Classroom Management 1

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Cla󰈻󰈼r󰈡󰈢󰈚 Ma󰈞󰈀g󰇵󰈚e󰈞t

Beh󰈀󰉏󰈏o󰈹 Ex󰈥󰈩󰇸t󰇽󰉃i󰈡󰈞s Pos󰈎󰉃󰈏󰉐e R󰈩󰈏n󰇾o󰈹c󰈩󰈚󰇵󰈞t󰈻

1. Praise
1. Follow Directions
2. Marble Jar- add a marble for
2. Be kind to your classmates
good behavior, when the jar is
3. Keep personal space
full the class can help decide
4. No teasing, name calling, or
reward like class time outside,
extra recess, stickers, prize
3. Special privileges
Con󰈻󰈩󰈬󰉊en󰇹󰈩󰈼 4. Writing notes, putting stars on
homework, smiley faces on
1. Warning with example of good the monthly calendar.
behavior x2
2. Quiet lunch
3. Walking Recess Cla󰈻󰈼r󰈡󰈢󰈚 P󰈹oc󰈩󰇷󰉊󰈹es
4. Note with behavior sent to
How will you get the students
“Class, Class.” and they will respond

Cla󰈻󰈼r󰈡󰈢󰈚 T󰈹an󰈻󰈎󰉄󰈏on󰈻 “Yes, Yes.”

How will you collect assignments?
Assignments will be passed to the
Music will be utilized to assist with weeks student helper for each pod
transitions. and then I will pick it up from them.
Charlie Brown Theme Song is 1:10 How will student helpers be selected
long so it’s perfect for fast each week?
transitions. Each pod will have one student
Shine Your Way is 3:27 long and is a helper. Every week the role will go
happy song for cleaning and longer clockwise this way everyone will
transitions have the opportunity every month.

Cla󰈻󰈼r󰈡󰈢󰈚 Mo󰈹n󰈎󰈝󰈈 R󰈢ut󰈎󰈝󰇵

● Start with calming music
● Have the visual checklist for the day displayed on the board
● After they are mostly seated I will have a set playlist with about 15 minutes
and during that time the children will do what is on the visual checklist
which includes grabbing morning work.
● Change to a morning work song so they will know they have 3 minutes left
● Then I will play a song for turning in their work.

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