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• To describe the functions of saliva and relate these functions to its specific constituents.
• To describe the mechanisms underlying the formation of saliva and the factors that intluence
saliva tlow rate and composition under normal and pathophysiological conditions.
• To describe the role of saliva for oral clearance and pH regulation.
• To describe the role of saliva in pellicle formation and tooth solubility.
• To discuss the identification of patients with salivary dysfunction, the measurement of saliva
praduction and oral dryness, and the management of dry mouth.

Key words:
Salivary glands; salivary reflexes; saliva formation; saliva electrolytes and proteins; buffer capacity; oral
clearance; hyposalivation and oral sequelae; xerostornia; management of dry mouth.

its composition as well as dry mouth symp-

• Introduction
toms combined with a thorough medical
Impaired saliva secretion and changes in the and oral history taking provide valuable clu-
saliva composition whether temporary or es for the dentist in the process of differen-
permanent are common conditions. On a tial diagnosis. Nevertheless, understanding
population basis it is assumed that at least the pathology behind salivary gland dys-
10% of the adults suffer from dryness of the functions and the abnormal saliva compo-
mouth. However, the prevalence of oral dry- sition requires detailed insight into both the
ness increases with age due to a higher fre- normal physiology and the pathophysiology
quency of systemic diseases and intake of of the salivary glands.
medicines amongst the elderly. Thus, about
30% of the population aged 65 years and
above suffers from oral dryness. Impaired • Functions of saliva
saliva secretion (hyposalivation) increases
the risk of oral diseases like dental caries and Saliva protects the teeth and the oro-oeso-
oral candidal infection. In addition, the sen- phageal mucosa through a number of mech-
sation of oral dryness (xerostomia) may anisms. Besides maintenance of the integrity
compromise the patient's health-related of these tissues, saliva also has multiple func-
quality of life. Assessment of saliva flow and tions in relation to digestion in the upper

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

gastrointestinal tract. It facilitates food in- the oral mucosa that contribute somewhat
take by dissolving food taste-substances, it less than 10% of the total volume. In addition,
clears and dilutes food detritus and bacterial whole saliva also contains gingival crevicular
matter, rinses the mouth, lubricates oral soft fluid (depending upon the periodontal status
tissues, and facilitates mastication, swal- of the patient), microorganisms frorn dental
lowing and speech. As shown in Table 1 and plaque, and food debris. Saliva is a hypotonic
Figure 10, some of these important func- fluid relative to plasma and it is composed of
tions relates to the fluid characteristics and more than 99% water and less than 1% of dry
others to specific components of the saliva. matter such as proteins and salts. The normal
Clearly, therefore, changes that compromise daily production of saliva ranges between
salivary gland function are likely to affect 0.5-1.5 litre.
oral function and health. In the resting state, about two-thirds of the
volume of whole saliva is produced by the
submandibular glands. However, when sali-
• The salivary glands vary glands are stimulated, the parotids can
account for at least half of the whole saliva
The mixed fluid in the mouth is called whole volume in the mouth. Onlya small percen-
saliva. It is derived predominantly from three tage of unstimulated or stimulated whole sal-
pairs of major salivary glands (Figure 1) that iva comes from the sublingual glands. AI-
account for about 90% of the total fluid secre- though the minor glands, which are distrib-
tion, and from the minor salivary glands in uted in groups throughout the oral mucosa,

Table 1. Principal functions of saliva related to fluid characteristics and specific components.

Functions Salivary fluid characteristics and specific components

Mechanical cleansing of the mouth Water
Clearance of food/microorganisms Water
Lubrication of oral surfaces Water, mucins, proline-rich glycoproteins
Mucosal intergrity and coating Water, mucins, electrolytes, epiderrnal growth factor, nerve growth
Tooth mineralisation Cystatins, histatins, proline-rich proteins, statherins Ca2+, and
Buffering Bicarbonate, phosphate and protein
Antimicrobial activity Anti-bacterial: amylases, cystatins, histatins, mucins, lactoperoxidase,
Iysozyme, lactoferrin, calprotectin, irnrnunoglobulins, chromogranin A,
von Ebner glands protein, secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor
Anti-fungal: histatins, irnrnunoglobulins, chromogranin A
Anti-viral: cystatins, mucins, irnmunoglobulins, secretory leukocyte
proteinase inhibitor

Digestion and speech

Formation of bolus Water, mucins
Mastication and swallowing Water, mucins
Initial digestion Water, mucins, amylases, lipases, ribonucleases, proteases
Taste Water, gustin, Zn2+
Speech Water, mucins


Stensen's duct

Parotid gland


Sublingual Submandibular gland


Wharton's duct

• Figure 1, The salivary glands.

Human major salivary glands: the parotid, the submandibular, and the sublingual gland. The parotid duct (Stensen's
duct) is about 5 cm long and opens into the mouth in the buccal mucosa opposite the second maxillary molar. The
saliva from the submandibular and sublingual glands enters the mouth mostly through the around 5 cm long
submandibular duct (Wharton's duct), which ends on the sublingual caruncula behind the mandibulary incisors.
But the sublingual gland also secretes through several smal! ducts along the sublingual fold in the f100r of the mouth
lateral to the side of the tongue.

make only a small contribution to the total Some of the salivary glands are pureJy se-
saliva voJume, they play an important roJe in rous (Iike the parotids), others are mucous
the lubrication of the mucosa since they se- (Iike the minor palatine glands), and others
crete a Jarge fraction of the salivary proteins. are mixed gland types (submandibular, sub-

Table 2. Morphological and biochemical characteristics of the salivary glands.

Salivary gland Acinar cel! type Fluid characteristics Innervation"

The majar salivary glands

Parotid gland Serous watery, amylase-rich IX
Submandibular gland Mixed, mainly IllUCOUS viscous, mucin-rich VII
Sublingual gland Mixed, mainly IllUCOUS viscous, mucin-rich VII
The minar salivary glands
Palatinal Mucous mucin rich VII
Buccal Seromucous mucin rich VII
Labial Seromucous mucin rich VII
Lingual (von Ebner's glands) Serous watery, lipase-rich f1uid IX
Retromolar Mainly mucous mucin rich VII/IX
"Parasympathetic nerve supply. The sympathetic nerve supply is derived from the superior cervical ganglion.

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

lingual and minor buccal glands). Table 2 In general, the acinar cells ("secretory end-
summarizes the acinar characteristics of the pieces") comprise about 80% of the gland
salivary gland types, their innervation and mass. Primary saliva is formed in this region
their fluid characteristics. of the gland. The saliva then moves into the


Acinar cell


--++-- Intercalated

In tersti ti um Lumen

K+ .••

CI- "'~I--;=-- Excretory



Striated duct cell


duct system where it continuously undergoes These ducts are quite long and have rela-
modification until it is secreted into the tively large diameters. Conversely, the sub-
mouth. lingual glands as well as a number of minor
The length and the diameter of the ducts glands have only sparsely distributed interca-
vary depending on the gland type. The duct lated and striated duct segments, which may
system of the human parotid and submandi- even be absent in short, small diameter
bular glands is branched and contains in- ducts. Myoepithelial cells envelop the se-
tercalated, striated and excretory duct seg- cretory end -pieces and intercalated ducts.
ments with the striated ducts making up the When they contract, these cells are believed
bulk of the duct system (Figure 2). In the to promote the flow of primary saliva into
parotid and submandibular glands, each seg- the ducts (Figure 2).
ment of the duct system is well developed. The secretory end-piece consists of polar-
ized acinar cells, which surround a central
lumen that is connected to the intercalated
• Figure 2. lntracellular ion and water transport in differen t ducts ("intercalated" means "placed be-
glal1d segments.
tween", and refers to the location of the
Salivary glands consist of many thousands of secretory
units comprising acini (arrangement of acinar cells) and
ducts, which lie between the acinus and the
an intercalated and a striated duct segment. A large nurn- striated duct). The nucleus and a major part
ber of such secretory units converge into a main excretory of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are
duct that drains the saliva into the mouth. To the right: located in the basal part of each acinar cell,
Although the duct system is branched thereby serving
whereas the protein-containing granules are
several secretory units, this illustration is a simplified
schematic drawing of a major gland and its blood supply.
placed at the luminal poleo Gap junctions
The blood flows in opposite direction to the saliva flow. connect the cytoplasm of the acinar cells and
To in crease salivary secretion upon autonomic stimula- allow for electrical coupling within the acini.
tion, vasodilatation and increased blood flow takes place. However, there are also tight junction struc-
To the left: Main membrane transport mechanisms of
tures that connect the acinar cells with each
the acinar and striated duct cells. In both cell types, the
specific neurotransmitters bind to their specific receptor
other. These are selectively leaky to cations
complexes and, via a number of intracellular biochemical and water and serve to separate the luminal
events, the outcome is activation of plasma membrane (primary saliva) and interstitial fluids. Fur-
ion transporters leading to the formation of saliva. For thermore, the acinar cell membranes are
simplistic reasons two acinar cells illustrate in cornbi-
highly permeable to water.
nation the transporters that are activated in a single acin-
ar cells. The upper acinar cell illustrates the Ca2+ -acti-
The intercalated duct cells are believed to
vated loss of K" and cr that occurs initially on stimula- be the stem cells for the acinar and ductal
tion/receptor activation whereas the lower acinar cell cell types, and they also are believed to aid in
illustrates the transporters involved in the re-establish- primary saliva secretion. The striated ducts
ment of the prestirnulatory ion gradients across the
consist of columnar cell types with deep
plasma membrane. Note that the cells have two transport
mechanisms, the parallel operating exchange systems for
membrane infolding and many mitochon-
Na+/H+ and Cl~/HC03~ as well as the Na+/K+/2Cl~ dria in the basal surface facing the interstiti-
cotransporter, that both result in cellular uptake of Na+ um. These duct cells modify the primary sal-
and cr . It should also be noted that the important iva formed in the acinus. In contrast to the
mechanism involved the intracellular pH regulation is
acinar cells, the membranes of duct cells
the conversion of CO2 (arising from the metabolic turn
over) and H20 into equal amount of HC03 ~ and H+
have a low permeability to water, and the
catalyzed by the presence of cytosolic carbonic-anhyd- tight junctions connecting the duct cells
rase. have a very low permeability to both ions

