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1 Article

2 The Development Trend of the Occupational Health and Safety

3 in the Context of ISO 45001:2018
4 Marek Šolc 1*, Peter Blaško 1, Lenka Girmanová 1, and Juraj Kliment 2

5 1
Institute of Materials and Quality Engineering, Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling, Technical
6 University of Kosice, Letná 1/9, 04200 Kosice-Sever, Slovakia; (M.S.);
7 (P.B.); (L.G.)
8 2
Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance, Táborská 940/31, 140 00 Praha, Nusle, Czech Republic;
9 (J.K.)
10 * Correspondence:; Tel.: +421-55-602-2703

11 Abstract: The main task of safety and health at work is to protect the most important
12 thing we have and that is the health of each of us. Employers are able to properly
13 anticipate and prevent risks by properly implemented occupational safety and health
14 Citation: Šolc, M.; Blaško, P.; management systems. The basic task of the article is to describe the history of safety
15 Girmanova, L.; Kliment, J. The management systems, to identify the state of implementation of the ISO 45001 system in
16 Development Trend of the the world. Subsequently, the article describes the ISO 45001 standard from the
17 Occupational Health and Safety in perspective of the PDCA cycle, describes the benefits and importance of implementing
the Context of ISO 45001:2018.
18 the ISO 45001 standard. The conclusion of the article deals with the development trend
Standards 2022, 2, Firstpage–
19 of the occupational health and safety management system according to STN ISO
45001:2019 in the context of occupational accidents in the conditions of the Slovak
21 Republic.
Academic Editor: Firstname
22 Keywords: Safety, management, ISO 45001, health, injuries
23 Received: date
Accepted: date
Published: date
24 Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays
1. Introduction
25 neutral with regard to jurisdictional More than 6300 people die every day as a result of an accident at work or an
26 claims in published maps and occupational disease, which is a huge burden on organizations and society as a whole
27 institutional affiliations. [1,2]. It is an alarming number and is proof that measures need to be taken in the area of
28 occupational safety and health management (OH&S), which will ultimately lead to a
29 reduction in overall accidents and morbidityOne of the important steps is the
30 Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. implementation of the ISO 45001 standard, which the employer can take in order to
31 Submitted for possible open access ensure more effective health and safety.
publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license

3 Standards 2022, 2, Firstpage–Lastpage.

4 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 2

32 New approaches in the occupational safety and health management system require
33 that everyone be aware of the risks they have to live in the workplace and in their daily
34 lives [3,4]. The employer's obligation is to identify the risks associated with the work
35 process, to implement risk elimination measures, or minimize, and familiarize its
36 employees with residual risks [5,6].
37 The implementation of the ISO 45001 standard is expected to give priority to an
38 overall improvement in occupational safety, a reduction in accidents at work and
39 occupational diseases [1,7].

40 2. History of occupational safety and health

41 Historically, developments in the field of occupational safety and health (OH&S)
42 have been mainly based on efforts to prevent accidents arising from the use of technical
43 equipment in the work process. In general, it is possible to outline the periods in the
44 development and understanding of safety and its scope as follows (Fig. 1).
45 Thus, especially the current period represents an intensive increase in requirements
46 for the application of risk management theory in such a way that management at
47 different levels and in different activities is effective and takes into account the visions of
48 possible, so-called, catastrophic scenarios. Their probability is rated very low, but the
49 consequences can have socially serious character. These are, for example, activities
50 related to spatial planning (risk assessment in planning the production or use of
51 hazardous substances), construction of new facilities (determining the type and extent of
52 zones in terms of explosion hazard), transport of hazardous substances (setting safety
53 programs), etc. [5]
De- holistic approach
vel- „man – machine/ap-
op- pliance –environ-
me ment“
Health protection
60 nts
Integrated manage-
61 in system approach
„man – machine - ment systems (ISM)
62 saf
environment“ Information technol-
63 ety BS 8800 ogy safety
64 ma pre-accident pre- OHSAS 18000
65 n- vention
accident prevention
66 age „machine/product“ „man - machine“
67 me
68 nt
70 1945 Period
1970 2000

