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NT HC J Student’s Book ~ 4 atl Tim Falla Paul A Davies Paul Kelly Alistair McCallum Student’s Book Tim Falla Paul A Davies Paul Kelly Alistair McCallum OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS fee i ey a Family Ufe Sapermamt | CSc a2 Kung fa @vopsn noah LANGUAGE REVIEW Units 1-2 p20 p22 High Flyers 1 scat otter Sans 730 Timeto colebrate! © Pay planer err “LANGUAGE REVIEW Units 3-4 938 pao us Gieworae dscns seats a8 Around town, ‘@aving visite the part Out and about LANGUAGE REVIEW Units 5-6 56 758 Discoveries Grgeat scene PCRS 56 Healthy eating Gan eztngtea spore Cocca ‘LANGUAGE REVIEW Units 7-8 974 76 Alone onthe water @tingopi irre 10 904 Ayeerabroad Soopras Just the job ‘LANGUAGE REVIEW Units 9-10 poe Corn 6 Supermumt 97 Present simple: afrmative Kpmincieainnst mite frei a om p96 Grammar reference ey 95 Granmar bute 44 Non, 0 gain 25 Prosnt simple: questions Sopostes Yr costers Pat fspech @ ineron Yebsforweting and ening sel etn fr rotne and acts 96 Grammar reference 2 97 Grammar bullder2 {+ SKILLS ROUND-UP UL) is 1-2 pat Sportin Austalia (p24 School of the ir 25 theres / there are Paces in schools Prepesiionso place een, osteo, tc) srestes wi ate 98 Grammar reference 3 ers forabing 99 Grammarbulléer 3 p32 Party planner 133 Precont continuous ejects esi cverts Spang, Pans specs 1100 Grammar reference & pressions with get 101 Grammar bullder 4 + SKILLS ROUND-UP Units 3-4 938 Schools in England ‘PAZ The world’s deadliest p83 Comparative adjectives ‘animals oor Compound sects (p102 Grammar rofernco Ses fay abe (9103 Grammar builder ‘nals ob, ot eagle) p50 Aflyng visit tothe park 51 Past simple: be and con ‘Sequence wore ist then afertet et.) 104 Grammer reference 6 Eerie 105 Grammar bullder 6 ‘SKILLS ROUND-UP Units 5~6 ps7 National Parks (p60 A great scientist 61 Past simple: regular verbs Univesity ite “ive egress (asia mo cos age, ec) ‘otecalonswithde ole ge. andtsle 106 Grammar reference? Paces of werk 107 Grammar bulléer 7 Prpostbns 68 Can eating bea sport? (p69 some / ony, How much / many? Phas vb soars 108 Grammar reference oro bane 1109 Grammar builders Deserbing fee vaysof cooking + SKILLS ROUND-UP Units 7-8 p75 Heroes [p78 Living agai p79 Prosant erect: affraative Nester sas Bose 9110 Grammor reference 9 Eipredeswih cone p11 Gremmar bulder ‘p86 Gop years 767 going to Spon ote D112 Grammar reference 10 Mote mi P13 Grammar Bulger 10 + SKILLS ROUND-UP Units 9-10 933 Jobs for teenagers Talking about family and friends Tami out, bho.) Preece 5 @Pronancinton vonesounds voserting oman ens P16 Freesime activities Spans and bbbies (its, basketbl, bok) @rakngaboat hbbies fhe / dove) els and ran aleetns (pe foobal, dere, pearing ae) p26 Talking about school ‘Sital shies oy ngs. rats ee) ‘@raeng about subjects he / cote) p34 Describing clothes lathes Gets tees td obus Gk red purple eed G What pene wear scooa in tirctire pa Ourwortd ‘sographiclfestrs leach csr, il te) ‘eve pee names Content ‘PAraoie p52 Intown Pacesin town bak sports ere, part) ‘@ecebing where paces 2 (p62 On the map ‘ounties raonlie (apt, avoir ec) ‘@desiing fms pect 70 Talking about food Fees opps, your, at) ‘oumableand uncurae reuns Paes Gt fee aot of cer) @ ovieseg 08 (p80 Transport Tensor Gig, bus, car) Prpasioes yb, on foot) ‘Dhow do yee seh (pS Jobs and work Jets (otr, baer rans, te) ‘Gleb descigbene Gocnararerecen drae (p94 Grammar reference 1 195 Grammar builder (p17 Aaverds of frequency Howcher.? 1996 Grammar reference 2 97 Grammar builder2 27 have to ‘@Fronuncation: ave / aso p58 Grammar reference 3 199 Grammar builder 3 BAS Superatveaetnes (p202 Grammar reference 5 103 Grammar builder 5 p33 Fast simple: affirmative (Gegutarverbs) Spang lee ‘@rronuncation: Fat inp eninge p71 Articles Expressions wh drt tate a8 ake 109 Grammar builder 8 p81 Prosent perfect: negative and Interogative @Takirgetow bears (p410 Grammar reference 9 111 Grammar bilder 9 pas wit (p112 Grammar reference 10, 139 Grammar builder 10 [p10 An informal letter Uningnoree p18 An announcement lepervee p28 Anote Captal levers p36 An invitation Conferecuests PA6 A posteard Vocal rpoctins of ie ty ef ese Ist acmsitn (portent, om) 54 Amessage ‘@ nungaressige cn te phone (p64 An email message sel hes foverals 72 Aformalletter ‘Stalag and eng aerate p82 A holiday email sreeéyandye! 90 A etter of application anguage in fomal itis, (pat Dictionary sis Whatthe dees? Pras vere _pA9 Dictionary skits Ealocstone Pluale ems pas oftnebody (p29 Didionary skills ping vocab: eduction Symons: bic seal (p37 Dictionary skits Enlome cab ian netdines Pres opposes ectticone pa7 Dictionary sis Conpoind orc: mato ‘Synonyms nveme eects Holy words _p5s Dictionary skis fecan obser or 0 265 Stes inte Chemisty 73 Dictionary skills Food and coking words ‘ue wontout arnt mans fo (p83 Dictionary skills asp 991 Dictionary sits Tween THIS UMIT INCLUDES @@ Vocabulary + fomly * possessive’s everday actives * spor ane habbies = colecetons ith mate, have and do» expressions wth ook * Cloth vi ltes ee,» phrasal ves Saammur * pe fe affemaive and negative Sls + racing, itening and taking about amy an ends, an daly ‘Weng © an formal eter Family life BEFORE READING Look at the photos. Discuss the questions. 1 Inyour country, ate most families big or small? 2 Do you think people are happier in big families or small families? Why? 3 What are the acvantages and disadvantages of having a big family? READ 11 Read the text quickly. Are these sentences true or false? 1 Sue Povey has got thirteen children. 2 Sue's husband stays at home and looks after the children. 