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Week 3: Legislation

-a consistent purpose does not require separate consent
-parental consent under age 16
-unless law enforcement; CAS i.e. for safety
-taking pictures; parental consent
-cant give out info unless its government (i.e. if parent wants another parents name for bday party, you
can't give it out)
-list of kids names being sent out is “not reasonable”
-if parent doesn't want kid referred, you can't do anything about it

Indigenous worldviews

● Indigenous philosophies share a commonality in viewing the land as

● Fnmi - first nations metis and inuit initatives


● “time is not linear but cyclical” (Voyageur & Calliou, 2010)

○ Different time sense then us
● Indigenous societies act in a state of relatedness to one another; other things and beings
● Don't see anything separate from them - not us, the earth, animals, etc
● Teaching about land is curriculum

Shifting ground …

● Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report (2015)-calls to Action

● Residential Schools

Creating Change

● Structural Change: legislation, policy, agreements …

● Easy to do
● Systemic Change: organizations, programs, systems …
● Service Delivery Change:
■ individual relationships

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Principles

● Indigenous have legislation they made for themself

Operationalizing the IELCC

Structural and Systemic Enablers

● First Nations legislation including standards and regulations

● First Nations governance structures anchored in Indigenous ways of knowing and being
● Holistic, transparent funding
● Partnerships and linkages across sectors and disciplines
● Reciprocal accountability to individuals, community First Nations governments and funders

What is Pedagogy?

No other government document says how to teach it - they say what to teach

Pedagogy is not content

Part of what your philosophy is about - how are you going to teach it?


Child is drawn to all three things - all play an important role in child's life

Everything influences one another

Childcare funding - kids in child care are mandated/legislated to be outside longer then kids in school

Cant ignore effects of the three things

HDLH-pg. 8

● Environments that promote active; creative; exploration, play and inquiry

● Inquiry based learning- starts w/question and branches out - focuses on why??


● Communication in all forms

● Want children to talk to us
● Want to promote literacy, printing, giving ipads to take/share pictures, give clay

Well Being

● Sense of self
● On all levels
● Due to covid, grade school and high school are engaging in violence - due to frustration, etc


● Authentic, caring relationships

● Connections

Questions for Reflection..

● What can be done to strengthen relationships and ensure social inclusion, participation and a
sense of belonging for each child?
● What are you going to do to remain current and connected to the community in order to be aware
of resources and services that support educators?
● What materials can be in the centre/school that are reflective of various cultures/back grounds of
the staff, children and families?
● How can parents have a stronger voice in the program?

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