7 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 3

71 Figure 1. Development of safety management [5]

72 The protection of human beings at work is understood as one of the basic political
73 principles based on the Declaration of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.
74 However, it is not just about maintaining life and health as such. The protection of
75 workers and others against the adverse effects of work and the working environment
76 must be managed in such a way as to take account of all aspects relating to work. Thus,
77 part of the management is also the creation of conditions for satisfactory work, well-
78 being at work, social protection of employees, legal protection of other persons, as well
79 as protection of material values, work and environment. Therefore, in connection with
80 the protection of employees, it is also necessary to address such factors as stress,
81 workload, work monotony, working conditions, labor relations, social equipment of
82 workplaces, fair remuneration, etc. [5].
83 The European Union's (EU) health and safety policy focuses in particular on a
84 broad understanding of these principles of managing human protection against adverse
85 effects, applying the new rules in practice. According to the "Community strategy" in the
86 field of health and safety, the policy was based on the so-called holistic approach. The
87 call for a holistic approach is, in a sense, a call for the integration of all aspects of work.
88 The Community strategy has thus given impetus to the wider application of integrated
89 management systems [5,8].

90 3. Historical development of occupational safety and health management systems

91 With the growing number of many different management systems, the issue of their
92 successful implementation and continual meeting of the requirements has been
93 increasingly coming to the foreground [9]. All activities of any organization involve risks
94 [10]. Management system has to assign that a manufacturing process satisfies its defined
95 usage without any undesirable failures or risks [11].
96 The history of health and safety management systems (table 1) is connected with
97 the development in the field of management, especially the quality management systems
98 (ISO 9000) and environmental management systems (ISO 14000).

99 Table 1. An overview of some occupational health and safety management systems [5]

Marking Title State/ Org. Year

ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety manage- United King- 2018
ment systems. Requirements with guid- dom
ance for use
BS OHSAS Standard for occupational safety and United King- 2007
18001 health management system dom

10 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 4

ILO OSH 2001 Handbook for health and safety man- MOP 2001
agement systems
OHSAS 18001, Occupational health and safety manage- international 1999,
18002 ment system - guidance institutions 2000
MLN 1999 Safety and health management system Japan 1999
PN-N-18000 Polish standard for occupational health Poland 1999
and safety management system
BTP 0011/98 Internal safety management system in Czech Repub- 1998
the company lic
VCA Work safety system - checklist for sup- Benelux 1997
NPR 5001 Guidance on occupational health and Netherlands 1997
safety management system
Australia stan- Health and safety management system - Australia 1996
dard a general guide to the principles, system New Zealand
DR 96311 and tools

AIHA OHSMS Occupational health and safety manage- USA 1996

96/3/26 ment system
MALWA Occupational safety and risk manage- Poland 1996
ment program
BS 8800 Standard for occupational safety and United King- 1996
health management system dom
ISA 2000 Requirements for safety and health SGS Yardley 1996
management systems ICS
ASCA Work safety control program in compa- Germany 1996
Internal control Binding regulation for the safety, health Sweden 1996
AFS 1996 and environmental management system

13 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 5

ISRS International occupational safety assess- AGA/DNV 1995

ment and certification system Norway
TUTTAVA Evaluation and motivation program for Finland 1994
safe work and health protection
MIL-STD-882C Safety program system requirements USA 1993
Internal control Binding regulation for the safety, health Norway 1991
and environmental management system

Fed.reg. Safety and health management system USA 1989

59:3904-3916 manual
101 More than two decades ago, legislative requirements for risk control through
102 systematic management and the emergence of Occupational Health & Safety
103 Management System (OH&SMS) standards and respective certifications contributed to
104 the development and broad use of various OH&SMS models [12,13].
105 Until 2018, the OH&S management system did not take the form of an ISO
106 standard, although the publication of the OH&SMS manual as an English standard (BS)
107 created a uniform framework for the implementation and certification of OH&S
108 management systems. Since 2018, the new standard ISO 45001:2018 has been in force,
109 which already has its standardized form.
110 ISO 45001:2018 “Occupational health and safety management systems –
111 Requirements with guidance for use” specifies the requirements that an OH&SMS must
112 own to allow an organization to effectively control its own risks and opportunities
113 within this scope [14,15].

