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RESEARCH: Fasting and Cancer treatment

Fasting and Cancer treatment

Deborah Kennedy, ND PhD

Dr. Nasha Winters wrote about the benefits of improve the effectiveness of cancer
fasting in her book, Metabolic Approach To treatments. Here are some summaries of the
Cancer™. Since her book was published, current research:
fasting has become increasingly popular as a 1. Short-term fasting and fasting
therapeutic intervention. mimicking diets combined with
A search on the PubMed database shows that chemotherapy: a narrative review.
there are currently over 5,000 scientific articles In a study published in the journal
published on fasting and its effects on health. Cancer Research, researchers found
These studies cover a wide range of topics and that fasting for 48-72 hours prior to
most have reported positive outcomes chemotherapy treatment significantly
including. reduced the side effects of the treatment
while simultaneously increasing the
Fasting is a practice that involves refraining effectiveness of the treatment against
from consuming food and sometimes cancer cells.
beverages for a specific duration. There are
different types of fasts, each with its distinct 2. The effects of short-term fasting on
approach and purpose. Some of the more quality of life and tolerance to
common types include: chemotherapy in patients with breast
and ovarian cancer: a randomized
1. Water Fasting: This involves cross-over pilot study.
consuming only water for a specified A clinical trial conducted on
period, usually lasting one to three days. gynecological cancer patients showed
2. Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent that fasting for 36 hours prior to, during
fasting restricts food intake to a specific and 24 hours post chemotherapy
daily time window, typically involving 16- reported better tolerance to
20 hours of fasting and 4-8 hours of chemotherapy, better quality of life and
eating. reduce fatigue in the fasted group.
3. Alternate Day Fasting: In this
approach, fasting occurs every other
day, with some variations allowing 3. Fasting mimicking diet as an adjunct
limited calorie intake on fasting days. to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for
4. Religious Fasting: Fasting is observed breast cancer in the multicentre
as a spiritual discipline in some randomized phase 2 DIRECT trial.
religions, such as during Ramadan. A clinical trial with breast cancer
5. Partial Fasting: Certain foods are patients were randomly selected to
restricted during partial fasting. receive either a fasting mimicking diet
(FMD) or their regular diet for 3 days
prior to and during neoadjuvant
Studies that investigated the impact of fasting chemotherapy. Study findings indicated
prior to or during chemotherapy treatments that there was no difference in toxicity
was shown to reduce side effects of and between the two groups and that • © 2023 Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health •

RESEARCH: Fasting and Cancer treatment

complete or partial responses occurred free survival and reduce side effects in
more often in the group receiving FMD. cancer patients.
FMD was also found to reduce DNA
damage in immune cells. 7. Fasting and cancer: molecular
mechanisms and clinical application
A second review article discusses the
4. Fasting and differential
molecular mechanisms behind the
chemotherapy protection in patients.
potential benefits of fasting for cancer
A study conducted on patients with
treatment. Cancer cells have distinct
various types of cancer found that
vulnerabilities when it comes to their
fasting for three days prior to
nutritional needs and reliance on
chemotherapy treatment improved their
specific metabolites. Recent research
overall quality of life and reduced the
has identified these vulnerabilities as
severity of common side effects such as
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. emerging characteristics of cancer.
Fasting, or adopting fasting-mimicking
diets (FMDs), can trigger significant
5. Fasting and cancer treatment in changes in the levels of growth factors
humans: A case series report. and metabolites within the body. These
A clinical trial conducted on breast changes create an environment that can
cancer patients showed that fasting for undermine the ability of cancer cells to
24 hours prior to chemotherapy reduced adapt and survive, thus enhancing the
the side effects of the treatment, such effectiveness of cancer treatments.
as fatigue, weakness, and Additionally, fasting or FMDs can bolster
gastrointestinal problems, without the resilience of normal cells to
affecting the effectiveness of the chemotherapy while not providing the
treatment against cancer cells. And same benefits to cancer cells.
fasting may also help reduce cancer cell Furthermore, they promote the
growth and play a role in cancer regeneration of normal tissues,
treatment. potentially mitigating the harmful and
potentially life-threatening side effects
associated with cancer treatments.
And fasting may also help reduce cancer cell Although fasting is often challenging for
growth and play a role in cancer treatment. patients, both animal and clinical studies
have demonstrated that cycles of low-
calorie FMDs are feasible and generally
6. Effect of fasting on cancer: A safe. Several ongoing clinical trials are
narrative review of scientific investigating the impact of fasting or
evidence. FMDs on the occurrence of treatment-
This narrative review of scientific related adverse events and treatment
evidence discusses the potential for efficacy outcomes. In this context, we
fasting to limit cancer cell adaptability, propose that combining FMDs with
survival, and growth. The authors chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or other
suggest that prolonged periodic fasting treatment modalities holds promise as a
could be combined with conventional strategy to enhance treatment
cancer treatments to promote cancer- effectiveness, prevent the development
of treatment resistance, and reduce side • © 2023 Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health •
RESEARCH: Fasting and Cancer treatment

effects. 5. Safdie, F. M. et al. Fasting and cancer

treatment in humans: A case series
report. Aging 1, 988–1007 (2009).
8. Fasting-mimicking diet and hormone
therapy induce breast cancer 6. Twari, S., Sapkota, N. & Han, Z. Effect
regression. of fasting on cancer: A narrative review
While this study reports on the fasting- of scientific evidence. Cancer Science
mimicking diet and hormone therapy 113, 3291–3302 (2022)
induce breast cancer regression. This 7. Nencioni, A., Caffa, I., Cortellino, S. &
preclinical study in mice investigated the Longo, V. D. Fasting and cancer:
effects of a fasting-mimicking diet molecular mechanisms and clinical
combined with hormone therapy on application. Nat Rev Cancer 18, 707–
breast cancer. The study found that the 719 (2018).
combination treatment induced cancer 8. Caffa I, et al. Fasting-mimicking diet and
regression and reduced cancer cell hormone therapy induce breast cancer
growth compared to hormone therapy regression. Nature. 2020
alone demonstrating that further Jul;583(7817):620-624.
investigation into this combination is

1. Kikomeko J, Schutte T, van Velzen
MJM, Seefat R, van Laarhoven HWM.
Short-term fasting and fasting mimicking
diets combined with chemotherapy: a
narrative review. Ther Adv Med Oncol.
2023 Mar 22;15:175
2. Bauersfeld, S. P. et al. The effects of
short-term fasting on quality of life and
tolerance to chemotherapy in patients
with breast and ovarian cancer: a
randomized cross-over pilot study. BMC
Cancer 18, 476 (2018)
3. de Groot S, et al. Fasting mimicking diet
as an adjunct to neoadjuvant
chemotherapy for breast cancer in the
multicentre randomized phase 2
DIRECT trial. Nat Commun. 2020 Jun
4. Raffaghello, L. et al. Fasting and
differential chemotherapy protection in
patients. Cell Cycle 9, 4474–4476
(2010). • © 2023 Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health •


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