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

and water. Nevertheless, some water reab- turn participates in the regulation of local
sorption may occur in the duct cells at very blood flow to the gland.
low flow rates, especially in the intralobular
ducts due to the osmotic gradient or as a
result of the influence of circulating antidi- • Nervous control of salivary
uretic hormone (ADH). secretion
Finally, the intralobular ducts drain into
an extralobular excretory duct system that The secretion of saliva is regulated by re-
carries the saliva to the main excretory duct flexes involving the autonomic nervous sys-
which is lined with stratified columnar epi- temo The reflex pathways are unilateral, since
thelium. stimulation of one side of the mouth induces
only ipsilateral salivation. The act of chewing
Blood supply to the salivary glands and the sensation of taste initiate action po-
The rich blood supply of the major salivary tentials in various sensory receptors (Figure
glands is important for saliva production 3). The masticatory-salivary ref/ex involves
since the fluid in saliva originates from the sensory inputs mainly from mechanical re-
capillaries and the interstitial fluido This ceptors in the mouth. These arise predomi-
blood supply is organised as a portal system nantly from mechanoreceptors in the peri-
with two capillary networks in series, a odontal ligament, but other proprioceptors
dense one around the duct system and an- in the trigeminal innervation including
other around the secretory end-piece (Figure muscle spindles in the masticatory muscles
2). The secretory activity of the salivary and oral nociceptive stimuli may contribute.
glands is entirely under autonomic control. The gustatory-salivary ref/ex, however, util-
The blood vessels of the salivary glands are ises sensory signals from taste-activated
controlled by the sympathetic nervous sys- chemoreceptors in the taste buds within the
tem, which makes them constrict. However, lingual papillae and in the tonsillar region,
parasympathetic stimulation of the glands the epiglottis, the pharyngeal wall and
can overcome this sympathetic vasoconstric- oesophagus: these are conducted along the
tor tone and lead to vasodilatation and in- facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and
creased blood flow to the secreting gland. vagus (X) nerves to the salivatory nuclei in
Parasympathetic stimulation induces the the medulla oblongata of the brain. Here,
production of a number of substances which the signals are integrated and activa te the se-
participate in the regulation of local blood cretomotor pathways of the reflex that con-
flow and hence the secretory activity of the sist of parasympathetic and sympathetic
gland. These substances include mediators autonomic nerve bundles that travel along
such as vasoactive intestinal polypeptide separate pathways to the salivary glands. The
(VIP) and nitric oxide (NO) that are syn- submandibular and sublingual glands are
thesised and released by the salivary glands controlled by the superior salivatory nu-
and their surrounding tissues comprising cleus, whereas the parotid is controlled by
nerves, endothelium, and blood vessels. In the inferior salivatory nucleus.
addition, the striated ducts release a serine Selective parasympathetic or sympathetic
pro tease, kallikrein, which acts on circu- stimulation of the salivary glands elicits se-
lating plasma proteins to induce the forma- cretion. But the parasympathetic fibres car-
tion of the vasodilator bradykinin: this in ried in the VII and IX nerves and the sym-


• Figure 3. Regulation of secretion.

cerebral cortex
The reflexes involved in salivary secre-
tion. Afferents nerves carry impulses to
salivary nuclei, the center of salivary
seeretion placed in the medulla. From
here signals are directed to the efferent -.-?- -
\II,•......•.•.•.. hypothalamus
part of the reflex, which stands under
autonomic regulation by parasympath- -- Iimbic system
etie and sympathetic nerves. Besides
the afferents shown in this figure, other
afferents arising from olfaction and
stretch of the stomach can initiate sali-
vation. Concerning the efferents, the
sympathetic nerves run from the sym-
pathetic trunk, follow the blood ves seis
supplying the glands, and then separ-
ately innervate the glands. The parotid
gland receives parasympathetic signals
from the glossopharyngeal nerve that
synapses in the otic ganglion placed
relatively close to the gland. The sub-

mandibular and sublingual glands re-
eeive parasympathetic signals from the submandibular ganglion
facial nerve that synapse in the sub-
mandibular ganglion. Release of neu-
rotransmitters from the postganglionic
neurons of both branches of the ner-
vous system elicits secretion of saliva. sublingual submandibular
gland gland

cervical ganglion

sympathetic trunk

pathetic fibres following the blood vessels pathetic and sympathetic nerve endings are
supplying the glands normally act in concert acetylcholine (ACh) and noradrenaline (NA)
to produce saliva. The release of neurotrans- respectively. However, other substances that
mitters from autonomic nerve endings acti- are co-released such as adenosine triphos-
yates specific cell surface membrane recep- phate (ATP), substance P, VIP, neuropeptide
tors on the salivary gland tissue thereby de- y also have important modulatory effects on
termining the flow rate and composition of the formation of saliva.
saliva. The saliva flow rate depends not only on
The classical neurotransmitters released the nature of the stimulus but also on its
from the peripheral postganglionic parasym- duration and intensity. Thus stimuli like

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

strongly acidic taste, high chewing frequency absorption of Na + and Cl- (but not water)
and/or high bite force result in elevated sal- and by a certain secretion of K+ and HC03 -
iva flow rates. Generally, the parasympath- to yield the final saliva which is secreted into
etic branch provides the main stimulus for the mouth. Thus the secretion rate and
salivation giving rise to a high flow rate of thereby the volume of final saliva is deter-
watery saliva, compared with sympathetic mined directly by the formation rate of pri-
stimulation which leads to a lower flow rate mary saliva by the acinar cells.
of saliva that is much more viscous beca use Figure 4 shows that the ionic composition
of its high content of mucins. of primary saliva resembles that of plasma
The reflexes mentioned above are known or interstial fluido However, the formation of
as "unconditioned" reflexes. However, sali- primary saliva is not the result of pressure
vary secretion can also be initiated by "con- filtration of blood. Rather, it is the result of
ditioned" reflexes that are programmed in active transport of solutes by the gland tissue
higher centres in the brain (Figure 3). Thus, that arises from a dramatic, stimulation-in-
positive experiences with foods in the past duced increase in metabolic activity.
may lead to the secretion of saliva induced
by the sight or thought of food (Pavlov's Stimulus-secretion coupling
classical dog experiments). Emotional state The secretion of electrolytes, water and the
also influences the saliva flow rateo Dental exocytotic release of proteins from the acinar
students will be familiar with the experience cells upon stimulation involve a multitude
that fear or anxiety can lead to a dry mouth of biochemical signalling processes: a few
due to central inhibition of the reflex path- important ones are illustrated in Figure 5.
way. Salivation may also be diminished in The key event is the rise in the free Ca2+
untreated depression. Furthermore, during concentration ([ Ca2+]) in the acinus that is
sleep, saliva secretion from the major glands initiated by specific activation of receptors in
is normally very low. the plasma membrane by neurotransmitters.
In sumrnary, therefore, many signals from However, the mechanism by which the vari-
a variety of peripheral receptors and from ous activated receptor systems induce a rise
higher centres are being constantly inte- in Ca2+ involves different signalling routes.
grated in the salivatory nuclei, the result of ACh binds to muscarinic cholinergic re-
which may be either facilitation or inhi- ceptors and the NA to u¡-adrenergic recep-
bition of salivation. tors in the salivary gland cell membranes:
both are G protein-coupled receptors of the
so-called Gq/ll type. Binding induces phos-
• Formation of saliva pholipase C-mediated hydrolysis of the
plasma membrane component phosphati-
According to the secretion model for forma- dylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2) that
tion of saliva proposed by Thaysen and col- forms the second messengers inositol 1,4,5
leagues more than 50 years ago, saliva is trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol
formed basically in two steps. The secretory (DAG).
end-piece produces primary saliva which is The water-soluble IP3 binds to specific
isotonic, having an ionic composition simi- IPr receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum
lar to that of plasma. This fluid is then (ER) that induces Ca2+ release from this
modified in the duct system by selective re- store within the cell, giving rise to an in-


Oral cavity Duct Acinus Interstitium

r-----~~~~~~----'l r¡-------------------------, ¡ 1

Final saliva (mM)
unstimulated stimulated Primary saliva (mM) Interstitium (mM)
Na+ 3 45 Na+ 146 Na+ 143
K+ 25 21 K+ 4 K+ 4
CI- 24 40 cr 102 cr 109
RCO] 3 26 RCO) 28 RCO) 28
PC02 4.5 4.5 (kPa) PC02 6 (kPa) PC02 6 (kPa)
pH 6.5 7.5
protein 2.0 2.5 (mglml)

• Figure 4. Formation and composition of saliva.

The formation of saliva occurs in two steps. Step 1: The secretory end pieces produce a primary saliva resembling
plasma in ionic cornposition. Step 2: This fluid undergoes major changes and become hypotonie as it passes down
the duct system, primarily by reaborption of Na+ and CI- without water. However, the duetal modification strongly
depends on the secretion rateo The figure also shows typieal eleetrolyte concentrations for unstimulated as well as
stimulated whole saliva.

crease in the free intracellular [Ca2+ 1 in the cated in protein synthesis in the rough ER,
range from 10-7 M to 10-6 M. Ihis pathway and in exocytosis of protein-containing se-
is particularly important for initiating elec- cretory granules across the cell membranes
trolyte transport. involving a number of sma11 GIP binding
Another receptor-coupled signalling path- proteins. In addition, protein synthesis also
way that leads to an increase in the intra- occurs as a conseguence of DAG formation:
cellular free [Ca2+ 1 is the ~-adrenergic acti- this activates protein kinase C, another me-
vation (by NA) of a Gs-protein and adenyl- diator of cellular protein synthesis and secre-
ate cyclase, which elicits the synthesis of tion. Protein secretion from the salivary
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). gland tissues comprises a continuous so-
This cAMP then activates protein kinase A, called "constitutive exocytosis" of protein-
which in turn causes intracellular [Ca2+ 1 to containing vesicles that contribute to the
increase. The cAMP pathway has been impli- protein secretion and is ongoing at a11times.

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

activation protein
plasma DAG - of protein kinase C - phosphorylatíon
_ release of Ca2+ _ electrolyte transport

from ER

muscarinic, secretion of electrolytes,

o-adrenergic, water, and proteins
or substance P ~
stimulation ~

activation protein
cAMP - of protein kinase A - phosphorylation


stimulation \ ~ ....t....,

• Figure 5. Membrane receptors and cell signaling pathways.

Binding of a variety of neurotransmitters to specific ceLlsurface receptors in the acinar plasma membrane initiates
a number of biochemical cascade reactions within the cell membranes and cytoplasm that leads to secretion of
primary saliva from the secretory end piece. This schematic drawing illustrates some receptor-coupled processes
generating increased cytosolic concentration of the second messengers: calcium and cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP). Generally, activation of muscarinic cholinergic, u,-adrenergic or substance P receptors leads to an increased
intracellular calcium concentration resulting in electrolyte and water transport and protein synthesis and secretion
whereas activation of the ~-adrenergic receptor results in an increased cAMP concentration, which triggers protein
synthesis and secretion. The basic signaling pathways shown i11this figure are also involved in the ductal cell types
where activation of transport mechanisms occur leading to modification of the primary saliva by the reaborption of
some electrolytes and secretion of others as well as by protein synthesis and release.