114 4. Overview of the state of the health and safety management system ISO 45001:2018
115 in the context of ISO standards in the world
116 In 2020, a survey of the number of ISO standards was carried out, which contains
117 data on valid certificates issued by accredited certification bodies around the world.
118 From this data, we have gained some valuable insights regarding the currently available
119 ISO standards. The survey reports data on the total number of valid certificates from
120 accredited certification bodies as of 31 December 2020. Over 1.5 million valid certificates
121 against the 12 Type A (requirements) management systems standards surveyed have
122 been reported, an increase of 235 790 on last year. In percentage terms, this was an
123 increase of 17%. Thus, what are the global trends in ISO certification is shown in table 2
124 and in table 3.

16 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 6

125 Table 2. Number of valid certificates worldwide (comparison of 2018, 2019 and 2020)
126 [16]

Total number of Total number of Total number of Standard

valid certificates valid certificates valid certificates
(2020) (2019) (2018)
916 842 883 521 878 664 ISO 9001
348 473 312 580 307 059 ISO 14001
44 499 36 362 31 910 ISO/IEC 27001
190 481 38 654 11 952 ISO 45001
33 741 33 502 32 120 ISO 22000
25 656 23 045 19 472 ISO 13485:2003&2016
19 731 18 227 18 059 ISO 50001
7846 6047 5308 ISO 20000-1
520 1874 617 ISO 28000
2205 1693 1506 ISO 22301
2065 872 389 ISO 37001
972 864 547 ISO 39001
1 593 031 1 357 241 1 307 603 Total

127 Table 3. Total and percentage increase / decrease in the number of valid certificates
128 worldwide (compared to 2019 and 2020) [16]

Percentage increase / Total increase / decrease Standard

decrease in the number in the number of valid
of valid certificates certificates (2019-2020)
(2019-2020) %
3.77 33 321 ISO 9001
11.48 35 893 ISO 14001
22.38 8137 ISO/IEC 27001
392.78 151 827 ISO 45001
0.71 239 ISO 22000
11.33 2611 ISO 13485:2003&2016

19 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 7

8.25 1504 ISO 50001

29.75 1799 ISO 20000-1
-72.25% - 1354 ISO 28000
30.24 512 ISO 22301
136.81 1193 ISO 37001
12.50 108 ISO 39001
1 593 031 1 357 241 Total
130 The survey shows that between 2019 and 2020, the number of ISO 9001 (Quality
131 Management Systems) increased by 4%, ISO 14001 certificates (Environmental
132 Management Systems) increased by 11.5%. The highest increase was recorded in the ISO
133 45001 standard (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems), up to 393%.
134 This standard was not published until 2018 and the transitional period from BS EN
135 OHS&S 18001 to ISO 45001 ended on 11 September 2021. The aim of the survey was to
136 point out the growing trend and development of standards, especially in the field of
137 safety management systems.

138 5. Characteristics of the ISO 45001:2018 standard from the point of view of the PDCA
139 cycle
140 The occupational health and safety management system brings several benefits to
141 the organization. It is proof that the organization is interested in its employees, which is
142 a positive signal for customers as well as for current and potential employees [8,17]. For
143 the organization, this means increasing productivity and work efficiency, improving
144 corporate culture, increasing employee loyalty and satisfaction, improving working
145 conditions and minimizing occupational accidents and diseases. At the same time, the
146 organization proves that its products or services are implemented under defined
147 working conditions in terms of health and safety.
148 In the current concept of safety, a holistic approach to addressing occupational
149 safety and health means understanding occupational safety and health as a whole. This
150 principle is strongly emphasized in all conceptual materials of international
151 organizations. This approach also includes the comprehensive development of well-
152 being at work, increasing the culture of work, strengthening economic incentives and
153 social responsibility of employers.
155 The applied health and safety management system is based on the Plan-Do-Check-
156 Act concept (PDCA) [18,19]. The PDCA concept is an iterative process used by
157 organization to achieve continual improvement [20,21,22,23]. It can be applied to a
158 management system and to each of its individual elements, as follows [2,24]:

