Civil War Exam - Adapted

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Civil War Quiz

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Directions: For the following questions, read the question and select the correct
answer. Record your answer on your answer sheet.

1. If you lived in the South, what would you call the Battle of Antietam?
a. Manassas
b. Sharpsburg
c. Bull Run

2. Which battle was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?

a. Battle of Fredericksburg
b. Battle of Gettysburg
c. Battle of Bull Run

3. Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?

a. Fort Sumter
b. Bull Run
c. Gettysburg

4. What was issued five days after the Battle of Antietam?

a. Enrollment Act
b. Confiscation Act
c. Emancipation Proclamation

5. What was another name for the North during the Civil War?
a. Union
b. Confederacy
c. Carpetbaggers
6. Who was the President of the United States at the start of the Civil War?
a. Ulysses S. Grant
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Andrew Johnson

7. Which of the following states was the first to secede from the Union?
a. South Carolina
b. Georgia
c. Virginia

8. What is another name for the Battle of Bull Run?

a. Manassas
b. Vicksburg
c. Gettysburg

9. Where did we lose the most Americans in any single day of fighting?
a. Shiloh
b. Antietam
c. Fredericksburg

10.Which of the following was NOT a border state during the Civil War?
a. Missouri
b. Maryland
c. North Caolina
11. What was another name for the South during the Civil War?
a. Union
b. Confederacy
c. Loyalists

12. Who delivered the Gettysburg Address?

a. Edward Everett
b. Andrew Jackson
c. Abraham Lincoln

13. Who were the commanders at Fort Sumter?

a. Anderson v. Beauregard
b. McDowell v. Beauregard
c. McClellan v. Lee

14. Who were the commanders at Gettysburg?

a. Anderson v. Beauregard
b. Meade v. Lee
c. McDowell v. Beauregard

15. What was General Thomas Jackson’s nickname he earned in the Battle of
Bull Run?
a. Father Thomas
b. Fighting Thomas
c. “Stonewall” Jackson
Part 2: Fill in the blank
Directions: For the following questions, decide if the statement is referring to the
North or the South (N or S). If the answer is North, place an “N” on your answer
sheet. If the answer is South, place a “S” on your answer sheet.

______ 16. This side’s soldiers who died at Gettysburg were honored in the
Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery.

______ 17. Won at the Battle of Bull Run.

______ 18. Had better military leaders.

______ 19. Won at the Battle of Gettysburg.

_______ 20. Had few factories to produce weapons and other supplies.

______ 21. Better system of railroads to transport troops and supplies.

______ 22. Had an organized government with a long history.

______ 23. Knew their own land well and could defend their land effectively –
“Home Court Advantage.”

______ 24. Had a bigger population.

______ 25. Captured Fort Sumter at the beginning of the Civil War.

Part 3: Open-Ended Response

Directions: Write a response to the following question on the back of your answer
26-30. The Emancipation Proclamation: What is the big deal?

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