Obesity - 2012 - Elshorbagy - Cysteine and Obesity

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nature publishing group Reviews

Integrative Physiology

Cysteine and Obesity

Amany K. Elshorbagy1,2, A. David Smith1, Viktor Kozich3 and Helga Refsum1,4
Obesity (2012) 20, 473–481. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.93

Obesity is associated with elevation of this amino acid can form disulfide link- transmethylation reactions, is an allos-
circulating levels of several amino acids, ages, which in turn control protein struc- teric activator of CBS (5). This regula-
but the mechanism of this elevation ture and stability (1). Nonprotein bound tory mechanism promotes disposal of
is unclear. The type of dietary protein (free) cysteine in plasma often exists as excess methionine through irreversible
influences the risk of obesity, suggest- homogeneous (cystine) or mixed (e.g., conversion to cysteine (5), and inhibits
ing that specific amino acids could homocysteine-cysteine) disulfides. transsulfuration when methionine sup-
contribute to regulating weight gain. Plasma measurements of cysteine are ply is limited. Flux through the trans-
Plasma concentrations of cysteine, but often reported as total cysteine (tCys), sulfuration pathway in the liver is also
not of other sulfur amino acids, corre- which refers to all circulating forms favored under oxidative stress, which
late strongly with fat mass and BMI in including free, disulfide, and albumin- increases the supply cysteine for GSH
men and women. High plasma cysteine bound cysteine. Plasma tCys is largely synthesis (6).
is also linked to obesity-related dis- oxidized, while cellular tCys is largely It is estimated that ~50% of the cysteine
orders such as cardiovascular disease reduced (2). Although cysteine is the utilized for hepatic GSH synthesis comes
and metabolic syndrome. Several lines limiting precursor of the major intracel- from transsulfuration (6). The enzyme
of evidence suggest that increased lular antioxidant glutathione (GSH) (3), γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), local-
cysteine availability may promote obes- not only low plasma tCys, but also high ized to membranes of certain cell types,
ity. Evidence from interventions where tCys, predicts adverse outcomes, includ- catalyzes extracellular GSH cleavage,
cysteine-containing, cysteine-produc- ing cardiovascular disease (4). Here, we ultimately releasing cysteine for uptake
ing, or anti-cysteine compounds are review the evidence that high tCys may by cells (Figure 1) (7). The importance
administered or restricted supports a also be causally related to obesity. of GGT in plasma cysteine homeostasis
causal role for cysteine in regulating is highlighted by mouse models (8,9),
body weight. Genetic syndromes char- Cysteine: Sources and Fates and one human case report (10), in
acterized by high or low plasma cysteine The cysteine pool is a function of dietary which genetic GGT deficiency resulted
often exhibit corresponding changes in intake, protein turnover, and endog- in severe deficiency of plasma cysteine.
body weight. Studies on cultured rat adi- enous synthesis (Figure 1) (2). Cysteine Cysteine is also the precursor of coen-
pocytes provide insight into the cellular is synthesized by transsulfuration from zyme A (11). In conditions of sulfur
mechanisms underlying the relation of homocysteine, a product of the essential amino acid excess, cysteine can also be
cysteine with body fat. The prospect of sulfur amino acid, methionine (1). In oxidized to inorganic sulfur and pyru-
weight control by modulating cysteine the first reaction, catalyzed by cystath- vate (11), which can be further used in
intake, synthesis or action is attrac- ionine β-synthase (CBS), homocysteine gluconeogenesis (12).
tive, since cysteine and its precursor, condenses with serine to form cystathio- There is evidence that cysteine lev-
methionine, are ingested in diet and at nine, which is cleaved by cystathionase, els are regulated at the level of cysteine
least one licensed drug reduces cysteine releasing cysteine. CBS thus catalyzes breakdown (13). Cysteine dioxygenase
formation. This review summarizes cur- the first irreversible step that commits catalyses the first major step in cysteine
rent knowledge about the relationship homocysteine to transsulfuration and catabolism and taurine production
between cysteine and body weight. cysteine synthesis (Figure 1) (5). (Figure 1). Cysteine dioxygenase is
Two major factors regulating CBS activ- markedly upregulated in response to
Cysteine is a conditionally essential pro- ity are methionine availability and cellu- high cysteine or protein availability, thus
teinogenic sulfur-containing amino acid. lar redox state. S-adenosylmethionine, controlling the conservation or disposal
Through its sulfhydryl group reactivity, the methionine product mediating all of cysteine, depending on its supply (13).

Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; 2Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt;
Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic; 4Department of Nutrition,
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Correspondence: Amany K. Elshorbagy (amany.elshorbagy@pharm.ox.ac.uk)
Received 2 August 2010; accepted 14 March 2011; published online 5 May 2011. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.93

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Integrative Physiology

SAM Since this was also a noninterventional

Methionine SAH study, two possibilities for interpreta-
Homocysteine tion of the findings were either that a
Serine high cysteine somehow promotes obes-
Protein CBS
ity or that obesity influences cysteine
turnover, thereby raising plasma tCys.
CGL Glutamate Results from our recent study of changes
in plasma sulfur amino acids in super-
γ -Glutamyl cysteine
Pantothenic Cysteine GGCS
obese patients undergoing bariatric sur-
gery suggest that body fat mass is not a
determinant of plasma tCys concentra-
Coenzyme A Cysteinesulfinate
tions (22). A third possibility is that one
GGT γ -Glutamyl cysteinyl-
or more confounding factor(s) simulta-
glycine glycine (Glutathione) neously increases plasma cysteine and
Cysteamine Hypotaurine
Aminoacid predisposes to obesity, or that cysteine
Taurine Glutamyl is a marker associated with obesity or
obesity-related morbidity.
Figure 1 Cysteine: metabolic pathways. Cysteine is a constituent of dietary proteins, a product of
turnover of body protein pools, and is synthesized from methionine in the transsulfuration pathway, The Cysteine-Fat Mass
mainly in the liver. Located at cell membranes, γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) catalyzes breakdown of Relationship and Potential
glutathione to glutamate and cysteinylglycine, which ultimately releases cysteine, in the γ-glutamyl Confounders
cycle. Cysteine is also the precursor of coenzyme A, glutathione, and taurine. Dotted arrows indicate
GGT activity
pathways with omitted intermediates for purposes of clarity. a.a., amino acid; CBS, cystathionine
β-synthase; CDO, cysteine dioxygenase; CGL, cystathionine γ-lyase; GGCS, γ-glutamylcysteine One factor that fulfills the criteria of a
synthase; H2S, hydrogen sulfide; SAM, S-adenosyl methionine; SAH, S-adenosyl homocysteine. confounder in the tCys–fat mass asso-
ciation is GGT enzyme activity. GGT
Notably, cysteine dioxygenase shows tCys over time” (16). Two studies investi- is a recognized marker of obesity (7,23)
this powerful cysteine-responsiveness in gating tCys as a risk factor for cardiovas- which also catalyzes breakdown of
liver and adipose tissue (13), but not in cular disease recognized this tCys-BMI GSH in the γ-glutamyl cycle, eventu-
the kidney, lung, or brain (14), suggest- relationship (4,17). The tCys-BMI cor- ally releasing cysteine. Thus it is con-
ing a relation between cysteine homeos- relation was also reported in postmeno- ceivable that obese individuals, through
tasis and adipose tissue function. pausal women (18), metabolic syndrome an unknown mechanism (23), feature
This review summarizes available evi- patients (19), and healthy controls in a increased GGT activity which elevates
dence linking cysteine with body weight breast cancer study (20). These studies their tCys. However, in the COMAC
and obesity. First, epidemiologic studies did not specify whether tCys was related cohort of >1,500 men and women from
linking plasma tCys with BMI and body to fat mass or lean mass. nine European countries, plasma tCys
composition are presented. Subsequently In 2008, we investigated the relation was found to be associated with BMI
genetic syndromes and animal studies between tCys and body composition independent of plasma GGT activity
supporting a causal role for cysteine in measured by dual-energy X-ray absorp- (24). Subjects in the highest quartile of
weight regulation are reviewed. Finally tiometry, in >5,000 Norwegian subjects plasma tCys were 3.5 times as likely to
conflicting evidence is discussed and a from the Hordaland Homocysteine be obese, compared to those in the low-
putative mechanism for cysteine action Study (21). There was a positive linear est quartile, after adjusting for GGT.
is suggested based on in vitro findings. relationship between tCys and fat mass, These findings are limited by the ques-
but no association between tCys and lean tion of how far plasma GGT activity
Cysteine and Body Composition mass (21). The association of tCys with reflects tissue GGT activity, which is
in Epidemiologic Studies fat mass remained robust after adjust- localized to cellular plasma membranes.
Several large studies have reported a ment for age, gender, lean mass, and Nevertheless, in this study the statisti-
positive correlation between tCys and dietary intakes of protein, fat and total cal relationships of tCys and GGT with
BMI in humans, but the association energy, and plasma lipid concentrations. BMI followed different patterns. While
between tCys and BMI was not the main Depending on the model, tCys explained plasma GGT showed a strong associa-
focus of these studies. In 1999, BMI was 4–8% of the fat mass variability in men tion with odds of obesity that was weak-
shown to be a “determinant” of plasma and women (21). Subjects in the highest ened by adjustment for obesity-related
tCys in >16,000 men and women in the tCys quintile had 6–9 kg higher fat-mass factors (e.g., serum lipids), tCys was an
Hordaland Homocysteine Study (15). compared to those in the lowest quintile independent linear predictor of BMI
A longitudinal study of a subset of the (21). Furthermore, increase in plasma throughout the BMI range and was also
same cohort, subsequently reported that tCys over 6 years was associated with independently associated with odds of
“change in BMI predicted changes in higher fat-mass at follow-up (21). obesity (24).