The constitutive exocytosis can be acceler- Electrolyte transport by the acinar cells
ated to the regulatory exocytosis that occurs The plasma membranes of the acinar cells
as a result of appropriate firing impulse fre- are freely permeable to water and to lipid-
quency and specific receptor activation of soluble substances, but not to small, charged
the salivary glands. This regulated exocytotic molecules such as ions. Thus electrolyte
protein secretion from the major salivary transport across the plasma membrane must
glands is controlled by the dual parasym- occur through specific transport mechan-
pathetic and sympathetic secretomotor in- isms such as ion channels, pumps, cotrans-
nervation. However, the minor glands se- porters and exchange systems (Figure 2).
crete a protein rich (mucin) secretion con- The general principle behind the formation
tinuously. of primary saliva is that the acinar cell re-


sponds to a receptor-activated increase in causes water to follow the inward move-

the intracellular free [Ca2+] by losing K+ to ments of ions and the cell swells back to its
the interstitium and cr (and some HC03-) prestimulatory volume. Accordingly, when
to the lumen via activated Ca2+ -regulated the stimulus is removed, the free intracellu-
K+ and cr channels in the basolateral and lar [Ca2+], the cell volumes, the cytoplasmic
luminal surfaces of the cell membrane, re- pH and the activity of the transporters in-
spectively. Because of the simultaneous acti- cluding the ion channels return to their orig-
vation of these ion channels, the membrane inal prestimulatory levels, and the acinus is
potential of about - 60 m V remains virtually again ready to produce substantial amounts
unchanged upon secretion. The accumu- of primary saliva in response to a new
lation of cr ions in the lumen creates a stimulatory challenge.
negative intracellular potential that drives
interstitial Na + into the lumen via a paracel- Duetal modifieation of electrolyte
lular transport route through cation-selec- composition of primary saliva
tive tight junctions to preserve electroneu- As for the secretory end-pieces the parasym-
trality. A transepithelial water flux, probably pathetic and sympathetic nerve fibres con-
occurring by trans- and paracellular path- trol the activity of the saliva ducts. Further-
ways, follows the net movement of salt into more, the membrane transporters and the
the lumen osmotically, resulting in acinar cell-signalling mechanisms of the duct cells
cell shrinkage (presumably by water loss are similar to those of the acinar cells. How-
via water channels "aquaporins") and for- ever, the ductal epitheliums possess both ab-
mation of isotonic, plasma-like primary sorptive and secretory functions. Most of the
saliva. reabsorption of Na + and Cl- occurs in the
As a result of this initial receptor-activated striated duct and, beca use of the low water
acinar cellloss of K+ and Cl- and water (cell permeability of the duct, the final saliva se-
shrinkage), the intracellular Na+ concen- creted into the mouth becomes hypotonic to
tration in the acinar cell increases mainly by plasma, i.e., with much lower concentrations
downhill Na+ influx via aetivation of the of Na+ and cr than primary saliva.
Na +/H+ exchanger and/or Na + /K+ I2Cl- The driving force for the Na + reabsorp-
cotransporter. This elevated acinar Na+ con- tion from the primary saliva across the lu-
centration in turn activates the central mem- minal membrane is generated from the ac-
brane element, the Na+ /K+ -pump (ATPase). tivity of basolateral ATP-consuming Na +/
This active pumping mechanism, utilizing K+ -pumps in the infoldings of the mem-
energy in the form of ATP, then re-establish- brane in the striated duct cells (Figure 2).
es the original, prestimulatory (unstimu- This pump mechanism maintains extrusion
lated) ion gradients across the acinar plasma of Na + from the duct cell to the interstitium
membrane by active uphill extrusion of Na + (and ductal uptake of K+). This creates an
and influx of K+. The prestimulatory acinar inwardly directed Na + gradient, allowing
cr concentration is re-established by uphill Na + to pass into the duct cell from the pri-
influx of the Cl- ion against an electro- mary saliva. The ductal uptake of Na + ,
chemical gradient via the cr /HC03 - which is activated by circulating adrenal
exchangers (that operate in parallel with mineralocorticoids (e.g. aldosterone), occurs
the Na + /H+ exchangers) and/or via the via Na + channels and presumably also by
Na +/K+ 12 cr cotransporter. Osmosis Na + /H+ exchange mechanisms. The uptake

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

of Na + into the duct is to a large extent bal- strongly on the flow rateo However, the final
anced by parallel uptake of CI- vía CI- product secreted to the mouth is always hy-
channels and Cl-/HC03 - exchange mech- potonic. Depending on the flow rate, whole
anisms. Besides the uptake of CI-, some se- saliva contains 3-6 times less electrolytes
cretion of K+ into the saliva occurs to pre- than plasma. As the flow rate increases, the
serve electraneutrality. These transporters most dramatic increases occur in the Na +,
are the most important mechanisms for the cr , and HC03 - concentration (see Figures
modification of primary saliva by the ducts. 4 and 6).
Stimulation of receptors in the duct cells by Because the ductal transport mechanisms
neurotransmitters and peptides induces a involved in Na + (and CI-) reabsorption frorn
rise in intracellular free [Ca2+] and cAMP the primary saliva have a maximal transport
in a manner similar to that in acinar cells, capacity, and beca use there is limited time
but the regulatory rale of these messengers within the duct system to modify the electra-
for the modification of saliva in the duct is lyte composition at high stimulated flow
still not clear. rates, stimulated saliva is less hypotonic than
Fram a clinical point of view, it is import- unstimulated saliva (i.e., it has higher concen-
ant to stress that medicines that inhibit the trations of Na + and cr ).The concentration
muscarinergic or adrenergic receptor systems of HC03 -, which is the principal buffer in
(like some antidepressants, neuroleptics, an- saliva, also varies with the flow rate: unstimu-
tihistamines, and hypertensives) or that di- lated saliva contains very little HC03-
rectly affect the membrane transporters in the whereas stimulated saliva contains much
salivary gland tissues (like some diuretics), higher concentrations. With very power-
have the potential to induce changes in the ful stimulation (including pharmacological
flow rate and composition of saliva. stimulation), the salivary HC03 - concen-
tration certainly exceeds the plasma level and
can even become the predominant anion in
• Saliva and its inorganic the stimulated saliva. The secreted HC03 - is
composition derived from CO2 fram salivary gland met-
abolism. It is, however, not clear how much
The final composition of the saliva ansmg originates fram the acinar and ductal gland
from the major salivary glands depends segments. It is possible that the striated ducts

• Figure 6. Inorganic saliva composition. 50

The saliva inorganic and organic com-

position as a function of the saliva flow 40
rateo As shown the salivar y concen- Total protein
trations ofNa+, cr , and HC03- in- 30
(0.1 . mglml)

creases with increasing flow rates, HCOj(mM)

whereas the saliva concentrations of 20
..e:::.::::::::::.""""':::;,.,.c...------:::::;:::oo-=--- K+ (mM)
total phosphate and to some extend
K+ decreases with increasing flow 10
rates. The concentrations of total cal-
cium and total protein also increase
upon stimulation although not sub-
Total calcium (mM)

stantially. Whole saliva flow rate (mllmin)


• Figure 7. Oral sugar clearance. 100 -,-------;-------------,

Oral sugar c1earance
leve! of sugar) as a function
(to a very low
of the un-
stimulated saliva flow rate calculated
from a mathematical model (Dawes,
.•... Normal unsumulated
saliva Ilow rate
1983). In this model the volume of sal- u
iva just before swallowing as well as the
volume of saliva swallowed are set to a ~

constant leve!. As shown the oral sugar

clearance is highly dependent on the
unstimulated saliva flow rate increas-
o +-------~--~---.--------.-------~
ing substantially when the
lated saliva flow rate is below 0.2 mI!
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
rmn. Saliva flow rate (ml/min)

can both absorb HC03 - (at low flow rates) stimulated saliva collected during the first
and secrete it (at high flow rates). few minutes has a composition that is differ-
An essential aspect of the HC03 - buffer ent from that of saliva collected following
system is that it can diffuse freely across the several minutes of sustained stimulation.
epithelial boundaries in form of gaseous CO2 Furthermore, many solutes show circadian
driven by the CO2 gradient within the differ- variations that are independent of the vari-
ent gland compartments. However, because ation in salivary flow rateo
the partial pressure ofC02 (PC02) in saliva re-
mains almost constant at a11flow rates and at
various metabolic rates, its HC03 - concen- • Oral clearance
tration (and thereby pH) increases with flow
rate (see Figure 4 and later for the equilibrium The time taken to clear the food that en-
of the HC03 - buffer system). ters the mouth varies from one subject to
The membrane transporters believed to another (Figure 7). This clearance is pri-
govern the HC03 - concentration in saliva marily due to swallowing and the flushing
may comprise ductal cr /HC03 - ex- effect of saliva. The dilution of substances
changers. In parotid saliva, for example, in the mouth and their removal is crucial
HC03 - concentration correlates positively to for the protection of the oral tissues. lf
that of Cl". Accordingly, at low flow rates the substances that are harmful to teeth such
CI- and HC03 - concentrations and pH are as sugars or acids accumulate in the
low, and vice versa at higher secretion rates. mouth, destructive processes such as dental
Figure 6 shows that as flow rate increases, caries or erosion are accelerated. The nor-
the whole saliva concentrations of Na +, cr , mal procedure for measuring oral clearance
HC03 -, total calcium and total protein in- is to introduce a certain substance (e.g.,
crease to varying extents, while the concen- sugar) into the mouth in high concen-
tration of K+ and total phosphate decreases. tration after an initial swallow. The sub-
However, the saliva flow rate and compo- stance is then diluted by the 0.8 mi or so
sition also depend on the type of gland from of saliva that remains in the mouth after
which it is secreted, as we11as on the nature swallowing (the so-called residual volume).
and the duration of stimulation. Thus, The oral clearance rafe is the time taken

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

either to clear the substance from the during the time taken to clear acids that
mouth or to reduce it to a very low con- are ingested orally, such as carbonated
centration. This is strongly dependent on drinks, fruit juices, and wines. The ability
the saliva flow rate as well as on the vol- of the saliva to maintain the pH when
ume of saliva in the mouth before and exposed to acids is termed buffer capacity.
after swallowing. This is determined in the laboratory by
When a substance is introduced to the titration of the saliva within the pH range
mouth in a high concentration it will, de- of interest. The saliva pH, which in healthy
pending on its taste, initially stimulate saliva individuals varies between 6.0-7.5, depends
production. The resulting increase in saliva strongly on the secretion rate with the
flow rate will then in crease the volume of sal- most alkaline fluid being secreted during
iva in the mouth. When this volume reaches stimulated flow. A drop in saliva pH below
the threshold for swallowing (about 1.1 ml), 5.5-5.0 is potentially harmful to the oral
a swallow will occur, removing part of the in- tissues, particularly enamel/dentine. Thus
gested substance. The remainder will then be from a dental point of view the most inter-
diluted with new saliva coming from the esting pH range for determination of the
glands until the threshold is again reached buffer capacity is from the saliva's original
and the next swallow occurs. Each time the pH in the mouth down to pH 5. Typical
subject swallows, some of the substance will titration curves illustrating the saliva pH
be removed which will in turn reduce the as a function of added acid (HCI) are
stimulus to secretion. Accordingly, oral clear- shown in Figure 8. From such titration
ance occurs non-linearly with time especially curves the saliva buffer capacity W) can be
during the first minutes after introduction of determined in mmol H+ /(litre saliva· pH
the substance to the mouth. When the sub- unit) in a certain pH interval:
stance in the mouth has reached a certain low
level, it will no longer stimulate saliva flow
and the production of saliva will return to the Where ~CA is the increase in saliva acid con-
unstimulated level. Hence the unstimulated centration and ~pH is the change in saliva
flow of saliva has the greatest overall impact pH caused by the addition of acid.
on the oral clearance time (Figure 7) beca use If addition of large amounts of acid re-
it is present throughout the longest period of sults in only a minor pH change, the buf-
the clearance time. When this is less than 0.2 fer capacity of the saliva is high and vice
ml/min, the time taken to clear sugar from the versa. Note that, regardless of the concen-
oral cavity increases dramatically. Therefore tration of buffers, the buffer capacity will
individuals with impaired unstimulated sal- gradually increase when the pH decreases
iva flow rates have a slow oral clearance time beca use of the logarithmic nature of the
and are at higher risk of developing dental pH scale (-log [H+]). Buffer capacity is
caries and erosion. not to be confused with the term "buffer
effect" of saliva often used in dental litera-
ture. In the dental office, the buffer effect
• Saliva buffer capacity is often determined by adding a fixed
amount of acid to a fixed amount of saliva
One of the important roles of saliva is to and then reading off the final pH. Al-
maintain a non-harmful pH in the mouth though this gives a handy clue about the


buffering capacity of the saliva, it gives no stimulated saliva at pH 6 is considerable

information about the buffers present in higher than that of tap water. The buffer ea-
the mouth or about variations in the saliva pacity of highly stimulated parotid saliva is
buffer capacity at different pH values. even higher than that of a relatively viscous
The buffer capacity of human saliva in- fluid, like milk. However, the buffer capacity
creases with increasing flow rates and is of human saliva is never as high as that of
maximal around pH 6. Figure 8 shows that blood, which is partIy due to the high pro-
the buffer capacity ofboth unstimulated and tein concentration of blood. The three im-

