Washing Cloths MC

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Care of the Environment

Washing Cloths
Materials 2 rectangular basins, pitcher, apron, two oilcloths, washboard, soap,
soap dish, clothes line or drying rack, container for clothespins, small
clothespins, basket, drying cloth, tote

Purposes Fine Motor coordination

Coordination of movement
Development of a sense of order by following a sequence of activity
Care of the Environment

Age 3 ½ and up

Presentation 1. Check to see if there are items in need of washing first, as well as
assure space on the drying rack for hanging wet items.
2. Invite an individual child. “May I show you how to wash cloths?” Show
where the washing materials are kept and put on aprons.
3. Invite the child to bring a chowki to the washing area (over tile) and to
place the materials (carried in basins and buckets at this time).
4. Invite child to unroll large (floor) or small (table) oilcloth.
5. Arrange materials in order of use, naming each: wire basket for dirty
laundry (left of large oilcloth), wash basin, dish & soap, rinse basin (on large
oilcloth), tote for clean wet laundry (on floor); all on chowki: washboard,
pitcher, drying cloth, clothespins; bucket goes under chowki.
6. Show the child how to securely roll up his sleeves if necessary.
7. Invite child to use to the small basket to bring some dirty laundry
from laundry basket (2+ pieces). Place basket to left of wash basin.
8. Invite the child to fill the pitcher about ¾ full.
9. Pour equal amounts of water for basins (refill pitcher if needed).

10. Kneeling in front of basin, rest the top edge of washboard against thighs.
Place bottom (feet) of washboard into the washbasin.
Care of the Environment
Washing Cloths

11. “I’m going to show you how to wash the cloth. Watch.”
12. Remove one cloth from the basket and dampen it in the water.
13. Lay the cloth on the washboard.
14. Pick up soap. Using downward strokes, cover the entire cloth.
Return the soap to its dish.
15. Secure cloth with left hand, bring right corner up to scrub, rubbing down
all over cloth. Repeat with the opposite corner. Lay flat.
16. Look all over for stains and marks with child. Rub over these spots.
17. Turn 45 degrees and repeat with current bottom corners. Lay flat.
18. Check for spots and rub as needed until cloth is clean.
19. Place in wash basin to rinse; set on the wash board.
20. Place board across basin so it sits horizontally; wring out cloth.
21. Place the cloth in the rinse basin, soaking it.
22. Pull out the cloth, fold and wring.
23. Place the cloth in the clean laundry basket.
24. Invite the child to repeat with his own cloth.
25. Invite the child to repeat with other dirty laundry, now or later.
26. With the child, take basket of washed laundry and bag of
clothespins to drying rack.


27. Pull the cloth from the tote, gently shake out any wrinkles.
28. Fold the cloth over the line so it stays in place.
29. Utilizing analysis of movement, show child how to pinch ends
of clothespin to open and close it.
30. Place the clothespin on the cloth to secure it.

31. Empty the basins of dirty water into the bucket.
32. Dump out dirty water to its appropriate place in the environment.
33. Use the clean water in the pitcher to rinse out each basin, emptying
the water into the bucket again.
34. Fold the cloth like a dust cloth to dust.
35. Dry the washboard, replacing it on the shelf.
36. Dry the basins and stack them together.
37. Dry remaining items: oilcloths, pitcher, bucket; return materials.
38. Place the dirty cloth in the hamper and replace with a clean one.

Points of Interest  sound of the washboard

 lather of the soap
 seeing the stains come out of the cloth
 wringing the excess water
 handling dirty water
 using the clothespins

Following 1. Gathering dry cloths off drying rack. Show how to sort, fold and put away.
Exercises Leave cloths in the ironing basket that need ironing
2. Ironing

Pedagogical Notes  This activity is often left set up in the environment and not on the shelf.
Care of the Environment
Washing Cloths

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