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Brittany Woods - School Safety Audit

For each risk factor indicate the extent to which you think it applies to your school.

Not Minimally Moderately Extensively Do not

Present Present Present Present Know Comments
Neighborhood and
School Risk Factors
Vandalism in ☒ The town of South
neighborhood Amboy has
vandalism outside
of abandoned
High student mobility ☒

Graffiti in ☒ The town of South

neighborhood Amboy has
minimal graffiti
present outside of
the area along the
train station
Gang activity in ☒ There is no
neighborhood reported gang
activity in South
Crime in neighborhood ☒ South Amboy has
a low crime rate
outside of petty
theft occurrences
Poverty in ☒ South Amboy is a
neighborhood low-income town
Trespassing on school ☒ Outside of an
grounds incident last year
of students
trespassing on
school grounds
after dismissal,
there are no other
cases of

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
Parent withdrawal of ☒ Parents have not
students due to safety withdrawn
concerns students due to
safety concerns.
Sex offenders in ☒ According to the
neighborhood sex offender's
registry, there are
8 known offenders
in a population of
over 9000 people.
Students adjudicated for ☒ Few students over
weapons, drugs, the years have
alcohol, or assaults been judged to be
offenders of this
Bullying, intimidation, ☒ As a combined
harassment in school middle and high
school, there are
instances of HIB
that have been
reported and
handled properly.
Lack of student support ☒ Student services
services for MLLs has
been said to be
Truancy ☒ Many students
have been found
truant over the last
few years.

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.

Not Not Yes No Comments

Criterion Assessed Applicable

Grounds and Building

Graffiti is promptly ☒ When graffiti is found on school
documented/photographed grounds, it is documented and
then removed after removed at the earliest
discovery. convenience.
There are central reporting ☒ There are alarms that go off when
anti-intruder alarms there is concern of intruders in the
Building Access
There is a policy, system, ☒ All entering the building must
or practice of ensuring have an access card or be buzzed
secure entry and exit in by office personnel.
Written permission is ☒ Students are not allowed to leave
needed to remove students the school with people not listed
from grounds by in their contact list without
custodial/non-custodial written consent.
parents, friends, mentors,
and relatives.
Students must have written ☒ Students can leave the school
permission to leave school grounds with written or verbal
grounds permission so long as they are 18.
Otherwise, a parent/guardian
must be present for them to leave
the school grounds.
There are written ☒ Staff are welcome in the school
procedures to guide access building from 5:00am-5:00pm
to the building by staff without express permission to
before and after school conduct school-related activity.
Office staff are all aware of ☒ Whenever someone is not
parents/relatives who allowed to pick up a student, it is
cannot pick up a student documented in their digital files.
This is visible for anyone who
works with the student.
Office staff are aware of ☒ Any custody issues are

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
custody issues that can be documented in digital files that
contentious office staff have access to.
Staff members present in ☒ Staff members are required to
the building after school enter via key card. While there is
hours are required to sign a physical sign in sheet with
in and out times, it is not the main record of
being in the building.
Keys and Identification

There is a master key ☒

control system to monitor
keys, entry cards, and their
Keys and entry cards are ☒ Staff must hand in their keys and
audited annually entry cards before leaving for the
The school has a Knox ☒ There is a lock box with copies of
box/lock box or other all keys in the Main Office.
system to provide quick
access to keys by law
All staff members are ☒ Staff are required to always wear
required to wear photo ID their ID badges and for them to be
badges visible to security cameras.
Staff members are required ☒ If staff leave the school or are
to turn in photo ID badges terminated, they must return all
and keys upon termination materials given to them including
of employment ID badges and any keys.
Students are required to ☒ This is not enforced in our school.
wear photo ID badges
Visitor Procedures
Visitors are required to ☒ Anyone outside of the staff
wear visible, dated allowed entry into the school
identification must have identification visible to
security cameras.
Contractors and visitors are ☒ Office staff must buzz visitors in,
required to sign in and they must physically sign in
before being escorted to their
Contractors and vendors ☒ Anyone outside of the staff
are required to wear allowed entry into the school
visible, dated identification must have identification visible to
security cameras.
Visitors are escorted, when ☒ No visitors are allowed to freely
deemed necessary within move in the school building, they