Titration of whole saliva with strong acid


• Figure 8. Titration
oi saliva.
and buffer capacity uws sws ©
Titration curves of unstimulated and
stimulated human whole saliva. As O 30
shown stimulated whole saliva (SWS)
is better in maintaining its pH upon mmol H+ / litre saliva
addition of acid compared to unstimu-
lated saliva (UWS) indicating a higher
buffer capacity. The buffer capacity in
(A) originates mainly from the salivary
contents of phosphate, in (B) from the
salivary contents of bicarbonate, and in
(e) from the salivary proteins. The
area where both curves have the f1attest
slope, and therefore the highest buffer
capacity, is around pH 6 indicated at Buffer capacity at pH 6
the figure. Below is shown the buffer
capacity at pH 6 of unstimulated and
saliva as
saliva (SPS) in corn-
well as e 60
·CIi0 50
parison to the buffer capacity of other
f1uids. It can be seen that the buffer ~
capacity of saliva is higher than the
~ 30
buffer capacity of water at a11 times,
that the buffer capacity of stimulated
;:l 20
parotid saliva is higher than that of 10
milk, and that the buffer capacity of
saliva never becomes as high as it is in O
blood. uws sws sps water milk blood

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

portant buffer systems in human saliva are of the whole bicarbonate buffer system and
the bicarbonate, the phosphate, and the pro- increase the salivary pH shifting the equilib-
tein buffer systems. rium to the left. CO2 is also lost from the sal-
iva if it is mixed with acid because the equilib-
The bicarbonate buffer system and saliva rium of the bicarbonate buffer system shifts
pH regulation to the left, which results in an increased sali-
The concentration of bicarbonate, the main vary Peo2. Thus acidification to pH 4.0 of
buffer in human saliva, varies under physio- whole saliva containing 25 mM of bicarbon-
logical conditions from about 2-5 mM in ate results in a 25-fold increase in its Peo2
unstimulated saliva up to plasma-like levels level. Such acidification will give rise to a P e02
of about 28 mM in stimulated saliva. The in saliva that is 25,000 times higher than the
equilibrium for the bicarbonate buffer sys- Pe02 in the atmosphere. Accordingly, the
tem in a partly open compartment like the driving force for CO2 loss to the atmosphere
mouth is: from such acidified saliva is as high as for car-
bonated drink exposed to the atmosphere.
CO2 + H20 ~ H2C03 H HC03 - + H+
The ability of the bicarbonate buffer system to
Where CO2 is the CO2 in saliva and in the go from one form to another during buffering
air surrounding the saliva in the mouth and is called phase buffering and this ability
CA is carbonic anhydrase that catalyses the further increases the buffering of the system.
hydration of CO2 to carbonic acid. The saliva bicarbonate concentration is
The bicarbonate buffer system makes .its most commonly determined from the saliva
highest contribution to the overall buffer ca- Peo2 and pH by the Henderson-Hasselbalch
pacity of saliva at the pK value for carbonic equation:
acid that is close to pH 6 in saliva (Figure 8).
HC03 - = (0.225 Peo2) (lOPH-pK)
At pH 6, the contribution of the bicarbonate
buffer system to the overall buffer capacity Where P e02 is the saliva P e02 in kPa, and
varies from 50% in unstimulated/resting sal- pK the pK value of carbonic acid in saliva.
iva up to more than 90% in stimulated saliva To summarise: in order to determine the
produced at high flow rates. This difference bicarbonate concentration and pH of saliva as
is due to the flow-dependent variations in well its buffer capacity accurately, it is essen-
the saliva bicarbonate concentration. tial to avoid the loss of CO2• To achieve this,
Figure 4 shows that in the normal pH range the saliva has to be collected and analysed in
of the parotid saliva (6.0-7.5) the partial closed systems using techniques similar to
pressure of CO2 (P e02) is 6.0 kPa, which is those used for arterial blood samples.
equal to that of blood. However, when saliva
enters the mouth, some CO2 is lost which re- The phosphate buffer system
sults in a drop in its Pe02 to around 4.5 kPa. Figure 6 shows that the total phosphate con-
Nevertheless, the Peo2 of the whole saliva is centration in saliva also depends on the flow
still more than 1000 times higher than the rateo However, while the salivary bicarbonate
Peo2 in the atmosphere (4 Pa). Accordingly, concentration increases with increasing flow
any exposure of saliva to the atmosphere rates, the saliva total phosphate concen-
(during saliva collection or during sialochem- tration decreases with increasing flow rates.
ical measurements) will result in major losses Thus resting/unstimulated saliva may con-
of saliva CO2 that decrease the concentration tain up to 10 mM of total phosphate,


whereas stimulated saliva secreted at high • Saliva and its saturation with
flow rates may contain well under 3 mM. respect to hydroxyapatite
The different ionic forms of phosphate are
determined by their pK values and thus by Under physiological conditions, teeth do not
the pH value of the saliva (Figure 9). dissolve in saliva beca use it is supersaturated
Within the normal pH range of the saliva with respect to hydroxyapatite CalO(P04)6
(6.0-7.5), most phosphate will be present as (OHh, the main inorganic component of
dihydrogen phosphate (pK around 6.8 in sal- teeth. The solubility product for hydroxyapa-
iva), and hydrogen phosphate. However, the tite (KSPHA) is 10- 117 MI8 (where 18 refers to
two other forms of phosphate (i.e. H3P04 the 18 ions present in the hydroxyapatite unit
and POl-) will also be present in the pH cell). This value corresponds to the ion activ-
range from 6.0-7.0, although in very low ity product for hydroxyapatite (IAPHA) in a
concentrations. Accordingly, in saliva phos- solution saturated with respect to hydroxy-
phate is most effective as a buffer at pH 6.8 apatite.
(Figure 8). For saliva the IAPHA can be calculated
The phosphate buffer system normally from its actual salivary ion activities (the free
contributes about 50% of the buffer capacity ionic concentration corrected for electro-
in unstimulated/resting saliva. However, due static effects) of Ca2+, PO/-, and OH- as
to the flow-dependent decrease in saliva shown below:
total phosphate concentration upon stimula-
tion together with the huge increase in the
bicarbonate concentration, phosphate nor- From this expression it can be seen that
mally makes only a minor contribution to IAPHA increases with increasing activities
the stimulated saliva buffer capacity. of these ion s in saliva and vice versa. The
greatest impact on IAPHA, however, comes
from the saliva pH. Thus when pH de-
The protein buffer system creases, the activities of both PO/- (see
Saliva contains a variety of different proteins Figure 9 for the equilibrium of the phos-
with specific biological functions (Figure 10). phate buffer system) and OH- will de-
Most of these can act as buffers when the pH crease dramatically.
is above or below their isoelectric point (pl). When KSPHA and IAPHA are known the
Below their pI they can accept protons and degree of saturation of saliva with respect
thereby act as buffers, and above they can re- to hydroxyapatite (DSHA) can be calculated
lease protons. Because the pI of most salivary as:
proteins is around pH 7.0, their buffering ef-
fect becomes pronounced mostly at acidic
and alkaline pH values. Thus, they contribute where (l/L8) al so refers to the 18 ions present
substantially to the saliva buffer capacity at in the hydroxyapatite (i.e. CalO(P04)6(OH)z)
pH values ofless than pH 5 (Figure 8). In ad- unit cell.
dition to their chemical buffering, some of If IAPHA in saliva is larger than KSPHA,
the saliva proteins also increase the viscosity (i.e. DSHA> 1), the saliva is supersaturated
of the saliva when the pH becomes acidic and with respect to hydroxyapatite. However, if
thereby cover and physically protect the teeth IAPHA is smaller than KSPHA (DSHA< 1), the
against the acid loado saliva is undersaturated and the enamel/den-

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

• Figure 9. The phosphate buffer system. 100% ~;o:------~o;;;;::-----;---~-..;:------..,

The equilibrium of the phosphate buf-
fer system as a function of pH. In the
normal pH range for saliva most phos-
phate will be present as H2P04 - and
HPO/-. However, the two other
forms of phosphate (i.e. H3P04 and
PO/-) will also be present although
in very low concentrations.

4 12
Normal saliva pH range

tine will dissolve, leading either to dental The value of pH in saliva at which IAPHA
erosion or dental caries, depending on the equals KSPHA (i.e. the condition where
origin of the acidic challenge. DSHA = 1) is often denoted the "critica]" pH
in the dental literature. The critical pH in
human saliva is on average 5.5 under normal
Calculation "case" of DSHA in saliva physiological conditions, but this is certainly
A patient has an unstimulated saliva not a fixed value since it depends on a num-
flow rate of 0.3 ml/min and a saliva ber of ion activities that change dynamically
pH of 6.0 (OH- activity of lO-s M). as the saliva flow rates varies. Unstimulated
The saliva total calcium concentration saliva containing a high phosphate concen-
is 1 mM corresponding to a Ca2+ ac- tration, and therefore having a high phos-
tivity of OAX 10-3 M and the total phate activity, has generally a more acidic
phosphate concentration is S mM cor- critical pH than stimulated saliva containing
responding to a PO/- activity of a low phosphate concentration. The critical
1.7X 10-10 M pH in saliva normally varies from 5.3 to 5.5
depending on the flow rate: however, it may
IAPHA of saliva=(OAX 10-3)10
vary frorn 5.2 to 5.8 in extreme cases where
(1.7X 10-10)6 (1 X 1O-S)2=2.5X 10-109
the phosphate concentration is very high or
very low, respectively.
Thus in this case IAPHA is larger than Nucleation followed by precipitation of
the corresponding KSPHA of 10-117 calcium-phosphate salts is likely to occur in
MI8 a fluid that is supersaturated with these ions.
DSHA = (2.5X 10-109/10-117) (1/1S)=2.9 Three-dimensional nucleation is the nu-
cleation of the calcium-phosphate salt
Thus in this case DSHA becomes > 1 within a fluid followed by crystal growth of
and therefore the saliva is supersatu- the salt (homogeneous and heterageneous
rated with respect to hydraxyapatite nucleation). Two-dimensional nucleation is
surface- or seed-induced nucleation of the