3 Sue is happy with her big family. Unit «My network -SUPERMUM! Sue Povey RISB at six every ‘morning and makes BreakFist for fifteen people. Sue has a difficult job she works hard every day. But she doesn’t work in an office. She's mother with fifteen children, and thirteen of them live at home; Sue's family is unusvel —the average British family only has 1.8 children Sue Povey and her family live in Swindon, in the south of England After breakfast her husband, lan, ‘goes to work, Sue GBS the children to school. (She needs a minibus for this!) Nine children and she drives home with the other four children. Every weekday she IGOKS aE the children and cleans the house. She does the washin sht times a day, and after [MiRiCH she irons EIBIHBS for three hours, Sue SEHR half her life in the kitchen. Every afternoon at 3.30 she BIER the children from school in the minibus. Then she Bs them ‘with their HOEWGEK. After that she cooks dinner for fifteen. Her husband comes home at six. After SiHREE, she goes to the supermarket with two of her sons. They help her with the shopping. She buys 50 litres of milk a week! Sue loves her big family. All the children help Sue and help each other. The house is always fivaly when i's full of children! 2 Alter breakfast, Sue a drives her husband to work. drives the children to school looks afier the children. 3 Inthe morning and afternoon, Sue 2 plays with the children, 'b goes shapping. € locks afte the children, 2 G02) ead the Reading tip. Read the ox aga. Then 6 cies choose the best answers. a inthe minibus, 1 Sue has a difficult job because b with Sue's husbane. ‘a she makes broakfast every morning, by bus, b she has got avery big fami 5 Who helps Sue with the shopping? ¢ two of her children don’t live at home. a Two daughters bb Two sons. ¢ Her husband. UNDERSTANDING IDEAS Answer the questions. Look t the text, and use your own words and ideas. 1 Two of Sue Povey's children don’ ive at home. Think of two or three reasons why they don't, 2 Do you think Mr Povey sometimes helps his wife? How? 3 Do you think t's expensive to have a big family? Make alist of some ofthe things the Poveys need to buy. VOCABULARY ‘Supermum! 1. Match the highlighted words in the text with these definitions. 1 You wear these. 2 Todo something useful for someone else. 3 To take care of someone. 4 Aig meal in the evening. 5 To pass time 6 Get out of bed. 7 Full of energy. 8 Areal in the midale ofthe day. 9 Topick someone up. 40 Very loud and annoying. 11 The first meal of the day. 12. The opposite of ‘noisy. 43. Students have to do this after school, 44 Notinteresting or exciting. 15. To control or operate a car 2. Do you know these words? argue average dathewashing iron litre south For lan, Sue's husband, family life is never BOring. unusual weekday But they’reall friends~ everyone is too busy to argue. ‘And when the children are all playing together, it ean be vr Isthe house ever Qi Possibly — wher all the children are in bed! Unit 1+Mynetwork 5 (OCABULARY Supermum! ACTIVATE 1. Sue Povey is talking about her family's daily activities. Match her sentences to the time of day. a oc ‘We get up. ‘Icook dinner.” “Idrive the children to school” ‘We have breakfast.” “Icollect the children from school." “The children do their homework.” 2 Complete these sentences with the words from the box. quiet look after boring lunch spend ively clothes Lusually have __at about twelve thin ‘All my cousins visit our house at the weekend, so it’s very noisy help 1 Every day! about an hour on my computer. 2 Peter lives near an airport. I's in his gardent 3 like wearing colourful 4 | sometimes ‘my mum with the shopping. 5 This film is too long. It's ! 6 When mum and dad go out, | my little brother. 7 Allthe children are in bed. I's Inthe house. 3 9 EXTEND Collocations with make, have and do 1 match the vers withthe nouns to make phrases. fave a celebration the washing a phone call ry ‘your homework abreak alt of noise a shower the shopping your bed 6 Unit 1 + My network Useful expressions: family and friends 2. what do you think the expressions in bold mean? Clicle the correct aption.. 1 My brother and | get on wel. 2 work had (are good tends 2 Inthe morning, my sister spends ages in the bathroom. thas shower takes along time 3 Aor shoo! | sometines hang around wth ey ends, 2 spend time DP eostopping 4 Wet ate for school, Geta move on! 2 hry up B top taking 5 yi bother alts al he time, He cvs me crazy amatesmelaugh b anroysme 6 When my ater leans the cs give him hand a nephin ® taleto him Expressions with look 3 Complete these sentences with the words from the box. round for after like at out 1 ‘Look ster your little brothe 3 ‘He looks his 4 “Let's took father! city 5 ‘Look that 6 'Goand look pleture’ suitcase! 4 Can you find some more expressions using the verb look? PTS Present simple: affirmative 2 @ Hse eee 1 A 05 works EXPLORE 2 ie! pays goes lives 3 fd watches. fishes 1 Read the text and find examples of the present simple affmative. 3 GC uisten ana write the words inthe conect group. ‘does movos drives hates listens looks loves speaks stays teaches tells washes does ETE imme cir wotecit | § cage et te pe ing sme Sea, | mmr ribbon aver iemoed mt sececteie eos | OR ee ee ata power station from Monday to Friday and watches TV at next door to me. We ” (go) to the same _weetends. Marge stays at home with Maggie school but we are in different classes. I” (walk) to school, but Jenny “ (go) by bike, 2 complete the tab, How do we form the tir person because she always (Get up) late Shree of Cs presente simple? ‘After school we * (finish) our homework fist and then we’ —__ (wate) T¥.1 work we work (like) news programmes, but Jenny you work you work 4 (hate) them. she he/she/it______ they work (think) they're boring. She * chat shows, (love) ‘We use the present simple to talk about 41 something that happens always or regulary, 