3 SS Inference Practice 2 2023

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Changkat Changi Secondary School

Humanities (Social Studies)

Name: ____________________ Class: ____

Inference Practice 2

Exploring Citizenship and Governance

Study the Background Information and the sources carefully, and then answer all the

You may use any of the sources to help you answer the questions, in addition to those
sources which you are told to use. In answering the questions, you should use your
knowledge of the topic to help you interpret and evaluate the sources.

1 Study Source A.

What does Source A tell you about volunteering? Explain your answer. [6]

2 Study Source B.

What is the message of Source B? Explain your answer. [7]

3 Study Source C.

Why did the Minister make the speech? Explain your answer. [7]

You are advised to use the following answering format for Q3:

He made this speech _______ to ___ (v) ______(A) ______(M) so that ______(O)

Source ___ states “____________________________________________” (EVIDENCE)

This suggests that _________________________________________ (EXPLANATION)

Are Singaporeans volunteering enough?


Read this carefully. It may help you to answer some of the questions.

In 2018, the Government hopes to see the national volunteerism rate double from 35 per
cent in 2016 to 70 per cent in 2023. It found that 70 per cent of Singaporeans are keen to
volunteer, and over 60 per cent of them make donations in cash or in kind. Yet Singapore’s
national volunteerism rate stood at just 29 per cent, and among those who volunteer, merely
one-third do so regularly.

The low national volunteerism rate is surprising given that schools have implemented
community service for every student. What could be missing is an understanding of the
motivation of volunteers, the perceived obstacles to volunteering and actions to encourage
volunteerism. Some people may not want to volunteer due to the fast pace of life or their
own responsibilities. Others may prefer to donate instead of spending time and effort in
volunteerism. There are also other Singaporeans who have managed to include
volunteerism into their lives.

Study the following sources to find out if Singaporeans are volunteering enough.

Source A: An article from Today online titled ‘Volunteers don't just give, they gain’ on
volunteering in Singapore.

We have to change the idea that volunteerism is separate from

care of family and work first, and only give back when I have spa
common thought.

It is, therefore, key to integrate volunteering into how we live.

Khairol, a teacher, volunteers with his family during the school ho

December, we volunteered at a soup kitchen, Willing Hearts Kitch
with preparing, packing and delivering meals to the beneficiaries.
to grow
2 up ignorant of issues like poverty and hunger.”

Khairol does not see having a family as a reason to stop volunte

more meaning to volunteering and brings the family closer.
Source B: A commentary on why Singaporeans do not volunteer.

Sam, who used to manage a non-profit organisation shares, “To

*Kiasu means to be afraid of missing out on something.
**sophisticated – developed to a high level be confident. But if you’re constantly worried about your own ‘
don’t have enough for yourself, how can you give to others?”

Perhaps this is also typical kiasu* Singaporean behaviour. Evi

nation, most of us do have enough. We just do not think we do.
Source C: Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Edwin Tong, on why volunteerism is
vital. He was at a dialogue event organised by charitable youth volunteer
organization, Heartware Network.In his work, Sam has met people who were hesitant to voluntee
have enough time for themselves, and therefore could not give.

We might be a sophisticated** nation, but we still do not basicall

to others does not mean having less for oneself.

***Individuality means to be caring about yourself alone, on your own and not as a group or
team. Mr Tong said: "We are now able to look at things that really matt
Singapore, and I think volunteerism is at the core of that mission. V
END OFsoft
gain PAPER
skills that are vital in job searching, while also building
groups. This is especially vital as one of the biggest pressure poin
growing individuality***.”
Copyright Acknowledgements

Source A "But in Singapore, one of the merits of our society is the co

Source B https://www.ricemedia.co/why-volunteer-when-we-dont-even-have-enough/
harmoniously in a multiracial, 'multi-everything' society. And I thin
Source C https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/community/youth-volunteerism-building-social-bridges-are-vital-dpm-
us to preserve that common space."
This means young people should constantly reach out across div
those outside their socioeconomic group, school or race.

Suggested Answers
1 Study Source A.
What does Source A tell you about volunteering? Explain your answer. [6]

Level of Level Descriptor and Rubrics Marks

Description of Source / Lifting

L1 1
Source A tells me that volunteering is in our lives.