22 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 8

159 a) Plan: determine and assess OH&S risks, OH&S opportunities and other
160 risks and other opportunities, establish OH&S objectives and processes
161 necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization´s OH&S
162 policy,
163 b) Do: implement the processes as planned,
164 c) Check: monitor and measure activities and processes with regard to the
165 OH&S policy and OH&S objectives, and report the results,
166 d) Act: take actions to continually improve the OH&S performance to achieve
167 the intended outcomes.
169 In figure 2 shows the incorporation of the PDCA concept into the new structure of
170 the ISO 45001: 2018 standard.
172 4. Context of the organization
174 Scope of the OH&S management system (4.3/4.4)
176 Support (7) and
177 Operation (8)
178 Internal and exter- P D
179 nal issues 4.1
Intended out-
comes of the
182 Leadership, Performance
Planning (6) OH&S man-
183 worker par (5)
evaluation (9) agement sys-
184 Need and expec-
185 tions of workers
186 and other inter-
187 ested parties 4.2
188 Improvement
189 (10)

192 Figure 2. Health and safety management system vs. PDCA [2]
193 In figure 3 it can be seen that from the point of view of the new standard ISO
194 45001:2018, the structure of the occupational health and safety management system is at
195 a high level.

25 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 9

204 5.
4. 9.
205 Leadership and 6. 7. 8. 10. Improve-
Context of the Performance
206 worker partici- Planning Support Operation ment
organization evaluation
207 pation
212 7.1 Re- 8.1 Operational
4.1 Understand- 6.1 Actions to 9.1 Monitor- 10.1 General
213 5.1 Leader- sources planning and
ing the organiza- address risks and ing, measure-
214 tion and its ship and control
opportunities ment, analysis
215 context commitment and perfor-
216 mance evalua- 10.2 Incident,
7.2 Compe-
217 8.2 Emergency tion nonconformity
218 6.2 objectives and preparedness and corrective
219 4.2 Understand- planning to and response
5.2 OH&S action
220 ing the needs achieve them
policy 9.2 Internal
221 and expectations 7.3 Aware-
of workers and ness audit
222 other interesred
10.3 Continual
5.3 Organiza- improvement
223 7.4 Communica-
9.3 Manage-
tional roles,
ment review
224 responsibilities
and authorities
225 4.3 Determin- 7.5 Docu-
ing the scope mented
226 of the OH&S information
5.4 Consulta-
227 system
tion and
of workers

229 4.4 OH&S


28 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 10


231 Figure 3. The structure of the OH&S according to ISO 45001 from the point of view of PDCA [25]

232 6. Importance and advantages of the occupational health and safety management
233 system according to the ISO 45001:2018 standard
234 The purpose of an OH&S management system is to provide a framework for
235 managing OH&S risks and opportunities [26]. The aim and intended outcomes of the
236 OH&S management system are to prevent work-related injury and ill health to workers
237 and to provide safe and healthy workplaces. Consequently, it is critically important for
238 the organization to eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks by taking effective
239 preventive and protective measures. When these measures are applied by the
240 organization through its OH&S management system, they its OH&S performance. An
241 OH&S management system can be more effective and efficient when taking early action
242 to address opportunities for improvement and protective measurement. Implementing
243 an OH&S management system conforming to this document enables an organization to
244 manage its OH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance. An OH&S management
245 system can assist an organization to fulfill its legal requirements and other requirements.
246 The main advantages of the new OH&S management system according to ISO
247 45001:2018 can be included:
248  Elimination of health and safety risks,
249  Development of best practices and best practices as well as best practices in
250 the field of occupational safety and health,
251  Reduction of fatalities, accidents at work and diseases in the workplace,
252  Demonstration of leadership and commitment with regard to the OH&S
253 management system,
254  Creation and implementation of health and safety policy and goals,
255  Monitoring and measurement supports supervisory management by
256 providing key performance indicators (KPIs) in measuring the level of
257 performance of the health and safety management system.
259 The aim of the OH&S management system certification according to ISO 45001:2018
260 is to verify compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 45001, to
261 introduce a systemic and process approach in the field of OH&S and to introduce a
262 system of continuous improvement in the field of OH&S.
263 The occupational health and safety management standard certification aims to
264 ensure that the organization cares for and pays attention to the occupational health and
265 safety management system in carrying out the overall activities of the certified
266 organization [27].
267 As for employers, they can say after successful certification that:

31 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 11

268  They objectively assessed the current state of the health and safety
269 management system,
270  They have expanded their business opportunities and increased their
271 credibility,
272  They have introduced continuous improvement,
273  They have eliminated chaos and shortcomings in the field of health and
274 safety.
275 As far as customers are concerned, after the introduction and certification of the
276 health and safety management system, preconditions will be created for improvement in
277 the areas, see table 4.