2 afact thats always true. z 3 Grammar Reference: pa EXPLOIT 1. Complete the sentences with the present simple affirmative of the verbs in the box. Then write which member of the Simpson family says it. 5. ite five sentences about you or your family. Use the verbs 0 tke live stay study work inthe box. 1 “york ata power station, Homer go getup tke live play watch work speak 2 “My brotherand to Spring Elementa hi ne ay My dad speaks French, {ike reading, 3 hard at school! ‘ at home with our baby: (22000 Grammar Builder page 95 5 “My classmates me? ———— 64 Tn Springfield with my husband and children’ -«((@®88= Workbook: page6_— Unit 1+Mynetwork 7 SKILLS Talking about family and friends VOCABULARY GOB) Listen and complete Laura’s network of people she ‘meets regularly. Use the names in the box. LISTEN 1 Putthe words inthe box imo the two groups below, A and B. Which word goes in both groups? Family ent brother cousin daughter father granddaughter grandfather grendmather grendson fhusband. mother nephew niece sister son uncle wie A | 8 I 2 EO) isten, repeat and check your answers Baker Lisa Hannah Lucy Molly Sam 3 GCOS) tiston to the pronunciation of the undertined vowels. mother "mada cousin "kazn/ 4 QCOD which other words in exercise 1 have the sound |? sten and check your answer. Read the Look out! box. Then complete the puzzles. Possessive ’s 1 We add 's after a name ora noun to show possession (ra family relationship. amy dad’s computer my uncle's wife 2 Altera plural naun ending in -s, we just add. ‘my parents’ car_my cousins’ grandfather 5 5 3 & 8 1 My mothe’s brothers my 2 My father's my cousins’ 3 My uncle's daughter is my SPEAK 4 My sister is my cousin's - 5 My nephens sister is my 6 Myuncle is my mothers or father’s 1. raw a network of the people you meet regularly, 2. Workin pairs. Give your partner the names of six people from your 6 Workin pairs. Write more puzzles for each other. network. Ask and answer about the people on your lists. imperstvee Sls» ready and lscering tan itrven » ailing about fee tine * lecucing Robles ane doing. cass crvey Weting + av omnourcement When you read a text forthe first time, don't worry if you don’t understand every word. ust try to understand the general meaning. David MAM. David MAM David No, not really, because we don't Fight We leat how to Gefend ourselves, not 1 hurt other people. When does taining finish? ‘At sixoclock, We have a shower, and have dinnerat half past six ~ rice and soup again ~ then we go to bed. What do you want to do when you go back to Britain? | want to star a Kung Fuschool in Landon and teach people Kung Fu, | also want to appear in fimsas a Kung Fu Fighter 2 GAB) Road the txt again. Then choose the best 1 Every day at the Dengfeng School, the students a practise their Engish. b do the same things. € leamto fight. 2 Ateleven o'clock the students have 2 a meal b long rest € short break. 3 The students eat ce and soup a three times a wook b before they start training. € for breakfast ane dinner everyday. 4 David has a shoner a after vaining before breakfast. € before lunch, 5 When he goes back to London, David wants to bea a soldier b teacher. € doctor. 3 Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. David Simmons works in China He has breakfast before he starts training, David speaks alittle Chinese. Inthe mornings they practise fighting with swords. They have a long rest just before lunch. David wants to teach Kung Fu when he goes back to Britain. UNDERSTANDING IDEAS [Answer the questions. Look atthe text, and use your own words and ideas. 1. What does David like about the Dengfeng School, and what do you think he dislikes? 2. Doyou think David wants to fight people? 3 Why do some people want to study Kung Fu? Ty to think of three or four reasons, VOCABULARY No pain, no gain 1. Match the highlghted words in the tax with these definitions. 1 To move suddeniy into the ar 2 Dificut, ting 3 A short period when you stop your normal activity. 4 Todo oxorcise regulaiy, to bocome stronger. 5 Notsafe 6 To protect youre 7 Usual, normal. 8 To do somathing regulaty, to become good ait. 9. Apetiod of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing 10 Totouch, suddenly and vclentl 11. Totry to hurt someone. 42 To move quickly, using your legs. 13 To push out yout arms and legs as far as possible. 414 The things that you romnally do every day. 45 Tohitwith your foot. 2. do you know these words? ‘appearin go back to immediately interview monthly press-up stick sword (Ceea Workbooks page? +») Freetime 13 VOCABULARY No pain, no gain ACTIVATE Complete these sentences with the words from the box break dangerous defend fight hard hit jump Kick practise rest routine run stretch train typical 1 the ball to met 2. Altera game of basketball, I'm usually tired and I want a 3 There are alot of difficult questions in this exam. I's, 4 Boxers, with their hands. They don't use sticks or swords, 5 like sport. can ‘a kilometre in four minutes, and | can two metres into the air 6 They're professional footballers. They aweek 7 (getup at seven, have breakfast and get the bus to school at eight. That’s my every morning, 8 Don't drive so fast I's 9 When | get up, ! usually, my arms and legs. 10 t's difficult to score @ goal against that team They very well. six days 11 Don't ‘your litte brother with your book! Be kind to him! 12 | want to be a professional musician, so every day. 43 Ona day, | drink three or four cups of tea, 14 AL my school, we start lessons at 8.30, and at 10.30 wetake a for ten minutes, EXTEND Opposites 1 Find highlighted words in the text on page 12 that mean the ‘opposite of these words. 