be paid for the
arcane power it bestows.

LINKED: This endless spell must remain Bloodslither Pact: Scrapskuttle’s

within 1" of the model that summoned it. Arachnacauldron only imparts its gifts
Unit Size: - Points: 40 For rules purposes, this endless spell and when live victims are plunged screaming
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell the model that summoned it are treated as a into the bubbling broth that sloshes around
Base size: 75 x 42mm single model that uses that model’s in its iron belly. If no enemies are nearby,
warscroll, with the addition of the abilities then allies or even the caster will have to be
SUMMONING: This endless spell is on this warscroll. sacrificed!
summoned with a spell that has a casting After this endless spell is set up and at the
value of 5 and a range of 1". If successfully If the model that summoned this endless start of each of their hero phases, the
cast, set up this endless spell within range spell is slain, then this endless spell is commanding player must pick 1 unit within
and visible to the caster, and more than 1" immediately removed from play. If this 3" of the model that summoned this endless
from all other models, other endless spells endless spell is dispelled and the model that spell. That unit suffers 1 mortal wound that
and invocations. Only GLOOMSPITE GITZ summoned it has not been slain, remove this cannot be negated.
WIZARD HEROES can attempt to summon endless spell from play but leave the model
this endless spell. that summoned it on the battlefield. Designer’s Note: If there are no other units
within 3", then the model that summoned
A WIZARD in a garrison cannot attempt to Blessings of the Cauldron: Scrapskuttle’s this endless spell must be picked to suffer
summon this endless spell, and if this Arachnacauldron grants great arcane the mortal wound.
endless spell is summoned, the WIZARD that power to the one brave or mad enough to
summoned it cannot join a garrison until call upon its aid.
this endless spell has been removed from The model that summoned this endless spell
play. can attempt to cast 1 additional spell while
this endless spell is on the battlefield. In
addition, if the model that summoned this
endless spell is a MOONCLAN unit in a
Gloomspite Gitz army, it knows all of the
spells from the Lore of the Moonclans
while this endless spell is on the battlefield. 30/34
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First comes a weird whispering, a rising scrape and skitter like a wind through dry leaves. Then the Scuttletide spills out onto the
battlefield, sorcerous spiders by the thousand squeezing from cracks in the ground and surging from shadows and undergrowth
to overrun and frenziedly bite everything in their path.

PREDATORY: This endless spell is a Endless Terrors: The sorcerous energies of

predatory endless spell. It can be moved up the Scuttletide are bolstered by nearby
Unit Size: - Points: 70 to 8". Arachnaroks, drawing forth wave after
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell wave of the crawling critters and making
Base size: Use model Scuttling Horde: A Scuttletide seethes them near impossible to get rid of.
across the battlefield, biting and poisoning While this endless spell is wholly within
SUMMONING: This endless spell is anything that gets in its way or that 12" of any ARACHNAROK units, it can only
summoned with a spell that has a casting approaches too closely. be dispelled with a dispelling roll of 9+.
value of 7. Add 1 to casting rolls for this After this endless spell has moved, the
spell if the caster is a SPIDERFANG WIZARD. commanding player can pick 1 unit within
If successfully cast, set up this endless spell 1" of this endless spell and roll 8 dice. For
within 8" of a terrain feature that is visible each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
to the caster, and more than 1" from all In addition, roll 8 dice for each unit that
models, other endless spells and finishes a normal move, run, retreat or
invocations. Only GLOOMSPITE GITZ charge move within 6" of this endless spell.
WIZARDS can attempt to summon this For each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal
endless spell. wound. SPIDERFANG units are not affected
by this ability.

Warscroll Battalion


Bosses of the Skrap

A Moonclan Skrap consists of every single Moonclan Grot that could be rousted, bullied or lured out of their lurklair and shoved
hastily into some semblance of battle order. Any reluctance for the upcoming fight that this greenskin horde might possess is
swiftly eclipsed as the Bad Moon rises and the Gloomspite seizes hold of them.

ORGANISATION Spreading Loonacy: When Moonclan grots gather into a skrap, the energies of the
Gloomspite surge through them like a tide and send them frothing mad.
• 1-3 LOONBOSS units Add the number of the current battle round to the Bravery characteristic of units in
this battalion.
• 0-1 Gobbapalooza units 31/34
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Skulkmob Horde
A Moonclan Skrap consists of every single Moonclan Grot that could be rousted, bullied or lured out of their lurklair and shoved
hastily into some semblance of battle order. Any reluctance for the upcoming fight that this greenskin horde might possess is
swiftly eclipsed as the Bad Moon rises and the Gloomspite seizes hold of them.


Unit Size: - Points: 160
• 1 LOONBOSS unit
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
• 3-6 Moonclan Stabbas units or Moonclan
Shootas units in any combination Spreading Loonacy: When Moonclan grots gather into a skrap, the energies of the
Gloomspite surge through them like a tide and send them frothing mad.
• 3 Loonsmasha Fanatics units or
Sporesplatta Fanatics units in any Add the number of the current battle round to the Bravery characteristic of units in
combination this battalion.


Squiggly Hangerz-on
A Moonclan Skrap consists of every single Moonclan Grot that could be rousted, bullied or lured out of their lurklair and shoved
hastily into some semblance of battle order. Any reluctance for the upcoming fight that this greenskin horde might possess is
swiftly eclipsed as the Bad Moon rises and the Gloomspite seizes hold of them.

