Ingles Simple Past

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1. Last year I spent (spend) my holiday in Ireland.

2. It _was________ (be) great.

3. I _travelled______ (travel) around by car with two friends and

we _visited________ (visit) interesting places.

4. In the evenings we usually_goes________ (go) to a pub.

5. One night we even _learned_______ (learn) some Irish dances.

6. It _not rained_______not / rain) lot.

7. But we _saw____ (see) beautiful rainbows.

8. Where __are____ you _spent___________ (spend ) last


9. I _not drank_______ (not/drink) soda last night.

10. She _got on______ (get on) the bus in the centre of the city.

11. What time _is_____ he _got up______ (get up)


12. Where _are___you _took_____ (take) the


13. I _not changed______ (not/change) trains at Victoria.

14. We _woke up______ (wake up) very late.

15. What __is______ he __gave____ (give) his

mother for Christmas?

16. I __recived______ (receive) £300 when turned 18.

17. We _not used________ (not/use) the computer last night.

18. __is__________ she __maked______ (make) good coffee?

19. They __lived____________ (live) in Paris.

20. She _readed______________ (read) the newspaper yesterday.

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