1 safe dangerous 4 easy 2 unusual 5 activity 3 attack Parts of speech 2 Find these highlighted words in the toxt on page 12. Are they used as verbs, adjectives, or nouns? Write the words in the correct box. dangerous practise rest train hard break jomp es juny 14 Unit2 + Free time Verbs for walking and running 3 These verbs are used for different kinds of walking and running. Can you match them to the pictures? march fog sprint stroll rush hike 2 sprint 4 Write sentences using these verbs. Can you think of any ther verbs for cunning or walking? | can sprint very fact Useful nouns 5 These are nouns about routines and activities. Complete the sentences using the nouns. interval calendar holiday break timetable appointment 1 After two hours of studying English I need 2 break 2 What day is 23rd July this year? Is ita Monday ora Tuesday? Check the 3 eel terrible, | want to make an. toseethe doctor. 4 Every August, we have a We usually goto Italy fortwo weeks 5 This concert is very long. When is the 2 6 What time is the next train? Let's look at the Workbook: page 13 GRAMMAR Present simple: interrogative EXPLORE 1 QGTW tookat part ofan imervion with 17-year-old snowboarding sta, led Bright. Put the interviewer's questions inthe correct places. Listen and check your answers. 2. o your parents travel with you? bb Do you do anyother sports? € Doyou enjoy competitions? 4 Does Nathan take pat inthe competitions? Interviewer Jed Yes, do. love the excitement - and the travelling Interviewer Jed No, they don’t. | travel with my trainer, Martin Atkins, and my brother Nathan. Interviewer ~ Jed No, he doesn’t. He just watches, Interviewer Jed No, I don’t. | haven't got time! N Complete the examples inthe Learn this! box. Use the {questions from exercise to help you. "We form present simple questions with or does and the base form of the verb, you go snowboarding? Yes, No, 13_ +h aay chess? Yes, she 5__./No, she §_ EXPLOIT 11 Write questions in the present simple. 4 you! go snowboarding? Do you go seovboarding? 2 your friends /like computer games? 3 your grandmother/ play football? 4 you/ natch a ot of films? 5, your best iend /do athlties? 6 you lke drawing? LEARN THIS! ‘Answer the questions in exercise 1. 0 you go snawbearding? eal do, / No | dnt ‘Study the Learn this! box. Complete part 2of the interview with the question words in the box. \We can use the question words how, what, when, where ‘and ask for information. uestion ceiecaeareneqess Interviewer where do you live? Jed ive in Vancouver, in Canada, Interviewer © ‘do you live with? Jed ‘My parents and my brother. Interviewer» do you relax? Jed read, Interviewer « books do you like? Jed Crime stories are my favourites. Interviewer © do you see your fiends? Jed Inthe evanings and at weekends. 9.15) Listen to part2 of the interview and check your answes. Practise reading the interview in pars Workin pairs, Match the beginnings and endings of the questions. Then ask and answer them. Seal Lag FELON RAT wee EE tree a What sport do you 4 itnex ton class? Who do you € buy your clothes? How do you f travelto school? Work in pairs. Prepare an interview. Write five questions for your partner. Use the questions from exercises 3 and 5 to help you. what books do you read? White answers to your partner's questions. tad adventure stories Tell the class about your partner, Grammar Builder page 97 (eeeee Workbook: page 14 Unit 2+ Free time Free-time activities VOCABULARY 1 Label the photos with eight ofthe words from the box. Sports and hobbies athletics basketball books chess computer games cycling. films football gymnastics ice-skating jogging music photography rollerblading swimming 2 QC) tisten, repeat and check your answers. 3 Which sports and hobbies can you de: 1 athome? 3° onyour own? 2 outsider 4 ing team? LISTEN 1 GLP) Listen to four teenagers. Which sport or hobby is each petson interested in? 1 Olver 2 Lauren 3 Nick 4 Rachel 2 GED tiston again. complete the sentonces withthe corect name from exercise 1. visits chat ooms. pes toa club nearher home, has go collection of OVDs. meets friends ater school every day. has gta brother. Michael has lessons on Thursdays. reads fm magazines has got an expensive bike 16 Unit2+Freetime 3. Putthe sports and hobbies from Vocabulary exercise 1 into four groups, according to your own opinion, 1 Lealy ike 2 I quite ike 3 Idon'tlike 4 thate SPEAK 1 Workin pairs, Tell your partner your opinions ofthe sports ‘and hobbies. Tick the ones that are the same for both of you. “Trea kb 2. Doaclass survey. Which sport or hobby is: 1. the most popular in the class? 2 the most popular with the boys? 3 the most popular with the girls? GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency EXPLORE 1 (CIB) Read and tsten to what two teonagers say about thelr Saturdays Match them with the pictures, Jacob | always have footbel prectice on Saturday moming, so Iiget up early and have a big breakfast. Ate football practice, | ‘20 home for lunch. In the afternoon, | usually do homework, but ' sometimes play tennis atthe spor's club. hardly ever watch TV during the day ~ the programmes are always really boring. In the ‘evening, | always go out with friends, We often go bowing, ’m usualy in bed before midnight. 2 @CAD complete the chart withthe adverbs of frequency from the box Listen, repeat and check your answers. Adverbs of frequency always usually often never ‘sometimes hardly ever sometimes 2 3 Find al the examples of adverbs of frequency in the texts in exercise 1 4 Circle the correct words in the rules in the Learn this! box. Use the examples inthe texts in exercise 1 to help you 1 We use adverbs of frequency to say how often ‘something happens. 