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Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Literary Essay
In this lesson we will focus on the following:

- The structure of Paper 2 – Literature


- Common errors and misconceptions

- Guidelines from the roadshow

- Past paper Life of Pi essay topics

- Planning the literary essay

- Writing the literary essay

The paper is divided into THREE sections

• SECTION A: Poetry (30)

• Answer TWO seen poems out of the four set –

one essay; three contextual (20)

• Answer ONE compulsory unseen poem(10)

• SECTION B: Novel (25) (Choose between the
essay and the contextual)

• SECTION C: Drama (25) (Choose between the

Paper 2 - Structure essay and the contextual)

• A total of 80 marks is allocated for Paper 2

• You will have 2½ hours for this paper

Candidates are unable to engage with the texts on a figurative level or
present a critical discussion when required to do so.

Candidates resort to ‘lifting’ from the poems and/or extracts in an

attempt to respond to the questions.

Candidates fail to respond to the specific requirements of the questions.

They are unable to decode/interpret the question and to respond

Common errors and

Mediate the Literature essay rubric with learners. The descriptors for each level on
the rubric must be explained to learners. Use examples of good essays and show
learners how the marks are pitched on the rubric.

The Essay question makes a statement about the text under discussion and CRITICAL
THINKING is required in order to select appropriate information from the text and
apply it to the statement under discussion.

Guidelines from the

The development of an argument is essential. Marks are awarded for the ability to SUSTAIN the
argument and for how convincing the ev idence is in supporting the position the argument takes.
Candidates may agree or disagree or offer a mixed response.

A mixed response is often the more intelligent/sophisticated argument.

The re-telling of the story w ill achieve no more than 6 or 7 for content as such a response shows no
interpretation of the topic, nor does it dev elop an argument; these are needed to fulfil the
requirements for a MEDIOCRE essay.

Guidelines from the

Often, the essay question directs candidates to focus on more than one element; essays that
address only one aspect of the question cannot achiev e more that 9 or 10 out of 15 for content as
they hav e not ‘interpreted topic well’.

A limited v ocabulary is a barrier to a candidate’s ability to respond to questions w ith any degree of
success. I n your teaching, you should use a number of synonyms w hen discussing themes etc. so
that candidates are familiar w ith alternative words that can be used.

Guidelines from the

Discourage candidates from simply repeating words/phrases from the question in
each paragraph in the hope that this proves that they have developed an

Specific/concrete references must be made from the text to support statement/s .

INSIGHT into the plot, characters, themes, imagery and stylistic elements are
required to write a skilful/exceptional essay.

Guidelines from the

Guidelines from the roadshow

❑ The essay must be written in the present tense.

❑ No colloquialisms, slang, profanities and clichéd expressions.
❑ Personal pronouns must be avoided; objectivity must be
❑ Poor paragraphing, spelling, punctuation and muddled use of
vocabulary (e.g. there/their) affects language mark.
Guidelines from the roadshow
❑ A clear thesis statement must be provided in the introduction
❑ A succinct conclusion that reinforces the argument is required.
❑ No sub-headings should be included and no point-form essays.
Past paper essay topic
The manner in which Pi fights to survive diminishes his humanity.
Critically discuss the extent to which you agree with the above
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
Initially Pi displays a deep sense of humanity. When he is shipwrecked, Pi's survival instincts emerge.

His moral beliefs are discarded. He transforms from being a staunch vegetarian and having a deep
reverence for life to killing and resorting to cannibalism.

He learns to fish and to catch turtles, often violently butchering his catch. He not only consumes the
flesh but drinks the blood of the turtles too. Pi is shocked at how savage and brutal he has become.

His hunger drives him to behave in an animalistic manner, wolfing down his food.

Richard Parker kills the blind Frenchman, Pi uses some of his flesh as bait and he even eats a piece of

The adult Pi still struggles to come to terms with the killing of the French cook as he recognises lost an
essential part of himself.

