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Comparison of bony dimensions at the level of the pelvic
floor in women with and without pelvic organ prolapse
Tamara A. Stein, MA; Gurpreet Kaur, BA; Aimee Summers, BSE, MHS; Kindra A. Larson, MD; John O. L. DeLancey, MD

OBJECTIVE: We sought to compare bony pelvis dimensions at the 11.1 ⫾ 0.7, P ⫽ .19; anterior-posterior outlet diameter, 11.7 ⫾ 0.7
level of pelvic support in women with and without pelvic organ pro- versus 11.7 ⫾ 0.8, P ⫽ .71; pubic symphysis to ischial spine left, 9.5
lapse (POP). ⫾ 0.5 versus 9.5 ⫾ 0.4, P ⫽ .91; pubic symphysis to ischial spine
STUDY DESIGN: Pelvic floor dimensions of 42 white women with POP right, 9.5 ⫾ 0.4 versus 9.5 ⫾ 0.5, P ⫽ .81; sacrococcygeal junction
⬎ 1 cm beyond the hymen were compared with 42 age- and parity- to ischial spine left, 7.0 ⫾ 0.6 versus 7.0 ⫾ 0.5, P ⫽ .54; and sacro-
matched women with normal support. Bony landmarks relevant to con- coccygeal junction to ischial spine right, 7.0 ⫾ 0.6 versus 6.9 ⫾ 0.4,
nective tissue and levator attachments were identified on magnetic res- P ⫽ .32.
onance imaging. Dimensions were independently measured by 2
CONCLUSION: Bony pelvis dimensions are similar at the level of the
examiners and averaged for each subject.
muscular pelvic floor in white women with and without POP.
RESULTS: Measurements (in centimeters) for patients and control
subjects were as follows: interspinous diameter, 11.2 ⫾ 0.8 versus Key words: bony pelvis, pelvic dimensions, pelvic floor, prolapse

Cite this article as: Stein TA, Kaur G, Summers A, et al. Comparison of bony dimensions at the level of the pelvic floor in women with and without pelvic organ
prolapse. Am j Obstet Gynecol 2009;200:241.e1-241.e5.

P elvic organ prolapse (POP) is de-

fined as the downward descent of fe-
male pelvic organs. Epidemiologic stud-
ing indication for postmenopausal
Several hypotheses have been gener-
pose different mechanical challenges in
supporting the pelvic organs relevant to
the problem of POP. In a prior report we
ies are lacking on the prevalence of ated in an effort to identify risk factors described a series of measurements rele-
symptomatic prolapse; however, we do associated with POP. One of these con- vant to the attachment points of critical
know that by 1997 statistics, 225,000 cerns the size and shape of the pelvis. pelvic floor structures to the bony pel-
women underwent surgery for correc- These observations have concerned tra- vis.6 The purpose of this study was to
tion of prolapse (at a cost estimated at US ditional obstetric dimensions developed compare the dimensions of the bony pel-
$1 billion) and that prolapse is the lead- to assess pelvic capacity for vaginal deliv- vis at the level of the pelvic floor in
ery. They have investigated pelvic size as matched cohorts of women with and
it relates to pelvic floor injury with the without POP.
hypothesis that pelvic architecture may
From the Pelvic Floor Research Group (Ms
Stein, Kaur, and Summers, and Drs Larson influence the occurrence of pelvic floor M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS
and DeLancey), the Division of Anatomical injury during vaginal birth.3 The case- MR scans for analysis were taken from
Science, Office of Medical Eduction (Ms control study of Handa et al4 using pelvic a larger institutional review board-
Stein), and the Department of Obstetrics and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging approved case-control study with group
Gynecology (Drs Larson and DeLancey), (MRI) demonstrated a wider transverse matching for age and parity among
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. pelvic inlet and shorter obstetric conju- women with POP (patients) and women
Received May 13, 2008; revised July 30, 2008; gate in women with pelvic floor disor- with normal pelvic organ support (con-
accepted Oct. 7, 2008. ders. Sze et al5 found a wider transverse trol subjects).7 These women were re-
Reprints not available from the authors. inlet in computed tomography scans of cruited from our urogynecology clinic
Supported by the National Institute of Child women with prolapse compared with
Health and Human Development (R01 HD
and advertisements sent to the sur-
38665) and the Office for Research on
healthy control subjects. rounding community from November
Women’s Health Special Center of Research However, there is another way in 2000 through October 2004. To remove
on Sex and Gender Factors Affecting Women’s which pelvic architecture might influ- race as a confounder, all included sub-
Health (P50 HD 044406) for investigator ence POP. The shape or dimensions jects were white. Patients had to have a
formed by the attachments of the mus- portion of the vaginal wall or cervix at
cular floor to the bony pelvis might pre- least 1 cm below the hymen. The control
© 2009 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2008.10.040 dispose a woman to prolapse. It is possi- group was recruited to match for age,
ble that different pelvic sizes or shapes race, body mass index, parity, and hys-

