Reproduction Strategies

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1. the type of fertilisation :

internal fertilisation vs external fertilisation explanation : female salmon deposits her ova on riverbed and then

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fusion of male female fusion of male female the male will deposit sperm in the water .
He then

g. amate inside female body .

gamate outside female body . swims to fertilise the Ova .

explanation because
: outside there are so many eggs formed
chances of survival chances of survival ,

pr editors and water currents can move or destroy

i. small no .
of eggs produced
i. large no . of
eggs produced

- .
the eggs
i. chance of success is
hens and humans fish frog and starfish

eg .
cows eg .

note : a general tube for excretion and reproduction = cloaca

2. development of the embryo : * development of amniotic egg

extra embryonic membranes

allantois ( waste
a) oviparous :
young develop and hatch from
eggs laid outside amnion ( protect)
and gas ex )
: chorion
nourished by yolk of egg

( gas exch )
all birds ; many fish ; amphibians and reptiles .

b) ovoviviparous :
young develop and hatch from eggs within the

uterus and mother gives birth to the live young .

amniotic cavity
nourished by with amniotic yolk
yolk of egg
fluid .
certain fish : snacks ; reptiles ; some invertebrates
yolk sac

c) viviparous :
young develop inside mother and gives birth to the young .

nourished by mother 's tissue ( placenta -
. :
provides nourishment )

: mammals i. e humans .

3. precocial and altricial (once offspring has been born )

a) precocial b) altricial

. .

developed examples altricial

fully developed
hatch :
or born almost born or when not well

. .

down often naked tree nesting bird

open eyes hair or lacking hair down a .

, or ,

. .

active or mobile cannot walk or fly precocial =

- -

not confined to a nest confined to a nest or burrow nesting birds .

. .

energy goes into prenatal development . energy goes into parental care after birth .
(semen =
sperm 1- fluids from glands )
4. Parental care :

in ecology ,
r / K selection theory relates to the selection of combinations of traits in an
organism that trade-off between

quantity and quality of offspring . The focus is either an increased quantity of offspring at the expense of individual

parent ( r
strategy ) or on a reduced quantity of offspring with a corresponding increased parental care CK -

strategy )

typical examples of r -
species : mice ; rabbits ; weeds and bacteria ( have a lot of offspring but a shorter life expectancy )

typical examples of K -
selection : tortoises : elephants ; people and Sequoia trees [ offspring are less but life exp is longer )

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