2 We normally put an adverb of frequency: a before/after the verb be b before/after most other verbs Gan iemrbiee LEARN THIS! EXPLOIT 1 Write sentences about Jacob and Kirsty, using adverbs of frequency and 2 phrase from the box. ‘on Saturday afternoon ‘on Saturday morning, on Seturday evening ‘on Saturday night Jacob / have football practice .. Tae always has fetball practice on Saturday morning Kirsty / get up late Kirsty /have breakfast . Jacob / play tennis. Kirsty /buy a mobile phone Jacob and Kirsty/go out with friends Jacob / be in bed before midnight. Kirsty is out. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Look atthe chart. How often do you do these activities? Complete the chart. Ca ee vistrelatives. ——somelimes at he weekend ny parents do homework cookdlinner do the washing-up listen to music watch 1V go shopping ley computer games 3. Wiite sentences, using the information in the chart. sometimes visit relatives atthe: weekend with my parents 4 Compare your sentences with the rest of the class. Which things are the same and which are different? \ sornetimes visit relatives at the. weekend, ‘My partner usually visits relatives after school, (e205 Grammar Bullder:page 97) Unit 2+Freetime 17 WRITING An announcement READ Film Club a ‘Are you interasted in films? We arel We meet “at Lauren's house every ‘Thursday at four o'clock ‘to watch and talk about ‘our favourite DVDs. Every month, we meet to decide the next four films. We usually bring the DVDs, but we sometimes rent them, ‘Come to Film Club! Call Lauren White on 07756 277382. Read the announcements. Answer these questions for each club ‘end write your answers in the table. 1 When do they meet? 2 Where do they meet? 3 What do thay. do evety wee ‘4 What do they do every month /year? 5 Who do you phone about the club? 1 Tharsday at 4 oeloce 2 3 PREPARE 1 Read the Writing tip box. How many Imperatives can you find in the announcements? Which imperative is negative? 1 We often use imperatives in announcements. They're eee Don't forget! Call this number: 674583. 2 We form the affirmative imperative with the base form of ce ‘We form the negative imperative with don’t + base form. 8 Unit 2+ Free time Chess Club Are you a chess player? Good or bad, you're welcome at our club. We meet every Tuesday at six o'clock in Gino's Café to play chess. ‘We usually play for fun, but we also have a competition every year. You can win great prizes, Use your head. Play chess! ‘Don't wait. Phone Lewis Connor today on 07710 767262 or visit our website: www.chessatginos com 2 Complete the imperatives with the words from the box. come don'tforget dom'tstay learn meet play visit Come and join the fun, basketball and get ft. athome. people with the same hobby. new languages. our website. to tell your fiends. WRITE 1 Invent a club, Use one ofthe names from the box or your own idea. aitclub basketball club book club computer club ‘gymnastics club photography club cunning club 2. Make notes about your club. Use the plan to help you. * when itmeets © where it meets * what they do * tho to phone * phone number + website 3. Wite an announcement for your club. Use your notes from er used some imperatives? vritten 50-70 words? | checked your speling and grammar? Free time LANGUAGE SKILLS 1 $9220) complete the dialogue with the words from the bbox. Then listen and check your answers. Jenny What's yourfevourite sport? Kate | love tennis! Jenny Really? How doyou play? Kate 1? play every week, Saturdays Jenny‘ ___doyouplay? in the par? Kate No. /goto the sports centre with my brother. Mum dives, there. Jenny « she play tennis too? Kate Oh, nol She” play, She just watches. play Kate No, | don’t. He's really good player, What about you? Jenny — Well ike watching tennis, but” play 1 * know how to play. Kate ™ with us next Saturday! My brother can give ny lesson! 2 Read the dialogue again, Answer the questions. 4 When does Kate usually pay tenis? 2. Where docs she play tennis? 3 Who does she play with? 4 Does she usually win? 5 How do Kate and her brother get to the sports centre? 6 What does Kate's mum do atthe sports centrez 7 Is Kaie's brother a good player? 8 How often does Jenny play tennis? 3. Write questions forthe inthe box. 1 | meet my friend Anna after school. 2. My mum wotks in a hospital. 3 go swimming three times a week, 4 usually have a sendwich for lunch, 5 getto school by bus. 6 Jim gets up at seven thirty. answers, Use the question words 4 Circle the correct words in these sentences. 1 My sister don’t / doesn’t like computer games, but love they / them! 2 That's your sister's DVD. Give / Gives it to she / her! 3 Do / Does your brother like soccer? How / When often does he play? 4 Bye! See you on / at Sunday. Don't / Doesn’t be late! feito PN satel U1 3 Collocations 1 Allthese verbs are about using your hands, Match the verbs. “with the nouns. Make sentences, using the verbs and nouns. 1 catch atthe door 2 knock a tube of toothpaste 3 shake toatiend 4 squeeze a ball 5 wave orange juice Can you catch the ball? Plurals 2. What are the plurals of these words? Use your dictionary to check, 2 foot fei 5 wife 2 baby 6 businesswoman 3 tooth 7 mouse 4 child 8 fireman Idioms: parts of the body ‘3. What do the exoressions in bold mean? Look up the parts of the body in the expressions. 11 Who's talking about me? My ears are burning! Someom’s talking about me, 2. Keep an eye on your little sister, She sometimes runs out ifthe house, and the road is dangerous, 3. Tony's a good guitarist, but he doesn’t practise enough. He doesn’t want to be a musician, His heart's not init. 4 | want to go out with my fends, but ve got hours and, hours of homework to do. 'm up to my neck in work! 5. My brother always looks down his nose at me. He thinks he's better than me at everything! 6 After work, my dad tikes to put his feet up and watch TV. 1 CAN ... Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick (/) ‘one of the boxes. Eater | sometimes find JPR No problem! practice. this difficult | can understand an anicle about spor. | can ask about people's hobbies and Imerests. | can talk about sports and hobbies. | can talk about daily routines. | ean write an announcement fora club, (e200 Workbook: Self check pages 18-19 Unit2+Freetime 19 AANGUAGE REVIEW VOCABULARY 1 20 Choose the correct ending. 1 Myuncle is my a father's brother 2 My grandmother is my .. a father's mother. 3 My niece is m a deughter's sister, 4 My cousin is my 2 son's uncle. 5. My grandson is my 2 daughter's son. bb brother's father. b mother's father b sisters daughter. bb uncle's son bb son's daughter. tn Write the plural form of these words, 1 wile 4 potato 2 husband 5 bus 3 photo 6 family ta a Complete the text. My name is Angola. Mary and Jim are my mother and . ‘My mother's brather i called John john fs my John hes got one child, David. David is my My mother's mother and father, my live in David's house. My sisterhas got two childron, Her daughter is my * ‘and her is ‘my nephew. Iam their® taal Complete the sports end hobbies. 1 basket. 4 ies__ 2 computers _ 5 photog 3 gymmn_ 6 roller Complete the sentences with the names of sports and hobbies. 1 There are eleven people on a team. 2 Wego atthe poot in town. 3 You play with afdend ora computer! 4 watch a lot of, on DVD. 5 Hove ‘and I've gota good camera. 6 He often goes ‘on my bicycle! 7 Inwinter go fon the lake 8 in his room, Language Review 1-2 GRAMMAR 1. Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative form of, the verbs in the box. 4 My sister French at school. 2 My brother and tennis. 3 My bestfriend toa different school, 4 My dad television every evening. 5 We in Cambridge. 6 My mum at six o'clock every morning, tna 2. Write two sentences in the present simple: affirmative (/) and negative (0). they /listen to: X chat shows 7 the news she/sit: Xneat to Emma 7 next to Sue \/play: ¥ golf x tennis he/go: x swimming cycling they/ come fiom: 7 Jordan x Egypt she /teach: J physics X sport hhe/speak: x Welsh ¥ English we/like: ¥ pizza xXrice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 Complete the questions (16). Then match them with the ansvrers (a-f). you live? he like sport? she study? ‘you get to school? she get up eatly? ‘you know Lucas? History and German. ‘No, she doesn’t. She gots up late. Yes, he loves it. walk. Yes, 1 do. He's in my class, In New York. 4 Rewrite the sentences to include the adverb of frequency in brackets. have cheese for breakfast (often) ‘She's tate for school, hardly eve) ‘play computer games. (often) He does his homework on the bus. (never) 1's cold in January. (usually) ‘School finishes at quarter past four. (always) We have lunch at school. (sometimes) ma 1 2 3 a 5 6 a > d e f SKILLS RO! uP 1-2 Sport in Australia Australians love sport. They play it, they tak about it and they. watch iton TV. Australien weather is perfect for sport, and there are thousands of great beaches, so swimming is very ‘popular. The population of Australia is only about 20 milion, but many of the best sportsmen and sportswoman in the world come from Australia ‘Young people in Australia are very active. More than 60% Of children go to sports clubs. They also do activites with friends: for example, skateboarding, cycing and rcllerlading. ‘The top four spots for boys are: ‘etivity Participation (%) football 222 ‘serimming 187 tennis 95 cricket 9 ther popuiar sports for boys are basketball, martial ers, hockey and athletic. The top four sports for girs aro: (Betivity————SSS=*S Participation (%) ‘swimming 178 Tennis 78 ‘basketball 69 ‘gymnastics | 34 Other popular sports for gis are footbalzthetcs, ata ats, hockey and horse riding, READ Road the text and answer the questions. 1. What do Australians think of sport? 2. Why is swimming popular? 3. Which two sports are popular only with boys? 4 Which two sports are popular only with gists? LISTEN 10 Listen to the information about swimmer, lan Thorpe. Which Olympic Games are his medals from? a 2000 b 2008 ¢ 2000 and 2004 2 @ GW iisten again. Are the sentences true or false? Jan Thorpe is from Sycney, Austra Hes very tall but he's got smal feet. fan's sister, Christina, is tennis player. Jan isan Olympic champion and has got two gold medals Jan holds two world records. lan is interested in alot of diferent sports. WRITE AND SPEAK 11 How much do you know about Australia? Answer the questions. 1 Can you name any Australian cities? 2 Canyou name any famous Australians? 3 What's the name of the place in the photo? Why do people Visit this place? 2. Workin groups. What sports and places are popular in your country? Write a ‘top Four’ list of things for visitors to do. Skills Round-up 1-224 chool life 35 High flyers BEFORE READING Imagine that you don't have to goto school, and you study at home instead. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying at home? Use the phrases in the box and your own ideas. compare ideas think getup eatly have fun talkabout your ideas make friends. travelto school discuss problems withthe teachers You Aoe't have to getup eary ‘Trees ist a gym READ 1. Read the Reading tip. Then look through the text quickly and. find the answers to these questions. 1 How many people lve in Australia? 2 How many Schools ofthe Air are there? 3 How often do teachers visit their students? Information, use subheadings to help you and read the first sentence of each paragraph. 2 (G25) Read the text again. Then choose the best answers. 1 Some students in Australia can’t go to normal schools because a their parents work on farms. b they want to study unusual subjects. they live hundreds of kilometres away from a school. 2 There are about 12 12,000 students in the Schools of the Ai. 