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Choose the correct answer:

1) All living organisms are consisted of …….

A) Tissues
B) Organs
C) Cells
D) Fibers

2) The basic structure of the cell membrane is ……

A) Lipid bilayer
B) Protein bilayer
C) Lipid monolayer
D) Protein monolayer

3) One part of The phospholipids and the cholesterol is …….. which

is soluble in water while the other part is ….. which is not .

A) hydrophilic, hydrophobic
B) hydrophobic, hydrophilic
C) both hydrophilic
D) both hydrophobic
4) In the figure letter A represents ……..

A) Golgi complex
B) Ribosomes
C) Plasma membrane
D) Nucleus

5) In the figure letter B represents …….

A) Ribosomes
C) Nucleus
D) Golgi complex
6) In the figure letter E represents …..

A) Nucleus
C) Plasma membrane
D) Ribosomes

7) …. Of the total body fluids are intracellular while ….. of the body
is extracellular
A) 1/3, 2/3
B) 2/3, 1/3
C) None, ALL
D) ALL, None

8) In the figure letter A represents ……..

A) Glycolipid
B) Glycoprotein
C) Cholesterol
D) Integral protein

9) In the figure letter D represents …..

A) Bimolecular lipid layer

B) Polar heads of phospholipids
C) Nonpolar tails of phospholipids
D) Peripheral proteins

10) ……… is the transportation of a substance with a carrier

protein without the need of ATP.

A) Facilitated diffusion
B) Active transport
C) Diffusion
D) Osmosis

11) ……… is the movement of water across the cell membrane

from a less to a higher concentrated region.

A) Diffusion
B) Active transport
C) Osmosis
D) Facilitated diffusion

12) …… is cell drinking mechanism

A) Pinocytosis
B) Phagocytosis
C) Endocytosis
D) Exocytosis

13) ….. is cell eating mechanism

A) Pinocytosis
B) Phagocytosis
C) Endocytosis
D) Exocytosis

14) ….. are the carbohydrates that cannot be hydrolyzed to a

simpler form.

A) Monosaccharides
B) Disaccharides
C) Polysaccharides
15) …… are complex sugars which yield more than 6 molecules
of monosaccharides.

A) Monosaccharides
B) Disaccharides
C) Polysaccharides

16) Sugar units are joined together by …..

A) Glycosidic linkage
B) Peptide bonds
C) Ester bonds

17) Proteins are joined together by ……

A) Glycosidic linkage
B) Peptide bonds
C) Ester bonds

18) Fats are joined together by …..

A) Glycosidic linkage
B) Peptide bonds
C) Ester bonds

19) ……. Are complex substances of high molecular weight and

from their major functions is controlling cell growth.

A) Polysaccharides
B) Nucleic acids
C) Complex proteins
D) Triglycerides

20) DNA are found almost entirely in the ….

A) Nucleus
B) Cytoplasm
C) Golgi complex
D) Ribosomes

21) In DNA adenine is attached to …. And guanine is attached

to …….
A) Thymine, cytosine
B) Cytosine, thymine
C) Uracil, cytosine
D) Cytosine, uracil

22) Chemical reactions without enzymes would occur ……

A) Faster
B) Slower
C) Remains the same

23) In the enzymatic reaction the competitive inhibitor is

attached to ……

A) The active site

B) The enzyme itself
C) Substrate

24) Competitive inhibitors are non reversible T/F

25) Optimal Ph for the activity of most enzymes is between ……

A) 5/9
B) 1.8
C) 2/3

26) When increasing the substrate concentration the reaction

rate will keep accelerating without a limit T/F

27) ……. Are enzymes that catalyze the intramolecular

rearrangements of atoms.

A) Isomerases
B) Ligases
C) Transferases
D) Dehydrogenases

28) ……. Is a group of enzymes that catalyzes reactions and new

bonds are formed while …… is the breakdown of complex
substrates into simpler form

A) Lyases, ligases
B) Ligases, lyases
C) Lyases, isomerases
D) Transferases, ligases
29) Organisms that can synthesize all essential organic
compounds from inorganic sources are called ………

A) Saprozoic
B) Autotrophs
C) Heterotrophs

30) Animals that requires intake of organic compounds are

called …..

A) Autotrophs
B) Saprozoic
C) Heterotrophs

31) How many different kinds of B Complex Vitamins are


A) 9
B) 8
C) 7
D) 6
32) Beri-Beri disease is occurred in the deficiency of ……

A) Thiamine
B) Riboflavin
C) Niacin
D) Pantothenic acid

33) Which vitamin works in the body as NAD and NADP?

A) Niacin
B) Pantothenic acid
C) Riboflavin
D) Ascorbic acid

34) Deficiency of cobalamin vitamin in body causes ……

A) Rickets
B) Marasmus
C) Beri_Beri
D) Pernicious anemia
35) What is the vitamin that is vital for oxidative reactions and
its deficiency causes scurvy?

A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin K
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin E

36) Toxicity of what vitamin causes rickets in children and

osteomalacia in adults?

A) E
B) A
C) D
D) K

37) Which fat soluble vitamin is an oil that is present in plants?

A) A
B) K
C) E
D) D

38) Which vitamin is important for blood clotting?

A) K
B) C
C) D
D) A

39) Which trace element is important for hemoglobin


A) Copper
B) Zinc
C) Iron
D) Cobalt

40) Deficiency of what element causes decreased thyroxine


A) Zinc
B) Iron
C) Cobalt
D) Iodine

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