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
the school must be escorted from place to
Visitors are required to ☒ Visitors are not allowed to leave
sign out and surrender until they have signed out and
visitor’s badge before given their visitor’s badges back
leaving school to the office staff.
Building Interior
Unused areas of the school ☒ There are gates between each
can be closed off when not section of the school that can be
in use after school hours closed and locked when the area
is not in use.
Lockers are available to ☒ Each student is given access to a
students locker that is near their
homeroom classroom.
Monitoring and
A School Resource Officer ☒ Security guards are present, but
is present during school we do not have a consistent
hours school resource officer.
Remote and isolated ☒ All school hallways are
hallways are monitored by monitored by security cameras.
security cameras
School buses are equipped ☒ ☒ This is mainly not applicable as
with security cameras most students are not transported
via bus. However, special
education students and students
that go to the Arts High School
on Tuesdays are on buses that are
monitored via security cameras.
All security camera ☒ Any footage recorded in the
recordings are retained for school building is kept for 30
at least 30 days days before being deleted.
There is a central security ☒ There is a central security system
system in place and consistent across the
Staff members monitor ☒ Security guards monitor the
restrooms during school restrooms throughout the day as
hours: _____ times/day needed. There is not a specific
number of times per day that they
check in on them.
Specific persons are ☒ Security and administration are
designated to secure present for all events and will not
buildings after activities leave until the building is secure.
Local law ☒ Security guards are present in the
enforcement/security school building throughout the

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
personnel provide after- day and evening and then law
hours patrols of the school enforcement vehicles patrol the
site building regularly throughout the
All safety-related ☒ Our superintendent is the
parent/media inquiries are designated person to report to for
directed to a designated safety-related questions.
In the event of an ☒ There are phone, text, and email
emergency during school correspondences in place to
hours, procedures are in contact parents/guardians and the
place to contact parents community of any issues
and the community with
School files and records ☒ ☒ School files are maintained in
are maintained in locked, secure digital locations as needed.
vandal proof, fireproof Physical copies are kept in a
containers or locations secure location that is not as
heavily secure.
The school regularly backs ☒ Computer files with confidential
up important computer and important information are
files backed up multiple times a week.
There is a current list of ☒ The nurse and office staff have a
staff who are trained in current list of trained staff and
CPR or the use of AED’s keep track of when they must be
After the School Day,
Staff Members are
Assigned to Check the
All classrooms locked ☒ Security guards are assigned to
make sure that each of these are
All bathrooms unoccupied ☒ locked before they leave for the
and/or locked day. There are also nighttime
All exterior doors locked ☒ security and custodial staff that
ensure this.
All security lights are on ☒

Emergency Operations
There is an updated map of ☒ Maps of the school’s layout are
the school’s layout with updated yearly and given to each
room numbers, evacuation staff member.
routes, utility shut-offs, and
location of first aid kits
An updated copy of the ☒ Updated school maps are

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
map is provided to local provided to local protection at the
law enforcement, fire, and start of each school year.
hazardous materials
response units
The school has an ☒ The chain of command is in place
established chain of as such: Student – Teacher –
command that will handle Principal – Superintendent and
emergency response Law Enforcement
The school has designated ☒ The Main Office conference room
an on-site incident is used as the on-side incident
command post command post
Emergency Procedures
Bomb threats ☒ Procedures are in place to handle
each of these events with
Hostage-takings ☒ administration, local law
enforcement, and emergency
Intrusions ☒ services as needed.
Kidnappings ☒

Acts of violence ☒
Hazardous materials ☒
Natural disasters ☒

Emergency Practice
Drills Practiced and
Documented on a
Regular Basis:
Lockdown (3x/year) ☒ South Amboy Schools perform
drills twice per month.
Lockdowns are part of it at least 3
times per year.
Shelter-in-place ☒ South Amboy Schools perform
drills twice per month. Shelter-in-
places are part of it many times
throughout the year.
Evacuation of building ☒ South Amboy Schools perform
(monthly) drills twice per month.
Evacuations are part of it many
times per year – mainly as fire
Evacuation of site ☒ South Amboy Schools perform
drills twice per month. Full
evacuations are part of this twice