ORGANISATION Spreading Loonacy: When Moonclan grots gather into a skrap, the energies of the
Gloomspite surge through them like a tide and send them frothing mad.
• 1 Squigboss with Gnasha-squig Add the number of the current battle round to the Bravery characteristic of units in
this battalion.
• 1-3 Squig Herd units
• 1-3 Sneaky Snufflers units
• 0-4 Squig Hoppers or Boingrot Bounderz
units in any combination


Arachnarok Spider Cluster

Unit Size: - Points: 100
• 1 Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
Spider unit
• 2-3 Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Hunting Broods: Stalktribes hunt their victims in closely coordinated packs, herding
Warparty units their prey into one another’s clutches to deliver the killing bite.
• 0-2 Arachnarok Spider with Flinger units Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by units in this battalion that
target an enemy unit that has been targeted by an attack made by another unit from
this battalion in the same phase. 32/34
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Spider Rider Skitterswarm

Unit Size: - Points: 120
• 1 Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
• 2-6 Spider Rider units
Hunting Broods: Stalktribes hunt their victims in closely coordinated packs, herding
their prey into one another’s clutches to deliver the killing bite.
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by units in this battalion that
target an enemy unit that has been targeted by an attack made by another unit from
this battalion in the same phase.


Skitterstrand Nest
Unit Size: - Points: 110
• 2-3 Skitterstrand Arachnarok units
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion

Hunting Broods: Stalktribes hunt their victims in closely coordinated packs, herding
their prey into one another’s clutches to deliver the killing bite.
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by units in this battalion that
target an enemy unit that has been targeted by an attack made by another unit from
this battalion in the same phase.


A Troggherd could be likened to a slow-moving avalanche, which starts with a lone Dankhold Troggboss setting off to points
unknown and ends with a lumbering mass of violently stupid and single-minded monsters smashing their way through everything
in their path.


Unit Size: - Points: 170
• 1 Dankhold Troggboss
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
• 3-9 Dankhold Troggoths, Fellwater
Troggoths or Rockgut Troggoths units in Eat on the Move: Too dim to think about stopping for a snack but always hungry,
any combination troggoths snatch up screaming victims and stuff them into their maws even as they
lumber across the battlefield.
• 0-2 Aleguzzler Gargants
Each time a unit in this battalion fights, after all of its attacks have been resolved, if
any enemy models were slain by those attacks, you can heal up to D3 wounds
allocated to that unit. 33/34
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The grots of a Squigalanche range nomadically across the Mortal Realms in search of the Bad Moon. Some seek to catch up to it
and sink their mounts’ fangs into its rocky hide, others to bound clean over it or stop it in its tracks just to prove they can.
Whatever their goal, anything that gets between them and the Bad Moon is sure to suffer.


Unit Size: - Points: 90
• 1 Loonboss on Mangler Squigs or
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig
• 0-3 Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig units Over Da Moon: Squigalanches chase the Bad Moon, each rider intent on being the
first to take a chunk out of it or to jump over it.
• 2-6 Squig Hoppers units or Boingrot
Bounderz units in any combination If a unit in this battalion is affected by the Light of the Bad Moon at the start of the
combat phase, that unit is eligible to fight in that phase if it is within 6" of an enemy
• 1-3 Mangler Squigs units unit instead of 3" and can move an extra 3" when it piles in.
• 0-2 Squig Herd units

Regiment of Renown


Big Grikk’s Kruleshots

Grikk swears that the massive, jagged bolt that buried itself in the back of his boss’s Corpse-rippa Vulcha had nothing to do with
him. Few believed the treacherous Big Shot, so Grikk quickly took leave of his clan, taking with him a handful of crossbow-toting
lackeys and some grots to drag his beloved killbow across the realms.


Unit Size: - Points: 290
• 1 Beast-skewer Killbow (Leader)
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
• 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz Notes: Unique, Single. These units must be taken as a set referred to as Big Grikk’s
Kruleshots. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.
• 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz
If your army has a DESTRUCTION general but ABILITIES
is not a Kruleboyz army, you can include
Back-stabbin’ Big Shot: Big Grikk has a reputation among his lads as ‘a right
this regiment of renown. If you do so, no
sneaky ’un’ – a high accolade in Kruleboyz society.
other allied units can be included in your
army. You can include this regiment of The BEAST-SKEWER KILLBOW in this regiment of renown has the HERO keyword.
renown in your army even though its
number of units and points value exceeds the Toxin-laden Skewers: Big Grikk’s Kruleshots habitually smear highly toxic
amount allowed for allied units. secretions over the tips of their jagged bolts.
If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by a model in this regiment of renown is
6, that attack causes a number of mortal wounds to the target equal to the weapon’s
Damage characteristic and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound roll or save

Skewer It Again!: There’s no need for him to point; Grikk simply uses his bolts to
indicate which beastie he wants his boyz to bring down.
If any wounds and/or mortal wounds caused by a shooting attack made by this
regiment of renown’s BEAST-SKEWER KILLBOW are allocated to an enemy MONSTER and
not negated, you can pick any number of other models in this regiment of renown and
say that they are focusing fire. If you do so, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the
Attacks characteristic of missile weapons used by those models but all of their attacks
must target that enemy MONSTER. 34/34

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