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Integrative Physiology

Methionine tHcy Cystathionine

−2 Partial r = 0.10

Estimated difference in percent body fat, %

Partial r = −0.01 Partial r = 0.05
P < 0.001 P < 0.001
−4 P = 0.55
N = 5,179 N = 2,696
N = 2,696

20 30 40 7 10 20 0.2 0.5 1 1.5

tCys Cysteinylglycine Triglycerides

−2 Partial r = 0.27 Partial r = 0.32

Partial r = 0.07 P < 0.001
−4 P < 0.001
P < 0.001 N = 5,191
N = 5,179
−6 N = 5,179

220 260 300 340 380 25 30 35 40 45 600 1,000 3,000

Figure 2 Plasma sulfur amino acids and body fat percent. Estimated differences in body fat % (dose–response curves and 95% confidence
interval (CI)) according to plasma concentrations of individual sulfur amino acids (in µmol/l) and triglycerides (in mg/l) after adjustment for age-
group and gender by Gaussian generalized additive regression models as described in ref. 21. P values and partial correlation coefficients are
from corresponding linear regression analyses. tCys, total cysteine; tHcy, total homocysteine. Statistics for methionine, tHcy, cystathionine, and
triglycerides are computed using log-transformed data. Data adapted from the Hordaland Homocysteine Study (21).

Dietary cysteine intake as discussed below (see Dietary methio- percent by plasma sulfur amino acids
Diet would be a confounder in the tCys– nine restriction section). and triglyceride concentrations in the
fat mass association if subjects with Hordaland Homocysteine Study.
high tCys and high-fat mass consume Cysteine Vs. Other Amino Acids In summary, only plasma tCys, but
a diet that increases plasma tCys and is in Relation To Body Composition not methionine, tHcy, cystathionine,
simultaneously obesogenic, independ- Plasma sulfur amino acids and related taurine, tGSH, or cysteinylglycine, is a
ent of its effect on cysteine metabolism. sulfur compounds strong independent positive predictor of
In the Hordaland Homocysteine Study, We investigated whether structur- BMI, fat mass and obesity (21,24,31).
the tCys–fat mass relationship persisted ally and metabolically related sulfur
after adjustment for total protein, fat, amino acids showed a similar relation Whole blood-free cysteine
and energy intakes (21). Cysteine is to BMI as tCys. Plasma tHcy showed a concentrations
abundant in whey protein (25) as well as modest positive relation to fat mass in The distribution of several amino acids
some fruits and vegetables, including red the Hordaland Homocysteine Study, among the different blood compartments
pepper, asparagus, and strawberry (26), which became negative after adjusting is altered in obesity (33). To investigate
which are not recognized to be linked for tCys (21). Despite the association whether the association of tCys with obes-
with obesity. There is also some data of methionine intake with BMI (30), ity merely reflects a shift of cysteine from
suggesting that dietary cysteine intake is nonfasting plasma methionine was not red cells to the plasma in obese individuals,
not a major determinant of plasma tCys. related to fat mass (21), and fasting we examined the association of nonprotein
In a recent study, dietary cystine intake plasma methionine was unrelated to bound cysteine in whole blood with BMI.
was unrelated to plasma tCys in healthy BMI (31). Newgard et al. (32) similarly Similar to plasma tCys, free blood cysteine
women (20). A similar observation found no difference in plasma methio- was positively correlated with BMI (cohort
was made in cats fed different levels of nine between obese and lean subjects. described in ref. 34; Figure 3). This may
cysteine (27), and doubling cystine intake Plasma cystathionine correlated posi- indicate that it is the high plasma cysteine
in rats did not raise plasma cystine (28). tively with fat mass and BMI (21,31), availability in both cells and plasma, rather
Even parenteral cysteine administration but these correlations were weaker than than a shift in cysteine compartmentation
in neonates failed to raise plasma tCys those of tCys, and were attenuated by between blood cells and plasma, that is
(29). It remains possible that another adjustment for confounders such as associated with obesity.
dietary pattern, apart from high intake serum lipids. Plasma levels of taurine
of cysteine-rich foods, could simultane- and tGSH, two downstream products Nonsulfur amino acids
ously promote increase of plasma tCys of cysteine, were not significantly cor- Obesity is associated with elevation of
and of fat mass. One such possibility is related with BMI (31). Figure 2 shows circulating levels of several amino acids.
high intake of methionine-rich foods, the estimated differences in body fat Branched-chain amino acids, as well as