Unsupported inference / Literal Inference, Supported

Award 2 marks for unsupported inferences
Award 3 marks for literal inferences, supported

Source A tells me that people should volunteer when they have time.

L2 Other answers
meaningful and impactful as Khairol’s children can solve the problems
of the poor and starving population
Family is not a reason to stop volunteering / family should not be an
excuse to stop volunteering
Volunteering is less important

Valid content inference, Supported

Award 5 marks for well-developed answer
Award 6 marks for both elements of ‘integration into our lives’ and

Source A tells me that volunteering can be combined into our lives

with our own commitments.
Source A states that “Khairol does not see having a family as a reason
to stop volunteering. Instead, it brings more meaning to volunteering
L3 and brings the family closer.” 4-6
This suggests that volunteering does not have to be done only when
there is spare time. If volunteering can be combined with current
commitments, there can be benefits to our lives.

Other answers
Volunteering can bring about benefits/ is beneficial such as learning
values / bonding family together
Volunteering teaches people about empathy / caring for others

2 Study Source B.
What is the message of Source B? Explain your answer. [7]

Level of Level Descriptor and Rubrics Marks

Description of Source
L1 Source B’s message is why Singaporeans do not volunteer. 1-2

Unsupported inference / Literal Inference, Supported

Award 3 marks for unsupported inference
Award 4 marks for literal inference, supported

Source B’s message is that volunteering is a waste of time.

Other answers
Giving to others means losing for ourselves
Not to be afraid of giving
Volunteer when you have enough time and things for yourself / before
you give to others

Valid Content Inference, Supported

Award 5 marks for well-developed answers

Source B’s message is that Singaporeans have a mindset that they do

not have sufficient resources to volunteer.
Source B states that “Evidently, as a prosperous nation, most of us do
have enough. We just do not think we do.”
This suggests that Singaporeans are concerned about their own needs
and are worried unnecessarily about not having enough resources such
that they would not volunteer.
L3 5-7
This is even when most Singaporeans have sufficient resources for
themselves, but due to the perceived idea that they might not have
sufficient, they do not want to volunteer. People need to change their
mindset. (7 marks with this portion)

Other answers
Singaporeans should muster up the courage to volunteer as many
people put themselves first

3 Study Source C.
Why did the Minister make the speech? Explain your answer. [7]

Level of Level Descriptor and Rubrics Marks

L1 Paraphrases source OR Answers based on Provenance / Lifting 1

He was at a dialogue event organised by a volunteer organisation.

L2 Infers Sub-Message OR Purpose (Complete vMAO) unsupported. 2

He wanted to tell people that volunteering matters to Singapore.

L3 Infers Main Message OR Outcome, Supported. 3–4

He made the speech because he wanted to convince (v) Singaporean

youths (A) that volunteering brings about benefits such as soft skills and
societal bonding (M). Source C states, “Volunteering helps youth gain
soft skills that are vital in job searching, while also building bridges
between social groups.”
This suggests that people can benefit from developing skills while
volunteering and at the same time, mixing with people from different
backgrounds. This can help with societal cohesion as people from
different backgrounds will understand each other better and build strong
bonds as a whole. People will also not be just taking care of themselves


He made the speech because he wanted to encourage more people to

volunteer across the different groups in society (O). Source C states,
“Volunteering helps youth gain soft skills that are vital in job searching,
while also building bridges between social groups.”
This suggests he is making this speech to encourage Singaporeans to
volunteer since it can bring about benefits to individuals as well as

Accepted Messages
They can mix with people from different backgrounds

L4 Infers Purpose (complete vMAO with Main Message but Inaccurate 5

Outcome OR Audience), Supported

L5 Infers Purpose (complete vMAO accurately identified) 6–7

Award 7m for well-explained answers with both message and outcome

He made the speech because he wanted to encourage (v) Singaporean

youths (A) that volunteering brings about benefits such as skills and
societal bonding (M) so that more people will volunteer to bring about
more social cohesion across the different groups in society (O).

Source C states, “Volunteering helps youth gain soft skills that are vital
in job searching, while also building bridges between social groups.”
This suggests that people can benefit from developing skills while
volunteering and at the same time, mixing with people from different
backgrounds. This can help with societal cohesion as people from
different backgrounds will understand each other better and build strong
bonds as a whole. People will also not be just taking care of themselves


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