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Travel and Transport

Exercise 1

Which of these words can be used with these transportation means?

Nouns: aisle ● buffet car ● cabin ● carriage ● crossing ● cruise ● deck ● flight ● gate ● hold ●
luggage rack ● motorway ● overhead locker ● pier ● platform ● runway ● seat belt ● stand ●
tracks ● voyage

Verbs: get on ● get off ● go ashore ● land ● set sail ● slow down ● speed up ● take off









Exercise 2

Complete text with the correct form of the words in Exercise 1.

A There was no one left on the (1)__________ when the train left the station. There were a
lot of passengers without seats, and some of them were standing in the (2)__________ of our
(3)__________ . We put our bags in the (4)__________ and I went to the (5)__________ to get
some sandwiches. After we came back, the train began to (6)__________. Eventually it stopped,
and we had to wait for someone to clean the leaves off the (7)__________.

B I’d never been on a (1)__________ before, so I was really excited when we got to the
(2)__________ and we saw the ship. We went out on the (3)__________ when we
(4)__________, so we saw the land slowly disappear from view. The (5)__________ from
Southampton to Dublin was very rough because of the storm. I was desperate to (6)__________
when we reached Ireland and I had no idea how I was going to survive the rest of the

C The coach was already at the (1)__________ when we arrived, so we put our luggage in
the (2)__________ and (3)__________. I had only just put my (4)__________ on when the
driver started the engine and we set off. Some of the cars on the (5)__________ were going very
slowly, so the driver (6)__________ to overtake them. We arrived very early, so there was
nobody waiting for us when we (7)__________.

D We didn’t have to wait long at the (1)__________ for our (2)__________ to be

announced. I only had a small suitcase, so I took it in the (3)__________ of the plane with me
and put it in the (4)__________. Then we sat on the (5)__________ for nearly an hour before we
(6)__________. We (7)__________ very late, so I went straight home to bed.

PLANE: aisle ● cabin ● flight ● gate ● overhead locker ● runway ● seat belt ● get on ● get off
● ● land ● take off

TRAIN: aisle ● buffet car ● carriage ● luggage rack ● platform ● tracks ● get on ● get off ●
slow down ● speed up

COACH: aisle ● hold ● luggage rack ● motorway ● seat belt ● stand ● get on ● get off ● slow
down ● speed up

SHIP: cabin ● crossing ● cruise ● deck ●pier ● voyage ● go ashore ● set sail ● slow down ●
speed up

1. platform
2. aisle
3. carriage
4. luggage rack
5. buffet car
6. slow down
7. tracks

1. cruise
2. pier
3. deck
4. set sail
5. crossing
6. go ashore
7. voyage

1. stand
2. hold
3. got on
4. seat belt
5. motorway
6. speeded up
7. got off

1. gate
2. flight
3. cabin
4. overhead locker
5. runway
6. took off
7. landed

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