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Integrative Physiology

alanine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine, are branched-chain amino acid elevation in syndrome (40), resulting in markedly
consistently elevated in overweight and/ obesity to enhanced protein catabolism elevated plasma tCys (40), which may
or obese subjects (32,33,35). Several partly resulting from dietary overload be linked to the increased incidence of
mechanisms have been postulated to (32). She et al. demonstrated decreased obesity in this population.
explain plasma amino acid elevation branched-chain amino acid catabolic
in obesity. In an early study, Holm et enzymes in obese rodents (37), and that Homocystinuria due to CBS deficiency. The
al. found strong correlations between in humans, these amino acids decrease most common type of the inborn error
plasma amino acid concentrations and following gastric bypass surgery, with homocystinuria is caused by genetic
lean mass, and concluded that increased increase in their metabolizing enzymes defects in the CBS enzyme and is char-
lean mass in obesity contributes to the in adipose tissue samples (37). Thus acterized by marked elevation of plasma
elevated plasma amino acid concen- branched-chain amino acid elevation in and urinary tHcy coupled with decreased
trations (36). Newgard et al. ascribe obesity appears to be a consequence or cysteine synthesis, and a range of ocular,
adjunct, rather than cause, of obesity. In nervous, cardiovascular, and skeletal man-
contrast, several lines of evidence point ifestations (41,42). Notably, these patients
to a causal role for cysteine or a product often have low BMI (calculated from ref.
of cysteine, in promoting obesity. 43), decreased subcutaneous fat (44), and
body weight frequently below the 5th per-
Estimated difference in body mass index, kg/m2

The Evidence Linking Cysteine centile (45), and have been described by
−1 To Obesity Mudd et al. as being “tall and thin by the
−2 Partial r = 0.11 Inborn errors of cysteine metabolism time they reach late childhood” (41). The
P = 0.001
−3 If cysteine is a causal determinant of fat lean “marfanoid” phenotype has not been
mass, then an inborn error characterized reported in the form of homocystinuria
3 by increased cysteine synthesis should caused by homocysteine remethylation
be associated with obesity. Conversely, defects (42), in which cysteine synthesis is
inherited defects of cysteine formation essentially normal, thus potentially impli-
should be associated with a lean pheno- cating low cysteine availability in the thin
type. This is what is observed in the two phenotype of CBS deficiency.
genetic syndromes, Down’s syndrome
−2 Partial r = 0.20 and the common variant of homo- Dietary cysteine supplementation
P < 0.001
−3 cystinuria (Figure 4). studies
50 70 90 110 Dietary supplementation with cysteine
Blood free cyste(i)ne, µmol/l Down’s syndrome. People with Down’s or a cysteine-rich protein has been
syndrome (Trisomy 21) are more fre- shown to increase weight gain in rats,
Figure 3 Whole blood-free cysteine and BMI.
Estimated differences in BMI according to
quently overweight and obese ­compared rabbits, and monkeys (14,46–49), as
concentration of nonprotein bound cysteine in to other populations with mental retar- well as in humans (50). Because mam-
whole blood in a cohort of 877 men and women dation (38). The cause of obesity in mals are unable to convert cysteine
(described in ref. 34), with adjustment for age Down’s syndrome is not clear, but has to methionine, the observed effects
and gender. Lower panel is additionally adjusted been proposed to be due to a low resting of cysteine on weight gain cannot be
for free glutathione in whole blood. Free cysteine
and glutathione measurements in whole blood
metabolic rate (39). Due to localization attri­buted to an increase in the essen-
were positively associated after adjustment for of the human CBS gene to chromosome tial amino acid methionine, although
age and gender (partial r = 0.54, P < 0.001). 21, this gene is over expressed in Down’s an adequate cysteine supply may spare
Down’s syndrome
J Clin Pathol 1964; 17: 427. Methionine