278 Table 4. Areas benefiting from the implementation and certification of the health and
279 safety management system according to ISO 45001:2018 from the customer's point of
280 view [28]

Clearly defined management system

Managerial ben- Increasing process safety
efits Fulfillment of legislative requirements in the
field of occupational safety and health
Raising health and safety awareness
Continuous improvement
Work environ- Workplace ergonomics solutions
ment Device functionality
Health safety and hygiene of the working
Economic bene- Cost reduction
fits Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of
Long-term prosperity of the company
Regular analyzes and evaluations
Risks and Threat and risk management
threats Reducing the number of accidents at work
282 ISO 45001 sets out to provide a robust and effective set of processes for improving
283 work safety in global supply chains and is also the world´s first International Standard

34 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 12

284 for occupational health and safety. For example, among the first organizations in the UK
285 to successfully obtain certification for the ISO 45001:2018 standard, are organizations
286 CBRE, Colas Rail, EMCOR UK, Eurovia UK, Interserve, Morgan Sindall, OKI UK, OPG,
287 Overbury and Ringway Jacobs [29].
288 As for Slovakia, it is difficult to summarize how many organizations are currently
289 that have implemented and certified STN EN ISO 45001:2019. The standard STN EN ISO
290 45001:2019 came into force in March 2019. The number of organizations that have the
291 STN ISO 45001:2019 standard in place is in the hundreds. However, all large companies
292 that have a significant role in the Slovak industry have the standard STN EN ISO
293 45001:2019 established and certified in accordance with applicable legislative
294 requirements.

295 7. Occupational health and safety STN EN ISO 45001:2019 in the context of
296 occupational accidents in the conditions of the Slovak Republic
297 Occupational health and safety is a key concern and responsibility of the state. The
298 role of the state is to support the protection of employees at work, social justice,
299 strengthen the functioning of the labor market, eliminate losses from accidents at work,
300 occupational diseases and industrial accidents, promote suitable working conditions,
301 increase labor efficiency and productivity, market competitiveness with an impact on
302 business prosperity and overall development of the country.
303 Occupational accidents and diseases have a detrimental effect on workers and
304 equipment and on the quantity and quality of production [30].
305 ISO is designed to help organizations of all sizes and industries. It is this new
306 international standard (ISO 45001) that is expected to reduce the number of accidents
307 and illnesses in the workplace worldwide. As far as the Slovak Republic is concerned,
308 these claims can be partially confirmed by the number of occupational accidents that
309 occurred before the creation of the standard STN EN ISO 45001:2019 and which occurred
310 only after the creation of the standard. Of course, the Covid-19 pandemic also had a
311 potential impact on these statistics. Fatal accidents at work and serious accidents at work
312 have really occured in workplaces (heavy industry, engineering, automotive) where
313 there is continuous production. Employees had to come to the workplace in person, they
314 had to be there in the number required by this type of work, so the Covid-19 pandemic
315 had little effect on the total number of fatalities and serious accidents at work.
316 Table 5 shows the share of the main groups of resources in the total number of fatal
317 accidents at work in organizations in the years 2010-2021. Table 6 shows the share of the
318 main groups of resources in the total number of serious accidents at work in
319 organizations in the years 2010-2021.

320 Table 5. Share of main groups of resources in the total number of fatal accidents at work
321 in organizations in the years 2010-2021 [31]

37 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 13

202 202 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Source group (decree. MLSAF Cod

1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SR no. 500/2006 St.) e

11 16 14 15 17 23 23 18 20 20 17 28 Means of transport I.

3 1 1 1 5 2 3 0 2 3 2 0 Hoists and conveyors, lifting II.

and transport aids

4 4 3 2 0 2 2 5 2 4 4 1 Machines - driving, auxiliary, III.

machining and working

8 5 2 8 12 5 14 6 14 10 11 10 Working or road transport IV.

spaces as sources of falls

5 1 5 8 6 5 8 6 5 7 3 3 Material, loads, objects V.