MARCH 2009 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 241.e1

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Landmarks for bony pelvis dimension at level of pelvic floor Axial and sagittal

Bony landmarks used in analysis. Pubic symphysis was identified at level of arcuate pubic ligament
(APL), and sacrococcygeal junction was identified as junction between fifth sacral and first coccygeal
vertebrae (S5/Co1) to define anterior-posterior diameter (AP). Right ischial spine (ISR) and left
ischial spine (ISL) were identified at the most protuberant location to define interspinous diameter.
Stein. Comparison of bony dimensions at the level of the pelvic floor in women with and without pelvic organ prolapse. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 2009.

A, Axial proton density image at level of ischial

spines showing interspinous diameter. B, Mid-
terectomy status. In control subjects, all cently recruited women and working line sagittal image showing anterior-posterior
areas of the vagina and cervix (or apex) backward until the target sample was diameter, between inferior pubic point and sa-
had to be at least 1 cm above the hymen. obtained. crococcygeal junction.
Potential control subjects were excluded Stein. Comparison of bony dimensions at the level of the
pelvic floor in women with and without pelvic organ
if they demonstrated stress urinary in- Imaging prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009.
continence on a prestudy full bladder All subjects underwent MR scan using
stress test. our established protocol.8 This included
All subjects underwent clinical exami- axial, sagittal, and coronal 2-dimen-
nation, which included assessment of sional fast-spin proton-density MR forms the inferior margin of the pubic
prolapse status using the POP quantifi- scans (echo time: 15 milliseconds; repe- symphysis anteriorly; (2) the left ischial
cation system. In addition, they com- tition time: 4000 milliseconds) obtained spine (ISL) and right ischial spine (ISR)
pleted a full bladder stress test and pelvic in the supine position with a 1.5-T su- laterally; and (3) the midline sacrococcy-
floor functional studies as described in perconducting magnet (Signa; General geal articulation posteriorly (fifth sacral
the parent study.7 Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, to first coccygeal vertebrae; S5/Co1)
Sample size was chosen based on a pre- WI). The slice thickness was 4 mm with a (Figure 1). This latter point was chosen
study power calculation, which indi- slice gap of 1 mm, yielding an image rather than the inferior lateral angle of
cated a sample size of 21 subjects in each spacing of 5 mm using a 160- ⫻ 160-mm the sacrum that we used previously,6 be-
group would be needed to achieve ␣ of field of view and an imaging matrix of cause the thin bone in this area is not
0.05 and ␤ of 0.8 using the 4% difference 256 ⫻ 256. consistently visible in MRI and because
in means and the SD in transverse diam- the immediately adjacent sacral foram-
eters found by Sze et al.5 We chose to Bony pelvis dimensions ina can confound consistent bony point
double this number in case different val- Bony landmarks associated with attach- identification. The inferior extent of the
ues were found. The study set was assem- ment sites of the muscular pelvic floor APL was identified on axial MR scans as
bled by selecting artifact-free complete were identified on MR scans for each the midline point of the most caudal sec-
scans from consecutively recruited subject and included the following: (1) tion in which the APL spanned both
women, beginning with the most re- the arcuate pubic ligament (APL) that sides of midline. The sacrococcygeal ar-