Deficient CBS CBS Excess CBS



Figure 4 Genetic cysteine alterations and body weight. Opposite body weight phenotypes in inherited syndromes affecting cysteine synthesis:
Left, homocystinuria due to cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) deficiency: decreased cysteine synthesis and a thin phenotype; right, Down’s syndrome:
increased cysteine synthesis and overweight/obesity.

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Integrative Physiology

methionine from transsulfuration (51). observed in humans on a methionine- is observed in rodents with administra-
As early as 1960, authors concluded that free diet for treatment of cancer, despite tion of the cystathionase inhibitor, prop-
“the equivalence of equimolar amounts energy and protein intakes being ade- argylglycine, which prevents release of
of sulfur supplied as methionine, cystine, quate or increased (61). In nearly 2,000 cysteine from cystathionine (69).
and cysteine in lowering hypercholeste- men, energy-adjusted methionine intake
rolemia and promoting growth indicates showed a dose-dependent relation with Evidence Against the Cysteine-
that the effect was produced by cysteine BMI (30). Thus it is plausible that high Fat Mass Hypothesis
or by some metabolite of cysteine” (46). methionine intake simultaneously pro- A body of literature also contradicts the
In rats, adding cysteine to a low-protein motes weight gain and increases plasma hypothesis that cysteine could promote
diet restores body weight gain, despite tCys by increasing methionine conver- obesity. This mainly comprises a series
the negligible change in dietary protein sion to cysteine. of studies that collectively propose that
content (14,47). Cysteine-rich protein Plasma tCys is decreased in methio- cysteine favorably affects lean mass, and
supplements also reversed weight loss in nine-restricted rats (62), suggesting that may under certain conditions decrease
cancer patients (50), although there is no it may be the decreased cysteine avail- fat mass. The compounds used in these
direct evidence that cysteine is the active ability which mediates the effects of studies were either cysteine-rich whey
agent responsible for increased weight methionine restriction on body weight. protein isolates or the synthetic cysteine
gain. The increased weight gain in these To disentangle the effects of reduction analogue, N-acetylcysteine (NAC).
studies does not appear to result from of cysteine from that of methionine,
increased caloric consumption, since we investigated whether supplementing Cysteine-rich proteins and fat mass
food intake was often decreased in the methionine-restricted rats with cysteine Data from cysteine-rich protein supple-
cysteine-supplemented group (47,49). would reverse their phenotype. Cysteine mentation exists for both humans and
This is in agreement with findings in the supplementation indeed blocked the rodents. One study found a 5% decrease
Hordaland Homocysteine Study that the effects of methionine restriction on adi- in body fat% in nine subjects consuming
correlation of tCys with fat mass appeared posity and hepatic stearoyl CoA desatu- oral immunocal, a cysteine-rich whey
independent of energy intake (21). rase-1 expression, with corresponding protein, compared to 5% increase in
changes in plasma fatty acid and adipok- nine subjects receiving a casein placebo,
Dietary methionine restriction ine profiles (63). The decrease in serum as assessed by skin-fold thicknesses (70).
In rats, the methionine content of food methionine in methionine-restricted In contrast, a comparable trial in 22 sub-
tightly correlates with food conversion- rats was not restored by cysteine supple- jects showed casein to be superior to
efficiency (g weight gained per g food mentation (63). This suggests that it is cysteine-rich whey protein in promoting
consumed) (52). Consistent with this the reduced supply of cysteine that medi- fat mass loss (71). Furthermore, immu-
finding, dietary methionine restriction ates the antiobesity effects of methionine nocal itself has been found to promote
in rodents results in decreased weight restriction. Consistent with this view, we weight gain in cancer patients (50).
gain and/or fat mass coupled with have also recently observed in a dietary A third study was conducted in
increased metabolic rate (53,54). The mouse model that high cystine intake rats (72). A cysteine-donor protein
hypermetabolic phenotype is linked to decreases metabolic rate (64). (α-lactalbumin-enriched whey protein)
profound suppression of hepatic stearoyl increased lean mass and decreased adi-
CoA desaturase-1, a δ-9 fatty acid desatu- Anticysteine drugs posity when given before exercise train-
rase which is a key regulator of lipid and Several drugs that decrease cysteine ing for 5 weeks, compared to whole milk
energy metabolism (55). This is a specific synthesis, turnover or uptake by cells protein or glucose (72). The cysteine arm
effect of lowered methionine content of have a negative impact on body weight. of this study involved several factors (lac-
diet, independent of caloric intake, as Sulfasalazine, which blocks the cysteine talbumin, whey protein, and exercise).
assessed by pair-feeding ­studies (53). transporter responsible for cysteine Thus despite the known high cysteine
In human diet, methionine is mainly uptake by cells, produces weight loss as a content of whey, it is not conclusive that
derived from food of animal origin side effect (65). Cilastatin, a dipeptidase body composition changes are a cysteine
including meat and fish (56). In line with inhibitor which prevents the release of effect. The effects of whey protein on body
rodent findings, vegetarian diets which cysteine from cysteinylglycine, resulting composition have previously been attrib-
are low in methionine (56) are associ- in decreased tCys (66), decreases weight uted to its leucine content (73), which
ated in large studies with lower 5-year gain in rats (67). However, cilastatin is stimulates muscle protein synthesis.
weight gain (57), and lower obesity risk normally administered as an adjuvant to Thus while cysteine-rich protein
(58), and are also associated with lower the antibiotic imipenem, so the weight supplements may have demonstrable
tCys (59). Similarly, soy-based diets with loss cannot be conclusively attributed to benefits on body composition in some
low methionine content are often asso- its tCys-lowering action, and studies in studies, the “active” constituent mediat-
ciated with greater weight loss when monkeys did not detect an effect of imi- ing these effects is not defined, and the
used for treatment of obesity (reviewed penem/cilastatin on body weight (68). evidence for their effects on fat mass is
in ref. 60). Furthermore, weight loss is More consistent decrease in weight gain weak and conflicting.