'b 1,000 students in the Schools ofthe Alt. «20 million students in the Schools of the Ait 3 Once a week, students a send work to the teachers. b meet their teachers. «borrow books from the library. 4 Students discuss thelr work with 2 teacher a onthe phone. » by radio or on the intemet. once a year 5. Ateacher and student meet when a the teacher visits the studont’s home, b the student visits the teacher's home. « they go to.a school inthe city 6 The Sports Carnival happens once a year and is. a only for teachers, b compulsory € optional, 22° Unit3 «Schoo! life THIS UNIT INCLUDES eee Vocabulary + schoolsubjes + inthe dassoom * preposians of place places school » expressions with ate » vis fr ahng » cape laters» nour fon vets * smonyms bigor smal Ska + reodng istering and speaking about choos, subjectsand fimelsles = dezrbings cor ting © «note SCHOOL OF THE AIR Big country, small population ‘Australia is an @fGAIOUS country, but it has a Bulan of enly 20 millon. Some familios ive on big, Ila farms, hundreds of Kilometres from a town or ty. CChidren from these famites can’t f§éllto schoo! every day, s0 many of them usa a special senoo!: the Australlan| Schoo! of the Alc ‘Schools without classrooms: ‘There are twelve Schools of the Airin Australia and over 1,000 students use them. Students ofthe School of the Ar study the same BUBJBGES as other Australian students, but they don't have lessons in classrooms with other students, They study at home BIWHEIEEWA. The teachers UNDERSTANDING IDEAS ‘Answer the questions. Look at the text, and use your own words and ideas. 1 Describe a typical day fora student ofthe School ofthe Ait. 2 How do teachers check students’ work? 3. Do you think lif is easy or dificult for students of the School ofthe Air’ Why? 44 Think of three or four things that a student's parents have todo. at the Schoo! of the Air lessons and send them ‘to tho students by BBB or emai. The students have ‘0 work on these lessons for five or six hours a day, Monday to Friday. They send their work to the teachers. ‘once a week and it by radio or over the internet. ‘They can also BOREW books from the schoo! lisa. The books arrive by post Achance to meet Once or twice 4 year, a teacher visits every student at home. The teacher spends a day with the student, helps them with their work and discusses problems. ‘The teacher often has dinner with the family and stays. for a night at the student's house. Teachers and students ‘ean also mast at the Sports Camival. This| ‘noe a year an paying fel in Alice Springs. Studonts don'thave to 90, but tis a great way for thom to do ‘sport together and to make friends. “| study on my own,’ ‘ays one student, ‘but not ISB My teachers are vary ticly, anc to them qute often. | emai other students most days, too. And | love the filial Sports cama! VOCABULARY School of the air 11 Match the highlighted words in the text with these definitions. 1A system for delivering letters and packages. 2 By themselves, not with other people, 3 Acollection of books that students can use. 44 Happening once a year. 5 Along way from other people or places. 6 To take something fora short time (and give it back later. 7 Very big. 8 Unhappy because you are not with other people. 9 Maths, English, and the other things that you study at school. 10. To heppen. 11. To go from one place to another, 42 To get ready. 13 Totalk in a relaxed, friendly way. 14 To talk about something serious or important. 15. The number of people in a country. 2 Do you know these words? camival_ kilometre make friends over playing field quite often special twice Unit 3+ School life 23 VOCABULARY School of the air ACTIVATE ‘Complete these sentences with the words from the box. annual borrow chats discuss enormous isolated library lonely on his own population post prepare: Subject takes place. travel 1 It's my grandma's birthday next week. She lives along way away. | can! to her house, $0 want to send her a present by 2 Russiais an country, Ittakes about eight hours to fly across it. thas a ‘of about 145 million. 3 Tom ves in an village in the county. He hasn't got any brothers or sisters, 50 he spends a lot of ime ‘Sometimes he feels at weekends, so he to is friends on the phone. 4 There's a geography exam next month. I think geography is, adifficut thave to forthe exam. | think it's a good idea to visit the so can some books. 5. Do you find the lessons dificult? Why don't you with the teacher? 6 Ourschool concert is an November every year. event. It EXTEND Places in schools 1 These are some of the places you can find in a school. Complete the sentences, using the nouns. ‘canteen corridor gym hall library playing fields staff room stairs You can do exercises end play basketball inthe gj. You walk up or down the. to get to another oor. ‘The whale school can meetin the You can play football or hockey on the Before you go into the classroom, you sometimes have to wait outside in the hen the teachers have a break, they usually go to the 7 You have lunch and snacks in the. 8 Students can borrow books from the 2 Does your school have all these places? What other places are there in your school? 24 Unit3 «School life Expressions with take 3 Match these sentences with the pictures. ‘don'tlike it. Take itdown? = & “Thave to take it out.” = ‘Atlooks terible. Take it off) ‘Don'ttake it apart!" —_ ‘W's too long. Ican'ttake itn “Take it away" — Verbs for talking 4 ‘These verbs are used for different kinds of talking. Match them with the definitions ‘shout announce discuss gossip whisper interview argue 1 To talk about something serious or important, discuss 2 To have an angry conversation with someone. 3 To talk very quietly to someone, so that other people can't hear. 4 Totalkina very loud voice. 