Advanced Circuit Training A Complete Guide To Progressive Planning and Instructing - Richard - Bob - Ho - 81

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Total body strength and power activity

Improve throwing ability
Starting position and instructions
• Stand with back to a partner, wall or net depending on distance to be
covered when throwing
• Feet should be slightly wider than hip width apart
• Start with the ball above the head on semi-straight arms
• Bring the medicine ball down level with the knees while performing a
semi-squat action. As soon as the ball reaches this point, explode
forcefully by extending through the ankle, knees, and hip
• Throw the medicine ball overhead and backwards (take note of distance).
Repeat for desired number of repetitions
Coaching points
• Keep knees in line with feet
• Knees behind toes in the squat position
• Keep the abdominals pulled in tight and take care not to hollow the back
• Increase or decrease the size and weight of the medicine ball
• Use a medicine ball with a handle and only use one hand. Squat down
until the medicine ball touches the floor
To generate whole body strength and power and to improve throwing ability
Starting position and instructions
• Stand tall feet wider than hip width
• Hold medicine ball at chest with elbows facing outwards
• Quickly squat
• Explode out of the squat extending through ankles, knees, hips, shoulder
and elbows, pressing the medicine ball as high as possible directly
• Allow the ball to bounce once, and then repeat the movement for the
desired number of repetitions
Coaching points
• Keep knees in line with feet
• Keep bottom above knees at the lowest point of the squat
• Keep a slight bend in the elbow at the end of the range of movement

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