Tools, instruments, hand - VI.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 operated machines and appa-


Average pollutants, hot sub- VII.

0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 5 2 0 0 stances and objects, fire and


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boilers, vessels and pipelines VIII.

under pressure

0 0 1 3 1 5 2 1 1 4 0 1 Electricity IX.

1 3 3 1 0 2 1 1 4 1 1 3 People, animals and the ele- X.


1 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 0 3 Other resources XI.

33 32 31 39 42 45 55 40 53 53 38 49 Sum



322 Table 6. Share of main groups of resources in the total number of serious accidents at
323 work in organizations in the years 2010-2021 [31]

202 202 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Source group (decree. MLSAF Cod

1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SR no. 500/2006 St.) e

10 9 12 19 28 23 35 37 25 38 23 28 Means of transport I.

40 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 14

3 2 7 3 5 6 7 9 4 8 13 9 Hoists and conveyors, lifting II.

and transport aids

13 14 16 19 24 25 33 26 34 37 37 44 Machines - driving, auxiliary, III.

machining and working

18 13 15 10 36 23 37 41 46 48 35 51 Working or road transport IV.

spaces as sources of falls

6 7 5 15 9 12 23 20 23 16 17 18 Material, loads, objects V.

Tools, instruments, hand - oper- VI.

4 2 0 1 5 1 6 4 4 1 4 1 ated machines and apparatus

Average pollutants, hot sub- VII.

0 1 2 0 8 5 4 5 3 6 3 2 stances and objects, fire and


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Boilers, vessels and pipelines VIII.

under pressure

2 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 3 2 3 Electricity IX.

3 3 0 6 0 3 4 6 8 7 3 3 People, animals and the ele- X.


1 1 1 2 1 2 6 2 4 5 0 2 Other resources XI.

60 53 58 76 117 102 155 153 154 169 137 162 Sum



325 Regarding the development of fatal accidents at work and serious accidents at
326 work, the tendency to reduce the number of these accidents is visible in Figure 4.
328 Trend of development of fatal and serious injuries in the Slovak Republic


330 140

331 120
Numbers of accidents





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of fatal accidents at work Number of serious accidents at work
Logarithmic (Fatal accidents) Logarithmic (Serious accidents)
43 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 15






338 Figure 4. Trend of development of fatal and serious injuries in the Slovak Republic
339 As the standard STN EN ISO 45001:2019 came into force in Slovakia in March 2019,
340 the tendency to reduce fatalities and serious accidents is declining.

341 8. Conclusions
342 ISO 45001:2018 contains more requirements compared to the previous edition. At
343 the same time, however, it provides more freedom in fulfilling them. The wording of the
344 standard can be considered a step forward - it is clear, it reflects the current situation in
345 the business environment. Its structure is compatible with other management systems,
346 in particular the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system and the ISO 14001:2015
347 environmental management system. All three management standards have the same
348 chapter structure, which allows you to create an integrated management system of
349 quality, environment and health and safety.
350 The OH&SMS implementation helps the company in the process of structuring and
351 organizing the OH&S management area, as well as in a better development of all the
352 activities that are part of this area [32]. ISO 45001 improves the effectiveness of work
353 accident control by implementing a comprehensive OH&S management system [33,34].
354 The success of the OH&S management systems depends on leadership,
355 commitment and participation from all levels and functions of the organization, the
356 allocation of the necessary health and safety resources, policies and objectives,
357 compliance with legal and other requirements, effective safety risk management,
358 rigorous monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the health and safety
359 management system and the integration of this system into the business processes of the
360 organization.

362 Author Contributions: Management and validation, writing and final review, M.S. and P.B.;
363 application of statistical, mathematical techniques, M.S. and L.G.; research and verification, P.B.;
364 development of methodology, L.G.; data collection J.K. All authors have read and agreed to the
365 published version of the manuscript.

46 Standards 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 16

366 Funding: This contribution is the result of the implementation of the following project: VEGA
367 1/0633/20 “Research of the variability of properties and functions of products made of composite
368 materials produced by additive manufacturing.”
369 Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
370 Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
371 Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
372 Acknowledgments: Not applicable.
374 Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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