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Module 3 and 4 Worksheet

MODULE 3: Modern Astronomy

TASK 1: Using YouTube, watch the Ptolemaic Planetary Model on the website below:
This will allow the introduction of Brahe and Kepler's analysis of planetary motions that led to the 3 laws.

Analyze and discuss the implications of scientists defying cultural beliefs in older times and what science
would be like today without the scientific analysis and discoveries of Brahe and Kepler. Write your
answer in the space provided below.


TASK 2: If you were given a chance to write something on your journal for your chosen Modern
Astronomer, who would it be and what would you tell him about his findings on ancient history?

My Journal

MODULE 4: The Aristotelian and Galilean Views of Motion

Activity 1.2 Mini Lab: Aristotle or Galileo?
Test the following activities below. Take note that in every activity, both objects should be
dropped at the same time and at the same height. (In choosing the height, be sure that you are safe).
1. Drop a book and a flat sheet of paper.
2. Drop a book and a sheet of paper crumpled to a ball.
3. Drop a book with a small flat sheet of paper on top of it.

Activity 1.2 Guide Questions

1. In all three cases, which object reaches the ground first?

2. In activity 1, what causes the flat sheet of paper to move sideways?


3. In activities 2 and 3, why did the objects fall at the same rate regardless of their masses?

4. Whose view is more acceptable? Why?


TASK 2: Activity 2- Mini Lab

Given two one-peso coins, released at the same time, Coin A is dropped while Coin B is
thrown horizontally coming from the same height. Which one do you think would reach the
ground first? Use the space below for your observations.

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