calcium-phosphate salt followed by crystal rates result in high total protein concen-
growth of the salto Three-dimensional nu- trations). However, the total protein concen-
cleation is not likely to occur in saliva be- tration and composition is much less de-
cause of the low calcium and phosphate con- pendent on the flow rate than are the inor-
centrations as well as the many proteins that ganic components. Instead, it is mainly
act as nucleation inhibitors. Two-dimen- influenced by individual genetic differences.
sional nucleation, however, occurs quite Hence, the profile of saliva proteins in
often in the form of dental calculus where monozygous twins is similar.
substances in the dental plaque and on the Our understanding of the functions of the
tooth surfaces serve as seeds for the process. saliva proteins is based on in vitro experi-
Calculus formation normally occurs on ments rather than clinical trials. So far there-
teeth in the regions of the mouth where the fore little is known about the impact of spe-
salivary supersaturation of calcium-phos- cific saliva proteins on oral health in vivo.
phate salts is highest, i.e. near the orifices of Some studies have shown that differences in
the submandibular, sublingual and parotid protein composition playa role in individ-
ducts. Here the pH is most alkaline due to uals' susceptibility to develop caries while
the high bicarbonate concentration in the other studies have not been able to demon-
secreted saliva, as well as the CO2 evapor- strate this.
ation due to mouth breathing. Accordingly, Mixing dried saliva proteins with water
calculus formation occurs most frequently gives a solution with a texture and viscosity
around the mandibulary incisors and maxil- that is similar to saliva. Not surprisingly,
lary molars. therefore, the distinct texture and viscosity
of saliva is the result of its protein compo-
sition. Some saliva proteins protect the oral
tissues against infections, others coat and lu-
• Organic saliva composition and bricate the oral tissues, some playa role in
its functions maintaining high saliva concentrations of
calcium, other are digestive enzymes, and
Both the acinar and ductal cells secrete pro- some catalyse the hydration of CO2 to car-
teins into saliva (exocrine function) and the bonic acid. Although most have one major
blood circulation (endocrine function); see function, many have multifunctional roles.
also paragraph on stimulus-secretion coup- A few examples are discussed below in the
ling. These salivary proteins are the major context of their function and possible clin-
organic components of saliva. There are ical impacto
more than 40 different proteins in human
saliva whose molecular weights vary from a Digestive enzymes
few kDa to more than one thousand kDa. Human saliva contains u-amylase, an en-
The total protein concentration is on average zyme that hydrolyses the a-l,4 glycosidic
2.0 mg/ml saliva, which is nearly 40 times linkages of starch molecules. Hence the
lower than in plasma. The protein concen- breakdown of ingested starch to simple hex-
tration depends on both the duration of oses occurs in two phases starting in the oral
stimulation (long periods of stimulation re- cavity with salivary n-amylase and continu-
sults in high saliva total protein concen- ing in the intestine with pancreatic o-amy-
trations) and on the flow rate (high flow lase. As shown in Figure l O, the salivary

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

Salivary proteins (size and function)

A) Anti-bacterial
1000 -
B) Anti-viral
C) Anti-fungal
D) Tissue coating
E) Lubrication
F) Mineralization
G) Digestion
,-.. 100
H) Buffering
G G 11 D

13 E e
I 1- ,~ -, 11

-<en N V> c: V>

c: '"


Q) V>
C) -;;;
E '"
ee -O'" 00; ~
6 "'"
<2:! :;;.,
>. 2a. N
S '"
-¡¡; Ul
2 ..c
'" '"
e .s
~ c: u c/í i
0<3 e,
'" '"
<: ~
2'" ~ o
..o '"


• Figure 10. The majar salivary proteins.

Some of the major salivary proteins ranked aeeording to their molecular weight (please note that the seale is logarith-
miel. For eaeh protein its possible funetion in saliva is stated. Thus the high molecular weight muein (MG 1) IS
shown to have (A) anti-baeterial, (B) anti-viral, (O) tissue coating, (E) lubrieating, and (G) digestive effeets.

u-amylase family has molecular weights of can result in elevated plasma o-amylase
around 55-60 kDa and they are therefore concentrations beca use it leaks from the
among the larger proteins found in saliva. salivary glands into the blood circulation.
The a-amylases are secreted particularly Salivary o-amylases are active above pH 6
from the serous cells in the parotid and and become inactivated by the low pH in
submandibular glands in response to para- the stomach. Since this limits the time
sympathetic stimulation and the rx-amy- available for salivary o-arnylases to work,
lases are secreted both to blood circulation it is considered of minor importance in
and the saliva. The concentration of a- starch digestion. It may however be im-
amylases in saliva is high and may consti- portant for starch digestion in neonates
tute as much as 30-40% of the total pro- with an insufficiently developed pancreas.
tein in whole saliva. This is more than Human saliva also contains lipase, an en-
1000 times higher than the total o-arnylase zyme able to break down dietary triglycer-
concentration in human blood. Therefore ides. Salivary lipase is secreted from the se-
injuries to the salivary glands due to ir- rous cells in the parotid gland and from the
radiation, glandular obstruction, or surgery von Ebner's glands on the tongue. Like sali-


vary n-amylase, it is considered of minor in the salivary ducts and glands, and reduces
importance in healthy individuals, but may the formation of calculus. The acidic proline-
play a role in neonates and patients with rich proteins (PRPs) are also sma11molecules
pancreatic dysfunction. (10-30 kDa) that constitute around 30% of
the proteins parotid and submandibular sal-
Proteins with lubricating functions iva. Like statherin, the PRPs are secreted from
Human saliva contains mucins that are large acinar ce11s.They inhibit two-dimensional
glycoproteins, constituting more than 40% nucleation by binding calcium and also bind
carbohydrate, which have lubricating func- tannins that are harmful to the oral tissues.
tions on the oral tissues. Two specific types Interestingly, there appears to be differences
of mucins have been characterized in human in the amount and quality of acidic proline-
saliva. MG1 is produced in the mucous acini rich proteins in caries-free and caries-active
in the submandibular and sublingual glands individuals. Although statherin and the PRPs
as well as in the palatal and labial glands. are the proteins mostly associated with inhi-
MG2 is produced in the serous ce11sin most bition of calcium-phosphate salt nucleation,
glands except for the parotid. The MG1 mu- other proteins like the histatins and cystatins
cin weighs more than 1000 kDa and is the also inhibit nucleation.
largest protein present in saliva, whereas
MG2 weighs 130 kDa (Figure 10). Due to Carbon dioxide hydration
the differences in weight, the two mucins are Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an essential en-
often referred to as high- and low- molecu- zyme present in a11ce11s.Carbonic anhydrase
lar weight mucins. catalyse the reversible hydration of CO2 to
Mucins are hydrophilic and contain water: carbonic acid (see equilibrium for the bicar-
they work effectively to moisten and lubri- bonate buffer system). Several isoforms of
cate oral surfaces. They also form disulfide CA have been characterized of which one
bridges with other mucin molecules and (CA VI) that has a weight of around 42-45
thereby create a network that covers and kDa is present in saliva. In the parotid and
protects the oral tissues. The hydrophilic and submandibular glands the acinar ce11sse-
network-forming abilities of salivary mucins crete CA VI. In contrast to the we11-known
give saliva its distinct texture and viscosity. cytoplasmic forms of CA, CA VI is the only
isoform of the enzyme that is known to oc-
Calcium binding proteins cur in a secretory formo Some studies have
Human saliva under normal physiological suggested that CA VI isoforms playa protec-
conditions is always supersaturated with hy- tive role against dental caries.
droxyapatite as well as with other calcium
phosphate salts. However, these salts do not Saliva proteins with antirnicrobial
norma11y precipitate in saliva due to the functions
presence of calcium-binding proteins. Sta- Most immunoglobulins in human saliva are
therin is an asymmetrical protein and one of in the form of secretory IgA (sIgA) that is a
the sma11est proteins in human saliva (4-5 large hydrophilic protein (380 kDa). Salivary
kDa), which is secreted from acinar ce11s. IgA is a product of plasma ce11sthat is modi-
Statherin inhibits three-dimensional as we11 fied and secreted by acinar and duct cells in
as two-dimensional nucleation and prevents the salivary glands. This secretory imrnuno-
the formation of calcified masses (sialoliths) globulin is a specific defence factor that is

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

stimulated by the presence of bacteria. Be- have bacteriostatic, bacteriocidal, fungicidal,

cause of its hydrophilic abilities, salivary IgA and antiviral properties. It has been reported
can mix and function in saliva where it ag- that low levels of lactoferrin are related to
gregates bacteria. Salivary IgA also has affin- high levels of potentiaUy pathogenic oral bac-
ity for other antimicrobial components in teria. Human saliva also contains the enzyme
saliva like the mucins. This affinity may syn- peroxidase (75-78 kDa) another innate anti-
ergisticaUy increase the antimicrobial aggre- microbial defence mechanisms that is se-
gating effects of both proteins. Some studies creted by the acini. This enzyme catalyses the
have shown a protective effect of salivary IgA oxygenation of thiocyanate (SCN-) to hypo-
against dental caries. However, other studies thiocyanate (OSCN-) and thereby reduces
have not been able to show such relation- bacterial growth by blocking essential bac-
ships. terial metabolic processes.
In addition to specific antimicrobial de- Histatins are smaU antimicrobial peptides
fence mechanisms, human saliva contains a of around 3-4 kDa that are known mainly for
variety of unspecific or innate antimicrobial their potent lethal effect in vitro on oral fungi
defence mechanisms that have attracted in- like Candida albicans. Histatins are present in
creasing interest in recent years. Mucins, in high concentrations in parotid saliva. The
addition to their lubricating effect on the kiUing effect ofhistatin 5 on Candida albicans
oral tissues, also give protection against mi- depends on the ionic strength of saliva, and
crobes. Thus the coating and network-form- becomes higher with lower salt concen-
ing effects of the mucins function as a bar- trations such as those in unstimulated saliva
rier protecting the underlying tissue. The in which histatins bind to Candida albicans.
mucins also agglutinate large numbers of Histatins have also been shown to kiUbacteria
bacteria in saliva and thereby increase their such as Streptococcus mutans.
removal by swaUowing.
Lysozyme and lactoferrin are examples of Growth factors in saliva
proteins secreted by duct ceUs. In contrast to Since ancient times, saliva from various ani-
acinar proteins, ductal proteins decrease in mals has been applied to wounds to acceler-
concentration upon increased saliva flow. ate the healing process. It is now known that
Both these proteins belong to the innate anti- the wound-healing effect of saliva arises
microbial defence mechanisms. Lysozyme from its intrinsic growth factors. These
(around 14 kDa) kiUs gram-positive bacteria growth factors are secreted from ducts cells
by breaking down their ceUwalls. Because of in the salivary glands. Some, like epidermal
its strong positive charge, lysozyme may also growth factor (EGF) have a local effect. EGF
be able to activate bacterial autolysin. Lacto- is a smaU protein found in the submandibular
ferrin is a relatively big protein (around 75- and parotid glands whose output is increased
78 kDa) whose best-known function is to by mastication. When secreted in saliva, EGF
bind iron and thereby inhibit bacterial enhances healing of ulcers and plays a protec-
growth by reducing the concentration of this tive role in oesophageal mucosal protection.
important co-factor for bacterial enzymes. Salivary EGF interacts with the innate salivary
Besides having an iron-binding effect, lacto- protein defence mechanisms to form a mu-
ferrin has hidden antimicrobial domains that cosal defence barrier. NGF that has stimulat-
are liberated from the protein after proteo- ing effect on ganglionic function is also re-
lytic activity. Thus lactoferrin is believed to leased from salivary glands.