241.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2009

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In all, 42 patients and 42 control subjects
Subject demographics
met criteria and were included in the
Patients with Healthy control study. The demographics of the cohorts
Demographic prolapsea (n ⴝ 42) subjects (n ⴝ 42) P value
are shown in Table 1, confirming suc-
Age (y) 52.8 ⫾ 13.6 52.6 ⫾ 13.2 .9548 cessful matching for age, race, parity,
Race (white) 100% 100% number of vaginal births, and body mass
Parity 2.6 ⫾ 1.2 2.7 ⫾ 1.4 .7439 index. As mentioned above, all subjects
Vaginal deliveries 2.1 ⫾ 0.8 2.0 ⫾ 1.0 .40397
were white. Within the prolapse group
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 subjects had cystoceles, 10 had recto-
BMI (kg/m ) 2
26.2 ⫾ 5.3 25.9 ⫾ 5.2 .7658
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. celes, and 9 had enteroceles.
BMI, body mass index. Table 2 illustrates the bony pelvis di-
Prolapse group comprised of cystoceles (n ⫽ 23), rectoceles (n ⫽ 10), and enteroceles (n ⫽ 9).
mension measurements in women with
Stein. Comparison of bony dimensions at the level of the pelvic floor in women with and without pelvic organ prolapse. POP and women with normal pelvic
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009. support. The mean distances between all
bony landmarks are identical to the
nearest millimeter in the 2 groups of
ticulation was identified on sagittal MR object and allows the evaluator to pre-
women except for the distance between
scans as the junction between the fifth cisely establish the measurement point
sacral and first coccygeal vertebrae. ISL on the original scan. All bony pelvis di- the ISR and the sacrococcygeal junction
and ISR were identified at their most me- mensions were plotted and measured in- and the distance between the 2 spines. In
dial projection on axial MR scans (Fig- dependently by 2 examiners blinded to both of these cases, however, the mean
ure 2). prolapse status. The reported value is the difference is minimal (ⱕ 1 mm) and is
Distances between points that were average of these 2 measurements. not statistically different in the 2 groups.
not in the same scan plane were calcu- Statistical analyses were performed In addition to comparing bony pelvis
lated using the Pythagorean theorem (a2 using SPSS software (SPSS, Inc, Chi- dimensions between the 2 groups, we
⫹ b2 ⫽ c2) and the fact that the slice in- cago, IL). The null hypothesis–that also tested the association between each
terval was 5 mm. The distance between there is no difference in bony dimen- dimension (eg, ISR to APL, ISR to ISL)
points would then be comparable with sions between patients and control and prolapse status. Pearson correlations
the hypotenuse and the height or y axis, subjects—was tested against each pel- for each of these measures indicated no
the measurement of the slice interval (ie, vic dimension by using the indepen- relationship between prolapse and any
10 mm if separated by 2 slices). This dent samples t test, with a value of P ⬍ pelvic dimension associated with the
technique was chosen over 3-dimen- .05 indicating significance. The rela- muscular pelvic floor.
sional model reconstruction, because it tionship between prolapse status and Interexaminer reliability for each
avoids artifacts that occur in model con- pelvic floor dimensions was tested measurement was assessed via inde-
struction as the software constructs an through a Pearson correlation. pendent samples t test and showed no

Bony pelvis dimensions of patients with prolapse vs healthy control subjects
Patients with prolapse (n ⴝ 42), Healthy control subjects (n ⴝ 42),
Pelvic dimension mean ⴞ SD (cm) mean ⴞ SD (cm) P valuea
Interspinous diameter (ISR to ISL) 11.2 ⫾ 0.8 11.1 ⫾ 0.7 .19
Anterior posterior outlet (APL to S5/Co1) 11.7 ⫾ 0.7 11.7 ⫾ 0.8 .71
Pubic symphysis to IS (IS to APL)
Left 9.5 ⫾ 0.5 9.5 ⫾ 0.4 .91
Right 9.5 ⫾ 0.4 9.5 ⫾ 0.5 .81
Sacrococcygeal junction to IS (S5/Co1 to IS)
Left 7.0 ⫾ 0.6 7.0 ⫾ 0.5 .54
Right 7.0 ⫾ 0.6 6.9 ⫾ 0.4 .32
APL, arcuate pubic ligament; IS, ischial spine; ISL, left ischial spine; ISR, right ischial spine; SD, standard deviation.
Independent samples t test.

Stein. Comparison of bony dimensions at the level of the pelvic floor in women with and without pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009.

MARCH 2009 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 241.e3

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cross-sectional area of the pelvic floor;