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1930739x, 2012, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1038/oby.2011.93 by Mote Marine Laboratory, Wiley Online Library on [08/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Integrative Physiology

NAC and fat mass models (64) discussed above (see dietary H2O2 production (81), or catalyze H2O2
Hildebrandt et al. demonstrated that methionine restriction section), cysteine breakdown (80), blocks protein tyrosine
NAC may reduce fat mass in a trial may also exert local insulin-like effects phosphatase-1B inhibition and insulin
including human subjects receiving in adipocytes. Insulin is the most potent receptor phosphorylation. H2O2 genera-
either NAC or placebo for 8 weeks (74). antilipolytic hormone known. It strongly tion is thus vital to the insulin signaling
The NAC group (N = 11) featured a 3% inhibits hormone-sensitive lipase, the cascade in adipocytes. These findings
decrease in fat mass compared to an 8% rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine- are consistent with pivotal early obser-
increase in the placebo group (74). The stimulated lipolysis, and stimulates adi- vations in adipocytes that insulinomi-
lowered fat mass in the NAC group was pocyte triglyceride and glucose uptake metic agents exert their lipogenic and
associated with decreased insulin sensi- (79). The functional roles of cysteine other insulin-like actions via H2O2 pro-
tivity, and was therefore interpreted to and NAC in relation to insulin signal- duction (82–84), and that H2O2 stimu-
indicate that NAC decreased fat mass ing and insulin-mediated regulation of lates lipid synthesis (85). It is therefore
by inhibiting insulin reactivity. Visceral lipid turnover have been investigated in noteworthy that cysteine and NAC have
fat mass reduction was also observed in vitro. Findings from these studies may contrasting effects on H2O2 in vitro
rodents after 6–8 weeks of daily intra- elucidate a mechanism for the potential (Figure 5).
peritoneal injection of NAC (75). obesogenic effect of cysteine, in contrast
Plasma tCys changes were not to NAC. Insulin-like action of cysteine in vitro
reported in the NAC-supplementation linked to H2O2 production: Contrast
studies. Although NAC is considered a Insulin signaling: Role of H2O2 with NAC
synthetic cysteine analogue, effects of Insulin binds membrane receptors, l-Cysteine was shown in early studies to
NAC supplementation on plasma tCys activating intracellular receptor subu- exert insulin-like effects in adipocytes
are difficult to anticipate. Different stud- nits, with subsequent phosphorylation that are dependent upon its production
ies have reported either no change (76), of “insulin receptor substrates,” which of H2O2, concomitant with sulfhydryl
an increase (77) or a lowering of plasma mediate insulin’s effects. Insulin action oxidation to disulfide (86). A powerful
cysteine levels following NAC admin- is terminated when the insulin recep- Cu++-dependent antilipolytic action of
istration (78). Below we postulate that tor substrates are dephosphorylated cysteine, has been repeatedly observed
NAC and cysteine may in fact exert and thus inactivated by protein tyro- in cultured rat adipocytes (86–88).
different effects on body composition sine phosphatase-1B (80). The catalytic This antilipolytic action was not caused
due to their contrasting redox proper- activity of protein tyrosine phosphatase- by competitive binding to the insulin
ties in relation to insulin-regulated lipid 1B depends on the reduced state of its receptor, because it persisted when the