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
per year, once at the beginning of
the year and once at the end.
Reverse evacuation ☒ South Amboy Schools have
(outside-in) reverse evacuation drills as part of
the evacuation of site drills.
Students return to the school prior
to dismissal.
Tornado/earthquake ☒ South Amboy Schools do not
perform tornado or earthquake
The evacuation plan ☒ The evacuation plan includes
includes procedures for sending persons with limited
persons with limited mobility to the local firehouse,
mobility which is closer than the other
evacuation sites.
The evacuation plan ☒ The evacuation plan includes
includes procedures for sending persons with special
persons with special health health needs to the local
needs firehouse, which is closer than the
other evacuation sites.
The evacuation plan ☒ The evacuation plan includes an
includes an alternative alternative evacuation site at the
evacuation site local YMCA, 0.5 miles away
from the school.
School Climate and
The Student Code of ☒ The student code of conduct is
Conduct is reviewed and updated yearly prior to the end of
updated annually. the previous school year.
The Student Code of ☒ The student code of conduct is
Conduct is provided to all available for view to all
parents parents/guardians from the
school’s website.
The Student Code of
Conduct Includes
Statements Regarding:
Anti-bullying, anti- ☒ In the Student Code of Conduct
harassment, there is a thorough review of the
anti-drug/alcohol, and anti- school's anti-bullying, anti-
violence policies harassment, anti-drug/alcohol,
and anti-violence policies as well
as consequences for the various
Interviewing policies by ☒ In the Student Code of Conduct
school, law enforcement,

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
and protective services there is a section that involves
personnel police presence and their right to
interview them for various
Locker search policies ☒ In the Student Code of Conduct
there is a section detailing the
policy involving locker and
personal belongings searches.
Dress code ☒ In the Student Code of Conduct
there is a section detailing the
expected dress code.
Disciplinary practices ☒ Disciplinary practices are laid out
focus on the root causes of to look for reasons behind the
problems and provide issues and problem-solving
problem-solving strategies strategies.
Disciplinary consequences ☒ The consequences for different
for infractions to the code offenses are based on the written
of conduct are fairly and code of conduct and are relatively
consistently enforced consistently enforced.
Alternatives to suspensions ☒ The school makes every effort to
and expulsions are built give alternatives to out-of-school
into the disciplinary policy suspensions and expulsions.
Procedures used to make ☒ There are procedures in place to
decisions about student make decisions well-known by
behavior are well-known to staff and students.
students and staff
Parent and Student
Parents are an integral part ☒ Parents are included in the
of the school’s safety planning involving school safety.
planning and policy
Students are represented on ☒ Students are not currently
the school safety planning included on the school safety
team planning team.
Students are actively ☒ Students are actively involved in
involved in promoting a promoting a positive school
positive school climate climate.
A large percentage (>60%) ☒ More than 60% of students are
of students participate in part of some form of
extracurricular activities extracurricular activity. All
students are also required to
complete 120 hours of

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
community service before
graduating high school.
There is some type of ☒ There is currently not any form of
anonymous hotline anonymous hotline to report
whereby students and staff suspicious activity.
may report incidents or
suspicious activities (e.g.,
Campus Crime Stoppers)
There is a process in place ☒ There is a process in place for
to systematically collect, referral data to be collected,
review, and share reviewed, and shared with the
discipline referral data administration and staff.
General Climate
Respect for diversity is ☒ South Amboy Schools
emphasized schoolwide continuously promote and
emphasize respect for diversity.
Staff members are visible ☒ All staff are visible in the
in the hallways hallways throughout school hours
supervising/interacting engaging with the students.
with students during school
Staff members monitor ☒ There are no stairwells in our
stairwells during school school building.
Staff and Student
Administrators, teachers, ☒ All staff are involved in annual
and other staff members training in handling conflicts and
receive annual training in problem-solving skills.
conflict resolution and
problem-solving skills.
Administrators, teachers, ☒ All staff are involved in annual
and other staff members training involving bullying
receive annual training in prevention.
bullying prevention
Staff knows proper ☒ All staff are given the protocol
protocols for checking involving checking and reporting
suspicious packages suspicious packages.
Staff is trained to be on the ☒ All staff are trained in checking if
lookout for anything out of anything out of the ordinary is
the ordinary (persons, occurring and how to report
behavior, containers, anything deemed as such.
vehicles, broken air vents,
Staff is trained in how to ☒ All staff are trained in how to
respond to threats of react when threats are made and