TABLE 3 therefore, if this cross-sectional area is
Interexaminer reliability larger, it is subject to more force. Con-
Interexaminer mean versely, if we consider the maximum
Bony dimension difference (cm), n ⴝ 84 P valuea downward force generated by people to
APL to ISL 0.0476 .20 be a constant, then a larger pelvic floor
APL to ISR 0.0250 .52 gives a larger cross-sectional area across
ISR to S5/Co1 0.0405 .29 which this force can disperse and results
in an overall decreased intraabdominal
ISL to S5/Co1 0.0191 .63
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. pressure. Although all of these theories
ISL to ISR 0.0012 .98 individually make sense, it is evident that
Axial APL to S5/Co1 0.1107 .06
our understanding of these potential
Sag APL to S5/Co1 0.0357 .29 mechanisms is limited and that the bio-
APL, arcuate pubic ligament; IS, ischial spine; ISL, left ischial spine; ISR, right ischial spine; S5/Co1, fifth sacral to first
mechanics and interaction of different
coccygeal vertebrae; Sag, sagittal. forces and support structures are poorly
Independent samples t test. understood and would benefit from fur-
ther investigation.
Stein. Comparison of bony dimensions at the level of the pelvic floor in women with and without pelvic organ prolapse.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009. There have been other efforts quanti-
fying differences in pelvic dimensions
among populations with prolapse when
difference between the measurements of pose to structural failure later in life.
compared with control subjects; how-
the 2 examiners (Table 3). Test/retest re- Vaginal birth is a well-recognized risk
ever, these studies used classic obstetric
liability of 1 examiner was assessed on all factor for the development of pelvic floor
measurements to describe the bony pel-
measured distances of 3 randomly se- dysfunction. There are several theories as
vic architecture, not the level of pelvic
lected control subjects. Measured di- to how different bony pelvis dimensions
floor support. Handa et al4 and Sze et al5
mensions were identical in all but 4 mea- predispose laboring women to increased
found differences in obstetric parame-
sures. In these measures, the difference rates of neuromuscular injury and thus
ters with wider transverse diameters of
was ⱕ 1 mm. subsequently the development of pelvic
the pelvic inlet in women with pelvic
floor dysfunction. Based on research
findings, Handa et al4 theorize that cer- floor disorders. Handa et al4 also identi-
tain pelvic shapes, such as the platypel- fied a shorter obstetric conjugate in those
Our study indicates that pelvic dimen-
loid pelvis with its narrow anterior-pos- with pelvic floor disorders. This particu-
sions at the level of the pelvic floor sup-
port in matched cohorts of women with terior diameter, might be more likely to lar study had several limitations. The
and without POP are similar. These mea- result in a prolonged second stage of la- study examined women with a wide va-
surements (Table 2) taken at levator ani bor and increased rates of nerve injury. riety of pelvic floor disorders, with only
muscle attachment sites along the bony They also suggests that in a pelvis with a 80% of the study population having
pelvis in women who were well matched shorter obstetric conjugate, the trauma POP. In addition, there were signifi-
for age, race, and parity are a strong in- may be focused anteriorly and cause cantly different racial compositions in
dication that these dimensions are simi- more injury to the origins of the levator the patients and control subjects: the pa-
lar in white women with and without ani, uterosacral ligaments, and hypogas- tient group was 8.5% African American,
prolapse. These findings do not support tric nerve along the anterior portions of whereas the control group was 36%. This
our hypothesis that women with pro- the bony pelvis. In a different manner, is a potentially important confounder,
lapse would have different pelvic dimen- after publishing their study, Sze et al5 because these 2 racial groups are known
sions than those without. We had fully suggest that a smaller pelvis may be pro- to have different pelvic architecture,6 al-
expected to find differences between tective and that it may in fact be in- though this was controlled for statisti-
these groups, based on the presumption creased pelvic dimensions that permit cally in the analysis. In addition, racial
that a larger pelvis may subject the pelvic larger infants to pass through the birth differences have been described at the
floor structures to greater forces, result- canal, resulting in increased rates of neu- level of the pelvic floor and must be ac-
ing in a higher rate of prolapse. romuscular injury. counted for in studies of pelvic morphol-
Current theories as to how pelvic Another theory supporting that a ogy. Hoyte et al9 identified these crucial
dimensions may impact prolapse devel- larger pelvis has a predisposition to pel- differences in a study of African Ameri-
opment can be grouped into 2 main cat- vic floor dysfunction is postulated by can and white women with normal sup-
egories: (1) by influencing birth mecha- Baragi et al.6 Using basic physical princi- port: African American women had
nism in a way that might increase ples, they argue that the downward force increased muscle bulk and closer pubo-
damage at delivery or (2) by contributing generated by intraabdominal pressure is rectalis attachment than their white
to geometric factors that would predis- equal to this pressure multiplied by the counterparts.

241.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MARCH 2009

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Although the inlet of the pelvis may in- nally, it is not possible to completely blind REFERENCES
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measures were taken from the midline sa- floor attaches to the body pelvis is similar gan prolapse. Obstet Gynecol 2007;109:
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floor will be of a major magnitude. In ad-
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MARCH 2009 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 241.e5

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