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Impulse Control

Small Group
How are we feeling
Group Norms: rules and guidelines
Why are group norms important?

Classroom Rules
● What are some of your classroom rules?
● Do you think they could apply to our small group?
● Is there anything you may want to add to our norms?

Restorative Circle Norms

● Speak only when you have the talking piece.
● Be kind & respectful.
● Listen carefully.
● Share the truth.
● Be confidential.
Day 2
How are you doing
Are you excited for
the weekend? Do
you have any plans?
Group Norms: rules and guidelines
The rules we decided on as a group.

01 Be kind.

02 Say nice words.

03 Be respectful … of each other; of Mr. S’s room.

04 Practice good listening skills.

Let’s rate our work habits!

Be honest!

No one but Ms. Oshima is

going to see this worksheet.
It is just a way for us to see
how much we’ve grown by
the end of our group

Needs Attention
We are not the best at this, but we
can work hard to improve.

You do what your teacher expects
you to do. You are a good student.

You are a superstar at this! You go
above and beyond what is expected
of you!
Punctuality ⏰
Are you on time for school and class?

Effort 💪
Do you try your best?

Focus 👀
Can you concentrate on your work or
when the teacher is talking?
Organization 📚
Is your desk organized? Or are you

Respectful 💓
Do you show respect to your teacher
and classmates?

Follows Instructions 󰠅
Are you listening to directions?

Time Management ⏳
Do you finish your work on time?
Now let’s make some goals!
Based on your answers to the worksheet on work habits, let’s create some
goals that we can work on in group!

Ask yourself …

01 What do I need to work on the most?

02 What is a goal that I can accomplish?

Now let’s make some goals!
Based on your answers to the worksheet on work habits, let’s create some
goals that we can work on in group!

Write down–

01 I want to work on .

02 How are you going to work on this? Well,

let’s save this paper. Through group, we
will learn new things to help with your
Impulse Control
Small Group
Week 2
Step 1
What is
Self Control?
Self Control: what do
we know about it?
What does it mean to have self control?
A. Think of which body parts – inside your body and/or
outside of your body.
B. Why is it important to have self control?
C. Give me an example of self control.
Self Control
Self control is being in control of my body, feelings, and actions.
Having self control means I know how to control my words
01 even if I am very upset.

Having self control means I know how to control my body even

02 if I am very upset.

03 Staying in control allows me to make smart choices.

Can we practice self control? YES!
What are things
that we can
Things you CAN control–
We can make others feel great, accomplish our goals, and make
the world a better place!

Your Attitude - How we think, act, or Your Manners – Be kind. It’s easy! ♥
feel about something. 😎
Your Effort – Everything requires effort.
Your Words – We can encourage, or Lack of effort, produces lack of results.
discourage others. Words are
powerful, we must choose them
carefully. 💬

Your Actions – Actions have an effect

on others, whether we know it or not.
Think about consequences. 👍
Things you CAN’T control–
There are some things that we have no control over.

● The weather ☔
● Physical needs 💤
○ Food, sleep, etc.
● Other people’s…
○ Words, actions, thoughts.
● Going to school ✏
● The future 🔮
Circle of Control
What can we do
when we feel

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