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
students, including threats discovered.
found in schoolwork,
notes, journals, or
overheard by other students
Front office staff knows ☒ The main office staff members
how to respond to a bomb are trained in how to react to
threat or other bomb threats or
threatening/suspicious threatening/suspicious phone
phone calls
Students receive training in ☒ Students currently do not receive
positive social skills, specific training in positive social
violence prevention, skills, violence prevention,
conflict resolution, and conflict resolutions, or
making skills
Students receive training ☒ Students have previously received
specifically on bullying training on bullying prevention.
Students receive training in ☒ Students have previously received
sexual harassment/gender training on sexual harassment and
respect gender respect.
The school has ☒ South Amboy Schools currently
implemented a character does not have a character
education or social skills education or social skills program
program schoolwide in place.
Students receive training ☒ Students receive training on
on digital citizenship digital citizenship regarding
regarding social media and social media, online bullying, and
online bullying, sexual sexual harassment.
harassment, etc.
Referral Resources
The school has a process to ☒ South Amboy has an RTI
identify and serve the program in place to identify and
needs of students most at serve students at risk for engaging
risk for engaging in
disruptive behavior in disruptive behavior.
The school has staff ☒ The school has some staff
members trained to identify members trained to work with
and work with potentially and identify potentially dangerous
dangerous students students.
There is a well-developed ☒ South Amboy has a network of
network of service service providers to refer students
providers to which students to as needed. They also have a
can be referred counselor from Rutgers
University on school grounds to
speak to students as needed.

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
Grounds and Building
The school has a marquee ☒ The school has a marquee sign
(or some other sign) visible that is visible from the road with
from the road clearly its name displayed.
indicating the school’s
Grounds are fenced in ☒ Necessary areas of the school –
appropriate areas such as the outdoor gym area –
are fenced in.
Gates, if present, are ☒ Gates are securely hidden in the
secured when not in use walls when not in use.
The perimeter of the ☒ The school’s perimeter is clear of
building is clear of safety any safety hazards and debris.
hazards and/or debris
Mechanical, electrical, and ☒ Any equipment used by the
other equipment on ground Maintenance Department is safely
level is surrounded by a protected in a locked section of
protective enclosure the school.
Shrubs and foliage are ☒ Shrubs and foliage are trimmed
trimmed to allow for good regularly to prohibit sight line
line of sight and to prevent issues and to prevent people from
people from hiding behind hiding behind them.
The exterior of the building ☒ The school’s exterior is free of
is free of graffiti graffiti and anytime it is found, it
is documented and removed.
Ground floor windows ☒ All the school’s windows have
have unbroken panes unbroken panes and are lockable
from the inside.
Access to the roof is ☒ It is not possible for anyone to
restricted (no climbable gain access to the roof except for
plantings/architecture) the locked entry inside the
Areas surrounding ☒ There are no trailers or portable
trailers/portables are buildings on the school grounds.
adequately lit
Paved pathways are ☒ The pathways for the school are
positioned to provide the made so that the distance is the
shortest walk between the shortest possible.
two points they connect
Exterior doors allow for ☒ The main areas for entrance (the
keyed or card reader re- main office, the middle school
entry entrance, the door closest to the
nurse’s office, and the rear
doorway used for gym classes)