Transforming growth factors (TGF-o: and When completely clean teeth are exposed
TGF-~) are other small proteins that have to saliva, the pellicle begins to form in less
been found in saliva, and which can cause than a minute and reaches equilibrium
cell differentiation and growth. Finally, within 2 hours. However, a so-called matu-
fibroblast growth factor (FGF), a potent ration time of several days is necessary for
regulator of wound healing, has also been it to reach its maximum pratective capacity.
found in saliva. Because the surface of enamel is negatively
charged, the first layer that is formed (the
hydration layer) has a positive charge arising
• Formation and function of the mainly from calcium. This positively-
pellicle charged hydration layer then attracts nega-
tively-charged macromolecuJes. The prateins
Under normal conditions in the mouth, i.e. that are best known to be attracted to tooth
with plenty of saliva, an organic film called surfaces and which are present in the pellicle
the acquired pellicle covers the teeth. The are the acidic proline-rich proteins, sIgA, cy-
term "acquired" refers to the fact that this statin, MG 1, lactoferrin, lysozyme, and amy-
film develops on the teeth after they have lase. The reason why some of the other sali-
erupted and not, as assumed earlier, before vary proteins have not been shown in the
eruption. While the exact composition of pellicle can be explained by their weaker
this film is not known, it is derived mainly ability to bind to hydroxyapatite. Apart from
frorn salivary proteins. Its protective effect is, the purely chemical protection against acids,
however, well known from laboratory the acquired pellicle also seems to determine
studies in which teeth with and without a the initial attachment of bacteria onto the
pellicle have been exposed to acid. These tooth surface. The acquired pellicle may
studies have shown that teeth covered by the thereby favour a non-harmful colonization
pellicle develop less demineralization than pattern and hence further protect the teeth.
teeth without the pellicle. Studies in which
pure hydroxyapatite crystals have been ex-
posed to acid suggest that formation of a • Other organic components in
salivary protein pellicle on the crystal sur- saliva
faces may decrease the rate of dissolution by
more than 80%. The effect of differences in In addition to the proteins, there are numer-
saliva protein composition on the protective ous other organic components in saliva, in-
effect of this pellicle is not yet fully under- cluding the circulating adrenal glucocortico-
stood. Nevertheless, the ability of the sali- id cortisol. The concentration of cortisol in
vary proteins to form the acquired pellicle is saliva reflects its concentration in plasma, al-
certainly one of the major mechanisms by though its concentration is 10-30 times
which saliva protects the teeth. Moreover, a lower in saliva (typically 10-20 nM). Under
recent study has shown an inverse relation- conditions of high stress, the salivary cortisol
ship between the salivary pellicle thickness can in crease above 30 nM. Since a collection
and the incidence of cervical erosive lesions, of saliva is non-stressful compared with
which suggests that dental erosion may also blood sampling, saliva has become widely
be depend on the pellicle-forming ability of used in measurements of cortisol for moni-
saliva in a site-specific pattern. toring stress. Moreover, the cortisol found in

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

saliva is unbound; that is, it is not combined non-invasive and non-stressful manner in
with its carrier protein, so that its concen- the field. The ability of some circulating
tration is a good indicator of its bioavail- drugs to enter the saliva by diffusion is of
ability. special interest in forensic and pharrnaceut-
Saliva also contains many of the sex hor- ical science and in some legal situations.
mones present in blood. For example, the Only the free and biologically active fraction
salivary concentration of estriol in pregnant of a drug in plasma gets into saliva where
women also correlates well with its plasma the concentration of prateins is much lower
concentration and can therefore be used to compared to plasma. When a water-soluble
monitor fetal well-being. drug enters saliva that has a lower pH than
Under normal conditions, the glucose plasma, it ionises. Its concentration in saliva,
concentration in saliva follows that of and thus the ratio of the free drug concen-
plasma, although at much lower levels. Thus tration between plasma and saliva, is then
glucose is normally present in saliva only in determined by its pKa, the pH of the saliva
very low concentrations less than 0.1 mM. and the pH of plasma. The wide variation
However, patients with high plasma glucose in the rate of salivary secretion and the re-
frorn untreated diabetes have elevated sali- sulting variation in pH limit its use as a di-
vary glucose concentrations that can reach agnostic medium for some drugs (depend-
nearly 1.0 mM. Since glucose serve as a bac- ing on their pK). Hence, some drugs are
terial substrate such patients are likely to de- concentrated in saliva while others are pres-
velop dental caries at high rates. ent in much lower concentrations than in
Human saliva normally contains between plasma.
2 and 4 mM urea, which is a praduct of pra- However, for some illegal drugs, the issue
tein metabolismo Urea is not a buffer, but in is detection rather than quantification, and
the presence of bacterial urease it can alka- saliva pravides a simple screening assay for
lise pH by being broken down into CO2 and this purpose. The salivary levels of "rec-
ammonia (which picks up a proton). Pa- reational" drugs like cocaine and marijuana
tients who suffer frorn untreated renal fail- as well as alcohol give a good reflection of
ure have salivary urea concentrations as high their plasma levels. Tobacco praducts like
as 85 mM. The resulting high pH of the sal- nicotine and cotinine can also be measured
iva and plaque in these patients reduce the in saliva, and correlate well with their
incidence of dental caries. plasma concentrations. This has made it
Finally saliva contains blood group sub- possible for the life insurance industry to
stances fram the ABO blood graups. Before verify the smoking status of individuals by
genotyping by DNA testing, the presence of means of salivary tests. Pollutants like lead,
these substances in saliva was an important cadmium and copper can also be detected
tool in forensic and palaeoserological science. in saliva and their concentrations show the
extent of the individual's exposure to them.
In another domain, saliva can be used to
• Saliva as a screening tool determine the profile of infection of the oral
cavity with pathogens such as Candida as well
Saliva is a convenient fluid to use for diag- as giving LactobaciLLus and Streptococcus mut-
nostic purposes and has obvious benefits ans scores. Finally, saliva is also valuable
over plasma beca use it is easy to collect in a for qualitative screening (+ / -) for much


more serious systemic infections diseases like measures of the saliva production (see sec-
HIY. tion on collection of saliva). Hyposalivation
usually results in altered salivary compo-
sition and is often associated with xerostomia
• Salivary gland dysfunction which is defined as the subjective feeling of
dry mouth. Generally, this symptom occurs
Salivary gland dysfunction is defined as any when the unstimulated salivary flow is re-
quantitative and/or qualitative change in the duced to approximately 50% of its normal
output of saliva. Thus, salivary gland dys- value in any given individual, which means
function includes either an increase in sali- that more than one major salivary gland
vary output (hyperfunction) or a decrease must be affected. Unstimulated whole sali-
(hypofunction). Genuine salivary hyper- vary flow rates are more closely associated
function, sialorrhoea, is relatively uncom- with the symptoms of xerostomia than
mon in adults. It may be caused by mucosal stimulated rates. However, complaints of
irritation or be idiopathic. Drooling often xerostomia can occur in the absence of hy-
occurs as a result of an underlying neuro- posalivation and vice versa. In mouth-
logical disorder, for example cerebral palsy, breathing, for example, xerostomia is related
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Par- to mucosal dryness arising from increased
kinson's disease. Drooling may also be seen evaporation of saliva. It should be empha-
in mentally-handicapped individuals and as sized that xerostomia is not solely related to
a side-effect of neuroleptic medication in decreased salivary flow rate, but also to
adults. The problem is generally the result of changes in its composition.
decreased swallowing efficiency and fre-
quency and is rarely related to genuine sali-
vary hyperfunction. Drooling may, however,
be asevere problem to the patient, since it • Principal causes of salivary gland
can cause maceration of the skin at the hypofunction and xerostomia
angles of the mouth and on the chin fol-
lowed by colonization of opportunistic Several medical conditions and medications
microorganisms. Furthermore, constant can affect the salivary glands and their secre-
drooling may have a negative impact on the tions in a number of ways. The salivary re-
patient's psychological well-being and social flex can be affected vía effects on the central
behaviour. Some patients complain of or peripheral neural regulation, or through
having too much saliva and develop an ob- the receptor systems in the salivary gland
sessive swallowing pattern, i.e. a need to tissues, stimulus-secretion coupling, mem-
swallow compulsively at frequent intervals, brane transporters, protein synthesis and/or
but objectively are found to have a normal protein release mechanisms. The most com-
production of saliva. mon reasons for salivary gland hypofunction
Salivary gland hypofunction, in contrast, are listed in Table 3.
is a common condition especially in people
with other underlying diseases and in those Age and hormonal changes
who take certain types of medication. Sali- Salivary dysfunctions in children are rare
vary hypofunction may develop into hypos- and mostly temporary conditions. The adult
alivation, a term which is based on objective levels of salivary flow rate are usually

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

Table 3. Common causes of hyposalivation and/or changes in saliva composition.

Iatrogenic medications, e.g. antidepressants, diuretics, antihistamines,
antihypertensives, antipsychotics and opiates, polypharmacy, chemotherapy;
radiotherapy to the head and neck region, surgical trauma
Autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, sarcoidosis
Neurological disorders mental depression, cerebral palsy, Bell's palsy, Holmes-Adie syndrome
Hormonal disorders diabetes mellitus (Iabile), hyper- and hypothyroidism
Infections HIV infection/AIDS, epidemic parotitis
Hereditary disorders cystic fibrosis, ectodermal dysplasia
Metabolic disturbances malnutrition, eating disturbances, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, dehydration,
vitamin deficiency
Local salivary diseases sialolithiasis, sialadenitis, carcinoma
Other conditions menopause, impaired masticatory performance

reached by the age of 15 years. In healthy diseases and the increased likelihood of
individuals, the stimulated whole saliva flow medication in this age group, than to age-
rate does not decline with age. However, an related salivary gland hypofunction.
age-related decrease may occur in secretions Menopause is often associated with sali-
from minor and submandibular glands, but vary dysfunction, since the incidence of dry
not from the parotids. This functional de- mouth and burning mouth symptoms is high
crease is consistent with age-related changes among menopausal women. However, obser-
of the morphology of these glands in which vations on the changes in flow rates and com-
the acinar volume may shrink by 40-50%. position of saliva have given conflicting re-
On the other hand, diverse morphological sults. Generally, the salivary flow rates are not
changes can occur in the various salivary significantly decreased in healthy post-
glands with aging including increased adi- menopausal women compared with those of
posity, ductal proliferation and fibrosis. premenopausal women. Concentrations of
Complaints of oral dryness are common in phosphate in whole saliva are higher in post-
older adults and may be explained by the menopausal women than in controls. Hor-
age-related decrease in minor and submand- mone replacement therapy increases salivary
ibular gland secretions, even when chewing- flow rates, as well as its buffer capacity and pH
stimulated whole saliva secretions are nor- in postmenopausal women.
mal. It should be emphasised that, even
though changes in the structure of the sali- Iatrogenic-induced salivary hypofunction
vary gland might suggest hypofunction, Salivary gland hypofunction and xerostomia
there is no clinically significant reduction in are side effects of many prescription drugs,
the overall gland output with aging in including antidepressants, antihypertensives,
healthy, non-medicated adults. Accordingly, diuretics, antihistamines, antipsychotics and
the increased incidence of subjective symp- opiates. Antidepressants and antihistamines
toms and objective signs of salivary gland act on muscarinic cholinergic receptors in
hypofunction in the elderly is more likely to salivary glands resulting in reduced saliva
be due to the increased incidence of systemic volume, whereas other drugs such as di-


