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CREATE TABLE Serpents(serpent varchar(10) primary key, sexe varchar(1),

longueur int check (longueur >0),ecailles int check (ecailles >=0),

estVenimeux varchar(1) CHECK (estVenimeux IN('O','N')),
EnAmour varchar(10) check (EnAmour IN ('macho','timide','sincere','volage'))


CREATE TABLE Amours(serpAimant varchar(10) primary key,serpAime varchar(10),

force varchar(15) CHECK (force IN ('un peu','beaucoup','passionnement','a la
FOREIGN KEY (serpAimant) REFERENCES Serpents(serpent),
FOREIGN KEY (serpAime) REFERENCES Serpents(serpent)

CREATE TABLE Nourritures(produit varchar(10) primary key ,calories int CHECK

(calories >=0)

CREATE TABLE Repas(serpent varchar(20),produit varchar(20),

quantite integer CHECK (quantite >0),
primary key (serpent,produit)

6-select serpent from Serpents s where not exists(select serpAimant from Amours
where serpAimant=s.serpent);
7-select serpAimant from Amours where force='pasionnement';
8- select serpAimant from Amours where force ='passionnement'or force='a la folie';

9-select serpAimant ,SerpAime from Amours A

where exists(select * from Amours where A.serpAime != serpAimant and
and A.serpAime=serpAimant);

10-select serpAimant ,SerpAime from Amours A

1- select serpent from Serpents where estVenimeux='O';

2-select serpent from Serpents where estVenimeux ='O' and sexe='M';
3-select * from serpents where sexe='F' order by longueur desc;
select sexe AVG(longueur/ecailles) from serpents group by sexe;
select serpent from serpents where EnAmour IN
6-select serpAimant from Amours ;
select serpent from Serpents where serpent not in (select serpAimant from Amours);

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