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1) Glucose with 4 asymmetric C-atoms can form …..

A) 16
B) 8
C) 32
D) 24

2) ….. Are isomers differing in configuration of the —OH & —H on carbon atoms 2, 3, & 4 of

A) Starches
B) Ketoses
C) Epimers
D) Polymers

3) In Deoxy sugars A/An …. Atom replaces one of the hydroxyl groups in the

A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Nitrogen
D) Carbon

4) 2-Deoxy-D-ribose is important for building ….


5) Amino sugars contain …… in place of one OH group in the monosaccharide and ….


A) Phosphate group, may be

B) Phosphate group, can’t be
C) Amino group, may be
D) Amino group, can’t be

6) Monosaccharides is linked by ……. Bond.

A) Peptide
B) Glycosidic
C) Phosphate

7) Milks sugar is called …. While table sugar is called.

A) Lactose, Fructose
B) Mannose, Fructose
C) Lactose, Sucrose
D) Mannose, Sucrose
8) Sucrose is unique because it is …..

A) A reducing sugar
B) Not a reducing sugar

9) …… Is a glucose dimer released during cellulose degradation.

A) Glucose
B) Cutin
C) Lignin
D) Cellobiose

10) ……… with free anomeric-C are considered reducing sugars

A) Mono&poly Sacc.
B) Di&poly Sacc.
C) Mono&Di Sacc.

11) …. Is a trisaccharide from glucose while ….. is a tetra saccharide from galactose and …..
a pentasaccharide from fructose

A) Raffinose,Verbascose,Stachyoses
B) Verbascose,Stachyoses,Raffinose
C) Raffinose,Stachyoses,Verbascose
D) Verbascose,Raffinose,Stachyoses

12) Oligosaccharides are …. Absorbed when ingested.

A) Easily
B) Poorly
C) Not

13) …… poly saccharides are polymers composed of one type of monosaccharides while …..
Are composed of several types of monosaccharides.

A) Homo,Hetero
B) Hetero, Homo
C) Simple,Complex
D) Complex,Simple

14) ….. and …. Are storage polysaccharides while …… and ……. Are structural ones.

A) Starch/glycogen , cellulose/chitin
B) Starch/chitin , Cellulose/glycogen
C) Glycogen/Chitin , Starch/Cellulose
D) Cellulose/Chitin , Starch/glycogen

15) …. Is the most common storage homoglycan of glucose in plants.

A) Glucagon
B) Amylose
C) Starch
D) Fructose

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