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
each allow for card reader re-
entry. Other doorways do not.
Buses, Parking, and
The bus loading/unloading ☒ The bus loading/unloading zone
zone is monitored by staff is monitored by staff when it is
Bus loading/unloading ☒ The bus loading/unloading zone
zones are clearly marked is the same area as the fire zone
Fire zones are clearly ☒ and is clearly marked.
Parking lots are adequately ☒ The parking lots are well lit hours
lit prior to sunrise or the hours
following sunset.
Access points for parking ☒ The parking lots are not gated.
lots are gated Our school shares a lot with the
public library and the parking lot
is public.
Student drop-off/pick up is ☒ Student drop-off and pick-up is
limited to specific areas limited to only the student
parking lot or a small section of
the main parking lot.
Student drop-off/pick up ☒ Outside of normal drop-off and
areas are relatively free of pick-up time, the area is clear of
bottlenecks and congestion any congestion.
(outside of normal high-
volume times)
Student drop-off/pick up ☒ The areas for drop-off and pick-
areas are monitored up are monitored by
administration and the security
Parking lot has signs to The parking lots have signs
direct staff, students, and ☒ directing drivers on where to go
visitors to designated within the lot.
parking areas
Parking lots are in view of ☒ Both parking lots are visible by
the building or monitored security and monitored by them.
by security
Bicycle parking is in view ☒ There is a small bicycle rack next
of the building or to the main entrance that is visible
monitored by security and monitored by security.
Recreation Areas
Play and recreation areas ☒ The area used by the gym for
are protected with fencing outdoor classes is protected by

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
fencing. There is also an enclosed
courtyard available for recreation
during the lunch periods.
Fences are in good ☒ All fences are in good condition.
Vehicular access is ☒ Vehicles are not allowed near the
restricted around play areas outdoor class area for the gym.
Play apparatus are free ☒ There are no play apparatuses at
from sharp edges, and our school.
protruding or loose bolts or
Ground cover is adequate ☒ As there are no play apparatuses,
to provide protection from there is no risk for falls, outside
falls of regular walking issues.
Emergency vehicles can ☒ Emergency vehicles can quickly
access play and recreation access the outdoor class area for
areas easily gyms. However, the enclosed
courtyard can only be reached by
foot as access is from inside the
Bleachers are well- ☒ Our school has no outdoor
maintained (painted with bleachers.
no signs of rust)
Play areas are monitored ☒ The outdoor areas are monitored
when in use during school by staff and security when they
hours are being used by students.
Building Access
The school has designated ☒ There is a single point of
a single point of entry/exit entry/exit for anyone trying to
to each building access the building during and
after school hours.
The designated points of ☒ The points of entry are monitored
entry are monitored to by security and are only
control building access accessible from key card entry or
being buzzed in by someone
School staff monitor all ☒ Administration and security
entrances and exits during monitor students at arrival and
arrival and departure of departure times.
Signs are posted listing ☒ There are no signs listing what
items not allowed inside items are not allowed inside the
the school (e.g. drug-free, school building.
gun-free, smoke-free)
Visitor policy/procedure ☒ There is a bulletin posted
signs are posted at all explaining visitor policy and

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
entrances procedures at each of the school
Visitors are required to ☒ All visitors are required to show
show picture ID and sign in ID and sign in if they are being
allowed into the building. We
now do not allow
parents/guardians into the
building unless it is for a meeting.
Building Interior
Hallways are uniformly ☒ All hallways are properly and
and adequately lit uniformly lit.
Stairwells are uniformly ☒ There are no stairwells in our
and adequately lit school.
Hallways are free of ☒ There is no graffiti in the
graffiti hallways. If any is found it is
documented and removed
Restrooms are accessible ☒ The restrooms are accessible to
all students.
Restrooms are uniformly ☒ Restrooms are properly and
and adequately lit uniformly lit.
Restrooms are free of ☒ There is no graffiti in the
graffiti restrooms. If any is found it is
Restroom stall walls are ☒ documented and removed
free of graffiti promptly.
Restroom stall doors are ☒ All stall doors in each restroom
lockable are lockable.
Toilets, urinals, sinks, and ☒ Each restroom has toilets, urinals,
soap dispensers are in good sinks, soap dispensers in working
working order order.
Paper towels or air dryers ☒ Each restroom has air dryers
are available in restrooms available to the students.
There is an adequate ☒ Toilet paper is always properly
supply of toilet paper in all stocked in the bathrooms.
Mirrors are free of damage ☒ The mirrors in each restroom do
not have any damage to them.
The main entrances to the ☒ The main entrance to each
restroom have doors that restroom cannot be locked from
cannot be locked from the the inside.
Classroom doors can be ☒ Currently, no classroom can be
locked from the inside locked from the inside in our
Classroom windows can be ☒ Each classroom window can be

