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According to McArdle et al (1991: 125): ‘Lactic acid begins to

accumulate and rise in an exponential fashion at about 55% of the healthy,

untrained subject’s maximal capacity (VO2 Max) for aerobic metabolism’.
As exercise intensity increases, so too does the level of lactic acid. For
trained individuals, the accumulation of lactic acid generally occurs at a
higher level of their maximal capacity (VO2 max). Trained endurance
athletes frequently perform at intensities equivalent to between 80% and
90% of their maximal capacity (VO2 max). This indicates that the level at
which the onset of blood lactate (OBLA) occurs can be improved through
training (see here for physiological adaptations to aerobic training that may
contribute to OBLA occurring at higher exercise intensities).
The point at which lactic acid accumulates, the blood lactate threshold, is
commonly referred to as the anaerobic threshold.

Oxygen system
This energy system uses a combination of nutrients as fuel. These nutrients
are broken down in the presence of oxygen (aerobic) to produce energy.

• Carbohydrates: obtained from pasta, rice, potatoes (stored as glycogen).

• Fat: obtained from dairy products — butter, cheese, milk (stored as
adipose tissue).
• Protein: obtained from meat and vegetable sources. These are used
primarily for growth and repair and only used for energy when other
fuels are depleted.

Glycogen + Fats + protein + oxygen + ADP = ATP + Carbon dioxide +


Aerobic energy production occurs in specialised cells within the muscle

called mitochondria. These cells contain the enzymes needed to use oxygen.
A long-term effect of regular aerobic cardiovascular training is that a
greater number of mitochondria develop within the muscle and they also
increase in size. A further effect is that the capillary beds in the muscle
expand. This allows more oxygen to be delivered to the working muscles
and used for energy production. In addition, these adaptations provide for
more effective removal of waste products that accumulate (lactic acid).
These muscular adaptations from cardiovascular training are cited as being
potentially responsible for the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)
occurring at higher levels of intensity among trained individuals. ‘The
exercise intensity at the point of OBLA is a consistent and powerful
predictor of performance in aerobic exercise.’ (McArdle, Katch & Katch:
1991: 281). The benefits of training the aerobic energy system will
therefore potentially contribute physiological improvements (increased size
and number of mitochondria and increased capillaries at local muscular
level) that enable greater levels of work. A further benefit is that the body
becomes more efficient in using its fat stores. Aerobic cardiovascular
training is often a key prescriptive feature of weight management and fat
loss training programmes.
A possible limitation of this system is that it takes slightly longer to
engage. The heart rate and breathing rate will need to increase and the
capillary network will need to dilate to enable the delivery of oxygen to the
working muscles. These processes take a few minutes, hence during
exercise the warm-up process is essential to enable time for these responses
and physiological adjustments to occur. One major advantage of this system
is that greater amounts of ATP can be produced and these increased levels
can be maintained for longer periods when working at a steady pace. In
addition, the waste products produced – carbon dioxide and heat/water —
are comparatively easy for the body to remove through exhalation and
Activities that use the aerobic system are those that can be maintained
longer but at a lower to moderate intensity. Athletic events such as the
marathon and other long distance endurance running, swimming and
cycling events mainly use this system.

Energy systems in action

During most circuit training sessions, the energy systems interweave. At
different times throughout the workout, different energy systems may be
more predominant depending on the intensity and duration of the activity
and the fitness level of the individual performing it.
At the start of the session, all systems will be engaged, with the anaerobic
system being most active, until the circulatory system has time to respond
(capillary dilation etc). If the intensity of the warm-up and preparatory
phase is appropriate, the aerobic system will become the predominant
system. If the intensity of the warm-up is too high, exercise intensity will
need to be reduced to maximise the aerobic system.
During the main circuit, the intensity of specific exercise stations and the
fitness level of the individual will determine the energy system used. High
intensity stations involving sprinting, jumping, heavy lifting will use the
anaerobic system more predominately. Lower intensity stations and
recovery periods will allow the aerobic system to be used more
At the end of the session, when the body is cooling down and recovering,
the aerobic energy system will be most active.

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