uretics may induce changes in the compo- therapy may also experience similar changes
sition of saliva through their action on in salivary flow rate and composition.
mechanisms that control fluid and salt bal-
ance, and inhibitory effects on electrolyte Systemic diseases and medical conditions
transporters in the salivary gland cells. Numerous systemic diseases, and/or the
There is also a relationship between the medication used to treat them, are associated
number of medications taken on a regular with impaired secretion of saliva and changes
daily basis, with xerostomia and hyposaliv- in its composition. Prominent examples are
ation, irrespective of whether the medi- autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren's syn-
cations specifically cause hyposalivation. drome (see textbox) and inherited diseases
Thus, patients taking more than four drugs like cystic fibrosis where changes in secretion
(polypharmacy) have lower unstimulated are in part related to structural changes to the
and stimulated whole saliva flow rates than salivary glands. In neurological disorders like
non-medicated patients. Bell's palsy (idiopathic paralysis of the facial
Radiotherapy of the head and neck region nerve) and Holmes-Adie syndrome (auto-
results in a markedly reduced salivary flow nomic dysfunction), compromised inner-
rate, acidic saliva, poor buffering capacity and vation of the glands results in salivary hypo-
abnormal electrolyte and protein contento function. In inadequately-controlled insulin-
The abnormal electrolyte and protein content dependent (type 1) diabetes or at the early on-
can be due to contribution from their leakage set of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, reduced
from the plasma into saliva. The extent of sali- salivary flow rate may occur as a result of de-
vary hypofunction depends on the volume of hydration due to polyuria. The salivary dys-
glandular tissue included in the field of radi- function may, however, also be related to dia-
ation as well as to the total dose of radiation betic autonomic neuropathy, and the associ-
delivered. Hypofunction induced by doses of ated sialosis (non-inflammatory salivary
30-50 Gray (Gy) may be reversible, whereas gland hypertrophy). Malnutrition, as well as
doses higher than 60 Gy usually induce irre- eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia nerv-
versible salivary gland hypofunction and per- osa) oflong duration reduce salivary flow, in-
sisting xerostomia. Damage to the glandular duce compositional changes of saliva and
tissue is caused by direct radiation effects on cause enlargement of the major salivary
the acinar and duct cells, but also indirectly glands.
by injury of vascular structures resulting in
increased capillary permeability, interstitial
oedema and inflammatory reactions. Serous • Symptoms and objective findings
acinar cells are initially more affected by ir- in salivary gland hypofunction
radiation than mucous acinar cells and duct
cells. Although the salivary glands are con- Reduced salivary secretion is usually associ-
sidered to be relatively resistant to irradiation ated with a sensation of a dry mouth that
because of their relatively slow cell division persists throughout the day. The dryness
cycle, radiation induces acute changes in sal- continues at night leading to disturbed sleep
iva flow rate and composition. However, re- because of the need for regular sips of liquid.
sults vary, and the long-term effects of the Furthermore, patients with salivary hypo-
treatment on oral health are especially uncer- function, regardless of the cause, often have
tain. Finally, patients undergoing chemo- symptoms of burning mouth, difficulties in

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

chewing and swallowing dry foods, difficulty

Characteristics of Sjogren's syndrome in speaking, impaired sense of taste, acid re-
Definition: flux (heartburn) and halitosis. Removable
Chronic inflammatory systemic auto- dentures may cause discomfort due to the
immune disease that principally causes lack of mucosal lubrication. These distress-
dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) ing sequelae can significantly diminish the
and dry mouth (hyposalivation) due health-related quality oflife. Permanently re-
to by lymphocyte-mediated destruc- duced salivary secretion commonly results in
tion of the glandular tissue. The syn- clinically evident changes in the oral soft and
drome has a primary and secondary hard tissues. The oral mucosa in patients
formo The latter is usually associated with hyposalivation is generally thin and
with rheumatoid arthritis. pale and without the usual glistening ap-
pearance. Saliva frequently appears thick and
Demography: foamy and can form whitish threads on mu-
All ethnic and racial groups, preva- cosal surfaces. The dorsal part of the tongue
lence: 1-3%, 90% of the patients are looks dry and becomes lobulated with atro-
women in the age of 40-60 years phy of the filiform papillae. In some cases,
the tongue surface appears fissured. The
Aetiology: most common symptoms and clinical signs
Unknown. Probably multifactorial. In- related to permanently reduced salivary flow
cluding interactions between genetic, rate are shown in Table 4.
neuroendocrinological, and environ- Salivary gland infections
mental factors Bacterial sialadenitis is a relatively rare con-
dition, which occurs especially in elderly pa-
Symptoms: tients who have reduced salivary flow due to
Xerostomia, ocular dryness, arthralgia, systemic diseases, medications or dehy-
myalgia, fatigue. dration. The condition is usually character-
ized by acute tender swelling of the salivary
Clinical findings: gland, particularly the parotid gland, and in
Hyposalivation, keratoconjunctivitis some cases fever and malaise. In medically
sicca, parotid enlargement, vasculitis, or immunologically compromised patients,
dry skin, Raynaud's disease, purpura, the infection may even become life-threaten-
anemia and pharyngitis. ing due to sepsis. It is assumed that the re-
duced salivary flow allows ascending mi-
Diagnosis of the oral component: crobial colonization of the duct, which pre-
Symptoms of oral dryness, sialometry . disposes to the development of acute or
(whole saliva), salivary scintigraphy, chronic suppurative infection. Only limited
sialography, labial salivary gland bi- information is available about the microflora
opsy (focal periductallymphocytic in- of the salivary duct during salivary gland hy-
filtration of the salivary gland tissue). pofunction, but the microflora in the excret-
Supplement: sialochemical analysis of ory duct system appear to be more extensive
glandular saliva. and complex in patients with Sjogren's syn-
drome than in healthy individuals.


Table 4. Oral symptoms and signs often related to hy- and mostly in the submandibular duct. Most
posalivation and xerostomia.
are asymptomatic and unilateral. The predis-
Oral mucosal dryness and soreness posing factors are changes in saliva compo-
Burning oral sensation sition, infection or inflammation in the
Difficulties in speech (dysphonia)
ducts, or damage to the duct tissue.
Difficulty in chewing dry food
Difficulty in swallowing dry food (dysphagia)
Difficulty in wearing removable dentures Salivary gland tumours
Taste impairment (dysgeusia or hypogeusia) Ranked according to occurrence salivary
Acid reflux, nausea, heartburn gland neoplasms or tumours may occur in
Bad breath (halitosis)
1) the parotid gland, 2) the minor glands, 3)
Sensation of thirst
Dry, glazed and red oral mucosa the submandibular gland, and 4) very sel-
Lobulation or fissuring of the dorsal part of the tongue domly in the sublingual gland. The neo-
Atrophy of filiforrn papillae plasms can arise from both acinar and
Dry, cracked lips ductal cells as well as myoepithelial cells. The
Increased activity of caries with lesions on cervical, inci-
incidence of malignancy is low for the pa-
sal and cuspal tooth surfaces
Increased frequency of oral infections (e.g. recurrent
rotid gland, relatively high for the minor
oral candidiasis, angular cheilitis) glands, and very high for neoplasms in the
Additional non-oral symptoms may occur including
sublingual gland. Symptoms may include a
dryness of the skin, throat, nose and eyes as well as lump in the mouth, swelling in the face, pain
constipation, weight loss and depression. in the jaw or the side of the face, and weak-
ness of the face muscles.

Mumps is an acute systemic viral infec- Saliva and oral microflora

tion caused by paramy:x:ovirus. The parotid Salivary gland hypofunction is associated
glands, which are primarily affected, become with impaired antimicrobial capacity of sal-
increasingly swollen and painful over a few iva. Changes such as reduced oral tissue pro-
days. As the glands swell, the patients often tein protection and lower saliva pH may fa-
develop fever, headache and malaise. Mumps vour an aciduric and acidophilic oral micro-
in adult males may result in the develop- flora, which increase the risk of dental caries
ment of orchitis, an inflammation of the tes- and oral candidiasis. Thus, reduced salivary
ticles, which can result in sterility. The dis- flow and/or altered salivary composition are
ease can be prevented by the use of a vaccine associated with significant changes in the
giving long-life immunity. Mumps is the oral microflora including increases in acido-
most common form of viral sialoadenitis, philic microorganisms such as Streptococcus
but parotitis may also be caused other vi- mutans, Lactobacillus, and yeasts. High sali-
ruses such as cytomegalovirus and Coxsackie vary Lactobacillus counts are strongly associ-
A virus. ated with low salivary secretion and the
number of lactobacilli in saliva is positively
Sialoliths correlated with caries activity.
Calcified masses within the salivary duct
called saliva stones or sialoliths are a rela- Saliva and dental caries
tively common condition that affects as Dental caries is the result of an interaction
many as 1% of the population. Sialoliths oc- between many different variables such as
cur more frequently in women than men oral hygiene, diet, oral microflora, and tooth

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

morphology. Nevertheless, several clinical whole salivary flow rate of 0.10 ml!min or
studies have shown that dental caries is a less have a higher risk of dental erosion
common consequence of salivary hypofunc- than patients with higher unstimulated sal-
tion. In patients with low saliva flow rates, iva flow rates.
carious lesions usually develop rapidly, espe-
cially in retention sites for dental plaque Saliva and periodontal disease
along the gingival margin and adjacent to A few studies have demonstrated a relation-
dental restorations. Chronic hyposalivation ship between salivary flow and periodontal
may even result in early loss of natural teeth parameters such as pocket depth, gingival
due to progressive caries. In patients with bleeding, dental plaque, and the extent of
hyposalivation, the increased caries activity attachment loss. However, most studies do
is mainly attributed to a reduction in oral not support a causal relationship between
clearance. Thus, reduction in salivary flow periodontal diseases and reduced salivary
rates leads to impairment of the mechanical flow rates even in patients with Sjogren's
flushing and cleansing action of saliva, syndrome who have long-term reductions in
which results in slow elimination of oral saliva flow rates. However, impaired mech-
bacteria, dietary sugars and dietary acids, as anical flushing and cleansing due to reduced
well as plaque accumulation on the tooth salivary flow may accelerate accumulation of
surfaces (Figure 6). dental plaque that in turn may lead to gingi-
Saliva and tooth wear
Tooth wear occurs as a result of abrasion Saliva and gastrointestinal functions
(pathologic wearing of teeth resulting from Reduced salivary flow results in decreased
an abnormal habit or abnormal use of abras- bicarbonate concentration in the swallowed
ive substances orally), attrition (physiologic saliva and therefore decreased neutralization
wearing of teeth resulting from mastication) and clearance of gastric acid that enters the
and erosion (irreversible loss of dental hard lower oesophagus as the result of normal re-
tissue due to a non-bacterial chemical pro- flux activity: this may increase the risk of
cess). The aetiology of each of these con- developing gastro-oesophageal reflux and
ditions is like dental caries, i.e., the result of gastric ulceration. Furthermore, mucosal
interactions between a number of different protection may be impaired beca use of
variables, which make it difficult to make a diminished lubrication of the oral, oro-
clinical differential diagnosis between pharyngeal and oesophageal mucosa by sali-
chemical and mechanical aetiology of tooth vary mucins. Salivary epidermal growth fac-
wear. The relationship between dental ero- tor also plays an important role in the main-
sion and various salivary factors such as pH, tenance of oro-oesophageal and gastric
buffer capacity, concentrations of calcium tissue integrity. The biological effects of sal-
and phosphate, and mucins as well as un- iva influence the biology of the oesophagus
stimulated and stimulated salivary flow through their effects on epidermal growth
rates, have been investigated. However, only (including the healing of ulcers), inhibition
unstimulated salivary flow rate and saliva of gastric acid secretion (through a feed-
buffering capacity have been shown to be back mechanism), and mucosal protection
associated with the presence of dental ero- against intra-luminal factors such as gastric
sion. Thus, patients with unstimulated acid, bile acids, pepsin and trypsin, as well


