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Nico and Ranger

“It started with the fourth world war, year 3004 was a mess, death, betrayal, grief, and murder, I’ve
experienced it all, everyone has. But no one has suffered it more than the last Acropolis survivor, the city
most advanced and most successful, gone. Except one rat, Ranger. He has done too much damage to
this world, we can’t let him out of our sight. I wanted him, dead or alive.”


“Nico!” I heard my father scream

“Yes! Coming!” I shouted back, i checked my gown before going out. I’m getting coronated today, I’ll be
the best queen England will ever know.

“What took you so long?” My husband greeted me with his annoyed face.

“Good morning to you too husband, you know being beautiful takes a bunch of effort, one thing you don’t
know about.” I teased him.

“You’re still immature, how will you rule England?”

“Easy, I’ll think about what will my husband do? Then not do it.”

“Stop it you two. You’re giving me a headache, Nico as my successor you will rule, and as soon as your
child, hopefully a boy, come of age he will be-“

“-The king, yes dad, you’ve told me this a thousand times.”

“A thousand times, its been two years and I still haven’t got a grandson. What’s wrong? Do i need to
remarry you?”

“How about we talk about this after the coronation?” My husband butted in.
“Give her a son boy, or off with your head.” My father threatened him.

“Dad stop it.” I told him and walked off. Westminster Abbey is decorated with our country’s flag, and other
royals are present. The nervousness started to kick in. My hand turned ice cold, and all the blood
transferred to my face.

Right before the crown laid on my head, all the lights went out and we heard screaming coming from

“RANGER’S HERE!” a royal guard screamed before he got stabbed. Behind him we saw a man in a
mask, I can see half his face and the other half is covered.

“The king will pay for what he did to my country!” Ranger screamed “Where is he?” my father is nowhere
to be seen, he fled and left his country to rot.

“Where are you my king?” he taunted. Still no response. “then I guess the princess will be a great

“Do not touch her!” my husband screamed as Ranger walked towards me. My husband can’t fight and
half my soldiers fled, I can do this on my own.

“Touch me and your head will be the first trophy I’ll hang.” I told him. He chuckled then pointed on my

“H-how?” I was shocked obviously.

“Acropolis was my home, the most advanced and most successful city. Then it died when your father
decided to nuke my home.”

“It was an accident.” My husband defended my father.

“Accident? You call that an accident? All of them died! And I burned!” he removed his mask and pointed
on his face. There’s a huge burn behind the mask.

“He intended to nuke the country beside you, Russia. They made a mistake on their calculations and
brought down Acropolis instead.” My husband continued.
“Just because of some dumb mistake, my country had to pay, well I’m going to make you all pay, starting
with you.” He pointed his sword to father who was sneaking behind him with a knife. He sliced off his
head with just a swing of his sword. Seeing him die crushed me. He’s not a good dad, but he wasn’t bad
either, he tried his best to raise me when my mom died. And I’m going to make sure Ranger pays for what
he did.

Ranger just laughed the whole 5 minutes after my father died while my husband try to console me.

“I need you to distract him.” I told my husband. He nodded and distracted Ranger with a song. Cliché I
know. But it worked, Ranger got mad and he game me some time to remove my handcuffs. I picked up
the dagger my father was supposed to kill him with and ran to him.

Unfortunately he grabbed me by the collar and pushed me away. While he was facing me my husband
then stabbed him with a sword from one of our soldiers.

Ranger died smiling. His last words were “I’ll be home now.”


“That’s how I fell in love with your dad.” I told my children.

“I thought dad was weak, he did that?” my daughter Amara asked.

“I was not weak, I was just scared.” My husband defended himself.

After my father, Ranger and half of the country died, I stepped in as the ruler with my husband by my
side, and a year later we had Amara, my daughter. The war is finished, I just hope my daughter will live
happily ever after.

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