The creation of Richard Parker as his alter ego is a result of his desire to separate himself from his
brutal survival instinct.
Past paper essay topic
It is true that the characters we encounter can change us,
sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards.
Critically discuss the validity of this statement in relation to Pi.
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
Mr Adirubasamy's teaching Pi to swim saves his life when the Tsimtsum sinks

Pi refers to both Mr Kumars as 'the prophets' of his 'Indian youth'. They represent two apparently opposing
views of religion and science. However, Pi comes to the realisation that their views are complementary

The Biology teacher, teaches Pi to pay close attention to detail and it is this acute sense of observation that
enables Pi to survive.

All three of Pi's religious mentors instil in him a strong sense of faith which sustains him on the lifeboat.

With the French cook, he encounters the brutality and savagery that humans are capable of.

The adult Pi still bears the scars and must live with the guilt of having taken a life.

Pi's relationship with Richard Parker sustains him.

The disbelief of the Japanese officials to Pi's story forces him to revise his story into a more palatable version.

The influence Pi’s parents and brother have on him.

Past paper essay topics
The novel, Life of Pi, suggests that, despite offering contradictory
approaches to life, reason and faith can co-exist.
Critically discuss the extent to which you agree with the above
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages). [25]
Reason is the power to think aout, understand, and form judgements. Faith is a belief in a higher power. T

With the author's Note, the element of faith is introduced - Pi's story 'will make you believe in God’

Pi’s love for the logic of science is nurtured by his Biology teacher, Mr Kumar, and in the zoo.

Pi’s passion for science and religion is encouraged by his role models, the two Mr Kumars. Despite their
differences, they reach consensus on their appreciation of the zebra. Two ideas, reason and religion, can

Pi must abandon his vegetarianism to survive. He reconciles himself to savagery by showing praying over his

He realizes the need to distance himself from the savagery. The creation of Richard Parker, his alter ego,
enables him to cope with the horror of his actions.

Pi embraces three religions. All three have a common element: the love of God.

On the lifeboat, both reason and faith help Pi to survive.

His choice of science as a career and his religious nature reflect his ability to reconcile reason and faith.
Past paper essay topic
In Life of Pi, Yann Martel shows how traumatic experiences can
strengthen one's character.
Critically assess the validity of the above statement.
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
As an eight-year-old boy, Pi is taught a lesson by his father about the danger of wild
The torment Pi endures at St Joseph's causes him untold misery.
When Pi's family dies, he is overwhelmed with grief, hopelessness and fear.
Pi is traumatised by the hyena's killing of the zebra and the orangutan.
Pi is sickened by the cook's butchering of the sailor. The cook's murdering of Pi's
mother torments him.
Pi's survival instinct is set in motion – he adopts Richard Parker as his alter ego.
Parker's unceremonious exit causes Pi distress; it enables him to finally let go of his
savagery and make a success of his life.
Despite the traumatic events he experiences, Pi establishes healthy relationships as
an adult.
Past paper essay topic
In Life of Pi, both the human and animal characters commit deeds
of heroism and gruesomeness to survive.
Critically discuss the extent to which you agree with the above
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
Pi’s determination to survive after being stranded on the lifeboat is heroic. His strength of character sustains him throughout
his ordeal. He realises that he needs to take control to ensure his survival.

He overcomes his aversion to eating meat and later resorts to butchering fish and turtles.

The French cook gruesomely beheads Pi’s mother . He shockingly throws her head to Pi.

Pi eats a piece of the blind Frenchman. Pi becomes uncivilised and bestial in his desperate attempt to survive

The orang-utan defends itself against the hyena but is killed by it. The hyena feeds on the innards of the injured zebra.

Richard Parker heroically saves Pi from the hyena and the blind Frenchman by brutally killing them.

In the second story, the French cook amputates the sailor's broken leg, thus causing his death. He horrifyingly butchers the
body and resorts to cannibalism.