as physical, chemical and bacterial factors. function, past and current medication, gen-
Dysphagia is a common complaint in pa- eral and oral diseases, trauma to the head,
tients with hyposalivation and is assumed previous therapies including surgery, radio-
to be a consequence of oesophageal dysmo- therapy in the head and neck region and/or
tility and altered swallowing pattern due to chemotherapy (Tables 3 and 4). A ques-
reduced salivary flow as well as prolonged tionnaire including four questions may be
bolus formation. Moreover, salivary gland useful in identifying patients with xero-
hypofunction may indirectly influence gas- stomia and salivary gland hypofunction
trointestinal functions by causing loss of (Table 5). Dryness of the lips and buccal mu-
appetite, fear of eating, special food prefer- cosa, inability to provoke salivary secretion
ences, weight loss, malabsorption and mal- by palpating the gland as well as total score
nutrition. of decayed, missing and filled teeth are ad-
ditional predictive measures of salivary
Saliva and taste gland hypofunction. The level of oral dry-
Taste is a major stimulus for the secretion ness experienced by the patients may also be
of saliva. At the same time, tastes are per- measured by different methods (Table 6).
ceived only when saliva is present in the
mouth because taste receptor cells respond Extra- and intra-oral examination
only to dissolved substances (chapter 2). The second step in the evaluation of poten-
Furthermore, taste sensitivity is related to tial salivary gland dysfunction is a thorough
saliva composition as this fluid baths each facial and intraoral examination including
receptor cell's oral surface. Complaints of inspection and palpation of the major and
taste disturbances including abnormal and minor salivary glands, the major salivary
impaired sense of taste are common among duct orifices, the oral mucosa, the dentition,
patients with Sjogren's syndrome and pa- and the gingivae (see Table 4 for c1inical
tients who have received radiotherapy and signs).
chemotherapy. In these patients, impair-
ment of the threshold for perceiving taste Collection of saliva
as well as perception of the intensity of The c1inical examination should be followed
the four basic taste modalities has been by measurement of salivary flow rates.
reported. Stimulated and unstimulated flow rates can

• Diagnosis of salivary gland Table S. Selected xerostomia related questions.

hypofunction 1. Does your mouth feel dry when eating a meal?

2. Do you have difficulties swallowing any foods?
History-taking and subjective measures of 3. Do you sip liquids to aid in swallowing dry foods?
xerostomia 4. Does the amount of saliva in your mouth seem toa
little, toa much, or have you not noticed it?
The procedure for identifying an individual
with potential salivary gland dysfunction re- Scientifically validated questions, which may be helpful
in identifying patients with xerostomia and salivary
quires a careful and systematic evaluation.
gland hypofunction. The questions are mainly related
The first step is to take a detailed history of to dry mouth experienced during mealtime and positive
present symptoms, compromised oro-pha- responds are highly predictive of salivary gland hypo-
ryngeal functions related to salivary hypo- function.

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

Table 6. Methods for assessment of subjective symptoms of dry mouth.

A. B.
Self-rating categorised questionnaire with Visual analogue scale (VAS)
4 degrees of severity*:

0=1 have no feeling of dry mouth 100 mm; Worst imaginable
1= 1 have a slight feeling dry mouth feeling of dry mouth
2=1 have asevere feeling of dry mouth
3 =1 have an annoying feeling of dry mouth that makes speech difficult.
Modified according to Beck's inventory scale, item 9. O mrn; o feeling of dry mouth

An ordinal scale based on rank-ordered categories (A) and a visual analogue scale (B) representing magnitude
estimation. Regarding the latter, the patients are asked to mark the point that best corresponds to their feeling of
dry mouth on a 100 mm straight line. Verbal labels are assigned to both ends of the scale to indicate the extremes.
O mrn represents no feeling of oral dryness and 100 mm the worst imaginable feeling of oral dryness intensity. The
methods may also be helpful in assessing the intensity of oral dryness over a time span or the effects of saliva
stimulatory treatment.

be measured for whole saliva or individually to refrain from eating, drinking, smoking,
for the parotid, submandibular/sublingual and oral hygiene manoeuvres for at least 90
glands using various techniques. This chap- minutes prior to the collection.
ter, however, deals with only one method for Salivary flow rates exhibit large variations
measurement of whole saliva secretion (i.e. between healthy individuals. Despite the
the "draining method") for the following wide variation in normal whole saliva flow
reasons: the method is relatively simple; it rates, it is generally accepted that unstimu-
can easily be conducted in the dental office; lated rates of 0.3-0.5 ml!min and stimulated
it requires only a few tools (Figure 11); it rates of 1.0-1.5 ml!min are within the nor-
is internationally accepted, it is the standard mal range. The diagnosis of hyposalivation
method for measuring unstimulated whole is given when the unstimulated, whole sali-
saliva flow rate (1993 European dassification vary flow rate is 0.1 ml/min or less and when
criteria for the diagnosis of Sjogren's syn- whole salivary flow rates stimulated by
drome), and is highly reproducible and re- chewing paraffin are 0.5 ml/minute or less
liable. Finally, the measurement of whole sal- for women, and 0.7 ml!minute or less for
iva provides a general assessment of salivary men. Thus, the flow rates in hyposalivation
gland capabilities under basal and stimu- are much lower than the "normal" values. If
lated conditions. the flow rate measurements suggest salivary
Prior to the collection of saliva, the pa- gland dysfunction, a more extensive and spe-
tient sits relaxed in a chair for a few minutes. cialized investigation of the patient is indi-
The collection of unstimulated saliva is done cated. In cases of medication-induced hy-
without any masticatory or gustatory stimu- posalivation and/or xerostomia and polyp-
lus. Movements of the tongue, cheeks, jaws harrnacy, the patient's physician should be
or lips should be avoided during the collec- consulted to discuss the possibility of chang-
tion periodo For comparisons of salivary ing the medication to another with less ad-
gland function over time, collections in each verse effects or, subject to the need to treat
patient should be carried out at the same the underlying systemic disease adequately,
time of day. The patient must be instructed changing the dose.


A B e
• Figure 11. Measurement o/ unstimulated and stimulated whole saliva flow rateo
The tools required are a watch, a weight with two digits, a plastic cup, and for saliva stimulation 1 g of paraffin (inert
chewing material) and a metronome. The patient is seated in a relaxed position with his/her head slightly tilted forward.
After an initial swallowing action, the patient is instructed to allow saliva to passively drain from the lower lip into a pre-
weighed plastic cupo The collection starts at time zero. At the end of the collection period, residual saliva is expectorated
from the mouth into the cupo The saliva-containing plastic cup is reweighed, and the flow rate is calculated in g/min,
which is almost equivalent to rnl/rnin. Collection of stimulated whole saliva is performed after collection of unstimulated
saliva following the same the procedure as described above with the exception of shorter collection time and application
of a chewing stimulus. Every 30 seconds the patient should let the saliva drip into the pre-weighed plastic cup for a few
seconds and then saliva collection continues. Measurement of the unstimulated whole saliva flow rate is usually per-
formed for 15 minutes and chewing stimulated saliva for 5 minutes.

Sialochemistry stimulation intensity at which it is collected.

Saliva may also be collected for analysis of It is therefore a prerequisite for inorganic si-
its composition (sialochemistry). The easy alochemistry that the methods of collection
accessibility of salivary glands and their se- are in accordance with the methods de-
cretion has increased the interest in sialoch- scribed earlier in this chapter. Furthermore,
emical analysis. Thus saliva can serve as an determination of saliva pH, bicarbonate
excellent tool for determination of various concentration and buffer capacity, requires
substances like hormones and drugs as well closed systems to avoid loss of CO2 and thus
as for determination of infections of the oral bicarbonate.
cavity. For these purposes a number of chair
side and handy test kits are available on the
market. Nevertheless, when it comes to de-
termination of the inorganic saliva compo- • Management of oral sequelae of
sition it is important to keep the physiology salivary hypofunction
of the salivary glands in mind. Thus, in con-
trast to many other bodily fluids, human sal- First, the patient must be informed about
iva does not have a constant inorganic com- the relationship between salivary hypofunc-
position, because its inorganic composition tion and the increased predisposition for
is strongly influenced by the flow rate and oral disorders. The key concepts of preven-

Bardow, Lynge Pedersen and Nauntofte

tive dental management include careful in- ergic agonists that stimulate muscarinic re-
struction of patients in oral hygiene, and ceptors. They should be prescribed only in
regular (at least every 3-month) follow-up at collaboration with the patient's physician in
a dental clinic including dental plaque con- order to avoid unexpected side effects such
trol, dietary instruction and application of as the aggravation of heart disease or inter-
topical fluoride in order to reduce the caries actions with other drugs. Symptoms of oral
activity. Sugar-free chewing gum containing dryness may be alleviated by the use of
fluoride may be useful. In these patients, the mouth gels, oral sprays or artificial saliva.
beneficial effect of fluoride on tooth sub- Some of the latter products contain car-
stance is prolonged due to the low saliva bomethylcellulose, mucins or electrolytes.
flow rate and subsequently, reduced oral However, many patients prefer to take small
clearance. During meals, these patients sips of water rather than use these prepara-
should be advised to sip water when eating tions.
and swallowing. After the meal they should
rinse their mouths thoroughly with water.
At present, due to the lack of controlled • Future perspectives
clinical trials, there is no consensus on which
dental materials are the most appropriate for The most common use of saliva as a diag-
restorative treatment in patients with hypos- nostic tool is to predict a patient's future
alivation. The mouths of denture-wearers caries risk. For this purpose, a simple meas-
should be examined frequently to detect and urement of the unstimulated saliva flow rate
treat possible mucosal ulcerations and den- is still the most reproducible and informa-
ture stomatitis. If present, oral candidiasis tive measure to perform (Figure 6). Al-
should be treated with topical application of though measurements of saliva's buffer ea-
miconazole (2%) ointment or gel, nystatin pacity and saturation with hydroxyapatite
ointment or oral suspension. Systemic treat- were among the first caries-related measure-
ment with fluconazole, ketaconazole or itra- ments performed with saliva, there are prob-
conazole should be reserved for refractory lems with performing both these measure-
cases and immuno-compromised patients. ment for clinical purposes beca use of the
The stimulation of salivary secretion is de- diffusion of CO2 out of the saliva, as dis-
pendent on the presence of residual func- cussed earlier. The possible role of the sali-
tioning salivary gland tissue, and this is de- vary proteins as indicators of caries risk and
termined by measurement of whole saliva progression still needs to be determined. If
flow rate stimulated by chewing. Gustatory it turns out that specific salivary proteins
and/or masticatory stimulation with regular have an impact on caries risk and pro-
use of sugar-free sweets or sugarless chewing gression, modern molecular techniques for
gum may increase secretion of saliva. Acu- protein characterisation could be used as
puncture therapy has been shown to in- tools for individual caries treatment plan-
crease salivary flow rates significantly in ning. Thus, the future challenge for salivary
Sjogren's syndrome patients with remaining researchers is to understand the functions of
functional salivary gland tissue. Pharmaco- the genes and their expression of proteins in
logical sialogogues (e.g., pilocarpine and ce- the salivary glands and saliva.
vimeline) may also stimulate an increase in Several inexpensive and user-friendly di-
salivary secretion. These drugs are cholin- agnostic analysis systems are now appearing


for salivary-based diagnosis. There is strong the gland via cannulation and retrograde in-
interest in the development of such systems fusion (by viral or non-viral methods) is a
for routine monitoring of biomarkers of sys- relatively simple procedure due to the easy
temic diseases, since saliva collection is a accessibility of the main excretory duct of
non-invasive and painless procedure. these glands.
Whole saliva samples contain desqua-
mated epithelial cells from the oral mucosa
from which DNA can be extracted and used
for gene characterization. This may be util-
• Selected references
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