turnover. cysteine thiol residue (80). Insulin sig- insulin receptor was destroyed by mild
naling initially elicits release of reac- trypsinization (89). Cysteine-stimulated
Nac Vs. Cysteine: the Potential tive oxygen species, particularly H2O2, glucose oxidation as well as fatty acid
Importance of Insulin Signaling which facilitate insulin action by inhib- synthesis in addition to suppressing
In addition to its effects on stearoyl CoA iting protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B lipolysis (88). The insulin-like action of
desaturase-1 and metabolic rate in rodent (80). Treatment with factors that block cysteine in vitro is paralleled by obser-
vations that cysteine supplementation
Cys-SH Cys-SH
ameliorated insulin resistance in dia-
Insulin betic rats (90).
In contrast, NAC is a free radi-
H2O2 NAC cal scavenger, particularly effective
IR in scavenging H2O2 (91). The ability
membrane of NAC to scavenge insulin-induced
PTP-1B H2O2 and thus inhibit insulin signal
transduction has been demonstrated
IRS IRS-P Lipid uptake in vitro (92,93), and is suggested by
Lipolysis suppression Hildebrandt et al. to explain the effect
of NAC in decreasing fat mass at the
Figure 5 Cysteine and N-acetylcysteine in relation to insulin signaling. Schematic diagram for
postulated effects of cysteine and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on redox processes of the insulin
expense of inducing insulin resistance
signaling pathway. Insulin binds a membrane receptor (IR), activating an intracellular receptor in humans (74).
subunit which phosphorylates insulin receptor substrates (IRS). Phosphorylated IRS (IRS-P) The ultimate cellular functions of
mediate intracellular effects of insulin including suppression of lipolysis. Protein tyrosine exogenous l-cyst(e)ine and NAC in vivo
phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B), a natural inhibitor of IRS activation, is normally inhibited by H2O2, are therefore likely to be reciprocal due
allowing the insulin signaling cascade to proceed. Cysteine (Cys-SH) auto-oxidation to cystine
disulfide (Cys-SS-Cys) produces H2O2, whereas NAC is an H2O2 scavenger. Thus, given
to contrasting redox characteristics of
appropriate spatiotemporal considerations, cysteine and NAC can have opposite effects on insulin these agents, specifically their potential
signaling. effects in relation to insulin-stimulated

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Table 1 Questions for further study in the cysteine-fat mass relationship © 2011 The Obesity Society

Population-based studies
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Which metabolic enzymes are altered in response to cysteine modulation by diet or drugs?
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In vitro studies 5. Jhee KH, Kruger WD. The role of cystathionine
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longitudinal findings from the Hordaland
review open up other questions that will We thank Elfrid Blomdal for literature support. homocysteine study. Clin Chem 2003;49:
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17. van den Brandhof WE, Haks K, Schouten EG,
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ples. Some of these studies are already Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (to V.K.). atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 2001;157:403–
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Disclosure 18. Baines M, Kredan MB, Davison A et al.
laboratories with different expertise will The authors declared no conflict of interest. The association between cysteine, bone

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