Pi is heroic in his ability to overcome the horrors he experiences at sea and to make a relatively well-adjusted life for himself
in Canada.
Past paper essay topic
The novel explores how Pi's self-awareness is strengthened by
Critically discuss the extent to which you agree with the above
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
Pi begins his narrative by stating that 'suffering left [him] sad and gloomy'. However, his experience at sea,
together with the study of religion and zoology, makes him aware of the value and purpose of his life.

Pi encounters adversity when he is teased at school.

Pi’s three religions strengthen during his ordeal at sea when the ritual and discipline of faith give him the
strength to persevere.

He realises he is solely responsible for his own survival. His struggle against the elements, loneliness, the
disappointment of not being rescued, all develop his awareness of the importance of tenacity.

Being with Richard Parker makes Pi aware of the need for a distraction from his suffering; the need for a
companion; the need to use Richard Parker to distance himself from savagery. These reflect awareness
that savage behaviour is condemned.

The 'better story' helps Pi to deal with his barbarism and to forgive himself.

The harsh lesson on algae island makes him distinguish between true and a shallow faith.

In killing the French cook, Pi acknowledges that cruel acts are necessary to survive. This awareness
enhances his sensitivity, compassion and gentle nature.
Past paper essay topic
Pi is responsible for the outcome of his own life.
Critically discuss the extent to which you agree with the above
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
Pi soon realises that he needs to take responsibility for his own survival and he invents various coping methods to
overcome his ordeals

Pi is intelligent, imaginative and creative. Richard Parker is a survival mechanism.

He realises that he will have to set aside his ethics/moral values and his vegetarianism.

The story with the animals avoids the horror and cruelty of the second story (cannibalism, murder, death of his mother).

He uses the knowledge that he has acquired in his earlier life to keep himself alive.

Taming the tiger keeps him from dwelling on the loss of his family and focus on survival. His religious faith sustains him.

He staves off loneliness and boredom on the lifeboat by distracting himself with storytelling.

The algae island might be an illusion that Pi has created as a safe haven/refuge/a temporary respite from the perils of
the ocean.

In the end, Pi chooses a story to believe. In Canada he assumes responsibility for his life.
Past paper essay topic
Pi's ability to endure his ordeal may be attributed to his
relationships with Richard Parker, his mother and the French cook.
Critically discuss the extent to which you agree with the above
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
The rescue of Richard Parker initiates a relationship that is essential. He saves Pi
from being attacked by the hyena and the blind Frenchman. Richard Parker;
forces him to focus on staying alive. His decision to tame Richard Parker is
inspired and contributes to his survival. Through his anthropomorphising of
Richard Parker, Pi can endure and overcome.
Pi's spiritual and mental strength can be attributed to his mother. She develops in
Pi a love for stories; he later writes his journal. Gita Patel’s willingness to eat raw
fish makes it easier for Pi to do the same. Her violent death unleashes Pi’s survival
In the second story, Pi is saved from drowning by the French cook who throws
him a lifebuoy. Pi is initially dependent on the French cook for his survival: he
encourages Pi to fish and catch turtles and he persuades Pi to eat the biscuits to
satisfy his hunger. This interaction contributes to Pi's fortitude and perseverance.
Pi develops an ambivalent relationship with the French cook; he is appalled by
the cook's savagery but by witnessing the cook's single-minded determination to
Past paper essay topic
Pi's drive for survival is in conflict with his sense of ethical and moral
Critically discuss the validity of the above statement in relation to
the novel.
Your response should take the form of a well-constructed essay of
400–450 words (2–2½ pages).
Common themes
Pi’s initial humanity and morality despite terrible trauma and loss

His absolute determination to survive through self-reliance

Adopting Richard Parker as a survival mechanism

The anthropomorphism of Richard Parker

Abandoning vegetarianism

Eating the flesh of the French cook

Multi-faith philosophy and the love of God; spiritual strength

Faith and science; the two Mr Kumars

The two stories as a coping mechanism

Algae island as a false paradise

A successful adult life, despite trauma and mental scars

- Roadshow slides 2023
- DBE past papers 2017 - 2022

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