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
covered if needed covered if needed by blinds or
(lockdown) coverings.
All classrooms and offices ☒ All rooms in the school are
are locked when not in use locked when there is not a staff
member using it.
Common area is uniformly ☒ The common areas of the school
and adequately lit are properly and uniformly lit.
Hallways and public spaces ☒ The public spaces of the school
are clean and in good are clean and well cared for.
Hallways leading to exit ☒ There are no obstructions in the
doors are free of hallways, including those leading
obstructions to exit doors.
Handrails are appropriately ☒ There are no handrailed in the
placed and in good school except for handicapped
condition stalls. In the handicapped stalls,
they are appropriately placed and
in good condition.
All exit signs are lit, ☒ Each sign pointing to the exits is
clearly visible, and point in clearly visible and pointed in the
the correct direction proper direction.
Locker areas are well lit ☒ The locker areas of lit by the
hallway properly and uniformly.
Unassigned lockers are ☒ All lockers not in use are locked
secure/locked preventing others from using
All interior glass (doors, ☒ Any glass within the building is
windows) is properly properly installed and quickly
installed and repaired repaired as deemed necessary.
Floor coverings are ☒ All floor coverings are properly
properly installed and in installed and in good repair.
good repair (no loose tiles
or shredded carpet, etc.)
All chemicals, poisons, ☒ Any chemicals used in science
flammable material, etc. classes or by custodial staff are
are stored properly properly stored in locked closets.
There is adequate access to ☒ Each classroom has proper access
fire extinguishers to a working fire extinguisher.
Fire extinguisher boxes ☒ Each fire extinguisher box is
latch closed properly closed and locked.
Fire extinguishers are ☒ Each fire extinguisher is
inspected annually inspected annually and replaced
as needed.
Fire drill procedures and ☒ Each classroom has a school map

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
maps are posted in every copy with the closest evacuation
classroom route listed and fire drill
There is adequate access to ☒ AEDs are placed in easy to access
AEDs areas for any certified staff.
Staff is aware of CPR and ☒ Staff are made aware of the list of
AED certified personnel CPR and AED certified staff
members at the start of each
school year.
Valuable items are secured ☒ Valuable items in the classrooms
(computers, cameras, are secured or provided with
document cameras, etc.) secure locations to store them
when not in use.
Formal and informal ☒ All gathering areas in the school
gathering areas are are monitored by security both
monitored inside and inside and outside.
The following are kept
locked and access
Electrical panel access ☒ Each of these areas of locked.
doors Only applicable staff has keys to
Doors opening into interior ☒ access the areas as needed.
areas like courtyards
during non-classroom
Boiler and mechanical ☒
Air vents ☒

Custodial closets ☒

Monitoring and
Security cameras are ☒ There are security cameras placed
stationed outside of school outside of the school facing the
Security camera locations ☒ appropriate areas (doors and the
provide maximum parking lot). They each cover as
coverage of ground much ground as possible.
Security cameras are ☒ There are security cameras in the
stationed inside the school hallways of the school and inside
the auditorium, gym, and
cafeteria for increased security.

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.
There is 2-way
communication between
the main office and:
 Classrooms ☒ There is a 2-way communication
system in each classroom to
contact other classrooms.
 Local law ☒ There is not a 2-way
enforcement communication system in each
classroom to local law
enforcement. Staff must use their
own devices for this.
 School-based law ☒ There is not school-based law
enforcement enforcement in our school
 Portable classroom ☒ There are no portable classroom
buildings buildings in our school.
 Ball fields ☒ Staff have walkie-talkies to
communicate 2-ways when out on
the ball fields.
 School nurse ☒ There is a 2-way communication
system in each classroom to
contact the school nurse.
 Custodial staff ☒ There is no 2-way communication
system in each classroom to
contact custodial staff. Staff must
call the main office to contact
custodial staff.
 School ☒ There are few school buses in our
buses/transportation district so there is no 2-way
dispatch communication in play to talk to
the transportation dispatch.
All classrooms are ☒ All classrooms in the school
equipped with a system to building have a broadcast system
communicate in an that can be used in an emergency
The school has access to a ☒ This is not something that my
weather radio and monitors mentor principal is aware of, so it
it regularly. was not assessed.

Adapted from the Texas School Safety Center (2018). Texas State University-San Marcos.
Used with permission.

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