5 To ask someone a lst of questions. 6 Totalk about other people's private lives. 7 To say something important toa large numberof people. Workbook: page 21 GRAMMAR there is / there are EXPLOIT EXPLORE 1. Look at the photo in Explore exercise 1 again. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is / there are. 1. Read the text. Which country ists classroom in? 1 There arcsome students. 5 a noticeboard 2 ‘teacher, 6 ayy. 3 ‘computer, 7 ‘any shelves, 4 any posters. 8 some trees. 2. Write sentences about your classroom. Use the words in the box and your own ideas. computer shelves desks chairs posters CD player TV noticeboard ‘here isn't a computer in our claseroem, ‘Took around your own classroom. Are there any desks? Is there a noticeboard? The answer is probably yes. Schools in large cites in India are the same. But outside the cities, theyre often very different. The children in the photo goto a small school in India, Their classroom is outside. There isn’t a noticeboard, There's a desk for the teacher but there aren't any desks forthe children. Infact, ‘there aren’t any chairs - the children sit on the ground. But there are some books - and alot of motivation! 3 Look at the picture of a bedroom and complete the questions With Js there a/ an ..? or Are there any..? 2 Complete the table with the ighlighted words fom the tex. 1 theres bed? 8 window? 2 chairs? 9 cost Cesk) 10 posers Fieelar Taal 4 player 1a bine eee a 5 shelves? 12 —_____ clock? affirmative affirmative 6 Ww 13, —_____ plants? ‘There’s.a teacher. & some students. 7 books? 14 ____ cupboard? negative negative 4 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 3. Use the L am . any CDs. prepesitions from the box. erogatve interogative behind infront of newtto neat on under noticeboard? % any children? No, there srt ves there are. Sea Tes there fe ar te wind 8 | Weuse is there a /an...?ta ask about singular nouns. | Weusearetnereony 70 sh aeut ura nous $857 Grammar Buller: page 99 (Seees Workbook: page2? +») Unit 3+ School life 25 Talking about school VOCABULARY 1 Match the textbooks with ten ofthe school subjects from the box. School subjects Arabic art and design biology chemistry design and technology (0). English French geography German history Information and communications technology (.C.) ‘maths meste physical education @E) physics science Spanish 2 GL) tisten, repeat and check your answers. 3 Which of the subjects from exercise 1 do you study? Do you study any others that are notin the list? € Workbook: page 23) LISTEN ED Read the Listening tip. then listen and complete the timetable for Mondays with school subjects from Vocabulary exercise 1 ze ‘When you listen, don't worry or stop if you miss an answer. ust move on to the next question. You'll have a chance to complete the missing answers when you iston again, 26 Unit3 «School life 1 /845-9.30 Jolin } 2 935-10.20 | 10.25~10.45 | MORNING BREAK | 3 10.45-12.30 | 4 /11.35-12.20 1220-130 | LUNCH BREAK 5 130-245 6 | 2.20-3.05 SPEAK 1 Work in pairs. Which subjects do you like? Ask and answer questions, using the phrases in the box to help you. Hove it. it's great. Its all right/OK/not bad. hate it /I cant stand it => ER 2 write your portect timetable for one day. Copy the timetable InListen and complete it with your favourite subjects. 3. Workin pairs. Ask and answer questions about your partner's timetable. Can you copy it correctly? GRAMMAR have to EXPLORE 1 Read the text. What do students at Summerhill School have to do? Summerhill School in England és a private school, and its vey different from most other schools. There isa timetable, ‘but students GOMEHANEItOlgo to the lessons. They sometimes play football instead! There's a meeting every week forall the children and teachers at the school, and they vote to decide the school rules there. The teachers and students all Halt the head teacher have to follow the rules? Yes, she BOBS! v ‘Study the information in the Leorn this! box. Complete the examples, using the highlighted words from the text in exercise 1. 41 We use have to (or has 0) to say that something is necessary or compulsory, 2 We use don’t have to (or doesn’t have to) to say that ‘something is not necessary (but it isrt against the rules). LEARN THIS! be at school before 9 o'clock. rave lunch at school. Some people go home forlunch, Do you haveto study French? Yess do! dont have to do PE? Yes, shes___/ omen Grammar Reference: page 98 EXPLOIT 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have (a, affirmative or negative. 1. My brothers to wear a school uniform: black trousers and sweatshirt, but wear a uniform. 2 We. take exams every term — only atthe end of the year. 31 be at schoo! by 8.50 because the first lesson starts then. 4 We. study a foreign language: French, Spanish or German. 5 I don'tlike geography, but | studyit IMy sisters at a normal state school - she. 2 GB) Listen, repeat and check your answers. How are the words have to (or has to) pronounced? Try to copy what you hear. 3 Lookat the chart. Are these things compulsory or not ‘compulsory at your school? Choose yes or no. Then write sentences with have fo or don’t have to. 'We have t0/dorit have to wear a uniform. 1. weara uniform yes {no 2. study a foreign language yes/no 3 take exams yes /no 4 do homework yes/no 5 getto school belore 9.00 vyes [no 6 stay at school after 3.00 yes [no 4 Read and complete one student’s description of an ideal school. Use have to and don’t have to. 5. Think about your ideal school. Write a short description, using have o and don't have to. We don't have to (ee Grammar Builder: page 99 188 Workbook: page 24 Unit 3 + School life 27

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