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Polishing Metal

Materials tray or tote with spatula for the polish

cotton swab
container of metal polish
small metal dish
3 cotton balls
small brush for crevices
buffing cloth
oilcloth and apron
variety of attractive metal objects in the environment to be
polished (choose one for activity); separate oilcloth cleaning set-
up for cleaning oilcloth.

Prerequisite How to polish glass, How to polish wood

Purposes Independence & care of environment, Coordination of movement

Age 3½

Presentation 1. Invite individual child. Put on aprons; have child unroll oilcloth.
2. Show child where the polishing materials are kept; have the
child bring the materials to the table.
3. Choose two metal items from the environment (or one item with
two obvious sides). Place the first object in the middle of the
oilcloth; place the 2nd to the side, if needed.
4. Remove the materials in order of use: polish, dish, spatula/swab,
cotton balls, crevice brush, buffing cloth.
5. Assure the polish bottle is closed tightly. Gently turn the polish
bottle upside down a few times to ‘shake.’
6. Reviewing how an eyedropper works, place small amount of
polish on the dish, about two dropper-fuls.
7. “This is toxic. We never get it near our faces or in our mouths.”
8. Screw the top on tightly and replace on the oilcloth.
9. Use cotton swab to apply polish using circular motions.
10. Wait for polish to dry.
11. Notice the dull polish – now dry.
12. Using circular motion, remove polish with one cotton ball at a
time, noting the tarnish on the cotton ball.
13. Remove all traces of polish, utilizing jewelry brush as needed.
14. Fold buffing cloth like a mitt; use circle motions to shine item.
15. Invite the child to do the other side if only one object.
16. Noting shine, invite the child to replace the item.
17. Clean and replace all that is needed for child to repeat with
next object if there is one (cotton balls, swab, perhaps cloth).
18. Invite the child to repeat.
19. Replace anything necessary for another child to do the activity.
20. Replace the items in the order of use onto the tray.
21. Clean the oilcloth of needed.
22. Wash hands with soap and water.
23. Remove aprons and put away.

Points of Interest  choosing an item to polish

 small amount of polish on spatula
 seeing the black tarnish
 seeing the shine after polishing

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