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Motor neurons (efferent nerves) going to the opposite (antagonist) muscle

are also inhibited so that it relaxes and cannot interfere with the agonist
muscle shortening. The stretch reflex is, therefore, rather like a protective
mechanism that prevents the risk of injury to the muscle.

For example:
The stretch reflex can be observed in action when someone falls asleep
while sitting upright. As the head falls forward into a flexed/bent position,
the muscles at the back of the neck lengthen quickly and are
overstretched. The stretch reflex causes the head to jerk back up into
extension, usually waking the person.

During ballistic and bouncy stretching, the stretch reflex is continually

activated. This is one factor that increases the potential for injury during
ballistic stretching. The warnings for over stretching are ignored and the
repetitive bouncing and momentum can potentially take the muscle/joint
beyond its existing range of motion, without adequate control. This may
cause over stretching of the tissues that stabilise and surround the joint
(ligaments, tendons and muscles). Ballistic and other types of stretching are
discussed later.
The Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) are located in the tendon. They monitor
and relay information about the level of tension in the muscle. Tension can
be created by excessive stretching or contraction of the muscle. The GTOs
respond to fast and forceful contraction. They function in the opposite way
to the stretch reflex in that they inform the muscle to relax.

For example:
If a weight lifter is bench pressing and lifting a weight that is too heavy,
excess tension may build up causing the muscle to eventually give in to
the resistance and relax. The consequences of this during weight lifting
can be dangerous – hence the recommendation of a spotter.

The GTO response is exploited during PNF stretching. PNF and other types
of stretching are discussed later.
Training methods for flexibility and stretching
The ACSM (2000) suggest that stretching can be incorporated into both the
warm-up and cool down of an exercise session. They recommend that an
active warm-up precedes any warm-up stretching.

Dynamic stretching
Dynamic stretching is where there is movement through the full range of
motion. The muscle and joint are lengthened to an extended position and
then moved out of the stretch. A number of repetitions can be performed.
Movements need to be controlled to prevent any ballistic action. A range of
dynamic stretches are illustrated and explained in part 2, chapter 6.

Static stretching
Static stretching is achieved by lengthening the muscle slowly to a point
where a mild tension is felt in the belly of the muscle. The stretch is then
held for an extended duration, usually between 10–30 seconds. This method
is more commonly recommended because there is a lower risk of injury and
muscle soreness.

Active stretching
Active stretching occurs when the antagonist muscle contracts to achieve a
stretch (see Fig. 3.1a).
The advantage of this stretching technique is that the existing range of
motion will not usually be exceeded. The disadvantage is that the range of
motion achieved is reliant on the strength of the antagonist muscle that is
contracting to bring about the stretch. A further disadvantage may be the
isometric contraction of the antagonist muscle, which limits the comfort of
the stretch position.
Passive stretching
Passive stretching occurs when both the agonist and antagonist relax. This is
achieved by supporting the stretch position.

For example:
In the example listed below for the quadriceps. Using the hand to hold the
foot will enable the hamstring (antagonist) muscle to relax and will
potentially bring about a greater range of motion (see Fig. 3.1b).

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